Preach The Word
📅: 5th of January in the Year of our Lord 2025
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- for the reading of God's word. The call to worship today is from Deuteronomy 6, verses four through nine.
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- Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your
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- God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. And these words, which
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- I command you today, shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise up.
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- You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
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- You shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates. You may be seated.
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- Let's pray. Bow your heads. Heavenly Father, you are holy and glorious.
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- You are all -powerful, all -knowing, and everywhere present. In you, we live, and move, and have our being.
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- Apart from you, there is nothing. There is only you and that which you create. Father, nothing happens in your creation, except that which you have decreed.
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- No sparrow falls from the sky, no hair falls from head, apart from your will.
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- You know all that comes to pass, because you choose all that comes to pass. Father, we ask that we would have eyes to see it, that we would have eyes to understand and believe your word, that you would give to us a heart that desires to glorify you, and that we would apply your word.
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- Father, we pray that you would cause us, as we go about our lives and look upon the world, that we would see your glory because of the truth that is in us, that we would interpret all things according to what your word says.
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- Father, we pray that you would cause the church to be matured in the world, this church in particular to be matured.
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- We pray that you would mature our friends in the faith, our brothers in the faith, that you would cause other local churches throughout the world to be grown, and that you would cause an increase of unity in the church.
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- We pray that you would give right doctrine, and unity, and love to your church, that the witness of the church would be powerful in the earth.
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- Father, we pray that you would cause our homes to be well and rightly ordered, that you would cause men to lead in a self -sacrificing way, that you would cause wives to submit, that you would cause children to honor parents, and for all of them to work together in love, to share in the good things that you give to them, to work together, and to worship together.
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- Father, we pray that you would put our homes into beautiful order, and help us to have hospitality from house to house.
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- Father, we ask that you would cause in the church right doctrine to be upheld and preached, the whole counsel that you have revealed, not running away from hard things, not adding on things.
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- Father, we pray that you would cause right worship in the church.
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- And good government and discipline. Father, we ask that you would cause the use of censures to be effective for the recovery of those in unrepentant sin.
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- Father, we pray that you would teach us your law, that we would love it. Father, we ask that you would cause us as we stare into your law to see our own need of salvation, and that we would also see the greatness of the salvation that you've given in your gospel.
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- We ask that you would restrain the outbreak of sin amongst us, and that you would cause us to use your law as a lamp unto our feet.
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- Father, we pray that you would give to us all the things that we need to do our duties, that you would provide for us, that you would cause us to eat of the fat of the land, to ride the high places of the earth, that you would cause us to live long and to enjoy what you have given, and that you would cause the removal of curse, that you would give to us all of the things that are needful for our well -being, and the things that we can use to honor and glorify you, and to bless each other.
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- Father, we ask that you would help us to honor you with the first fruits of what you give to us, and that you would cause our barns to overflow.
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- We pray, Father, that you would help us to see the greatness of our debt of sin.
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- And the greatness of the payment offered by Christ. We ask that you would forgive us our debts, and that you would help us to forgive each other swiftly upon repentance.
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- Help us to interpret each other charitably, to look to see, are we sure that the other has done something that is wrong before we judge?
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- And help us when there are minor faults to cover in love. To not show off the failings of others, but to walk backwards to cover their nakedness.
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- Father, we ask that you would help us when things cannot be overlooked.
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- We ask that you would help us to resolve matters, to seek to discuss and bring things up, and to see peace restored, to be peacemakers.
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- Father, we ask that you would help us to put things in good order in our lives, in our space, in our relationships, how we schedule, the things that we buy, the things that we don't buy, the things that we put into place physically, the way we order our homes, the jobs we keep.
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- We ask that you would cause us to put things in good order, to remove sources of temptation that are obvious, for us to even search for things that are less plain, that we could seek to put in order to reduce temptations.
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- But Father, we ask that you would help us as we run into temptations, as we fail and neglect, but also even as we prepare properly, but still run into difficulties, that you would cause the power of sin in us to be subdued.
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- That not only the guilt of sin would be dealt with by Christ's blood, but that the power of sin would be dealt with in us by the work of your word and spirit.
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- And so we pray that the ordinances today would be used to further subdue within us the power of evil, and that you would quicken in us the new man, and cause us to bear good fruit.
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- We pray these things by the name of Jesus Christ, asking based upon your authority and power, relying upon his mediation, knowing that you will glorify yourself.
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- We are confident that you will answer, amen. Please open your
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- Bibles to Exodus 20. Deacon Rodriguez, please come forward. Please stand for the reading of God's word.
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- Exodus 20, and God spoke all these words, saying, I am the
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- Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before me.
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- You shall not make for yourself a carved image, any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
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- You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them, for I, the Lord your
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- God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.
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- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
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- Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the
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- Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it, you shall do no work, you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates.
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- For in six days, the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day.
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- Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the
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- Lord your God has given you. You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery.
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- You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
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- You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.
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- Now all the people witnessed the thundering, the lightning flashes, the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking, and when the people saw it, they trembled and stood afar off.
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- Then they said to Moses, you speak with us and we will hear, but let not
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- God speak with us lest we die. And Moses said to the people, do not fear, for God has come to test you, and that his fear may be before you, that you may not sin.
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- So the people stood afar off, but Moses drew near the thick darkness where God was.
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- Then the Lord said to Moses, thus you shall say to the children of Israel, you have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.
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- You shall not make anything to be with me, gods of silver or gods of gold, you shall not make for yourselves.
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- An altar of earth you shall make for me, and you shall sacrifice on it your burnt offerings and your peace offerings, your sheep and your oxen.
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- In every place where I record my name, I will come to you and I will bless you.
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- And if you make me an altar of stone, you shall not build it of hewn stone, for if you use your tool on it, you have profaned it.
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- Nor shall you go up by steps to my altar that your nakedness may not be exposed on it.
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- Please remain standing. If you open your
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- Psalter and turn to Psalm 16, I'll be reading through both parts this morning.
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- Psalm 16, a victim of David. Lord, keep me for I trust in you.
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- My soul said to the Lord, you are my Lord. My goodness is nothing apart from you.
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- To the excellent saints on earth, in them I take delight. But sorrows grow for all of those who chase after false gods.
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- To such false gods, I will not give drink of offerings of blood, nor will
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- I ever with my lips take up their names to pray. The Lord is my inheritance and portion of my cup.
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- You keep my lot, cause good boundaries and a good heritage. Oh, I will always bless the
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- Lord who does give me counsel. My heart also does instruct me throughout the night seasons.
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- I have set the Lord ever there before me in my sight. Because he is at my right hand,
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- I shall remain unmoved. Therefore, my heart is truly glad. My glory does rejoice.
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- Indeed, my flesh does even now in hope securely rest. Because you will not leave my soul to linger in Hades.
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- And corruption, you'll not allow to touch your Holy One. The path of life, you'll show to me.
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- With you is joy fulfilled. At your right hand, our pleasure's held to last forevermore.
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- You may be seated. Psalm 16 is often referred to as the
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- Golden Psalm. And it covers key aspects of life for the believer. It covers our total depravity, joy in the presence of the brethren, contentment, fleeing sin, storing the word in our heart, true joy in Christ, all of those.
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- So this was a particularly delightful psalm to meditate on.
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- So the outline of it is as follows, and broken up as our
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- Psalter breaks it up. The first magical verse is a prayer and it recognizes our depravity. The second is taking joy in the presence of the brethren and a specific warning against sin.
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- The third is about fleeing pagan practices. And then metrical verses four to seven are an encouragement to take joy in the
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- Lord. And eight and nine are how that joy is seen. So let's look at this first metrical verse and it's part of the prayer and the recognition of our depravity.
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- Lord, keep me, for I trust in you. My soul said to the Lord, you are my Lord. My goodness is nothing apart from you.
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- So it's a prayer and a plea. David here is recognizing what he has and he wants to remain in the condition of contentedness in the
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- Lord. He trusts the Lord and he realizes his goodness is nothing, literally nothing, apart from God.
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- And there are no good unbelievers either. So we should realize the razor's edge we're on.
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- At any moment apart from God, we fall. We are totally depraved.
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- But David moves on. Second metrical verse. To the excellent saints on earth, in them
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- I take delight. But sorrows grow for all of those who chase after false gods.
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- So this is David's view on his fellow believers. He takes delight in them. So think of the people in this room, your brothers and sisters in arms.
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- God has organized his people into battalions known as churches. And these are the men and women you're sworn together with to fight for his cause.
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- So these, all believers, but in particular these believers, take delight in them.
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- Each one is here for a reason. The next part of the verse is interesting.
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- And it's, explicitly it says, the sorrows grow for those who chase after false gods.
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- But the warning here is to believers. So we all know and can easily spot a pagan who chases, runs towards, multiplies sin.
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- They have no concern for God, only interested in doing evil. That's easy. But more insidious are the ways in which the believer has a relationship with sin.
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- We may not run towards it, it may not be as obvious, but what we do, we're tempted anyways to inch or creep towards sin.
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- So looking at something for a moment too long that leads over time to worse sins. The thoughts we entertain in the recesses of our mind are growing bit by bit and can't let them take hold.
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- So we are forgiven, we're being sanctified, and yet we must remain watchful.
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- So that's David's implied warning to the believers here is that chasing after false gods, pagans do that, bad, obvious.
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- But we do it also, and we may not be running, but beware of the inching and creeping.
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- So the third metrical verse, fleeing pagan practices, to such false gods I will not give drink offerings of blood, nor will
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- I ever with my lips take up their names to pray. So pagans would often consume literal blood as part of their practices.
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- David refuses to do so, nor to ask for favor from any of their demons ultimately, their gods.
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- So think of the people on the planet today, they might not drink literal blood, some do, but they definitely take up the names of false gods, demons,
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- Hindus, Muslims. David commits here to not go anywhere near those practices.
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- His son Solomon would experience some of the harms of drawing near to those godless practices over time.
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- But there's a previous warning still connected to that previous verse. Beware of those who run toward the strange fire, strange practices, their mind is ensnared.
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- And without extreme caution, you too run the risk of being ensnared as well. Keep your distance unless there's a need to engage.
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- So the fourth metrical verse through the seventh is an encouragement to take your joy in the
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- Lord. And so this is how David begins that. The Lord is my inheritance and portion of my cup.
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- You keep my lot, cause good boundaries and a good heritage. David indicates that for the believer, the
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- Lord is sufficient. It's not the Lord and X, Y, or Z, it's the Lord. There is simply no room for discontentment with the lot the
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- Lord has given us. He continues, oh, I will always bless the Lord who does give me counsel.
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- My heart also does instruct me through night seasons. So it's the Lord who shows us the way to live. He's given the only rule for faith and life in his scriptures.
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- And as we begin to store that word in our hearts, you will have those words to draw upon in the night seasons and know that they will come.
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- There will be difficulty. And in part, the level of success and persevering through trials will be related to the amount of preparation done beforehand.
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- That's true in basically everything. The movies would like you to believe you become a hero overnight. But it's truly, it's by diligent preparation, little by little, you gradually grow in wisdom.
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- Change takes time. It takes time. So how do we seek that change? David tells us.
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- Metrical verse six. I have set the Lord ever there before me in my sight. Because he is at my right hand,
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- I shall remain unmoved. So here, our father in the face is showing us the way.
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- Simply, simply set the Lord before you in your sight. Remember, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
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- If you approach every decision, every situation with how do I glorify God here, you will progress.
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- You will search the scriptures for the perfect wisdom. You will make mistakes, but God has saved you.
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- He cannot and will not lose you. So like David, you will remain unmoved in your salvation.
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- Further description from David, metrical verse seven. Therefore, my heart is truly glad.
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- My glory does rejoice. Indeed, my flesh does even now in hope securely rest.
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- So that true gladness is found in the Lord. We know we look forward to the resurrection.
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- We will die. Many men have gone before us to death. Christ has gone before us.
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- He's also gone before us in resurrection. And you can rest securely in the faith knowing your resurrection will be with the
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- Lord, not apart from. So now there's the shift to joy.
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- You kind of, you see the beginning of the shift to that final joy in the Lord in metrical verse seven, but really in eight.
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- Because you will not leave my soul to linger in Hades and corruption, you'll not allow to touch your
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- Holy One. It's clearly speaking here about Christ. Again, I think I mentioned this previously.
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- What some Psalm dislikers might tell you, Christ is present throughout the Psalms. And he says
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- Christ will not be corrupted. Remember, again, David is looking forward to Christ who has now come.
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- And he knew from that position in time that no corruption would be able to touch Christ. So he concludes here with the path of life you'll show to me.
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- With you is joy fulfilled. At your right hand are pleasures held to last forevermore.
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- So David believes life is to be found in the Lord. He believes true joy is found in the
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- Lord. He believes that everlasting, not just temporary, pleasure is to be found in seeking the
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- Lord. So as you go through life, there's few aspects of life that Psalm 16 here doesn't touch.
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- And I think particularly the seeing how David takes joy in the salvation and seeing the danger of sin to the believer is particularly important.
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- So he starts off with that prayer and recognition of his depravity and the general depravity out there.
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- He takes joy in his fellow soldiers being with them. He encourages us to flee pagan practices and don't be deceived that in 2024 that paganism is somehow gone from the land because you don't see piles of skulls in the street.
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- It's alive and well. Our job is to kill it. And then
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- David finished out with a beautiful exposition of taking and seeing joy in the
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- Lord. So any comments, questions, objections from voting members or those with speaking privileges?
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- Pastor Reese. Beautiful, thank you.
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- All right. All right, please stand to sing
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- Psalm 16. Let's sing now
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- Psalm 16 together with understanding and grace in the heart having just been instructed as to its meaning.
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- Psalm 16, a mixture of David. ♪ Hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmmm ♪ ♪
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- Lord keep me for I trust in you ♪ ♪
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- My soul does do the misses ♪ ♪
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- Nothing from excel and say
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- I take dee ♪ ♪ A song who change false
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- God who's such false
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- God ♪ soul.
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- So does it instruct me through a season of sass.
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- He is true.
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- Is he a cure to show his joys held to to 2nd
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- Timothy 4 2nd
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- Timothy chapter 4 verse 1 I charge you therefore before God and the
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- Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom preach the word be ready in season and out of season convince rebuke exhort with all long -suffering in teaching for the time will come when they will endure sound well they will not endure sound doctrine but according to their own desires because they have itching ears they will heap up for themselves teachers and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry for I am already being poured out as a drink offering and the time of my departure is at hand
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- I have fought the good fight I have finished the race I have kept the faith finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the
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- Lord the righteous judge will give to me on that day and not to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing be diligent to come to me quickly for Demas has forsaken me having loved this present world and has departed for Thessalonica Crescent's for Galatia Titus for Dalmatia only
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- Luke is with me get mark and bring him with you for he is useful to me for ministry and Titicus I have sent to Ephesus bring the cloak that I left with carpus at Troas when you come all the books especially the parchments
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- Alexander the coppersmith did me much harm may the Lord repay him according to his works you also must beware of him for he has greatly resisted our words at my first defense no one stood with me but all forsook me may it not be charged against them but the
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- Lord stood with me and strengthened me so that the message might be preached fully through me and that all the
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- Gentiles might hear also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion and the
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- Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for his heavenly kingdom to him be glory forever and ever amen great
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- Prisca and Aquila and the household of Anessa for us Erastus stayed in Corinth but trophimus
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- I have left in Miletus sick do your utmost to come before winter your bliss greets you as well as pudins
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- Linus Claudia and all the brethren the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit grace be with you amen you may be seated okay so get your hand out we're pretty far along in the book you'll remember that the center of the book has to do with apostasy the great apostasy that would occur in the last days of the
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- Old Covenant and the difficulties that would arise there and so the defense of the church against this apostasy involves being able to judge faithful ministers and how they behave in the face of that apostasy and so when we look at the sections out from the center we see that that's what there's a focus on there's this focus in e when you look at the chiasm when you look at section e you start to see this idea of the characteristics of faithful ministry there's an emphasis on the
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- Word of God being the subject matter to be taught we see as we go out to the section called
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- D the way in which people had forsaken Paul and so forsaken this is not a thing that demonstrates that a ministry is wrong in other words popularity is not a marker that helps you to determine whether a ministry is faithful the praise of men the praise of religious institutions is not the basis for determining that faithful ministry what we find is that the visible churches of the time the
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- Old Covenant visible churches the synagogues in mass departed from the faith and condemned the apostolic ministry and you find even within the churches that accepted the
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- New Covenant and the administration of the New Covenant in those
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- New Covenant churches there was a grand apostasy we are living in a time that is like that where there is a very large -scale departure from the faith that has occurred where many people who were raised in Christian homes had abandoned what they were raised in we are also in an interesting time where many people are waking up having grown up in this disgusting pagan culture they are starting to realize this is awful it is not satisfying and so we live in a weird time of opportunity and yet also a time where the churches are seeing mass apostasy and where the themselves are largely heterodox or heretical and so we see a time that in some ways overlaps with what
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- Paul was dealing with and his faithful ministry being forsaken we see the example of Paul and how he suffers and continues we see the example of faithful saints that even though some forsook him some did not and he commends the faithful saints and then we have the blessings that are given at the beginning and end of the letter so those are the major sections of the book so we're continuing now and we're looking at section e but we're going to be jumping into the last part of it in chapter 4 so page 2 of your outline
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- I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead his appearing his kingdom preach the word be ready in season and out of season convince rebuke exhort with all long suffering and teaching and this is instruction for teachers this is instruction for you to be able to judge teachers but it's also instruction for you and how you should live as a
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- Christian and so I will be preaching knowing and this applies to myself but I want you to carry this as an example of what should be done by every
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- Christian in terms of the use of the word because what's being told to Timothy here is told to him in terms of what he used to do from his public ministry but also how he is to behave in his private life and the private example is something that applies to every
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- Christian and not just a preachers so we were reminded this charge is a call to fulfill an obligation it's an appealing to the covenant obligation that Timothy has as a preacher as an officer and of a general call from the law order of God the command to preach is the command to proclaim it is a command to herald when we think about heralds it is important to remember that a herald has a duty to carry the message of the one who has appointed him as a herald it is the duty of a herald to carry the words of the
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- King that has appointed him so the Lord Jesus Christ as King of the church gives words that are a deposit for the church and for his heralds to preach a herald must speak publicly and loudly distinctly and clearly for the hearing of information to be delivered this distinct and clear preaching for the hearing of information also requires clarity not just in terms of diction but clarity in terms of what is said beloved do you remember throughout the scriptures when wolves and heretics are talked about is it said of them they're really clear about their heresies and they're not very crafty they're not deceptive they don't plot to deceive no the scriptures teach the exact opposite they are crafty they are deceptive and they plot to deceive
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- I want you to be aware of heresy and false doctrine and to hear it when it's plainly taught and to know plainly taught heresy when you see it but beloved
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- I want you to also be aware when you find people being unclear and they won't stop being unclear that is a marker that is a sign of heresy it is the tool of liberals and heretics of every stripe to take the plain teaching of scripture and the plain teaching of the confessions and creeds of the church and to seek to twist the words one of the most famous examples of this was when liberals took from the shorter catechism the statement that the scriptures contain the
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- Word of God and as opposed to what was plainly meant there and obviously explained in chapter one of the confession and obviously explained in the longer form in the
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- Westminster larger catechism they took this statement from the shorter catechism that said the scriptures contain the
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- Word of God and they said absolutely we believe that it's just that not everything in the scriptures is the
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- Word of God the Word of God is there somewhere some portions of it of the Word of God or some portions of it overlap with the
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- Word of God but the the scriptures aren't in their entirety infallible inerrant and every single jot and tittle breathed out by God but somewhere in there yes the scriptures contain in some of it the
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- Word of God and you know how those liberal preachers would figure out which parts were the Word of God the parts they liked that's what these preachers did and so this idea this this danger there the liberals took over the churches in the
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- United States because the sweetness and light Christians in the churches didn't want to hold men who equivocated accountable
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- I've been involved in a number of interesting arguments with Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholics recently and one of the things they like to do when they talk to you about James chapter 2 it was it says you know in James chapter 2 we have
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- Abraham was not justified by faith only and you go well what justification are we talking about we're talking about justification before men and we're talking about faith in that context of James chapter 2 is talking about a profession of faith which is obvious in the context so what
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- Roman Catholics like to do is they like to say you're equivocating you won't let justification mean the same thing in every place in Scripture and when it says faith here you won't let it mean the same thing everywhere beloved that's not equivocation equivocation is when somebody takes a set of words and without explaining to you the different ways that they're using it slide between different meanings that's what heretics do they take pious sounding words and they slide between talking about the
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- Orthodox sense and the heretical sense and they use association to convey to you the heretical idea they want you to walk away with and they do it in a crafty way so that when
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- Orthodox teachers call them out they say no I didn't say that I meant this
- 42:59
- I see how you might have taken it that way that's not what I went I hope that's clear now but the problem is especially when it's published not everyone who read the original or heard the original here's the correction and so the poison spreads in the body and the medicine doesn't always get there and so we have to mark false teachers we have to mark heretics and we have to mark those that are doing things that are wicked and will not repent and the marking is to say this is a man who spreads poison that's the purpose and so the goal the goal in proclaiming clearly is to proclaim the truth and not to equivocate but when you teach the truth you have to distinguish senses you have to say in this text this word is being used in this way in other places it might be used in this way here it's used this way that's not equivocation that's plain explanation of the meaning of a text and requires people to be able to compare scripture with scripture when you lay out the idea that this word has multiple meanings people can evaluate it when you just sneak in meanings when you just explain things in a new way and by associative thought seek to deceive people and make it hard to be called out as a heretic that's deceitful crafty plotting now all men except for the
- 44:46
- Lord Jesus Christ are going to teach imperfectly the apostles the prophets the evangelists who wrote scripture their teaching captured in the scripture is not fallible because it's immediately inspired by God and so we don't have to worry oh was this corrupted because it came through a man now these are the words of Christ I remember every we talk about the difference between red letters and black letters right some people say all the red letters are the ones that Jesus said it's you know and the black letters are the rest of them they're all red letters they're all
- 45:15
- Jesus's words so these words are infallible but we need to recognize that even though human teachers might err and even though human teachers might intentionally be equivocating or unintentionally equivocating the calling out to clarify is important and the duty of a teacher is to be clear not only in his diction but also in his doctrine he must be clear how he explains he must be clear to differentiate truth from error he must clearly lay things beside each other and present the positions that he holds and those he's refuting and to make those things plain and the purpose of a confession of a church is to help the congregation to be able to hold preachers accountable but the preacher has the duty to preach the word now this preaching this proclaiming this heralding of clear and distinct truths he is to be ready to preach not just when there's a pulpit offered to him not just in those times that are in season not just those times when it's obvious everybody says why don't you preach the word now but also out of season so beloved this part
- 46:36
- I really want you to be aware of there's a duty to not just preach in terms of the public ministry of the word but there's a duty for all of us to preach and to proclaim the word of God some people want to say only preachers preach some people want to say that there's a difference there's a qualitative difference between what
- 46:58
- I'm doing right now in the pulpit and what happens when you are telling somebody the gospel and telling them to repent and believe the only difference is the greater publicity and therefore the greater need for solemnity and the need because there are more hearers to have those that are ready to teach well and have been recognized for a gift of teaching and for the sake of order and for the sake of effectiveness and efficiency you have those men who are qualified in terms of character and competency to do that work but the activity of preaching is no different in terms of the proclaiming of truth and the work of the
- 47:46
- Holy Spirit that accompanies there's no difference between what I'm doing now and when you tell somebody the gospel and tell them to repent and believe there is a desire to make mystical something that's different and it's a part of a clerical ism to make a priestly cast that is distinct and so it is something that is important to understand the reasons we respect order and respect office are not because of something mystical but it's because God commands order in the church and he has given offices for the sake of order to protect the truth and to protect right worship so these are the things that we must recognize you are all called to preach the word you must do so in private and the public proclaiming of the word in terms of the assembly the
- 48:42
- Church of God is a thing where you have an orderly mechanism for the selection and setting apart of men the preaching of the word we must be ready for it in season when it's convenient at the opportune moment when you're invited or asked to do so and when it feels right those are the times right you have like you know
- 49:05
- I could I could just feel the Lord was calling in that moment or whatever well first of all the Lord doesn't call by feeling the
- 49:12
- Lord doesn't call by feeling the Lord calls by his word and providence he calls by his word by giving commandments in law order that we apply and by his providence you say there's no one else here to do it there's no one more fitting to do it or the person that's more fitting to do it's not doing what ought to be done when that happens by providence you're called to do it there's a breach in the wall if there's no one else to stand there it's your job to stand there the preaching of the word is a duty of every
- 49:45
- Christian it is your duty in private and as opportunity arises and when it feels fitting when people ask you it's your duty to preach the word but beloved it's also your duty to preach the word out of season there are times when truth must be spoken and it is not convenient there are times when it doesn't seem opportune but there's a duty there are times when no one asks and no one invites but you must speak and there are times when it feels like anything but right to speak but it's your duty and you have to be ready when you don't feel like it when it's obvious nobody else feels like it when everybody's groaning because they think you will when it's not the season you have to be ready to speak truths that are hard to hear if you have spent any time in the prophetic books
- 50:51
- Isaiah Jeremiah Daniel Ezekiel the twelve minor prophets if you've spent any time you find that they often had to speak when nobody wanted them to talk most of them seem to spend most of their time talking when nobody wanted them to talk it was not convenient they were not invited nobody felt like it it was not the time when anybody wanted them to talk and they had to speak these words there is a duty to be ready to speak when it doesn't feel good to do it and the only way that you can get yourself to do stuff consistently that doesn't feel good or easy is to know the subject matter very well and to have a conviction that it's your duty it is the special duty of officers to preach the word out of season but there are times when it is the duty of others to speak out of season and a lot of the time it's when everyone a whole crowd is rushing to do evil or when your friends are rushing to do evil when there's some public thing that has to be called out there are a few things that are as distasteful as calling out somebody you love in public it is not fun and so the duty to call out in public to speak at a time that does not feel right to people to whom it does not feel right the duty to preach the word out of season and when you do that when you have to talk to these people what you have to do is you have to convince to rebuke to exhort and you do it painstakingly and you do it with invents to convince is to explain in such a way as to show the truth from scripture and to demonstrate the teaching of the scripture and then to give evidence to show the facts of the situation the
- 53:21
- Bible says you shall not and you talk about the thing okay so let's say you're done with the person who's breaking the
- 53:27
- Sabbath you go the Bible says to keep the Sabbath holy which means to not do stuff that would profane it and then the person says okay but what's this about you go well right now you're you're very specifically going to the grain market to sell grain and that's the thing it's not allowed here's an example and we go back to Nehemiah and Ezra it says to not go to the markets and trade on those days on the holy days on the
- 53:51
- Sabbath you're doing this right though you're doing yeah that's what I'm on my way to go do so you see how that's an example of profaning the
- 53:58
- Sabbath right there okay well it's not grain though I'm selling Twinkies because we live in America in 2025 and so the grain market is not doing very well well is that a big jump to move over from one object to the other is that the activity or the object
- 54:19
- I can sell anything as long as it's not grain according to the Nehemiah and Ezra example no that is the kind of efforts to make the
- 54:28
- Word of God small and ineffective and to limit the law of God and to not allow examples to carry principles over right so you you have to be ready to call out that kind of thing and here's the thing people become very good at trying to make the
- 54:42
- Bible say very little when they very much want to do something that the Bible says very much not to do right people who majorly do not want to be convinced majorly twist the
- 54:55
- Scriptures that's what they do and so the idea that you're taking the teaching of Scripture and you're arguing the principles of law and you're arguing the evidentiary base that's what you do when you're trying to convince this word is used in Matthew 18 verse 15 when
- 55:13
- Christ says go and tell him his fault right remember in Matthew 18 this is the idea of what do you do when you're offended by your brother you go and tell him you go and convince him of the thing that he's done that it's wrong you can't convince him in a sense of like you can't metaphysically bring about his persuasion just because a person's not persuaded doesn't mean you failed to convince them the objective convincing the objective showing the person to be wrong occurs from arguments from the
- 55:47
- Scripture and evidence of fact and if they're not persuaded that's on them if you've provided argument from Scripture that proves it and an evidentiary base to say this happened and when they won't repent there what do you do you go to step two if they won't repent there what do you do you take it to the church the escalating occurs when you believe that you have done the work of laying out the argument from Scripture and providing them with the evidence for them to be convinced and if they will not be persuaded it's your duty to raise the conflict that's the duty of every
- 56:32
- Christian you have a special duty to do that with those who claim to be teachers there's a greater judgment on those who are teachers there's greater blessings and there's greater curses first Timothy 520 says those elders who are sinning rebuke and the word there in the
- 57:00
- Greek is the same one here for convince in the presence of all in other words you convict them you can't convince you can't cause them to be persuaded you can't be the one who convicts them internally but you can convict them externally you can demonstrate them to be in error and that's the duty of especially officers but every
- 57:21
- Christian according to Matthew 18 has a duty to do it the next duty is to rebuke and to rebuke go to page three the rebuke is to give a strong command to warn to give censure to speak seriously the
- 57:41
- Lord Jesus Christ rebukes the weather he rebukes the demons he rebukes sickness he rebukes sin and Michael the
- 57:47
- Archangel rebuked well he actually said the Lord rebuke you just to Satan to the devil right so these things are examples that give you a sense of it this duty to give strong commands our culture does not like people arguing from principles of law and giving evidentiary facts about what's happened they call that give warnings and you say if you do that you are going to be confronted with evil you're not ready for if you do that there's risks and dangers you're not ready for if you do that you'll be about people who are fools you'll be around harlots you'll be around people who will bring about your destruction if you do that there are these dangers you need to be aware of these things are are mocked the calling out of warnings expressing of dangers men are told especially to be silent don't talk to women about dangers or risks don't take into account the idea that you wouldn't want them to go into these things that is something that you shouldn't go into you should be silent don't command your children don't warn your children you should be silent church officers shouldn't do any of that stuff they should be winsome right all of these things are effeminate men you have a duty to protect women to protect children and church officers have a duty to protect their congregation and to give commands that are according to Scripture to rebuke to tell people to put off sin and to avoid dangers that plain and strong commanding is something that it is the duty of preachers it is the duty of husbands it is the duty of parents it is the duty of brothers to equals when the other brother is in sin and there's a need to call them out to stop even inferiors have a duty to rebuke at times and there's the call to exhort exhortation is calling people to your side it's telling people to follow you it's asking people to appear before you it is speaking to give strength cum forte is with strength in Latin comfort is the word that comes from a cum forte and this idea of speaking in such a way as to give strength the
- 01:00:10
- Greek here is para keles on the word paraclete is the comforter as you can see this is speaking in such a way as to give that strength it's to urge strongly or to appeal to these things are what we are told to do and as we call go to page 4 as we call each other to do our duties as we seek to convince rebuke and exhort we're told to do it in a certain way in particular preachers are called to do us in a certain way the way they're called to do it is with long -suffering and with teaching with all long -suffering with all teaching this long -suffering is just the literal
- 01:00:51
- Greek is much suffering word macro is the prefix like large large suffering much suffering this much suffering that you're called to do we could call it painstaking or to go through pains to teach well laboring much to teach well in the process of convincing rebuking exhorting that occurs in terms of the public teaching and that also occurs in terms of the private teaching when you engage with people going through painful efforts to convince to rebuke to exhort and that painful effort that painful effort involves the idea of working hard at it there is a need to explain the meaning of the text of Scripture there's a need to study much there's a need to seek to emphasize and repeat things that are of the utmost importance and the need to do that is something that requires serious labor it requires much study and it requires effort to be put in to do it well at the time of performance it requires the willingness to confront and to engage and have multiple conversations all of these types of things the giving up of comfort to accomplish this work and the teaching helping people to understand the doctrine to see its logical necessity to see its applications this is sort of externalizing the idea of meditation
- 01:02:27
- I've been emphasizing to you much in meditation recently and the reason I'm doing that is because it's so important that you make profitable your private worship by seeking to read the word understand the word to be certain about its meaning by nailing it down by wrestling with it by studying by arguing with yourself and then the idea of applying it taking it out to apply it and that application in terms of how you think and in terms of what you say and what you do
- 01:02:56
- I emphasize it because it matters I emphasize it because if you don't think about the meaning of the teaching of the scriptures then the teaching is useless to you and the teaching process when there's preaching you're sort of training people how to meditate and if you've ever thought you know you sit there and you think about something and then you express your conclusion to people it's a lot harder to walk through why than it is to just say what you think it's a lot harder to walk through why than to just say what you think and a lot of times it's kind of funny when you explain to people why you go that sounded a lot better in my head than when it came out and so this obligation to take pains to examine your own thinking about the scriptures and to teach to teach the truth and to teach why it's the truth and to teach the applications of that truth now no matter how painstaking somebody is it's always possible for somebody to say that's not good enough that's not enough no try harder no do it again be better I still disagree with you we do not have the power to persuade people's hearts the
- 01:04:24
- Holy Spirit does we only have the power to prove a thing by argumentation from Scripture and the job of the
- 01:04:32
- Herald is to teach what the text says and to draw out its meaning and to demonstrate its applications that is the job of the
- 01:04:45
- Herald the duty of teaching is helping to show the doctrine from the text its logical necessity and its applications good teaching will be true that's the most important thing the marker of the church the synchron on the thing without which there is no church is the teaching of the truth the teaching of the true gospel and the teaching of the authority of God's Word those are the most central things those are the things that make a church and those are the things without which there is no church at its most basic level and so that's speaking and teaching of the truth even if it's not as clear as you want it to be even if it's not as organized as well even if it's not as brief as you'd like it to be any of these failings the most essential thing is the truth be spoken if the gospel is preached there until there is a bringing of charges and going through a process of covenant lawsuit to deal with false teaching this teaching of the truth is the marker by which we have to deal with churches the true gospel and the authority of the scripture now the next thing that's important is clarity and we talked about that why why is that because false teachers can deceive people and pretend to be
- 01:06:23
- Orthodox by being unclear and they bring in their heresies and the other thing is some teachers are so wicked that they will say the stuff that's right in public and then when they have people who are weak they will speak falsehood and they will seek to sow strife and division and they will seek to teach different doctrines to different people and to get away with teaching falsehood to these groups to try to build sometimes false teachers come into churches with the purpose of trying to pull away disciples and whole households sometimes teachers come in with the purpose of trying to be teachers and to corrupt portions build out a faction and to then be able to overturn the government sometimes they don't have a very good plan but they just crave teaching the falsehood and they just teach the falsehood and cause harm without a good plan even for themselves the falsehood is the thing that has to be dealt with and so clarity is extremely important and when people are not clear they must be rebuked for being not clear and warned about the future and if they continue to be unclear there's increasing responsibility for it so clarity being able to organize stuff well it walking through a text and explaining it to you being able to draw texts together to be able to deal with a systematic teaching of a subject being able to talk about how historically something has been dealt with these organizing principles the text the doctrine or historically how things have been dealt with those types of things are very useful to help to the meaning of things and so organization needs to generally be around that what is the text saying what's the doctrine here what are some historical ways this has been dealt with and you can draw out applications but organization is important for clarity and organization is important for being memorable if I teach you going line by line through the scripture when you go back and read that book a year later you will not remember everything that I have said but some of the things
- 01:08:41
- I taught you about that text will jump out to you and come to mind when you read it things that you thought oh
- 01:08:48
- I always had difficulty with the meaning of this line but I remember it got explained by Pastor Reese and now
- 01:08:53
- I remember how to deal with the difficulty there or I don't even remember the resolution but I remember he said it
- 01:08:58
- I'm gonna go back and check that that sermon because I remember he talked about the very thing I can't remember the solution to the point is as you walk through the text
- 01:09:07
- I'm pointing you to the importance of the text and I'm pointing you how to read and I'm helping you to remember things about how the scriptures connected the scriptures and how the text is to be read and dealt with if we deal with the subject of a doctrine then you have a bucket to organize things oh the doctrine of the
- 01:09:24
- Trinity how is the how is God one and how is he three and so you start to remember all the oneness and the three days yeah
- 01:09:31
- I remember these things about that and so you begin to organize thoughts around those things the organization helps it to be memorable one of the horrible things about the rejections of confessions of faith by churches by modern
- 01:09:45
- American churches is that there's no organized public teaching of the doctrine and many doctrines get avoided as opposed to a confession that walks you through systematically the key points of the faith that help you to organize your thoughts about these things there's a haphazardness and one of the difficulties is that when we walk through texts if you don't have a confessional standard if you don't say we're committed to this doctrinal position so much of the teaching walking through the text is
- 01:10:15
- I'm not quite sure what this text means it means this that or the other thing and nobody remembers that and you just move on when you say this is what the text says here is why it nails it down and makes it so it's held in place in your mind and that nailing down of the words to be plain and clear and to be certain is the work of teaching that's helped by organization the
- 01:10:43
- Word of God itself is filled with organizing buckets 1st Corinthians 15 provides for us a point -by -point listing of the key gospel doctrines the
- 01:10:54
- Ten Commandments give us an organization of the commandments of God two tables ten commandments to organize every commandment of God we have key teaching on scripture in scripture on prayer in the
- 01:11:11
- Lord's prayer where God tells us when you pray pray like this organizing principles to help us to have buckets of thought for prayer organizing principles for buckets of thought about the gospel organizing principles for buckets of thought about the law the scripture itself gives us these organizing tools so that we are able to see the organization of the truth of God and a good teacher teaches the truth he does it with clarity and he helps you to have organized information and then the idea of brevity which is not give me a 15 -minute
- 01:11:52
- TED talk the idea of brevity is that there's a communication of the truth in a clear way an organized way that is concise given the topic that the
- 01:12:09
- Word of God is a thousand page book much should be said there are many inferences to be drawn out and connections to be shown the brevity here involves not explaining a thing to where you're beating a dead horse it's the idea that you are emphasizing the most important things and giving them proper emphasis it's that you are helping to explain things in a clear and memorable way and you're making it so that it's short enough that it can be dealt with so those are the things and I've ordered those in terms of truth being most important clarity next organization next and brevity next those things help you to be able to teach well and the difficulty with brevity is as a preacher you always have more that you want to say and you're always afraid that if you say all the things you want to say that what you're going to do is you're going to make the people of God grow weary on the topic so there are applications to be drawn out that you want to draw you have to draw it some to help people to see but you have to leave it to the individual to mull it over to think about it and so there's this difficulty of how much do you give because there's so much that can be said and when you teach you begin to realize the difficulty of that one of the great importance of a family worship is the way in which as a man you start to wrestle through these things how do
- 01:13:39
- I teach my family truth how do I do it with clarity how do I organize it well how do I do it in brevity and you start to wrestle through these things and you start to have the difficulty yourself and as you practice teaching your own family you're also preparing yourself to speak in season and out of season you become ready you become ready to speak the word when the occasion arises where it must be said so we have this long -suffering in the terms of teaching and we have the need to teach itself truth clarity organization brevity and we're called to apply this to convincing rebuking and exhorting so we're supposed to convince with all teaching and painstaking effort we are supposed to rebuke with all teaching and painstaking effort and we're supposed to exhort with all teaching and painstaking effort that is the call and so the lightness of preaching that occurs in many churches is an offense against this idea of painstaking teaching in the convincing rebuking and exhorting the idea of applying the law of God when you don't have the law of God for the convincing rebuking and exhorting what you end up with is a bunch of applications from something else if you don't have the law of God the
- 01:15:04
- Ten Commandments as a summary of the law of God when you don't have the law of God you have this problem of what am
- 01:15:11
- I going to tell people to do and if you don't pull it from the law of God you're gonna pull it from someplace else so the law of God is what makes it so that you can't even show people what they ought to do and not do and what to call them to come alongside you to do this is the example of painstaking effort that is required of elders who are worthy of double honor those who labor those who toil who exhaust themselves in the labor who work hard to the point of extreme fatigue and fatigue is not just a short -term tiredness like you can stay up late and work hard on one sermon or one effort to teach the idea is the grind who shows the consistent willingness to fight who shows the consistent willingness to convince to rebuke to exhort to teach pain staking who is willing to suffer loss for it who is willing to put themselves at risk for the gain of it that is what you want to see from elders that's what you want to see from fellow
- 01:16:17
- Christians and why is that because page 5 talks about the time that will come when people won't endure if you're not willing to suffer painstaking effort to teach the truth when people won't endure the sound teaching you'll run away from it only those who when the times are good will put effort in to teach who will put the effort in for the truth when times are good we'll still hold it together when times go bad when there are those who will not endure that sound doctrine they start to complain they murmur they grumble but they go after their own desires and with itching ears pursue teachers who will teach them what they crave to hear as people turn their ears away from the truth and instead they will be turned aside to fables and the
- 01:17:14
- Greek there it's myth myths there's a call to be watchful in all things to the preacher to endure afflictions and to do the work of an evangelist to fill your ministry these fables look at the bottom of page 5 these fables these are things that are not the words of truth is there not the stories of God these are the stories of myth and legend teachers of the word should not be enamored with myths and legends they should be enamored with enthralled by the
- 01:17:57
- Word of God and the teaching of the stories that God preserved and the teaching of the text of Scripture not myths one of the things liberals would do is they would take this idea of myth and apply it to the scriptures and say it's a mythos and it's just one mythos there are other mythos is and which mythos should be taught the scriptures are not a myth the scripture not a legend the scriptures are true teaching of true history we should not teach the doctors of demons the speculations of man the traditions of the fate and fables of the world we should not be making the
- 01:18:39
- Bible into a symbolic story a fable a mythos that you need an academic interpreter to get secret knowledge from go to page 6 because there will be times where people will not endure the sound doctrine the hygienic word the clean word because of that there's a need for teachers in particular to be watchful and that's nothing or nay thing the word
- 01:19:11
- Nafalion which you've heard me talk much about in terms of the qualifications of officers serious -mindedness is the turning that into an adjective as opposed to the noun here this is the noun attribute being watchful being serious -minded being sober being self -controlled you have to be self -governing there's also a need to endure and the word is endure there is is to suffer badly it's literally like bad suffering you need to be ready for bad suffering not just suffering that's bad but bad suffering this need to be ready to suffer badly for the cause for the church for the work for the truth only if you love the truth only if you think the truth is worth dying for only if you think the truth is the highest thing are you gonna be willing to suffer the loss of other things for the sake of keeping the truth there's a call of being watchful and enduring but also there's a call to do the work of an evangelist the evangelist the term evangelist can be used in three ways can be used to refer to the broad sense that you're all called to be evangelist you should all evangelize we all should share the gospel but there's also this sense in which there are some people who wrote the
- 01:20:36
- Gospels the Evangels Matthew Mark Luke John they're evangelists in that sense but there's also the office of evangelist
- 01:20:45
- Philip in Acts 21 is an evangelist he's made a deacon but he's also made an evangelist an evangelist is a revelatory officer who is able to prophesy specific to the age of the days of Messiah the the period of time waiting for the destruction of the temple when the gospel was going out of the nations these are prophets that aren't just going back to Israel and calling
- 01:21:11
- Israel to covenant lawsuit but they're prophets who are going out and proclaiming the heraldry of the king to the nations and they're calling the nations in as special prophets to the nations and Timothy was one of those and so this is a special office
- 01:21:38
- Ephesians 4 talks about Apostles prophets evangelists and pastor teachers Apostles prophets and evangelists have all ended they are all offices that are related to revelatory work and the revelation of the scriptures is the completion of this special revelation from God and those offices ceased and no more have been given since the destruction of the temple and so in this
- 01:22:02
- Matthew Poole eloquently says what I'd like you to take away as the final statement on this little passage but watch you in all things endure afflictions
- 01:22:16
- Matthew Henry says being watchful implies one and negation of sleep remember when
- 01:22:22
- Jesus told his Apostles to watch with him it's willingness to stay up for the night watches an industrious to an industrious keeping of ourselves awake for some end and work even when you're tired keep yourself from all sin and from all idleness and laziness and to do this industriously that you may honor
- 01:22:41
- God in your work do the work of an evangelist for your work is a great work the work of one who is to publish the gospel or of one who is left by me the
- 01:22:53
- Apostle of Christ to settle the church which I have laid the foundation of make full proof of your ministry make a full proof unto others of your faithfulness in your ministerial office and employment that verse verse 5 but you be watchful in all things endure afflictions do the work of an evangelist fulfill your ministry the duty of evangelists and the duty of lower offices like the pastor teacher is to fulfill the fullness of their ministry according to the commandment of God and to teach the full counsel of God comments questions objections from the voting members and those with speaking rights mr.
- 01:23:37
- Walker that's a great question
- 01:23:56
- I think all the things that you laid out so you asked when do we know when to sit when to preach out of season and how do we deal with priorities prioritizing in terms of of milk and meat camels and gnats and I can't remember what the other thing you said but it was also good and so these these things yes we should prioritize but one of the main things is if somebody's about to fall into a grievous sin
- 01:24:21
- I don't care how inconvenient it is they're gonna commit a biblical crime it's your job to say whoa stop the
- 01:24:32
- Bible gives us clarity about things that are that are huge the things the
- 01:24:37
- Bible says deserve civil penalties you must no matter how inconvenient you feel like it might be go no stop it there are also times when there is a rising up of falsehood that you think is endangering other people's souls and even if it's inconvenient you have a duty to stop it also when you see your brother being offended so the the
- 01:25:01
- Apostle in 1st Corinthians the Apostle Paul teaches us you know when there's something that you might have the liberty to do by yourself if you have a weaker brother with you there's a duty to care for the conscience of the weaker brother even if it offends the unbeliever you prioritize offending the unbeliever over offending the weaker brother and so there are there are principles of prioritization of when you have to do stuff and so those are those are good ones you're picking the bigger things rather than the smaller things you're picking the things that are simpler and milk as opposed to the meat first but there's also how grievous is a sin and stuff like that so those are some of the principles it would be difficult to lay out fully and systematically all of those principles but I'm sure the scriptures have it and so that's that's on the spot the best
- 01:25:52
- I can give you right here okay anything else Mr. Nye yeah you so the question is a clarification what do
- 01:26:23
- I mean by prioritizing the weaker brother you you offend the unbeliever and not the weaker brother your goal is to protect the conscience of the weaker brother even at the cost of your political capital with the unbeliever even at the cost of relational harm even at the cost of offending them you protect the conscience of your weaker brother okay let's let's pray father we ask you to bless the preaching of your word we ask that you would cause us to grow in maturity fast that you would help us to be good at teaching to be willing to proclaim your truth to not only be willing but that we would be zealous to do it and father we pray that you would help us to have a zeal to do it even out of season although we ask that you would help us to stir up your word in our hearts and to be ready to proclaim it
- 01:27:14
- I pray this in Christ's name Amen all right open your
- 01:27:22
- Psalters to Psalm 13 stand for the reading of God's Word Psalm 13 to chief musician a psalm of David how long
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- Lord will you forget me will it be forever oh how long will it be that you will hide your face from me how long will my soul take counsel having sorrow and hearts how long will my most bitter foe exalt himself over me
- 01:28:10
- Oh Lord my God please consider and so then hear my cry enlighten my eyes lest the sleep of death overtake me and should my enemy now say
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- I have prevailed against him and should those who now trouble me rejoice when
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- I am moved I have all my confidence set firmly on your mercy my heart within me will rejoice in your great salvation
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- I will now surely sing aloud my praise unto the Lord because the
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- Lord has dealt with me in a bountiful way how long will it be will soul take counsel and her foe exalt himself he's gone and so Lord bless you and keep you