The ERLC Needs To End

AD Robles iconAD Robles


In case you need some convincing here are 2 gems put out by the ERLC. And if you are SBC, you paid for these! Non human animal persons: Socialism:


So I just want to make a quick video here. Sorry for the quality of this. I've just got my my webcam here
I'm in my in -laws basement right now. We're in New Hampshire. Just getting ready for the the big move we've got a few things going on this week and I noticed that one of my favorite
YouTube channels is called thinking biblically He did a video about yours truly.
This is the third video that he's done about me and When I was listening to it, I was I was laughing about it because in the beginning he starts to say that that I'm worse
Than I'm worse than wokeness. I'm worse than the LGBTQ. Whatever agenda.
I'm worse than Seeker sensitive he even said I was worse than murderers and I was laughing about it, you know, just to myself, you know
I'm not psycho. So I wasn't laughing out loud Anyway, I was laughing about it. And then he said
I was worse than coronavirus and that's where I started to Really question my life
Nah, just kidding. It's pretty funny though. But yeah, the big deal that he really doesn't like covenant theology
He really doesn't like theonomy and look, I mean if you don't like covenant theology, I mean, it was something really
I could say to you I'm not gonna really debate someone whose YouTube channel is called thinking biblically, but biblically can't even talk right now covenant theology, but Theonomy, you know, look everyone likes to use that as a big scary word
All I believe is that the general equity of the civil law that God gave to Israel It does actually obligate nations today not the specific law
But rather the general equity of that law and that's what I'm interested in. That's what I'm after That's what I'm talking about.
The whole video is just a very big miss misunderstanding of me talking about what justice is and how
God blesses a country that does justice and But he likes to what he likes to do is misunderstand when you're talking about stuff like that We all
I mean adults understand this kind of stuff, but he likes to misconstrue it and pretend like you're talking about justification
And how you how someone is made right before God which is of course is not what we're talking about These are separate issues.
Of course, they are certainly related. In fact, the Bible addresses both and we need to consider both
So it's not like they're completely disconnected from each other But it's a very simple, you know, he's done
I think at this point just about three hours Face planting on this one mistake that could be refuted in one sentence
So anyway, give it a watch every time I every time he does a video about me or James White or Jeff Durbin Or you know people like that.
He tipped he tends to get a bump in viewership Which he's earned. I think he's earned that I don't think there's anything wrong with that Anyway this weekend
I've been thinking a lot about the ERLC and I've got a lot of content about the
ERLC On Saturday, I put out a video called the ERLC is completely worthless and I I fully believe that I think that the world would be a better place
If the ERLC no longer existed, but anyway So I've been looking at my old content about the
ERLC Let me recommend to you take a look at some of the content I put out with the tag
ERLC. It's some good stuff I found two things that I want to recommend to you I'll post the the links in the in the in the description of this video.
The first one is about do you remember that video? This is classic. Do you remember when the
ERLC released? Excuse me a video of this? super liberal looking guy just you know, typical kind of you know,
Squishy progressive type of looking person. I don't really know how to describe it But when you see him, you'll know exactly what
I'm talking about. It's just absolutely classic Anyway talking about how the cutting edge of pro -life advocacy is non -human animal persons or something like that and And the
ERLC put this out about how how just like human babies in the womb Animals are marginalized and forgotten about and stuff like that and it's the stupidest thing ever and I did of course
I did a parody of this but anyway, it's really stupid and the ERLC actually apologized for this because a lot of people were like dude, what is this and And the
ERLC apologized. They said it was a mistake. It was released by mistake But we're also expected to believe with this apology that it was recorded by mistake
Edited by mistake produced by mistake and then finally put live by mistake
Nobody in their in their right mind believed that but of course if you're a Southern Baptist you paid for that The the second video oh you should definitely watch it it's it's
Unbelievably stupid, but I recommend it to you And again, your dollars are paying for that.
The second video was about socialism Now I started this video with about a two minute clip kind of joking about it
But then the rest of the video about 25 minutes or so is serious. It's a serious response.
It's Russell Moore on Socialism, which you probably pay for his YouTube channel as well. If you're a
Southern Baptist, I know you pay for his personal blog So all y 'all are out there basically helping
Russell Moore build his platform and you know build his personal brand with your money But anyway, it's a serious response about Russell Moore doing a video where he starts off saying
I hate socialism, which sounds pretty good but in the video You'll see it's just not helpful in any way and it does not do anything to combat the democratic socialism that we're seeing
In fact, it actually buttresses many of the primary points that a guy like Bernie Sanders makes and so again
This is stuff that if you're in the SBC you're paying for this and you really need to consider why you don't have to there's nothing
In the Bible that says you have to pay for it I recommend both of those videos for you one if you want to laugh the animal video
Which it's good if you want to laugh But at the same time it should kind of make you angry because you paid for that Garbage and then the second one the one about social socialism
It's a little bit more important and I think I definitely recommend spending, you know 25 minutes and listening to that video in its entirety and you'll see what
I mean By how it's completely worthless to the issue that we face today I saw somebody tweet that Russell Moore is the most important ethicist of our time and stuff like that And when you watch that socialism video that I'm gonna recommend to you you'll see that that's just unbelievable
Unbelievable Russell. I wish my wife was more like Hillary Clinton more That's the that that you're paying for him to promote himself.
Essentially. That's that's what this is The year I'll see is his he gets the interns all there just to promote him and his ideas and to basically
Thrust him into the political spotlight Which is something that he claims to have always been after since he was a little little little
Maybe not a little kid, but maybe a young man He's wanted to be a politician wanted to be a player in politics and guess what guys you're bankrolling that You're bankrolling his play.
There is nothing in me that says I mean, let's just face it Russell Moore will be in politics like an actual politician
He'll run for office and he's doing it all on the hard -earned dollars of Southern Baptists everywhere