Gospel Coalition Asks, AD Answers - Response to Trevin Wax

AD Robles iconAD Robles



How's it going? All right. Well, let's jump right into it today. I wasn't actually going to do a video today because I went ice fishing this morning.
The guy next to me, man, the guy next to me, we were talking and one of his flags goes up.
He catches a 30 inch pike and man, it's awesome. Totally awesome.
I was catching his little dinky yellow perch and he, but he gave me some advice. He said, you know, keep the yellow perch because you can use that kind of bait as bait for the bigger fish.
So that's what I did. And hopefully next time I go out, I'll get a, I'll get a big boy. But in any case,
I wanted to do a quick video because I noticed my boy woke preacher clips got a shout out from the gospel coalition.
Good for you, brother. Good for you. I mean, your channel has been under the radar for way too long and I'm glad you're getting some, some serious recognition.
You've actually been cited by quite a few, uh, uh, news outlets and here's gospel coalition giving you a shout out.
Now this is an article by Trevin wax and he basically makes the case that gotcha sermon clips are bad for the church.
Now he can't really say that blanket because you know, they do the gotcha sermon thing too.
You know, they'll want to talk about how Martin Luther was the worst person in the world because you know, he was an anti -Semite, whatever, you know, and stuff like that.
So he, he, he makes a nuanced case for it. But in the end he says that, you know, woke preacher clips, the existence of his channel is bad for the church because you know, it kind of gets the tribes to be against each other and you know, there's, these are the woke tribe, these are the fundamentalist tribe and stuff like that.
As if there's some kind of an even Stevens there. I mean, fundamentalism, you know, biblical fundamentalism is good and there's no such thing as biblical wokeness.
So that's bad, but whatever. So, but in the end he actually, he says likes to weaponize sermon clips and he says it creates a weaker pulpit.
And here is, here is the, here is the, the main point of this.
He asks, who does it edify, right? To put these gotcha sort of, like when somebody says something really stupid about, you know, whiteness or blackness or, you know, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta, we gotta have some, some room, some space for the wokeness and they say stupid stuff about the vaccine, whatever it is, right?
You know, if you look around you and everybody looks like you, then you, you're not, you're not loving your neighbors.
Like, well, that's insane. Obviously the Bible doesn't say anything about that, but whatever. So like the point is though, that he asks, who does it edify?
And Trevin, you know, with, let me, let me, let me just try to help you out here because I do want to help the church and I want to help you,
Trevin, I don't really know a whole lot about you, but I can answer this question. Who does woke preacher clips edify?
Here's who he edifies. The thousands and thousands and thousands of people in the pews that they hear this sort of like this, this, this, this, this culturally sort of trying to be relevant kind of preaching where, you know, white people are just seemingly disparaged and whiteness is wicked and they hear all this stuff and, and, you know, there's something in their soul that just doesn't quite feel right about it.
And, and, and sometimes they just stay quiet. Sometimes they just quietly leave the church. Sometimes they come to you guys and, and I've heard this, a story that's like the same story.
I've heard it probably a hundred times at this point where somebody has this, this feeling like, man, that certainly seems like you're preaching partiality against whites or against males or something like that.
And they humbly go to you and they say, Hey pastor, you know, I'm just a little bit concerned about this.
I, you know, this whiteness thing. I just don't, where does that come from? The Bible, it seems to edify, you know, or I'm sorry, it seems to, it seems to just contradict so many things that I see.
Help me understand this pastor. And, and then they get either rebuked immediately directly to their face, like a, like a psychopath.
All of a sudden something clicks in the pastor and they're getting screamed at or they get,
Oh, don't worry about it. You know, blah, blah, blah. And then they get, they kind of get pushed off and then they get secretly undermined.
They get their Sunday school class taken away because they're a divisive spirit just for asking questions like a
Berean. Like that's who this edifies because those people walk away and they're so discouraged and they, and they, and they reach out to people like me and they say,
Hey, what's going on here? Like, what, what is this? And I've heard this story like a hundred times at this point where somebody goes to you with humility and just asking questions and they get rebuked or they get secretly undermined in a passive aggressive way.
You're divisive for even questioning the Lord's anointed. And those people walk away and they feel like they've gone crazy.
They feel like they, like they, they don't understand anything. Do they even know Christ at this point? They feel like, like they just, they're just discombobulated and I've had hundreds of people that said the same thing to me.
I went to my pastor, he freaked out on me and I feel like I've gone crazy.
That's who it edifies, Trevin. That's who it edifies because they realize that they haven't gone crazy.
They realize that they haven't gone crazy, but that there are legions of pastors that for some reason have decided to embrace this woke church lie from the pit of hell.
And it certainly seems to us like they've done it in order to win some kind of favor with the pagans, almost like a, almost like a seeker sensitive type thing or, or some kind of thing that they feel like they've gone crazy when they see
Matt Chandler disparage Christians in front of vice .com. And then when they go to you with humility, they get brushed off, but then they see woke preacher clips out there and woke preacher clips is pointing out all the things that they heard and that didn't feel right in their souls.
And woke preacher clips is explaining exactly why it doesn't feel right in their souls. And he's quoting scripture and he's quoting specific examples and he's saying, this is unbiblical.
And woke preacher clip says, look, most of the time I'm rebuking brothers as brothers. I think they're brothers.
I think they're mistaken, but here's where they're wrong. And people are edified when they see that and they say, you know what?
I'm not crazy. I was just being a Berean and for whatever reason, my pastor decided to, let me be nice, to just flip out.
And they're praying for you guys, man. And that's the other thing. These people that you do tend to disparage, whiteness is wicked and, you know, we gotta elevate black and female voices and stuff like that.
And these guys, they go to you with humility. They feel like they've gone crazy based on your reactions, your unbiblical reactions often,
Gospel Coalition. And then they see woke preacher clips and they realize they're not crazy and then edifies them.
It builds them up and you know what they're doing. They don't hate you. This is the thing that you don't understand, guys. They don't hate
Matt Chandler. They don't hate Russell Moore. They don't hate these guys. They're praying for you to see the error of your ways, to see how you're hurting the very church that you claim to love.
They're praying for you. That's what woke preacher clips' audience does. That's what woke preacher clips does when he puts the gotcha sermons out there.
It edifies these people that you've just discarded for whatever reason, but they still love
Christ. They still love the church and quite frankly, they still love you and they're praying for you. So Trevin, I hope that helps.
So the next time you want to write a smarmy little article about whatever, whatever, and how I still understand how these uninitiated, unwashed people have this bad for the church, think about what you've done that's bad for the church.
And think about why in the world would somebody reach out to a nobody on YouTube to say, hey man, does this sound right to you and stuff like that because they're not getting fed where they're at.
They're getting brushed off and they're getting just rejected like as if they're some kind of evil villain just because they're white and they don't like when their pastor disparages white people.
Think about what yourself has done, what you've done that's bad for the church before you start going out there and starting to ridicule woke preacher clips, who is edifying many of the same saints that you so callously just say, get out of here.