Benny Hinn Repents with Justin Peters and Andrew Rappaport


Rapp Report Daily 0088 Justin Peters joins Andrew Rappaport to discuss the message from Benny Hinn about his "repentance" of the prosperity gospel. Is it true? Check out Justin Peters Ministry at Here is the message from Benny Hinn about his repentance: Here is Benny Hinn's response to Justin Peters tweet exposing that he was continuing to do the same teaching: This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: Support Striving for Eternity at Please review us on iTunes Give us your feedback, email us [email protected] Like us on Facebook at Join the conversation on our Facebook group at Watch subscribe to us on YouTube at Get the book What Do They Believe at Get the book What Do We Believe at


Have you heard the good news Benny Hinn repented? No, I Andrew not so fast on that Welcome to the rap report with Andrew rep report we provide biblical interpretations and applications
This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church
Go to striving for eternity org Well, I guess maybe just maybe
Justin Peters is going to disagree with me yet again But but Justin didn't
Benny Hinn make a confession that the prosperity gospel is is false teaching
Yes, yes Andrew he did for about the fourth or fifth time now in his ministry he's done that All right, so for folks who may have had their head in the sand and don't know
This week earlier this week Benny Hinn came out with a confession that's actually the title of it on his
YouTube channel and I want to first adjust and play this for folks so that we have some context and then you and I can discuss this
It is about For a little more than four minutes long, but I am going to be playing it at a little bit quicker speed
Just so we get through it so Let me play that for you
And then Justin and I are gonna discuss that because I think we're gonna find that well We don't quite believe that Benny Hinn actually did repent.
So here we go So it's all about our Brokenness our old man.
We call that the flesh must be broken must be out of the way and Today sadly
Among a lot of circles. All you hear is how to build the flesh.
It's a feel -good message That's what you're out there. It's all about feel good do good all that Make money all the rest of it and I'm sorry to say that prosperity has gone a little crazy and I'm correcting my own
Theology and you need to all know it Because when I read the Bible now,
I don't see the Bible in the same eyes I saw the Bible 20 years ago and Steve Strang from charisma whom we go back years
He actually he was in my wedding. People don't even know that charisma magazine began with my father -in -law
Charisma magazine started with Roy Hardin and I married his daughter Steve Strang was in in my wedding
We go way back and he's already asked me said are you ready to make it public that's what not totally
Because I don't want to hurt my friends or my love who believe things I don't believe anymore and I will tell you now something that you it's gonna shock you
I think it's an offense to the Lord. It's an offense to say give $1 ,000. I Think it's offense to the
Holy Spirit to place a price on the gospel I'm done with it. I Will never again ask you to give a thousand or whatever amounts because I think the
Holy Ghost is just fed up with it Are you did you hear me? I think that hurts the gospel
So I'm making this statement for the first time in my life. And frankly, I don't care what people think about me anymore so I Had a guy well,
I'll tell you who it was Dan Willis I love them with all my that's a don't you dare preach that message again?
Yes, if it is another one I'm not gonna hear it I don't even be a part of it So I when they invite me to telephones,
I think they will not like me anymore because if you look at the Word of God, I Don't want to get into it now
Am I shocking you Good. Let's have a high five on this one If I hear one more time break the back of death with a thousand doors,
I'm gonna rebuke them I Think that's buying the gospel that's buying the blessings
That's grieving the Holy Spirit That's about all I will say
If you are not giving because you love Jesus don't bother giving I think giving has become such a gimmick
It's making me sick to my stomach And I've been sick for a while too, I just couldn't say it and now the lid is off Had it
You know why I don't want to get to heaven and be reviewed No, I think it's time.
We say it like it is. The gospel is not for sale And the blessings of God are not for sale and miracles are not for sale
And Prosperity is not for sale All right, so with that that is the first of the two clips that we're gonna play and Well, you know, there's there's a lot in here
Justin that a lot of people are making a big deal about and a lot of people are
Saying that he genuinely repented You don't believe he did
No No, not for a second. Do I believe he did? Not only do
I not believe that he did I can conclusively prove that he has not repented
There there's just so much there to break down For one thing this is not the first time we only have one hour
Justin. Oh, yeah Well, I'm working on my own as you know, I'm working on my own video that will have a lot of video of Benny Hinn from 25 -28 years ago and some video from a few days ago
That that will conclusively prove he has he has not repented. This is not the first time that Benny Hinn has done this he has quote -unquote repented from the prosperity gospel four or five times and Going back to the early 90s after the very first Major expose that was done on his ministry by inside edition featuring a very young -looking
What's his name a Bill O 'Reilly very young -looking Bill O 'Reilly, but they did a They did a an expose on Benny Hinn and it was it was and I'm not using profanity here it was damning.
I mean it really was for him and He came out and he made this big
Public apology. In fact, I could play a short clip of that if you want to try to do that.
Let's see. I don't know if I Let's see, you could just hit play and it'll we'll get the audio.
Okay, we'll try we'll try this here Okay, this is just one. This is right after the very first big expose was done on him
So there you go preachers who live in big homes and drive big cars ought to re -examine their calling
Well, that was in the early 90s, so he said this before he said it again about a year and a half ago
Said that he had repented He's done this periodically Throughout his ministry
But he always goes back to the same old thing because that's where the money is He always goes back like a dog returning to its vomit
He goes back to it because that's where the the money is the bread and butter. So this is nothing new second thing
I would point out is that He says that he has believed this for some time now in fact in Interview that he did with charisma magazine that was put up just a couple of days ago as of this recording
He says that he has believed this now. He's had it's this change of heart for the last two years
But he couldn't make it public because he was afraid of offending friends of his who still believe prosperity theology
Afraid of offending some of his friends How about offending God? That that's who he should be afraid of offending the
Alpha and Omega Not his not his fellow fake faith healers
So that right there tells you that this is not genuine if he was truly repentant
He would be so eager to make this right by God That he would he would be out there, you know in the forefront
Immediately upon discovering this new revelation for him that prosperity theology is not actually biblical
But no, he was more afraid of offending his fellow prosperity preaching friends than he was about offending
God And and you can go through Benny Hinn's timeline right now go to his
Go to his Twitter feed right now. And I mean, I've got I've got video of Benny Hinn from Just the past few days of his television program that he is telling people to sow a seed
So $120 seed, I mean this was just from a couple of days ago Hold on.
Hold on Justin because I'll act as the devil's advocate and in this case, I may actually be doing that We don't usually want to advocate for the devil
But in this case, maybe he is I want to play a clip because he's he's given what may be an answer you pointed out
Public on your Twitter feed that he had that video out and he provided yet another
Video to explain that which you have mentioned. So let's let's share and listen to this.
I Know many of you have heard What I said Monday night about what I stand on prosperity
Because of what the Lord Jesus is doing in my heart, which is very real And I did an interview
Yesterday with Steve Strang on his podcast, but I think you will really enjoy
Listening to Somehow today by mistake one of my old tapes
That are on one of our social media platforms that we have corrected
There are still some old teachings out there that I'm sure you'll probably watch or hear
But I do not want you to believe that I have changed my stand on prosperity as I have declared
Monday night Very clearly that's been all over now. It's gone viral But please again watch or listen to what
I did with Steve Strang Yesterday on his podcast. I think you'll be blessed bless you
Okay, so And I believe he even took that video down So wouldn't wouldn't we say that he has genuinely repented him and look
We even see the evidence of it the evidence being that he has he's not only repented
But he's taken the video down that you said he was asking for the hundred and twenty dollars say seeing of sowing of seeds
Yeah, he did take that one down Now he makes it sound like this was video from Ten fifteen years ago.
No, I mean this was still Pretty recent within with at least within the last couple of years.
You can just tell by looking at him that he's Considerably older he pretty much looks the same in that video that he's talking about that he took down as he does today
So this was not very long ago at all But it wasn't just that program.
I mean literally his timeline is absolutely filled filled with this teaching
Going back. I mean go back Earlier this week the week before the week before that All throughout
August all throughout July all throughout June. I mean literally it is it is chock full of this stuff
So now if he was as serious as about it as what he claims he would be taking all of this stuff down,
I mean my goodness a guy has a Media team like no other. I mean he pays people to do this stuff for him.
It's still up there Well and and to think about the fact that he said that this change occurred two years ago
Yeah, that's what he says. So it's sitting against his own conscience then Well, yeah,
I mean that that's the that's one of the that's one of the questions because literally I mean go back the last two
Years looking at us at his television programs and it's full of prosperity theology.
Absolutely full of it. So there there's No, he hasn't he hasn't changed
Also, even in his Confession he he's being very disingenuous, but he's created a lot of problems for himself actually
This confession this repentance. He says that in the last two years, let's just assume us for the sake of sake of kicks and giggles here that Somehow in the last two years his theology has changed on Prosperity and despite the fact that his media timeline for the last two years is still full of the same
Prosperity theology, but let's just say that somehow all of that so everything on his
Twitter timeline and all his all of his television programs last two years were somehow every single one of them recorded
More than two years ago just for kicks and giggles. Let's say that Here's a problem he's created for himself a
He says that this is a new discovery because he has grown closer to the
Lord and he has now discovered this Well just by saying that he is immediately
Disqualified himself from being a Bible teacher So you're telling me Benny Hinn That you have been teaching prosperity theology for 40 years and You're just now discovering that it's unbiblical
This has been a staple of his teaching. This is his bread -and -butter
Teaching it is what he is known for and so that for which he is known
He is now saying he's been wrong about for the last 40 years Then then you don't you're not qualified.
You're not apt to teach You're not able to teach sound doctrine and you're certainly not able to refute those who contradicted
So this major discovery has just been in the last couple of years when he's had four decades of teaching the opposite Well, the man obviously has a fundamental misunderstanding of how to read in the church of Scripture.
He is he's We'll just say biblically illiterate and yet he's been teaching the
Bible for 40 years Well, the argument that some are gonna make Justin is who are you to question him?
What expertise do you have on Benny Hinn? What expertise do
I have? Yeah, did you maybe write some small little paper on his ministry?
Yes, I did. I wrote my master's thesis on Benny Hinn For my master of theology at Southwestern Seminary wrote my master's thesis on Benny Hinn I have read most if not all of his books.
I have been to 17 different Benny Hinn crusades all over the country
I've been in the trenches. I've talked to people. I know what goes on. I've been in there.
So Yeah, I mean, I'm I'm pretty well versed on Benny Hinn. I know how he does what he does.
I know what he is taught. I know things about Benny Hinn that I that I haven't even talked about publicly
Would it be fair to say that you possibly know the Hinn family better than the Hinn family?
No, I don't know. I wouldn't say that no Well, you know, they're teaching.
You know the teaching. I know they're teaching. Yes. I know they're teaching I know how he does what he does. I know where these wheelchairs
That just magically appear on the platform. I know where they come from. I know how that works. I know how they
Screen people to get up on stage because I've tried to get up on stage myself as part of research not because I wanted to be healed
So, yeah, I mean I know how he does what he does So this is
This is kind of and I don't say this in any kind of arrogance, but this is this is my wheel well I've studied this stuff
Here's another problem here's and this is a big one it may be one of the biggest ones
That he's created another problem for himself and that is this You can go back and you could literally you could find thousands
Thousands of tens of thousands of examples of Benny Hinn saying
Variations of the following God is speaking to me and he is telling me that if you will sow
Seed into this ministry, you will reap a harvest so a hundred and twenty dollars. So a thousand dollars so $770 he comes up with all these different numbers based on different things all the time.
Oh I feel an anointing here. The anointing is so strong I've never felt the anointing as strongly as I do right now.
God is speaking to me and whatever God says, you know We act on it.
He claims that he he claims that God speaks to him all the time and God has told him for 40 years
Multiplied thousands upon thousands of times throughout the last 40 years God has told Benny Hinn to tell people if they will sow a seed then they will reap a harvest
Now he says he disagrees with that oops You've just outed yourself
Benny Hinn as a false prophet You've just outed yourself as a false prophet
And this is all this this was one of the first things that I wanted to talk with you about because My thinking when
I look at this he's claiming that what he's taught for 40 years is False is false teaching, but he wants you to believe him now.
So all this time he was close to the Lord He was hearing it directly from the Lord. And what he what
I didn't hear him do is say I was lying I was deceived
You know the the issue I have with what he says is it wasn't specific especially to himself because if somebody was teaching some for 40 years and They realized
Everything I was teaching was a lie. I was saying it was coming from God I was either deceived or I was lying one or the other.
I don't hear that from him He just says I got a new revelation. Well, this is just a continuation of the same.
I'm hearing from the Lord talk But now it's contradicting what he used to hear from the
Lord so it's like there okay, we have a contradiction and Yet he doesn't he doesn't discredit what he's done for 40 years as being false teaching and him being a false teacher
But he's still saying it's coming from God the same the very same thing that we have issues with He claims the spiritual
Authority so that no one can question it because it comes from God But if the other message came from God and this message comes from God and they contradict each other then
Obviously his one of his messages if not, both are not from the Lord Mm -hmm
Yeah Yeah, you can't have it both ways. You can't have it both ways. So if If you no longer agree with this theology
Then then then Benny and what you have just done is you have just admitted to the entire world That for the last 40 years you have not been hearing from God like you claim you have been
What do we call people like that people who say the Lord spoke to me when in fact the Lord did not speak to them?
What do we call people like that? The Bible calls them false prophets. I Mean it he's painted himself into a corner
And yeah, so here's things I noticed with this He gets there's one point where he he says are you shocked?
I mean the audience is clapping This was my first indicator that the audience must be in on it because if you've been teaching something for 40 years
And this is the first time you're ever going to announce it and You have people that have been believing this and I mean we say believing this they've been putting money behind it for years and Now you're gonna say it was all wrong and they're gonna clap and say, you know, great.
Amen. Give him a high -five That's not the reaction that someone would have if they just were told everything they were taught was a sham
They wouldn't be cheering Yeah, no, no, they wouldn't I don't know that the entire audience was in on it
I like I don't I don't think Benny in before that program Before as he walked into a studio there and Alyssa Viejo, California That he before the camera started rolling.
He looked at the audience. He said, okay guys now I'm about to completely change my theology. I want you to go along with me here I don't think it was necessarily set up.
No, but I think there were probably enough people just like when they do the the staged Healings and things like that.
I think there were some people that did know they were supposed to clap at this Especially because he gives a high -five to a guy that it's almost as if he knew the guy was standing there
Yeah, but see Benny Han is such a master manipulator of people When you're there, you're you're there in the studio.
The lights are on the cameras are rolling You know This is being recorded and the quote -unquote man of God walks up to you and gives you a high -five
If you're predisposed to this if you believe Benny Han is a man of God and You obviously do because you wouldn't be there in the first place if you didn't then you're just naturally gonna
You know, you're gonna go along with it it's it's the same dynamic about how he gets people to fall over when he slays them in the spirit and all this stuff and so Dan Wilson has he has he come out and pulled support for Benny because he was named by name
Has there been anything? I mean cuz cuz one of the things, you know better than I write is that when?
Benny Hinn's nephew Kosti Got saved. I mean the family kind of they didn't treat him.
So well, we'll put it that way Sort of cut him off and whatnot And what do we see
Benny's? Hinn's friends doing that yet, and maybe we need to give it more time but you know, are they
I mean, I don't see them calling him out and Saying anything as if there may not be believing that this is real either
Yeah, I don't know it'll be interesting to see what people like Steve Muncy and Mike Murdoch in fact speaking of Mike Murdoch when
Benny you we just heard Benny in on that clip say if I hear Break the back of debt with a thousand dollar seed again.
If I hear that again, I'm gonna rebuke that person He's talking about Mike Murdoch Mike that's one of Mike Murdoch's famous lines.
I broke the back of poverty with a thousand dollar seed Mike Murdoch was literally on Benny Hinn's program teaching that very thing
Very recently now it's on his Twitter timeline. Oh Within a year ago from right now
Now when it was recorded, I'm not a hundred percent sure but it's it's on this Twitter timeline right now
I just got through watching it a few minutes before we we started recording this so So it's gonna be interesting to see how some of Benny Hinn's friends react to this
But Benny Hinn is has not repented we'll see how long this lasts Now I will say he has gone more in depth in his
Confession this time that I've ever seen him do it before he's He's made overtures of confessing and repenting on this issue before but this is a most in -depth.
I've heard him Go into it but It's not real repentance
Andrew because real repentance bears fruit There is fruit in keeping with repentance and what
Benny Hinn as you kind of hinted at a minute ago has not done among other things that we'll talk about He has not come forward and said, you know,
I've been lying to you for four decades I've been lying to you. I I I Have not
God has not spoken to me all these thousands of times That I told you he was
I lied about that or at least say that he was deceived Right, maybe he was deceived.
That's what it was the Lord I think you and I if he was deceived we'll see I mean this brings up a whole other issue because Benny Hinn is constantly claiming things like He's getting constantly gets words of knowledge
Just in this mode in his most recent Healing crusade in his most recent one.
He's getting words of knowledge about people in the studio audience And this is classic
Benny Hinn. He'll point up to someone and he'll say dear lady, dear lady up there you you have you have a problem in your shoulder and So God is giving him this information in real time
So he's doing this right now that he's doing this right now So if God can give him words of knowledge in real time about people in the studio audience
And God speaks to him all the time How is it that God did not bother to say at some point in the last four decades?
Benny What you're teaching isn't right So we're to believe that God will give him words of knowledge about some lady's shoulder problem up in the you know 12th row in the studio audience and God will give him words of knowledge about this about that and you know
God just talks to him all the time, but has not apparently bothered or thought it necessary to give him a word of knowledge about Apparently false teaching that he's been teaching for four decades.
How does that work? Well, and it's kind of interesting because we know that it's not a word of knowledge.
He's getting he's getting people handing you know, they go through a Screening process so he knows exactly where people are sitting and what they're wearing and different things like that so I Think that the whole claim that they try to make what is
I I'm seeing someone wearing a red shirt or whatever it is They he already has that information
Yeah, there is That yeah, that would make it lying not deception
Yeah, I mean he lies as easily as you and I breathe and That's not an exaggeration.
I mean he he is the consummate liar A lot of what these people do whether it's
Benny Hinn or someone like him Some of these people that you see get up on stage or plants some of them are
A lot of it though is just cold reading and you can see Psychics do this all the time.
Jonathan Edwards does it not Not the Puritan Jonathan Edwards not our job
But you know the the psychic Jonathan Edwards. He he does this all all the time He'll go up, you know, and it's it's cold readings
Sylvia Brown used to do it. She's dead now, but The these faith healers like Benny Hinn and others they do the same thing these psychics do
They just cloak it in a little bit of Christian lingo so Yeah, so what
I want to ask you after this break is you know He tried to do a secondary message to try to say that hey
This is a real change in my heart. I even corrected this problem. I think he immediately got called out and He's he's doing even more damage and troll now
I want to ask you that when we get back whether you think that secondary message that he did Basically trying to say that what we understood was was not what was actually happening
Do you think that that is legitimate? So that want to talk about that right after this break?
The five solace podcasts a weekly podcast hosted by James Watkins that is dedicated to the reformed
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Challenge and direct the current church in its life of worship and witness and confront the idols of our age with biblical
Discernment and a sound apologetic in a manner that is as open and transparent as possible
Well challenging you to seek the glory of God in all that you do so The good news is striving for eternity would love to come to your church to spend two days with your folks
Teaching them biblical hermeneutics. That's right the art and science of interpreting scripture
The bad news is somebody attending might be really upset to discover Jeremiah 29 11 should not be their life first to learn more go to striving for eternity org to host a
Bible interpretation made easy seminar in your area and Then might be something that Benny Hinn could benefit from a
Bible interpretation made easy seminar in his area Justin he gave this video this message on Facebook where he said he had a real change of heart that the change of Heart is very real.
He said Are you not believing that? He cleaned up his act enough
Because I I have my views on this but I want to first see do you think that that's not the legitimate not a
Not a real heart change No, no, it's not a heart change at all. And and I can definitively
Prove that people say oh, how do you know you can't look into his heart? Well, no,
I can't look into his heart, but I can look into the Bible and I can look at what repentance looks like as defined by the
Bible Repentance is not just saying I was wrong. Repentance is not just saying oops.
I made a mistake. I was wrong repentance bears fruit John the
Baptist Matthew chapter 3 therefore bear fruit in keeping with repentance Acts chapter 19 the
Apostle Paul Speaking to King Agrippa. He said so King Agrippa I kept declaring that all men everywhere should should repent and turn to God performing deeds appropriate to Repentance that doesn't mean we perform deeds in order to repent, but when
God grants repentance Initial repentance unto salvation, which is what Benny needs right now
It does Result in Deeds appropriate to repentance bearing good fruit
In listening to the interview that Benny Hinn did with Stephen Strang and by the way
This raises another problem with Stephen Strang and charisma magazine Stephen Strang the editor of charisma magazine has known
Benny Hinn by his own admission since the 1970s before Benny Hinn even got married Well Stephen Strang knows
Benny Hinn really well knows what he's been doing for the last 40 years And yet he's been friends with Benny Hinn through the entire 40 years of his deception and lies doesn't speak very well
Stephen Strang but Anyway back to the point is that if Benny Hinn was truly repentant
Then that would be bearing fruit now remember this isn't according to Benny Hinn Something that he came to just yesterday.
He said his heart changed on this beginning two years ago Simply by reading the
Bible well Maybe he should spend a little time reading Luke chapter 19 in his
Bible Zacchaeus Zacchaeus tax collector Who had exploited all of the people in his you know under his purview when he was
Confronted by Christ Christ met him and he was broken He was given a godly sorrow per second
Corinthians 7 over over his sin it resulted in bearing fruit And what did Zacchaeus say well, let's go to the text
Zacchaeus Luke chapter 19 He hurried came down received him
Christ gladly when he saw it They all began to grumble saying he has gone to be the guest of a man who is a sinner
Zacchaeus stopped and said to the Lord Behold Lord half of my possessions
I will give to the poor and if I have defrauded anyone of anything I will give back four times as much
That's what repentance looks like bears fruit Zacchaeus said half of what
I own I'll give to the poor and if I've defrauded anyone I'll repay him four times as much as what
I stole from Now I will I'm not unreasonable It is not possible for Benny Hinn to repay the untold
Hundreds of thousands indeed Millions of people he has defrauded
Over the last 40 years. There's he couldn't do it if he wanted to If he were to pay back four times as much all of all of the money that he's defrauded
People for the last four years he can pay down the national debt So it's it's not possible for Benny Hinn to do that.
But what he could do and what he should do It's if he's truly repentant
If it let's just say Benny Hinn Let's say he's just now come to saving faith in Christ. If that is what's happened.
Then what he should be doing right now is Confessing that he has lied to people for 40 years
Confessing that he has lied about major events in his own life and ministry he should confess that all of the
Thousands and thousands of times that he claims God has spoken to him God has in fact not spoken to him.
He'll confess to that He'll confess that all of the people that he claims were healed up on his platform
And all these miracle crusades that he's done for the last 40 years He would confess that none of these people were healed.
He knows they weren't he should confess that you should Confess I lied to you.
I knew these people weren't healed. I said that they were I lied to you I told you that I checked up with their doctors my team checked up with the doctors.
We don't ever do that I lied about that too So he should confess to all of these lies
He should Empty his ministry coffers Take every cent that his ministry has
Every dime in the bank every piece of property he has Sell that give every cent of it to doctrinally sound
Ministries, you should join a doctrinally sound Church Sit in the pew
Submit himself to biblical teaching by biblically qualified elders and Sit there and learn for years and years and years and I would say
In all likelihood never preach again Theoretically theoretically if he genuinely did get saved at some point
Theoretically years and years down the road maybe maybe But but he would have to he would have to bear some real fruit in keeping with repentance.
He has deceived People lied to people he has Andrew Benny Hinn has cost people their lives
He has told people That they were healed when he knew they weren't Told him that they were healed told him that their sickness will never come back told him
Not to listen to the doctors. And by the way I've got video of him saying that to a pregnant woman telling just from a year ago just from one year ago
Telling her the doctors are wrong. Don't listen to your doctor People think he's hearing from God.
They take his advice and They don't go to their doctor or they do stop taking their medicine because if they take their medicine that's a sure sign that you lack faith and so in a you know, you know in an effort to Not to betray any lack of faith sick people stop taking their medicine and a lot of these people die
It's a big you need to confess to all of this. Shut everything down. Shut your ministry down empty your coffers and Go work
Go work at Walmart well Here's here be what I did and I was you you went right to text that I was thinking of going to which is that Because that's the one that I think everyone's bringing up because that's the clearest example
But let's take a real -life example Right of someone in his own family
What was the response when Kosti Hinn got saved? When Kosti Hinn got saved and recognized everything he had been teaching was wrong
He repented. What did he do? He confronted the false teaching called it out wrote a book on it and You know, it had the effect that his family wouldn't talk to him or upset with him things like that Now we don't see at least yet Benny Hinn publicly naming names
Saying that people are not not saved because of false teaching or Saying what they're doing is false teaching and you brought this out earlier.
He's worried about his Friendships well, that's not what you see with Zacchaeus. That's not what you see with Kosti Hinn that's not what you see with any believer a genuine believer is concerned about what
God thinks first and foremost and what people think second and so This is the big issue that I see with them is even though I think he's doing this video
You mentioned and I know for folks who are watching or listening Justin is going to be putting out a video this week giving a lot more evidence to support the arguments
He's making so you hear Benny Hinn in his own words but I Find it hard to believe
That this is genuine because a as you said Justin this isn't the first time he's done it
He's done in this in the past several times I know you have some video clips that you're gonna be able to provide for folks where he does that I Kind of think that it seems and I don't know his heart
I don't know the motivations, but it seems like there's times in his ministry if you want to call it that that he feels the need to kind of repent pretend to repent and This I don't know.
Maybe it's because the FBI has been investigating him and there's some Reason, he thinks this will benefit him maybe
But for anyone who's following Benny Hinn if he goes back to teaching prosperity
Then it no matter what either way He's a false teacher I mean, that's the ultimate proof right there and the fact that he's done this in the past several times
Now this may be the most clear But I still didn't see the specifics that I think someone that has genuine faith would do
I mean if someone has genuine repentance, they're gonna be naming. I was wrong when I did this
I said this and this this They they wouldn't give the generalities that he did even though he's more specific here
But the fact that he says this is of the Lord that this is everything he that he taught was false
Now he's saying this is true when he goes back to teaching what he said was false Then we have no other choice but to conclude that he is a false teacher on one of them because they're mutually exclusive I mean, is there a way out of it for him?
No. No, there is there is no way out of it And and I don't think Benny Hinn had the foresight or the biblical knowledge
Ultimately, he doesn't have the the regeneration that he needs to to understand the corner that he has painted himself
Into he is theologically he has painted himself into quite the teeny tiny corner here.
And so Yeah, we will know not only will know that if If Benny Hinn goes back at some point later down the road year or two or whatever from now if he goes back to preaching
Prosperity theology will know that he hasn't repented. No if he go if he preaches at all
From this point forward. We know he hasn't repented if he preaches at all
If he ever gets behind the pulpit again For it from this point forward.
He should he should not be teaching anything Anything if he was truly repentant, he would be so overwhelmed by the the burden of The weight of his sin the the gravity of what he has done for 40 years
Not only exploiting poor and sick and desperate people for money Not only exploiting the widows for personal financial gain.
Not only giving sick people false hope not only Ripping the heart out and Andrew I've been to these things.
I know what goes on at these Crusades I've talked to the people in the wheelchairs. I've talked to the people on the stretchers
Literally, I've seen stretchers at many hand crusades before I've talked to the people lying on the floor on a blanket
So sick with cancer, they can't even lift their heads. I've seen these people I've talked to them I've talked to the poor mother in in Oklahoma City that Benny had did a crusade and her
She was there with her little little boy in her I can't remember the name of the condition right now, but her boy was born with only a brain stem
Just a stem not the just a stem just enough to keep his heart beating in his lungs breathing and I've talked to I've talked to her.
I've talked to people like this and they're so Desperate this poor mother so desperate for her little boy to be healed and she gave
Benny in money He has no idea what he's done to people he has no idea how many
Thousands if not millions of lives he has wrecked and that's not the worst of it
That's not the worst of it. The worst of it is The injury that he has done to the gospel of Jesus Christ for 40 years
He has spread this theological poison all around the world
He has brought reproach on the name of Christ if he was truly repentant.
This man would be honestly brought to his knees under the The weight of what he has done for four decades and the furthest thing from his mind at this point the furthest thing from his mind
Would be picking up a copy of God's Word in preaching from it
He's in no place to preach and if he was truly repentant, he would know that well, one thing
I want folks to hear is the compassion you have because I know a lot of his supporters think that you just hate
Benny Hinn and You're just a hater you you're just the the arguments
I'm sure that many make is that you're just upset because you don't have enough faith to be healed and Because you have cerebral palsy for people who don't know and the argument would be well, you just didn't have enough faith
So you're you're upset with him when really it's your faith. That was lacking I hope that people are listening because what you just said has nothing to do with Being upset with Benny Hinn because of anything that's personal you're upset with Benny Hinn as I am as many others are because He's he's teaching a falsehood.
That's damning people to hell and he's doing it in the name of Christ Then that's in the spiritual realm and has an eternal consequence, but in this physical realm
He's he's living high off the hog on on the last two pennies that people can rub together and Taking people who are desperate
Wanting to cling to any kind of hope and he uses that and this is the thing here are these people they want to cling to any kind of hope they can and That is what he ends up using
To build a living off of to get them to say here's the I just want anything I'll give you that little bit of hope.
It's a complete charade. It's a fake. Hope it's a false Hope but I'm gonna give it to you
So you'll give me money and I could drive my fancy cars and drive and fly in my private planes that's in a physical realm is disgusting and I want folks to realize this has nothing to do with a dislike for for Benny Hinn I don't know him, but I look at the teaching and The teaching that he teaches is damn double it leads people to hell
That's the concern that both Justin and I would have and I know that you're gonna do a video going into a lot more detail with this and We'll provide the link to that in the show notes
So if folks if you want to find it just look in the show notes if this airs before the video comes out
I will update the show notes just so folks know But in a couple minutes we have left
Justin Why is it you think that This will lay us this in this hypothetical.
Maybe you you won't have an answer Is there a reason you think he might be doing this if he's not being genuine?
Yeah Despite him saying that I he says in the interview with Stephen Strang charisma
He says I'm not doing this because of my critics he even says I'm not doing it because of my nephew I don't believe that I believe that The interviews that Kosti has done the two books now that he has written
Kosti has been very vocal I mean, he's been he's been on CNN Talking about this it's brought a lot of pressure on Benny Hinn The spotlight has been turned on him because people think you know, they're looking at this and they're saying
Benny This is your own nephew. This is your flesh and blood it used to work for you and so I don't believe for a second that Kosti's genuine conversion has not had a huge impact on him
But unfortunately this point is it has not changed his heart So he is absolutely doing it because of this now.
I'll close with this Andrew You're right. I don't hate Benny Hinn People ask me all the time.
Does Benny Hinn know he's a fake? Yes, he does Or is he deceived himself?
Yes, he is 2nd Timothy chapter 3 verse 13 Paul talks about men who are deceiving and being deceived
Both of those dynamics can be at work in the same person Benny Hinn I think perfectly fits that he is deceiving actively deceiving people and yet he is being deceived himself
So I would love nothing more I would honestly would love nothing more than to see genuine fruit in Keeping with genuine repentance from Benny Hinn.
I would love that. I would love it. I don't want Benny Hinn to go to hell. I Don't want him to go to hell at all.
Kosti doesn't want him to go to hell. Kosti loves his nephew and I'll say I Don't love
Benny Hinn like Kosti does But I I can say I don't want the man to go to hell
I I would I want him to come to genuine saving faith in Christ But from what
I've seen from what I've heard just two days ago in the charisma interview or yesterday, I guess it was
That hadn't happened yet. That has when you think don't you think if he genuinely repented the first person
He would have gone to is Kosti Hinn his nephew If I were he yeah, that's who
I would go to I mean to me that that seems like the the clearest proof that he's he's not genuine in this because if if his nephew has
Repented of the very same thing. He's claiming. He's repenting of and has already gone down this path and he is
Come to the same conclusion the first one that someone will go to would be someone like that a family member who's already gone down this path and Say you are right, especially when the person has written two books
On this subject. So the fact that he hasn't at least that we know of you may know more than I but as far as I know of And neither of them have claimed that they've spoken to each other about this issue
Mm -hmm and so Go ahead. Yeah, and I was gonna say so so if he hasn't that to me is the real proof that he's not repentant
Yeah, and I don't know for sure If he has or hadn't costing are supposed to talk sometime in the next couple days
Tomorrow or Monday, I guess but but I haven't talked to him yet. So I don't I don't know 100 %
So we'll see but That interview that he did with with charisma
Stephen Strang just yesterday To me that sealed the deal that that told me he is not genuinely repentant
That he may have he may have some level of regret. He may have a guilty conscience.
He probably does But a guilty conscience is not repentance guilty conscience is not is not a changed heart
Judas had a guilty conscience And he killed himself and he killed himself.
Sorry. Yeah, so We have a couple minutes left and we have something that you and I want want to talk about after this but With folks, but here's here.
Just last question that I had for you is How should people who follow Benny Hinn Respond now now that he's come out with this
Should what should their reaction be? I would hope they would feel betrayed.
I would hope they would feel Like what's going on? I've been listening to this guy for umpteen years.
And now he's telling me that staple of His teaching he was wrong about Maybe I should find somebody who actually knows what they believe and why they believe it.
So, um, yeah It'll be interesting to see What the fallout is
I I don't know but Again with most of Benny Hinn's followers.
You have to make the assumption and I'm not being judgmental when I'm saying this that all of Benny Hinn's followers 100 % of them are either
Very immature Christians or they're unregenerate themselves They cannot be mature believers and and I will say definitively that Benny Hinn has zero mature believers who listen to him on a regular basis and Believe he's a sound teacher because if you are a mature believer by definition, you wouldn't be following Benny Hinn.
So So they're either false converts Unregenerate themselves or they are immature believers and for those who are immature believers who have been listening to Benny Hinn It is genuinely my prayer that this would be a wake -up call to them that they would they would leave word of faith
New Apostolic Reformation IHOP NAR all this stuff leave it and turn to some
Doctrinally sound teachers some biblically qualified men who who actually are able to teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict and And start growing in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ And and that would be our prayer for his followers for him. We don't you mentioned it already
We don't want to see Benny Hinn die without Christ We want to see him repent and come to genuine faith like his nephew and I just think
I mean what? Could happen if God did a work on Benny Hinn's life that he genuinely came to faith and that would be that would have a ripple effect if he came out the way
Kosti did and Started to name names and to expose things
From the inside. I mean from the very very top that that would really be able to expose things so that the gospel can go forth
So yeah, we we pray for that. So but Let's close out with the the couple of minutes that we have left
Justin because you and I have something special Going on in about a year and a half.
We plan ahead. Don't we? Yeah. Yeah, I'm not sure I've ever planned anything out a year and a half before so it's
I like to plan ahead To plan that far ahead We you and I are gonna be going to Israel in March of 2021 along with pastor
Frank Mullis and dr. Anthony Sylvester. The four of us will be doing the devotions 13 days
Going to a lot of lot a lot of sites in Israel. And so this is kind of one of these
Things that for some people it's a once -in -a -lifetime opportunity Now you've been to Israel you're gonna be returning in 2020
I've been to Israel, but it was a long time ago. I was 16 years old So I'm not gonna say how long ago because someone's gonna do the math.
Let's say it was a little bit more than 10 years we'll just leave it at that and Let people guess but 35 years.
Yeah That's a pretty good guess but Yeah So If folks want to join us and and my my encouragement is that this is going to fill up Quickly now if you're listening to this
Live or shortly after we record we drop this We're gonna be having one more week.
So September 7th or up to I think September 14th You can get a hundred dollars off if you register and put it down payment now
Now you say $100 is not a whole lot when it costs like 5 ,100 well, what do you get for that?
What you're getting is by Israeli law You have to have an Israeli guide and you have to pay them what they what they charge
So we have an Israeli guide or an Israeli bus bus driver. All those things have to be there
It includes your hotel stays. It includes your breakfast and your dinner Basically everything but lunch is covered
Including the flight from JFK, New York Now if you're not in JFK you there's a discount you get and you meet us in Tel Aviv So if you want to do that,
I think you get a thousand dollars off for you to cover the flight But that is something that this is a once -in -a -lifetime opportunity for many people to be able to do now
The reason we've booked it out so far is so you have time to save And so if you want to come with us there are as far as we know right now
We are limited to 55 slots and that includes the the guide. So That's not a lot.
We're probably gonna fill that quickly So I want to encourage you to go to a website to get all the details
There's a lot of details there and to be able to sign up it is 2021 because that's the year that we're gonna go 2021israeltrip .com
That's 2021israeltrip .com And if you go to there, you can get all the details you can
Register there's a form you fill out I filled it out and you you put everything in so you could put your down payment if you do put the down payment
That's like $500 down. You don't have to pay it all right now There's a payment plan set up But if you pay it now and something happens you can't make it you get most of that back
I think all but $125 I think is non -refundable. So My encouragement to you is save your spot
There's gonna be a lot of people that we're gonna fill this up and then we're gonna end up having people on a waiting list
So my encouragement is go to 2021israeltrip .com
So you could join Justin Dr. Silvestro pastor Mullis and myself striving fraternities is putting this together and we're we're excited to be able to take people to go to the very places that we read in Scripture and See the very place where some of these things happen
We're gonna go to the very Mount where Christ preached the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7 5 to 7 it's gonna be a neat experience to actually be there.
I've been on that Mount I've sat there and thought about that that sermon. Well, we're actually gonna read through that sermon
Justin You've been to Israel recently How do you think that had has impacted you and others especially as far as when we come to reading the scriptures?
Well always I have always heard from people. Oh, you've got to go to Israel It'll really change how you read the
Bible and and it'll bring it alive I'm not sure it's changed the way
I read it as far as I like it hasn't changed my hermeneutics or anything But I tell you what Andrew it it for certain
Brings things alive. I mean it is it is a surreal experience to go and be where Be where David fought
Goliath to go to the pool of Bethesda To go to the pool of Siloam to to go
To go to Capernaum, you know to go to I mean all these places that you read about in the
New Testament it is You know and as I go to these went to these different places, you know, I'm just I'm replaying everything in my mind
I'm opening up my Bible and I'm like Wow This happened right here.
I mean you can see it. You can touch it You can I mean it just it really is it does bring
It does just kind of bring things to life if you will I mean it's uh, and and now when
I go and I read the New Testament I really read about Jesus healing at the pool of Bethesda.
I think man, I've seen that I've seen that I know where he did it. I know what it looks like you can it's just It's a surreal experience.
It really is I would Strongly strongly encourage people if you're able to do it
Do it you you won't regret it. I promise you that it exceeded my expectations So I'm eager to get back there.
So I'm looking forward to it. And so yeah, Lord willing is as long as the Lord gives me another year and a half of life and Assuming the rapture doesn't happen between now and then
I look forward to going but if the rapture happens, I'm perfectly fine with going
Yeah, I'll wait for the New Jerusalem that's okay with me Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the new it'll be even better.
Yeah, so folks go to 2021 Israel trip comm get all the details.
Please come and join us is going to be Really great experience. We hope for everybody
It is going to fill up so don't don't think oh, I have plenty of time Because a lot of people are gonna think that's a lot of time.
They have time to think about it You don't know what's gonna happen in a year and a half We gave a year and a half so you have a lot of time to save for it
But you need to reserve your spot early. So go to 2021
Israel trip comm and There you're gonna get all the details. So with that Justin, I want to thank you for coming on we're gonna we're gonna look forward to this video that you're gonna be putting out soon and Exposing everything that we've talked about in much more detail.
I'm looking forward to that I know that there'll be a lot of people that'll be blessed by that so I appreciate you coming on and helping us because you you really are an expert in this area and you know the
Benny Hinn very very well and we all learn and gleam from that knowledge when you when you speak and I hope that folks see that you don't speak from a
Hatred for Benny Hinn you speak from a heart of compassion for where he's gonna spend eternity
Yeah, yeah, I do hate what he's done I hate what he's done I hate his ministry but I don't hate him and And I do pray
I do pray that the the Lord would be gracious and and grant him repentance unto salvation
And we thank you for coming on Justin and Next one till next week. Remember to strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God This podcast is part of the striving for eternity ministry for more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church