Cornerstone Church / TDHP announcement about tomorrow's Debate

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We're going to announce information about tomorrow's debate. This is sort of a test run and it will create a video for you to share with others. TDHP is going to host a live watch party. You can start logging in at 8PM EST. At that time you'll be able to chat with other people. We will host this event on 3 channels, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.


Uh, premium account on X, Twitter. I have that please upgrade to a premium subscription on, on X Twitter.
I have that. I have that. No, I don't. Okay. That's fine.
All right. We'll fix that. We'll just cancel or remove Twitter, remove
Twitter, save changes. We are live. Anyway, we are live.
All right. This is tearing down high places. Welcome to our live stream.
Uh, usually we're a prerecorded show and, uh, it's just average Joe and Seth Brickley from Minnesotan.
Yeah. Great to be here with you, Joe. If you don't know where Miss Minnesotan is, it's a little bit
East of Minnesota in Wisconsin. Yes. Yeah. And I think it's fitting
Joe that, uh, you live right next to Pennsylvania. Yep. Not far from Philadelphia.
And you guys, you, Jeff and Tim, you've been on the road.
Yeah. They've been, uh, they've been trying to get people in Philly to vote for Trump.
And, uh, so the, and what they're saying is, is that, uh, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Trump needs one of those, you know, as long as he holds, uh,
Georgia and North Carolina, uh, he needs, yeah, he needs Wisconsin.
He needs Michigan or he needs, uh, Pennsylvania. So, so yeah, we both live in, I know you live in New Jersey, but you're right across the border.
And, uh, so these, these are two big swing States that, uh, where we can make an impact, uh, and make a difference here, they are their big swing
States. So tomorrow night during the VP debate, what are we going to do, Seth? Yeah, we're going to do some commentary live during the debate.
And, uh, it's kind of fun to, to hear people talk about the debate and, you know, and I know some people like Charlie Kirk does that and some others.
And so, uh, if, if you, if you want to listen to us, we'd, we'd love to have you listen to us and we can give our commentary and, and I think our commentary will be different than a lot of these because we're, we're, ours is going to be coming from a biblical perspective, uh, where a lot of these.
Not so much, uh, it's, it's just more from kind of a general quasi conservative perspective where ours is going to be, you know, we'll even say, you know, we know that Tim Walz is going to be way off.
I mean, unless he has a conversion overnight, uh, yeah, but you know, JD Vance, you know, we, we expect him to be more biblical, but we'll even critique him if we gotta be ready to critique him.
Like, cause we don't support any individuals. We don't, we're not, we're not, we're not saying
Trump is always on par, man. He's got some bad policies. He's just got fewer bad policies than the other guy.
And he's got a lot of good policies, actually. I mean, I hate saying that, you know, in our last podcast, we talked about, you know, not being
Republican or Democrat, but we're with, we're, we're, we're kingdom kids. We're for the kingdom of Christ.
And so we're going to vote whichever way is going to be more biblical, like you said, and, uh, and then the way that's going to love our neighbors better.
And then certainly Kamala is not Kamala communism is the way to go. Yeah. And, and personally, you know,
I feel the weight of this, uh, because I just saw an interview recently that, uh,
John Harris did with Trevor Loudon and Trevor Loudon is an expert on communism. He was, he was actually featured in enemies within the church.
If anybody's seen that and he, he, he traces in this interview, he actually wrote a book, it's a 700 page book that was just released on Amazon where he traces the communistic past of Kamala Harris, uh, from childhood, she's been trained in communism.
And, and of course, she's not going to come right out and say that, but a lot of the things she's saying, a lot of the sayings that she's saying are consistent with communism.
So there's, there's a lot on the line in this election. Uh, literally our country is, is in the balance and we, as Christians have a grave response, a great responsibility to, to really announce what's going on, to be honest, to tell the truth.
Yeah. So, so joy, you have an agenda to share here. Yeah. So, so this right now, if you're, if you're logged in, um, you, you're probably look, you may be watching us from Facebook.
You may be watching us from YouTube tomorrow at night. We'll also have our Twitter stream available.
So if you're familiar with any of those, obviously you got here one of those ways. So, um, just log on like you normally do.
We're going to start at eight o 'clock. You'll be able to log into the chat and we'll have instructions for you.
If you're, um, if your name's not showing up properly, we're going to have instructions for how to do that.
Uh, so folks can log in at eight and just chat with each other. Also, uh, at eight 30,
Seth and I, and, uh, uh, Pastor Jeff and Pastor Tim and Elder Ivan, we're all going to start chatting about what we expect to see.
Wonderful. What we're going to be looking out for, right? Yep. Yeah. And if you're in the Midwest at the times are central time, of course, and that would be a seven 30 when we go live and a seven o 'clock, if you want to join the chat.
Uh, but yeah, the debate starts eight central nine o 'clock Eastern time.
Uh, yeah. Well, the debate starts. Yeah. That's when the debate starts. So, yeah. And when the debate starts, we're going to have to not show the video, but we can watch it and we can comment, you know, if, if, uh, if you don't like what's going on or we want to applaud it, we can just comment and people can turn it down.
You know, we're, we're talking too much and then, and then, and then they come back at 10 30 when the debate's over and we'll do a post analysis from a
Christian perspective. Yep. Yep. That's right. Yeah. So we'll, as it says here, yeah. The first half an hour, we'll just kind of preview it, say what we expect.
Uh, we'll do a little, maybe a little bit of talking over them, but we also want to listen to them, um, as they debate.
And then also during the breaks, we'll make comments, um, as well. Uh, and those commercial breaks can get kind of long.
So we should have some time there. And then, uh, like, like, like, yeah, they, they, they do a, don't they do a commercial break?
I don't know. I don't know. That's, that's, I don't, that's a good question all the time. You know, I don't think they do it for the presidential.
Maybe they will do it for the V. Oh yeah. Well, if they don't, then we won't be able to, but, but, uh, we'll, we'll for sure get an opportunity afterwards to, to make our, uh, make our points.
But do you know what channel, uh, who's doing the debate by the way? I was wondering that ABC did the last debacle.
We know that. So I think it's, I think it's Fox and I think it's, uh, uh, but I know
CBS is also broadcasting it. It may be all of them. I'm not sure. Okay. So if it's
Fox, but if people tune in to tear down high places, we'll tell them where to go.
Yes, that's correct. Yeah. We'll have that info tomorrow for sure. Yep. That's correct. And you guys get to go to, uh, uh, to bed at a decent time there,
Seth. Yeah. It's going to be a late night for you guys. Yeah. Not as late as election night, but you know what,
I guess election night isn't late anymore with all the, all the paper ballots, right?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah, the way things are, and of course the way it was four years ago, we didn't know till days after.
And if they started saying things like, we're not going to know the night of, we, we know something's up at that, at that time, but says if, if he gets elected, he's going to get rid of this paper ballot nonsense,
I hate it. Actually, they're going to have to fix.
He's going to have to fix just about everything. If he gets in there. No, a lot. He's going to have a lot of work ahead of him.
Well, hopefully he can fix some things with a, uh, with a
Republican Congress that will be able to put things in place. It's not that easy to get things out.
I mean, you know, Obamacare is still in there and they tried many times to get rid of Obamacare.
They chunked away at it, chipped away. Um, but those executive orders, man, blow them away like a, like a leaf, you know?
And we're going to do a future episode to before, before the election, uh, just encouraging pastors.
And this is my, this is my, my heart right here. My plea, uh, encouraging pastors to instructor congregations, how to vote and to vote and how to vote.
Um, cause I, I'm concerned that not enough, that not enough of that's going to happen because an
America without, uh, understanding what's going on and understanding the magnitude of what's going on is going to be a very dark
America in the future. So, so that, so anybody listening to this, you can look ahead sometime here in October, we're going to have an episode where we go through that.
Um, that, that sound good to Joe. Sounds good to me, man. All right. So yeah, yeah.
Give a couple of closing thoughts. And I don't want this to be too, too long. More if it's 10 minutes, people might watch a little bit.
Um, yeah. Do you have any, yeah. What do you got? What do you think? What do you think? What are you expecting tomorrow night, Seth?
Come on, tell us. Yeah. What's my, what's my prediction right now? Okay. I'll get, I'll give you a, I'll give you my prediction right now.
And I'll say it again tomorrow. If you show up early tomorrow. Um, but my prediction is,
I believe that. Uh, I think Tim walls, he's actually very good at speaking without actually saying anything.
Uh, he, he, he's a gifted politician in the most negative sense of an understanding of what a politician is.
Uh, but I don't think he's a good debater. He's even said, he's not a great debater.
Um, but I think Vance is a far more intelligent man. Um, and he's a much more virtuous man.
I don't know. He is a Catholic. I don't, I don't know if he's born again, but he, he is at least like he at least has a moral compass where Tim walls does not, uh,
Tim walls pretty much goes wherever the wind blows. Um, he was, uh, when he was a
Congressman in Southern Minnesota, my home state. Uh, he was a second amendment guy.
He was more conservative and he that's how he won the election there and won several times as a
Congressman. Then when he started running for governor, he all of a sudden moved away from the center and further to the left and look where he is now.
I mean, he's, he's pretty much as radical as, as Kamala Harris, you know? So, so, so when, when we watched him walls tomorrow, what people need to understand is that he doesn't have any convictions.
He doesn't have any sense of morality. Uh, he, he's a Senate for power and for himself.
I mean, I'm, I'm just being really Frank here. That's just, that's just, that's just the fact of the matter based on off of what we've seen from him now.
Yeah. JD Vance, on the other hand, I think is a decent man. Um, and I think he's,
I think he is more intelligent too. So I hope that, I hope that shows in the debate and where he can just destroy
Tim walls is a false arguments. Yeah. Well, hopefully he has a
Christian worldview that shines through. I haven't seen enough of him to say that it has for sure. I did watch his movie about his childhood and growing up.
Um, so yeah, I'd love to see more about him and, and find out who he is.
And, uh, I'd be really interested. I'm going to be on the lookout for Ken JD call out, um, the democratic policies that they're not speaking about.
Right. Yeah. I've noticed Kamala is just man running to the right as if she's, you know, more, more conservative than Ronald Reagan.
She's got commercials on television saying that Trump wants to raise taxes in 15 categories.
I'm like, well, I didn't hear about that. Did you hear about that?
Jerry, about these 15 categories where he wants to raise taxes. I don't, I haven't heard him say anything.
Yeah. I mean, you can't believe anything that they say. I mean,
I think that's what it comes down to. And here's something interesting too. But you know, when we think about the abortion issue, um, from a, from a reliable source,
I was at, I was at an event, uh, it was actually a political event, it was a moms for Liberty event a few days back.
Um, and I was talking to a guy there and he said that pro -life people are very upset at Donald Trump based off of, you know, reproductive rights, you know, comments like that.
They got in his ear and they called him out. And I don't know if you've noticed this, but all of a sudden he's more conservative on that issue again.
And, uh, he's during the last debate, Donald Trump said, my view is the same view as Ronald Reagan, which is rape and incest exceptions.
So again, much more conservative than what he has been saying. Yeah. So I found that very interesting.
So it'll be interesting to see tomorrow. If JD Vance says my view is the
Reagan view. Um, or if he goes soft, like, uh, like Trump was going, that'll be interesting to find out tomorrow.
Yeah. So, so pastor Jeff will be on here tomorrow night talking. He had a recent sermon where he was.
Preaching about lying and saying that you're never allowed to lie as a Christian, even if you've got
Jews trapped in your basement and you live in 1935, Nazi Germany and, and, and which, which, you know, a lot of us would say, well, come on,
I can lie then. But, um, what, what, what I do like about Trump is that his intuitions are usually right.
It's when he gets too much like a politician and, and, and what you just mentioned where he's quoting
Ronald Reagan, now he's being a politician, but his original answer, I remember back in 2016, when he was asked about abortion, they asked him, they said, well, do you believe the, uh, uh, when a woman, uh, has an abortion that she should, uh, be held accountable?
And he said, of course, you know, yeah, of course you should. Right. That's a very conservative, very biblical position.
Yeah. It's logical, right? If, if an action takes place, that person that took the action should be held accountable for said action.
Yeah. You know, so he's got good instincts usually. And he, and, and I think, I think we, sometimes we're, we're, we're appalled that he shares his instincts, uh, you know, so, so, so liberally, uh, and that, but then sometimes, you know, not so much.
Right. So that, but he gets political instinct. If someone were to ask me, okay, let's say, let's say
I'm on that debate stage with Tim walls and they, they think they're going to get me on my radical, uh, pro -life views, you know,
I would say, you know what I, my view agrees with the Bible and science. Okay.
I am pro science, you know, from conception, this baby is a person. Okay. So, so, you know, my view and you know, my view fits reality.
Okay. Let's talk about their view. Let's talk about what truly is radical here that a child, a baby could be aborted not only late in the pregnancy, but also once the baby comes out of the womb, a botched abortion, or you can just let the baby die.
Uh, almost all of the house Democrats voted for that in 2023. And so that, that, that is the view of the democratic party.
I mean, that's, that's a fact. That's a fact they voted on it. Anybody can look it up. Uh, yeah.
So they can't run from that. So yeah, if you're Vance, you, that's how you answer the question.
It's going to be exciting. Get here early tomorrow. We're going to have Seth on. We're going to have pastor
Jeff. We're going to have pastor Tim. And, uh, for the first time we're going to have elder Ivan Salero.
Yeah. Next you're going to love meeting. Uh, yeah, I haven't met Ivan. Yeah.
I've heard about him looking forward to meeting Ivan. And, uh, yeah. And I'll just say one more time. I, I, yeah, if we'd love to have you, this will be a different commentary than you get anywhere else.
That would be my, that would be my selling point. Um, to anybody listening to right now and tell your friends and we'd love to have you with us tomorrow evening.
And we're going to share this video on some social, so you can share this video with some people and invite them out until tomorrow, brother down.
Lift them up. See, I please tear it down, tear it down. Come on,