Blurring the Lines (The NWO Religion)

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In Episode # 53 of the Testing the Spirits podcast we look at the Pope / Vatican and how they compare Jesus to Buddha. Here is a link to my sermon explaining this teaching, its called "Babylon & The New World Order"    • Babylon & The New World Order (Sermon...  


Hello, and thank you for listening to the
Testing the Spirits podcast. I'd like to start out this episode by reading from an article.
This is from the Dissenter website, and it says, The Vatican releases interfaith document comparing
Jesus to Buddha. Yeah, well, if you followed the podcast, you've heard this before, where people are trying to either blend
Christianity with pantheism or comparing Jesus to Buddha.
And maybe, you know, went from ecumenicalism to interfaith and the compromise and accepting where this is going is it's, it's headed towards an acceptance of a one world religion.
They're all equally true, or they all have bits and pieces of the truth. And the one who's kind of leading the way is the
Pope. So, the article says the Vatican in its never ending ecumenical push to merge the world's religions into one has taken a step that surprise contradicts core biblical principles and blasphemes the one true risen savior,
Jesus Christ. Okay, so this is the article from the dissenter, and it goes on to say how the
Vatican and the Pope, they are blurring the lines between the true faith and the false religions of the world.
The statement released today, of course, by the time you see this video or listen to the podcast, it'll be, it'll be a couple weeks old, but it says the statement released today blurs the lines between diverse false religious voices, but also exposes the
Catholic church's realm of troubling theological ambiguity. The conference they're holding is for, according to them, interreligious dialogue.
Yeah. Don't you remember that story where the prophet Elijah had interreligious dialogue with the prophets of Baal?
Don't you remember that? Or where Jesus sat down and had a panel discussion with the people worshiping the emperor or the apostle
Paul and the Judaizers, hey, let's just have religious dialogue. Remember that? No, I don't remember it either because it never happened.
But anyways, if you follow my channel or you've heard teaching about the end times, that's the category, theological category known as eschatology.
You know where this is going. Satan has always attempted this, going back to the
Tower of Babel. But basically in the end times, during the tribulation, there is going to be this figure known as the
Antichrist who comes before the second advent of Jesus.
And then there'll be the millennium and the final judgment. But as far as the Antichrist, if you're knowledgeable about this whole subject, you know that the apostle
John in the book of Revelation, he talked about all this. He saw a vision of a coming one world religion under the figure that he calls or figures he calls the beast and the false prophet.
In his first epistle, 1st John chapter two, here's what John writes, 1st
John 2, 18. He says, you have heard that the Antichrist is coming. Even now, many
Antichrists have come by which we know that it is the last hour.
So John differentiates between Antichrist plural. These are the false teachers that John was dealing with.
So there are the Antichrist plural, lowercase a, and then there is the
Antichrist capital a, that singular man that John says, you've heard that he is coming.
So this is who John refers to in the book of Revelation chapter 13 as the beast.
So basically the beast and the Antichrist we believe are the same person. And it says in Revelation 13, the whole world will follow after the beast and they also will worship him.
That's where you get the idea of a one world government and a one world religion. Now I don't have time to explain all of this, but the book of Revelation, there's basically a contrast between the true bride, you know, pure and white, and then the harlot, right?
So there's the bride of Christ and then there is the whore of Babylon, the true church and the false church.
And this false church is used by the beast to lead the inhabitants of the earth into a one world religion.
He's going to use this church, which is worldwide, and he will use it to gain power for himself.
And once he does that, then he destroys the church. But this religion, the false church in Revelation 17 verse one, uh, depicted by the unfaithful woman.
Uh, John says she sits on many waters. So this false church is, we could say universal or worldwide.
In verse two, the whore of Babylon, she's in bed with the rulers of the world, the kings of the earth.
In verse nine, John says she is seated on seven Hills. Rome, of course, historically has been known as the city on seven
Hills and verse four, her colors. She is arrayed and purple and scarlet.
This false church has gold and gems and just immense wealth. Verse six, she is drunk with the blood of the saints.
So you know, are you putting the pieces together yet? It's not that hard. But really, um, the
Protestant reformers all agreed, um, who the whore of Babylon was and who they believe the antichrist was.
You can research that for yourself, whether it was Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox, or even later on men like Charles Wesley, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, or even today, men like John MacArthur.
They all viewed the papacy as the seat of antichrist and the
Roman church, the whore of Babylon. Now that's not my opinion. That is the historic Protestant evangelical viewpoint.
It's politically incorrect to say that today. So most people in churches today have never heard that because pastors, maybe they don't believe it, but, uh, it's, yeah, it's politically incorrect.
You're not supposed to say that, but that is historically the evangelical Protestant belief.
So we're looking at the book of revelation and yeah, um, the woman is seated on seven hills.
She's drunk with the blood of the saints. Uh, by the way, someone had left a comment on my most recent podcast or thinking when
I'm going to upload this, probably maybe two or three podcasts ago where I was talking about Billy Graham and his seeming embrace of Mormonism.
And this person commented and they reminded me how the Billy Graham evangelistic association had put out a crusade edition of the
Haley's Bible handbook. Now I have it right here. This is the Haley's Bible handbook.
So if you have ever read the Haley's Bible handbook, it has a lot to say about the
Catholic church and it warns not only of their false doctrine, but also their activity in ages past.
Of course, you could read Fox's book of martyrs, you know, torture, murder, long story short, the
Billy Graham edition of the Haley's Bible handbook, it had those parts that were negative towards the
Catholic church, had those parts taken out of the Haley's Bible handbook. But I have an original copy right here and on page 726, it talks about how
Rome has killed about 50 million people. Now we're all 50 million of those people, true
Christians, maybe not, but many of them were. So you can just compare that. And again, this isn't my opinion.
I didn't come up with this Haley's Bible handbook, which the Billy Graham evangelistic association thought was so good, they wanted to make a crusade edition to hand out to all their people, all the people attending.
But they did leave that part out that made the Catholic church look bad. Point being, you can compare that 50 million number that perished to Revelation 17, verse six, where the beast and his false system, the beast is drunk or not, not the beast, the woman, the false church is drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.
And John said, when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement. Now I realize someone might say right now,
Hey, I've listened to Billy Graham sermons and I like them. So I'm kind of offended right now that you said this.
Well, I've listened to Billy Graham sermons too, and I've liked many of his sermons. I'm just giving you the information.
I haven't even really told you my opinion as much as I'm just giving you information, the things that have happened.
So my overall point is that the world is headed in the direction of a one world system, a one world religion.
And it's not just the Pope. A lot of Protestant leaders seem to be playing into this.
I'm not saying that any one man knows this is happening and this is what he's trying to do.
The Pope might not even in his mind, you know, in his mind, he may have convinced himself that this is the right thing to do, but you know,
Satan blinds people. So whatever people intend, what has been happening is you have this push in the 20th century to kind of merge all religions together into one.
It started with ecumenicalism, as we've talked about in previous podcasts, then it kind of jumped to interfaith.
So started out among the Protestants, hey, let's get together with other Protestants, which can be a good thing.
If another evangelical or Bible believer Protestant is from another faith tradition, but you still agree on the gospel, you can have dialogue and work together.
That can be a good thing as long as they're saved. There's dangers, obviously, but here's the thing, ecumenicalism quickly expanded and went from that to include the
Roman Catholic church, which is just a step too far in my view, because technically
Rome has a different gospel, a different gospel of salvation by faith plus works.
I mean, that was what the Protestant reformation was all about. You know, sola fide, sola gradia, grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Rome does not believe that. So that's what the reformation was all about. The Protestants had the true gospel, salvation by faith alone.
Rome had a gospel of faith plus works, works righteousness, and that divide still exists.
So ecumenicalism was amongst Protestants, but then it included Catholics. And if that wasn't going far enough, the ecumenical dialogue then kind of morphed into what is now known as the interfaith movement.
Perhaps you've seen that bumper sticker, co -exist. Yeah, that's basically what we're talking about here, right?
And we see in this article what the Pope is doing. The Pope is not only a false teacher.
I mean, the guy is completely absorbed by the, by the zeitgeist, right?
The spirit of this age, climate change, social justice, affirming of LGBT.
Then he says, well, I'm not affirming, but then he is, and then he isn't. And then it's just a sea of confusion where he seems to be affirming that, you know, trans people can now receive
Catholic baptism and there's nothing about repentance and it's just a total mess. But anyways, the
Pope, clearly a false teacher, preaching a false gospel of works righteousness. What he is doing right now, what it looks like, he is trying to merge all religions together under his umbrella and he's there overseeing the whole thing.
And then there's Protestants, whether it's Billy Graham or Joel Osteen or Rick Warren or whoever it is, they, they don't warn people about this.
They seem to just have glowing things to say about the Pope. And I'm just telling you, that's dangerous. It's dangerous.
We need to call this out for what it is. So the Pope is trying to merge, bring all religions together under his umbrella.
It's happening right in the open and you just have to wonder, is the one world government, is the one world religion, is the one world economic system, is it all right around the corner?
I don't know. But what I do know based on what I'm seeing, it's definitely possible.
And I could see how it could happen easily. I could see how it could happen.
Remember during 2020, how in one week, really in like a day or two, the whole world changed.
There've been rumblings about this thing going on. I'm not going to use the word because then, you know, it'll probably, from what
I understand, the YouTube algorithm, if it picks up on that certain word that begins with a
C, it'll, you know, not send the video out as much as it would normally.
I don't know if that's true or not, but anyways, I'm not going to use the word, but we know what happened during 2020 in one week, within a day or two, the whole world changed.
The governments of the world out of nowhere. They were all marching together in lockstep.
And for what? I mean, just imagine if a real crisis broke out, imagine what could happen.
So there's basically two ways you could look at all of this. It's troubling. Yes. I mean, it is troubling, but it's also kind of exciting because if this is shaping up, if this is what it looks like, maybe it's just another attempt, a spiritual attempt by the devil and it's going to fail and Jesus isn't going to come back for another 500 years.
I mean, that's possible. We need to walk by faith and not by sight.
Yeah. You never know. You never know. We need to trust God no matter what. But if this were like right on the horizon, if it's about to happen, the one world religion, if that's true, what does that mean?
It means the return of Christ is near. But if the world were to rally around one man, if that were to happen anytime soon, if the nations of the world were to select a man, they could all agree upon a man who is both a religious figure and a political figure, a man who is sort of like a
Christ figure. Who would they choose? Well, I think I know who they would choose.
The Pope, by the way, the Pope is called, he's not just a Christ figure in my opinion.
I mean, he is actually called by the Catholic church, the vicar of Christ, which means according to Catholic theology, he holds the place of Christ on earth.
So vicar of Christ literally means a substitute Christ. He stands in the place of Christ.
Well, guess what? Antichrist means, yeah. The concept of antichrist is not just one who opposes
Christ, which he does do that, but the antichrist is a false Christ, an imitation
Christ, an imposter, one who stands in the place of Jesus.
As Paul wrote in second Thessalonians two, the antichrist, or as he calls him there, the man of sin, the son of perdition, right?
He will walk into the temple of God and he will declare himself to be God, even though the beast or the antichrist, according to the book of revelation, he is of the dragon, is actually
Satan's minister. But he's not going to come out and admit that just like antichrist, lowercase a antichrist false teachers never admit they're false teachers.
The antichrist is never going to admit that he is a false Christ or imitation Christ. So that's just not the way it works, but it should be obvious to us.
Anyone who knows this about the Bible, these eschatological teachings who have discernment, it should be very clear, at least what's being attempted by the
Catholic church, that they are trying to merge Christianity together with Buddhism and Islam.
And the Pope has been very clear that it's not just going to be Christians who are in heaven, other religions.
There are other paths to God. They're on record saying that as Pope John Paul, the second said, all who live a good life will be saved.
And that is in line with Catholic theology, that it's salvation by works righteousness.
But anyways, this attempt trying to wrap this podcast up, uh, this attempt to kind of merge all religions together.
This is clearly a corruption of the true faith. Back to the article quickly, it says a direct quote from the document states as Buddhists and Christians, we see the
Buddha and Jesus as great healers. The Buddha pointed to greed and Jesus pointed to sin as the cause of suffering.
On many levels, Jesus and the Buddha proposed love and compassion as medicine to drive out the darkness in the human heart and the world nourished by their respective spiritual teachings.
Buddhists and Christians for thousands of years have adopted compassionate ways of living to address the suffering of life.
Now that might sound good to someone, but the article says that by placing Buddha, and I agree with this by placing
Buddha, the founder and key spiritual figure in Buddhism on the same level, placing him on the same pedestal as Jesus Christ, who is
God in human flesh. By doing that, that is a great blasphemy. This ecumenical endeavor with Buddhism contradicts the apostle
Paul's warning against forming spiritually binding partnerships with unbelievers as stated in 2nd
Corinthians 6, 14 through 16. The scripture advocates for a distinct separation in matters of faith, a principle that the
Vatican statement seems to disregard. Yeah, the Vatican and the Pope, they don't practice separation.
You know, Christians should not be unequally yoked. They don't believe that because they're trying to bring everyone together.
So again, you can go to the website, read this article for yourself. The website is disntr .com.
I don't want to put a link because YouTube just penalized me for putting a link.
You know, that video I did recently, last week on the 18 distinct
Mormon beliefs, I linked to that article from msn .com. YouTube kind of, they didn't like that very much.
So I'm a little reluctant to put another link in the comment section, but you can check out that article for yourself.
And yeah, words like multiculturalism, globalism, ecumenicalism, we're hearing more and more about these things.
It really is like John Lennon's song, right? Imagine just a one world community, everyone coming together as one.
And like John Lennon, you know, religion gets the blame.
Just imagine there is no heaven, no hell below us. Religion gets all the blame, especially
Christianity gets the blame. And the Pope has similar ideas. I mean,
Pope Francis said, fundamentalism is a disease, he said, that needs to be eradicated.
In other words, if you truly believe the Bible, if you take the Bible literally and think that Jesus is the only way to God, that old way of thinking, according to the
Pope and John Lennon and all these worldly people, that old way of thinking, that needs to go.
So out with the old, in with the new, the new world order. It's clear what the
Pope is trying to do, and it's all happening right out there in the open.
But most people, if they hear about it or comment about it at all, they just call it a conspiracy theory and they move on.
What's on TV, what's for dinner? And they just pay no mind to these spiritual things.
So in conclusion, what's the solution? Okay, now that I've heard all that, if you're willing to at least consider it, what's the solution?
The solution is to start taking Jesus seriously. Now, maybe you already do that.
So for some people, it's going to be start taking Christ seriously. Other people, the solution for them is to believe the gospel.
But the solution for all of us who know Christ and do take these things seriously, we need to read the
Bible, stay in the Word, we need to apply the Word of God. We need to keep testing the
Spirit. So that's what we're going to continue to do on this podcast, test the Spirit, whether or not they are of God.
Why? Because many false prophets have gone out into the world. And Pope Francis is most certainly,
I would say, the biggest false prophet on the face of the earth. Whether or not the beast or the false prophet, will it be a pope?
A lot of people believe that the false prophet will be a pope or whatever the case.
It's coming. A one world government, one world religion, one world economic system. It's definitely coming and it might be a lot closer than most people think.
So look up, look to Christ, stay faithful. And until next time, may the