The Marxist History of Critical Race Theory Part 2


Join Pastor Justin for part 2 of our examination into the history of Marxism, Neo-Marxism, and the ideologies behind this godless and dangerous movement. Critical Race Theory is the ideology that is behind every conversation today. Recently, Whoopi claimed that the Holocaust was not about race. Celebrity elites are making videos admitting their white guilt, schools are teaching CRT, and school boards call on the FBI to treat parents as terrorists. Politicians make oppressive policies to force equality of outcome. church leaders state that white people are racists and call for intersectionality training. It hasn’t ended there; CRT and Intersectionality have become the weapons many church leaders are using to introduce Marxism into the church. So what are we to do about this issue? Can you defend a biblical view of race, ethnicity, justice, fairness, and equality? Even though we all hear these concepts daily, do you know the history and ideology behind CRT? As the Bible says, “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8, NASB95).


This is Apologetics Live. To answer your questions, your host, from Striving for Eternity Ministries, Andrew Rappaport.
All right, and we are live. This is Pastor Justin Pierce and Pastor Josiah Knuckles, and we are both here to try to take the place of Andrew Rappaport for a little while.
You know, he's at a conference and he's doing a bunch of things. So we're all here.
We're just having a blast. We're learning and growing. Oh, look at that.
There he is. Hey, how you doing? Doing good. How's it going, brother?
Just walking around this airport waiting for my flight that's been delayed, delayed, delayed, delayed, and yet again delayed.
I'm hoping, looks like I'll make it to Atlanta. I'm hoping to make it home. How you guys doing?
Been doing well. Been doing well. All right, so I want to give you an update real quick before I get on this flight.
You're talking critical race theory, so here's the deal. I know you may not have gotten to that part of the show yet, but.
So I go to Purdue University this week. First time going to a college campus since COVID.
Wow, have things changed. You know, here's the reality on college campuses now.
You sit there and you have someone make a completely and utterly illogical argument about abortion.
You point it out and you know what the answer is? You're oppressing me. You're oppressing them.
I then say, well, no, actually, I'm not oppressing you. You made an illogical argument.
What's the response? That's your cis male gender white privilege.
That's right. Wait a minute. Who said I was any of those things? So here's the funny part of this conversation. She sits there and tells me that I am transphobic for saying that a myself as a man, a biological man can't biologically identify as a female.
She agreed with that. And she said, well, psychologically, you do. I said, but biologically, you can't.
She said that statement is transphobic. She actually agreed with the statement. But here's the funny thing. I turned to her and said, but you're transphobic.
You agreed with it. She goes, but I'm trans. So I get to define the rules.
That's right. So I said, you're an anti -Semite.
She said, how could you say such a thing? I said, because I'm Jewish and I get to set the rules. Mic drop.
There you go. That's right. And you have to do that. You know, they want to live in an anti -logical world where they define the rules and any attempt to argue with their definition is seen as oppressive.
So that's right. So I figured I'd give a quick shout out to you guys, give you an update. Had a great, great, great.
Let me add one more great conversation. A young man who happened to be in I was in Indianapolis.
The guy happened to live like not too far from where I was staying. His family contacted me and wanted to get together.
He recently came out as no longer a Christian. And this kid,
I'm telling you, he's he wants to study. He wants to know. He's a lot of philosophical questions.
I can't wait to get this guy on the show. He is wicked smart. Really, really good. But I had a five hour conversation with him.
It was it was really neat. So that was that was my week. Two great, interesting conversations.
So and I'm going to go board a flight. Well, have have fun. You don't have to put the mask on in the flight, do you?
Do you see one? No, no, I look just like you. Yeah. So we see how far this goes.
I usually get yelled at. But then again, as I pushed on Facebook, someone asked me on my way out here. Hey, put a mask on.
My response. I identify as a two year old. And I kept looking. That's right. God bless, man.
Yeah. That's great. Oh, no, no, no, no.