Dead Men Walking Podcast LIVE from Fight Laugh Feast: Darren Doane & Gabriel Rench


Live from Fight Laugh Feast, Darren Doane and Gabe Rench sat down with Jason and Greg. Darren is a producer, actor, director, and filmmaker. Gabe is an elder at Christ Church in Moscow, ID and host of CrossPolitic Podcast. We talked about Gabe's arrest for worshiping in a public place, while Darren thoroughly entertained and educated us while going full punk rock on us! Enjoy! Support the show:$dmwpodcast


All right, yeah, make it make it a little make it a little harder Reverend no,
I just told him when you when you open with that man. I've been humming it for two days now I know you know, that's good
Check one check to check one check Oh Dead men walking podcast, how does that happen?
Let's do I don't I don't I don't understand how dead men walk. Oh Let me explain to you the gospel
I like I like how you did that nine -point Calvinism. Yeah That's the nine -point stuff, right?
He knows he's like nine points. He's like, I know I know I've been he's like I know all nine
He's like, I mean because sometimes Calvin is get to nine points and have to walk back to the five, right? I gotta get that.
Yeah, I got I'm getting I'm getting out there too far out too far. All right, we doing this Well, we're live right here let's we can start any time we want
And we'll just edit and post what are we live on right now? Well, we're live on Facebook on dead men walking podcast on Facebook We'll throw it up on Instagram.
Of course. We're also recording here. It'll go up to all the podcast platforms guys
We are live at fight -laugh -feast. I have Darren to my right. I have Gabe to my right
Gabriel. Yeah, doesn't matter It just depends on how mad at you or me not, you know get
Gabriel I like you today. So so what what did the what the officers and the judge call you when they put those cuffs on?
That's what we'll go Calling them Calling them out Let me tell you something.
You couldn't have been more respectful You know, I was watching that and I just said I'm glad he's representing the kingdom respectfully
But also not backing down and having principle. So thank you Well, I tell you what now I tell you one thing that also made it easy as guys like Darren and Toby and my brother coming over behind me as I'm getting
Arrested and preaching at him too, you know, right? I had a whole whole crowd of preachers behind me
No, it was it was really, you know, it it really was shocking, you know, it really was
It really was all kind of fun and games you don't really think too much about it and tell you know
And and we all respect police officers. We love them. Like I said in my video We would take a bullet for him when all of a sudden something turns and Someone's actually being handcuffed.
Yeah, there's just this really odd shift of You know, we we are in God's world.
Mm -hmm. And when things start to go Wrong when when something shifts and you go this well
Well, this is not the way God made the world and there's things we're numb to sure obviously, you know but we're not numb to watching cops just walk up to our friends and Arrest them, right?
So it was a really strange reminder even for me like whoa Like when when it shifts because I'm not numb to it
I hope you never get numb to it. But that but that was you could feel like what is going on?
Absolutely, and you're so you're so correct. It can shift like that You know You see passages in the
Bible like great falling away and all these things and we we discuss what that means but culturally You you can see things overnight.
We take things for granted every single day. We think they're gonna be the same We think we're gonna have our liberties and freedoms and things like that I think it's because we kind of live in a bubble too in this country
I mean if you haven't gone outside and gone into developing The developing countries the third world and just see the persecution that the church is under We think we're just gonna be you know, live like this forever and it can be taken away quite quickly
Well, that was one of the things I didn't see over there my man. I didn't see I know We saw a fourth man in the furnace
I'm just gonna go handheld You need a few more tats for that Yeah, did you get any jailhousing
Lyrics to Amazing Grace So, what are we thinking about the conference so far we're basically what about a third of the way maybe you know
The first day we had the beer and psalms last night, which was amazing Okay to hear a thousand people in unison singing psalms unto the
Lord with beer on their breath with beer on their breath That's for sure
So and what do we got coming up to on the for the rest of the day? Yeah. I'll just say last night was
Fantastic. I mean, you know at least for me and all this has been odd Three weeks.
Yeah, you know I We had to move the conference into Franklin which was in three weeks We had to move and you know a thousand people to 25 miles away to a new location
So that took a lot of logistics and then we're in an indoor soccer arena. That's what would take us
I mean churches wouldn't take us. Yep other Event centers wouldn't take us a soccer arena took us and so we brought in the stage the chairs and everything and it's just it's really the baby
Jesus story I'm no baby Jesus But but I will
I will you know, one of the things that's been Kind of a joy or a blessing to me is
I've gotten no negative feedback from all the conference goers They all had to move from Nashville to Tennessee. They all had to move
Their hotels to a new location or some people just got stuck in Nashville because they got Airbnbs or something
Sure, so the crowd has just been the conference goers. It's just been fantastic. It's a crowd
It's a It does feel a little concert ask and all this
Oh, yeah, but then last night to open up a conference with Barron Solomons I don't think anybody's ever really done that and it's
I think just everyone really liked the the tone it set You know, yeah, the the joy it brought and and the fellowship so and then this morning,
I mean Toby Bringing it. No, we're a total courage and confessing sin. Yep I like the reason
I gave him that talk because I wanted everyone to feel like hey, we're cleaning our feet at the door Yeah, absolutely No We're gonna clean our feet at the door when you come in here and that was just such a great great talk
And then of course George Grant to follow that up on on hope and in just the messiness of Reformation Yeah, good and everything.
So we got you know a day and a half I mean, I feel like I mean in some sense the big guns haven't even showed up This morning
I was like the big guns are still coming You know, this is you know This this is that concert festival and you're and you're getting bands who are playing that are just blowing your mind, right?
Absolutely. It's like you're getting it's like it's like Rage Against the Machine is still coming I know but like before you're watching at the drive -in.
This is already melting my face Yeah, right. Yep. There's a little sense of so I was actually telling there in this
One of my favorite concerts I've ever been to I like the band the band's good I mean, I'll listen to him. I still they kind of a little nostalgic area in my heart
They're my favorite band, but it was a toe the wet sprocket I went to this conference back in the concert back in like 97 and The crowd wasn't jumping around the crowd wasn't you know
What do you call it? Moshi? Moshi, I'm that old now. I can't remember that word anymore. It's not really moshing anymore.
There's there's something more to that now And and the crowd was there aggravated assault
Like wanted to listen, I mean, that's what there is obvious that that's what was going on They weren't it's not like they weren't jumping up and down because they weren't excited.
They were excited and wanted to listen Yeah And then the crowd called them on for three on course and the band
Tell us why it came on every back on every on tour and by the third encore the drummer comes on with this
Oh, you know back in there's no camera on your phone is a camera Came out with his camera.
It just said man. We love you guys. You guys are just here just to listen And so we never come on for three on course
I would have never was this a hometown show because I would have never thought that toad the wet sprocket would have gotten three on course
I'm with you, but as a guy that's made a living working with band My whole life. I'm always amazed that someone's got a toad the red, you know,
I'm always like Who is the end? Band and bands go.
No, dude. Yeah. Yeah loads the band and you're like, no, I'm not They're not and like and like you go to a u2 concert and they're like, we're so pleased
This band influenced us more than any Man that's too bad.
We just picked up toad as a sponsor All my point there was
I feel like that like the conference people that are that have come or really want a fellowship We really want to be here
And it really is just have been a great experience from from someone who's organized the conference to be able to fellowship the people
Oh, I've got a pocket full in my phone of contacts brothers and sisters I've met in the Lord from around the country that I just want to connect with Whether it be through you know through podcasts and media or just someone to be praying with across the country different situations this in the
Feeling of this has been just very camaraderie. Yeah, you know, we're all brothers and sisters in Christ there
Darren said this so I'm gonna steal what Darren said in front of him. Oh, that's nice. Okay in front of him.
I'm ripping Excited for this rip and toad right in front of toad, you know
You know, I thought this is really insightful it's like, you know, one of the things that we're seeing through all this kovat stuff
I mean pastor Wilson pointed out. It's like God is shaking things Yeah shaking things that need to be shaken and the things that's remain will remain
Oh, and I think one of the things that you're seeing is this kind of new orthodoxy that's coming out of all this Is that the it's not the division is not about Presbyterian or Baptist evangelical or Presbyterian whatever?
The divisions coming about those who care about God's Word and those who want to fight Versus those who you know happy to be
Christians, but don't want to engage in the culture and in the battle Yeah, and that's what you're seeing When when
I get back I'm gonna look at more of the staff the doxy of backbone is what I've been that's right That's right. So good. Yeah, and that's what you know all the
I've looked at some of the stats I've been able to glance at them and I everyone who signed up I have them put what church they're from You know,
I think we've had some Catholics here that have signed up and then we had some Church of God people that have said
Is it like this bandwidth? I'm like, are we even orthodox? I'm like welcome brothers all in come on You know, no one ism, okay
We can watch later Right now we need a backbone
Right and and and with that that's gonna get us through this time and then like, you know, like good
Christians do Well, we'll pick a new fight in 20 years, right, you know Yeah But I think it's so important like you said to come together right now because we are at a crossroads in the culture
We're at a crossroads where we're watching. We've talked about this on the podcast the secular Culture Taking over or vice versa the
Christian culture acquiescing to the secular culture right now through Christianity all those things I think that's why
I said Christian passive Christianity I think that's why we're seeing another resurgence kind of in the in the reform doctrines as well because it's rooted in the
Word of God Men and women are hungry for that. They're looking for that They don't want to play church anymore and they're ready to fight but they don't have leaders in this arena saying yes
Let's take the fight to the culture except for right here I think that's why you can whip up a thousand people in a couple months in a in move the event and people still show up and they're excited for it because this is
Needed very badly within our Christian community In that in that woke part of it's really really fascinating because At a time when things were already going soft and they were already going squishy, right?
Yeah, this this this woke thing shows up and it actually gave people who were squishy this identity of being strong Yes, right.
No, I am standing up for something right nothing to stand up for right? And they were already getting so squishy and then this just slides in and they were like you mean
I get to actually be a Moral reformer. Yeah in my squishiness, right, right
And so and then and then and I think that and that kind of happened and those who aren't that way
We're kind of like is this really happening, right? Like is this hey, man, they took our thing Like you're
Martin Luther King With your skinny jeans, dude And I think we were all like how did this just slide in here and I think it really kind of shook us all up Yeah Then I think then you take kovat
Mm -hmm, and then also I was like and we're not gonna go to church either because that's the moral thing to do Like there's a
Romans 13 Darren Romans. Well, haven't you read Romans 13 here? Here's my problem with Romans 13.
I think Paul was also clear that as a guy you shouldn't bend over and take it, right? No, absolutely, right
So, I mean if you want Romans 13 and you want to quote Paul, I think Paul is also pretty clear on what not to do
Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. And so nobody wants to bring those things together No one wants to look at Romans 13 and say is there it's funny how everybody
I'm about to preach It's funny how everybody come on how everybody wants to be biblical and be like the context.
What's the context like the world? What's the Hebrew end right? The world's about to end with a little less, right?
What are you talking about? That was the temple being destroyed and Paul's telling everybody you got about four or five years left and you're all gonna be slaughtered
Right, he quotes Hosea right or the Habakkuk he quotes Habakkuk, right? That's the just live by faith
Yeah, he's writing Habakkuk, right and the whole point of Habakkuk is you're all gonna be slaughtered
You're all dead the Chaldeans are coming. That's the dog whistle. Yeah, Paul says the just to live by faith
He's quoting Habakkuk and Habakkuk is saying you're all dead Right when
Paul says that he's saying don't start some sort of revolution You're all gonna be dead in four or five six years
It's the same reason why Paul can say and don't get married right now. Yeah, don't get married right now You don't want to have a kid right now because you're gonna have to escape to your you know
From Jerusalem out to the mountains gonna follow Jesus if you're not there The Romans are gonna kill you this context is so important to look at Romans 13
Yeah And when you get on the other side of the whole old covenant being destroyed and brought into the new covenant
Guess what? We are in our father's world Mm -hmm. This is what we mean by taking dominion, right?
Right, it's right his world and now we get to go and do the work. Absolutely. I'm done.
All right, man You know,
I dropped some money last night Kings wasn't saying the after -party was yeah, amazing people were fellowshipping people were having beer people were having cigars singing hymns
Yeah, man, and just I mean that was amazing. That was you know, that's what I wanted to bring to the conference
I I wanted to bring on top of all this already punk rock. Yeah new
Backbone Christianity. I I wanted to bring that party I wanted to bring that little flair because I wanted to bring a little flair because I wanted to bring a little flair
I think we've all been to conferences. This is already different. You just want to hang with people. Yeah, man Yeah, you you want to be able to hang with people not just on the breaks and it was like and when
Gabe said hey We're I was like, I I don't I wasn't even invited to this conference. I literally I was like,
I was not invited I'm like I'm coming you were You got the text
I'm coming I'm crashing this event. Yeah, I want to do something
And I just thought Gabe was gonna give me like 15 minutes on the stage or something and he was like you're doing the after Yeah, I never won.
I was like dang This is gonna be fire Yeah I was pretty cool when you looked in the eyes of the servers at the bar when we're when the whole outside deck is singing psalms
Into the Lord while they're smoking their cigars. They sweat looked at each other kind of like is it this is what we're doing. Yeah Afterward you heard.
Oh, yeah, so I talked to the manager as I'm leaving I left I think before the Psalms broke out But The manager asked the manager.
I said, hey, how'd we do tonight? And this is before I think the Psalms broke out everything It's about 1115 and the manager said man.
You guys are fantastic. This is not the crowd I get on Friday I was like welcome to Jesus Awesome, thanks.
It's just me now, I guess so For you. What are you working on right now? What projects you got going on?
Tell everyone, you know I'm just you know, I'm continuing to build, you know, I've been doing music videos commercials films
You know everything from collision with Douglas Wilson and Christopher Hitchens Yeah, you know music videos for back in the day blink -182 to now.
It's Jason Mraz. It's shine down. It's Zach Brown It's it's everything in between but the last year and a half the reason why
I'm even at events like this and I'm talking is because I Look down at my phone and I was like, you know This is where everybody needs to be
I mean, I was I was like looking at my phone going we need to be here non -stop, right and and then when
I think about Christians This you know, I didn't want You know I kind of had this weird personal mission to be like I didn't want to see a conference in three or four years
Some Christian conference where they were like taking back social media for Jesus. I was like You don't deserve you you guys aren't even here, right?
You don't get to say taking back, right? You're not even engaging. Stop it, right? We're gonna take it back
You know, it's like maybe take it over at that point I was like I want to really be encouraging people to real as someone that's you know
Been raised in the film industry made a living in the film industry distribution trying to raise money gatekeepers
Studios all the compromises you are constantly. Yes in front of to say guys.
It's all done It's all gone right? Right. You got you got two guys. You got a podcast. There's no gatekeepers and you're broadcasting across the entire world
Now the work is growing the audience like all those bands I was influenced by sure that got in the van and played for three people and hung out afterwards and talked to them for five
Hours when they came back in town, they brought ten friends. Yep, and then they brought 50. Yep This is what we're doing right now
So even though we have access to the whole world we have to have that get in the van Mentality and be like I'm looking right now.
We got two people live right? No, no, and I'm pumped Yeah, right. There's two people and you know what and I and I'm pumped that those two people are here, right?
That's the show Henry Rollins who I joked about earlier. He said the same thing. He said I play the same show for two people
Yeah that I play for 10 ,000 or 10 ,000 and yeah And and what he talked about was
I don't play a room for the total gross of the money No, I play the room for the individual price of the ticket for the person
Wow, right and to me That's I've always loved that it wasn't until the last couple years where I realized that we have that ability now with technology yeah to get in the van and Do that and actually go meet five people ten people and grind every single day
Yeah, and like this is and this is what I saw when I was on tour with bands just like you guys you meet another
Band, yeah, they say hey, do you want to hang out you do you want to jam? Do you want a guest on our album you grab me you came over here.
I'm on the podcast now I'll call you guys. You'll come over to me. We'll go to my podcast with my iPhone, you know
We'll bring you guys over but this is what bands did on tour Sure, this is how bands like like I was saying bands like Rage Against the
Machine We're meeting at the drive -in, you know Yeah, or how at the drive -in was meeting Chiodos or like it was just that's what they did
And I'm watching that happen right now, and I want to make sure that people don't just go Oh social media
It's all about vanity. This is the most powerful weapon the world has ever known is in our hands and there's and there's
Very little you can't accomplish literally overnight, right and that's so that's what I'm getting pumped up I'm trying to be everywhere now and just kind of bring that message to people
Yeah, but then prove it. I want to create content every day be creating every day and that's your hashtag
Don't it right and that and that don't it and that because that that came it it so, you know a few years ago some people just started saying that they'd call it say hey, we're on this project and turns out there was no schedule when we got here and we just said we're just gonna don't it because I I'm horrible at plans.
I would just show up and we'll just figure it out But people started saying don't it and then I was like that might be a good branding
Yeah, yeah, I was like and people were just saying it and I was an idiot going like well What am I gonna do with donut and I'm looking at my phone.
I'm looking at social media I'm like I really need to lead by by example here build my own brand and hopefully get people pumped up that do not
Despise the days of small beginnings. Well, you know your your Shinedown story as of recent was really cool the picture you took
And then you went to Target to buy the record. Oh, yeah Yeah, you know you said I never asked for a record.
No way. I always go to the store and buy it Yes, and as a musician, yes that used to tour. Yeah, that was a
Baroque. Yeah a long time. I appreciate that so You just don't do that.
Yeah, I remember years ago Someone contact me said hey, we're trying to put a union together for music video directors
We think you'd be great to kind of help our our voice here because we think we need to really be getting Royalties off of our music videos at the time the
Jason Mraz video. I had done Like half a billion views and the guy was like look, I mean that could literally be sure a hundred thousand dollars.
Yeah And and I was like, do you guys realize? Why bands make what they make when they finally make it like right like they deserve every penny
It's true. Their relationships are destroyed. Their families are destroyed when they do make it
Everyone wants their money the label takes their money the lawyer takes their money the manager and then you want me now He's made a living off of these guys who sacrifice everything to go do 200 days on the road, right?
You want me to say, you know, I deserve a piece of that right? Right. Look I showed up I got paid to make something.
Yeah, and I delivered it right, right That's the blessing and the the the residuals are as if they call back right, right
Those are the residuals You know, that's that's just always been my my approach and I hope people take that approach now as we move into social media
Like you know what? It's cool If you tag somebody that's great but you don't have to take a picture or have your picture be taken or have someone snap it on your what like Share it get it out there.
Like just be stoked that someone's actually sharing it around the whole world Yeah, yeah, you know it back in my county.
I I'm a bit of a small business owner and I do host a radio program about entrepreneurship and I tell my young entrepreneurs
Never go into a relationship With someone you're in business with and expected anything always bring more value to that relationship
If you're consistently constantly bringing more value to that I have more people reach out to me because they go
Greg you know where to get this or you know where to hook me up with this guy or you know, You can put these two people together and sometimes it does not benefit me monetarily at all
But I'll tell you what five six eight years later they're calling me when they do need my service because they know that I'm consistent and making do it when their client as well and You know when you're talking about musicians and music that way
I think that the Christian culture the the the believers need to understand that I think we are sometimes looking
For the benefit of if I if I join this what am I going to get out of it when I mean that's biblical man
Every relationship you have bring value to it go above and beyond out love them out serve them that car crosses business that crosses
Christian culture and I wish we would kind of what you're talking about. I wish we could explode that this is a love your brother
Into the social media Think just oh if I'm just nice to that person and that was the biblical mandate.
I loved him like no man And there's unbelievers that take that principle and their business owners and their billionaires because they're working on a godly principle they don't even have to be a believer to reap the benefits of just Acting out a biblical principle in the secular world and in some of us
Christians are so freakin dumb We don't even understand that we go. Why Lord? Why is this happening?
Well, that's a whole nother Subject suffering and you know why the Lord allows that and cause a in that valley.
But yeah what you're saying, man I'm so on point with it. Well, you know, I was talking with someone and they you know,
I had asked me to say Hey, will you look at this project I did, you know, we'd love to I'd love to get your feedback They said but you know, we had zero there with zero budget.
There was no money So I want you to really look at it as a premium They I did this for free and then and I had to write him back and say
I'm 30 years into my career. Honestly 50 % of anything I'm working on right now is for free
For free. Yeah, like I've never stopped. Well one because I want to get better yeah, and When you think of the greats just in sports
They they didn't think of their free -throw shooting as I wonder how much I'm getting paid on my off time to do this
And so I'm in filmmaking and content creation actually requires people and things and so I could just go shoot
To walk into the ice cream store in town. Yeah. Hey you guys For you, right, right, you know and now
I'm there in a you know, think of the average ice cream store, right? It's probably about a two hundred thousand dollar build -out Yeah, you got the cool wood on the wall if it's nice and you got all the glass and all that So you got this beautifully designed set that someone spent a lot of money.
Yeah. Yeah, it's always lit Nice now all I have to do is execute with my camera, right? And I'll you know, I go in and I do this to almost every business.
I come back I cut something I put it together and I'm pumped on it. Yeah, I'm super stoked and I give it to him and I'm done
I don't care if they share it if they repost I I did it right. I did one I want to keep getting better right right and and I and I want to get better with things that are real like it's a real
Ice cream store, you know, it's not a Spec project, you know, I mean, it's like, you know, and I love doing that and I'm always trying to encourage people like don't don't
Don't you dare put a dollar figure on is this a project worth doing right? Right, you you need to be bleeding in regards to the work
You're doing so that you become valuable when they do decide to write that check. Absolutely That's that's what
I'm trying to get people to really think out and and and and then go and execute and and do yeah
You know every day. Did you post every day? I'm a rapper. Really? I'm gonna go to your Instagram I should see you freestyling every morning, right?
Right? Well, what do you mean? Well, yeah, you're a rapper, right? Yeah, you mean you can't okay.
Well, don't freestyle every morning. How about you just do something? How about read some of your lyrics every morning? Sure. Just read them as yes
Oh You can't do that right right Explain to me why you can't do that Because we have a culture that doesn't want to be fully into anything.
I don't want to commit They don't have a work work ethic. I've been raised right? Okay. I sound like the old man on the show But yeah, you're so right.
I did that in real estate when I was starting my real estate business I did over 75 ,000 appraisals more than anyone else in the state of Michigan I took those two
I would go on to Instagram. I would find the influencers in my area I'd go. Hey, you've got property.
I'm gonna give you a free $200 report It takes me about four hours to do it, but I just want you to know what your assets worth nothing in return
Give me a call way back up back up because this this is blowing my mind. Yeah, are you legally allowed to do that?
Of course Well, I've access to all the all their information on their assets and nine times out of ten
They would say well, how much do you want or what? Do you want? I don't want anything. That's a game I'm just saying when you think about real estate just give me a call but no strings here
This is what your assets were a point two million dollars on the market right now And then I would just leave it alone because you have to be registered or whatever.
We call it to yes Right. Yeah, so because we always thought this is this amazing is my wife and I always about man I mean we it's been another year or two.
Do we go get it appraised asking another 400 500 bucks, right? You know like and you know And then you don't know who's gonna show up because there's always like three people and you don't want the one person
You know has a history of like the lowball. Yeah But you're telling me that someone that does appraising could
Market themselves because they've already got the the paper. They've got the degree They've got that they can just go and you can write that up and that's a legit appraisal.
Yeah. Yeah, absolutely Dude, I love that Wow People need to get on that just sold my house yesterday
So that is but could you imagine you offered that as a service right? Well, I do I mean I and I got paid for that I got paid a lot of money counties and with municipalities and all that but the point was is
You know personally, why would you work for free right? Why would you let people take advantage of you if nothing else?
I know I did a spectacular job on that on that document and they absolutely loved it You see things right you're getting better, too.
I'm so fired. Yeah Wow, I would not have thought that but this is the kind of stuff We're talking about that.
You don't hear at conferences that you don't usually hear among Christian brethren We love to sit down and argue doctrine in theology, you know, you know and have a sip of this and what about that?
But real -world application for how Christians are going to influence the culture are things like this
And it does involve the marketplace. It does involve biblical principles It involves a lot of things involve social media involves networking all these things you're talking about Darren and it's very important So I appreciate you brother.
I appreciate what you're doing in your voice a great time Yeah, it gets me excited as well too much for stop man,
I'm We we got to get a picture now. Yeah okay, well guys, we're gonna get back to the conference here in a little bit and Stick around for our next episode.
Thanks Here Matt. Let's let's get a picture here. I'm I'm doing my Henry Rollins With them in the middle
I'll be in the middle On each side you want some room man, you guys come close