2024: Unlock the Bible with Logos

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📆 Mark Your Calendars for Jan 23rd! Join the thrilling livestream event featuring Nate Sala and Scott Lindsey. This isn't just another conversation - it's a journey into the heart of Scripture, redefined and reimagined for 2024! 🚀 Elevate Your Bible Study Experience: Discover the secrets of Logos and how it can revolutionize the way you connect with the Bible. Prepare to be amazed as Nate and Scott unveil cutting-edge tools and insights that will take your biblical knowledge to unprecedented heights. 💥 Be Part of the Excitement: This livestream is more than an event; it's a community coming together to celebrate a shared love for Scripture. Expect lively discussions, eye-opening revelations, and practical tips that you can apply immediately to your study routine. 🔗 Don't Miss Out! This is your chance to be part of something bigger - a movement that's reshaping Bible study for the modern era. Tune in, be inspired, and start your journey to mastering the Bible with Logos in 2024.


Welcome back to a very special episode of Wise Disciple. My name is Nate Sala, and I'm helping you become the effective
Christian that you were meant to be. Very glad you all are here. Come on in and join the live stream.
We are live tonight. This is a very, very special episode. Do me a quick favor and let me know where you're all are watching from.
This just helps me know where my audience is, where you all are. And yeah, come on in and join the live stream.
Also make sure that you like and subscribe. Just hit that like and subscribe button so that more and more people can benefit from what's about to happen tonight.
I'm excited, okay? So if you've been watching this channel for a little while, you've heard me talk about Logos Bible Software.
Logos is an absolute game -changer for the Christian who maybe wants to study the scriptures on a deeper level, for the
Christian who is doing a specific study with a fellowship group, you know? It's absolutely a game -changer for the preaching pastor or just the shepherding pastor who wants to lead the flock well.
We are at the top of the year. This is January 2024, so we're heading into New Year's resolutions, getting into the
Word on a deeper level. I know when I was a pastor, I wish I would have used Logos. I actually regret that I did not.
One of my colleagues kept asking me, too, Nate, when are you going to use Logos? I had no idea. If I had,
I can guarantee my preaching prep would have been cut in half. That's how much of an absolute game -changer
Logos is. I use Logos now in my own personal studies. Whenever I read the scripture on YouTube with you all in videos,
I'm using Logos Bible Software. Tonight, let's get into Logos. How can it help you as a
Christian? How can it help you as a student of God's Word? And let's talk about a very special offer to all of you who are watching this video right now.
To help me do all of this, I've invited my friends Jorge Gil and Scott Lindsay of Logos Bible Software to talk all about its features and how it can help you.
Jorge, Scott, thank you so much for joining me. Good to be here!
Definitely a pleasure, brother. Very excited, guys. I feel like we are at the entrance to Disneyland here.
So how should we start? Where should we go here? I'm excited. Well, just what we're going to do, and what we want to do is let the audience know what to expect.
So what we're going to do is we're going to talk a little bit about Logos. So we're going to give you a little bit of an overview of what we're going to be doing with Logos.
And then we're going to let the master guy right here, which is Scott, give us an amazing presentation of what
Logos is capable of doing. Now, mind you, we're going to try to keep you and Scott for an hour.
That's it. We're going to respect your time. We're going to respect Scott's time. But we're also going to let you know that what we are able to show you in 45 minutes or less is just the tip of the iceberg of what
Logos can do. So again, I am an evangelist for Logos. I am a Logos user.
I've been a Logos user for a number of years, and it truly changed my life. It truly changed the way that I look at the scriptures.
And also, I'm a seminary student, so it also changed the way that I study for seminary.
So with that being said, Scott, I'm going to let you take it from here, and then we go to the presentation.
Well, greetings from the great state of Washington. I literally live on the
Canadian border. If you drive one more exit up the road from my house, you better have a passport to enter
Canada. So I travel quite a bit, and Vancouver is actually my airport because I don't like driving down to Seattle.
Actually leaving tomorrow, speaking at a conference in Rocky Mount, North Carolina.
So family is going to go with me, and we're going to have some fun, some extra days.
But so awesome to be here. I've gotten to know Nate, known Jorge for a long, long time.
But yes, Logos. Some of you have heard of us. Some of you haven't. So who is Logos?
Well, we've been doing this for 31 years. 31 years, 400 employees.
I like to put that out there, Nate, just in case anybody watching thinks, you know, there's five of us in boxer shorts in a garage somewhere.
You know, we're a real company. Been doing this for a long time. I think we've actually kind of pioneered this space.
And you know, I've been doing this now for 26 years. And yeah, it was a tough sell 20 years ago.
Hey, you know, use your computer to study the Bible. Forget that. So really, really amazing capabilities that Logos has to help you study more efficiently, more effectively.
But before we get going, I wanted to share some statistics that I think kind of set the whole night, set the tone for what we want to talk about.
And that's digging deep into the Scripture. It was a massive study of about 400 ,000 people.
So I mean, big, big study. They wanted to see what does Bible engagement look like in North America primarily.
And for one, it doesn't look very, very good. Biblical illiteracy is at an all time high.
But they found something in the study that became the title of the study, became the highlight of the study.
And it's this. When we're in the Bible one time a week, it has negligible effect on some very key areas of our lives.
And I'll spell that out here in a moment. Two times a week, again, negligible effect.
Three times a week, again, doesn't do much. But this was the profound discovery.
When we're in the Bible, at least four times a week. And that was a discovery. Something happens at the four mark.
And you wouldn't think that, right, Nate? You'd think there'd be like this one time a week. No. It was one, two, three flat.
But at four times a week, it spikes off the charts. And this is what happens. Feeling lonely drops 30%.
Anger issues drop 32%. Bitterness in relationships, especially marriage, drops 40%.
Alcoholism drops 57%. Sexual sin, such as pornography addiction, drops 60%.
And the biggest stat, the biggest decline was anyone that says,
I feel distant from the Lord. Feeling spiritually stagnant. That dropped 62%.
So Nate, when I travel, I speak at about 20 conferences a year. I have very candid conversations.
People just want to share everything with me quite frequently wherever I travel. And I hear a lot of people tell me,
Scott, I feel distant from the Lord. Give him a big hug. And the first thing I'm going to ask Nate is, what does your week look like in God's word?
And I've never had anybody tell me I feel distant from God. But man, I'm in the Bible all the time. I'm in my
Bible study. No, no, no. Never heard that. I know why.
Right? Now, two positive statistics that came from the study was that sharing your faith jumps 200 % and discipling others, those that you do life with, your family, that jumps 230%.
So bottom line, we know this, right? We need to be in God's word more. But I love the fact that there's this massive study with a lot of smart people analyzing this data.
Now, don't do this now, everybody watching. You can Google later. But it's just called the Power of Four, Bible Engagement Power of Four.
It's an amazing study. You can download the study and all the stats and everything. But that's what we do.
That's why we started 31 years ago. We want people in the Scripture. So I'm super excited, especially tonight, to show you
Logos 10, because I don't know how long you've been with Logos, Nate, but Logos 10 is the new
Logos, and it is incredible. Yeah. No, I love it. You and I met already,
I think it was a couple months ago, and we were just talking behind the scenes about what features
Logos 10 actually have. I believe half of what you told me,
I didn't even know about, which is amazing because I use Logos on a regular basis. I'm super excited.
This is absolutely why I wanted you here, Scott, just to talk about these kinds of things. I know when somebody uses
Logos for the very first time, sometimes it can be overwhelming. Logos is such a powerful machine.
So I would love to have you explain and just help people out on how to use it.
All right. Well, if Jorge wants to, I think he's got all the buttons back there. Give me an audible.
I can see Logos on the screen. All right. Let's see. And people, please let us know in the comments, again, where are you watching from?
If you can see Scott's screen, and let's go ahead and stay on topic. Actually, let me make one quick announcement because trolls are going to come to the channels, whether it's
Facebook or in YouTube, and we're used to them. But make sure to be respectful of the topic that we're dealing with today, and make sure that if you're going to leave any questions, make sure that you put the word question in all caps, and then your question with proper grammar so we can read it and don't sound foolish when we're reading it out loud.
And then we're going to try to answer as many questions as possible at the end of the show.
So make sure you do that. And if you're going to be off topic or trolling during the live stream that I'm going to put you in the little kids table for like three minutes.
And then if you do that two or three times that I'm just going to boot you out. Okay. Cause I have the power. Nate gave me the power here.
So just know that. And with that being said, Scott, the screen is yours. Okay. And everybody can see
Logos 10. Yes, sir. Okay. So when Logos opens and I do want to say
Logos is also mobile. So when you have a license to Logos, you get it and you're allowed to load it on anything you own.
So Android, iPhone, iPad, Mac, PC, you know, no limit. Okay. So you own this for life on all your devices and everything stays synchronized.
That's a huge feature because, you know, you might start your prayer journal in the morning and then you get in the car and you pick up right where you left off.
We've got audio books, you can create reading plans. So your whole Bible study journey stays synchronized.
That's a huge feature with Logos, but this is the way. Especially for mobile users, man.
That is, yeah, that's amazing. You can take it everywhere. Absolutely. I mean, you know, I've been doing this,
Nate, 26 years. And I think when we talked about this and maybe, maybe I was bragging a little bit there, Nate, but probably the best thing that I've been doing the last couple of years, let's just be honest, is
I get to work with a lot of professional athletes. And last year I actually went to a very secretive conference because they don't want
ESPN in the parking lot and all kinds of crazy. But I taught a three -day event and I'm kind of the
Bible study guy. And there was a class I had, Nate, with just about every starting quarterback in the
NFL. I think it's very ironic that many starting quarterbacks are Christians, very bold about their faith, want to grow in their faith.
And the mobility of Logos was their biggest plus with Logos because when the season starts, they live in a duffel bag or what have you.
And, you know, being able to travel with an entire theological library on a tablet, iPad or whatever, huge, right?
But this is how Logos opens. I'm not going to take a whole lot of time, but want to point out the homepage that says right there,
Home. The dashboard is your personal life. So you can see my prayer journal, really easy to create your own prayer journal
I'm not praying, Nate, for all my children, the soap opera. I have nine. I have nine kids.
So it's much easier for me to just say, all my kids. So there we go. There's a reading plan.
I started a brand new reading plan at the beginning of the year for the Bible. But just to show you how easy it is to add something on your dashboard, that little plus sign in the corner.
I want to go ahead and add a daily devotional. Now we were talking, Nate, you love Spurgeon. There we go.
But I'm a big C .S. Lewis fan. So I'm going to, I'm just going to real quickly add a year with C .S.
Lewis. So it's that easy to just add and make the dashboard what you want, who you are, and so on.
Now the bottom part is what we call the explore section. And this changes every day with interesting articles from your library.
So we're just kind of divvying up theological articles, biblical insight, and so on right here in the explore section.
And we also manage some of the most trafficked theological blogs. And so today's blog was about what is absolution?
Is it the same as forgiveness for all you theology geeks? You're like, oh, that sounds interesting. Right. So I liken the homepage to kind of like getting a theological newspaper every day that kind of hits your front door.
Right. And for those of you new, maybe you've only been walking with the Lord for a short time. The Bible can be intimidating.
Theology can be intimidating. Right. So we're just trying to, you know, in an inviting way, every day, this changes with new interesting articles about the
Bible, theology, and so on. So that's the homepage. But I was trying to get as quickly as I could to where the real tools live in Logos.
And that's over here in the toolbar. And again, 45 minutes, it's kind of like test driving a
Ferrari in the driveway. But I'm going to highlight some of the best features in Logos. Library would simply be the button you click to go find all your books.
Right. So let me let me make that point. Logos is a curated library, but with amazing technology wrapped around it.
Okay. So it is real books. I know it's kind of hard to get in our brain, but it's books and ones and zeros.
It's real commentaries, real Bible translations, real Bible dictionaries and so on.
But what you can do with that in Logos is amazing. So that's what you would click to go find your favorite author or title.
But I want to show you, Nate, the most talked about feature in Logos 10.
So again, 31 years, we've only had 10 major releases. This is the most tweeted about or how do you say that?
That's not even Twitter anymore. Anyway, like it created a social media frenzy when when this new feature dropped.
So I'm going to click search. And when you open up search, there's multiple ways to search in Logos.
You can do an all search, just look for everything, right? You could be specific to the Bible by clicking
Bible. So this would be, you know, I want to find the word marriage in the Gospels, you know, that kind of thing.
I'm trying to find a Bible verse. So that would be a Bible search. But here it is. It's called the books search.
Now, I'm going to reach up Nate to my bookshelf. And I'm going to pull a book down.
And it's paper. You know, I'm old enough Nate to remember, you know, when I first started doing ministry and studying the
Bible, it's all we had, right? So I said, a lot of money, like the bookstore manager knew me by name, like, sir, knew when
I got paid, right? Hey, Scott, we got, you know, just send half my paycheck to the bookstore there.
Great investment, right? Investing in your study of scripture, wise investment. But here's the problem with paper.
We all know what it is, is where is it? Right? So I've read the book. Scott, I want to say something.
I had a class on ethics before this, and the textbook is only on paper.
And I am suffering because I cannot do what you're doing right now. So again, paper book, why is
Scott holding up a paper book? Logos is not paper. You know, it's digital, but this is the feature.
So this is a great little book, actually. It's called Everyday Apologetics. It's kind of a primer on answering common objections to the
Christian faith. Gary Habermas endorsed it, Jay Warner Wallace, Sean McDowell. It's a great little book on, you know, defending the faith in today's secular culture.
So I know this book's about culture because I read it. So let's just say I want to search this book.
So I'm going to launch the Logos 10 new mobile app. So if you have old
Logos and you've upgraded or you have Logos 10, and there's a feature, Nate, in the menu options that says print library
ISBN scanner. Now the ISBN, as we know, is that barcode that sits on the back of your book.
I'm going to point my phone at the barcode, and Nate, it just said, with the cover, added to your
Logos. Now what is Scott talking about added to your Logos? So again, I'm in search.
I'm in the books search, and I'm going to type the word culture and hit enter.
Now there's two sections here. Downloaded books is your Logos library.
So that's bronze, silver, gold. We'll conclude tonight with these curated libraries that we've built for Bible study.
So that's what this is. So that's my Logos library. But notice, Nate, there's a new section now in Logos 10 called print library.
And when I open this up, what's interesting is I did a Christian counseling live stream this afternoon with like 2 ,000
Christian counselors, and Nate, the book I used for this Christian counseling was the biggest book I can find. This is like a thousand pages.
It's kind of the most well -known book on Christian counseling out there. And I use this on purpose because can you imagine trying to find something in a thousand pages, right?
So there's that because I scanned it this afternoon. But notice as I scroll down a little bit, what's right there, Nate? Everyday apologetics.
And it's giving me the page number. Now listen, not only do
I see a preview of the word that I searched for, there's the word culture, right? But the reason why this is such an amazing feature is the page number.
So now I know to go ahead and flip to page 163 and Nate and Jorge, there's the word culture all over this printed page.
Love it. So listen, for those of you that have invested a lot of money over the years in paper, we just recouped that investment, right?
Wise investment, but what's the problem? Where is it? Now, disclaimer, you have to have
Logos gold or higher. So we'll conclude this evening with the different libraries.
That's when the feature kind of shows up. And it does have to be a theological book, Nate. I can't scan my barbecue books.
My wife can't scan her gardening. She's a flower farmer. It has to be a theological book.
And it has to be. So here's a number I forgot to kind of start this evening with. Logos now,
Nate, has 200 ,000 theological books in our format.
Largest theological library available. So it just has to be one of those. And Nate, I've done this probably to 200 books in my theological library, kind of scanned my favorites.
There was three books that we didn't have yet, right? And now I'm using my books way more than I have the last 10 years or 20 years.
I mean, I was blowing dust off of some of them to scan the barcode. Now all of a sudden, I'm using them again, right?
Scott, I can't overstate. So at the beginning, I talked about how when I was a pastor,
I just did not use Logos. And like I said, I had a colleague and he's like, Nate, when are you going to use Logos, man? You got to use it.
That was one of the reasons why, Scott. I felt like, why? I already have all of these printed books on my shelf.
Now I have to let go of those books and then go to this digital library and buy the same books.
That was one of those barriers in my mind. This is absolutely amazing. Yeah. There's been a couple of conferences,
Nate, where the MC had me do it again. I don't know if I believe what
I just saw Scott do from the podium, right? Scott, quick.
I just scanned this thing right here. That is my textbook for school.
And he automatically added it to Logos. So now it's a sigh of relief that I can search now.
You don't have to flip through every single page and give it the seminary skim. Now you can just go directly to the page.
I love it. All right. So where we're going now is the best feature in all of Logos. I could do a six hour live stream,
Ada. Logos does so much amazing things for your Bible study, for your ministry, for your teaching, preaching, so on.
And I do want to point out, yes, Logos is a great tool for, Nate said, when
I was a pastor. It's really for anybody though. I did a 10 year tour with Josh McDowell that was just lay people wanting to know the
Bible better and get into apologetics. It's for everybody. Okay. And what's great about knowing that is wherever you are on that ladder, a novice,
I'm a scholar, I dream in Hebrew, right? So wherever you are, Logos can take care of your need.
Really can. But you'll never outgrow it. So maybe you came to faith last week.
Bible's brand new. Logos is an incredible tool for the rest of your life, honestly.
But the best feature in Logos, hands down, right here called Factbook. Okay. I'm going to open up Factbook.
And the reason you that have had Logos way back in the day, getting again, we've been around 31 years,
Logos used to be user hateful. Okay. Like if you didn't have a doctorate degree from Stanford in tech or whatever, it just wasn't going to happen.
Right. Factbook has solved that problem. So this is what you can do with Factbook.
When Factbook opens, you type whatever you want in that box. Now, what can you type? You can type a passage.
We'll do that in a moment. You can type theological concept, Trinity, omniscience, baptism.
You can type a person, place, thing. A person is David Esther Ruth or Billy Graham or Martin Lloyd Jones or, you know, person, right?
Type in today's date to find out what happened in church history. So here's a soapbox moment,
Nate. And when I say this at a conference, I look out in the crowd and people don't want to look me in the eyeballs when
I say this, but I've been doing this 26 years. One of the most disturbing trends in the church right now is the church is now going to Google for their theology.
Not a good place to go. Okay. Matter of fact, the story I gave with the
NFL quarterbacks, one of the guys sitting on the front row is Big Ben. Ben's growing in his faith, loves
Jesus, wants to know the Bible, came up after, and I spent hours in Factbook and said,
Scott, can you go back and thank everybody back at Logos? Because that's what I've been doing. I go to Google, type in a word that I want to know about.
Pastor said this or a passage. I don't know if I can trust this. Who is this person?
Do they love the Lord? Do they love the scripture? So this just takes all that gambling out.
Imagine if we went to Google right now and typed in marriage. Nonsense. It would just not be biblical insight.
So again, you have this in your back pocket. Factbook is on everything you own. It's on your Android, iPhone, iPad, and so on.
So what do you type in Factbook? Just about anything you would have. I wish I could hand slap many people that are going to Google, and I get it.
I want to know something, and it's in your back pocket. Replace it with Factbook. So if I typed,
Nate, something like the word a trinity, notice the nuance here. Trinity, maybe you're a preacher teacher, so you want kind of more sermon input, but if you just want to study the theological concept of the trinity, but look at other things, the nuance, trinity in the
New Testament, trinity in the Old Testament, the historical development of the doctrine.
If you're a history buff watching, we'll give you a whole lesson on all the councils and the battles that happen on the doctrine of the trinity.
All I typed was trinity. I'm doing a little study right now, Nate, on the characteristics of God, God's omniscience,
God's omnipresence, God's omnipotence. Now, praise the Lord, Scott can just type omni and not worry about how to spell omniscience correctly.
So we'll give you, you just give it a couple letters, we'll get you there. I want to jump into a passage tonight. I'm going to jump into 1
Peter 1. I want everybody to see what Factbook did when I type a passage.
It's analyzing it for two primary things. One is the text itself.
That's the red ribbon, okay? So in 1 Peter 1, there are four primary pericopes or themes.
So these are kind of the headers that, not part of the Greek or Hebrew text, but translators put them in there for us to know, oh, these are the
Beatitudes. And so it's those little headers. So in 1 Peter, there's four major themes, the greeting,
Jesus's foundation, being holy in all your conduct, and a new birth to a living hope. However, Factbook also says,
Scott, there's some big theology in 1 Peter. So we're giving you a choice. Do you want to study the text or do you want to study a primary topic in the text?
So text or topic, the resurrection, God's foreknowledge, God's holiness, the
Trinity and Scripture. Now I want to jump into Bible study. So I'm going to select here, be holy in all your conduct, which is 1
Peter 1, 13 through 25. So this is another thing I want to point out about Factbook. Context is king.
Notice it's giving me all the verses that I need to kind of really harness that theme. So I never go in here,
Nate, and type in John 3, 16. I type in John 3 because I want to make sure
I get all the verses where that kind of sits in, right? And that's important, right?
I mean, there's been denominations created because someone took one single verse out of the
Bible and whole doctrine created, right? So I usually just type
Romans 8, Revelation 2, Psalm 23. You know, you can be specific to the chapter, but it's important, as you know, to study kind of the pericope or the major theme there.
So here we go. Be holy in all your conduct. We're done, okay? So and just make sure everybody saw the word
Catholic. That doesn't mean Roman. It means, you know, the Catholic epistles are like 1, 2 John.
So we're just kind of showing you where you are in the Scripture. I'm in the Bible, in the New Testament, Catholic epistles, epistles of Peter, and so on and so forth.
And then right out the gate, commentary, because I'm in a passage. Now, if I had typed a topic,
Trinity, God's omniscience, whatever, it would have taken me to more like a dictionary or a
Bible encyclopedia or something like that. So for passage, commentary. Now Lexham is our in -house publisher, award -winning.
We're actually taking the trophies home now at major, not competitions, but they always award, you know, best pastoral resource, best commentary, best
Bible dictionary. Yeah, we're taking those trophies home now. So Lexham is an amazing publisher in -house at Logos.
But all we're trying to do right out the gate in Factbook is just give you a couple paragraphs, okay?
So this is the reason, again, that we go to Google. I just need a couple little paragraphs. What does this mean? Scott said omniscience.
What is omniscience, right? Type it, get a couple, you get your definition. But notice at the bottom of the preview,
Nate, there's the read more button. So I'm going to click read more, and guess what? The whole commentary opens on the screen, okay?
Now, let me show you a fan favorite. I know Jorge said I'm in seminary.
What I'm about to show for anybody preaching, teaching, writing papers, writing a book, blogging, you know, you're creating content.
This is a jaw drop, where have you been all my life feature. Here we go. I'm going to highlight anything in Logos.
Commentary, dictionary, I mean, anything. Anything I found in Logos, just highlighted a paragraph there. That box automatically appears.
Got your highlighter pens. I love to highlight, so you can do that. I'm simply going to hit copy, okay? So I hit copy, go to a word processor, they got waiting for me.
I hit paste, and this is the, I mean, literally, Nate, I've shown this at events, and there was some dancing in the aisle.
I think a lady fainted once, but here we go. Automatic citation. Boom. Actually, we were talking about that today in class.
It is amazing, man. This saved me so much work. And not only footnotes, right, the citations, but also bibliography and end notes.
So it does all of that for you. In any word processor, mind you.
Yeah, in any format. So some of you scholars watching are like, okay, Scott, that's pretty awesome. But is it
APA, MLA, SPL? It does that too. We have all the citation stuff.
You just tell Logos, this is the way I want it. Boom. You got it. I'm upset. Where was this when
I was in school? That's the deal, man. Yeah, you're just, yeah, you came to the party late, man.
I'm reaping the benefits of this tech, man. Now, let me show you a feature,
Nate, I think for your global reach. I really don't think there's a better feature in Logos 10 for the global church.
I mean, Logos, again, has so many amazing features. But again, for the global church, anybody doing global ministry, bilingual, maybe speak two, three, four languages, right?
I have nine kids, five adopted, two from another country, and one of them, we're keeping that language skill going because that'll be a huge asset to him as he gets older.
But I'm going to highlight, I'm going to scroll down just to show you can do this with anything. I'm going to highlight a paragraph, Nate, and notice one of the options new to Logos 10 is right here called translate.
Okay, so I'm going to click this. And Nate, what it does is translates whatever you highlighted into 111 different languages.
Now, this was an instance of a missionary. I was at a conference. She saw the feature. She came running to the
Logos booth. Do you have Thai? I did it in one second. She literally got teary -eyed and said,
Scott, this is game changer for me, that I can travel now abroad in Thailand with my Logos, and I now can do ministry, translate anything
I want from a commentary or whatever. And again, we've got everything from Afrikaans all the way down to Zulu.
Spanish is in here. We've got Samoan. We were talking about that. I was actually going to say something,
Scott, and it is that I do a lot of research. I base a lot of my work on Dr.
Heisser, and none of those resources are in Spanish, but this right here changed my life, especially for my
Strange Bible podcast. It is definitely a game changer, man. Now, scrolling now.
So again, top artifact book, quick answer on a topic, on a passage, but as we scroll down, we're going to start getting even more.
Another section, media. We live in a visual culture. It's almost not enough anymore. The text is most important.
Do your due diligence, study the text, preach the text, but we live in a world of big screens,
LEDs and projection, and I love it when a pastor takes advantage of the big screen.
I mean, if you're going to talk about the tabernacle, show me the tabernacle. If you're going to talk about Ephesians, give me some slides, right?
So notice here in the media section, we're going to create that for you. So we're going to create artwork for key verses and what you're studying, but notice right here,
I'm going to go ahead and click here, and logos for every book of the Bible we're in first, Peter will create your slide deck.
So there's the theme of the letter. There's the context of the letter. There's the map. There's the timeline. There's your outline, your main outline for this particular book of the
Bible. And then a blank slide because Nate, you're the one teaching this Sunday or what have you, and you're going to need a blank slide to create your own, your own points.
But that's absolutely amazing. But I'm going to take, can I take it to another level there? Take it to the next level, baby.
Do it. I'm going to bring one of my favorite authors,
C .S. Lewis. I love this quote, Nate, where C .S. Lewis said, I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it,
I see everything else. I love that C .S. Lewis quote, right?
So I've already highlighted in orange a long time ago when I read it, but I'm going re -highlight it.
And again, automatically that box appears. We've already done the copy. We've already done the translate.
I haven't showed you share. So drum roll. When I click share, the media tool is going to open up and you're going to notice something though,
Nate, about the slide that Logos in a nanosecond created. Here we go. Media open and look what it did.
It knew the book. Oh, wow. A little signature, right? It, I mean, listen, listen,
Logos recognized who said that in his or her book and went ahead and created the site.
Now some of you, some of you are saying that's pretty cool, but I hate brown. I that's a one color.
Yeah. I just, I would never do anything in brown or tan or blue or whatever. So notice Nate in the left corner, find media.
I want some options. Oh, Logos says, well, would you like CS Lewis space actually on the slide?
Sure. That's the one I want. Logos recreates the slide. You're done. Okay. Notice too,
Nate, that your social media hooks are up here. Now we're going to change the emblem here in a second. That's not what it looks like now it's
X. But if you want to up your social media game with theology and Bible verses,
Logos will help you do that. So this media tool in Logos is absolutely amazing.
We give you access like 32 ,000 images to create Bible verse, uh, artwork.
I mean, it's incredible. Okay. Hey, Scott. And I think one of the things that we have to emphasize is that as we move in towards a complete generation to speak visually, meaning that, that they are digital natives, that they have to attach, uh, something that you say with something that they see this right here is that is, is an amazing tool for all of us who are either in ministry or Sunday school or preaching, or even sharing the word of God with you, uh, with a, with a, with a younger group.
This is what makes all the difference, man. And listen, this isn't my skill. I love to study.
I love to teach. Uh, I'm not good at creating slides and literally before this tool showed up,
Nate, my slides were the lamest looking things you've ever seen in your life. And sadly, what, what do we do with the first lame slide that somebody throws up?
What do we think about the entirety of what they're about to teach? Lame. That's wrong. I don't agree with that.
That's one of the things I don't like about culture, but that's the truth. But that's the truth. Yeah. Truth that matters.
We're going to, we're going to make sure your slides look amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Now visually it has to look legit, man, you know, and, and, and that's how people are going to judge you.
Right? Unfortunately, it's not just for senior pastor up at the pulpit. I mean, this is for home fellowship group. It's for anybody who wants to teach anybody that has a young audience.
This is a must put it like that. Top part of fact book, quick answer.
The reason why you've been going to Google, stop it. Got fact book. Now the bottom part though, is what we call the dig deeper.
If you got a little extra time in the evening, you know, like, Hey, put the kids to bed. You know, I want to spend a good 30 minutes and in God's word, get to this section as fast as you can.
Okay. Dig deeper. There's three primary sections here. Layouts, simply lay out on the screen, the books you need to accomplish this task.
So I'm not going to do it, but if I click Bible and commentary, guess what would happen? Bible and a commentary, they'll scroll with each other.
You know, and sometimes that's all I want. I just want the scripture open with some, some good scholarly insight, Bible journaling.
Maybe you need some help with your morning time, your prayer time. So we'll help you help out with that.
So that's what layouts are, but guides are the real bread and butter of logos. Hold on a second,
Scott. So this is, this is really cool. And I don't want to jump over this too quickly, but Bible and commentary, cause you said they scroll together.
Can you just unpack that a little bit? Yeah. Click it. And now watch what happens when
I scroll through my Bible, the commentary just, just kind of stays right there. Yeah. This is how
I do my studies every morning and it's absolutely helpful. I'm going, DA Carson is walking with me through Matthew right now.
By the way, you, you can have multiple commentaries and you can have multiple tools link together, either you linked
A, linked B, linked C, and actually you can have two of them going in, in, in, in a different links.
And as you scroll and you look at different resources, they all move in in tandem. I mean, it is mind blowing the, the, you pretty much build your own layout and you, you make it play whatever way you want.
I mean, there is no right and wrong. You just go at it, be creative and you can definitely create some massive layouts.
I have like five screens and in each screen I have two or three things linked together. That's how
I do my research. It is mind blowing, man. So before we jump to guides, guides are the bread and butter, you know, honestly through the fact book, if I could get the guides and just use guides,
I'd be happy. Guides are absolutely the best thing, best reports and logos.
But I do want to explain real quick workflows. Not going to have time tonight, but I want to paint the seat on what a workflow it is.
So notice there's a basic Bible study workflow. Jorge talked about Dr. Michael Heizer.
So we have his research methodology. So if you're a Dr. Michael Heizer fan, you know, we lost
Mike last year, but I want to study like a Hebrew scholar. I click this and Nate, what you're looking at on the screen is
Mike's six steps on how to study a passage of scripture the way he would, right?
And the beauty of this is, you know, if Mike says, you know what, you should look at ancient literature, you know,
Philo Josephus, I would say, okay, Mike, thank you for that. I don't know how to do that.
Look, look, what's right there, Nate, underneath the step. We put the actual reference material.
So when there's a step, we put the tool there, the books there automatically.
So that's the beauty of a workflow is you literally are studying like Dr. Michael Heizer or Kay Arthur and the inductive precept model, right?
Maybe you're a preacher. I mean, one of my favorites is Dr. Brian Chappell's Christ -centered sermon prep, right?
I want to learn how to do that. I just click this and there is Brian's step -by -step methodology on how to build a
Christ -centered message, right? So that's what a workflow is. But let's jump into the passage guide because the one thing
I hope everybody, you kind of didn't notice it because it happened so fast, but Logos just did about a hundred hours worth of biblical research in about one second, right?
Now what is Scott saying hundred hours? I have a library in my Logos of about 8 ,000 titles, okay?
Logos just read every one of them, 8 ,000 books that would fill my house, okay? Not this room, my house and Logos is done.
So the best thing Logos really does for you is save you massive amounts of time.
You alluded to it would cut my study time in half, 8 ,000 books in one second.
That's just unbelievable. So there's all your commentaries lined up. All you have to do is click the link and the commentary opens on the screen, parallel passages.
You know, we're going to kind of connect the dots, old and new testament. So I am in first Peter, but I need to look at Leviticus, you know, and you float your cursor and you can read
Leviticus right next to first Peter 116. Notice too how easy it is to look up the Bible verses.
So there is no excuse anymore before God almighty not to look up your references, right?
Too easy in Logos. There's your cross references, right? Scroll down, important words.
Maybe someone watching tonight is like, I really would love to do Greek and Hebrew word studies, right?
Well, for one, you have to have a good library because you got to have the Greek dictionaries, the Greek texts, the interlinears,
Logos has those, right? But watch how easy it is for me to jump into the word holy, which is a significant word in first Peter, one click.
And if there's anybody that had to struggle through those Greek classes in seminary, you're now mad because what
Scott just did in one second should not take seconds, right? There's your links to your
Greek dictionaries, right? Here is where the word shows up in my preferred translation. There's the
Septuagint. Hey, hey, hey, Logos makes you feel that you're smarter than you are though, because it is really like, you know, after I finished using
Logos, I feel like Megamind. You remember that animation with the guy with the big blue head?
That's how I feel after I finished using Logos, man. Now, for those of you watching like, oh, this is great.
I want to do Greek word studies. And let's just be honest, you're going to get Logos in a couple of weeks in your men's group.
You're going to be dropping some Greek on those guys, right? Hey, you know, I'm just studying the text here and I saw this word.
Now, listen, it's good to know what the word means. Got to have all your dictionary input and so on. But listen, the first person that shows up at a study and says the word love, and then you say agape, you just lost all credibility, right?
Pronunciation's agape, right? It's like the one Greek word we know how to say. But so notice, Nate, next to every
Greek word is a speaker icon. So if I want to properly pronounce the word obedience, as a
Greek would pronounce the word obedience, I click it. Now, the speaker's in my ear here, but I just heard a scholar say, hopakwe, right?
Ooh, that sounds amazing, right? We'll pronounce the Hebrew, the Aramaic, the Greek, because again, we want to make sure that you are dropping your
Greek insight on your friends correctly pronounced. Thematic outlines.
This is probably one of my favorite sections for personal Bible study or for anybody teaching.
So what we're doing is we're looking at the text you typed. Again, we're in 1 Peter 1, 13 through 25. These are the main ideas, the main themes that I could teach from this text in alphabetical order.
And look, we're, you know, alphabetical order, we're only seeing the centrality of the cross C. I mean, imagine when we click more.
So we're talking to hundreds of Bible studies that Logos just kind of brings to the table. Now, when
I was with these NFL players, I used the opportunity to open this up, attitudes to money, because we've all heard the story.
Young man gets that paycheck, shipwrecks their life. So I thought, hey, I'm going to go for it. What does the
Bible say about money, right? So I opened this up. Synopsis is money can be a blessing or a snare, right?
Money is a gift of God. Dangers of being ruled by it.
We've got loving it, trusting in it, boasting in it. Examples of people being led astray by money.
What's better than money? Redemption. Salvation is way better money, right? Wisdom, a good reputation, a good wife.
Hopefully my wife is watching this live stream, Nate. Amen, right? Yes, good wife. So this would be a great outline for me to teach on attitudes of money or to have a personal
Bible study of money. So when I found the outline I want, notice in the right corner,
Nate, I have to tell Logos, hey, where do you want to put this? Now, if you're on a Mac using pages, now I am on a Mac.
I still use Microsoft Word. I know for some of you watching that is compromised, Scott. You're not all in.
I love Mac, but I just learned Word. I don't want to learn pages. So we got all the bases covered. I'm going to leave it at Microsoft Word.
Now, Nate, the right answer is the Bible. So I'll give you the answer before I ask the question.
Cheating. What's the most important thing in anything you teach? The Bible. The Bible, right.
So here's all these scripture references. Now let's be honest. I'm in a men's group. We meet Wednesday night. Let's say I was going to do this little teaching, drop this into a word processor, hit print, show up.
How many of the guys, Nate, in my men's group are going to get their Bibles out and look up all the cross -references? Zero, right?
So watch what Logos does automatically. I'm going to hit copy now. I'm going to go to my word processor.
Let me go ahead and clear all this out. Hey, what happened when I hit paste with that outline on with every scripture reference?
It's there. And it's out of your preferred translation. So when you load
Logos, we ask you, hey, what's your favorite translation? Is it New King James? Is it New American Standard? Is it
CSB, ESV? And that will follow along your preference, right? But for anybody teaching or feel a call to ministry, game changer to have over 5 ,000 outlines on how to teach a topic or a text built right into Logos, right?
Well, it's even more important than that. So right now over on the Patreon side of things,
Scott, I'm reading the Bible five days a week. We're going through a Bible reading plan. One of the things that you have to do as a good student, you know this,
Jorge knows this, is you need to do this work of identifying whatever the message was originally for the audience.
Then you need to carry that over into your own life. And what that right there is, thematic outlines, is basically
Logos identifying what that theme is so that now you can start to consider, meditate, pray on how that applies to you.
And so again, even in just your regular Bible studies, you are going deeper in the Word. You're applying it to your life. This is absolutely amazing.
Now, I'm looking at the clock. We've got 10 minutes. I've got to wrap things up. But I'm going to continue scrolling in the passage guide.
There's cultural concepts. We're going to define those cultural issues. You know, one of the difficulty things in studying the
Bible is understanding the cultural nuance, right? We live in 2024. What did they think about this back when this letter was written and so on and so forth?
So we're going to spell all that out for you. If I want to know more about God as Father, a new birth, the second coming, you just simply click the link and there it goes,
Factbook. So again, Factbook kind of becomes the centerpiece of Logos. So you click around. That's what opens up.
We've got music. We'll find worship songs. There's your theology books. So your systematics and so on.
But look, Scott's still scrolling. Scott's still scrolling. Scott is still scrolling. I'm still scrolling.
Still scrolling. That's the power of Logos. Okay. All I did to summarize is
I went into Factbook, typed in the passage topic, whatever, and then I launched one of those guides.
Okay. So time -saving, unbelievable how much time Logos is going to save you. But I want to segue now to one of my favorite things in Logos is how we're going to help you visualize your studies.
And this is always kind of the part of the night. I was going to tell you, man, don't go.
I know you're busy and you got to leave tomorrow morning and all of that, but I was going to let you know, do not leave without showing us the interactive.
This is where the chat room is going to blow up. All right. So in Logos, if you go to tools and scroll down all the way to the bottom, there's so many tools, but scroll down the bottom, there's a section here called interactive media.
There's hundreds of these. Okay. Some really amazing new ones actually in Logos 10. I'm only going to show you a few of them.
Okay. Just for sake of time. But this is where we visualize the scripture. So when Jorge said, we live in a visual culture, it's kind of how we learn.
So this is not only for personal edification and seeing the Bible in a whole new way, but in how you teach. You start showing people what you're teaching.
The leveling of engagement goes to a whole nother level. So the first one I want to show is called the Psalms Explorer. Now, when you first open it, just all 150
Psalms all lined up. To prove it, click Psalm 4. There it is. And look at the level of detail you can add.
This is how it looks in your Bible, but I could drop the Hebrew next to it. Parallelisms running through the structure of this particular
Psalm. But I wanted to show you it truly is the Psalms. Now, notice though in the right corner, some filters.
I'm going to click by book. And what we're looking at now is the five books of the Psalms. They're structured in five books.
And notice, Nate, Psalm 119, biggest dot we see. What is that telling us? Biggest Psalm, right?
So the size of the dot is actually telling us something. Author, who wrote what?
What's anonymous? What did David write? What did Solomon write? What did Moses write? Structure, I wish we had time because in Hebrew narrative, sometimes the writer would use literary devices such as a kiastic structure and so on.
So this is super geeky, awesome insight into the Psalms. But I do want to show genre because I think practically this is an amazing way to look at books of the
Bible, right? So we instantly see that lament is the biggest theme in Psalms.
And why do you think, Nate, I don't know about you, but if I go through some grief, sorrow, pain, struggle, Psalms is my book.
I live in Psalms, right? That's where I find comfort. That's where David is honest with the Lord. We just find great comfort in time of lament and sorrow and pain evidenced on the screen.
Maybe someone watching is having some trust issues, trusting in the goodness of God, His kingship,
He's on the throne. These would be the six Psalms I would live in for a while, right? Psalm 62, 1191, praise and so on.
But I love being able to see the Psalms kind of based on their theme, right?
Now, another great interactive is called Bible Books Explorer. There's multiple things you can do with this.
You can look at the dates of the books of the Bible. You can analyze every book of the Bible and what's the main theme, how many chapters, but I wanted to real quickly here show you what we call intertext.
And what this is is how the Old and New Testament talk to each other, right? The more we study the books of the
Bible in unison, the better student we are. Because listen, I'm going to say something that I get convicted about.
If I'm in an Old Testament book doing some study, am I thinking about the New Testament? Nope. If I'm in 1
Peter, Roman, am I thinking about the Old Testament? Probably not, right? I should be, right?
So what we're looking at here is how the Bible talks to each other. So if I float here, Nate, on Romans, what we're seeing here is
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy. So those books are cited in Romans.
If I come over to an Old Testament book such as Psalm, now what we're saying is Psalms is cited in these
New Testament books. Now, not only is this gorgeous to look at, we do have dark mode. If some of you are watching, does
Logos have dark mode? Yes. And this in dark mode is gorgeous, right? Like print it, put it on the wall, you know, there's your biblical artwork for the living room.
But I'm going to click now, Nate, on Psalm. So click any book of the Bible. Here's the proof in the pudding, meaning these are the passages,
Nate, where Psalms is cited in the New Testament. Wow. And the first passage is the one we're most familiar with,
Matthew 4, 6, the temptation of Christ, where Satan says to him, Jesus, if you are the
Son of God, throw yourself down, and then for it is written, Satan cites Psalm 91. So again, it's not only just amazing to look at, but you literally get to click any book of the
Bible and see those actual passages. Now, another great interactive is called before and after, where scroll,
I mean, we'll take you to Greece, the Holy Land, key archaeological discoveries, cities. So you decide where you want to go.
I'm going to click here on Jerusalem. And everything on the left, Nate, goes to Factbook again.
So if you don't know who Herod is, what is a Jebusite, where is
Syria, click Factbook. But this is why this is so amazing. What we're looking at right now is a satellite image of Jerusalem.
Take this bar here, scroll it across the screen. We show you what it looked like at the time of Christ.
Oh, my goodness. This is then, this is now. So I want to make a little apology.
It's like hopping on Bill and Ted's phone booth, man, and just going back in time.
So listen, anybody tonight that decides, okay, that's it, I got to get me some logos, you're going to lose some sleep, okay?
It's going to be two, three o 'clock in the morning here in the near future, and you are still digging, you're still in the
Bible, you're still clicking here, clicking there. But listen, wouldn't it be wonderful to lose sleep because you can't stop studying the
Scripture, right? That's what we want to create. We want to create a tool you can't get enough of.
We have miracles of the Bible. Look at this, Nate. You can line up the miracles on where they happen, things involved, who received the miracle, who performed the miracle.
There we see Jesus perform more miracles than anybody. And Nate, it's not just bubbles floating around the name of Jesus.
These are His miracles. So you click the one that you want to kind of dig into, right? Where do miracles appear in Scripture?
What books of the Bible? What type of miracle? Is it God's provision? Is it God dealing with Satan and demons with exorcism?
So again, you're going to lose some sleep. Now we're going to kind of wrap it up because I see we got about three, four, five minutes, and I want to share with everybody the special promotion with Wise Disciple, where we want you getting
Logos at the best discount. So this is the best discount, it's 15%. But we also have a monthly option.
So we're going to try to make it affordable to a budget, right? So let's go to the first library that I want to discuss.
So 15 % off in the monthly is called Bronze. If you're watching tonight and you just want to do better Bible study, right?
You got to have the right, you got to have some Bible translations, a couple good commentaries. Now listen, it's 150 books.
Now, those watching don't have a heart attack. It doesn't cost $8 ,000. What I'm saying here is if you were to buy all the books that we stuffed into the
Bronze library, you're going to pay about eight grand, okay? That's the normal price.
This is the special Wise Disciple live stream price. But the monthly option is pretty awesome because when you go to the website that I'll give here in a moment, if it works better for you to just kind of budget this out, $45 a month, after 14 months, you're done, okay?
So this isn't, you know, a lot of software is subscription forever, right? The minute you don't pay, you lose it.
That's not what this is, just a simple way to budget it out. Now, Silver is a serious consideration because I think everybody should be doing
Greek and Hebrew word studies. The translation tool shows up here. We bring biblical counseling into Logos at the
Silver level, but almost double the library. That's the value. That's the normal price.
That's the special live stream discount. The monthly on this is 60 a month for 16.
So we extended out a little bit, but Gold is our number one seller. Why? For one, it has every feature of Logos 10.
So the print book scanner, every feature of Logos is at the Gold level. Massive library, 650 books, really close actually to $20 ,000 as far as the value of the library.
That's the normal price. That's the special live stream webinar discount. But we have a thing we're doing for Wise Disciple for a week.
So I'm going to give you the website and the deadline. To keep that price down, I extended it to the max that we can, which is 24 months.
So notice, Silver was sitting there at, what was that? 60 bucks a month. But notice we extend
Gold out a little bit more to keep that price at that level. But that's only for the
Wise Disciple live stream. And I'll explain how to take advantage of this. Last library, if you're in Bible college or seminary,
I think Jorge started with Platinum because he's writing papers, kind of needs that level. This adds some of the best commentaries,
Pillars in here, New American is in here, Ancient Christian. I mean, this is really some of the best commentaries you can own.
Normal price, live stream, and the monthly. Now, Logos works on everything. Android, iPhone, iPad,
Windows, Mac, no limit. You can load it on everything you own for life.
And notice spouses can share Logos. So husband and wife can share a single license.
You load it on your own computers. So I like to point out the Bible says you're one.
We don't mess with that. So that's why we allow a husband and a wife to share Logos.
And we have free training. We have the best customer service. I don't know if you've ever had a need, Nate, where you had to pick up the phone and we actually answer the phone.
We're even open on Saturdays, who does that anymore? And we have amazing free training.
We want you doing better Bible study. So we'll stand with you and walk you through how to utilize this tool.
So here is the website. So for those of you watching, get your phone out, take a picture, but you got to get to Logos .com
forward slash Wise Disciple by next Tuesday midnight.
Stroke of midnight. We pull that website. Actually, let me show it.
Let me show it right here on the screen. And what you're seeing right now, guys, is that exact URL.
And you can see it at the bottom. It's Logos .com forward slash Wise Disciple. And it will take you here.
And here is going to break it down. They give you the breakdown for all the libraries that you can get.
And actually, we have a few questions, Scott, that we want. Let me explain also the special, the gold at the lower price point, right?
That's 62 hours a month. You have to email us to get this. We don't offer this. So you can't find it on the website.
You literally. Oh, and that's a mistake. So let me do a little edit because I don't want people emailing me because Scott's getting on the airplane tomorrow.
So you have to. So glad I caught that email. And this is all at the website, but you have to email webinar at Logos .com.
OK, and tomorrow someone will reply to you, tell you how to get this going and somewhere in the subject line, just say, hey,
I was part of the Wise Disciple live stream, really interested in gold at the 24 months that'll keep the price down per month.
But actually, Scott, I just had someone on the chat saying that they bought it before we announced any of this.
So we do want to honor the discount. So they all they need to do is email webinar at Logos .com
and say, hey, I click the button. I just went to the site and bought it regularly.
And then they, you know, unpack this discount. So make sure you do that.
Email them, tell them what happened and we will honor the discount. We'll give you the discount tomorrow, but make sure that you email webinar at Logos .com.
I do want to say something. Well, I got a question. There's a question in Spanish, but I don't know if you want to just go ahead and finish that and then
I'll try to get this one. Yeah. So maybe you have Logos 3, 4, 5. You bought it 20 years ago.
Couldn't use it. Didn't have Factbook. Didn't have the interactives. Didn't have all the awesomeness of Logos 10.
Again, man, I need to do a better job. Do not email me. You won't hear from me. I'll be at 31 ,000 feet in the morning.
But webinar at Logos .com if you want to upgrade as well. Again, all of this is at the landing page,
Logos .com forward slash wise disciple. Love to close with this quote, kind of my go -to closing quote, because I think it really does an amazing job summarizing again why we do what we do at Logos.
John Owen said, if the word does not dwell with power in us, it will not pass with power from us.
It's out of the overflow. We want you so saturated, so in the word that it passes from you.
It overflows from you in your conversations, in your ministry, in your family.
Those stats at the beginning, profound the first time I heard that. I was like, that's amazing to see what happens in our lives when we're in the word of at least four times a week.
With that, I'll leave that. Again, everything we said on who to contact, who is it, what number, and you can call us tomorrow as well.
We're open, normal business hours through Friday.
All that information is at this website, but I can't stress enough. If you wait till Wednesday, the website's gone.
We hold the discount for a week after the live stream, so you got to get here by Tuesday midnight.
Yeah, and I think that date is wrong. Yeah, it is. Go ahead and change it, and while you do that,
I'm going to head on and pull up some questions for Rapid Fire Q &A.
I'm going to try to help you answer as many as we got. Let's say
Ben and Megan says, is there a way to get the free book of the month on mobile? If that's still a thing, yeah, you still can get the book of the month, but make sure that you use it in your web.
You get it on your web browser and add it to your library. It's the easiest way to do it. Yeah, we give a free book a month.
Nice book, too. That is a significant book. It's not like some book that doesn't sell nobody wants. It's like, wow,
I can't believe Logos gave that away. We're talking sometimes it could be $100 commentary, a
Bible dictionary. Once you're part of the family, we take good care of you. We give away a lot of fantastic content, but you need to start with a foundational library.
That's what Logos is. You've got to have your Bibles. You've got to have some commentaries. That was the libraries.
Again, go to this website, logos .com forward slash wise disciple. It's right down there. Next question, is
Logos compatible with Obsidian? I don't even know what Obsidian is. I don't know.
Maybe that's a question for support, you know, or a webinar at logos .com. Maybe they know.
Maybe they know. Next, will Logos take you through the Bible in a year? They have chronological plans, so that's a yes.
How much is Logos? We just went through that. Daniel Payne maybe missed it, but when scanning books, can
I add everything I owe as long as it's theological and it's been, you know, in Logos?
Like, for example, I just did this book for my Christian ethics class, right?
So, this is one of the Norman Geisler's books that is published by Baker Academic, and there's no digital version, but guess what?
I used the scanner, pulled it on Logos, so now I can search the book, and then
I can go to the pages. So, there's no digital version of the book, but it's searchable now because it is in the
Logos library. So, that would be my answer. I don't know if you want to add anything to that, Scott. Yeah, I want to mention that you don't have to own the book in Logos.
I think a lot of people go, oh, I get it. I have to buy it from Logos, and of course, it would. No, no, no.
I have scanned a bunch of books I don't own in Logos. You know, maybe down the road, I might go ahead because I use it so much, but this book right here,
I don't own this in Logos. I just bought it at a bookstore and scanned the barcode, and now
I know what I'm looking for because it gives me the page number. Sweet. Next question. Bet for Life says, does
Logos use the TR, which is the Texas Receptacus, or the critical text,
CT? If using the CT, is Logos always changing to adjust for new or added manuscripts?
And that is yes. You guys keep up with that. Nancy asks, so which version should
I get on a strict budget? And you just gave the options, but all you have to do is hop on the logos .com
forward slash wise disciple. Come here and see what you can swing with your budget.
Yeah, just start somewhere, right? Start, fit your budget, but you can always upgrade later. So the great news is, let's say you start at bronze, but I really want to go gold someday, right?
Because I want all the features. I want that print book scanner. You just pay the difference. So down the road, Aunt Mildred sends you some birthday money.
There's your gold. You call us. Hey, you already paid for that. You just pay what you don't have.
We're done. Okay. So we've got people on like a 20 -year plan to get way up the Logos ladder, right?
Because we have actually libraries bigger than platinum. So just go to the website or -
Like a secret menu at McDonald's. You just got to be in a secret society to get the recipe.
And if you need to, call us tomorrow. I mean, we have an amazing team that wants to serve you, help you do better Bible study.
I think we even, in the comments when we started, somebody wanted to know about Messianic.
We have a whole line of Logos Messianic. So if you want to know more, go to the website or just give us a call.
Next question. How can I upgrade the basic version? I bought this a couple of days ago with the
Wise Disciple discount. So - Webinar at logos .com. That's it.
Does it work on Chromebook? I mean, it's in Chrome OS. So what's nice about that is one of the things you get when you buy a
Logos license is we have a web app, meaning you can buy the cheapest $100
Chromebook as long as you can get to the internet, which that's why you buy a Chromebook, right?
So you can check email, surf the web, and you have Logos, your Logos via a web browser.
So you go to this website, log in, and voila, on your Chromebook, there's your
Logos. So yes. Right. I do want to give the next questionnaire a quick answer in Spanish.
So he's asking, does it include books or content in Spanish? And what you can do actually is you can go to es .logos
.com, and you're going to see that you are actually going to be presented with different libraries that are bilingual or in Spanish, right?
So you can actually compare, you can go over here to products and you can do the comparison of all the different libraries that you can have in English and Spanish.
You can have Spanish only, you can have bilingual, or you can have bilingue. So there's a difference.
So when you get bilingue, you get more Spanish resources and less English resources.
When you get bilingual, you get more English resources and less Spanish resources. And obviously when you get a espanol, you only get a
Spanish resources. So what you can do is actually write them, pick your either espanol, bilingual, or bilingue, and then, you know, let them know that you actually want the 15 % discount for the
Wise Disciple audience. And then you will have your bilingual library. That's it.
Love it, gentlemen. I am so grateful that you have been able to join me,
Scott, Jorge, and that we were able to do this. For probably a lot of the audience was like taking a sip out of a fire hydrant.
So I just want to let everybody know that this video, this live stream is not going to go away, that it's actually just going to stay up on the channel throughout the offer.
I can, if I can just strongly encourage everyone watching, you know me, you've watched the videos now.
I've talked about Logos a lot. If the problem with our culture, with the world, is biblical illiteracy with the church, which
I think it is, then Logos is the answer. It's the solution. I'll tell you a little trick real quick.
The thing that I do here on every single video is I'm showing you that the Bible speaks to, it connects to every situation that is happening in our lives right now.
That's what I'm doing. And the way that you can figure that out and sort of train yourself to see things through the scripture is to get
Logos, to get down deep into the scripture. I highly encourage you, friends, take advantage of this offer.
I promise you it will change the way that you read the Bible, the way that you see the world.
So Scott, Jorge, thank you so much for joining me tonight. I'm so grateful. Absolutely, Nate. Thanks for the invite.
Thanks for having us. It was awesome. And I want to tell everybody who is on the other side of the screen that stuck around, all 80 plus people that have been with us from the beginning, thank you, because I know that you spent a whole hour with us, you listened to us, and you were very receptive.
So go ahead and re -watch this. Send it to somebody that might be interested in this, telling how awesome
Logos is. And you can be a blessing to them, right? You can actually get them to be in the world more and to save some money by getting whatever library they see fit for themselves.
So with that being said, gentlemen, thank you. Remember, this stream is going to be here, and the website logos .com
forward slash wise disciple is going to be open until when, Scott? Next Tuesday, January 30th is the correct date.
All right. So if you snooze, you lose. All right. I know that you guys are going to wait until the last minute, because I know how you guys are, you know, and then you guys are going to get four more, and it's going to be running, it's going to be next.
So just buy now. Just save you the headache. Just go ahead and get it now. All right. Peace.