Do Not Grumble Against One Another

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Help us to understand this whole idea of grumbling, but let's just read James chapter 5 verses 1 through 9 Come now you rich weep and how for your miseries that are coming upon you your riches are corrupted And your garments are mothy Your gold and your silver are corroded and their corrosion will be a witness against you and will eat your flesh like fire Your teeth up treasures in the last days Indeed the wages of the laborers Who mow your fields which you have kept back by fraud cry out And the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the lord of saviour You have lived on the earth in pleasure and luxury.
You have fattened your hearts as in a day of slaughter You have condemned you have murdered the just he does not resist you Therefore be patient brethren until the coming of the lord see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth Waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain You also be patient establish your hearts for the coming of the lord is at hand Do not grumble against one another brethren lest you be condemned behold.
The judge is standing At the door.
Let me just continue reading a little bit more My brethren take the prophets who spoke in the name of the lord as an example of suffering and patience And indeed we count them blessed who endure you have heard of the perseverance of joe And seen the end attended by the lord that the lord is very Compassionate and merciful but above all my brethren do not swear either by heaven or by earth Or would any other oath would let your yes be yes, and you know, no lest you fall into judgment so uh as you would think as we're going to consider grumbling one against another that I would Direct us to verse 9 where it says do not grumble Against one another brethren lest you be condemned behold.
The judge is standing at the door So just to again remind us as we consider these one another's I hope we're beginning to understand that um the issues of How we are to conduct ourselves with one another it has both an outward uh Working But really it it's the reality of the things that take place in our heart that that you and I in order for us to to uh be to one another as we ought to be and then Enlarge as we go out in society to be with all men Um, even as we are to live peaceably with all men, but particularly especially to those of the household of faith that as um that it's not just a set of of things that we must do must not do but it really is a The reality of what we think in our hearts and and and I hope to show you this morning uh in this area of grumbling that much of the The grumbling that we do do is there anybody that never grumbles by the way? Because I will definitely yield And sit at your feet.
So No one's going to take that right and we all grumble and and many times And we'll look at the use of the word but many times that's something we that comes out inwardly not necessarily uh visible to others, right, um This whole idea of um As I said yesterday even in as we talked about certain things that that uh It's easy to have a smile on your face And not have a smile on your heart, right? It's easy to to portray one thing outwardly and then really have something else working inside.
We're very good at concealing um what we really are Thinking and i'm not saying that we should just blurp out Everything that's in our hearts because we would be in a world of trouble if we if we tried to live that way, right? um but as we work out our salvation and Work for but work out right our salvation is is is the work of the sovereign god in our hearts But as we work out our salvation, we're to be conscious not only of the things that are outward but the reality is we really need to Um, even as progress progress forces to keep our hearts with what? All diligence for out of what the heart out of it flow the issues of life and so Again, I hope that that is what we are demonstrating as we go through the study of one another's Okay, having said that I want to I want to look at the meaning of the word itself.
The word is Stedadzo in the greek and it really has the idea If you will of uh, well has a couple thoughts has the thought of groaning um It has the thought of um In some ways of complaining within yourself and um And I think when you start putting that together with groaning and and this idea of complaining, uh, you you can see it uh More clearly.
I want to look at a couple scriptures and show you where the word is used So just a quick little bible drill in second corinthians chapter five.
Let's look at this Second corinthians chapter five verse two We read this and again from the new king james, uh as I read it says, uh paul says in for in this we groan Again, what i'm trying to do is show us How the word is used and and paul of course talking about the reality of um Being in this world and yet having a desire to be with christ But he says for in this we groan that word grown is the same word that's used in james chapter five for Grumble, and so we we groan earnestly design.
So there there is uh, Not only is there something that's working within us, but it's it's a strong Thing that's working with us.
It's it's it's an earnest desire All right.
Let me show you again how the word is used in hebrews chapter 13 And uh, since we have the hebrew master here, I I feel comfortable that if I go straight he'll um That's correct And again, just to show you how the word is used in hebrews 13 17 where it's talking about Our obligation to to those who have the rule over us Hebrews 13 17 says obey them that have the rule over you and submit yourselves so they watch for your soul As they that must give account that they may do it with joy and not with grief Now who has a different translation, uh, uh king james brother mike grief anybody else It does say groaning, okay And there is that word again As I say to you in the new king james says grief, but there is that that's the same word That he uses in james 5 for grumble and it's the same word he uses in second corinthians Uh chapter 5 verse 2 for groaning So uh Again And again, i'm just trying to point out some verses in romans chapter 8 You want to take a quick look at that Now then i'll just read it to you where This word is used again In verse 23 of romans chapter 8 it says not only they but ourselves also which have the first fruits of the spirit even we ourselves grown within ourselves Any any what's the different translations brother mike sam dan Grow, okay.
So so that's the same word again that's used for grumble Um, here's an interesting one.
It'll be the last one.
I I try to show you as I looked up the the Greek word in mark chapter 7 and I thought this was interesting mark chapter 7 verse 34 And this is what it says and this is um Of the lord jesus and it says and looking up to heaven he sighed I'm, missing something brother.
Yeah, okay He sighed and said to them Patheter that is be open and that was jesus healing but the word there where it says he sighed Is the same word That is used groan And it's the same word that's used for rumble So there are various meanings and again when we When we think about it and what the translators sought to do Was to interpret the word from its basic meaning, but there are different variations and so again, you would understand and I think we all would understand that even in our english language, which Uh is certainly not the purest of languages, right? That that there are nuances of words And sometimes we use the word in one way and sometimes we use the word with a different shade attached to it and and and But the point is as we go back to james and consider this I wanted you to think about that So when we read back in james chapter 5 where it says do not grumble um In in the new king james, it's got a note In the margin that that word really means to groan and it has some shades of meaning but I think the overall thought is That it is something that takes place within us and that it has um Depth to it.
It's not just a shallow feeling even as we read of that Uh verse in mark have the lord jesus sighing when he said to them, uh When he said to be be healed and be open, okay, so um, there's a relationship in that sense and then Think about this our relationship to each other Is really again the issue of our hearts Right, we would all agree out of the abundance of the heart but The mouth speaks.
Yeah But but out of the abundance of the heart mouth speaks you if you and I spend any amount of time with anybody Sooner or later.
We're going to find out What they really think? uh, because it's got to manifest itself, even though we are good at Hiding and and uh concealing certain things It's not long After you have a relationship with someone that you're really beginning to get a sense of um what they really think about things and i've mentioned this to you and i'm missing is it happened to me the other day and I don't know what the setting was, but I was talking to somebody and I guess my I guess from An outward appearance.
I expected to hear a certain uh way of speaking Oh, I know what it was I was at the beach And uh, somebody came by and because you go to the beach and you're fishing on the surf People want to talk to you especially around here because everybody comes to florida.
I've met people from russia and you know up in the tundra of maine imagine that and Anyway, this guy came by me and he started to talk and he He just looked like somebody who was Fairly accomplished and it just appeared to me that he was um He had some some stability about him Well, we didn't talk more than three seconds and all of a sudden he started Using words that I don't even want to mention And his wife was standing right next to him I'm thinking man alive.
I have the wrong impression of this guy And I was glad when I said to him have a nice day.
See you later I guess what i'm trying to say is, uh, we really have to think of this in the sense of What we really have going on inside of us And that you and I really to to really interact with one another really need to consider that first.
Okay Having said that I want to look more intently at this section in james And I wanted to ask us to think about a couple of things so in verses one through eight of james chapter five I think the the author is giving to us.
Um Much of what we need to think about concerning The world and the abuses of the world and you know, we'll just read it quickly again Look come now you rich weep and how for your miseries That are coming upon you your rust your riches are corrupted your garments are moth-eaten Your gold and silver are corroded and their corrosion will be a witness against you And will eat your flesh like fire and you have heaped up treasure in the last days And indeed the wages of the laborers who mow your fields which you kept back by fraud Cry out in the cries of the reapers I have reached the ears of the lord of sabbath you have lived on the earth in in pleasure and luxury You have fattened your hearts as in the day of slaughter.
You have condemned you have murdered the just and he does not resist you that in the in these verses and and and there Let me just read verse seven and eight therefore be patient brethren until the coming of the lord see how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth wait patiently for it until It receives the early and latter rain.
You also be patient establish your hearts for the coming of the lord is at hand I I think in this section what he's really Presenting to us is that there are abuses in the world No doubt.
There are those who take advantage of others in this world.
No doubt Um, and he gives us a couple of specific instances And what I think he's leading us to is that as we see this or as we become partakers of it whether we um Particularly when we're the abused When we're the ones that are on the wrong side Of the activities of others that that there are a couple things that need to take place Certainly as he says in verse seven, we need to be patient and we'll talk about that a little bit um And we also need to be careful because the reality is ultimately Everything will be made manifest, right? And here's what I thought about and we got just a little bit of time i'm going to try to Get through all this this morning.
I want us to think about And this is what it reminded me of it reminded me of psalm 73 Now if you're not familiar with psalm 73 really quick And if you want flip back to psalm 73, I'm going to show you something psalm 73 is really the psalm about um the prosperity of the wicked And well, you'll see it Psalm 73 um In the context and we're in the setting of what we just read in james chapter 5 of abuse and and people taking advantage of other people and and being careful not to allow Grumbling and groaning within ourselves in light of that but look at psalm 73.
It says truly god is Good to israel, but uh to such as though pure in heart, but as for me, this is the psalmist writing right as for me My feet had almost stumbled My steps had nearly slipped for I was envious of the boastful When I saw the prosperity of the wicked For there are no pangs in their death, but their strength is firm They are not in trouble as other men Nor are they plagued like other men and therefore pride serves as their necklace and violence covers them like a garment And their eyes bulge with abundance And they have more than heart could wish And they scoff and they speak wickedly concerning oppression And they speak loftily and they set their mouths against their heavens and their tongue walks through the earth And therefore his people return here and waters of a full cup are drained by them And they say how does god know is there any knowledge in the most high behold? These are the ungodly who are always at ease they increase in interest in riches That's one of the things that we just read out in james and surely The psalmist says surely i've cleansed my heart in vain and washed my hands in innocence for all day long I've been plagued and chastened every morning If I had said I will speak thus behold I would have been untrue to the generation of of your children when I thought how to understand this it was too painful for me I'm gonna stop there because if I read verse 17, it'll take us in a totally different direction Because then says until I came into the sanctuary right But the thought I wanted to present to us that as we read in james chapter 5 part of the thing Part of the truth about grumbling is that we have to have a proper view Of what's taking place around us And that there are abuses and there are Always going to be abused.
They are always going to be those who are uh in that sense Oppressing others, right? Um, you know, I thought about this.
I thought about we all we all pretty much Now let me pose this as a question because I want to make sure That i'm not the only one here that you might agree We usually grumble about people who have more than us not less than us Would you agree in other words, um we usually uh grown and and think unfair when we see people I was thinking I was reading the news about the the oligarchs in russia and how they've seized their yachts and That one has a 600 650 million dollar yacht Yeah, I know you say you're shaking your head already right and And it would be easy for us to grumble in many ways to say why would someone have the ability to have all that? And then I thought well, you know, I had a little 21 foot carolina skiff And you know what? There's probably people who grumble about me having that boat.
Well, I don't have that boat no more.
We sold it But my point is that that when we see oppressors and abusers it's It's somewhat a little bit where we have to really understand the context because it's again easier to grumble over those that have more Versus those that have less so so that's that's one thought I wanted to present to us that um When we read about grumbling against one another I think there's an application That as we look at one another even in the context of all of us being children of god That we need to be careful That we don't start allowing our eyes To dictate to our hearts What we should think? Because even in that sense we Can fall into the the The sin of grumbling against each other because we see in one another things that either we lack Or we want And and and we might not want to say it out loud and none of them are saying we should I think we all experience that That we look at others sometimes And we say man Why do they have what they have and I have what I have Whether it be this that or the other thing And I think there's some some realities for us that we have to wrestle with Because part of grumbling Part of this this thing is really a sense of dissatisfaction Within ourselves Because if we were fully satisfied Would we grow Would we complain? No What wouldn't would it be something that that? Formulates in our hearts and in our minds and then outwardly annoying I don't believe it would be because we would be fully satisfied.
Um, I put it this way And I used this yesterday uh concerning prayers in a different sense, but and even um It's brought up in these texts about the idea of um, if you were looking over the fence So think about in the thought of two farmers they both have crops And as One christian brother looks at the crop of the other christian brother.
He begins in his heart to say Hmm His crop seems to be a little bit better than my crop What's the deal? I mean I planted just like he planted.
I did everything that he did.
Why does he have? Why is his crop better than my crop? And and what happens is we begin that whole process If you will be not only dissatisfied with our blessing, but We begin to complain about god's blessing to someone else Right.
Um And I was going to take us there, but but let me just mention it to you.
Do you remember? In matthew chapter 20, um, how the lord jesus Relayed that reality of of the laborers in the field And that he had told some earlier in the day to go out in the field and work He would pay them their wages at the end of the day And then remember he he then takes it to the next phase and the next phase until finally Was that it was almost at the end of the day and he found a couple more that was still idle and he said You go out into the into the fields and work and i'll pay you and remember how the point was When they all came to be compensated He gave them all denarius What was the result of that? Yeah Yeah, the the person who went out at the the last hour today, I would suppose they were pretty content that they got a denarius Um considering that they only worked a short period of time, but the real issue was the ones that went out when? In the beginning of the day, right and they what did they say? Not fair not fair We worked in the heat of the day And you remember what jesus said I've done you no wrong my friend And then he said is it not lawful for me to do what I will with my own? And I really think that that's something brothers and sisters that we need to be careful of that we understand that god Gives as god sees to get some 30 some 60 some 100 Some this way some that way and and and and that's really uh Especially within the confines of the body of christ but even outside into the world Because we really don't know what's going on behind the scenes.
Anyway, do we Really need to be careful that Uh god's sovereignty doesn't become a stumbling block for us And again, we can all relate to that and I think we do uh more than we would want to admit that uh Sometimes we're so busy looking over the some the fence that uh We miss the blessing that god has given us And they especially within the confines of the body of christ.
We all should be very careful not to uh become grumblers Growners, um, and in that sense even um Complainers, but that we would be fully satisfied with what god has given us up to this point comments Complaint complaints go to brother mike I'll take any compliment I can get Any thoughts right up to this point? Yeah Or you want to be released we could put it in in another setting and say well You you don't want to be in the situation you're in Right because you're dissatisfied with your own situation so you'd rather switch places Right, um and again, uh so many different ways in which that works out but really it is the issue of the heart right? It's the It's the thing that's uh many times We work very Diligently to correct our outward actions Agree, and we ought to right But I wonder at times if we do that to the neglect and the The stumbling of working on the realities of our own hearts And that you and I need to be careful that we're not those that even as he says, uh in verse nine Do not grumble against one another Lest you be condemned behold the judge is standing at the door that you and I would realize listen in that day That There will be everything will be right right the judge of all the earth shall do right To whom more is given what? Much more is expected Sir I was reading the importance part concerning that version.
It says Concerning grunting it says causing divisive complaining That can be particularly painful in times of suffering when people explode in frustration and turn upon each other.
Yeah Pretty good explanation.
Yeah Greg were you gonna say something? Yeah, I was just gonna bring something up good and james First of all james's wrote to the 12 tribes of israel And this james is all about Constructing and forming the 12 tribes of israel And we aren't we aren't really any of the 12 tribes, but we can learn from james, right and you know To me, I think in what i've read that the 12 tribes in israel itself were were very idle They were they worshipped idols.
They had a problem with that And He was talking about to the rich It seems that they were you know comparing they get caught up in their riches and idolatry Idolatry was one of israel's biggest problems.
Well, I doubt it They grumble they argued.
Yeah, they did but it's so What all men do I mean, but but I understand what you're saying.
I I think you got to be careful when um The word grumbling I guess is something that you know Paul says we should go out and In season out of season whether it's okay or not really we shouldn't be preaching the gospel Yeah, yeah, and again, it should be it should be to all people of all of all Right and grumbling one between one another I guess is something that yeah, we should be careful of Because it that leads to idolatry type of thing sure when you make people mad by preaching the gospel Sounding like you're divisive A lot, you know just go out and preach the gospel and you're going to be divisive We got to put on our armor, right? Sure.
Sure So so a lot of people will say we're grumbling when we preach the gospel, right? Paul seemed to he ran right into the 12.
He had to run out of israel for fear of getting killed Right then that he he told them the truth.
They didn't like it.
So he had to get out of there Yes life, but you know, there's a certain time of of preaching the truth will cause Division sure interpreted as grumbling, but I just you know want to want to you know, just make that James is is written to the 12 tribes.
It's not written to the gentiles.
No, I disagree with that No, that's I I don't think the very beginning.
Well, I understand which I understand but I I I think we would be Misdirected to just begin to divide Descriptions and say well, this is only pertaining to Uh a certain group and this is the word of god.
It has relevance all has context but at the same time, I think we have to be careful because we can Fall off the cliff and start saying well, I don't have to follow this because this doesn't pertain to me Um, but I have to follow that and so and so and that's a discussion that Right, but but we can we can have let's just say we can have that discussion um Because I think it's a it's a lengthy discussion Let me put it to you that way But in the area of rumbling and in the area of how we ought to treat one another We do have to be mindful.
There was one other section.
I did want to show us Before we run out of time and again, I just some other verses on the board I want you to go go for a minute to romans chapter 14 and this is in the area where um, of course paul's teaching about liberty and and and how um, We ought to Understand of the liberties that we have and the liberty that other people have right? And i'll just read a little bit and I think that that thought will uh come up Actually, i'll read it in uh from verse five Now I better go back and just From verse one received one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things So one believes he may eat all things but he who is weak eats only vegetables Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat and let not him Who does not eat judge him who eats for god has received him and who are you to judge another servant? Kind of back to what jesus talked about in matthew It's not awful for me to do what I will with my own to his own master He stands or falls indeed He will be made to stand for god is able to make him stand And one person esteems one day above another and another esteems every day alike.
Let each man be fully convinced in his own mind He observes the day observes it to the lord.
He who does not observe the day to the lord He does not observe it He who eats eats to the lord for he gives god.
Thanks and he does not eat to the lord He does not eat and gives god.
Thanks for none of us lives to himself And no one dies to himself for if we live we live to the lord and if we die We die to the lord therefore whether we live or die We are the lords for to this end christ died and rose and lived again that he might be lord of both dead and living But why do you judge another why do you judge your brother? Why do you show contempt for your brother for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of christ? Whereas it is written as I live says the lord every knee shall bow to me every tongue shall confess So then each of us Shall give account of himself to god.
Let us not judge one another anymore We'd rather resolve this not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall In our brother's way not as many things that we could uh speak about in this section, but in this area of being Uh Dissatisfied And then when we become dissatisfied It's not a far cry to where we then become a judge based on our dissatisfaction Go back to the thought of the two farmers So the one farmer looks over the fence and he sees his his neighbor's crops are bigger than his And he and he begins to groan and he begins to grumble But if if that continues, I don't think it's long after that that he begins to find reasons Why god shouldn't have given the farmer the bigger crop Um, and he becomes the judge Well, you lord lord, you know, I I saw him Well last summer and I saw what he did And and did you know he treated his wife badly the other day lord? Yeah, and I know that's really simple but my point is we become judges and We ought not to Judge nothing before it's done.
I'm not talking about making judgments We have to make judgments, right? We have to correct one another we have to admonish one another to rebuke one another exhort one another all the other one another um But we need to be careful that it doesn't become The result of our dissatisfaction brother mike It's just interesting that It's it's not just like you're saying.
It's not just the uh, grumble.
Uh, the king james translates it grudge.
It's a grudge Yeah, i'm gonna hold it against you and ultimately i'm holding it against god because God allowed this to happen.
Yeah Yeah, again, that's like I said you know The Sin leads only to sin right you know we use terminology like don't go down the rabbit hole and all these other things, but That's why it's so important for us to truly consider the Out of hearts and let me just finish this out because I just I want to kind of finish it all but I wanted to go Back just as we close go back to james for a minute.
I wanted to show you something Um in the context of what he's saying there Because he gives us an example right So look at verse nine do not grumble against one another brethren lest you be condemned behold the judge is standing at the door my brethren Take the prophets who spoke in the name of the lord as an example of suffering and patience Indeed, we count them blessed who endured you have heard of the perseverance of job And seen the end intended by the lord for that the lord is very compassionate and merciful In the example is the patience or the perseverance of job and that you and I one of the ways to Keep ourselves from becoming grumblers is to really Persevere In the faith and be patient i'll always always well Not as much as I ought to but I always Many times I think of what jesus said You remember what he told peter? Remember when when? Peter thought that john was going to live for Until the return of christ and you remember how you remember what jesus said to peter He said you Follow me And that's where I think many of us Miss the forest for the trees We are so busy trying to either Possess what someone else possesses or we dissatisfy with what's what someone else has Or we see the abuses of the world and we grumble within here's the reality if we were following him And our eyes were fixed on him Um, we wouldn't have the the mind to go straying Looking over the fence, right if we're busy, uh Tending to our own garden if you will We're not going to be that concerned with what's going on in the next garden so so when you think about it and again, I I had some other thoughts but uh time is is going to hold us from doing This whole idea about grumbling against one another brothers and sisters we need to be careful Because ultimately the judge will make things right and we will give an account We will give an account not only for what we did But for what we didn't do and account in the sense of having things set right so all right, um with that let's close and then we'll Uh, we'll Continue in worship In the preaching and the singing and the praying of the word.
Let's pray father.
Thank you for this night this day Lord help us not to be grumblers not to be groaners not to be dissatisfied help us to be fully satisfied with all that you have done In us and for us through our lord.
Jesus christ who so loved us that he gave himself for us now bless us in our Continued worship lord and may may what we do be pleasing to you and may what we do be Uh edifying to the building up in the faith this most holy faith in jesus name.