Rewind: God is Fully Just and Merciful
Rapp Report Daily episode 27 This 2-minute podcast discusses the second of three things that make Christian unique from all other religions. No religions have a God that is both just and merciful, except Christianity. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian...
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- Rutgers Health takes an integrated approach to educating students, providing clinical care for our communities, and conducting innovative research to create life -changing health for all.
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- As New Jersey's academic health center, Rutgers Health brings discoveries in the lab directly to patients across the state and around the world.
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- ChumbaCasino .com. No purchase necessary, void, or prohibited by law. 18 -plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. Welcome to the
- 01:05
- Rap Report with Andrew Rapaport, where we provide biblical interpretations and applications.
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- This is a ministry of Striving for Eternity. For more content or to request a speaker or seminar for your church, go to www .strivingforeternity
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- .org. Another way that we see that Christianity is unique among all the other religions is the fact that only within Christianity can you have a
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- God that is fully just and fully merciful. You see, mercy and justice are mutually exclusive.
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- You cannot be just and punish a sin, at the same time show mercy to it.
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- And as we look at all the other religions, we see even Islam that would say that Allah is most merciful, but at the sake of His justice.
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- God's justice can be seen in the fact that He meets out punishment to those who break
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- His laws. He must punish lawbreakers for all sin. There are no exceptions. This creates a dilemma for other religions that want to allow criminals to earn their way to heaven.
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- In order for God to be just, He must punish. But if He punished everyone that broke His law, no one would receive mercy.
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- In God's justice, He does punish the consequence to its fullest extent. The consequence of sin was paid in full in the punishment of Jesus Christ.
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- And in that, we can see mercy. Most religions might say that God is merciful. However, most of them have a view of mercy that makes
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- God unjust and overlooking lawbreaking. God cannot be merciful at the sake of His justice, as seen in other religions except for Christianity.
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- Christianity is unique in that God's justice and God's mercy are married at the cross.
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- God can bestow mercy upon men because He laid the punishment fully upon Himself because someone else paid our fine, and that is
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- Jesus Christ. students, providing clinical care for our communities, and conducting innovative research to create life -changing health for all.
- 03:18
- As New Jersey's academic health center, Rutgers Health brings discoveries in the lab directly to patients across the state and around the world.
- 03:26
- Our eight schools, behavioral health network, and four centers and institutes are located just outside New York City in Newark and New Brunswick.
- 03:35
- Together, we're breathing new life into health. Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring.
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