Rally Highlight: The Witness of The Church


EAN held a rally at the State Capitol in Colorado on April, 2nd. Pastor Jeff Durbin and many others spoke on behalf of the Bill of Equal Protection. In this highlight Pastor Jeff calls the church to be the beacon and witness that brings justice in the area of the Preborn. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


There is enough people standing here in this state right now to end abortion.
If you would, as worship to God, lay your lives down and commit to work together, you would see abortion abolished in this state.
Thank you all for being here. Praise God. All glory to God. When you look around you right now, you see a witness of other
Christians who love the Lord Jesus and are committed to fighting for justice for the pre -born.
You see among you in Colorado fellow believers, witnesses from multiple different churches across this state who are ready to take a stand for the gospel, for the glory of God, to stand on the law word of God, to stand for the word of God in their culture, to establish justice.
Brothers and sisters, Zach said that you have enough people in front of you right now and next to you to end abortion in Colorado.
That is not simply a motivational speech, it's not a kick, it's the truth. It's the truth.
Right next to you are believers from different churches. We need you.
Let me just say that very important thing. We are one church in Phoenix, in the
Valley. Our studio is in Tempe. We rent from a church in Mesa, Arizona. We are not a mega church and we've raised up close to 900 local churches internationally who are saving thousands and thousands of babies from death.
We are one church. One church. We're not special, we're not rock stars, we're not superstars.
We are believers who love the Lord Jesus, who want to preach the gospel, who want to be faithful and we want to see the world transformed by the gospel itself.
We've been able to get legislators across the country to put bills of equal protection into their states.
This is bill, these are bills that would criminalize and abolish abortion in their states.
We are one church in Phoenix, Arizona. Not a mega church.
We do not have unlimited resources like the pro -life industry apparently has. We are one local church.
Right in front of you right now and next to you are multiple churches from across this state.
Believers who know the Lord Jesus, who know the law word of God and know the gospel. You can see
Colorado abortion free in terms of the issue of justice if you would work together as believers in this state.
One of the great challenges, I want to just be very transparent with you, one of the great challenges that we see is that there are enough people in this nation who want to see abortion called murder, they want to see it criminalized, they want to see it abolished.
There are enough people to completely flip a state and to criminalize the issue of abortion.
There are enough people who believe that between their ears and behind their eyes. They want to see it happen, but they are not willing to speak the truth in the public square and to sacrifice their lives to lay their lives down for these pre -born children.
They don't want to get vilified in the public square. They don't want people to hate them for their testimony.
And they don't want to actually go through all the suffering and persecution and pain that it would take to actually see justice established.
Brothers and sisters, what you see just with Apologia Church, and again we're not special, we're not rock stars, we don't have magic potions, we're not, you know, doing things like that.
All we are is a church that took little steps of faithfulness, little steps of faithfulness that became massive movements across the country.
What it takes is faithfulness, and so I want to challenge you right now. You're here, you came to the rally, praise
God, all glory to God. I want to tell you from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am that you made your way out here and that you're standing here with us.
But brothers and sisters, we need you. We need you, not merely to come here like the pro -life movement does once a year in different states and at the capital of the
United States where they march around streets and hold signs and rah -rah, and then they go home and do mostly nothing.
Mostly nothing. If you would, as worship to God, lay your lives down and commit to work together to let people know about Dave Williams' bill when it goes back in, and it will go back in, it will go back in.
If you would let people know in your churches and in churches that you're friendly with, if you would come to the capital and challenge these legislators, if you would work together, you would see abortion abolished in this state.
It takes the witness of the church. You must preach Christ. You must preach the law word of God.
You must preach the gospel itself. That's the only thing that's going to change this nation. Brothers and sisters, yes, we're trying to establish justice for the pre -born.
Yes, we want equal protection for all humans from conception, but that will not change the heart of the nation.
The only thing that brings a rebirth, the only thing that transforms a heart of stone to a heart of flesh, the only thing that motivates people to want to obey
God's law is the gospel itself, and that must come into the culture. It must come with truth and confrontation, and that's what
God uses, he says. It is the power of God for salvation. If you don't preach the gospel with full throat, with full truth, then you lose the power of God to raise dead people to life.
Is your state dead? Then it needs Christ. Is your nation dead?
Then it needs Christ, and it needs the truth of Christ. The pro -life industry has been trying to fight this battle for half a century, devoid of Jesus Christ, devoid of the law word of God, devoid of the gospel itself, and they wonder why no transformation.
They've been arguing that this isn't a religious issue. They've been arguing you can argue this point biologically, and everybody's going to come along with you.
Have you noticed that the pro -abortion industry acknowledges readily that what's in the womb from conception is human life, fully human?
They know it's not a disputable fact. They can't come against the science, and so they readily admit, we know that it's human from conception.
It is not. It is not a biological question. It's a moral question.
It's a moral question. You're seeing it right now, aren't you? The battle lines drawn.
The Christian church rises up with the law word of God and the gospel. We go to faithful legislators like Dave Williams, who's a believer in the
Lord Jesus Christ. We challenge him with the word of God. He faithfully puts a bill in that says, abolition, criminalization, it's over.
Protect all humans, image bearers of God. That's a line that's drawn. Do you know where it came from, brothers and sisters?
Do you know where that movement is coming from? It's coming from the church.
It is not coming from the pro -life establishment. Those lines are being drawn now across the country.
It is over, abolition, criminalization, equal protection. What does the left do?
What do the wicked do? They see this movement and they say, all right, let's go ahead and put all of our cards on the table.
The church is putting their cards on the table, criminalization, it's murder, it's evil, it must stop, full stop, and so what will we do?
We'll be honest. What do we really want? Well, why don't you actually give birth to your child and let it die of exposure for weeks after it's actually exited the womb?
You see, for them, it was never a question of biology. It was always a question of ethics, and this comes down to the depravity of man.
This comes down to an issue of sin in our culture. You cannot destroy wickedness and sin in your culture without talking about sin and repentance.
It'll never happen. This must be a move of the church.
It must be for the glory of Christ. I'm not in this as a brother, as a pastor, for any fame, any glory, any money, any accolades.
I want Christ and his name to be glorified. I want abortion ended in Jesus' name, for his glory, for his kingdom.
That has to be the desire of our hearts, brothers and sisters. We're not ending abortion suspended in midair.
Yay, abortion is over. The question is, okay, now what? My nation is still lost.
They still need Christ, and these legislatures across the country need to yield in obedience to Jesus Christ.
Christians talk about the Great Commission all the time. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me, and he says, go therefore and make disciples of all the nations.
What does he say to do? He says, disciples, baptize them and teach them to what?
Obey. We've lost that part of the Great Commission. The goal isn't just Bible studies in basements and on corners.
The goal of the gospel is to win this entire world to Jesus Christ, to obedience to Jesus Christ.
And let's be honest. Can we be honest? Isn't it just so foreign to us today in the evangelical
West, a foreign concept that the legislators have to obey
Jesus Christ? It's a foreign concept to us because the church has stepped away from the truth and its roots, and that's that Jesus Christ is the
King of kings, the Lord of lords, the ruler of the kings of the earth.
And then what he comes for is to expand his kingdom and to make his blessings flow as far as the curse is found.
People talk all the time, conservatives without Christ talk about all the time, the founding of this nation, the great founding of this nation, the justice in this nation.
Where do you think they got that from? They got it from the law word of God. They got it from the
Bible. It's an amazing thing to consider the fact that when this nation was first starting, you had colonies that acknowledged the triune
God of the Bible as the supreme ruler over their colony. When they would make treaties and covenants, they would say things like, in the name of the triune
God of the Holy Scriptures, they would acknowledge the lordship of Jesus Christ and all they were doing.
And they knew a supreme, important, fundamental foundation. And that's this,
Lex Rex, the law is king. If you do not recognize a transcendent law, hear this.
If you do not recognize a transcendent law above the government, then government attempts to deify itself and to become
God itself. Do you not see that today? Do you not see it in our nation?
You talk about the last two years of tyranny since COVID and all the stuff going on. Our government is tyrannical.
These people think they run the world. They're imposing their morality, brothers and sisters, because we yielded the authority of Christ to them.
We've said, you don't need to obey Jesus. You're the government. We're the church over here. We'll say to Jesus, Lord, we'll obey him over here.
You can obey whatever God you want. And the government says, thank you. Now we're
God. Romans 13 says that the role of civil government is to be, please hear this, the servant, the deacon, church word, right?
The deacon of the true God. The people in this legislature and in legislatures across the country are commanded by God to obey
Jesus Christ. Are you ashamed of that? Are you afraid to say it? Because we have been afraid to say it.
In the Christian West, in the last couple of generations, we've abandoned that vision, that government, family, church, all under the same
God, all under the same God. Did you hear one of these lame legislators during the hearing?
If you listen to the hearing, you'll hear him saying the typical, the typical stuff. Yeah, separation of church and state.
Didn't even know what it meant. Separation of church and state is a Christian doctrine. If you like it, thank a
Christian. More specifically, if you like the doctrine of the separation of church and state, thank a
Calvinist. We gave the world that doctrine, but it doesn't mean what they think it means.
The separation of church and state was to avoid a situation like England, where you had a state -controlled church.
Separation of church and state is ours, and what it meant was you have your sphere under Jesus Christ, we have our sphere under Jesus Christ, we can speak to one another, but we have the same
Lord. It did not mean that the church does not have to obey Jesus Christ. You want proof?
We could be here all day, but Zach already preached a sermon, so I'm limited on time. About Matthew 28, 18 through 20, all authority in heaven and on earth.
Do you think that means here too? Amen? How about Psalm chapter 2, where in, listen, this is what's amazing about it.
Here you have a conversation between the Father and the
Son in the Old Testament revelation before Jesus walks on earth in his earthly ministry.
And in Psalm chapter 2, these songs they were singing in Jewish church, it says, from the
Father to the Son, ask of me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance.
Here's the question Dr. Greg Bonson challenged me with. Do you think
Jesus forgot to ask? Ask of me and I'll give you the nations for your inheritance.
The very ends of the earth for your possession. So question, what do you think Jesus came for?
A couple disciples here or there? His own little realm over here while the secularists and atheists and humanists run this realm over there?
No! This world belongs to God and the promise of scripture is this, the meek shall inherit the earth, not the unrighteous.
This is God's world. And what God says in Psalm chapter 2, you heard Zach say it, is he says to the rulers of this world, he says, obey the
Son or you will perish. Do you believe it? Or is that just too radical?
Because let me tell you something, the missionaries, the missionaries who changed the world in the last 500 years, they believe that.
They believe that. The Puritans who established so much, so much peace and blessing in this nation that you're still reaping the rewards from, they believe that Christ was the ruler of all things.
He owned everything. The Huguenots, the pilgrims, they believe that. It's foreign to us, admittedly, because the evangelical
West has fallen prey to gnosticism, dualism and ideas that, well, you've got the spiritual kingdom over here, that's
Jesus, he rules over that, and all this really just meaningless fodder, it's going to all burn up anyways.
I'm sorry. That's not the message of the Bible. Jesus told us to win the entire world to him.
And you do that through the proclamation of his lordship, the call to repentance and faith.
This world doesn't change without the gospel, without the gospel. And if you need some encouragement, if you need some encouragement, everything happening in the last couple of years, the thousands of babies being saved on an annual basis through the church going to the mills, the legislation going into the states that says equal protection, this is murder, abolition.
It is all coming from little churches. Little churches.
Do you need $50 million to change the world or a state?
Can I just say this, I'll just be as transparent as possible. Tens of millions of dollars flowing through these organizations, and they brag about legislation that says, hey, look what we did.
I saw this recently. Look what we did. In this state, look at our victory.
You gave us money. You gave us money for justice for these children. And look at what we did.
We said in this state that you are no longer allowed to kill the child with a sharp instrument. You have to only use suction or chemicals.
That's the kind of injustice, that's the kind of iniquitous decree that these organizations have been putting in.
Wider hallways in abortion mills. More health standards in the abortion mills.
Or how about this one in my state? They rejected our equal protection bill, and the pro -life establishment in my state rejected the bill that would have criminalized it and ended it.
They told the legislators not to vote for it. They said put our bill in. Their bill said, well, how about this?
You can kill the child, but you have to give it a proper burial. Do you know what that did?
It lined the pockets of the abortion facilities. You know why? Because now they get to pack another cost into the abortion with a premium.
It only made the abortion facilities more money, funded by your pro -life dollars.
They put another piece of legislation in that says you can kill the healthy children, but you can't kill a child for the express reason of a genetic abnormality.
Brothers and sisters, what is that? Before God, Proverbs 20, 23.
Unequal weights and measures are an abomination to God. You see,
I said this recently. Did you hear me say this recently? It's been on my heart. As Christians, we are so ready, sometimes, maybe not enough, at least between our ears we are, we're so willing to say that sexual practice over there, that's an abomination.
We look at the man with a beard, wearing a skirt, and we say, God says, abomination.
And we love to feel icky about it. And we should. There should be an image bearer of God, repulsion of that sort of a lifestyle.
And we know what God's word says in Leviticus and elsewhere about it, and so we're proud to say, hey, God specifically lists that sin as abominable.
It's an abomination. And we're proud to stand up and say that sexual ethic and practice is an abomination before a holy
God. Do you know what else he says is an abomination? Unequal weights and measures, partiality, and the pro -life establishment puts in constantly through your dollars, bills of partiality.
You can kill this child, but not this child. You can kill him in this circumstance, but not that circumstance.
How about we just say what we mean, Christ is King. His word is the truth. This is murder.
Abolish it immediately. You know why people are afraid?
Because it takes courage. It takes courage. It takes courage to stand up against the issue of slavery when people are accepting it round about you.
It takes courage to talk to a plantation owner and say, hey, what you're doing, God says, deserves capital punishment.
Man -stealing and enslavement in God's law says death penalty. What you're doing is wicked before God.
That's an image bearer of God. You must turn from sin and trust in Christ. You must end this immediately. You know what it took back then?
Courage. Because you were standing in the face of people who said, we're morally allowed to do this.
My plantation, my choice. Don't want a slave? Don't get one. See the problem?
It takes courage. And we think that a lack of courage is just a minor flaw in the human experience.
But can I challenge you to do something? Read Revelation. Read that scene in Revelation when it talks about who's in a lake of fire.
Do you know who it says goes into the lake of fire? Cowards. Cowards go into the lake of fire.
In other words, being a coward. Knowing what ought to be the case, knowing what has to be done, and refusing to do it out of self -preservation or whatever, that's cowardly.
And God actually puts that as one of the sins that sends people to hell. Being a coward is a sin before a holy
God. When you know what God's Revelation says and you will do nothing about it because you are fearful or you desire self -preservation, that is a sin against God.
We have to, of course, repent as a church first and foremost. Do you believe that? We have to repent.
And in our repentance, you know what I'm going to say, bear fruit in keeping with repentance.
If we're truly repenting as Christians for our cowardice, for our lack of gospel preaching, then we need to repent.
We need to repent in a hurry, and we need to get about the work of proclaiming the truth of Christ into the world.
Brothers and sisters, I am not special.
I'm just a fellow servant, just like you. That's it. Please understand that.
I'm just a believer. A believer with other believers in a small church in Arizona that said, we want to be faithful, we want to do what's right before God, and God blessed that faithfulness.
Don't look at the people who have come up and spoken or the stuff that's online and think,
I could never do that, I could never be a part of that. Do you know the gospel? Do you know the truth?
Start telling it. I want to know who in this state is going to lay their life down for the sake of these children.
I want to know who's going to actually sacrifice and do what it takes. Because, you see, here's the thing.
We got the bill in, equal protection. We went to the hearing. It was fought against by legislators who were answer to God for what they did.
But we can only do so much in your state because I'm from Phoenix. I'm from Arizona.
As much as God has given us a platform to let everyone know what's going on and to get everybody surrounding the truth and fighting together,
I am not in your state. You cannot depend upon End Abortion Now or Action for Life to end abortion in your state.
We're here to support you. We're here to stand by your side. Ending abortion in Colorado is going to take place with Colorado churches.
It's not my duty. It is your duty before God. You must end it in this state.
We will stand by you. We will be here to encourage you. We will give you whatever you need from us.
But ending abortion in this state is going to take place because of the people standing right here at the
Capitol today. Believe that. When Representative Williams puts this bill in again, can
I encourage you to give everything up for the sake of these children to make sure that God uses this bill to establish justice for the pre -born in Colorado.
It is your duty, brothers and sisters. I'm your fellow servant and fellow worker, but this is your duty before God.