A Video Against Grace

AD Robles iconAD Robles




I was just outside mowing my lawn, and I had an idea for a video, and this is that video.
This is a video against grace. Alright, now obviously
I'm not against the grace that's in the Bible, because that's a central aspect of Christianity, the grace of God.
The grace that God has towards his people. It is absolutely one of the most amazing things about being a
Christian. People talk about grace all the time. When you see them talk about grace, they get stars in their eyes and butterflies in their tummy, and I'm not going to lie to you,
I'm one of those people. Grace is an amazing thing. Grace is an amazing word, and the
Bible verses that reference grace in the Bible are extremely helpful. You might know me as the kind of guy that says,
I don't want to treat the Bible like a book of slogans, and I don't want to abuse the words in the Bible, and that's definitely true with grace as well.
There's a lot of content in the scriptures about what grace is. This is my very favorite one.
I think this one really helps us with a definition for what grace is. This is Ephesians chapter 1, starting in verse 7, and this is the
King James Version again. These are the words of God. It says, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace.
Our redemption, the forgiveness of sins that Christians have experienced, that is part and parcel of the grace of God.
That is a beautiful thing. I would never, ever think to do a video against that, the forgiveness of sins, the redemption through the blood of Christ.
If you're not a Christian, I urge you to repent of your sins because your sins are many and experience the grace of God.
Experience the forgiveness of sins. I can't explain to you how amazing it is to be forgiven of the tremendous debt of all the bad stuff you've ever done, all the bad thoughts you've ever had, all the plans and the evil that you've ever accomplished or experienced in any way.
Having forgiveness from that is a great feeling. God is good. God is gracious, and that is wonderful.
However, even this central word has been abused and twisted up in Christianity to mean something that is not ever intended to mean, and it's that kind of grace that I'm against.
Because grace is such a central theme of the Bible, telling someone that they lack grace is like one of the ultimate insults a
Christian can offer, and so often, you see it. People will use that phrase. You lack grace in such an inappropriate way.
Here's what I'm against. I'm against when somebody sees that you speak to sin directly, in a direct way, and you don't try to soften it, and they'll say,
Oh, you lack grace. What you're saying is fine, but you lack grace. Well, I don't care if I lack that kind of grace.
Let me just explain that to you right now because that's a counterfeit grace. You see, the reality is when
Jesus confronted sins and when Paul confronted sins, he didn't soften it. He didn't say,
Oh, well, that's not God's best for you. He didn't use euphemisms to try to soften it.
Oh, it's just an affair. You're just having an affair and that kind of thing. He didn't try to make theologies that account for it, that allow for it, like the gay
Christianity stuff and things of that nature. No, he confronted it directly, and because I love grace,
I'm going to confront sins directly, and it depends on the context. It depends on my relationship with the person.
It depends on a lot of things, but I dare not soften what the Bible doesn't soften.
J .D. Greer is famous for this because a lot of people would say J .D. Greer is just full of grace because of things like this, where he says,
We ought to whisper where the Bible whispers. Talking about sexual sin. Whisper about it. It's almost like you're embarrassed.
It's a sin, but we're all sinners after all, and that kind of thing. It's just like,
No, man, that's not grace. It's not gracious to lie about sin or to downplay sin because sin is very serious regardless of what kind of sin it is.
It's a very serious thing, and so we dare not say something in such a way where someone might get the idea that maybe their sin isn't a sin.
That's the other thing, like this gay Christianity stuff. It's so jumbled and confused that someone might be living with their boyfriend and thinking,
Well, I guess I could still live with him just as long as I'm not penetrating him, and we can still be like the best buds and have a relationship that's identical to a marriage as long as we're not technically married.
You might get that idea listening to some of this stuff, and it's like, What is that? It's not grace, and so if somebody accuses you of lacking that kind of grace, don't sweat it.
It's not a problem. It's not a big deal. Here's another thing. A lot of times people will say that I lack grace because I criticize another brother in Christ, and I don't care about that kind of grace.
I'm against that kind of grace. The kind of grace that says you can't criticize another brother in Christ's words.
That's not grace at all. That's a counterfeit grace. In fact, that's the opposite of grace. I'm against that because if you allow your brother to continue teaching things about God that aren't true or to continue saying things that are hurtful or ineffective or actually will hurt the very groups that they say they want to help, like this racial reconciliation stuff, my channel is almost dedicated to that completely.
The reason why I harp on it and I hammer at it and I say harsh things to people is because I know that it is poisonous for minorities.
It is poisonous for minorities. It's poisonous for white people as well. If people believe the stuff that so many of these racial reconciliation prophets are teaching, they will end up in hell.
It's a counterfeit gospel. It's a counterfeit message. It's a counterfeit grace.
The kind of grace that doesn't oppose that kind of stuff directly, that will not criticize.
Everyone talks about the Southern Baptist 11th commandment. So if you talk about another Southern Baptist and you're a
Southern Baptist, then you're lacking grace. Well, if someone ever accuses you of lacking grace because you criticize the words of somebody else who's a
Southern Baptist, don't sweat it. That's counterfeit grace. You don't have to worry about it. Another example is the kind of grace that doesn't allow for you to have a good time, doesn't allow for you to have joy, that doesn't allow for you to make jokes and to use satire to criticize and to fight error and things like that.
And that's, again, that's another counterfeit grace. People all the time used to say to me, it's not what you say.
It's just that you're having so much fun with it. It's like it's a sport to you. And I look back at the prophets and I look back at Jesus and I look back at Paul and you know what?
It wasn't like they were always having a good time with it. It wasn't always, you know, telling, you know, dropping hammers on people and always telling jokes to sort of counter error and things like that.
But they did do that. They did do that because that kind of thing can be very effective. I did a whole video about this called
The Biblical Theology of Internet Trolling. You know, and Elijah was trolling those prophets of Baal when he mocked them as they're cutting themselves and stuff like that.
They're cutting themselves, trying to get Baal to come to them and to do something.
They're cutting themselves. Oh, please come, Baal. And Elijah's mocking them mercilessly.
Oh, yeah. Scream louder. He's probably on the toilet. Oh, yeah. Scream louder because he might be on a journey. He could be far away and all that kind of stuff.
And Elijah was demonstrating grace at that moment. The kind of grace that doesn't have fun, the kind of grace that's always serious, the kind of grace that's always grieved and sad and lamenting and all these kind of things.
But never, never experiences joy, never fights, never likes the fight. You know what I mean?
Listen, I enjoy the fight. When I'm fighting for the Lord, I enjoy the fight. And I'd prefer not to have to fight, my brothers and sisters in Christ.
I'd prefer it if everyone would stop with this racial reconciliation stuff. If you stopped, I probably would delete my channel.
There would be no point to it if you stopped. But if I'm going to fight for the Lord, man, I'm going to enjoy it.
And there's nothing that lacks grace about having fun. There's nothing that lacks grace about making jokes and mocking and things like that.
Look, if you're never serious, okay, fine. But if you're also never joyful, that's a problem, man.
That's a real problem. And so if you say, I lack that kind of grace, I don't care.
I've thought about it and I don't care. Because the reality is, if that's your definition of grace, then you'd have to condemn
Jesus for those things. Jesus talked about sin directly. He didn't soften it. Jesus talked directly and he criticized the words of his brothers directly.
He didn't have an 11th commandment that said you can't talk badly about the things that your brothers say.
Jesus didn't do that. Jesus made jokes. Jesus mocked people. Jesus had the harshest of things to say to people from time to time.
Peter, shortly after he gets done calling him the Christ, he tells
Peter, get behind me, Satan. And he calls him Satan. And so the reality is, we got to stop doing this stuff where Jesus actually is a sinner if we believe your definition of sin.
You see, I am not against grace, the real form of grace. What I'm against is a form of grace that turns any kind of masculine communication that speaks directly, that speaks sometimes with some jabs to it, with a little bit of a barbed edge to it and things like that.
Any kind of direct confrontation or fight or any kind of battle, a grace that treats that as if it's canceled somehow, as if it's off limits.
And when you look at the Bible and you look at the heroes of scripture, when you look at how Christ dealt with people and things of that nature, what you didn't get is that sort of lovely, just sort of nice and just always just like the most lovely person.
You don't see that when you look at men from the scripture. What you see are people that are all about truth, that have zeal for God, that treat people in different contexts, in different ways.
You see Jesus deal with the woman at the well a certain way, and then you still see Jesus deal with the Pharisees in a very different kind of way.
You see Jesus deal with Paul, I'm sorry, with Peter in a very different way. And so if we're going to act like Christ, if we're going to be conformed into his image, then we need to have the whole thing, the whole enchilada.
We can't just do the stuff that we learned from Sunday school, from our female teacher, which is, we mostly had female teachers, let's just be honest, it's just a fact.
And you know, female teachers tend to teach people to speak and communicate like females, and there's nothing wrong with a female doing that.
But I want my boys, I want my boys, if they're going to be leaders and when they grow up, if they're going to be churchmen when they grow up,
I want them to act like men. And the reality is that so much of the accusations of you lacking grace is really effeminate men wanting you to act effeminate like they do.
And the answer is no. That kind of grace is a counterfeit grace because Jesus Christ had a masculine grace that he offers for you.
A masculine form of grace that doesn't disallow just kind of standard stuff like, no,
I want to fight error. I want to fight the pagans. I want to fight the Philistines, and that kind of thing.
And so I reject counterfeit grace. I love and embrace the grace of God, and I can emulate the things that I see
Christ doing and the way that I see the prophets acting because of their zeal for God. I can emulate that stuff, and that's what