An Urgent Plea - Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Danny Akin, Russell Moore etc

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A solemn and urgent plea for these men, who I hold in high esteem, to search their souls and do the right thing. This info looks it true? Looks like it but I don't know. I think we deserve an answer. Do the right thing. Here is the article I reference:


I recorded this video on Friday, but decided not to post it because Friday is not a good day to post something that you actually want to get seen.
At least that's what I've learned from the government doing document dumps on Friday typically. But anyway, before the video starts,
I wanted to just say this, look, if the information that I reference in this video, it's information that is out there and you'll see in just a minute what
I'm talking about. But if it's not true, I think the leaders that I'm addressing in this video should tell us that it's not true.
I'd like you to go on record. If you haven't taken this money, if you haven't done that from these shady, really shady sources, if you haven't taken money from them and it hasn't been influencing your, tell us just outright, tell us, go on record and say, no,
I have not taken this money. No, it has not influenced me. Let's hear that. I'd like to hear that.
I'd like to hear that. I think that that's worth it because I'm not saying that this information is automatically something, you know, evil or I'm sorry, automatically true.
I mean, it's just one source of information, but it looks pretty compelling. And so if it's not true, what these articles are saying about the money that you've taken, if it's not true, tell us anyway,
I hope you find this video helpful. So I wanted to, to make this video as a kind of a plea to some of the people addressed in the, in the title, but also some of the people addressed in the comment section, not the comment section, the description section of this video.
But before I do, I wanted to just take a small tangent. So if you just bear with me for a minute, one of the things that I found just, just so incredibly interesting about this
Jeffrey Epstein scandal is seeing all of this information in mainstream sources.
And if for the first time, I mean, you know, there was a little bit of reporting on, on Jeffrey Epstein, as far as I understand back in the day.
But really the mainstream media has ignored the story until recently. And this information that's coming out about his pedophile
Island, about his Lolita Express, about his connections to the Clintons, and all kinds of stuff like that.
This information that's been out there for a long time. But the thing is, though, that it got relegated to the realm of what people would call conspiracy theory.
And so, you know, it got for the most part, just sort of, you know, shelves sort of ignored, sort of thrown down the memory hole.
I mean, people have had pictures of this guy's pedophile temple that now is in the mainstream media.
This temple, this weird, freaking weird place that he set up. It's a high place.
I mean, this is a literal high place that Jeffrey Epstein has set up. And a lot of people think that, that there's some kind of pagan worship going on in there and all of that kind of stuff.
This kind of information has been out in the conspiracy theory realm for a very long time. And now it's coming out that it's true.
And this happens a lot. I mean, there are oftentimes conspiracy theories, people that say, you know, this stuff is crazy.
This is a conspiracy theory. And they kind of trash the source kind of thing.
But it ends up being true. And then the government ends up apologizing for it later and stuff like that. This is true with UFOs.
This is true with a lot of different things. Now, the thing about conspiracy theories, the thing that makes them so effective as a weapon for the state is that some of them are true and some of them aren't.
And sometimes it can be difficult to discern the difference. And so by putting a lot of misinformation out there, you can kind of throw shade on everything.
And so by putting a lot of misinformation out there, Jeffrey Epstein gets to fly under the radar for years and years and years and years.
Now, he hasn't been convicted of these latest allegations. I'm not saying he has, but this information, these allegations have been out there for a long time.
And so conspiracy theories, I was talking to my brother once about this, and he says that he thinks everybody believes in some conspiracy theories.
The question is which ones and on what evidence? And what evidence do you accept as something that would actually mean, hey, maybe there's some questions here we should pursue.
And I think that's probably pretty accurate. If you ask yourself, do you believe in some conspiracy theory, something that someone would label a conspiracy theory, chances are the answer is yes.
And if you don't, then you're probably naive. There's a thing called normalcy bias. You know what that is?
Normalcy bias is this idea that you just kind of assume everything's going to go on the way it always has.
Everything's going to be normal, even though you know that everything isn't always normal.
And this can manifest itself in a few different ways. I think one easy way to think about it is like, you know you're going to die soon, right?
And you know that there's a possibility that the next time you get in your car, you're going to die. But if you were to get in an accident today,
God forbid, I hope you don't. But if you were, you'd be shocked. You'd be surprised.
This kind of stuff doesn't happen to us. I watch a lot of true crime stuff on YouTube and things like that.
And one of the common things that people say is that this kind of stuff just doesn't happen to us, to our family, to our community and things like that.
And that's, you know, that's a normalcy bias. You just assume that everything that's always happened is always going to happen again.
And that's just not the case. Your life today could be radically different than it's ever been in your entire life.
Things could happen. Anything could happen. It could even be silly stuff like they could disclose aliens today.
You don't know. It could also be serious stuff like you could come down with cancer today. You don't know.
God is in control of these things. We're not. But we like to pretend like everything's going to be just like it always was.
Why am I talking about this? That's the question. Guys, this is an urgent, and I mean,
I don't know how to say this in a more serious way. So this is me trying to be very serious.
This is me trying to be very sincere, solemn, because I woke up this morning.
Actually, I woke up last night. Let's just be honest. I had trouble sleeping last night. And I woke up thinking about this video that I was going to do.
And, you know, look, I don't have inside information. I'm not a researcher myself.
I just don't have those skills. I don't do that kind of stuff very often. I've been joking this week a lot.
I went to public school, man. I even went to a public university. So anyway, the point is, though, that I don't have special researching skills.
But look, I saw the Pulpit and Pen article, and let's just be honest, you did too. I saw the
Pulpit and Pen article, and you did too. Now, before you even turn off the video, because I know some of you are like, oh, he mentioned
Pulpit and Pen, and it looks like he's going to do it in a positive light. So I've got to turn this off, because I know that they're a bunch of evil apostates, cultists, and they just lie all the time.
Look, there's two things that go on with Pulpit and Pen. Let's just be honest, you and me. We can be honest with each other, right?
There's the editorial stuff, and then there's the research. There's the editorial stuff, and then there's the research.
The facts that are presented by Pulpit and Pen, I can't think of an example where what they said happened actually didn't happen.
So the facts tend to be exactly on. Now, where you might have quibbles, and where I would have quibbles, let's just be honest, are some of the editorializing that they do.
They take the facts and then say, you know, whatever they want, the ad hominem stuff and things like that.
Look, I don't have a problem with ad hominem in general. Sometimes ad hominem is okay. It's not an argument, but sometimes ad hominem is okay.
It's not a good—hear me saying that. It's not a good argument, but sometimes that kind of stuff is okay.
Now, Pulpit and Pen says things that I wouldn't say from time to time, but here's the reality, though.
The people in power, the leadership of evangelicalism, they want you to take that stuff and say it discredits their information, and it simply doesn't.
The fact that they engage in ad hominem stuff that is distasteful to you does not mean that their information is incorrect.
And often, if you're honest with yourself, you know that their information is often correct.
So you saw this article. You saw the article that I'm—and you know what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the article that talks about the funding sources for a variety of these places.
Let me pull it up, because I printed it out here, because I have a hard time reading articles online, especially long ones like this.
This is a very long article. Let me pull it up here. Hold on. The article makes the case and provides documentation that shows that George Soros, other
Democratic movers and shakers, power brokers, financing people, financiers, people who give billions and billions of dollars away to organizations to promote their leftist progressive agendas, have been influencing our institutions through money donations.
Now, before you turn your brain off, remember that normalcy bias. You and I both have a bias to think things that have always happened, things that I've always believed are always going to be true.
We have a bias to say, no way. There's no way that George Soros' money is influencing Christian institutions.
No way. Especially the ones that this article claims are being influenced. Let me just read the list here.
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Nine Marks, Together for the
Gospel, the ERLC, the Gospel Coalition. I mean, these are big deals in evangelicalism, let's just be honest.
Big deals. A lot of us grew up in the faith learning from these institutions, learning from these blogs.
These are influential places. And this article is saying that there's ways to trace evil money, okay?
George Soros' money, that's evil money. And how they've influenced these organizations to go totally woke, to go social justice advocating and things like that.
And we're not talking about biblical justice. That's the whole point. This is not biblical justice.
This is progressive, socialist, leftist, the opposite of justice in many ways.
Because a lot of us have been wondering, how could this happen? How could this happen seemingly so quickly?
How could this happen? I feel like I woke up and everything was different, like an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Everyone was different. I was the same. People had been asking me this. I've gotten countless messages from people about how in the world has this gone down the way it's gone down.
I don't get it. And nobody wants to think, I understand why you don't want to think, that really it's something as crass and basic as money, as funding, as influence, as power.
But the reality is that money, power, influence, these are things that motivate a lot of people.
They're enticing. And I can't think of too many other things that could explain such a travesty.
I can think of a few other things. But it's like people have said, it's almost like they turned their exegesis off when they're talking about this stuff.
It's almost like they turned their brains off. I've known that these men, and they're so careful about exegeting
John 3 .16 and exegeting Romans 9 and exegeting these passages, and I've trusted them over the years, and then they get to Amos 5 and it's like, what?
How does that, what are you talking about? And I feel the same way.
And so you and I, we've both seen this article. You can't unsee it, you know what I mean? And if you haven't seen this
Pulpit and Pen article, I urge you to read it because here's the reality. Information there is compelling.
Does it prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that these organizations have been influenced by these progressive think tanks and money has motivated them?
Does it prove beyond a shadow of a doubt? No, it does not. But the information is compelling because what this information is in this article is leftist progressive, you know, communists essentially, telling you, hey, this is what we should do with evangelicalism.
We should start influencing them. We should start giving them money and infiltrate them and we should do it using social justice.
And what has happened since then? You think they forgot their plans? You think they gave the money but forgot to ask for the favor?
You know what I mean? That didn't happen, that didn't happen. And so here's the plea. There are men that I respect, that I've learned from, that I'm begging you to go to God and search your soul because the time to reveal this stuff is now.
I'm thinking of men like Ligon Duncan. I'm thinking of men like Al Mohler. I'm thinking of men,
God help me, like Russell Moore. I don't know if he's capable of this, but I'm talking to him too. I'm talking to any of you out there on the
Gospel Coalition board, any of you out there that are friends with these people that knows what has gone on.
The time to reveal it is now because don't be stupid. Don't be stupid and think that Pulpit and Pen is the only organization that can put these pieces together because you might have successfully, you know, marginalized them.
Let's just be honest. You might have been successful with that campaign and, you know, they may have made it easier on you than they needed to make it, but don't be foolish because people are starting to realize that not everything they say is crazy and there are going to be others that do this research as well.
They're going to see this article from Pulpit and Pen and say, man, I've been told I can't trust them. So let me do the research for myself and they're going to find, what are they going to find?
You and I both know what they're going to find. The exact same thing that Pulpit and Pen found.
So the time to act is now. Al Mohler, Russell Moore, Ligon Duncan, all of you guys, search your souls and do the right thing.
Tell us what's going on. It's not right to hide this from the body of Christ.
If you've taken money and then all of a sudden come out with this diversity center that doesn't really teach biblical diversity, but instead teaches this weird concept of intersectionality and critical race theory, you've got to explain that.
You have to. These secret meetings, look, we know they happen. We know the meetings happen. We know that you guys talk, you guys coordinate, you guys do all this stuff.
You put pressure on people. You threaten people. We know all about this stuff. It's time to reveal it because here's the thing.
This is the other reason I brought up Jeffrey Epstein in the beginning. If I was, I was speaking to my brother and we were talking and we're saying if we were the prosecutor in that situation, we wanted to take, obviously
Jeffrey Epstein's going down, but everyone else associated with his little pedophile ring, right?
Well, here's what we would say. We would say, look, Jeff, there's no saving your life at this point. You're gonna be in jail.
You're gonna be in prison until you die. That's how it's gonna be. You've done heinous crimes. This is what I would say.
So there's no saving that. You're not gonna get out of jail this time. You can't save life as you knew it, but you can start to make it right, right now by cooperating with us.
You can start to make it right. And the reality is there's an analogy here to guys like you,
Al Mohler, to guys like you, Russell Moore, to guys like you, Lincoln Duncan. If you search your heart and you know what's right to do to reveal what has gone on, why you've left so many people, so many run -of -the -mill
Christians, everyday people like you and me in the pews just wondering, what is going on here? How have my leaders done this?
There's probably no saving your position. I'm not saying you're gonna die in jail or anything like that.
I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is, though, that probably people won't trust you anymore. There's no turning back from that.
That ship has sailed. And I'm not saying that people won't forgive you. Christians, they're very forgiving people, believe it or not.
Christians forgive, and I love that about Christians. That's one of the best parts about the church. It's the forgiveness that's available to you.
I love that. People will forgive you, Al Mohler, Lincoln Duncan, Russell Moore. They'll forgive you, but they won't let you, they won't trust you the way they used to.
They won't let you be in that position. That ship has sailed, and it's already sailed. It's not like it will sail if you reveal this stuff.
It's already sailed. They don't trust you now. So there's no saving that. But you can start to make it right.
You can build a reputation back by revealing this stuff, because people are gonna find it out anyway.
I'm not threatening anybody, because I don't do research. I don't have any inside information. I've got no connections.
But I know that people are working on it right now, and they're going to reveal it. So you're not gonna get away with it much longer anyway.
Why not just reveal it yourself, and start the work, the hard work of repentance of this stuff, these secret meetings.
What side of the Bible do you think that sounds more like? Do you think that sounds more like the crowds and the people that Jesus had compassion for?
Or do you think it sounds more like the Sanhedrin, who's scheming and plotting? I mean, honestly, who do you think you are in this story?
The time is now to start repenting. I'm not saying you're not a believer. I'm saying the time is now, because you are a believer.
I can hold you to that standard, and say, look, show us what's gone down.
Apologize. We'll accept the apology. I don't think there's any saving your full reputation.
I think that ship has sailed. But you can start to make it right. You can help us win this battle, for good, for the
Lord, for Christ. You can show us the money that you've taken, and the result that it's had on your institution.
And it has not been a good one. But you can change all that right now.
So Al Mohler, Ligon Duncan, Russell Moore, all of you guys. There's people I'm missing, all you guys, that have taken money.
The time to repent and the time to reveal it is now, because it will be revealed. You believe the scripture just like I do.
It'll all be revealed. And I know people are working on it, man. They're going to find out what's going on.
And the reality is that you have to understand that this is weighed on people's conscience. Like your underlings, their conscience is being weighed down by this because they know what's going on too.
They know how the pressure system works. They know how you destroy ministries and things like that.
They know how you discredit people. They know all of the whole thing, how it's very mafia -like, except without the murder.
They know all about it. The time to reveal it is now. Repent of your own volition before it just gets revealed for you.
I don't want to... That's going to be a sad day for me. That's going to be a sad day for me.
I'm incapable of doing that kind of research, but you know that there are people on our side that are not. So I urge you,
I urge you, come clean. This is a plea. Come clean. Let the people know what has happened and start to make it right.