The Lord Our Shepherd


Sermon: The Lord Our Shepherd Date: September 26, 2021, Afternoon Text: Psalm 23 Series: The Lord Our Shepherd Preacher: Josh Sheldon Audio:


Well, it's already been a change to my earlier announcement looking out and making a quick count I change it from minimum of four to minimum of three, please
Though four is okay. I'm speaking minimums Well, please stand if you would for the reading of God's Word once again
The Lord is my shepherd.
I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for his namesake Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff They comfort me you prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies
You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life
Amen, please be seated. I thought to just give a few thoughts on this psalm this psalm that could easily stretch into an entire year's worth of Sundays if we
Wanted to pull out and plumb all of its depths Perhaps only
John chapter 3 verse 16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son That whosoever should believe in him would not perish but have eternal life perhaps only that is known better or as well as Psalm 23 by the world at large
Church and non -church alike You remember way back in the day in Monday night football there was some group that always seemed to have seats in the end zones
And they would hang that banner down you ever see that just at John 3 16 They just had those seats they paid for them and whenever you watch
Monday night football You'd see that on one of the end zones John 3 16 it's like the whole world knows
John 3 16 and Psalm 23 the Lord is my shepherd and Virtually anyone would recognize those first five words the
Lord is my shepherd and many Many can go much deeper into these six verses and know where they're from I said he leads my beside still waters many people say oh, that's that's that Psalm that Psalm And if you're in the church you would quickly say that Psalm 23
In the Psalm we find comfort and strength in our God Here he is Yahweh or Jehovah we call him
Yahweh in These six verses the faithfulness of God in all trials that we encounter is given prominence.
It is highlighted The author of this short psalm is Israel's poet and shepherd
King David And we can be sure he would have smiled with approval
Of what the Apostle Paul many centuries later would write when he wrote for I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers
Nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation
Will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord I Think David would be very consonant with that and would have smiled with approval to hear those words the simplicity of this short psalm belies its depths there is peace so All -encompassing that there's no thought given towards escaping the trials that might make you yearn for the peace of God that surpasses all understanding because in the
Psalm we have the God who not only lays out the paths that may have these difficult trials
But he's the same God who brings us through them We see contentment in the
Lord But we don't see complacency about him We find readiness to face the deep dark valley where danger lurks, but we don't see reckless abandon and Finally we find complete satisfaction in this life because of sure assurances of the life to come
It's all in Psalm 23 We'll break it into three sections verses 1 through 3 we can think of as my shepherd is he and Verse 4 my friend are you and verses 5 and 6 my table you fill
We'll take it in those parts. My shepherd is he It's a little bit of a clumsy way to say it
But Lord willing as we go through this you'll see why I titled that first section that way my shepherd is he because of the first three verses
The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want he makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters
He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
I Think the first thing we need to answer is who is he? The Lord is my shepherd.
Who is he who's being named here? Clearly? It's God, but it's God And as I said the name here is
Yahweh Yahweh The name that was revealed in Exodus 4 to Moses when he said tell them that Yahweh has sent you
And what does Yahweh mean how does God define it himself I am that I am
Or what I am I am many ways to understand that but I am that I am is a good one
It is the name that evokes God's unchangeability his absolute self -sufficiency
One might say it evokes his self existence. He exists in and of himself
He needs nothing outside of himself for anything much less his existence God is simply
God. He is what he is. He says I am what I am He's unchangeable he's the self -existing
Lord and this name Yahweh is often if not usually brought in association with his covenant faithfulness
With his remembrance of his self -imposed obligations So it is
Yahweh who came to Moses Remembering the covenant that he made with Abraham Isaac and Jacob To bring that people out and return them to the promised land it is
Yahweh the eternal self -sufficient Self -existing God who remembers and then keeps his covenant the unchangeable
Lord who never fails in his self -imposed obligations
Yahweh is David's Shepherd the Lord Yahweh is my
Shepherd And so he will always be what he is Which is
David's Shepherd? So the second question we might ask is what is a shepherd?
Well at its simplest a shepherd is with the one usually in the ancient Near East a lad
Responsible for one of the most valuable assets that a family could own which is of course is a flock of sheep Now you think of a lad
I Wonder what picture comes to your mind when I say think of an ancient
Near Eastern shepherd boy What would you think of? Well for many of us you would think of a cherubic little boy with a gentle demeanor
Maybe having a soft cuddly face like those little angels you see sometimes. I Want to Dissuade you from that I want you to think of something more like a
Spartan youth Do you remember the Spartan youth? They were sent around the city of Sparta With no clothes and nothing to their possession except a spear and they were the wall of the city
And whatever tried to get into the city They were the first alarm and those who could not survive the elements the heat in the summer or the freezing cold in the winter
Well, they weren't strong enough to be Spartan soldiers Anyway, I want you to think of someone a lad that tough.
I Want you to think of someone Who had that kind of grit to them? And say this because our author
David Israel's poet he knew something of this. He was his father's shepherd We read in 1st
Samuel chapter 17, and this is when he's Telling Saul he will go out and fight the monster
Goliath in verse 33 Saul said to David You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight with him for you are but a youth and he has been as a man of war from his youth
He's too big. He's too skilled. He's too experienced for you David No, I can't send you out against him verse 34
But David said to Saul your servant used to keep sheep for his father And when there came a lion or a bear and took a lamb from the flock
I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth And if he rose up against me,
I caught him by his beard now He's talking about the lion don't catch a lion by his beard I caught him by his beard and struck him and killed him
Your servant has struck down both lions and bears and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be like one of them for he has defied the armies of the
Living God Now you wouldn't lightly contest such a one as that how much less
Yahweh But when David says the Lord is my shepherd Again, remember he's not talking about some cute little boy
He's talking about a tough -as -nails Shepherd who grabbed a lion by the beard and killed it for the temerity of having attacked his father's flock the same with the bears
So is this
Yahweh? Is this God who is our shepherd? Is this God who David says looks out for him?
Looks out for our needs And as Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount we all have needs and God knows these needs we need for clothing
We need homes. We need jobs. We need food and so forth With Yahweh as the shepherd watching over you his flock is why
Jesus says why do you worry? Oh you of little faith, that's Matthew chapter 6 and verse 30
So this is who is in view here Yahweh the self -existent one who is faithful to his own self -imposed obligations by the covenants that he has made and a shepherd a
Human shepherd a tough -as -nails son who wouldn't let a lion or a bear get away with a single of his father's sheep
But this title now applied for the first time in Scripture by the way to Yahweh to that great warrior
God and so he says I Shall not want with the
Lord as my shepherd. I shall not want we can ask. Why is there no want? Because he makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters Green pastures of course are what sheep need and sheep generally cannot find them on their own
They need a shepherd to find them. They need a shepherd to go ahead and Find where they are to make sure they're safe from predators and to lead them to those pastures
It is there in the green pastures where they not only feed But that's where the shepherd has also gone ahead and scouted it out and made sure that while they're feeding
He can spot every one of them and know where they are at all times This is not what our great
Shepherd does for us Our Lord Jesus Christ who from heaven now rules in the hearts of his people who by his word
Proclaimed here this morning being proclaimed here now as you read it and study it at home on your own as you pray together
Is that not the way that we are led into the green pastures into the safe pastures of Closeness to God knowledge of his son
Jesus Christ Still waters are more literally rendered waters to rest by He says rest there because the place is safe rest there because the water is still it is sweet It is safe rest there because your shepherd never slumbers or sleeps as the psalmist says he never will he never can
Grow weary So in Christ Jesus the great shepherd of the sheep
Jesus Christ who says of himself. I am the good shepherd that's in John chapter 10 as As David pictures
Yahweh as his shepherd here is the same image It's the same lack of want because it is him.
It is that shepherd watching over us He restores my soul.
He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake He's speaking of the soul of the inner man
He's speaking of that aspect of your existence that will live forever Once it has been made by God, and it has been wed to a body the soul is in need of restoration
Constantly is it not I mean and the form of the verb that David uses here is one of continuous action
Not he restored my soul, but he restores an ongoing work of the shepherd
Keeping us on the right path putting us in safety Leading us in paths of righteousness green pastures still waters and so forth all of those rightly spiritualized as a safety of faith in Jesus Christ And Association with him and growing more and more like him by knowing his word
He restores my soul not being saved and restored over and over the restorative work of the
Holy Spirit Always bringing Christ's people into more and more common Conformity excuse me with Christ's image
The restores is an interesting word as I said, it's an ongoing process that is spoken of here a
Continuous action we call the verb imperfect not there's anything wrong with the verb, but it doesn't have an end
It just keeps going it doesn't get completed. That's the idea here, but that word restores itself is
Often translated as repent it's the same word or turn around Change your mind
He brings my soul into conformity with his own, and this is the working of the
Spirit of God in the children of God Paths of righteousness are more than just safe and easy ways
Often in fact usually if they're going to bring us more into conformity with Christ Jesus.
They're not easy They're safe because of who leads us on to those paths They're safe because it's a good shepherd who will never leave us or forsake us
That doesn't mean they're easy That's why I said earlier that this psalm
With the safety that we have in Christ doesn't lead us to complacency No quite the opposite it really leads us to confidence in Christ and certainty that we are on his path
Because he's watching over us And what does a shepherd do when a sheep goes off the path and tries to get out of the green pasture that he scouted out
And wants his sheep in He gives him a whack with that shepherds Staff he gets him back into line
He shows us where our wayward ways He finds a way and not finds a way he
Has a way by his providence of showing us our sin and bringing us back to that restoration that repentance that Word really speaks of there
He restores my soul over and over those ways are not easy
But they are good, and they're prepared in advance that we should walk in them That's Ephesians chapter 2 verse 10 hard as they can be the paths of righteousness have that good end the result of our trials make our faith stronger and Pure like pure silver purified seven times
Now you know that picture when pure silver is being purified and what happens to the dross rises up the impurities rise up and Before it solidifies again.
They scoop that off and then they purify it again and Again until it's all gone or as much gone as it can be in this life of course our dross will never be fully taken
Away, we won't be Perfected until Jesus returns and draws us to himself But as we're led in the paths of righteousness
We're led to be more and more like the one who leads us who is Jesus Christ the great shepherd of our souls
Now the problem with those paths It's not that they aren't good. It's that they're hard and The greater leaps we take the greater strides we make towards Jesus Christ Generally the harder those paths are the harder we have to work against our own sin
The more difficult the lessons we learn May be to learn because we're stubborn because we like sheep will go astray
Jesus sought me when a stranger Wandering from the fold of God.
I think that hymn catches perfectly what we're trying to say here But as we're led in the paths of righteousness, we're led to be more like Jesus Christ who leads us and so whatever it takes
Whatever sin we have to confront Whatever God does to bring us to that state of repentance and restoration the end is good
The end of it all is good. It's a path of righteousness You know the verse
I quote so often from here. I hope you never get tired of it For he made him Jesus Christ who knew no sin to be sin for us that in him we might become what?
the righteousness of God We have that righteousness and yet we must grow must grow into that righteousness more and more
Doesn't mean it'll be easy and Somehow we know intrinsically how hard it could be
Because we know how difficult our sin is to be rid of and how much we like to hold on to it
So we find excuses we balk at the hardship We convince ourselves that we won't forget to revisit it tomorrow
And then of course tomorrow has its own trouble as Jesus Christ said and so once we delve into the troubles of tomorrow
Yesterday's commitments are forgotten The way the path of righteousness was in the previous verse he is the restoration of the soul
He calls the restoration by bringing about The other sense of the word which is repentance
So I think we alluded to this this morning to not resist the
Holy Spirit When he kicks or when he when he goads you and what does it say in Scripture?
Don't kick against the goads of the pricks of the of the Holy Spirit Don't resist your shepherd when a shepherd brings his sheep into the sheepfold for the evening
You know you have you heard this picture before what's he do he inspects each one of them He knows those sheep and the sheep know him and he knows every bramble
This should be or should not be on there. He knows every sore every wound that they have And he launches them as they go into the fold before he closes the door and keeps them safe he removes the stickers removes the
Brambles binds up the wound he'll carry an injured sheep on his shoulders until it's better Sheep like us are usually getting injured when what do they do when they lose sight of the shepherd and Wander off on their own way
When your great shepherd inspects you Hebrews 4 12 says that for the
Word of God is living and active sharper than a two -inch sword piercing to the division of soul and spirit and of Marrow and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart there that inspection
Think of it that way there's our great shepherd Picking us up as we're going into the fold for the night or into that green pasture where he's going to have us rest
He's gonna pick it up, and he's gonna go through your your your your fur or your wool and find every imperfection
And cure them all and take care of us This is how he does it
Ruling us through his word by his spirit He points out our injuries
Puts us back on that path of righteousness and repentance and by that grace the soul is restored
He restores my soul So my shepherd is he
But then the second section is my friend are you Verse 4 even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil for you are with me your rod and your staff they comfort me Now here
David could well have been anticipating one of his many battles He went at the head of his army right into what could have been his final valley into the shadow of death
But there was a change here. I wonder how many of you noticed it A very important change
When David speaks of the specter of death when he speaks of that dark valley into which so many of us go and many of us know
God's Deliver us delivering us out of that When David speaks of it here in the psalm
Did you notice that in the previous verses? He said the Lord that's third person him that God He's my shepherd in verse 4
It changed from the third person to the second person With David speaking not of the
Lord, but to the Lord you are with me your rod and your staff They come for me
You see God is a personal God God can save peoples and nations God raises up kings and nations and he casts away kings and nations
He numbers and he names every star he is utterly holy. He is totally other than us
Yet this God we can claim to be mine If you have faith in Jesus Christ You can claim
God as your own you can say you are with me your rod your staff
Comfort me you can join the Apostle Paul in Galatians chapter 2 verse 20 where he wrote
About the Son of God he means Jesus Christ the Son of God who loved me and gave himself up for me
Is he not looking at Jesus Christ and speaking of not as him who loved me?
But you Lord who loved me personally My friend are you?
It was a beautiful privilege to be able to speak to God in prayer in that second person
To say my Heavenly Father I Come to you
You who is my shepherd you who sent your son to me? You who by your spirit gave me faith to believe?
If you realize what a privilege it is what a wonderful blessing it is how incredible it is that we get to speak to God in the second person as a friend because of faith in Jesus Christ You know the word for Comfort Where he says they comfort me the word is in the hum in the
Hebrew. It's where the Prophet Nahum gets his name and That word can also mean to have compassion to have compassion the shepherds rod and the staff
Stand for his protection and sometimes he has to give us a good whack with it to get us back in line
But knowing they are there is a comfort It's in the hum to us the fact that there is the fact that they are there at all is because of God's compassion
And so finally my table you fill My shepherd is he my friend are you?
My table you fill still in the second person still talking to God Speaking to him in prayer as a friend
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows
Surely goodness and mercy Shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever So our Lord is our host To eat before the
Lord is an incredible privilege in Exodus chapter 24 verse 9 we read of one such occasion then
Moses and Aaron Nadab and Abihu and 70 of the elders of Israel went up went up to the mountain and They saw the
God of Israel there was under his feet as it were a pavement of sapphire stones like the very heaven for clearness and He did not lay his hand on the chief men of the people of Israel.
They beheld God and ate and drank Why would you lay his hand on them if they had been presumptuous and coming before Israel as Nadab and Abihu would be when they
Offer profane files some fire some few months after this and were immediately consumed by fire from the
Lord Well presumptuousness before the Lord is worthy of immediate death, but here in This beautiful time in Israel's history sort of their
Camelot period if you will You have the elders the leaders Moses Aaron his sons eating in the presence of God himself
He doesn't lay his hand on him so more incredibly yet as we consider
My table you fill and God preparing a table before us in the presence of our enemies more incredible yet We find our
Lord Jesus Christ serving at a table In John 13 he removes his outer clothing and he served the disciples feet
Washing them like the lowest scullery maiden And it gets even better in Luke chapter 12
Jesus actually says blessed are those servants whom the master finds awake when he comes truly
I say to you he will dress himself for service and have them recline at table, and he will come and serve them
I Have no words. I have no worldly Illustration or parallels to such a thing as Jesus Christ dressing himself to serve
I said I was almost gonna say us to depersonalize it just a bit, but we have to say it this way to serve me
The Lord who came not to be served But to serve the Lord who served us by going to the cross and dying for our sins
The Lord who is now ascended and glorified and sitting at the father's right hand This Lord in some way that I can't even begin to describe to you
It's going to dress himself for service and set a table to us
You prepare a table before me. I can't imagine what that will be like yet each
Sunday. Do we not do this? It's just a couple of hours ago. We sat at the Lord's table and ate in his presence
I speak of what was on this table just that short time ago The bread and the wine which
Jesus Christ said as often as you do this in remembrance of me This table
Taken week to week. I think it's just what David was writing about whether he truly understood or not
We could say he prophesied of the table to come So how does the
Lord not lay his hand on us as we sit in his presence and feed on what his son has served?
to us It's because the Lord's table is a reminder that goodness and mercy have followed us as It says in the psalm in Jesus Christ and by his cross
That one place the cross where steadfast love and faithfulness meet Righteousness and peace have kissed each other a psalm 85 verse 10
Because on the cross Jesus's blood made answer for our sin as he does even now as he intercedes for us
Ruling over us as he sits in the place of all authority, which is the father's right side
This is why we can come here not just in slavish obedience
But in loving obedience as we sit before the Lord himself at the table that he set set here for us
David wrote that goodness and mercy would follow him and follow is another interesting word
Which is worthy of just a comment. It's the Hebrew Radak often translated actually as Pursue and when it's used as pursue
It's usually in a military context the victors pursuing those whom they defeated and finishing the battle that way and again,
David uses that imperfect form of the verb Which can mean something in the future or a continuous action in the present, and I think we take it both ways
God's goodness and mercy Pursued us for by grace you have been saved
That not of yourselves is the gift of God not of works so no one should boast
You're by nature children of wrath We're born in darkness, but now in Christ are children of light.
How did this goodness and mercy come upon us? Did you reach out to God and say well? I'll have a piece of that no
God pursued you God took those whom he had before the foundation of the world
Given to his son Jesus Christ to redeem and By his spirit change your heart
That's the pursuing God pursued you and brought you to him
If pursuit has a military Flavor to it that idea of subduing
Then yes, he subdued our nature He subdued our sinful rebellion against him he
Subdued our desire to remain in this world and have nothing at all to do with God. He subdued us completely he conquered and Brought us to his son
Jesus Christ according to his will well.
That's continuous And that's in this world. That's in while we live in this world, but then
God's mercy will pursue us All the days of our life his goodness and mercy are ever chasing us down Not just in the here and now but to the final destiny we have in Jesus Christ that final destiny
Impressed upon our spirits as we recline as we did this afternoon at the Lord's table
And he finishes as we will He says and I shall dwell in the house of the
Lord forever and we Who are in Christ Jesus shall dwell in his house forever the house that Jesus has gone ahead of us to prepare for us
Where Jesus said in John chapter 14 that I go to prepare a place for you
And if we're not so what I've told you that I go to do that well of course He told the truth, and he's now preparing that place for us where we would where we will dwell with him forever
As the Apostle Paul wrote to the Thessalonians Then we who are alive who are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the