Woke'd up with Kevin McGary, Every Black Life Matters


Kevin McGary of Every Black Life Matters speaks to CFS on how Evolution has lead to slavery, eugenics and the Nazi’s death camps. Find Kevin here: everyblm.com [email protected]


somebody is going to click. Okay, so. Okay, so I'm Terry Cameron's now and I'm here with creation fellowship
Santee. We're a group of friends bound by our common agreement that the creation account as told in Genesis is a true depiction of how
God created the universe and all life in just six days a few thousand years ago.
We've been meeting on this platform since June of 2020. And we've been blessed with a number of different speakers who have brought to us presentations that blend creation science, other theology topics, and even current events.
You can find links to most of our past presentations by typing in tiny url .com
forward slash cf Santee. That's C like creation F like fellowship and Santee is spelled s a n t e.
You can also email us at creation fellowship Santee at gmail .com to get on our email list so that you don't miss any of our upcoming speakers.
We like to do current events topics and especially through the lens of scripture.
We like to refer to these topics as consequences of evolutionary thinking. And that's what we have with us for tonight.
Our guest is Reverend Kevin McGarry. He's the founder and president of every black life matters.
His focus is teaching real justice from the womb to the tomb. And we'll let him give a little more information about his ministry and about the books that he's written as he talks to us tonight.
So go ahead, Kevin. Awesome. Thank you for having me. It's good to be here.
Typically, when I when I do talks, you know, people say, well, let's see every black life matters.
Well, you're different than BLM. But why are you still dividing us? Why are you so let me let me address the elephant in the room.
Okay. Every black life matters started because of the violence, hatred, vitriol, and destruction of black and brown businesses that BLM willfully participated in a couple years ago.
And then what was the real icing on the cake for us is we realized that pastors were encouraging their parishioners to go out there and fully participate with BLM and Antifa as they did their stuff.
And so we thought that was a that was a bridge a little bit too far. We understand that there are a lot of righteous and faithful people that were grief stricken by the nine minutes and 43 seconds of what they saw with with George Floyd.
But they, you know, for the most part, as after they went home and went to the website of BLM, they would understand that it's a
Marxist organization, that it's anti father, anti family, anti life, and I mean, just everything that is antithetical.
And so we realized that some people of faith would want a righteous and faithful way to, to support an organization that was really about black life.
Now, we started it strategically, because we really wanted to illuminate an issue.
The issue is black life. And so if you read, every black life matters, and you put t o o at the end, you'll get a sense for why we are here.
It means every black life matters, too. So the problem with black life, just in general, is the biggest problem that black life has is just getting out of the womb.
Blacks are being born at this rate, and all other ethnicities are being born at this rate, because of the strategic targeting of Planned Parenthood.
When Margaret Sanger said, look, we're gonna, we don't want the word to get out, but we want to fully exterminate the
Negro population. She didn't say we want to exterminate blacks and Asians or blacks and Hispanics or black and any other race, she said, we want to exterminate blacks, period.
And that's why blacks are being born at this rate, and others are being born at this rate. When we say every black life matters, too, it just means that all lives matter.
Every life matters. So you should stand with us, because what we're saying is, can we at least at the very least, if you're a moral person, and let's say you don't believe in the faith stuff, but you're a moral person, morally, isn't it more righteous for us to at least have the opportunity to be born at the same rate that every other ethnicity is?
So every black life matters is really a statement that all lives matter.
Every life matters. So stop targeting blacks for extermination. 90 % of all
Planned Parenthood is are in the black community, within walking distance of black and brown communities. So you have a very, very small demographic, but 90 % of all of your facilities and resources are in this small percentage of demographic.
Why? If Planned Parenthood or other abortuaries were sincere about just women's health care, seems to me they would use the demographics that are already outlined by Target, or Walmart.
That's where women congregate. They would probably just put their
Planned Parenthood clinics on the back end of every Walmart Target in the country. Problem solved, you got women.
No, you're not targeting anybody. Women congregate there and give them services. But no, right now, 90 % are strategically targeted, where Margaret Sanger wanted them targeted to exterminate the black community.
So that's why we're here. And that's, that's our organization. If you go to everyblm .com,
you can find out more information about us, you could support us, pray for us, pray with us, and help us to really stand for righteousness, justice and faithfulness throughout the country.
So I really wanted to talk today about a subject that's near and dear to all of our hearts.
And yes, it's near and dear to me too. And that would be white supremacy. Now, you guys are probably saying, look, oh, come on,
I've been called the white supremacist, but you can't look at you. Yeah, my brother in law calls me a white supremacist.
He said, yeah, man, look, you, you are white supremacist, man. Oh, my gosh. So yeah,
I'm not absolved just because of skin color from ad hominems. You know, we're all in the same zoo.
So I want to talk about white supremacy and racism, what it is, where it came from, why it's here today, and how it's being, you know, proliferated to this very day.
The good news is, is I'm so glad this is a group that's committed to creationism.
Because what you will see as I go through my discussion, is the persons involved in evolutionary theories are literally the ones that are causing racism and white supremacy.
And it's, it's not an ad hominem. It's not a pejorative.
It's not projection. It's fact. So I'm going to give you the facts. We're going to walk through it.
We're going to talk through it. And, you know, we'll take I'll take any and all questions at the end.
So, so let me share a little bit here with you. Let's go here.
Yeah, this one. And here we go. All right. All right, let me close these others down quick.
And expand that one. Here we go. Hold on. Bear with me.
All right, here we go. Okay. So my website, actually not my website, but my
YouTube channel is y 'all woke up and it correlates or corresponds to the book woke up.
And again, that was done about four months ago, released about four months ago, lots of, you know, five star reviews on Amazon, the best way to get it is just to go to Amazon.
You get in about two days, and, you know, come to your doorstep. It covers everything
I'm talking about today, but it gives you exact talking points with footnotes. This is a kind of conversation, you are going to want to further explore with your reading groups, with your children, your grandchildren, as they come in and say,
Grandma, are we white supremacist? Are we privileged? Are we racist?
You'll have answers. This is what the book is. It talks about the woke movement, what it's fully embraced in what it's rooted in here,
I'll give you a secret. It's literally by definition, the wokesters that are white supremacist and racist.
So that should be some good news for you for us. Because as they project, you're white
Christian nationalist, you racist, you wow. Literally, and by definition, this is not an ad hominem for an ad hominem.
This is fact based historical evidence that we'll go through tonight, that confirms that they are fully embracing white supremacy, and racism.
Now, they can get rid of it. They could stop being woke. That's the only way.
And so but you need to have all of the talking points in your hand. So you can talk them through what
I'm talking about, what I'm going to reveal to you tonight, and help them because a lot of walksters are there because of pressure.
You know, they, you know, they've been pressured into it, they don't want to be canceled or doxed or, you know, any of the other things that these crazy woke movement is doing to people today.
So you need to help them to understand what it is. And so getting the book woke up to do that.
Also, on my y 'all woke up, I do one minute shorts on current events.
And so I have about 400 videos out there. It's just one minute, quick hits on what's happening, non woke format, just, hey, these are some things that's happening.
It's crazy. Um, and so y 'all woke up, again, is a good
YouTube channel, I'd like you to subscribe to. Let's see. So let's let's continue.
All right. We also provide training racial unity training and certification.
So and DEI training for corporations and small groups. And so this is an example of what we did at awakened church, the largest church in San Diego, a couple months ago, and that was our sort of coming out, where we invited the community and got feedback, refined our modules, we have multiple modules that we go through and certify on each module.
And, and so I just wanted to have if you're a business owner, if you're a small group leader, whatever, you can go to our website and get information about our racial unity training.
All right. We don't, we don't do the whole dividing the room.
Okay, all you whites, you get back and you just sit down and shut up all you ethnics, you come up here. Let's talk about how crazy those white folks are.
That divides organizations that builds distrust, that creates a toxic environment.
And that creates hate. So we actually have a way of actually encouraging companies and small groups to come together and actually respect one another and commit to working on racial unity together.
And identifying it and doing something about it together, not pointing out somebody else's ethnicity.
It's ridiculous. So, so we do this. And if you want more information on that, you can go to website.
Okay. All right. So this is the book woke up, finally putting an axe to the taproot of white supremacy and racism in America.
Now, here's the thing that, you know, everybody should know what a taproot is.
The taproot is the main, like, think of it like the heart, the main vein of a, of a plant or a tree.
It's called the taproot. There is a literal taproot for white supremacy and racism.
Now, some people would say, ah, since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, we've had white supremacy and racism.
Ah, no, they would be miss speaking, or they would be just dramatically incorrect.
White supremacy and racism came much, much, much, much later as a unique distinction by one person.
Now, I know that's hard to believe, but you'll see what I'm talking about here as we go through it.
So we'll, we'll, we'll step you through it. And again, you can ask any questions at the end. Okay, here we go.
Um, let's just talk a little bit, I won't, I won't dwell here. But let's see,
I have part of these are some convergent transformations that are objective of woke leftists, right.
And these are some of the things that they talk about. And that are really transformations,
I thought were, it's pretty brilliant, I got it off of an article and, or somebody wrote something, it wasn't even in an article.
So I didn't have anything to give attribution for, but I did get it off of some script that was kind of nondescript.
So I couldn't give attribution. But this is what it says, they want to transform or trends, you know, take us from being dumb to demented.
Oh, I don't want to do that yet. And all of the other things there.
Okay, I don't know how to get back to it. Let me see. All right. Well, let me
Oh, here we go. Let me see here. Bear with me. Bear with me. Here we go. All right.
Let's see. From dumb to the minted from patriotic to hating everything
American, from being today's. So and then being today's faithful walksters are brainwashed into cancel culture, atheism, and intolerance.
And so and then all these other 12 things here you can you can read. Hopefully, you can get a sense for the what those are before I turn to the next page.
But we're going to turn the next page because there's a lot of narrative that I have to provide to you for the next several slides.
So how did race actually become an issue? Here's the thing. We did have the Garden of Eden. Okay. Um, and then after the fall of man is when everything got haywire.
You know, when haywire here in this world, right in this room. So So here's the thing.
After that happened, we had tribalism, where you would go from one tribe.
And if you saw somebody from another tribe, you'd be like, I don't, I don't trust those people.
I don't like those people because they're not like me. That was tribalism, right? Then you had ethnic strife.
So, you know, you had fought against another ethnic group because they took your wives and kids or something.
They were, you know, competition for land, or they were foreseeing a religion or something like ethnic strife.
So you had tribalism, and ethnic strife, as a result of the fall of man in Garden of Eden.
And that happened for 1000s of years. And then you actually came up to the 19th century.
And and that well, actually 18th century, late 18th century, and then 19th century.
And that's when we actually, you know, where white supremacy, as a unique ontological and anthropological distinction was created.
And then we had racism in our modern context, a created distinction.
And again, it was by one man. Yeah, the same man actually, who is responsible for evolution.
Hold that. Let's go through it. So here's the thing. Here's the timeline. Okay. In 1770, we had an anthropologist naturalist materialist scientist called
Johann Friedrich Blumenbach. In the early 1800s, we had
Thomas Malthus. In 1859, we had the infamous
Charles Darwin, that you all are probably quite familiar with. So these are kind of the transitions that brought us into the understanding in our modern context of white supremacy and racism.
How did they do that? Let's take a look at what Johann Friedrich Blumenbach did. Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, he was a, again, he has the he is the precursor to Darwin, they had the exact same background, scientific upbringing, everything.
So Darwin came later. But in 1770, Johann Friedrich Blumenbach, he came and he says,
Look, we have we have people coming from all these different areas, we should try to classify them by as a race.
And he says, what we're going to do is we're going to take a look at all of the continents, seven continents, but five were actually populated enough to make a difference.
Does anyone look at the five main continents where we actually have population growth, and we're going to classify.
And so that's what he did. He says, Look, you know, you know, white Europeans, you know,
Middle Easterners, in those types would be classified as Caucasian, among Mongolians would be the yellow race, including
East Asians, and then we had Malayan, which would be brown races in Southeast Asia.
Then we had Ethiopian, which would be the black race, which are on the continent of Africa.
And then Americans, which would be Native American, you know, red, they called it the natural red indigenous red race here in America.
So five races had nothing to do with skin color. Not at all.
Not at all. He says, Look, these are geographies, we classify people by race by geography.
Right, simple enough. And the last thing that he said is that you know what, I keep getting asked about blacks.
He said, there is no, he says, I've done the cranial research with blacks with Africans with the
Ethiopian race. He said, there is no intellectual or cognitive distinction whatsoever.
With Ethiopians with the black race. This is what he said, this is what the man of science discovered in 1770.
Keep that in mind. We then go to Okay, this is this is he coined the term
Caucasian. These are some of the things that he did. Okay. Then we go to Thomas Malthus.
Now, the thing that's interesting about Thomas Malthus, he was Charles Darwin's first cousin, older cousin, of course, because he was late 1700s and early 1800s.
He was a think about him as a radical environmentalist, he would be the first radical environmentalist had a real phobia about the earth, about the earth overpopulating and not having enough resources, firmly didn't believe in things such as God, he didn't believe in God.
He felt like, look, we are responsible for all Earth's resources. And we have to figure out how do we take care of it.
We have all these populations growing in the earth cannot maintain its consistency with all of these people.
This is Thomas Malthus. You've heard of Malthusian eugenics and other Malthusian theories.
He was Charles Darwin's first cousin. Okay, so he was paranoid about food scarcity and those types of things before there was even a green movement or radical environmentalist movement.
This is the guy, this is where it started. Okay. So he had a pretty fatalistic approach that unless we can get, you know, start to manage population growth, ethnicities would eventually just overproduce and the earth would stop functioning.
Okay. So he was Darwin's first cousin. Now, we get to Darwin, respected, renowned person that was, had the exact same protocol, not protocol, but pedigrees as as Johann Friedrich Blumenbach in 1770.
He's an anthropologist, naturalist scientist, okay. He's notable because he actually came up with his evolutionary theories, right?
He says, there's absolutely no God, men evolve. And he says, look, you know, whites were the first to evolve.
Whites have plateaued. We white, pure, Aryan, Caucasian, Europeans, we're at the top of the food chain.
We're the most intellectual, and we have the most resourceful than any other ethnicity.
All other ethnicities are still evolving. Some of them are mostly evolved. But, you know, whites have, we're at the top.
White supremacy. That's what he says.
Whites are supreme. We're superior. We plateaued, we've evolved.
White supremacy was given its ontological and anthropological distinction.
First time in human history. No one else, no other scientist, no other person in history, that would be renowned, that would be listened to, made such an audacious claim.
Darwin did it. And as to people that love Darwin, hold on to your seatbelt.
So he did not only say there is no God, fully embracing atheism, but he fully instantiated white supremacy.
Now, what he did as well, that a lot of people don't know, is, you know, if you read his books, the like on natural selection, where in natural selection, there's this whole idea of competition between races, right?
You know, the more, you know, the more evolved and the more, you know, through natural selection, and through the struggle for life, basically, then you have this competition between races.
So he really felt that there was assisting his most favored races. So this is the subtitle of his first book on natural selection, for the preservation of most favorite races in the struggle for life.
He goes into a second book on which a second book was the descent of man goes into detail when he met, he says,
Look, um, you know, my evolutionary theories are pretty clear. He says, you look at the blacks.
You look at whites, first of all, we're supreme, we plateau, we're good, we're the first ones who evolved. But you look at the blacks, you see that you're still subhuman.
First time in human history, a man of renowned prominence, scientists, who is renowned, declares that blacks are subhuman, apes, gorillas, and savages.
Charles Darwin did it. So the guy who instantiates atheism, takes it through the roof, because anybody that read his works over that time, even if they were sort of quasi, they fully rejected
God and went in with his evolutionary theories. Atheism went through the roof. He instantiates then white supremacy, hatred, class conflict, class struggle.
Then he instantiates racism by saying, Look, blacks aren't even, they're not even equivalent to us.
They're still subhuman, you could treat them any old kind of way. Now, some people would say, Look, well, wait, wait, wait, wait, we had slavery before Darwin's work was even public.
Yeah, you'd be absolutely right. You remember, what was the premise for slavery?
It wasn't that blacks are subhuman, or blacks are, it was economic opportunism.
If I had a 40 acre ranch, and it was just me and my two sons that had to do all the plowing, somebody came over here and said,
Give me 10 bucks. And I'll give you a somebody from another country, you don't have to feed them, you can have them lay on the shed and back and just feed them once a day and give them a little water and he'll do all your work for you.
For a lot of people that made sense. And so it was economic opportunism.
Because these people had no papers, they had no. And it was like, Oh, okay,
I can. Yeah, I can use that. I could use that labor, bring as many of them as you can, I'll give you 10, 20 bucks, whatever.
That's what started the slavery thing. It wasn't, hey, I hate blacks, and they're subhuman.
And no, no, the subhuman idea did come during slavery, after Darwin's work was published.
A lot of people asked, how did you have these white, you know, plantation owners reach on Sunday and go home and beat their slaves beat the slop out of their slaves all the rest of the week?
Well, when they got the idea that blacks are subhuman? Well, I can rape
I can pillage I can beat the crap out of them. That's wonderful. I won't be liable for that.
They're subhumans. Not even like an insect. I want maybe one level above the parasite level or cynical.
So that was the thinking, because they listened to a guy like Charles Darwin. So uh, so yeah, there there there is a taproot to white supremacy and racism.
It started in the 1800s. It started by way of renowned scientists.
It started because he was a full blown white supremacist. Some people say, I challenge that.
How could you say he was a white supremacist? Well, first of all, he said, made these declarations. But second of all, he was such a supremacist, he married his first cousin, fully understanding all of the potential downstream results, as far as his children.
He did have 10 children, seven were normal, three didn't fare so well, they had all kinds of, you know, difficulties due to the gene, the closeness of the gene pools, and they died early.
So they were born with all kinds of, you know, infirmities that really took them out early.
So three of his kids died. Now he was a scientist, he knew what he was doing. But he was so committed to protecting the gene purity of his genes within his family.
He married his first cousin. Now he didn't learn this on his own. Thomas Malthus, his older cousin actually did the exact same thing.
These people were paranoid about the leakage of their pure genes, their intellectual genes leaking out to the general masses.
They wanted to keep it as close to the family as possible. So even though they were scientists and knew the downstream risks to their children, they thought it was well worth it to protect their intellectual capacity within their family lines.
So they married their first cousin. And unfortunately, their children suffered the consequences. Okay, let's continue.
So the pure evil of Darwin, hating
God, he said, my number one goal is I'm at war with God. I don't care about any of my other, I'm at war with God.
So that was another thing. And that was why he was atheistic. He also had another first cousin, younger first cousin,
Francis Galton. He and Francis Galton made up out of whole cloths, this whole term called eugenics.
Eugenics means well born. So it's the Greek term that means well born.
So here's the deal. They said, look, um, you know, we have to protect ourselves.
You got the survival of the fittest, you know, natural selection, we've got all this competition between these other races.
If we're not careful, these other races are going to overpopulate. Survival of the fittest is going to kick in and we're not going to, there's not going to be enough white, pure white
European Caucasians around. They're paranoid about their own supremacy.
And so Francis Galton said, look, he actually modern day statistics came from, he's like the father of modern day statistics.
He's, you know, brilliant mind. But he said to his older cousin, Charles, he says, look, I've done all the research.
Yeah, I've taken a look at population growth around the world. And it looks bad, you know, we
Caucasian, European, Aryans, whatever you want to call them. We're not, we're not populating to the degree that these other ethnicities are.
So Charles, we need to come up with a way to, you know, eliminate them.
Survival of the fittest, baby, survival of the fittest. We're scientists, so we can make a declaration.
And we could summarily exterminate these other people. So what did they do?
They concocted the term eugenics out of whole cloth, no scientific justification whatsoever.
And they said, look, if you're not well born, which would mean white Caucasian, Aryan, you could be exterminated.
And so Hitler, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, virtually every murderous despot, in human history, used
Darwin's word, and eugenics as justification. Hitler directly pointed to Darwin's word,
Stalin directly, I have all the notes, and it gives you their exact quotes. It's there.
Oh, no, we can do this, Darwin. Mao, as he starved his, he said, no, survival of the fittest.
I mean, if they can't, they can't hang, they can't, you know, survive, you know, they're too weak.
You know, 10 million, 20 million, 100 million die, whatever. It's what Mao said.
Because, you know, look at Darwin, Darwin's work is wonderful. He's a, you know, mastermind. So, um, the worst despots, the worst human atrocities recorded in all of world history resulted from Darwin, via eugenics.
Now, when eugenics came to the United States, oh, okay,
I'll get to this in a second. When eugenics came to the United States, it came by way of forced sterilizations, on mostly poor black women, unwittingly.
Oh, we're the government, we're here to help. Why don't you come in for a exam?
These black women in these poor areas come in, and they say, look, we're going to sterilize this one. She's, she's got three kids already, you know, she's poor, and she's just going to have more and more and more and more poor.
I mean, you know, she doesn't have the intellectual capacity. We know that. Come on. And over 6000 black poor women were sterilized without their knowledge or consent.
And then you had this crazy, derelict, evil, demonic person called Margaret Sanger, who started
Planned Parenthood. She says, look, we don't want the word to get out, we want to exterminate all blacks. So I tell everyone, and I'm sure that there's probably some people on this phone, on this
Zoom call, who says, look, you know, I'm pro -choice, you know, I don't want to be reckless with it, but women should have the right to do it.
Okay. I would say to you, if you're a person of integrity, just own it.
What do you have to own? You have to own that you are white supremacist and a racist.
It's the only reason why we have abortion today. It's the only reason. It started with eugenics.
It started with Darwin saying, look, we don't want others to infringe on our superiority.
So he concocted, he and Francis Dalton concocted this, what we call today abortion.
That's the only reason why we have it. So yeah, fine.
Women's right to choose. Okay. If that's your stance, just own it. Don't point fingers at anybody else and say, oh, you're all white.
Just say, look, I believe in a woman's right to choose and I am a white supremacist and a racist.
Be proud. Own it. Be a person of integrity. Just so we can see you.
All right. So the baton was handed off to Marx and Engels.
If you look at their early works, you'll see that Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels dedicated all their early works to Charles Darwin.
They fully embraced all of Darwin's theories. So you have a lot of avowed
Marxists who are here today, who are probably listening right now or will on the replay. Guess what?
If you're a Marxist, socialist, Marxist, communist, you too must own it.
Just say, look, Marx loved Darwin, fully embraced and inculcated all of his theories into his
Marxist theories. And because I'm a Marxist, I do live a white supremacist and a racist.
Just own it. This is where wokeism starts. Okay. You know,
Karl Marx was, not only was he just a horrible racist, horrible.
He hated Blacks, used the N -words gratuitously. He had a son -in -law that was a dark -skinned
Cuban, but he was Black. And he called him the N -word. He called him Negrillo, the gorilla, all kinds of horrible pejoratives.
And he was, used the N -words about Jews, and gratuitously against Blacks.
He was a horrible, demented, he's the most demonic man I ever read about. I mean, nobody fits the definition of a demon like Karl Marx did.
Even Engels said, look, this guy is like he's possessed by 10 ,000 demons. He would just rant and rave all day.
His body was covered with boils for decades. All over his body, every square inch.
Never took a bath because of it. So he was horrible. The stench was unbelievable.
Dead skin, boils, all over. Karl Marx. Yeah, and it's amazing that people would today readily identify with Karl Marx.
I'm a Marxist. This wretched man, are you kidding me? He also, he is the pioneer of modern day sex slavery.
Before there was even a thing like sex slavery, he had his, he had a maid who slaved for he and his family for decades.
He didn't pay her a plug nickel. As a matter of fact, what he ended up doing is have multiple, you know, affairs with her and got her pregnant.
And she fathered, she betrothed the son for. Yeah, Karl Marx didn't pay women, hated women, disdained women, was very much a sexist and a misogynist.
And yeah, and he was a racist. So you have, you have
Darwin, that's an atheist, calls the worst despotic, worst human atrocities in history by way of despots.
He was a white supremacist and a racist. And he, he started eugenics.
And then he, he mentored Marx. Marx took everything over.
Oh, one thing that Darwin did as well in his dissent of men, for you women out there that may still like him, I don't know.
This is what he said about women. He says, Look, I've done the cranial research on women. He says, women, their cranial cavity is much smaller than that of men.
This is what Darwin, Darwin said, now I'm going back to Darwin, in his dissent of men.
And he says, Look, because of that, their intellectual capacity is so much less. He says, so, you know, women can be relegated, relegated, sexism and misogyny in a modern day context.
Charles Darwin. The reason why we had a woman suffrage movement,
Charles Darwin. So Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susie B. Anthony, Frederick Douglass, when they started women's suffrage, the problem was, none of the men at that time believe that women had the intellectual capacity to be able to vote.
Charles Darwin. His words, his dissent of men, look at it.
This is what it is. I got it all footnoted, everything laid out for you in the book. Okay. So anyway, so we that we take that heritage, we bring it into Marx, Marx fully embraces all of it, and then puts a pedal to the metal with rounding it off with economic theories that are just crazy.
Wokeism is a result of his economic theories. If you know anything about critical theory, critical race theory, critical gender theory, critical whatever, critical legal theories, those are all products of Marx.
Okay. What Marx said is he says, look, every single hegemonic influence in America or around the world must be completely turned upside down.
So if you look at what's happening today through eyes of logic, reason, rationality, you're going to be lost, you're going to think none of this stuff makes sense.
You know why? Because you're looking at it through the wrong lens, you have to look at it through the lens of a
Marxist revolutionary. A Marxist revolutionary says, look,
I'm going to take every tradition, every thing that's normative, and completely change it upside down.
So the reason why a person like me can be called a white supremacist is because normal is turned upside down.
And then they rationalize some way of saying making that arcane, idiotic statement.
So anyway, that's, that's what Marx, that's, that's where wokeism comes from. It's all
Marxist. Marxist is all racist, and white supremacist, and sexist.
So if you are a Marxist, again, own it.
Say look, I'm a supremacist and a racist, because I'm a Marxist. Proud of who you are.
Alright, so here's, here's the confirmation, right? Social Darwinism and cultural
Marxism has a tremendous impact on modern day white supremacy, and racism.
Here's the thing. Through social Darwinism, atheism, we got atheism, white supremacy, racism, including slavery,
Jim Crow, eugenics and abortion, sexism, mass genocide. And Marx said,
Look, we're going to take all those things, but we're going to use this tactic for power and control. We're going to keep people emotional and agitated, we're going to use these dog whistles, so to speak, and just keep them ginned up.
And we're going to have them basically wanting to be a Marxist revolutionary to turn the tables over.
And that's where we are today with wokeism. Now, there was one more thing
I wanted to mention about this before I take questions. I'm trying to think of what it was.
It was, let me go back. Confirmation, Darwinism, Marxism, how it impacts.
Okay. Maybe it'll come to me with your questions on that.
I forgot. Yeah, okay. So I, I think
I'll be okay. So anyway, get the book, the book has all the footnotes, and you don't have to hunt and pack all over the internet trying to find exact bold sliders and all this stuff.
All the research is done. If you want to be able to make the case with your woke friends, and help them understand what's really going on, you need the book.
It's all done for you go to Amazon, you get a couple days, you'll have everything you need to change the narrative.
We have a lot of friends and family that are really hurting themselves by way of holding on to these grievances that are manufactured.
And we want to help them. I want to help them know the truth so they can be set free.
You need the book to be able to do that. So get the book. Let's see one other thing
I have about Marx, that'll come to me later. All right. Bottom line, principle
Christ followers reject white supremacy and racism. Oh, I know what it was about Marx. Keep it keeps going in and coming out.
Oh, you know, it's not about Marx about Darwin. Okay, good creationism. Now, here's the thing. The number one people who are most susceptible to racism and supremacy are those who believe in evolution.
Challenge me on that. The reason why I say that is because evolution says we all evolve differently.
This is what the this is what it is. Whites evolved first. If you're an evolutionist, this is what you do believe, because you you're following Darwin.
If you believe that you actually do believe that there's differences between races.
The only way that you will not believe that if you understand and know there is one
God who is not a respect to a person, or one God who created one man and one woman, put them in the
Garden of Eden. And guess what, we're all brothers and sisters that he that that then came out of that one stream.
We there was no evolving. In that Darwin sense, we came out of the one stream of humanity, one human race together.
So if you're a principled person of faith, this is, it's ridiculous to be racist, and to believe that there's these differences between ethnicities.
Ridiculous. But if you're an evolutionist, of course, there is differences between races.
Yeah, you know, some are more intellectual, more supreme. Some think this way, or that way.
There is no room for nurturing. They believe that everything is innate and came by way of how you evolve.
After, of course, the whites did. That's how they think.
So Christ followers do not subscribe to white supremacy and racism, by definition.
Evolutionists do, by definition. Okay, I hope that helped.
I hope that's helpful. I'll take some questions. Terry, you're muted.
I realized that my my tablet does this fun thing where when somebody stops or starts sharing a screen on zoom, my whole zoom window disappears, and I scramble to figure out where it went.
So that was really, really informative. I it really lines up with what we study here.
I mean, it's great because we study creation science, and we study, you know, the science that supports the creation account in Genesis, but it's very important that we also understand, like I said earlier, the consequences of evolutionary thinking.
And when we used to meet in person, we met at the Creation and Earth History Museum in Santee. And there's a whole hallway in there that's dedicated to this kind of subject of, of the consequences of evolutionary thinking.
And we know that communism and socialism both come from that. And, and, you know,
Charles Darwin, like it wasn't just about his, you know, crazy ideas about how animals evolve, which makes no sense, because, you know, they, they lose information, nobody gains information, but but it's also about the racism that he introduced into the world.
So you did a really good job of presenting that, obviously, you've done a lot of research. And so we really appreciate that.
So, so thank you for sharing that. And, um, we do have a couple of questions. One of one of them comes from Jessica, she'd like to ask, she'd like to know, how has your family like your extended family responded to you standing against the typical things that black people support, abortion,
BLM, critical race theory, etc? Yeah, that's a good question. Um, nobody in my family will debate me.
Because I'm a man of principle, I don't care who you are. You can be my mama, daddy, grandfather, great cousin,
I don't care. I'm gonna stand on the truth 100 % of the time. And I'm going to challenge you with it.
And so stay away. They're like, Kevin's not a lightweight, we can't just get him to kind of come over to our side.
They know that those days are over. And they know not to ask me questions that they don't really want to hear the answer to.
So we, you know, we, we, we, we give each other a lot of room, we don't ever go into these cultural or political conversations.
My wife and I are solid on it. You know, here's the thing, I didn't go into my background.
So let me just tell you one reason why I lived abject poverty. I was born in the
Hunters Point projects in the 1960s. And if you know anything about the Hunters Point projects in San Francisco, you know, that's where the
Black Panthers started. So that's where that's where I came from. And then boy in the hood, you know, growing up, and then went to San Jose State got a sociology degree.
So I'm steeped in leftism, poorism, abject, you know, you know, being poor, poverty, and, and, and, you know,
Marxism and all that I was comfortable with and went to San Jose State got a sociology. So I understand all that.
I mean, you know, it's part of my history. So when somebody comes to me and say, No, you just don't understand, say, man, get out of here.
But I live with you. He's talking about that give my background. They're like, Oh, okay, you weren't born with a silver spoon in your face.
And you just, you just became a conservative because it was no, no,
I didn't. And nobody talked me into it. It was my own study. It was the divine inspiration for me and my wife.
My wife was born in inner city Detroit. We still have people in our family on the system.
Right? So no, we and we're practical.
We're matter of fact. And there's no equivocation. So people don't in our family don't, they don't engage us at that level, because they can't, there's nothing they can say.
And they'll lose the argument. Why would you want to engage somebody that you're going to go and try to give them some, you know, you know, leftist claptrap, and then you always lose.
So yeah, we, we love them. And we just pray for them and help them to come along. But well,
I think that's encouraging. I think, you know, there are a lot of people who there are a lot of people of color who who are in the minority in their family when they stand for these principles.
And it's, it's encouraging to hear somebody speak publicly about it so that they have that support and know that, that it's, it's right, you know, that to stand on the word of God.
So Robin has a question also. Um, I think I think you pretty much answered it with your detail.
What I wanted, you know, you said you, you stand on what you say. And I just was just wondering, how did it come to be that you were confident in what you're saying?
But it sounds like you did, you know, divine inspiration. Because I always
I asked lefties the same thing. I work with a lot of lefties. And I always ask them, so how did you become so confident in your stance?
Yeah. And they can never give me a good answer. There's a couple of things. So thank you for that,
Robin. Here's the thing. So being a boy in the hood growing up, I tell you what,
I was always scrapping in the streets, right? So, you know, I never walked away from a fight.
I always ended them. And you know, that was one of the thing I excelled at is making sure, well, you know, we take care of business.
But here's the thing. So God took that. He says, Okay, you like to kind of beat up people, you like to do what you do.
Okay. I'm going to put you on the tip of the spear in culture. Because I know you're not going to back down.
You're going to pay. Who is it next? Come on, come on. And, and we need more people who are conservative to do to have that kind of time is short, folks.
I mean, this is we can't pussyfoot around with being straight with people now. Wait, are you able to stand firm and ask, you know, and, you know, get a steel spine and stand up to him.
So that was part of it. The other part of it is, when I stand on the
Word of God, I don't speak out of arrogance, it may come across that way, arrogant, condescending. I feel 100 % confident, because everything
I'm saying is biblical. There's no mystery to it. It's just way so when
I confront pastors, say, so pastor, could you help me to understand that social justice verse you were trying to connect today?
I don't see social justice here. I don't, I don't see critical race theory or any of these theories that you're talking about today.
Why did you condemn white Christian nationalists and 40 people who voted for 45?
Romans 8 .1 says, therefore, there is no condemnation from God. He won't even condemn us.
And you pastor have the audacity to stand and condemn. Can you help me to understand how this works?
So no, I it's just because the Word of God declares it and I can stand on it with 100 % confidence.
That's awesome. And I agree time is short. And, and a lot of our churches have been infiltrated.
In a big way. Yes. Thank you. And we had, we had
Trevor Loudon several months ago, where I think we're going to be having him again in a couple of months, but he talked to us.
Yeah, exactly. I mean, he he writes about that about this, how socialism has infiltrated and not just that, but the reason we had him and and you're probably familiar with the documentary, the enemies within the church.
And so were you in that? Okay. Did you see it? Yeah, I have seen it.
I'm sorry that I don't remember everybody who was in it. Parts here and there. You know, so Trevor is a good friend of mine.
Yeah. Carrie and and Judd. So I mean, all boys together. And we we do have
Judd Saul coming up in a couple of weeks. He's going to talk about his ministry in Nigeria. And that's my boy doing great work.
But but the whole premise of the of that film that you were in is about, you know, how the churches are so have been so targeted, targeted, right.
And it's not just I mean, it was very eye openings, because I know, I mean, I think all of us here in our zoom room right now and and people who are who might be watching live on Facebook, like we know that CRT and wokeism has crept into the church.
But to watch that film and see the underlying cause for that and reasons.
It was very, it was very eye opening. So we just will mention that again, that if you guys haven't seen it, you should look for enemies within the church.
And, and see that. And then, um, let's see. So, um, oh,
Jessica also says that she's finding that standing on the truth of Scripture and also having sharp logic skills.
Thanks to Dr. Lyle. He's one of our frequent frequent speakers, silences people quickly.
So well, um, so I heard from somebody in our room that you also wrote another book for women.
Is that right? Yeah. So, um, the the war on women from the root to the fruit.
So really, I take the cultural theme, you know, we had all these marches to war on women.
Okay. So I, you know, basically take all that apart and help you to understand what that is.
Um, uh, and I start from Genesis. So there is a literal war on humanity by way of women started
Genesis 315 when God said, uh, and there will be war between you, the servant and the woman and her offspring.
So we wonder why child sacrifices of Baal and Moloch, when they were just putting their kids, you know, throwing them into the fire.
Well, that's part of the war it's been happening for millennia. And, uh, and then we get, and so I take you from the biblical ancient history context and take you through women's suffrage, but the feminist movement and radical feminism, then transgender and intersectionality and critical race theory and, and, uh,
Saul Alinsky and, you know, all that stuff today. So, well, you truly are awake.
That's yeah. You're throwing out all the names we know. Yeah. Yeah, that's great.
Well, um, I mean, we have some comments in, in zoom, but not, it doesn't look like any more questions.
People are, are appreciating that. And so you're new, you're a new name to us for the most part, except for Joyce has heard of your book before.
So that was cool. But, um, I think that you've inspired some people here that they're already, they've already been grabbing your books on Kindle, even while, while you've been talking.
So, so that's great. And oh, is it on Kindle? It is Kindle -ized.
Yeah. Okay. Cause I like Kindle premium or whatever. It's even less on Kindle.
You can download it now and get into it. Uh, I, I here's, here's my sincere encouragement for everybody.
And not because I got any, you know, of course I wrote it. I appreciate it, but we're all being set up on by the wolf moms.
And for the most part, if you haven't read this book, you have no answers when they come at you so aggressively, what do you say?
I mean, you know, a lot of us are like, Oh my goodness, this is, you're so extreme.
You're, you know, give me a break. I mean, you know, why are you coming at me so hard? Um, it'd be better if we actually had some data points in our side and we back them up and say, no, no, no, no, lose me with that.
Here's the deal. And we actually coached them into coming on our side, but you're not going to be able to make that transition by going tit for tat or by not having talking points in the accurate history on your side.
So this book gives you everything you need to be able to make an argument. You know, we have family members that are woke.
This is a, this is a losing proposition for them. Their soul is at eternal risk as a result of them being woke and fully embracing
Marxism. Marxism is demonism. There's no way to, to separate it.
You know, I wish there were because a lot of these pastors are fully embracing black liberation theology and liberation theology generally.
This comes from South American Marxism. I've been using the term Luciferian.
Yeah. I, you know, I think Karl Marx is just a vile man. Oh, he was horrible.
And then what you said about him tonight, I didn't know that. And I was just like, Oh, that really just grossed me out.
He was a gross man. Oh, for anybody to say like BLM beating their chest.
We're revolutionary Marxists. I'm like, why would anybody want to, you know, yeah, but that shows you how ignorant people are.
I mean, now we can, we at least have the facts on our side, we can help them. Like, this is not a badge of honor. You know,
Jill on that, you know? Yeah, it's not because they have not been properly educated or because they are just so controlled by Satan.
I mean, I mean, it's got to be one of those two things, right? Yeah. So so we have to remember that there has been a by the time that they're an adult, they've been through 15 to 16 years of in serious indoctrination.
It starts in K through 12. It does. Most of our teachers, card carrying commies or socialists, you know, so and then when they go to higher education, you know, they put the pedal to the metal, these professors are just horrible, overwhelming majority overwhelming.
And they take them through this, this transition. So these are, you know, a lot of these people are winning dupes, they don't understand.
And that's where we come in, right? Okay, well, we're gonna go ahead.
We're gonna go ahead. And I want people to I want you one more time to tell people how they can find you and then
I'll wrap things up. But then if you can stay back after we turn off the recording in the live stream, and then
I think maybe some people might have a few more questions that they'd like to ask off the air.
So um, so that will be better. So so tell everybody again, how we can find your books and and your website and how how people can support
Excellent. So a couple of things. Y 'all woke up YouTube, subscribe, right, and start to go through my video.
I mean, I got hundreds on all kinds of topics, everything that's been happening, right. And then the book you can get it's woked up or the world women from the root to the fruit.
And right now I'm one on DEI diversity, equity, inclusion, all you know, those are already available on YouTube, you can get them right now you can order the
DEI book will no like, no doubt be on Amazon. I said you do. Both of those are available on Amazon already, including
I have some more out there too. Because this is my fifth this DEI book is my sixth book now.
So I'll be going into that. So my books are available on YouTube and go out there, you get them in a couple days.
And they're provocative. They're all culturally relevant. They're all faith relevant.
I try not to be heavy handed with faith, because there's a lot of people that that really don't want that faith element coming in, especially right away.
So I nuance it, but you you, by the end of it, you get the sense who I am and that I'm a minister.
And that's it. So. So that's how you do that. And then the website is every blm .com
every blm .com. And we stand up for faithfulness and righteousness and justice.
All across the country. We do anti CRT trainings, we do trainings on, you know, racial unity and diversity and from the proper perspective.
That's great. That's really needed. So, and then we're creation fellowships,
D &T, and you can find links to most of our past presentations by typing in tiny url .com
forward slash CF C &T that C like creation F like fellowship and C &T is spelled as a n t e, you can also email us at creation fellowship
C &T at gmail .com. So you can get on our email list. So you don't miss any of our upcoming speakers.
Our next speaker, we're actually taking next week off, it'll be a break. So on March 30, we'll be back.
My friends, Mark and Becky, Brian, who are our longtime missionaries in Austria, have developed some crafts that people can make to teach
Bible lessons with kids. So they're going to be telling us about that ministry and the crafts that they have available.
And that'll be a special, special creation fellowship. So a little bit less heavy than tonight.
But a blessing never, nonetheless, as as was tonight. So thank you,