Spiritual Transitions from Hanging a Picture

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One of the most difficult things for people when witnessing is the transition from the natural to the spiritual. This is a game we created to help sharpen those skills. This is a fun game to people with adults or youth groups. To play the game, you call out a person and name something for them to transition from and they have to transition from that to either a spiritual conversation or the gospel.


Alright, so this is the portion where we end up doing the spiritual transition game.
The game is something that we do so that we will basically have, many of us have this experience where we wish we could transition to the gospel from the natural world to the spiritual and this is a game that we play.
You can play it as well with your friends, just challenge people and give them some topic and say, hey, transition this to the gospel and see if they can.
It's a fun way of us training ourselves to make any conversation a spiritual one.
Now you can do easier things like say, just say a spiritual conversation but what it is is that those who want to do it a little harder get to the gospel and what we do
Monday nights live. For those who watch the Striving for Eternity Academy on the strivingforeternity .org
website and go to the academy and watch live Monday nights at 8 o 'clock, you get to challenge me to think of something you think
I can't transition to the gospel from and tonight the topic is hanging a picture.
So the question I want you to ask is if you could do this, I want you to be thinking about it and at the end
I want you to think of a way that you could transition to the gospel from hanging a picture.
How would I do it off the cuff thinking of it just now not having thought of it ever before? As we talk about hanging a picture, one of the things, if you're like the perfectionist type of person, the real type
A type person like myself, have you ever had that picture where you go in someone's house and it's just a little bit off center?
It's not level. I'm crazy with that. I'm actually to the point where I have on my phone,
I have an app that will check the level so that I actually go around and if it looks even a little bit off, it's like no, it's got to be perfect.
I'm one of those people that has to be where the pictures have to be exactly level.
It drives me nuts if they're a little bit off. I actually think that my children used to, for fun, just move pictures just to see if it would drive me nuts and yeah, it does.
So there's the reality that some people just like perfection and the reality is none of us are perfect.
Even though we might like perfection, we're not perfect. The question really comes is what's the standard of perfection?
By my standard, well, I would be perfect because it's my standard. By God's standard, yikes, none of us are perfect because we've all fallen short.
Why? Because God says that we have to be absolutely perfect in word, thought and deed, never breaking
His law. That's not me. In fact, I also know it's not you. We've all broken
God's law. We've done things like lie or steal. We've used God's name in vain.
We've coveted things. We haven't honored our parents. We haven't loved God with all our mind, heart, soul and strength.
We haven't put God first and foremost in all things. These are commandments that God gives us and we break them.
And with that, we owe an eternal fine. Because of that, because of God's infinite holiness, there's an infinite fine associated with it.
And we would spend eternity in a lake of fire, but God made a way of escape.
What God did so that we can have eternal life is that God Himself came to earth, paid the fine so that you and I could be set free.
Though we are not perfect, someone who is perfect paid the fine for us.
And by His perfect work, we could be set free.
That's how I would transition to the Gospel. Just off the cuff, I might in 10 minutes think of a totally different way.