Rewind: God is Fully Just and Merciful


Rapp Report Daily episode 27 This 2-minute podcast discusses the second of three things that make Christian unique from all other religions. No religions have a God that is both just and merciful, except Christianity. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian...


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Rap Report with Andrew Rapaport, where we provide biblical interpretations and applications.
This is a ministry of Striving for Eternity. For more content or to request a speaker or seminar for your church, go to www .strivingforeternity
.org. Another way that we see that Christianity is unique among all the other religions is the fact that only within Christianity can you have a
God that is fully just and fully merciful. You see, mercy and justice are mutually exclusive.
You cannot be just and punish a sin, at the same time show mercy to it.
And as we look at all the other religions, we see even Islam that would say that Allah is most merciful, but at the sake of His justice.
God's justice can be seen in the fact that He meets out punishment to those who break
His laws. He must punish lawbreakers for all sin. There are no exceptions. This creates a dilemma for other religions that want to allow criminals to earn their way to heaven.
In order for God to be just, He must punish. But if He punished everyone that broke His law, no one would receive mercy.
In God's justice, He does punish the consequence to its fullest extent. The consequence of sin was paid in full in the punishment of Jesus Christ.
And in that, we can see mercy. Most religions might say that God is merciful. However, most of them have a view of mercy that makes
God unjust and overlooking lawbreaking. God cannot be merciful at the sake of His justice, as seen in other religions except for Christianity.
Christianity is unique in that God's justice and God's mercy are married at the cross.
God can bestow mercy upon men because He laid the punishment fully upon Himself because someone else paid our fine, and that is
Jesus Christ. students, providing clinical care for our communities, and conducting innovative research to create life -changing health for all.
As New Jersey's academic health center, Rutgers Health brings discoveries in the lab directly to patients across the state and around the world.
Our eight schools, behavioral health network, and four centers and institutes are located just outside New York City in Newark and New Brunswick.
Together, we're breathing new life into health. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring.
Laundry? Oh, a book club. Computer solitaire, huh? Ah, sorry.
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