Responding to Tim Staples on Catholic Answers Live on Sola Scriptura


If you are active in reaching out to our Roman Catholic friends and family members, this is an important program for you. We spent most of our time going deeply into a clip from CA Live on “tradition” in the Bible. Then we played a brief clip from the British Parliament on critical race theory that was real encouraging, and finished off with looking at France’s vain attempt to create a “secular” form of Islam. Just over 90 minutes. Visit the store at

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Well, greetings and welcome to the dividing line. It's uh, I think it's Tuesday. I last time I checked
When Rich forces me to do extra programs, I lose track of what day of the week it is and stuff like that but You know, he just said we had to do it.
So, you know, he's he he cracks the whip. It's just it's it's pretty ugly but Anyways, welcome to the program.
Uh, you'll notice i've got a uh, nice little alphamaker shirt on here See that theology does matter and uh
Al moeller keeps trying to steal that from me. Um I can pretty much document we've been doing that on here before he started doing that on the briefings so, uh, we're gonna have to have a little discussion about that, but uh,
Actually, if you keep a uh an eye on aomin .org, we will uh pretty soon right fairly soon
Rich is looking at me like I don't know I don't know. I've got the guys they're doing it right here with me, but I don't know because i'm the world's worst marketer
So, I don't know We're supposed to have something up. Eventually, uh, you know
I was just like wow You know opportunity, you know, we've got got product here and it's like well
I don't know. Maybe eventually someday possibly we might have something up. I don't know Maybe by so that's like that's like test product you're wearing right there.
Yeah, that's uh, you know, that's the demo stuff So but we were just talking
I don't want to say anything official yet Right, but the the the thought at the moment is that we roll out
Black friday We roll out what? What what was that we roll out black friday black friday, oh
So because that's just you know, those are just the samples. We don't actually have inventory yet. Well, isn't black friday
After the election Yeah Oh, okay.
I I don't expect there to be a black friday I I expect there to be uh, freedom forces versus socialist forces um battles
You're gonna have to totally redo the line yeah, yeah something like that, but you know that that may be when when uh
Utah is invaded by colorado or something. I don't I don't know but Yeah You all think i'm joking
No, this is a nervous laugh back here. This is nervous laugh. Yeah, it's nervous laughter.
Yeah, it is It is nervous laughter. Yeah Anyway back to the program back to the program.
Yes, uh, there you go. It does really show up there, doesn't it? Yeah, and there's a nice cairo in the background.
So, um There you go. Um for those For those who
Are part of that sad little group that you see any christian symbol at all And you've read way too many jack chick
Cartoons and automatically think that every christian symbol is a pagan symbol. Well, there you go
Um, you know a circle's pagan and a square is pay well pagans have used everything folks
Uh, you know, you might want to get over that that particular little problem. You've got there Anyhow, we have a lot to get to today
Uh because I was sent a a clip you know if someone wanted to Sit around and watch every episode of catholic answers live
And send me time indexed. Um links We'd probably do this more often.
I don't have time to do that. And but someone did And I looked at it i'm like yeah, okay that That's something definitely worthwhile taking a look at the reality is we'd probably get four or five of those per week and so it'd be really hard to keep up with stuff like that, but There's actually a whole bunch of sources we could we could go for Mormonism and oh,
I saw someone sent me. I think jeff down sent me. Yeah, jeff down sent me a link to a new greg stafford video, you know, he's still out there doing his thing and He did not look good i'm sorry he he that was that was a little little frightening it was a little scary um
But he still got his little group out there and and so he wouldn't call that jehovah's witnesses because joe's witnesses wouldn't call that jehovah's witnesses, but they're doing their thing and and my goodness, uh social media would would provide you with so much heresy every day you could never get to it because it takes time to Edit and put it together and get your time indexes and transfer files and learn
And it's gotten a lot easier man. I'm gonna tell you I I can think back to you know, when we first started doing webcasting and and what we can do now and the speed with which we can do it and You know dropbox and stuff like that the cloud and all that kind of stuff
It has gotten a whole lot easier and it looks a lot better Looks a lot better While a while ago
I ran into um My first digital uh camera In a box somewhere, uh, because you know, i'm scottish you might need it someday
Not only was it was it humongous Um, but I do remember it had a whopping 640 by 480 resolution 640 by 480.
Remember that? I remember having more than one computer monitor That was 640 by 480 and you're sitting there going what is what is that?
You you're you're so used to mega pixels pixels on your screens that you don't even Have any idea what that looked like?
But anyway Uh, well, I just I just linked today to a really cool
Commercial that someone I found this morning. Someone sent to me of bruce willis uh doing a commercial for diehard batteries and um
They they brought back all the old I guess all the all the guys that he fought uh in various the diehard movies
Including the guy who drove that limo in the first diehard movie um And they they put it all in a two minute diehard commercial.
It was great. It was wonderful But as I was watching it, I realized a There are a bunch of people who will be voting
In the next election have no idea what any of that means Because they've never seen any of that stuff
Hey, they don't they don't get Bruce who that they don't get the limo.
They don't get none of that stuff and um Secondly, they're probably all wearing depends.
That's that's the really sad sad thing is is all of the super action heroes
Uh, they made all those great movies way back when Yeah That's why they didn't show bruce climbing up into that Uh air shaft that he had to get out of that place because there ain't no way
No, they'd have to get a body double and and the whole nine yards that'd be it's not gonna happen
Yep. Yep. So anyway, uh, yeah, we've been doing this for a while And uh, it just reminded me
You know that there's a lot of old folks stuff that I got to be careful not to try to use them as illustrations
Don't want to miss don't lose half the audience and then the other half is Um probably going to be asleep after 15 minutes.
Anyways, so um, anyhow, uh, some of you I certainly do get this some of you are not aware of the fact that For many years before there was um
A video dividing line, uh, we did radio well, we did audio we did just plain webcasting from Wow right the turn of the century
Nah, well, when did we leave kpxq is that oh one? But we had started doing real audio before that Yeah, because they were doing it.
Yeah. Um so And then when did we when did we finally with the with the
Tealing ceiling tiles on the walls And the the bookcase that over there that was leaning
You think I was 12 or 13 you think we've only done this eight or seven or eight years Interesting.
Okay. All right. So for a decade Yeah, so for over a decade
When we were in here we still were just I could wear whatever I wanted, you know Pick my nose whenever I wanted to just didn't matter
And then these things showed up. Um And everything changed.
Um So, you know way way back when in the olden days
Uh, we need to get little lights that have little arrows meaning i'm going over here now, uh, uh, maybe we'll get that in the new studio but Uh, no, not that that just got shot down.
Okay, fine anyway uh Back in the 1990s and early into the early 2000s um
One of the major things we were involved with was dealing with roman catholicism debating catholic answers
Um catholic answers was doing lots of debating back in the 1980s 1990s
And um, they don't do nearly as much debating as they used to do um
And uh, we're one of the reasons for that. I think to be perfectly honest with you because I think initially uh people like scott hahn and jerry matatix um, we're just wiping the floor with everybody that they that they debated and finally the other side showed up and um, and things changed and you can still go back and Um man,
I wish I had the videos from uh, the initial paco debates and uh, those those initial debates, but we've we've still got
Not overly high quality audio of some of the earliest ones and then the video starts showing up eventually um of of the debates and that first debate on long island with jerry matatix that chris arnzen put together and You know a single camera uh recording off audience sound
Uh off room sound so in other words there wasn't any feed going into the camera from our microphones and so You know audio qualities compared to what we do today
Really stinks, uh, but you can still make it out and they were fascinating debates And people weren't doing anything like that.
So I mean people flocked we we filled that place up over and over and over again uh starting in baldwin and then we went out to Uh start with hunt or something
Huntington town townhouse. Yeah And I don't think even that exists anymore. I don't think either one of them.
Yeah. Yeah, I think the one's been torn down anyway And so we would we did for for 10 years.
We did a the great debate series on long island and uh Debated many topics on the subject of roman catholicism.
I've debated um Many of the leading roman catholic apologists who are now aging.
I mean this was uh, you know over 20 years ago and so But we the reality is the topics that we covered really haven't changed now.
Rome has changed Um back then you had like I mentioned the last program you had
Uh, the consistency of the pontificate of john paul ii um
That has changed with his death and then cardinal ratzinger benedict benedict the 16th um a a
Huge theologian and um But as a german theologian deeply influenced by a lot of Postmodern thought and things similar to that and now francis, um
The whole the whole scene has shifted Uh in it and and I I don't even know how you do debates right now
On that particular subject because you can just always go i'm not sure that's what francis believes, you know, and and that changes everything but anyway, um
They are still doing catholic apologetics it is much more challenging today and the interesting thing is there does seem to be this chasm that exists
Between old style roman catholic apologetics and I say old style in the sense of tim staples tim staples came along uh, we debated him
Uh, that was the first one in uh Okay, so we we debated him twice 97 and 2000
That's not including the bible answer man, uh programs, but formally on soul scriptura and papal infallibility
And those were in southern california and then like I said, we did um We did the bible answer man broadcast.
I think twice if I recall correctly and then the last thing tim and I did
I was We were supposed to debate in australia last year
He was there at the exact thing. He was in sydney at the exact same time. I was but they wouldn't debate
The we had we had set up We had people that wanted to set it up and there had been an agreement at first and then it's like No, we're not gonna do it.
So we were both there Could have done it had willing people on both sides and they said no
Uh, so the last time that we did a formal debate Was here on the dividing line on the subject of purgatory and that was a good debate and actually the weird thing is
Um, most of the debates we've had on purgatory have been really good. And of course the stravinsky's debate
That's a that's a that's a top five, uh, whichever direction you go because it was so clear
It was fascinating was The debate on purgatory was clearer on the difference between the two sides on justification than the debate on justification was uh part of that was because roberts and jenna's can muddle lots of things but um,
But because purgatory was sort of like well, let's apply this. Let's see how this works and That's that that was that was a fascinating fascinating debate.
So anyways with all of that said um, I have a
Call here from catholic answers. It was sent to me uh, not by catholic answers, but uh by someone else on twitter and I want us to to listen to it and then we'll go back through it.
Um, and as always my my hope is that As you're listening to it
Uh, don't just sit there going Oh i'm looking forward to what james is going to say in response to what he says because i've been hearing tim staples and jerry medetichs and patrick madrid and carl keating and mark brumley
Um and and and all that Sorry guys, but old group
Because that's the reality we are we are the senior statesmen, uh, they are the senior statesmen of the catholic apologists these days
What Uh, we're the boomers the boomer generation, oh, okay. All right.
So the boomer generation of uh, catholic apologists and and The few of us on the other side that responded to what they had to say um and uh, so, uh, this is tim staples on the air taking these calls and as always like I was saying
Uh instead of just going I wonder how you respond to that um How would you respond?
That's the the key is when you hear this What you want to be doing is going how would I respond?
Are you are you listening? Presuppositionally And presuppositionally doesn't just mean applying some type of transcendental argument
Thinking presuppositionally means that when you're listening to an argument you are immediately identifying the most often unexpressed
Assumptions that are lying behind the questions statements the form of the question how it is being phrased
The problem is if you learn to do this Listening to almost any cultural conversation today
Will give you heartburn Because it becomes so transparently obvious That the cultural conversation that we're having is on a second grade level at its highest
At the highest levels of government. It's on a second grade level once you start recognizing just how vacuous most
Most folks arguments are but we especially have to listen to this very very carefully In this context because this is the foundational issue.
I'm not saying it's the issue that provides the primary theological division the primary
Theological division in regards to roman catholicism is the gospel itself the nature of god.
How do you have peace with god? Uh, it was with tim staples in studio,
I remember I can I can see Where hank canegraaff was sitting and obviously not listening carefully enough
Um given where he's gone since then Uh, but I could see where hank was sitting and where tim was sitting and where my guys were and their guys were
And we're sort of facing each other and we're going at it And it was at that time
That I forced the issue And said tim I want to make sure people understand if someone walked up to you and I Let's say outside an abortion clinic
And asked us What must I do to be saved? Is it not true
That the answers that you and I would give would be fundamentally different And contradictory and he said yes, that's the issue that's the issue now
There are all sorts of foundational things you have to get to because remember in the reformation In the reformation you had the formal principle and the material principle
I think every I think every non roman catholic
And non -eastern orthodox Anyone who claims to be reformed
Should be able to sing a mighty fortress without using the hymnal. That's first thing if if you can't
If you can't you guys can you sing a mighty fortress? Shall we shall we test of it? Shall we have mike rich turn the mic microphone on and and have have a duet back?
Not going to do it. We have a studio audience today. Um, and so They look a little cagey a little
I don't know just i'm rich has his back to him But i'm keeping an eye on forage because you never know.
Um, looking a little I'm, you know, I could hear in a lot of akbar coming out something like who knows it could get a little little strange out there anyway, uh
That does remind me that was the other thing I was going to talk about in the program today help help me to write I want to talk about if if I when
I get to the end of this I want to talk about what's going on in france right now with uh, with macron and and The suppression of religious liberty for the sake of secularism in france
I want to talk about that too But I I I didn't put it in in evernote and if I don't put it in evernote
It's like it leaks out of my brain. Anyways, what were we talking about here? Um, Yes, tim staples.
Uh The you need to know if you're going to be reformed You need to be able to sing a mighty fortress is our god by memory.
Okay If you want to be obnoxiously reformed Then learn it in german
Which I have done as well. I don't know I can sing all the verses but i've certainly sung it in german and when you and Hey, look i've preached from luther's pulpit
I had to I mean what what do you expect me to do? Okay, I quoted luther in german when I preached from his pulpit
All right, and if you've been there then you know that at the top of the church around the belfry type thing
Up there is ein festerberg. Ist ist Got and uh, so you you're looking up at it going.
What is that? And you need to know him. So anyways That's not overly serious But I I would suggest that you know the know that particularly him but the other thing you need to know are the principles of the reformation
The material and formal principles of the reformation now, how can you remember which one's which?
It's simple the material principle Made up the material of the preaching.
What was this? What was the substance? of the preaching That Changed people's minds that that moved people's hearts that that brought this about that was sola fide
Justification by faith alone Grace alone through faith alone.
So the material principle what was being preached? Was justification by faith alone, which of course rome denies?
The formal principle which gave form To the reformation
So it was not the substance of the preaching but the underlying Presuppositional assumptions
Sola scriptura and so historically Luther came to the material principle
And then was forced to recognize the formal principle primarily when he
Engaged in debate on the subject and was challenged by his lifelong enemy um a brilliant man
And if you want to hear some more discussion about this, but You can i'm not gonna get into it right now because that would take us way far away from where you need to be but uh,
I did a presentation at the Sovereign conference in washington dc in november of 2017 on the two different luthers and I Uh Specifically talked about this particular subject and went into all the details
So look that up if you want to follow this on find out how luther was pushed into recognizing sola scriptura and Why he and his lifelong enemies could both be anti -jewish
At the end of their lives and yet have different principles So I went into all that kind of stuff and dealt with it at that time.
Anyway So You need to know those principles And so what we're talking about today in this clip will be the formal principle
And that is the issue of solo scriptura and I have corrected tim staples
On every text he's going to cite for over 20 years and he's still citing him
And i'm going to continue to correct him And i'm going to continue to point out that he really does not have a meaningful response.
He gets away with murder Um, he wouldn't get away with this Because I can say hey, dude
I pointed this out to you two decades ago And you still don't have an answer But it's catholic answers live.
I'm not on the air And he's probably not assuming i'm going to be on the air at any time soon with him.
So there you go Okay, uh, so here is the phone call now i'll admit
The caller is a little perky I'm, not sure if that communicates
He's he's a little cheeky um so And and I know tim staples
He got the answer the guy got the answers that he got and you can see tim get revved up Because he was
A little on the cheeky side. Okay. Um, but that's good because that that gives us more to respond to so All right.
Here we go. Here's uh, here's here's here's the call 8 8 31 truth jeff listening in Southern new jersey or watching on youtube live.
Welcome to catholic answers live jeff. Are you are you as far south as cape may? Uh, no, not that far south.
All right What's your question Uh, yeah, thanks for taking my call. I should preface that.
Um, I uh, I've been following catholic apologetics for a while good and I've uh, generally found their arguments against total scriptura to be
Very bad. Okay, and I know I know that's a a wide ranging topic that can cover a multiple multiplicity of arguments
Uh and I kind of in two colors ago, I Kind of heard some points.
I I would classify as Arguments that aren't very good. Okay, and uh, just I I mean you may want me to narrow this down because it's a broad topic but I thought
I would uh Call in and try to sure sure jeff. Well, tell me tell me why my argument was bad
Uh, well first of all, uh Mark chapter 7 with the parallel account and matthew 13 implicitly, uh teaches, uh, total scriptura when um,
Okay, how is that? Oh, how is that? Well the tradition of the elders which uh, we can see from the talmud
Is uh, basically, uh what orthodox jews today would call uh, the oral torah which is a uh, allegedly divine oral tradition that uh comes from Uh, which came from moses allegedly, uh through the prophet to the elders
That's why it's okay. Well, jeff. Let me let me jump in and and tweak you just a little bit there
Okay, it is true Mark chapter 7 and by the way, the parallel is in matthew chapter 15
Where jesus hammers the the traditions of men? That is not
In any way jesus condemning tradition in general in fact as you must know brother or Correct me if i'm wrong here in matthew chapter 23 verses 1 and 2 for example, jesus refers to a tradition
Of the authority of the high priest that goes all the way back to exodus chapter 28
And as it continued down through the centuries in the church The tradition of the jews was you had what was called the chair of moses.
And by the way even protestant scholars Acknowledge this many protestant scholars acknowledge that jesus is acknowledging this tradition as divine
Not only does he acknowledge it, but he then tells the apostles to obey it
You listen to those who are on the chair of moses do according to what they say, but not according to what they do
For they say but they do not but he acknowledges the authority and The tradition he acknowledges the tradition of abraham's bosom in luke chapter 16
This is a jewish tradition that you'll find in even some of the intertestamental
Apocryphal old testament books it was already popularly taught And it's in some of the books that we call the inspired word of god as well that unfortunately protestants have rejected we have the
I mentioned earlier in in matthew 2 23 and there are many more we could look at the oral prophecy that the saint matthew acknowledged was divine so to say because jesus condemns the corban rule
Which was a tradition of men that contradicted the word of god means
All tradition is is condemned is simply not true
In fact, we can say similarly in the new testament that saint paul clearly upholds
Traditions that are of god and that bind all believers as I mentioned earlier in the show
In second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 stand fast in the traditions You've been taught either by word or written level letter.
In fact in second thessalonians 3 6 he says mark those who walk Contrary to the tradition.
I command you in the name of the lord. Jesus christ have nothing to do with them
Right. That's pretty authoritative Saying if you don't walk in accordance with the tradition
You are marked and we will have nothing to do with you How do these examples sound to you jeff of half a dozen or so examples where our lord defends tradition?
Yeah, i'm familiar with a lot of those examples Uh, there was a lot of errors in his uh argument that it would he've said a lot in a short amount of time
Okay, uh, like the the seat of moses passage Kind of as the u .s.
Catholic bishop's bible says in this footnote is that they're not sure what the seat of moses is
But if you are taking that passage the way you want to take it It wouldn't harmonize with mark 7 because mark 7 he's condemning something
They're actually being taught by the pharisees and that No, no, no what you have to do brother
With all due respect jeff. What we have to do Is take the words the word of god and believe
All of it. This is i'm going to tell you jeff. This is one of the reasons why you may know I'm a former assembly of god youth pastor.
I was raised southern baptist One of the reasons why i'm a catholic is because of this the catholic church takes all of sacred scripture and so when you see one text i'll
Drop one. I know you and I agree on okay. He he's gonna go from there and sort of Take it away from there, but There you have a a a classic standard
Presentation of the idea of Accepting the concept of oral tradition because remember in roman in in conservative roman catholic apologetics you have the idea that scripture is a subcategory
Of capital s capital t sacred tradition And sacred tradition is made up of the written tradition scripture and the oral tradition
Which is delivered by jesus to the apostles and passed down orally in the church okay so there is a classic just Throw out second thessalonians 2 15 and 3 6 and and and rat -a -tat -tat -tat -tat
I've told the story i'll tell it really briefly again about when
I first listened to jerry matatix Make a presentation on the biblical evidence for the exaltation of mary in scripture, especially in old testament types
This is back in the day when um, I would listen on headphones While I still was right that we did we had invented bikes at that point in time.
Um And I would go on my bike rides back in the 90s and I had something called a walkman
In my back pocket. Uh, that's why I could go so fast Now is that we don't have all that extra weight that we had back then, uh to have to have that thing in the back pocket
Uh, yeah, not not the ghetto blaster. No, um, this was uh, this was this this was small enough to fit in a pocket
But it's something called a cassette tape And so you had to keep it clean or it would eat the cassette tape in the middle of your ride
Which really was a bummer and um and stuff like that So anyway, I had listened to jerry matatix make this presentation.
I was blown away it was so fast -paced and so many references and it sounded incredible and Baptist boy me had never heard anything like this
I mean I had started studying roman catholicism, but I had never heard any kind of Argumentation like this before I was blown away.
So I got back from that ride. I got cleaned up I took that cassette tape and I put it into a different cassette tape player one.
I could stop and start easily and I uh Had a computer by that point in time
Uh that had a slow bible program, but it still had a bible program one of the first ones
And I think it was called pc study bible back then and uh, this was before lagas and accordance and all that kind of stuff
This is on a probably an 80 88. Uh for those of you who remember, uh A 386 maybe something like that.
Um, yeah, but again the younger people are going what never mind um, and I started
Back at the beginning and once I got the first reference pause You could pause it
Uh, it could it could mess the tape up if you pause it for too long, but you could pause it uh, and uh,
I looked it up And in the next one and the next one and the next one and with every single reference he was not being honest
The context did not substantiate the arguments. He was that was one of the most useful evenings
I ever spent Because I had been so impressed
With the argumentation because it sounded so good There was so much confidence
And then to come to discover that was a complete misrepresentation
Of what each one of those texts was saying But they get away with it because most people don't check them out, especially most roman catholics.
Let's just be honest Most roman catholics are not grabbing a bible program and checking that stuff out
There are a few but the vast majority. Hey, he said it. That sounds good. That's just how it works so Uh, the ratatat tat stuff can work on both sides
But if you want to see for example, you know, I was just mentioning the magic thing Go watch the debates that I had with jerry on the subject of mary like the first one we had in long island
And see what happens when someone who has the time to look up the references Can then cross -examine you and the wheels fell off Uh, the one of the last debates we did up in utah with jerry matics at university of utah on immaculate conception
I can just honestly say I won those debates because the facts are on my side And if you've got two equal debaters and the facts are on one side, not the other
That it should be fairly straightforward, but ends up happening as a result. So check those out
So here here you've got the same type of situation Uh, you you've got you've got the presentations you've got the uh, you've got the argumentation coming forward now
Let's stop and start And I invite you to get your bible program your bible, whatever it is
And let's examine What tim staples is saying and here's the other thing
There's some background information That needs to be presented as well Sometimes you gotta do some digging.
I was gonna grab this. I forgot. I apologize. Um, but in the other room I have the mishnah
I should have still grabbed it while that was playing because i've heard this before um but i'll give you some of the background information that will
Help you to see Through some of the argumentation that's being that's being given So let's i'm not going to start right from the start but from as we get into it here
Topic that can cover a multiple multiplicity of arguments uh and I kind of in two colors ago,
I Kind of heard some points. I I would classify as Arguments that aren't very good.
Okay, and uh, just I I mean you may want me to narrow this down because it's a broad topic but I thought
I would uh Call in and try to sure sure jeff. Well, tell me tell me why my argument was bad
Uh, well first of all, uh Uh mark chapter 7 with the parallel account and matthew 13 implicitly, uh teaches the soul scriptura when um
Okay, how is that? Oh, how is that? Well the tradition of the elders which uh, we can see from the talmud
Is uh, basically, uh what orthodox jews today would call uh, the oral torah
Which is a uh allegedly divine oral tradition that now let's stop right there and let's get some background.
Okay Uh matthew chapter 15. Uh, I like this one. It's a little bit longer than than than uh, mark's version
Then some pharisees and scribes came to jesus from jerusalem and said why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders?
And so there you have the the standard terminology parodicin parodicis tradition
That which is handed down. So you have the tradition of the presbyterian the elders.
So this is this is clearly Uh what is considered to be? part of that As he described it oral torah the oral body of revelation that at the time of jesus
The jews claimed had been passed down orally From moses through the great rabbis
All right. That was that was what they were claiming now. He mentioned the talmud. I would be more precise on that Specifically it's tractate a both of the mishnah now background information as well the mishnah is the codification of jewish beliefs traditions practices
That's put together between 200 and 250 years after the time of christ. So Since there is some time that has passed you have to be careful.
You can't just automatically assume That everything is in that was in the mishnah Was current in the days of jesus but most of it was um, there might be you know few few places where there was development, but most of it was
Now the korban rule is right there in tractate a both in the mishnah and the claim specifically about the korban rule, which is what matthew 15 and Mark 7 is about Is said to be a part of this oral torah this oral revelation that has come down from moses
Through the rabbis that is this specific claim. So what is the principle? Well, uh,
I'm i'm getting ahead here. So there is There is what is being discussed here and so Jesus being challenged.
Why do disciples break the tradition of those? They do not wash their hands when they eat bread And he answered and said to them
Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of god for the sake of your tradition? For god said honor your father and mother and he who speaks evil of father mother's boot to death
But you say whoever says to his father mother Whatever I have that would have helped you has been given to god In matthew in mark 7 the korban term itself is used
But it's the same it's a parallel account same same thing He is not to honor his father or his mother and by this you invalidated the word of god for the sake of your tradition so jesus's counter example
Is specifically the korban rule Which is a part of the oral torah, which is a part of the oral tradition the tradition of the elders
That is considered to be binding Upon the people by the scribes and pharisees.
All right, so we've established That this is a claim
The jews made the claim in the mishnah That the korban rule
Is divine It comes from a reliable source
Moses It has been orally passed down by the great rabbis so huh here is
A real clear parallel to exactly what rome claims and what tim staples is going to claim
When he quotes second thessalonians 2 15 Because when he uses second thessalonians 2 15 or when jerry maddix used it in our debate in sola scriptura in 1998 ish somewhere around there
When it's been used by every roman catholic apologist Over the past number of decades what they claim
Is that there are traditions? That were taught by jesus to the disciples and the disciples then delivered those to the bishops
So the difference is bishops versus rabbis But they're they're they are the authoritative um individuals chosen by god to carry
This this this tradition and to teach to others That this is passed down orally then
Through the bishops in the church just as the korban rule was passed down divine origin
Divinely passed down orally outside of scripture and his binding they're direct parallels They are direct parallels
Okay so the caller's argument is Jesus said even if you claim that it's not a human tradition
It is a divine tradition If you follow jesus You test even that which is called a divine tradition by the higher authority of the written word of god
So By this you invalidated the word of god for the sake of your tradition
How are they to know that by reference to the written? word of god
Not an oral word of god You hypocrites rightly did isaiah prophesy of you as people are as with their lips but their heart is far from me, etc, etc
Uh, so he condemns them But the point is how do you know? What is human tradition or divine tradition the jews believe the korban rule was divine tradition
That's what the traditions of the fathers are all about That's what that's that's that's the whole essence of it
Is that this is a living vital connection to moses
Who spoke with god? And what rome says is we have this body of tradition oral tradition which was delivered to the apostles
The apostles then delivered it to the bishops And we have access to this now for decades, we've all
Everyone like myself says Show us this tradition And they can't and they won't
Because the only way to do that is to look at the things that rome has defined based upon tradition
But she could define something else tomorrow Allegedly based upon tradition and we'd have no way of knowing it.
So the living tradition of the church Becomes a second source of revelation.
It really does they deny that but that's the reality And when you look at what rome has defined over the past two centuries
And what has rome defined over the past two centuries I think if you're going to be talking with your roman catholic friends, you probably should know
I mean, I mean this is sort of important stuff um, but you you have two key marian dogmas
And you have one key papal dogma So you you have
Uh the whole concept of the immaculate conception of mary Which was taught against I did a whole program in this record, but taught against by by popes
Etc, etc down through the centuries but it develops out of tradition
And becomes a dogma in the middle of the 19th century a dogma With the anathema if you dare to even question it in your heart, you are separated from the church
We're not talking about you know, we sort of think this is a nice insight you can believe it or not believe it. No That's not what a dogma is a dogma is de fide by faith.
It's it's definitional of the faith You cannot question the immaculate conception and be a faithful roman catholic
I would say 75 percent Of european and north american roman catholicism does that?
Does that? Especially in the leadership of the church in the seminaries. They don't really believe in the immaculate conception
That's that's that's magical. Hooha And in fact immaculate conception is a horrific doctrine
Um, because it fundamentally denies the incarnation If uh
Perpetual virginity and macular conception together the the sexual aspects of mary's
Dogmas when you put them together. It's a fundamental denial of the of the incarnation and attempt to parallel mary with jesus
Wrote a book on the subject. Uh, it's actually on amazon right in um, amazon kindle um, mary another redeemer question mark
So check that out, but the point is middle of 19th century. You have that defined a little 20 years
Odd years later you have papal infallibility defined at the first vatican council
And then in the middle of the 20th century You have the bodily assumption of mary
Defined which does not tell you whether mary died or not. You're allowed to believe either way but Mary was bodily assumed into heaven.
Her body did not experience corruption Uh was defined at de fide Interestingly enough without quite the same level of teeth
Uh in the anathema provided, uh the condemnation if you were to reject this, but still it's de fide you have to believe that And again,
I don't think a large portion of the leadership of the roman catholic church actually does believe that in the way
That it was defined the way it was meant. They always find a way to spiritualize it and come up with you know it's sort of like how many southern baptist professors sign the statement on inerrancy and then come up with a very spiritualized way of Getting rid of inerrancy and it happens and same thing in roman catholicism
Um So this is the whole idea that they have Uh regarding oral tradition.
It's a direct parallel and the historical reality from matthew 15 and mark 7 Is that jesus says there's a way?
to not fall into this trap of Believing something that people claim
Came from god the jews The jews didn't say this is just a human tradition one way or the other. No, this is this is the oral torah
This comes from god But you'll notice tim doesn't actually deal with that He calls it a human tradition.
That's not what the jews believed That's not what the jews believed But he dismisses that so that he can create a division
Between merely human tradition and divine tradition. So you're trying to find a way
To continue believing that there is such a thing as an oral tradition that's been delivered by jesus to the apostles to the bishops
And get around the fact that jesus said you test these things by scripture Okay, so that's what's going on here
That background gives you some of that information comes from uh
Which came from moses allegedly, uh through the prophet to the elders.
That's why it's okay Well, jeff, let me let me jump in and and tweak you just a little bit there
Okay, it is true Mark chapter 7 and by the way, the parallel is in matthew chapter 15
Where jesus hammers the the traditions of men? Which were believed to be divine traditions handed down from moses
Externally through an authoritative body of god ordained individuals.
Keep that in mind That is not In any way jesus condemning
Tradition in general now catch that see what you see Analyze the argumentation
That's not condemning tradition in general. That's true, but it doesn't take away the reality that there is a mechanism
For the identification of what is true and false tradition and it's the supremacy of the written word of scripture
Which rome denies Functionally denies has to deny
Because she has promulgated as dogma so many things based upon that tradition
Which she cannot base in scripture So catch see what see what's going on here.
This is this is a methodology that look I I first recognized this in karl keating
Uh catholicism and fundamentalism this rock magazine back in the 1980s When they first started doing this stuff and because there had been especially for conservative fundamentalists
Had developed this Allergic reaction to being even around in the same room with the roman catholic
The the fundamentalists back in the 20s had known these arguments and were good at responding to them now
Nobody even heard these arguments anymore And so these roman catholics come along and start using this type of stuff
Just listen to the debate that karl keating and patrick madrid had with two fundamentalists in denver Well, I was debating jerry maddox on the papacy.
They they destroyed them Because fundamentalism doesn't engage
Roman catholicism in a meaningful fashion and does not think presuppositionally does not argue presuppositionally uh in a meaningful fashion, they they do actually in one sense, but it's because it's
That's a long story. I'll go we'll go into right now. In fact, as you must know brother or Correct me if i'm wrong here in matthew chapter 23 verses 1 and 2 for example, jesus refers to a tradition of the authority of the high priest that goes all the way back to exodus chapter 28
And as it continued down through the centuries in the church The tradition of the jews was you had what was called the chair of moses and okay
Now let's talk about the chair of moses for a second. All right, let's uh again. This is not something that It's going to be covered very often in bible study classes and things like that, but it needs to be it should be um
Math chapter 23 verse 1 now remember what's matthew chapter 23? math chapter 23 is a
Incredible um Section of judgment upon the jewish leaders.
I mean this is matthew 23 is the essence of Jesus condemnation of the hypocrisy of the jewish leadership in his day
And then jesus spoke to the crowds to his disciples Saying the scribes and the pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of moses now notice uh saying upon The cathedrus of moses because that's where cathedral comes from by the way uh
The cathedral is where the bishop was who sat in the chair And that's where cathedrus comes from.
That's where cathedral comes from upon the seat of moses The scribes and the pharisees have seated themselves upon that now there
There are some who would say They have done so inappropriately um
Others would say That's not necessarily there But therefore all they tell you do and observe
But do not do according to their deeds for they say things and do not do them They tie up heavy burdens and lay them on men's shoulders
But they themselves are willing to move them with so much as a finger But by but they do all their deeds to be noticed by men for they broaden their phylacteries and lengthen the tassels of their garments
They love the place of honor and it goes on and on and on a a scathing denunciation of these individuals, but what's being said here is oh, but but but but but You have the seat of moses and jesus says it's an authoritative teaching office
That's not found in scripture. And therefore you have oral tradition That's the argument that's being made here. So it's in the middle of a judgment passage and the most you can say is
They have seated themselves in this situation And immediately jesus says they're hypocrites.
Now. What was the seat of moses? Well Sorry, I was gonna I was gonna go back into my uh pictures and make sure
I I could show you a few pictures of the seat of moses every synagogue had them, uh that I well
Okay, there were some synagogues that I saw when I visited israel in um in 2018 um that Were Destroyed enough that you couldn't necessarily tell where it was but a number of them
I I got some really good pictures of the seat of moses and this was the place that would be close to the storage of the scrolls
And so this is where Uh, the person would sit who would read the scriptures who would read from the scriptures hence, it's the seat of moses because moses
Gives us the origin and first elements of the scriptures um
They obviously didn't believe that all scriptures came from moses, of course, but the point is he's the first one to be used of god to Create this body of scrolls that make the hands dirty.
They are holy Uh, they were laid up in the temple because they are holy they have a special authority
And so to sit in the seat of moses the authority Comes from what you're reading
And so when it says therefore all that they tell you do and observe but do not do according to their deeds
Jesus is simply saying maintain the order of the synagogue
I'm, not calling you to be rebels at this point in time But do not do according to their deeds observe recognize the difference between The written revelation that they read to you
And the actions that they actually undertake in of themselves So it is a huge leap
To take this and go. Ah, see The actual teaching of jesus is not what you have in matthew 15 and mark chapter 7
Where he tests supposedly divine revelation By the unchanging standard of scripture.
No, no, no, no The actual teaching of jesus is that there is a jewish magisterium a jewish
Magisterial authority represented by the seat of moses the interesting thing a number of interesting things about that Is that the jewish magisterium for example?
Had a different canon tim's going to make an error here in a little bit Well, it's not so much an error, uh as it is just biased presentation.
He's going to talk about apocryphal books He's not going to tell you That those same apocryphal books were rejected by the people who sat on the seat of moses
They never read from those books, but he does So he doesn't actually accept what he's now saying
Maybe that's why we don't get debates anymore. I don't know. Um Maybe maybe that has something to do with it.
But so there's there's the matthew 23 section If you go visit Lord, will and get a chance to do it again someday.
Um If we go visit, uh israel, then you will see the seat of moses got some really good pictures
Uh of of that especially where were we was that? Bethesda it was like a second or third century, uh one but it was the seat of moses was was still there
You couldn't identify it in the first century, uh one, uh in uh, galilee that we visited it was so exciting because um
It was clearly. Um It was in magdala migdal
So that's where mary magdalene was from so there there's a 99 .9 chance Jesus was in that synagogue and he taught in all the synagogues.
So the rocks we were looking at heard jesus teach, uh but you couldn't really identify the seat of moses in that particular one, but Uh, you could in a number of others the way even protestant scholars acknowledge this many protestant scholars acknowledge
That jesus is acknowledging this tradition as divine now that This tradition as divine what tradition let's be specific.
Is this a divine revelation that exists outside of scripture? So that jesus is now contradicting what he said in matthew 15 and matthew 7
No, of course not what what did he actually say they have seated themselves in the chair of moses
So are you saying that the chair of moses? Is a divine revelation if so, why don't you have it anymore?
Okay What what was this tradition? What there was a place in the synagogue synagogues did not exist in the days of moses
Okay, and synagogues came into existence after the people were driven out of the land so What is this tradition who gave it and how is it divine in in origin
This is how the people are worshiping And when people read the scriptures as jesus did in the synagogue in nazareth when the scrolls were given to him
That's what he was doing So what's the authority from if if you want consistency
You want tota scriptura all of scripture then you're going to put mark 7 matthew 15 and matthew 23 together
And you're also going to notice in matthew chapter 23 This is a part of a judgment passage about the hypocrisy of people who will have divine revelation
And then they're not live in light of it. That's what's being discussed here This is to try to turn this into some kind of idea of an extra biblical tradition
There's been passed down from who we don't even know Where's this from in it?
Where do you find any of this? I don't know but Then always be careful, especially with tim staples
Well, actually there are some others that are much worse um But be very careful when these quote unquote former protestants
Start talking about protestant scholarship Uh the number of times I have caught these guys out
In misrepresenting protestant quote unquote protestant scholarship or even what they call protestant scholarship is legion
Not only does he acknowledge it, but he then tells the apostles to obey it
You listen to those who are on the chair of moses do according to what they say
But not according to what they do for they say but they do not but he acknowledges the authority and uh
Which came from the reading of the scriptures, which is what the person seated upon the seat of moses was doing tradition He acknowledges the tradition of abraham's bosom in luke chapter 16.
This is a jewish tradition That you'll find in even some of the intertestamental
Apocryphal old testament books. It was already popularly taught And it's in some of the books that we call the inspired word of god as well
And when did they start calling them the inspired word of god specifically? april of 1546
April of 1546 a millennium and a half After the birth of jesus is when you have the dogmatic revelation revelation dogmatic definition
Of the council of trent in regards to canon scripture, which includes the canonization of those books you have entire popes
You have popes pope gregory the great specifically said the book of maccabees was not canon scripture
Who knew that in 1546, right? anyways That unfortunately protestants have rejected we have which popes rejected and which jerome rejected and which
Long which which cardinal kayatan who interviewed luther had just written a commentary on the bible and he rejected shortly before They all of a sudden became authoritative in 1546.
Yeah, we've debated that one a few times check out those those debates as well Oh I mentioned earlier in in matthew 2 23 and there are many more we could look at the so what he's got here
What he's trying to say here now is well Maybe there was an oral tradition that refers to the the the naser the the nazareth issue.
He reborn nazareth the Issues regarding netzer what that might mean and maybe that was an oral tradition.
And so that means it's somehow revealed or Uh this type of thing they can never be specific
And that helps them because they can never be specific about their oral traditions today either What might become?
Dogmatic in the next 50 years or something like that. You you don't know oral prophecy that the st.
Matthew acknowledged was divine so to say because jesus condemns the corban rule
Which was a tradition of men But which the jews identified as being originated in moses and being divine
That contradicted the word of god Means all tradition is is condemned is simply not true.
Now. Did you catch that? So what we have is we are given a biblical mechanism of being able to test tradition
So what he wants to change that into is we are saying all tradition is bad.
Well, there's obviously Human tradition there are traditions of men that are condemned in scripture, but there are positive uses of tradition as well
We have to define what those are They don't want you to find what those are because they just want you to default into the idea of this nebulous
Oral tradition that you can never define that you can never identify because that's what they're going to use to come up with their own biblical teachings
This this is Look, tim isn't even having to think right now He's done this so many times over the over the decades
And i've refuted him so many times over the decades that that we will we could do this in old folks homes
Uh while while heavily medicated in fact, we can say similarly in the new testament
That saint paul clearly upholds Traditions that are of god and that bind all believers as I mentioned earlier in the show
Okay, so now here you have again We are assuming a definition of tradition
That is consistent with the modern roman catholic definition of this idea of tradition
Rather than let's he's going to give some examples And we're going to have the opportunity of jumping into those texts and see exactly what they were saying
In second thessalonians chapter 2 verse 15 stand fast in the tradition So he's going to quote that and i'm going to quote it for him as well
So then brethren stand firm and stake a day stake a day stand firm and hold to hold to the traditions plural
Which you were taught? That's plural too Why is that important?
Why is that important? Why is that important guys? I also I saw you all looking at something over there.
I'm not sure what you're looking at What are y 'all looking at over there looking at me, uh -huh?
Yeah, you're you've never lied well, um to the traditions
Which you were taught plural not you the bishop or you even the bishops?
This is addressed to everyone in the thessalonian church Everybody in the church at thessalonica
Was already the recipient of these traditions Keep that in mind
Because whenever anyone refers to this text aside from the fact this is actually talking about the gospel aside from that reality
You're going to have roman catholics who are going to turn to this passage and say this is why we don't have to show you
Historical documentation of anyone believing the stuff that we believe about mary For a thousand years and more
But it's apostolic because it had been delivered to the church at thessalonica Now I can guarantee you that when cardinal newman came up with his development hypothesis.
This was what he was trying to avoid Because he knew he knew he knew
That is historically absurd To assert That the apostles actually taught to the thessalonians the concept of the immaculate conception of mary
They know That there is not a scintilla of evidence that could ever be found
Or has ever been found of something like that That in reality the development hypothesis allows you in essence to have new sources of revelation.
That's what it is That's that's that's how it functions. That's how it functions. I didn't know
I was gonna go this long. Um And i'm not even close to being done been taught either by word or written level letter
In fact in second thessalonians three. Oh, he didn't even finish that. Let me finish it for him The traditions which you plural were taught whether dia lago ita de epistoles
So what they do he doesn't do it here he's just assuming it But what they do is they say see dia lago
Is by word by the spoken word. So there's the oral tradition Or dia epistoles an epistle a written document
So so here's here's our two. Here's our two sources And i'm not making this up.
You can go back right now. You can go to youtube right now You can go To sermon audio right now.
You can listen to the debate that jerry manatics and I did i'm sitting here I can see the audience in my mind where we receded, uh the whole nine yards
Uh when we did solo scriptura And you will hear him berate the audience
Berate the audience for daring to claim to believe the word of god and not understand the second
Thessalonians 2 15 says that you if you're going to be a faithful christian You must believe to two forms the written and the oral and you if you're a protestant you reject the oral you're in rebellion repent
I can preach it just like he can But is that what it says? He's assuming it
Is that what it says? No, it's not Paul had been in thessalonica So the logu the spoken word was his teaching when he was amongst them he said it had been delivered to them
Plural he had preached to the believers in thessalonica. He had instructed them in the gospel
And all that it meant But this is also called second thessalonians
So they had something else didn't they? Yeah, it's called first thessalonians He had already written to them in written form
Reinforcing what he had taught to them while he was there This is nothing about well, there's going to be this source of revelation that 1500 years from now
The church can use To define something that no one for the next 500 years is ever going to think about As if it defines the christian faith, that's what rome has done
That's what rome has done With her marian dogmas things like that okay so What is being talked about in second thessalonians chapter two?
Back up the truck a little bit context is always helpful verse 13 But we should always give thanks to god for you brother and beloved by the lord
Because god has chosen you from the beginning for what for salvation through sanctification by the spirit and faith and the truth
It was for this he called you through our gospel that you may called you same people
He's talking to everyone there in thessalonica called you through our gospel that you may gain the glory of our lord.
Jesus christ So then brethren stand firm and hold to traditions which you were taught.
What are those traditions the gospel? Which have been delivered to them in the preaching of paul in their midst and the letter that he wrote to them before That's what it's about that's the context and then he's going to jump down to second thessalonians three
Verse six, which is only about three sentences later So it's still the same context
It's talking about the word of the lord spread rapidly be glorified And that we will be rescued from perverse and evil men for not all have faith for the lord is faithful He will strength to protect you from evil one.
We have confidence in the lord concerning that you are doing and will continue to do What we command? May the lord direct your hearts in the love of god in the steadfastness of christ now
We command you brethren in the name of lord. Jesus christ that you keep away from every brother who leads an unruly life
Not according to the tradition which you received from us So you have the traditions of verse 15
And now a couple of sentences later in very clear Exhortations to To christian living there is a problem in thessalonica.
There were people who were causing problems They were saying that that the lord has already returned and they're not working and etc
Etc. And in that context then a very discernible context
And in and in a context think about for a second think about what rome has defined on the basis of tradition
Okay now Keep away from every brother who leads an unruly life not according to tradition which you receive from us
That means every single believer in thessalonica knew all those traditions or these words are meaningless
How could you keep away from someone who didn't believe in the immaculate conception of mary since nobody ever heard? What about what it was?
You see when you turn this into some secret gnostic knowledge that's not going to be revealed for another 1500 years
You turn the whole text on its head It had an easily understandable meaning in the context in which it was given
Right and has nothing to do with what rome's trying to do with it or at least with what Tim staples is trying to do with it um so Slow down james you're talking too fast.
He says mark those who walk Contrary to the tradition
I command you in the name of the lord. Jesus christ have nothing to do with them
Right. That's pretty authoritative Saying if you don't walk in accordance with the tradition
You are marked and we will have nothing to do with you which in the context that paul provides
Means nothing to the roman catholic assertion at this point, but it sounds good It sounds good they get away with Every time
I turn on ewtn every time there's a call about the same texts Have we have we corrected them before on this you better believe it have we've done it in printed form?
Yes debate form. Yes radio programs. Yes over and it's all they've got It's all they have
And you need to be the one who's ready To point out what those texts are actually talking about these examples sound to you jeff of half a dozen or so Examples where our lord defends tradition where our lord defends tradition and what they want you to hear
Defending the traditions that we are presenting Not in the context that we've now revealed them that we've now shown them to be so There you go.
Um there's a rather I didn't mean to freeze it on a rather smug look from from tim, but um, i'm sure tim was quite pleased with But look he probably does that five six times a week five six times a week
And I don't respond five six times a week, but we certainly have been doing it for a very very very
Very very very long time. Hey, you want to do something weird here? Um this popped up from uh, now i've been told
Owen s -t -r -a -c -h -a -n chris Wrote to me chris arnson wrote to me
And said that he's had him on the program and that he pronounces that strand To which
I responded that he needs to spell it s -t -r -a -n Because i'm sorry, but especially a vowel and ch together
Ignoring them is an insult to the written form of the language And so i'm going to call upon owen stran
Um to start pronouncing his name properly Uh in the future if that's the case, I I don't know
Uh, but I I evidently mispronounced it because we've never spoken to each other what you got some people
I was just gonna say I couldn't quite put together the idea of weird and why you wanted to do something weird
And then you mentioned chris's name and now it makes sense. That's exactly right anytime we mentioned chris arnson
Uh, the term weird automatically comes along with that Yeah, but this actually doesn't have anything to do with that, um, he retweeted christopher rufo
Who that name? rings a bell Who says imagine if we had one person in congress who could make the case against critical race theory with such eloquence and passion?
Hats off to you. Kemi badinok and so, um
I I think it would make too much of a mess to try to get you to do this, but you'll have the audio Oh goodness as soon as I clicked it
It it went flying away as twitter always I hate when twitter does that I had it right there.
And okay, i'm back to it. Hold on stop and roll it back
What No, uh, this is I think this looks like it's from parliament.
All right ready got the got the volume up here we go What we are against is the teaching of contested political ideas as if they are accepted facts
We don't do this with communism. We don't do this with socialism. We don't do it with capitalism And I want to speak about a dangerous trend in race relations
That has come far too close to home to my life And this is the promotion of critical race theory an ideology that sees my blackness as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression
I want to be absolutely clear. This government stands unequivocally against critical race theory
Some schools have decided to openly support the anti -capitalist black lives matter group often fully aware that they have a statutory duty to be politically impartial
Black lives do matter. Of course they do but we know that the black lives matter movement capital b l m is political
I know this because at the height of the protest i've been told of white Black lives matters protesters calling and i'm afraid
I apologize for saying this word calling a black armed police officer guarding downing street a pet nigger
That is why we do not endorse that movement in on this side of the house It is a political movement and what would be nice would be for members on the opposite side to condemn
Many of the actions that we see this political movement instead of pretending that it is a completely wholesome
Anti -racist organization there is a lot of pernicious stuff that is being pushed and we stand against that We do not want to see teachers teaching their white pupils about white privilege and inherited racial guilt
And let me be clear any school which teaches these elements of critical race theory as fact
Or which promotes partisan political views such as defunding the police without offering a balanced treatment of opposing views
Is breaking the law Wow Uh evidently a a black
Um, well, this is the equalities minister, I just I just saw this one This is daryl harrison retreated
The equalities minister could not have been clearer black lives matter and critical race theory are political and do not belong in schools Teaching ideas such as white privilege as a factual reality is breaking the law so, um
I mentioned her name before it's not mentioned here, but evidently she is the equalities minister and she was speaking in uh in parliament and Yeah, it would be nice to have that in congress, wouldn't it?
Um I mean Donald trump has said it's bad too, but i'm sorry. Donald trump cannot speak with that kind of eloquence
No matter how hard he tries. He just he just can't that was very very well done. That is a a black woman
Uh speaking the truth and that's probably why daryl harrison who's a black man who speaks the truth
Was retweeting it. So that was the weird thing was I hadn't heard it. I wanted to hear it Yeah, that looks that looks right that's that sounds right.
Yeah Um, I hope that absolutely goes viral it needs to go viral and uh, and congratulations on that, okay
All right. I'm right on time. But one thing I did want to talk about And I even remembered that I want to talk about it uh al moeller on the briefing this morning talking about what's going on in france and You The french revolution
Was In the um in its time there in the 18th century
Very similar to what people want to see happen here in the united states It was a secular revolution it was an anti -religious not just anti Establishment powers, but it was an anti -religious establishment.
That's why you had setting up Statues to the goddess reason in christian churches and notre dame and things like that It didn't work well because it turned on itself very very quickly and the people who started it found themselves
Having their heads chopped off by the people who came after them And that's my hope for the revolution taking place in the united states to be honest with you.
It is pernicious. It is self -destructive Uh, and I I hope uh that it turns on itself very very very very quickly for the sake of my grandchildren great -grandchildren um, that's what we can pray for anyways, but the point is that that france, however never fully recovered
And france views itself as a secular nation And it's so plain to those of us outside of france
That secularism has become the religion of france And for a christian that makes perfect sense.
We're made in the image of god. We're going to worship Okay, so if you if you train a generation of people
That they are stardust that they are fizzing chemicals that they are random accidents
And that there is no transcendent meaning in this world Then the result is the state
Ends up becoming the only source that anyone can find For any kind of meaning any kind of objective reality, which god has made us to look for And so what has happened in france then as you have had massive immigration
You now have 10 to 11. That's always the critical mass 10 to 11 of the french population
Isn't french and doesn't want to be french. It's muslim And macron who is a committed secularist is seeking to introduce
Legislation because the state is the there are no there is no creator to give us inalienable rights
So all rights are alienable. They can be taken away because they're based upon the state I mean you all you're doing is regulating animals
You're regulating chaotic animals And so the state has to be big brother
And so the state recognizes macron recognizes That believing islam is a problem
I didn't I don't mean Believing in islam is a problem Islam that actually takes islam seriously is a problem not only because of its religious nature
But because as i've said so many times before islam is a religio political system or a political religious system depending on What percentage it is within a particular community
So which which where the emphasis lies depends on where they are in the community and they're getting that point Where the political aspect of islam begins to become more and more prevalent
So he recognizes that those who have come into france do not wish to assimilate to french culture
Which is secular And french culture, it's secularism says
That secular concepts will determine your behavior not religious concepts
So what's what does he want to do? He wants to stop all homeschooling As they have done in germany for years
You cannot homeschool in germany the state Has to have the opportunity of forming
The the worldview and thought process of each citizen That's the whole point
And so while he's aiming it specifically at islam that means christian parents cannot homeschool their children
Jewish parents cannot homeschool their children Muslim parents will not be able to homeschool their children the state
Must have that opportunity. He wants to create a french Version of islam
Which is a secular version Well as you and I both know there is there historically over the past two three centuries a secular
Form of judaism has developed sadly I mean, I know many a jewish jewish atheist
But we all know that that is no longer really judaism And I think
Every muslim i've ever debated Would stand next to me and say and agree with me
There is no such thing as a secular islam That that's no longer islam that you've that's not possible.
Just like there is no secular christianity There can be no christianity where jesus does not define the entirety of one's worldview
There is no christianity where the light that comes from the empty tomb does not determine everything that we see today
Let alone provide the lens by which we look back over world history You you you take those things away.
You don't have christianity anymore. And that's what you have In french in almost all french christianity
Oh, sure, there are the remnants still there there's there always be a remnant we we have remnant churches everywhere but the formalized uh forms of christianity in most of europe
Have been gutted of the heart of christianity Which is the fundamental assertion that god has invaded human history.
He actually rose from the dead and that jesus is lord overall that no, that's
That that may be in the creeds, but you know, come on who really takes any of that seriously No one really believes there was a flood or a resurrection
Come on, we need to we need to be we need to be up with the with the current world, you know And so that's what you get.
That's what you get and so when a secular state encounters a believing religion
There cannot be peace And there won't be and the the question is who's going to back down first?
And macron recognizes this is for the heart and soul of secular france
He he recognizes these two systems cannot exist side by side We have to enforce our secular worldview upon all citizens for france to continue in the way we want france to continue
And the secular paradise that would that would come about if everybody would just accept our worldview
We all know that can never happen It can never happen because man
Is not a bunch of fizzing chemicals um, there is something in the sky above We're not just animals and so every
Every political system That tries to force us into that. That's why they have to have your children
And that's why every one of you i'll say this one more time I know some of you don't like the fact that I dress politics, but I have to because it's theological
If you vote a certain way in 2020 a
You won't get to unvote that way in 2024. Let me just point that out to you If you go that direction, this is the last free election that you will have
Look at california. Hello. Somebody wake up. Look at california.
That's what they want to do You can vote all you want in california. There's only one party in california to vote for That's what's going to happen in the united states, but secondly what you need to understand other than all the obvious worldview issues about Transgenderism and abortion and infanticide and the prevailing of marriage and everything else
You need to understand that when you vote for Proto -marxists
A worldview comes with that And if you vote a certain way in 2020, you just need to understand
The state will own your children The state will be coming after your children
The first thing that will go in a harris administration remember I am convinced joe biden is a is a
He's just he's taking up space There ain't nobody there ain't nobody there In a harris administration
There will be no homeschooling. Oh sure. We'll have the lawsuits But once you pack the court
You're guaranteeing what the end result of that's going to be Because the lawsuits will eventually get to the supreme court and once you pack the court
And put all your mind numb zombies on the court that know what exactly they're supposed to do That's the end of that.
So there might be a short delay But we will adopt the european and especially the german model of forced state education of children
It's going to happen. That's what you're voting for That's what you're doing And I want this to exist
I want people to download this And have it available on their hard drive. So when it happens and I say
I told you so I can point to where I told you so Because there are other people in big eva.
They're telling you Don't worry about that You know, you've got the freedom to vote to have your children taken over by the state
You know as long as they as long as they're given free food It's not free obviously
But you know as long as that happens, then that's what jesus would want I only hope that someday
The clarity will be granted to us to be able to look back and and to see
Um, obviously my my ultimate hope is oh lord deliver us We we need we need revival we need
We we need your spirit to move in our land. Um, because we're about to commit suicide um
I'm, sorry Yeah, harris o 'rourke. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, that's true.
There's no two ways about it. No two ways about it Whoo, I was I was
I was honestly, so you remember our theology matters. I was honestly, um
Going to try to get this done in an hour and I failed miserably once again um, jeff, uh preached on uh on uh, messianic stuff, uh on sunday
And went an hour and 15 minutes And so he's asked me to preach on sunday
And my first response was I will try to keep it under an hour and 15 minutes uh, i'll actually shoot for about 55 actually, but Uh, anyways,
I will be preaching on sunday and we do facebook live that on the reliability of scripture if you're interested in something like that, but I went long today and But it's the dividing line and I can do whatever
I want because I didn't say how long I was going to be going anyways So thanks for watching the program today. Lord. Willen will be back later in the week on thursday.