Here's That Attention You Ordered, Captain Blake

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, all right, all right, all right. I am hoping you have been having a good week. It is Thursday. Our week is almost over.
God bless you. God bless your family. God is so good. All right, let's get to the video today.
I wanted to deliver on the attention that Blake Callens had ordered.
He ordered attention this week, and I'm the kind of guy that, listen, if someone's thirsty, I'll give them a glass of water.
Why not? I'm a charitable guy, so here we go. In all seriousness, though,
I did want to make an example of something that Blake was suggesting, because I think that Blake is auditioning right now.
His account is pretty new. He opened his account in March of this year, and when he started his little campaign against your boy,
AD Robles, he had about 30 subscribers. Now he's up to about 80, 100, something like that.
I haven't checked recently. He's auditioning right now, and I think you'll notice some parallels in what
Blake is attempting to do and what Big Eva does all the time. He's auditioning for the role of a professional accuser of the
Brethren. It's very obvious, and he makes it obvious. We're going to go through one of the,
I don't know, handful of threads that he made about me, maybe like five threads.
I don't know, but he makes new ones all the time, so hopefully by the time you watch this video, we'll be up to like 10 maybe.
Who knows? Who knows? All right, but I'm going to read this, and we'll take it from there. This is the guy that thinks that I'm a neo -Nazi supporter.
Maybe I'm a neo -Nazi too, but at the very least a neo -Nazi supporter. I think that he would drop the pretense of supporter if he could figure out if I was white or not.
He can't, so he's just got to keep that going. Anyway, he says this. I've spent the last 24 hours in a constant back and forth with white nationalist supporters of AD.
I have proof. There's nothing false in John Andrews' words. John Reasoner also thinks that I might be a neo -Nazi supporter.
He's very much clutching his pearls and taking a back, and oh, like that kind of thing. I didn't read
John's statement here, or maybe I did. I don't know what he's referring to, but who cares?
Who cares? Maybe I read it, maybe I didn't, but I just don't care enough to go into it now. If you don't see the genuine evil in this from Robles, then
Christian, I question your basic discernment. Oh, here it is. John Reasoner, if you're not at all a
Nazi, but your online culture warrior behavior brings all the Nazis out of the woodwork to defend you, I just pray that you sincerely examine yourself.
Oh, and I responded, my heart is full. Yeah, it was full. It's just unbelievable.
In any case, he continues. One of many AD fans that I have been in full force, and he knows it, how long will this man continue to be legitimized in conservative
Christian discourse? If you see this and still bring him on your show like nothing happened, you are culpable.
I think he's probably referring to whoever this tweet is from. I have this person muted. I don't know why.
I'm not going to click it because who cares? I muted you for a reason. Now, typically, when I mute somebody, this is typically what goes on.
The only people I block are people that put out things like that. It's just like disgusting, like pornographic, that kind of thing, or like just stuff that I don't want my eyes to even view.
You know what I mean? Very few people that I have are blocked. I mute a lot of people, and this one seems to be muted.
There's really two kinds of people that I mute, people that are just incorrigible or people that are just middle of the road fence -sitter types, like Blake Callens is the kind I might mute.
Someone like Steve Wedgeworth, I've had him muted for a long time. I get all kinds of feelings when
I see that fence -sitting, middle -of -the -road, I'm -so -ironic type, and it's just not good for me to always be feeling that way, so I mute them.
I don't know who this is, so I don't know which it falls into. I'm assuming this is what he claims is a neo -Nazi or something.
I have no idea because he obviously doesn't have a very legitimate standard for who's a
Nazi and who's not, so anyway, I'm just going to move on because who cares. He continues, To those who turn a blind eye, and especially to those who participate, know this.
This has become my mission. I will not see the invisible church infiltrated with such wickedness.
I will go to the ends of the earth because I know my holy God is with me all the way. There was a book called
Don Quixote, and in the book,
Don Quixote would go around fighting giants, you know, and that's a respectable trade, you know, giant slayer.
I mean, we've been needing giant slayers since the very beginning, but the problem was that Don Quixote's giants were windmills.
He was all in his head. It was all in his head. These giants, they were all in his head, and that is very much describing
Blake Callen's duty here. He is going to the ends of the earth. It's his personal mission from God to rid the church of all the
Nazis like A .D. Robles. Okay, all right, and then here's what
I wanted to talk about. I don't care about that either. This is what I wanted to talk about, the last two tweets here. He says, know that I keep excellent research notes.
If anyone wants to come to repentance, they will be welcomed as a lost brother. If not,
I will go on every podcast and speak to every reporter to talk about what you do.
Yes, even liberal ones, I don't care. It starts with William Wolfe.
Anyone who sees this and wants to interview me, hit me up in the DMs or on my sub stack.
So this is the serious part, right? Because Blake is a joke, obviously. This is a joke, and it's fun to kind of make fun of how seriously
Blake takes himself and how he thinks. It's sad, but it's also funny.
If there was a real life Don Quixote, and he was running around in your town square right now, and he's hitting the brick wall of the church, because there's a steeple in the church, so it's a very tall building.
The tallest building in most town squares is the church. And he's got this sword, and he's just hacking away at the brick.
And you're like, hey, dude, what are you doing? And he's like, help me, brother. I'm defeating this ogre.
And it's like, he thinks he's fighting an ogre. There's an aspect of it that's sad, because it's like, oh, this guy's out of his mind.
That's very sad. He's mentally not well. But on the other hand, it's also funny, because there's a man attacking a building, and that's definitely got an element of humor in it.
So Blake is a joke, obviously. He's very thirsty for attention. If anyone wants to interview me, please
DM me. I hope someone interviews him. Blake, I mean, listen, if you guys want to find out about the scourge of neo -Nazis in the church and white nationalists and all that kind of stuff,
Blake is your man. He keeps copious notes. I used to know kids in school that used to keep copious notes.
And yeah, so he's got all the details. He's got the screenshots. He's got the memes.
They share memes, guys, and it is a scourge. There's a lot of meme -sharing white nationalists and racists in your church.
That's the thing. They're never admitted, and that's how they spread their
Nazism. They get you to share memes that have hidden codes in them, you see. They have hidden codes, and nobody knows what the hidden codes mean, but they know, and that's how they spread their message.
They're loud and proud Nazis. Where have we heard this before? Oh, yeah, that's right. It was
Atheist Day. Remember, you loudly and proudly spread your atheism by using secret codes that nobody knows except for you.
Anyway, but that's not the point. But seriously, though, honestly, I hope I want
Blake to get interviewed because the more Blake talks, the more he embarrasses himself, but it just draws attention to how much of a non -issue this is, how stupid this whole thing is, and it just gives more and more legitimacy to Christian nationalism, in my opinion, and just conservative
Christians in general. So yes, if you are interested in hearing about Nazism, he keeps copious notes, and he knows all the secret handshakes and everything, in any case.
There's also a weird—so this is all about an acronym, right? HH, right?
Because the meme I shared was about Hulk Hogan, who was on Easter.
He had this beautiful, almost poetic description of the gospel, of what this is all about, and it compared that to a liberal female professor who claimed—alleged
Christian—who claimed that you didn't have to believe in the Resurrection to celebrate the Resurrection. So it was a very—it was a beautiful meme, but allegedly it contained an acronym in it that only people that are really, really pious and righteous know, and that's the secret code that makes you a
Nazi if you share it. In any case, there's other ones too. Like he said in a private message, he said something about REN.
He goes, you're sharing REN. And I was like, I don't know what REN means, but like, whatever.
Who cares, right? But I guess REN is an acronym for Raw Egg Nationalist, who
I guess is an alleged Nazi as well. Again, I don't believe Blake because—I mean,
I'm sure you've all heard the boy who cries wolf. If you cry wolf enough, eventually no one's going to believe you.
So is REN Raw Egg Nationalist? Is he a Nazi? Who knows? I don't even know who it is!
Who knows? Who knows? And quite frankly, who cares? That's my opinion. In any case,
Blake will tell you all about it. But the thing is, if you notice, he's auditioning because this is what
Big Eva loves to do. We've talked about this on the show. Blake is not in Big Eva because he's a non -factor, a non -issue.
But I wouldn't be surprised if Blake became like a major player or like a Neil Shenvey type character in our time because this is the kind of sycophant that they look for.
The kind that would love nothing more than to run to the pagans to talk about how evil
Christians are. This is what he's looking for. He says it's his mission. He thinks this is his mission from God.
I mean, this man is not well. In my opinion, this man is not well. But he says this.
He says, know that I keep excellent research notes. If anyone wants to come to repentance, they will be welcomed as a lost brother.
If not, this is his threat. If you don't come to repentance to repent to me, the great
Blake Callens. If not, I will go on every podcast and speak to every reporter to talk about what you do.
Yes, even liberal ones. I don't care. And what does Big Eva always do?
Dan Darling, Russell Moore, Tim Keller, Matt Chandler, all of these guys to the men and all the lower level
D -listers like the Jared Wilson's of the world. They would love nothing more than to have the opportunity to go to MSNBC and to and to talk about how good they are in comparison to Christian conservatives who are doing everything evil under the sun.
This is what Big Eva lives for. This is what they do. The church is bad.
Christians are bad. Christians are responsible for the bad in our world right now, except for me and like a handful of other liberal
Christians. It's like church, but different. There was a church in my old town that used to advertise that way.
Church, but different. They want to distance themselves from the church. And that is one of the most evil postures, to use one of their gay words, that I could imagine.
That's what you want to do. You want to drag the Christ bride through the mud.
They're evil. They're harboring Nazis. They're responsible for everything racist, all the bad things that happen in the world.
It's the church that lays at the feet of the church. At a time when evil is so promoted by the pagan religion, like baby murder is a sacrament, the transvestite stuff and the transsexual stuff is promoted as a moral imperative, as a good, as something you need to support.
And if you don't support it, you're evil. It's being promoted in every facet of our culture, businesses, communities, everywhere.
Evil is so proud of itself.
It struts about as if it's the pinnacle of morality.
Satanic evil morality is promoted as not only a good, but a necessary good.
That's human flourishing. At that time, big evil loves nothing more than to talk about the real problems though, are the things that the conservative
Christians are doing. And that is so gross and so disgusting. And Blake has not, it's not gotten past guys like Blake.
They want to climb that corporate ladder. He wants to be the next Neal Shenvey figure.
And so Blake is auditioning for that. I mean, he's doing it in a very, a part of me would like to think that we haven't degraded ourselves so much that Blake will become like a
Neal Shenvey figure. But honestly, I think we may have, we have degraded ourselves quite a bit.
So I think it's possible that Blake Callens will one day have a blog post at the Gospel Coalition, the way
Neal Shenvey has guest posts and things like that about the scourge of white nationalists because they were sharing the
Hulk Hogan. Did you hear them talking about Hilton head? Herbie Hancock? I mean, could you believe, could you be more evil?
Obviously these people are a lot of these, a lot of these memes are being shared right now because they, they like seeing the rise it gets out of Blake and who wouldn't, it's just too easy.
But the thing is though, that, that Blake has not missed the message. You see, this is not something that only like a critic sees.
Blake also sees it and he wants to rise that corporate ladder. He wants, and maybe he doesn't want to write for Gospel Coalition.
I'm just using that as an example. But what I'm saying is he wants to be sort of a public sort of, you know, kind of sage that people go to, to get information on this topic, the way
Neal Shenvey has kind of postured himself to be. And he's making no bones about it.
He's saying, look, if you want to interview me, hit me up. I mean, I'll, I'll tell you anything. I'll, whatever lie you want to hear,
I'll tell it to you. And he thinks it's a mission from God. It's pretty sad.
It's, it is, it is like Don Quixote. It's like, on the one hand, he's a tragic figure.
On the other hand, it's hilarious. It's like, you know, I don't know if that was the point of Don Quixote. I'm not saying that it is.
I'm not saying it is. Although I did watch the, the musical Man of La Mancha. It was a good musical. I like that one.
I like that one. I prefer guys and dolls. But, but anyway, I'm definitely,
I just told a joke in my mind about myself. So that's how my mind works. In any case, yeah.
So, so, so Blake, I mean, here's the thing. I know that it's very tempting to take shortcuts to rise to prominence.
And in this, in our time, in 2023, the world loves nothing more than to disparage the bride of Christ.
That's just what the name of the game is right now. And there's many people who have decided to walk that road.
Joel McDermott, you know, Reasoner, these people that you like, I think they've, they've decided to ride that, try to ride, try to ride that, try to take that route to, to what they desire.
I would recommend against it because right now you're only focused on this one issue, but this, it never ever focused, it never ever stays at this place.
And before you know it, you're going to be defending transsexual story hour as well. I mean, that's just how it is.
The blessing of liberty after all. I'm not saying you're doing that now, Blake, but this is a slippery slope.
And that's another thing. A lot of people these days are noticing that slippery slope arguments, not only are they not fallacious, but they're almost always accurate.
And this, Blake, I'm warning you, this is a slippery slope. Not that I care too much because, you know,
I don't think that, I don't think that you're really capable of listening to Reason at this point.
But, but in any case, I'm not sorry for what I, what I did online. I'm not, I don't repent.
Um, and I never will because it wasn't wrong. That is just that simple, Blake. You can quote me on that one, put it in your archives, take copious notes about it.
Uh, me sharing that meme wasn't wrong. I'm not sorry. And I will never ever apologize for it ever.
I hope you had a good, uh, uh, weekend. I hope you enjoyed this video.