Cashing In on the Prosperity Gospel - Joyce Meyer Makes Outrageous Claim, Bring Your Receipts to God

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Part 1 of 2 - In the prosperity gospel, also known as the “Word of Faith Movement,” the believer is told to use God, whereas the truth of biblical Christianity is just the opposite—God uses the believer. Prosperity theology sees the Holy Spirit as a power to be put to use for whatever the believer wills. The Bible teaches that the Holy Spirit is a Person who enables the believer to do God’s will. The prosperity gospel movement closely resem


Hello, in this video, I just wanted to play this clip from Joyce Meyer, because this is one of the most blatant examples of the prosperity gospel that I have ever seen.
Now, if you are not familiar with the prosperity gospel, it is the teaching that God wants all of his children, so all
Christians should be healthy and wealthy. So therefore, if you just have enough faith and give your money to the televangelist, then
God will repay you with great wealth and even miracles. So the more you give, the more you get back.
But of course, in the end, the only people who get rich off of this are the TV preachers collecting the money.
This teaching is found almost exclusively in the charismatic Pentecostal world.
So who's teaching the prosperity gospel? This is people like Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Creflo Dollar.
And then unfortunately, this will filter down into the local churches. So this type of thing could be happening in your area.
Listen to what Joyce Meyer is trying to pass off as biblical truth. Listen. I talked with Dr.
Roberts today, and we talked about this seed faith thing. Okay, so all of that is simply made up.
This is not a teaching from the Bible. She's making it up. This is a way to con people.
This is how Joyce Meyer and others have made their millions, tens of millions, because how do you give to God?
What they really mean is give your money to me. Now, as Christians, we should give to the local church.
But honestly, this type of thing gives all Christians a bad name. When people are taken advantage of, it causes them to grow cynical.
And it really hurts people in their faith, because again, this does not actually work.
The only people who get rich are the televangelists themselves. And certainly, unbelievers see through this.
So it causes them to blaspheme God over what is being done in his name.
So this has many negative effects. But this clip really helps to prove that while Joyce Meyer is a clear false teacher, the
Prosperity Gospel is a heresy. She is still, despite all this, very popular.
And she's invited to preach at Joel Osteen's church, Stephen Furtick's church, and her books fill the shelves at Walmart and Barnes &
Noble and at Christian bookstores. Why is Joyce Meyer so popular? Why do so many people get sucked into her teaching?
Basically, it's because this message, it appeals to the flesh.
This is what every person wants, health and wealth. This is what every unbeliever wants.
So Joyce, what she is really doing, instead of teaching the Bible, she is teaching things that appeal to the sinful nature.
And as the scripture says, the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. The Prosperity Gospel is one of those.
So is this what Christianity is all about? Getting more money? Consider what
Jesus said. Jesus said that he had no place to lay his head. The apostles said silver and gold we do not have.
Are miracles and healings a guarantee if you just give enough money and have enough faith?
Well, Paul had his thorn in the flesh that wasn't removed. Timothy had stomach issues.
Are we to believe that Jesus and the disciples didn't have enough faith? That's why they were not rich?
Or that Paul and Timothy hadn't figured out this spiritual truth but Joyce Meyer has? I don't think so.
So in conclusion, what Joyce Meyer is teaching is not Christianity. Not by a long shot.
She consistently mishandles the Word of God when she even reads from it or references it.
So I want you to be aware. She is a con artist. What she is doing is she is blending
New Age religion with a splash of the Bible and Jesus here and there.
So as a pastor, if I can give any advice, if you want the truth, read the
Bible. And read the Bible in context. I always want to be pointing people back to the