Taking A Good Hard Look At The Game Film - My Involvement in Tobias/Webbon Incident

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All right, everybody. Welcome back to the channel. It is Wednesday, December 4th, year of our
Lord 2024. And you know, I'm a, I'm a bit of a white pillar.
You know what I mean? One of the things that I cannot stand are people that constantly black pill or even movements that constantly black pill.
And that's just not what I'm about. You know what I mean? You got to move forward. You got to figure out what went wrong, why things aren't going well.
And then once you've identified the reasons for that, you can make adjustments. You can change. It's kind of like the
New York Jets. You know what I mean? Well, maybe not like the Jets. It's like what the Jets want to do. You know what
I mean? Every time they lose another game in epic fashion, the coach always says the same thing.
He says, oh, you know that we're going to take a good hard look at the tape and we're going to practice and then next week we're going to fix it.
Well, he doesn't know what he's doing, so obviously it doesn't work for him, but that's a good strategy.
You should want to do that. Take a good hard look at the tape and move forward. Fix the problems, get better, do better, and move on.
And that's what I'm going to do in this video today. Not like the Jets do it. Definitely not like the Jets. I would say more like,
I don't know, the Bills. Maybe more like the Bills. Yeah, like the Bills. Yeah, that's what we're going to do today.
Today's going to be about white pills. It's going to be about analyzing the game that we just had and fixing the problems, moving forward, passing out white pills.
Look, the sky is not falling. Oh, yes, that is right, man.
You know, AD Robles, he's known for white pills. It's as simple as that. I'm all about white pills.
And so, you know, I see a lot of comments and I understand. I'm not saying that this is wrong to do this.
A lot of comments about how discouraged they are about all of the fighting and how, you know, the movement is imploding.
You know what I mean? That comes more from enemies of ours, but, you know, how things are terrible, nobody's getting along, and all that kind of stuff.
Well, guys, cut the blackpilling, all right? It's enough. It's just enough. You got to figure out how to move forward.
And that's what I'm here to do today. Today is kind of a little bit of an after -action report. You know, things have been said, things have been done, and it's not all good.
None of it is really that great. But you know what? I'm of the belief that you have to fight.
And here's the thing. If you're going to fight, you want to fight in the best possible way. You want to fight in a winning fight, and you also want to fight in an honorable fight.
And so I've compiled seven things that we can learn from all of this controversy.
Now, I'm not saying the controversy is over. It's not. I'm not saying it's over. But these are seven things that I've been thinking through over the last,
I don't know, say week and a half, two weeks, something like that. And I think these are lessons that we can all take.
Now, some of them apply more to one side of the conflict than the other, and, you know, whatever.
Some of them apply to everybody, whatever. Just take them for what they are. They're in no particular order, and I will not elaborate.
So the first one, number one, you got to apologize quickly. You just got to apologize quickly.
If you've done something wrong and it's public, no matter if it's a big thing that you did wrong or maybe just a small thing that you did wrong, you just apologize.
It's as simple as that. Just apologize and move forward. Ask for forgiveness where it's necessary.
You know, don't go deleting tweets and stuff like that. You know, I know some people do that.
I don't like that. Because when you delete the tweets, it's sort of like a faux apology where it's like you pretend it never happened.
And that's not really what I mean by apologizing. When you apologize, when you ask for forgiveness, you need to acknowledge and really own the things that you've done wrong.
And that's something that you need to do. Everyone needs to draw attention to it and say, look, man,
I shouldn't have done that. You know what I mean? I shouldn't have said that. Things like that. I think that's something that we need to learn from this whole squabble, because there were so many opportunities throughout this whole debate with Tobias and Joel and the antisemitism and all that stuff.
Lots of problems. Some of them were small and you could have easily quickly apologized for them.
It's no big deal. And so I think that's one lesson to learn. The longer you go without apologizing, number one,
I think you lower the chance that you're ever going to apologize because you see all of your anonymous followers, you know, egging you on and stuff like that.
And by the way, guys, by the way, Moscow has a lot of Anons too. You know, all the people against Joel, you know, not all of them are public.
A lot of Anons are on both sides of this. It's just that our Anons are a lot more effective. Let's just be honest about that.
We're having a lot more fun, a lot much more effective, all of that. But you guys have your Anons. And so if we're going to have to own our
Anons, you have to own your Anons too. I don't think there's a problem with Anons, so I don't feel like I have to own anything. But in any case, apologize quickly, because if you don't, you might not ever apologize.
And even if you do, you know what I mean? Like delaying that, there's really no reason for it.
Just keeps the fire burning longer. And that leads me to my second thing too.
My second thing that I've learned is pick up the freaking phone. Pick up the freaking phone.
In fact, this is something I'm going to apologize for right now. Just in the spirit of the first one, I should have picked up the phone more.
Simple as that. I was in a mindset where I was, I saw my friend being maligned unfairly.
And in the most ridiculous ways, like in the most, you should have been obviously known that that video was full of it.
It was just full of it. You should have known, but you didn't. And you know what I did? I defended my friend as aggressively as I thought
I needed to. And I did it all without picking up the phone one time.
I should have picked up the phone. And the thing is, I have picked up the phone. I've had a number of conversations with some of which
I will not tell you who I was talking to because I'm pretty sure they don't want anyone to know that they're talking to good old
AD Roblox. But I've talked to people. I've talked to people. But I've also talked to Doug.
In the meantime, I've talked to Yuri. In the meantime, I've talked to Gabe Wrench. In the meantime, and you know,
I'm sorry to say, you know, all you guys that think we hate each other, we actually don't hate each other. We're just freaking fighting.
It's as simple as that. You fight sometimes. But I'll be honest. I should have picked up the phone more.
And I think that there were many opportunities throughout this whole freaking conflict where one side or the other should have just picked up the phone before you got on the stupid internet and said whatever freaking came to mind.
That's something we need to do better at. I agree. And I'll be honest. Gabe kind of put that in my mind and he's right.
He put that in my mind and he's 100 % right. Pick up the freaking phone. Talk to somebody.
Call them. Email them. Text them. Whatever. Like, you know, Zoom calls. You know what I mean? If you need, you know, proof that's not being recorded, just ask.
Pick up the freaking phone. Stop popping off at the mouth every time you think, Joel said another antisemitic slur.
Oh, like just pick up the phone and talk to him. Maybe you don't understand what he's saying. Maybe you're not smart enough to understand what he's saying.
Maybe you are smart enough, but you just don't know. Pick up the phone.
That's number two. So apologize quickly. Pick up the freaking phone. Number three, don't play dumb.
Don't play dumb. This is a big one for me. Like, don't play dumb. If you disagree with someone, right, but in your mind, you can kind of see why they say something that they're saying, but you don't think it's right.
But you could kind of see, I mean, it's like, I can understand where you're coming from. Just tell them that.
Don't act like, how could you believe this? What do you mean? Like, don't do that thing. You know, when somebody else has a misconstruing something that you said,
I'm thinking right now, I'll tell you right now what I'm thinking about was the don't name names thing, right? If you think that that wasn't about Joel, that wasn't about Joel, don't pretend like there's no reason that people think it was about Joel.
You know what I mean? And there's many situations like this. Obviously, I'm on one side of this, so I'm going to be telling you examples from one side.
But just, you know, don't play dumb. It doesn't do you any good. It doesn't do you any good at all to say, how could anyone read it that way?
We read it that way because it sounds that way. I mean, it's as simple as that. So don't play dumb. Don't play dumb.
And you know, our side has done this too. Our side has done this too, where we pretend like someone doesn't understand.
And I think like, again, our minds have been warped so much as we've grown up in high school and whatever.
And I don't think it does us any good if you say, man, you know, someone's questioning the
Holocaust, you know what I mean, or whatever. That must mean they're anti -Semitic. Like our side, don't play dumb.
Don't play dumb. They went through all the indoctrination you did. So don't feel like, well, why would you think that if I'm just questioning the
Holocaust? Look, look, I understand that many people who don't like the Jews question the
Holocaust too. I get it. It doesn't mean every single person who questions the Holocaust hates Jews, but you can understand why they would maybe have a few more questions for you.
You know what I mean? Have a few more questions for you. So just don't play dumb, right? So we got, we got, you know, apologize quickly.
We got pick up the freaking phone and we got don't play dumb. Now here's my number four, the lessons that we've learned that we got to do better with this.
Private messages. They're not private. It's as simple as that. You have a group chat, a secret group chat where you think the
OPSEC is perfect. It's not perfect. It's just not the case. Anything that you say privately, you have to just assume it's going to be public.
Look, I've been doxxed before in a private group chat, but I was fine. You want to know why I was fine? Because I never say anything in a group chat that I don't assume everyone's going to know about one day.
You know what I mean? So I'll say something and whatever. And if it gets out and I didn't want it to get out, well,
I mean, you know, it's, it's my, listen, it's okay because I, I would say things like that publicly.
Just remember private messages and they're going to be, and remember, they're going to be clipped out of context too.
And there, people are going to make whatever context they want. And so even if you have a good explanation for what you're saying, just make sure you remember that this private group chat, it's not private.
It's never private. It's as simple as that. You just have to assume that that's just the way it is.
It's just the way it is. So remember private messages. They're not private. Here's another one.
Well, let me just do a review like I've been doing. Number one, apologize quickly. Number two, pick up the freaking phone.
Number three, don't play dumb. You're not dumb. Don't play dumb. Some of you are dumb, but still don't play dumb. Number four, private messages aren't private.
Number five, none of this purity spiraling thing. Purity spiraling is, is awful.
It's just, it's just not, it's not good. You know what I mean? None of this purity spiraling where it's like, okay, well, uh, like, uh, like, like I'll give a,
I'll give you a good example. You know, it doesn't, it doesn't listen, listen, I'm not telling you what to do.
Everyone has limited time in the day they, you know, they want to dedicate certain time to watching certain people, listening to certain people, whatever.
That's totally fine. I don't really listen to Doug Wilson a ton myself. You know, pretty much my position with Doug Wilson's blogs and videos is if the topic is interesting, uh,
I'll watch it. Um, but I'm not one of these religious watchers. There's very few podcasts where I watch every episode and one of them, one of them is
John Harris, uh, Joel Webb and I watch a lot, you know, but you see, you get my point, right?
But none of this thing where it's like you write people off, right? I mean, again, I'm not telling you what to do, right?
But I don't think it's a good impulse to just write somebody off because they're wrong about this.
I think Doug is wrong about this. I'll be honest. I think Doug is wrong about this. That being said, I'm not going to write
Doug off into oblivion. You know what I mean? I'm not going to write him off into oblivion. That makes no sense. He's been very helpful in many ways.
In fact, many of the things that I see in Joel Webbin, that I see in Eric Kahn's, many of these kinds of people that are like on the opposite side of this fight,
I see exactly where they were influenced by Doug. I can easily see that.
So it doesn't make any sense to write him off completely. Listen, if you don't like what he has to say about Israel, don't listen.
It's okay. I think you should listen. I think you should listen because especially about a topic you disagree with him on,
I'm more likely to watch Doug Wilson on a topic I disagree with him on than one I don't agree with him on or that I do agree with him on.
Because the ones I do agree with him on, it's interesting, but it's really not that helpful to me. The ones
I don't agree with him on, they're especially helpful because they can help you to refine your own beliefs on it.
And you can see, okay, well, this guy, he's been very smart in many ways. He's on the opposite side of this one regarding the
Jews and Israel, Judaism, whatever. And so let's hear what he has to say. And you know what? Maybe he's right.
Maybe he's right. But even if he's not right, it'll help you think through things. And you know what I mean? Don't get all angry about it.
It's okay. It's totally okay to disagree with him. I think that's totally fine. In fact, when
I spoke with Doug, I learned a few things. When I spoke with Yuri the other day, I learned a few things about their perspective on this.
And it was extremely helpful. Guess what, guys? I'm not like on team Antioch Declaration anymore.
You know what I mean? I'm not signing the Antioch Declaration still. So this is the point, like it doesn't do you any harm to hear them out and respect them and all this kind of stuff.
It doesn't do you any harm. So none of this purity spiraling thing where, you know, and again,
I did get some messages when I even said, hey, I want to talk to Doug or I did talk to Doug, whatever.
And I got some messages, all purity spiraling, like, why would you talk to him? The purity spiral doesn't do you any good.
It doesn't do you any good. So number one, apologize quickly. Number two, pick up the freaking phone.
Number three, don't play dumb. Number four, private messages aren't private. And number five, no purity spiraling.
Number six, number six, this kind of goes along with the purity spiraling thing, to be honest. It's really the same thing, but I'm going to say it anyway.
Don't burn bridges. Just don't do it. Don't burn bridges.
Bridges are useful. Bridges are helpful. It's good to have bridges. You still live in your town.
If your town is separated by another town and there's a bridge in between the two towns and you know what?
It's good to have the bridge there because you don't know what's going to happen in the future. I mean, you know, maybe you'll need the bridge.
Maybe you'll have a new enemy coming from this way and you need the bridge. Don't burn the bridge.
It doesn't make any sense to burn the bridge. Look, I, you know, I know that the, you know, the No Quarter November thing was trying to be cute, whatever.
And then of course the No Quarter November thing, you know, attempted to burn all kinds of bridges, you know, and I mean, it was, it was serious.
I mean, you know, they, again, they tried to destroy Joel, my friend, the part of the ministry
I'm a part of. They tried to destroy him. I don't believe anything different. I've heard people out.
I've heard, I've talked to them. I don't believe anything different. They tried to destroy Joel Webb and my friend. That was a bridge that they attempted to burn down.
And look, we don't look, look, look, it's not that we, we need to be connected to Moscow.
It's not that we need to have their, you know, their approval and all this kind of stuff. It'd be nice to have it, but we don't need it.
You know what I mean? Right Response Ministries doesn't need to have Doug Wilson at the next conference.
It'd be great if he could come, but we don't need him, obviously. But here's the thing, guys, here's the thing.
We should, we should bring our, our, our, our, our fire, uh, our fire boats, whatever they call it, you know, firefighter boats.
And as they're trying to burn the bridge, let's pre freaking try to put it out. Let's keep that bridge there.
There's so much about Moscow that I love. There's so much about cross politic and canon and all this stuff that is helpful and useful and stuff like that.
And look, I don't think Doug is necessarily going to be speaking at a Right Response Ministries conference anytime soon, but I don't know the future.
I don't know the future. I don't know what's going to happen. And I'd prefer that the bridge is an option.
I'd prefer the bridge to be there. Okay. Because we're all believers. We're all pretty much on the same page in every way, except a few.
And that doesn't have to be enough to burn the bridge. It doesn't. I would gladly appear on cross politic.
I would gladly appear, uh, I'd gladly go to Moscow for a visit, you know, hopefully next summer
I'll be back in Pensacola to visit Uri Brito's church again. I mean, there's, it doesn't make any sense to me to allow those bridges to be burned.
Now I don't, I'm not saying that the no quarter November thing was about Joel Webbin, but you know, the, the, the coinciding of these things is just, even if it's just providential, it's there, it's just there.
And so as they're trying to burn these bridges, send out your units, send out your helicopters with the tub full of water, whatever the airplanes and douse it.
Don't let them burn the bridge. We're not locked in here with you. You're a man.
We're not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with us. And that's as simple as that.
You're going to have to deal with us. We love you. You can't listen. I don't speak for everybody. I understand.
Listen, even James White, you know what I mean? I know you don't like me very much, but you can't stop me from loving you.
That bridge will not be burned. You know why it won't be burned, Dr. White? Because I'm sending out my firefighters to douse that bridge.
It's as simple as that. You could try to, you know, to burn it all day long, but I've got more firefighters than you and we're going to keep that bridge up.
It's going to be there. Love you, Dr. White. Doug Wilson. I mean,
Doug Wilson hasn't been as egregious as, oh man, oh man.
I'm not going anywhere. This is the thing. I'm not going anywhere. I'm still a theonomist. I'm still a
Christian nationalist. I still believe 95 % of what you guys believe. And the thing is,
I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to turn into a, you know, woke right Marxist, whatever you fantasize about in your wildest dreams, just not going to happen.
I'm never going to hate Jews. I know. I know. This is the thing. I know that they're fantasies. They can't wait for me to reveal myself as an actual member of the
KKK, an actual member of the Nazi party. I know that that's the fantasy that you've allowed yourself to indulge in because of the influence of various people.
This is not going to happen. I don't hate Jews. You know what I mean? I'm not, I'm not planning on hating Jews anytime soon.
It's just ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. Anyway, the bridges are not going to be burned. It's as simple as that. You, listen, it takes two to tango, and as long as we've got firefighters, we're sending them out.
It's as simple as that. You just have to deal with that. You could waste your time trying to burn the bridge. It's just not going to happen.
I won't allow it to happen. Look, I'm on the board of Right Response Ministries. I will not allow it to happen.
Simple as that. Simple as that. So we've got apologize quickly. We've got pick up the freaking phone.
We've got don't play dumb. We've got private messages aren't private. We've got no purity spiraling, which combined with don't burn bridges.
And here's the last one. Never trust a foreigner. Never trust a foreigner.
The next time, you know, he doesn't even have to be German. He could be anything. Any kind of foreigner.
The next time a foreigner tries to insert himself into American political discussions, just don't trust him next time.
It's as simple. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Sorry. America is a better country than Germany.
It just is. It just is. And you can complain and whine about secretly recorded in Germany would have been a crime.
Nobody cares. Nobody cares. This is America, friend. And you're going to get wrecked if you come over here with that soft
German nonsense. It's just as simple as that. I don't care if it would have been a crime in Germany. I never will.
It's as simple as that. I don't care. Oh, you know, you shouldn't be able to talk about the
German free speech. Nobody cares. This is America, friend.
This is America. And I'm an American. It's as simple as that. And so you can whine all day long on your ridiculous channel that nobody cares and nobody's going to listen to about how
German in Germany. Nobody cares. Don't trust a foreigner. That's my point. Don't trust a foreigner.
No foreigner in its proper context can be fine. You know, a foreigner that has some things to say about theology.
Okay. Hey, I'm cool with that. I'm cool with that. A foreigner that has, you know, wants to tell you about his favorite dish.
I'm cool with that, too. Who doesn't like some schnitzel? I like schnitzel. I don't even know.
I don't even know what schnitzel is, to be honest. Oh, man.
You know, foreigners have many interests, you know what I mean, that I'm all about.
Hey, if Tobias wants to talk about soccer or something, soccer, not football.
If you want to talk about soccer, you can talk about soccer all day. I'm not going to tune in. But, you know, it's valid.
Soccer is totally valid. But the next time a foreigner tries to insert himself into political discussions over here in the
United States, here's the bottom line. Number eight, seven, number seven.
Don't trust him. Who cares? That's it.
It's pretty simple. It's pretty simple. Don't trust a foreigner. Oh, man.
How's that for white pills? White pills all around, man. None of this. Listen, we're fighting.
It happens. You know, I don't want to see any more woe is me, oh, we're fighting, this is awful.
And so I'm like, listen, some of it's bad, that's true. But the sky is not falling. We're all fine.
It's just as simple as that. We're all fine. And, you know, Tobias, maybe in another timeline,
I would have thought you were a swell guy. A lot of my friends seem to really respect you. I don't really see the appeal, but, you know, that's just me.
That's just me. I'll tell you what, Tobias, I know you don't think I'm a
Christian and you think I'm some kind of an attack dog and, you know, a hit man or whatever.
And listen, I don't hold that against you, because honestly, it's kind of true. I was defending Joel and I was able to say and do things that I didn't think that Joel was going to do on his own.
And I think he was smart to not. But I acted on my own.
I wasn't dispatched by a hit man is a little bit unfair because it kind of sounds like, you know, you know, somebody dispatched you to do a job.
No, I did this job willingly. It was like it was like in The Sopranos, you know, the one episode where the girl soccer coach is diddling the kids.
And normally when it comes to a hit, you know, the The Sopranos crew, you know, don't necessarily volunteer for that.
But everyone was volunteering for that one. Even Artie, even Artie Bucco. He wasn't even in the mob. He volunteered to do it.
Is that how it happened? Maybe he didn't volunteer to do it, but he said he would do it. Yeah. Or he wanted to do it or something like that.
Yeah. And I was glad to do it, Tobias. And, you know, I think, you know, you you you you had a point, though.
Yeah. A tack dog. Fine. I'm cool with all that. But you know what, Tobias? I'm I'll tell you what
I'm willing to do. I'll tell you what I'm willing to do. Maybe you're willing to do it. I'll jump on a Zoom call with you.
I'll hear your side out. And, you know, talk to any of your friends. I'm a pretty reasonable guy. I'm a very, very reasonable guy.
I'm not going to scream and yell. I know my YouTube channel and do a little antics and stuff like that.
But I'm a reasonable guy. And I'll hear you out. I'll hear you out. And I won't record it.
You've got my word. I won't record it. You can record it if you want. That's the thing. I'll even let you record it.
You can record it. And I won't record it. And you can do whatever you want with it. You could cut it up. You could slice it up.
Try to make me look bad if you want. Do whatever you want to do. I'll talk to you.
I'll have a nice conversation with you about exactly why I did what I did.
Truth is, I am a believer. The truth is that if you've got something against me, I'm willing to hear you out.
And I'll talk in a reasonable way, just like I always do. I don't hate you because you're a foreigner.
That last one was mostly a joke. But yeah, let's do it.
How about that, Tobias? How about you and me? And you know what? I'll tell you what. You could bring someone else. It'll just be me and you and whoever else you want to talk.
I'm glad to talk to you, Tobias, because maybe I've got you all wrong. Maybe I've got you all wrong.
Maybe you were just trying to help Joel. Maybe that was your main concern. It doesn't look like that to me.
But I'm thinking about ... Here's why I say this, Tobias. Because I'm really noodling right now with whether or not to respond to your latest video.
And I think you can assume that that one will be fiery. It'll be spicy.
Because he said a lot of things, Tobias. He said quite a few things. Things that I find objectionable and hilarious at the same time.
So I'm going to do my thing. But you know what, Tobias? Maybe I've got you all wrong. So I'm going to reach out to you through this video.
I'm going to reach out to you privately. Maybe we should just talk it out. How about that? Let's talk it out,
Tobias. Let's do it. You and me. That's all I've got to say today. In any case,