School of the Prophets? Bethel Charges $6000 For Prophetic Training Courses
Testing the Spirits Podcast Episode # 120.
Bethel Church is led by Bill Johnson & Kris Vallotton. How do people get sucked into this hyper-charismatic movement? It's often the music of Bethel, Hillsong and Elevation that brings people into their churches. Is this Biblical? Are there prophets and apostles in the church today? Can anyone be taught to be a prophet? How do their words line up with Scripture? Listen and find out!
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Holy Spirit Activate
Jack Hibbs
False prophets
false teachers
- 00:09
- Hello, and thank you for listening to the testing the spirits podcast the title of this episode is the school of the prophets
- 00:16
- Is that a biblical concept? Well, I ran across this article this morning where Bethel Church is offering a course for $6 ,000 you can become certified in Well, let's just read the article.
- 00:33
- This is the headline from Protestia Bethel Prophet charges six grand for prophetic training courses
- 00:42
- So the guy's name is Dan McClellan, he is the co -founder of the school of the prophets the
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- SQ Institute and the prophetic company the two former which are joint ventures with Bethel Church and their chief prophet, you know prophet quote -unquote
- 01:02
- Chris Vallotton According to his Bethel bio Dan has authored several prophetic books and manuals including basic training in prophetic activation also prophetic company the good fight and Bending time and is known
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- Dan is known as a prophetic father and reformer Revealing the heart and purpose of New Testament prophecy.
- 01:29
- Okay, so this guy is claiming to be a prophetic father and a Reformer and he can activate the prophetic gift
- 01:41
- Let's keep reading the prophetic company Academy is based on the belief that the healthiest prophetic people in the world are those who commit to communities whose prophetic synergy
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- Innovation and accountability are Available as a result. They teach people how to become prophets.
- 02:03
- Okay So if you know anything about the Bible Prophecy is one of these spiritual gifts.
- 02:10
- God either gives the gift or he doesn't but here You can teach people how to become prophets according to this guy from Bethel Church Or he's at least affiliated with Bethel Church It says there are singular courses that people can take to become better and more attuned prophets
- 02:33
- Good vibrations or excuse me God vibrations the power of sound that class only cost 79 bucks
- 02:40
- That's a great deal, right? Well, it says they the prophetic company trainers have spent decades developing a
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- Revolutionary biblical training method that has helped thousands of people on six continents confidently and clearly
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- Hear and know the voice of God and that now we are making this equipping these equipping secrets
- 03:03
- We are making them available to you. Okay, so this course Costs $6 ,000 unless you pay it all up front where it's only 5 ,000 they say it has a total value of just about $18 ,000 and there are major perks that come along with it.
- 03:21
- So if you just pay six grand You can get these perks. What are the perks?
- 03:27
- one year's worth of top -level content on prophetic activation Another Perk is that you get to practice developing confidence and this of course is really what the training is all about Developing confidence learning what to say and how to say it with confidence as you know the origin of the term con man it came from a
- 04:05
- Confidence man, right because people believe con men why because they're so confident
- 04:10
- They are able to convince people that what they're saying is true. So get this for $6 ,000 you can turn to Bethel Church and This guy here.
- 04:21
- He will train you to be a prophet. Okay, so is this concept biblical?
- 04:28
- To have a school for the prophets Here's what a lot of Pentecost and obviously not everyone believes this not all
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- Charismatics, but I have heard this from many Pentecostals and charismatics. They will say well the
- 04:42
- Bible talks about the school of the prophets They might point to 2nd
- 04:47
- Kings chapter 2 Where Elijah and Elisha go down to Bethel see it's
- 04:54
- Bethel Yeah and 2nd Kings 2 Elijah and Elisha go down to Bethel where they encounter a group that the
- 05:02
- Bible refers to as the sons of The prophets now the word for sons in Hebrew can be translated about ten different ways son or group or children the
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- NIV says the company of the prophets and The last way it can be translated is class
- 05:21
- So class then becomes school and there you go the school of the prophets now
- 05:26
- No, I've looked at all of the translations of the Bible. I have I searched my
- 05:31
- Bible School of the prophets is not in there, but You know even if you grant that argument
- 05:37
- I mean here's here's how they're trying to pull the wool over people's eyes
- 05:43
- You know in 2nd Kings 2 Elisha and Elijah they go to Bethel right so Does that mean
- 05:50
- Bethel Church in California has a legitimate school like even if you grant that school of the prophets is a real thing
- 05:57
- In the Bible, you know the the Bethel in California. It's not the same thing And if you go to Bethel in California, and I'm assuming this is all online
- 06:09
- But if you pay them thousands of dollars, can they really teach you? I mean think about it. Can they really teach you on how to hear from God?
- 06:18
- Or to get special revelation from God or to be able to predict the future. Is that something you can be taught?
- 06:24
- I don't think so. That's not the way it works Like I said prophecy is a spiritual gift
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- Christ God the Lord gives the gifts you can't be taught to do it so even if you grant that Elijah or you know
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- Samuel had a school for the prophets where they instructed their students Even if that were the case, it doesn't mean some con man in California can in 2025 can open a school for the prophets today because here's the bottom line
- 06:57
- What while you can trade? Yes, you can train people to prophesy in the sense of preach and that's why we
- 07:06
- Call it preaching. I mean so prophecy can refer to preaching but that confuses people
- 07:12
- So we should just call it preaching and exhortation. But yes, you can teach people how to preach but prophecy in the sense of giving and receiving revelation from God or Predicting the future that is not something you can learn
- 07:29
- Obviously, it's not something you can learn. It's not something you can teach now I would argue that there are no prophets today.
- 07:37
- There are no prophets and apostles in the church today Where do I base that on Ephesians chapter 2 verse 20?
- 07:45
- It's the church is built on the foundation of the prophets and the Apostles So the foundation was laid at the beginning in the first century when the church was first being built 2 ,000 years later.
- 07:59
- You don't lay the foundation again With more prophets, you know, you don't lay the foundation on the 20th floor
- 08:07
- But even if you were to say because some charismatics and Pentecostals believe this
- 08:12
- I Don't believe that but even if you thought that there were prophets today, you can't choose
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- To become one and here's how I know this is false God always
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- Chose the prophets himself. Look at the Bible God always himself chose
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- The prophets you don't decide to become one just read the book of Jeremiah read
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- Jeremiah chapter 1 God chose Jeremiah the Lord it says ordained him as a prophet to the nation
- 08:44
- So God chooses you you don't choose God and say I want to be a prophet So I'm going to be taught no
- 08:51
- In fact in the Bible the stories we read when God chose the prophets most of the time they didn't even want to do it
- 08:57
- Because the prophets what did they what did they prophesy they preached?
- 09:04
- Doom and repentance and because of that they were hated and often killed
- 09:09
- And that's where these new prophets from Bethel You know again prophets in quotation marks that's where these new prophets from Bethel are exposed for the frauds that they are because they don't preach a biblical message of repentance
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- When they do predict future events, they get it wrong Just like the lead prophet of Bethel Chris Ballatin.
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- He got his Trump prophecy wrong back in 2020 He had to apologize for it and he admitted
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- Yeah, I had a wrong prophecy and a false prophecy makes you what a false prophet according to the
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- Bible So obviously they are not really giving true prophecies but the
- 09:54
- Prophecy they give not even when they're not predicting the future like when they're forth telling because prophecy can be foretelling of future events or Forth -telling like preaching but even when they prophesy in the sense of forth telling they're not calling people to repent
- 10:11
- What are they doing? They're prophesying prosperity and health and wealth and they're telling people how
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- God is going to make all your dreams come true They are literally doing the same thing that the false prophets did in the book of Jeremiah They tell people what they want to hear preaching peace peace when there is no peace in Titus chapter 1 the
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- Apostle Paul Warns about false teachers and false prophets and he calls them idle talkers
- 10:40
- Like if you listen to some of these guys, they say a lot of words They say a lot but they don't really say anything of substance like it's a word salad, right?
- 10:51
- So in Titus 1 Paul calls the false prophets and false teachers.
- 10:56
- He calls them idle talkers He says that they subvert whole households
- 11:02
- Teaching things which they ought not for the sake of dishonest gain that they're doing it for money
- 11:08
- And that's what we see this guy from Bethel. He's doing this for money $6 ,000 per person
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- You add that up. It's like a hundred and twenty people that are registered in the class That is a lot of money.
- 11:21
- This guy is getting rich off of this So they're idle talkers
- 11:27
- They do what they do for the sake of dishonest gain and Paul says in Titus 1 their mouths
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- Must be stopped and that's why a video like this is necessary You know, we need to speak up and warn people about these false prophets over at Bethel And how
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- I've been talking about this on my podcast. How do people fall for this? Like this is obviously a scam
- 11:52
- He's obviously a con man. This is obviously a scam But how do people get sucked into this people get sucked into the
- 11:59
- Bethel Hillsong Hyper charismatic movement they get sucked in how They get sucked in through the music, right?
- 12:07
- They listen to this Christian contemporary Bethel Hillsong elevation music
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- They get emotionally attached to the music then one day they search for Bethel music online and boom
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- What comes up Bethel Church and then they hear some smooth -talking con man?
- 12:26
- telling of how God just wants to give them miracles of breakthrough and that's how people get sucked into this and These false prophets.
- 12:34
- They always seem to have a Bible verse to back up what they're saying Of course, it's out of context, but most people don't know that so this is the danger and To repeat what
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- I've been saying about Bethel and Bethel music and that gateway drug that gets people into the movement this is why the
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- Bible tells us to mark and avoid False prophets like have nothing to do with any of this.
- 13:00
- It's like you're playing with fire You don't even want to mess around with this stuff. It subverts whole households
- 13:09
- So when you bring this music into your church and you're playing Bethel on a regular basis and people know oh, yeah
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- Bethel music I love Bethel music. That's how households and even entire churches are subverted now
- 13:23
- I know the Daystar crowd and the TBN crowd and even some of the more respectable pastors like we've talked about guys like Jack Hibbs and they will defend
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- Bethel music and Even Bible churches today are now allowing this stuff to come in but in conclusion, you know
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- We need to make people see help them see the danger of all of this So hopefully this article and this clear
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- Scam will make it more clear for people to train and teach people how to become a prophet.
- 13:54
- Like are you serious? So if someone is on the fence and they're thinking, you know, well, you know, maybe
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- Bethel At least the music maybe Bethel isn't that bad. Hopefully this will make them see
- 14:07
- They'll see it for the con that it is. So let's stay vigilant Let's do what the
- 14:12
- Bible says and let's help to stop the mouths of these false Prophets as they continue to pray on the sick and the desperate and now they're trying to scam their fellow charismatic brethren with this $6 ,000 prophetic training course