F4F Katie Souza How To Take Dominion in Your Region


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you've ever been told that you need to experience healing in your soul so that you can experience a regional anointing so you can take dominion over sicknesses and diseases in your region,
I wish I was making that up, go ahead and hit subscribe and don't forget to ring the bell, you've been deceived probably by Katie Sousa herself.
Now a little bit of a note, we're going to head over to Katie Sousa's YouTube channel and listen to her program and oh my word,
I don't have even words for this, you need to assume the crash position prior to actually proceeding with our video because this is just, yeah, wow, this plane is on fire, it's going to hit hard, no one's walking away from this one is the best way
I can say it and it's just patently absurd. Now a little bit of a note here is that scripture teaches that the qualifications for those who teach in Christ's church is that they must have studied, showed themselves approved as a workman who need not blush with embarrassment, who can rightly divide the word of truth.
That being the case, it's important for us to note that Katie Sousa went from cooking meth to going to prison to being spirit filled to having her own
TV program. Nowhere in that timeline is she ever really properly studied the
Bible or anything like that and so I think she went from being a scammer as a meth cooker to being a con artist in the charismatic movement because what this lady teaches,
I mean she literally is just praying off of people and making a good living doing so but the theology she's teaching is not even close to biblical.
So let's head over to Cuckoo Banana Town, also known as the Katie Sousa YouTube account and check in with this video about taking dominion in your region.
Here we go! Oh boy, this is going to be painful. Hi, I'm Katie Sousa and you're watching
Healing Your Soul, Real Keys to the Miraculous. Last week you learned about how to get healed of all the wounds in your soul that were causing you and your family to catch every sickness that might be going around.
Where in the Bible does it talk about the necessity of healing wounds in my soul so that I don't catch the cold or the flu?
Not familiar with those texts. This week we're going to be talking about getting dominion over regions of land.
How many of you have ever received a word that you were going to take your neighborhood, your city or even your nation for Christ?
So I'm going to take huge tracts of land. Huge tracts of land?
Okay. How do you cultivate that kind of regional anointing? Believe it or not, you do it.
Cultivate a regional anointing. Where in the Bible, answer is nowhere, does it say that we can cultivate regional anointings?
Huh? By getting your soul healed. When I first learned about the soul, I was touring the
United States, teaching that revelation. And every time I went to a new state or location,
I would get sick. Pretty soon God showed me that I had wounds in my soul that were in common with the regions of land
I was ministering in. Oh, the stupid, it burns.
So you had wounds in your soul that were in common with the regions of land that you were.
What? As I got those wounds healed, my regional anointing began to increase and I stopped.
I'm not going to get through this. I'm in pain here. I'm in major pain.
I'm getting sick. Then I started seeing more miracles happening in my meetings. Many of you have been called to start a healing ministry inside your church or take the drug infested neighborhood of your city or to preach the gospel around your country or even around the world.
Let me tell you the key to success in this pursuit, it's getting your soul healed.
Right. Because, you know, have you noticed this, like every problem that she tries to address, the solution is always you got to heal your wounded soul.
And she's the only one on planet earth who teaches this doctrine. And you will carry a powerful regional anointing.
Right. So as soon as I get my soul healed, oh, my brain, my brain, it was like a billion brain cells all crying out at once.
And then all of a sudden, silence, death, just died.
I'm just going to put me in, put me in the asylum. Yep. I've I've killed too many brain cells doing this now.
And in this program, we're going to talk about how demonic influence can gain access to your life if you have a wound inside your soul that's in common with that spirit.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 14, OK? Says this, I will not talk with you much more for the prince, the evil genius ruler of the world is coming and he has no claim on me.
Now, listen to this. He has nothing in common with me. He has nothing in me that belongs to him.
So he has no power over me. OK, you know,
John 14. So so apparently the reason why the devil has no power over Jesus is because he has nothing in common.
With Jesus. OK, I'm looking for that text now and stalling, as you can tell as I scroll through John 14.
I don't recall seeing that passage. Man.
Let me see if I can find it real quick and I'll have my editor edit this out. Found it.
It's at the end of the chapter. In John four, twenty eight context, context, context.
Jesus said, You heard me say to you, I am going away and I will come to you.
If you loved me, you would have rejoiced because I am going to the father for the father is greater than I.
And now I have told you before it takes place so that when it does take place, you may believe
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming. He has no claim on me, but I do as the father has commanded me.
So the world may know that I love the father. Rise, let us go from here.
Now, I'm not sure what translation she was reading from, but I'm pretty sure that the
Greek ain't going to support her either. Um, so I will no longer talk much with you.
The ruler of this world is coming. Okay. Erica Tagar ha to Cosmo.
Okay. And R .K .R. Khan. And he has no. Not okay.
And he has no claim on me. Yeah. The the Greek pretty much just spells that out that that the ruler of this world, uh, that he has no claim on Jesus.
I'm pretty sure that Katie Sousa added some stuff there to the Bible. Uh, let me back that up and see what she said again.
Um, I'll throw in maybe 25 seconds. See what she says. What Jesus says in John 14.
Okay. Okay. Says this. I will not talk with you much more. Yeah. For the prince, the evil genius ruler of the world is coming and he has no claim on me.
Now listen to this. He has nothing in common with me. He has nothing in me.
That's not what the text says at all. That belongs to him. So he has no power over me.
Yeah. You just added a whole bunch of stuff to the Bible that ain't there. Uh, the ruler of this world is coming.
He has no claim on me. The end. That's pretty much all Jesus said there. You added a whole bunch of other words,
Katie. Think about it. Amen.
Jesus saying, look, Satan's coming, but I don't have anything in me that's in common. So he has no power over me.
There was nothing in Jesus's spirit. There was nothing in Jesus's soul. There was nothing in Jesus that was in common with the enemy.
And that is why the enemy had no power over him. Oh yeah. See, it had nothing to do with the fact that, you know,
Jesus is, you know, God in human flesh, you know, the son of God incarnate.
Now that, you know, the reason why is because Jesus didn't have a wounded soul and therefore he had nothing in Notice by adding to the biblical text that Katie Sousa has discovered in the
Bible by putting it in there. Um, it's kind of like finding Easter eggs that you, uh, you know, you put in your backyard, you know, a month or so ago, he said,
Oh look, I found an Easter egg. You know, you put it there. Yeah. You just forgot about it anyway. So she put this into the biblical text and then discovers in the
Bible, the doctrine of, uh, Oh yeah. As long as you don't have anything in common with the territorial spirit thingies, then the, you know,
Whoa, your, your healed soul can then do powerful things like Jesus is a soul did cause he had nothing in common with the devil.
Oh my goodness. He came as a man. He came as a man.
And he's showing us in this statement, how actually Jesus is the God man.
Let me give you a text on that real quick. Uh, Romans chapter one says this quite succinctly.
Uh, here's what it says. Uh, verse, I'll start, uh, at a verse one, just because of the context,
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the
Holy scripture concerning his son, who was descended from David, according to the flesh and was declared to be the son of God in power, according to the spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead.
You see, Jesus is, yeah, he's got a divine nature and human nature.
And there's not two Jesus is there's only one. He is the God man. So you know what she's saying is false
Christology straight up. We as men can have total power over the enemy.
We will, and we have nothing in common with the enemy, right? So you got to heal your soul so that you have nothing in common with the enemy.
And then, you know, you'll be just like Jesus who came to us as a man.
This woman's a rank heretic. She has no clue what she's doing. She's going to have to explain all of this to the
God man, Jesus, when she stands before him on the day of judgment and explain all of these blasphemies that she's spewing.
And she has no authority whatsoever to actually be teaching anybody anything in Christ's church.
Wow, is all I have to say. If you found this helpful, please feel free to share this video with other people.
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of our sins.