Emergency Livestream (Only a Little About Tom Brady and the Bread)

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, emergency live stream. Oh man, oh man.
All right, let me just set up my stuff here. I saw, so a couple of people commented this for me or at least tried to get my attention on this.
And it's about Ed Litton, oh man. Hold on, let me figure this stuff out.
This live streaming stuff is just really hard. All right, Ed Litton. So, somebody sent me a long video that, you know,
I wanna watch it, but I just don't have the time. So thank you if you're the one who sent me this video of Ed Litton trying to explain himself.
I guess the president of Southwestern Seminary or something or other had him as distinguished guest, you know, to speak and all that.
And so somebody told, so a couple of things. So the first one is, I guess Adam Greenway, the president said that, you know, these anonymous social media accounts were the ones that were, you know, criticizing
Litton. Most all of us are not anonymous. And it's like, we use our real names, but it's even more than that.
Like we're not, not only are we not anonymous, but we also like do videos. So you could see our faces.
So you could put a face to the name and it's our real face and it's a real name. So they're just continuing with this lie, but that's not even the funny part.
The funny part is that Ed Litton apologized for his plagiarism, sort of.
Listen to this. I don't, this is a legend. This is all a legend. By the way, in the video that I just did about the
Tom Brady commercial, I did not use the word allegedly, but I should have because that's the word that I needed.
But anyway, listen to what Ed Litton said, allegedly. This is from Austin. He says,
Ed Litton apologized by saying that he's just too good at remembering stuff and he needs to realize that about himself.
So he didn't really plagiarize. What he was doing was that he just has a photographic memory, right?
So he didn't like intentionally steal the words. He just remembered them, but he thought that he created them and his mind is too sharp.
It's so sharp that it's set to us peons. So you and me, we're just peons.
Our intellect doesn't go, it's not as vast as Ed Litton's intellect.
So we, to us, to simpletons, it sounds like plagiarism, but what's really going on is that he's remembering because he's got a mind like a steel trap,
Ed Litton. And so he apologized for being too sharp. This live stream is just gonna be me laughing.
How stupid is that? I'm so sorry. Are you sorry for plagiarizing? No, no, no.
I'm sorry that my brain works too well and that I just have to remember that my brain works too well and you idiots can't keep up.
So I have to like cite it for you idiots, but like for anyone who had a big brain like me, well then you would know that I was, because you'd remember the sermon too is essentially the argument here.
Unreal, man. Somebody responded to the message and said that it's like that ridiculous tactic in a job interview.
Like they did a spoof on this in the office where what's your greatest strength?
What's your greatest weakness? And the greatest weakness is always a positive. Oh, you know, I just care too much. Yeah, I just,
I'm too dedicated to my work and I just have to remember that about myself. Ed Litton is Michael Scott.
He is Michael Scott. Well, what are you apologizing for? Well, I'm just too smart. I just,
I remember things too clearly. That's my big problem. And I'm sorry for that. Oh, wow.
Can I watch this whole thing? It's like an hour long. I mean, if the rest of it is gold, like this is gold, then
I might have to watch the whole thing. But it's like, and if you remember, this is not, it's not just Ed Litton too.
His wife also preached the same sermon. But I guess, you know, maybe people with big brains, they get married typically.
Like if you got one big brain, you know, Ed Litton, the gargantuan brain of Ed Litton, he typically, you know, he will probably marry a woman that has another big brain.
So maybe that's her problem too. Like, I know they both preached a sermon that was
Tim Keller verbatim. So the wife did and the husband did, but maybe it's just that they're both like these gargantuan minds and we're just too stupid to keep up with both of them.
Maybe that's the argument. Because his wife also plagiarized. Oh man.
Let's look through some of these comments. I thought that was funny. I don't even know why I decided to do a live stream about that, but I thought
I just was laughing. I was like uncontrollable laughing. I figured, you know, this would be a good live stream. So maybe it won't be.
All right, let's see what we got here in the comments here. So this
Tom Brady commercial, this has been very controversial. I can't remember the last time I got, how dare you'd so bad.
And if you follow Big Bear, then you know what a how dare you is. But people are very divided on this.
Well, I'll give this one guy some credit. He actually got me pretty good. He said that because my mind is so warped, that's why
I said that the bread looked like a penis. When in reality, the bread just looks like a penis.
But he got me good. But he got me good. A lot of people were confused and thinking that I meant that there really was a penis in the advertisement.
There wasn't. It's a piece of bread made to look like a penis.
That's what was happening there. But a lot of disagreement here. Well, there's this one woman, Carmen, if you see her in the comments section, give her a shout out.
She's very critical of me from time to time. So she's not like always with me. But she said,
I don't know if this is true. This is all alleged, by the way. Everything I said in this video and the last video, alleged, completely alleged.
But she said that Subway has been using sexual innuendos about their bread for a long, long time, like decades.
And honestly, I had no idea. I had no idea. But she said that. I don't know if I'm gonna look into it.
That's not the kind of thing that I wanna look into. But there's an alleged allegation.
So there's that. Let's see what we got here. John is poking fun. Oh, so John Harris did a video. I'll probably just watch the
John Harris video then. If John did a video about the Ed Litton thing, his videos are usually pretty good. I actually,
I lean on John a lot when I don't wanna do a video or if I don't want to address something.
I hope, I always hope that John does. So that way I could just watch his thing and just kind of leave it at that. So if you ever see like a hot topic that I don't address, a lot of the times it's because John's already addressed it.
Let's see what we got here. So he apologized for having superpowers. Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry that I'm just so above all of you.
And I have to remember that. When I preach my sermons, I have to remember that I'm up here and you idiots are down here.
And so I have to account for that in my sermons. All right,
Balaam's ass. I think that Ed Litton was misidentify the fire that endangers him. I don't understand that, but I would like to.
So let me know what you mean. Apologize, not exactly. Yeah, that's right. Photographic memory equals
I read my entire sermon from his notes. That's right. He's got such a big brain and he remembers things so well that he needs to read the sermon from his notes.
He can remember things from a long time ago, verbatim from another preacher, but he can't remember the sermon that he was supposed to have written a week ago.
Oh man, that's just too funny. I hadn't thought of that. So this is nonsense.
Well, obviously it's nonsense because we all know that Ed Litton is not, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed, but his excuse is, he remembers to use his brain works too well, but not well enough to not have his notes there with him.
And everyone has a photographic memory when they're just copying and pasting photographs of other people's sermons.
Ed Litton apologized to his apology speech. Yeah, these jokes write themselves. I mean, anything Ed Litton does now at this point, the jokes write themselves.
All right, let's continue. I'm too empathetic. I don't know what that means. Let's see here.
I didn't really get that it looked like a penis. Yeah, well, this is what I'm saying. This guy says that I'm wrong about that. I don't know.
I don't know what to tell you, but we should do a poll. Well, I don't know.
I don't know if I want to do a poll about whether or not something looks like a penis on my YouTube channel.
Oh man. Let's see, I don't have to go online. Yeah, this is the funny part, Jack. So Jack goes, I don't want to have to go online to verify the
Subway commercial. I kind of like Tom Brady. It sounds like a fool's commercial. It's not uncommon for Subway. I didn't know this.
I didn't know Subway was known for this kind of stuff. But in any case, what I found funny though, Jack, is that in the video
I said, don't watch the video. Just trust me on this one. But everyone, of course, didn't. This is why you can't.
Oh man, let's see. Oh, so Ed Litton said, don't judge him because he's in the refiner's fire.
So don't judge him because he's in the refiner's fire. And you're saying, I don't know if he's in the refiner's fire.
That's a good one. That's a good one, Balaam's ass. I don't know. I mean, I have to listen to that in context, but man, that sounds like a really stupid thing to say, especially in the situation that he's in.
I don't know. DCD driver, Dave. This is the guy that got me good. He comments here.
He says, ever noticed how Ed Litton looks like a Subway sandwich? I've never noticed that. And the thing is, like, not all bread looks,
I can't believe I'm talking about this. This guy, DCD driver, he's the one who got me good. He's the one that said that my mind is warped.
That's why I think that. Which I have to admit, it's a good, he got me. He got me on that one. But not all bread looks like a penis though.
Like breadsticks are fine. And, you know, someone was mentioning crazy bread. I like crazy bread.
It just looks like bread. And this was just bread. I wasn't saying it was an actual biological thing.
It's a piece of bread popping out and made to look like an erect penis. All right.
So there we go here. So a couple more comments here. Samuel didn't watch it. Good for you. Good for you,
Samuel. Because most people who I recommended not to watch it, went ahead and watched it anyway.
Everyone wanted to see the big thing. Anyway, so yeah.
AD, what are your honest thoughts on Owen Benjamin and his bear fowling? I don't listen to Big Bear all the time, but I have in the past and I find him pretty funny.
And I think he's a very smart guy. Excuse me, hold on. And obviously I don't endorse everything he says.
As far as I know, he still denies the Trinity. Man, I'm coughing. He still denies the Trinity, which of course is not
Christian. And he says, and some of the things he says, I think are completely wild and off base.
But he's a smart guy. I mean, there's no question about it. And as far as the bear following, I don't know a ton about it.
I do have an account at the Beartaria Times app, which I really love that app, by the way.
So if that's what you're talking about, I love it. I mean, these people are doing the thing that they need to do right now.
They're creating their own. It's mostly about homesteading, which I think is fun. And then also just about exchanging commerce and stuff amongst themselves and all that kind of thing, building a parallel economy.
I love it. I love that stuff. So yeah, there you go. This one says,
Owen Benjamin, yikes, he used to be funny. I honestly didn't know him before, so I have no idea. I only started following him kind of casually a couple of years ago, but I like his stuff, man.
I mean, he obviously curses a lot, which I don't appreciate, but I think he's a smart guy. Anyway, all right, let's continue.
I trusted you, buddy. I didn't watch it and I won't. I just believe you. Good, don't watch it. And even if it doesn't look like, you still don't want to see it.
The commercial is creepy in every way. It's just a creepy commercial. All right, let's see.
This person says, I had to see it for myself. I don't blame you.
Because when the person who sent it to me sent it to me, they warned me ahead of time. And of course I had to see it too.
Yeah, Austin's right here. So this is the guy that shared the video, or one of the guys that shared the video with me. And it's like, he's like, this is my superpower.
But he's like, at the same time, calling it a sin. So which is it? Is it a superpower or is it a sin? I don't know. I have no idea.
DC driver Dave, it was all meant to be in good humor. Yeah, no, he got me. DCD, man,
I get it. No, I understood what the joke was. That's why I laughed. I think
I laughed in the comment. So good one, DCD. That was a good one. All right.
What is the exact link to get your shirt? Oh, so I put it, Jody, I put it in the comment section to that video.
It's wrathandgrace .com. So wrathandgrace .com.
All right, any thoughts about, what up, brother Robles? Hey, man, what does the Bible say? God bless you, brother.
God bless you. Any thoughts on the James White and Todd Friel debate? I didn't even know they had one.
Sorry about that, I didn't even know they had it. All right, a couple more comments here, and then I'm gonna turn this off, because I have to go.
To me, it doesn't actually look like it, but the intent of it being there is for sure. Yeah, so this is the whole point, serendipity. So, okay, we can disagree on whether or not it actually looks like one.
It's intent, the innuendo is intentional, and it's intentionally look, it's not looking, in your opinion, but in my opinion, it's intentional looking like it.
They want you to think of that. It's an innuendo, and it's a subtle innuendo, I guess, in some people's mind.
My eyes is much more blatant, but that's the whole point. They did the same thing with the
Little Mermaid cover. There's one in the castle behind the Little Mermaid, there's a penis, and the Disney movies have been doing this kind of thing for quite some time.
But anyway, I think that's it. A couple more things, and then I gotta jump. These are almost, these live chat, these live almost chats are fun.
Yeah, no, these are good. I kinda wanna, let me know what you guys think. So, comment or email me or whatever.
Should I do some of these like, kinda like casual sort of live streams where I don't really have too much of an agenda, but just wanna chat for a little bit?
Should I do these more often? Because I think that they're fun, but sometimes I'm not sure if they're actually fun.
So, so anyway, oh man. James has called out
Todd Field twice, and they're actually really good friends. Yeah, well, so that, so the Todd Friel thing on Romans 13 is totally ridiculous.
I love Todd Friel, and I haven't stopped loving him, but that stuff is preposterous.
Like he's so wrong on Romans 13 in such a dangerous way. Man, it's getting dark outside.
He's so wrong on Romans 13 in such a dangerous way. And it's so funny because the examples that he used for what he would do if the government said so are the same examples
I use as like why it's stupid to think that. So it's just so funny that he became the caricature that I created on this issue.
But Todd Friel's great, but his understanding of Romans 13 is a disaster. It's absolutely a disaster. But anyway,
God bless you guys. Pinwheels on your head. I don't know what that's supposed to mean.
But anyway, God bless you guys. And I'm gonna jump right now, but let me know if you want me to do more things like this, let me know if yes or no, number one.
And if yes, let me know how long these things should be. Because honestly, I have no idea. And yeah, that's it.