Don't Settle For a Vague Understanding of Christ | Clip from Servant Song VI

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Know Jesus better than you know any living being. Treat the New Testament like a miser treats a document explaining how much inheritance he will get and when he will get it. Go back through the Servant Songs of Isaiah and pour over them until Christ is precious to you anew.


Now as we bring these songs to a close just a couple of words of advice do not settle for a vague
Understanding of the person of your Savior or his work think of the person
Why not make it your goal to get to know the Lord Jesus Christ the God man Why not make it your goal to know him better than you know any other person
What about his work? Get acquainted with the fine print of the
New Covenant I mean grab it like a greedy miser would grab up a
Document that explains your inheritance and all the ways that you will get it and when you will get it and how much
There is and where does it come from and and you just read it over and over and over Come to the
New Testament Wrestle with these words go back to the Old Testament and see the foreshadowings But do not leave the scripture alone crash against its chapters until it yields its riches to you
Particularly all that Christ is and has done for you
Sin does not come with kind of vague generalities temptation comes
Very precise. It's high -def It comes to allure us and when our conscience accuses us before God when we do sin it's not just generalities, it's very specific and if you want to have a cure for temptation if you want the cure for despair and Despondency, it's going to have to be an equally clear view of the glorious person and work of your
Savior so don't settle for anything less and Go back now and take time and let
Isaiah walk you through these four songs again until you too Like Richard roll from the medieval
English Church said until you to find yourself singing What you once only spoke can
I close these four songs with a quote by Spurgeon? It's a quote we've used before but perhaps you don't remember it or haven't heard it
Spurgeon said this My soul never be satisfied with the shadowy
Christ. I Cannot know Christ through another man's brains. I cannot love him with another man's heart
And I cannot see him with another man's eyes. I am so afraid of living in a second -hand religion
Lord save us from having borrowed Communion. No, I must know him myself.
Oh God. Let me not be deceived in this I must know him on my own account.