Is This Kenneth Copeland's Most Heretical Statement Ever?

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


All of Kenneth Copeland's Heresies In One Place: ______________________ ➡️➡️➡️ Find all of Justin's essential links here:


Is this the most blasphemous thing that Kenneth Copeland has ever said? Well, it's certainly in the running.
Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today.
Want to thank you so much for joining me. Kenneth Copeland is one of the most egregious heretics and blasphemers that has ever disgraced the name of Jesus Christ.
I have done several videos on Kenneth Copeland. I did one a year or so ago that kind of encapsulates a lot of his heresies in one video, so kind of one -stop shopping there.
If you want to learn more about his blasphemies, a link down below in the description.
But this is, every time I play this clip, it just makes my skin crawl.
And he has said this not just once. He has actually said this multiple times, and I have three iterations of it in this video, and I'll let you hear all three.
And he has said this over decades. So you'll never believe, or maybe you will, who
Kenneth Copeland believes to be the biggest failure in the Bible. Who is the biggest, who's the biggest failure in the
Bible? God is. What'd you say?
What'd you say indeed? Kenneth Copeland says that God is the biggest failure in the
Bible. Now, I have two more iterations of this. I want you to listen to this audio recording.
This is a separate event, and Kenneth Copeland fleshes out a little bit more of why he believes
God is the biggest failure in the Bible. So I want you to listen to this, and then I'm going to show you a video clip.
Now, admittedly, what you're about to hear is old. Probably, if memory serves, 89 or 90 in that neighborhood.
So we're talking about 35 years ago. So yeah, pretty old. Now, this particular clip, he is being interviewed by Paul Crouch, who was the president and founder of TBN.
Paul Crouch is now dead. But I want you to listen to this, and after we play this clip, then
I'm going to show you a video clip much more recently, just from a couple of three years ago, in which
Kenneth Copeland says the same thing. But listen to this, Kenneth Copeland talking to Paul Crouch.
I was shocked when I found out who the biggest failure in the Bible actually is.
Okay. You know, everybody asks you, say, who's the biggest failure?
They say, Judas. Somebody else will say, no, I believe it's Adam. Well, how about the devil?
He's the most consistent failure. Okay. But he's not the biggest in terms of material failure and so forth.
The biggest one in the whole Bible is God. Oh, what, what, what? Don't you turn that set off.
You listen to what... I told you that, you sit still a minute. You know me well enough, no,
I wouldn't tell something I can't prove in the Bible. Right.
He lost his top ranking most anointed angel, the first man he ever created, first woman he ever created, the whole earth and all the fullness therein, a third of the angels at least.
That's a big loss, man. I mean, you figure all that, that's a lot of real estate, brother, gone down the drain.
Now, the reason you don't think of God as a failure is he never said he's a failure.
And you're not a failure till you say you're one. So the only reason we don't think of God as a failure is because he apparently never had enough intellectual integrity to own up to being a failure.
But in reality, you see, he really is. So not only is God a failure, but he is also apparently a liar because if he was honest, he would own up to being the biggest cosmic failure who has ever existed.
Dear friends, if you don't think that's blasphemy, I don't even know what to tell you.
And if you're a follower of Kenneth Copeland, I don't know how you defend this.
Now, the way Kenneth Copeland defends it is he says God is the biggest failure because he lost his legal right to planet
Earth. That's staple Word of Faith doctrine. When Adam and Eve sinned, God, and by the way,
Adam and Eve, according to Kenneth Copeland, Adam was an exact duplicate of God.
He was not a little like God, was not a lot. I'm actually quoting Kenneth Copeland here. Adam was not a little like God. He was not a lot like God even.
He was an exact duplicate of God. Copeland teaches that Adam was another
Yahweh in the Garden of Eden. And then Adam sinned, which of course begs the question, if Adam was
Yahweh and he sinned, was it Yahweh who sinned? You see, you carry these doctrines out to their logical conclusion and you see how utterly theologically and morally bankrupt the
Word of Faith movement is. And Kenneth Copeland is the grand poobah of the
Word of Faith movement. So according to Copeland and standard Word of Faith doctrine, God lost his legal right to planet
Earth. And it's not just Kenneth Copeland who teaches this. Jesse Duplantis does too. Andrew Womack does too.
And all those people in that theological orbit, the Word of Faith orbit. So God lost his legal right to planet
Earth. So he lost Adam. He lost Eve.
He lost all of humanity. He lost the entire Earth and everything in it and a third of the angels at least.
And then Kenneth Copeland says, that's a lot of real estate, brother, gone down the drain.
So yeah, God apparently is the biggest failure in the
Bible. Now that admittedly, that is an older clip, as I said.
But I'm going to show you this video from, I believe it was just, I want to say 21, give or take a year on this.
Kenneth Copeland was preaching for David Oyedepo. David Oyedepo is the founding pastor of, quote unquote pastor, of a church that is now known as Winner's Chapel in Lagos, Nigeria, Africa.
David Oyedepo is one of the wealthiest pastors, not only in Africa, but in the world.
Watch this short clip. Bishop David Oyedepo, Nigeria, net worth 150 million
USD. Bishop David Oyedepo is a Nigerian preacher, businessman, Christian author, and architect.
He is the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide, popularly known as Winner's Chapel, which is one of the biggest churches in Africa with branches in many
African countries. He currently has over 20 ,000 churches in several countries across the world, including
Western countries. He is the richest pastor in Nigeria and the second richest in Africa, owning several planes and educational institutions, including universities, petrol stations, and microfinance banks.
Okay, so when you do a Google search on world's wealthiest preachers, David Oyedepo is usually at the top of the list, and a lot of sites list his net worth as about 150 million
USD, as this video did. And the assertion is that he's the wealthiest preacher in the world.
Now, I don't think that's accurate because there's another African preacher who actually has more than David Oyedepo, but now granted, 150 million dollars, if he does have 150 million dollars in whatever the currency is in Nigeria, it escapes me at the moment, but rest assured, 150 million dollars goes light years further in Africa than it does here in the
United States. So yeah, so if you adjust for the exchange rate, yeah,
David Oyedepo probably is considerably wealthier than Kenneth Copeland, despite the fact that Kenneth Copeland himself brags about being a billionaire, with a
B, billionaire. Now, I've seen some reports that his net worth is only about 750 million dollars.
Gotta live on something, I suppose. But Copeland, since then, that was a couple of three years ago, since then, the stock market has actually done quite well despite the current administration, but it's particularly since the election a few weeks ago, it has really gone up a lot.
And so given the position of the stock market right now, Kenneth Copeland very well may be bumping that billionaire threshold.
So I hope he enjoys it while he can because it will not profit him anything here very shortly when he dies.
It's not a threat. The man is 87 years old. Mathematically, he doesn't have long to live despite his assertion that he's going to live to be 120, but I've done a whole video on that nonsense.
So now let me say this. I've been to Africa. I've been to South Africa several times.
I've been to Zambia. I've been to Uganda. I have seen some of the poorest of the poor people on the planet.
Poverty, the likes of which nobody in this country has any way to relate to on any level.
And yet some of the wealthiest preachers on the planet are in Africa. And you may be wondering, well, how do they do that?
How do these preachers amass such fantastic wealth in such poor countries when the people are so very poor?
Well, what the African preachers lack in per capita giving, they make up for in just sheer numbers.
The followings that these preachers, like David Oyedepo and Pastor Chris and Bushiri and some of these wealthy, extraordinarily wealthy prosperity preachers in Africa, they just have enormous, enormous followings.
And they live, as you just saw, they live in opulent luxury while the great majority, the great, great, great majority of their followers live in poverty.
So, yeah, enjoy that wealth while you can. Now, here's the clip.
This is Kenneth Copeland preaching at a winner's chapel pastored by David Oyedepo.
Watch this. Who was the biggest loser?
Satan? No, God. God lost his man.
God lost the woman he created with his own hands. God had given
Adam absolute authority over this planet and his own created son committed high treason and bowed his knee to the devil and the devil took over.
Adam had a lease on this earth and as such, he was literally the
God of this world. So, here we kind of get a two for one, two heresies in one, at least two heresies.
He says that Adam was literally the God of this world.
Well, no, he literally was not the God of this world.
Adam never was God. Adam was a man and he was only a man.
He was not God. God did not literally reproduce himself in Adam. This is a staple doctrine from Kenneth Copeland.
And by the way, this whole little God's doctrine, see, they believe that when
Adam and Eve fell, they lost their deity, lost their godhood, transferred it to Satan.
And when this happened, Satan became the legal God of planet Earth like Adam supposedly was before he fell.
But Satan is not the legal God of planet Earth. 2 Corinthians 4 .4 refers to Satan as the
God of this age in the Greek word aeon. Paul is making a theological point, not a legal point.
But at any rate, dear friends, Adam was not a God at all.
But this is why the faith preachers hold so tenaciously to health and wealth because they teach that when you become a
Christian, you regain what Adam supposedly lost before he fell.
You become a God just like Adam was. So you are a little
God. In fact, the heresy in the word of faith movement is so bad today that they've pretty much dropped the little from the little
God's doctrine and you just are a God. You are just like Jesus.
All the rights, all the privileges, you are equal to Christ. I could play you clip after clip after clip after clip.
In fact, some of that's down there as I'm thinking about it. Some of that's linked down below in the description where I have a video showing all that.
So you're a God. You are God. You're just like Yahweh. You're just like Jesus. And therefore, you should never be sick and you certainly should not be poor because after all,
God is not sick and God is not poor. So let's get back to the subject matter at hand, shall we?
Is God really, this is hard for me to even say, the biggest failure, the biggest loser of all time?
Well, let's go to the text, shall we? I wonder what Kenneth Copeland does with some of these verses.
So let's look at Isaiah chapter 46, verses nine through 10, God speaking. For I am
God and there is no other. I am God and there is no one like me. That includes you,
Kenneth Copeland. Declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things which have not been done, saying, my counsel will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.
God is God. There is no one like him. And he says, my counsel will be established.
I will accomplish all my good pleasure. Difference, God has not been kicked out of planet
Earth. He is not hamstrung. He is not like the kid on the playground, on the sidelines that nobody wants on their team, just looking and wishing that somebody would pick him.
Oh, pick me, pick me. That's what they've reduced God to. It's pathetic and it's disgusting and it is profoundly unbiblical.
So I wonder what Kenneth Copeland does with Isaiah 46, nine through 10.
I wonder what he thinks about that text. Ooh, seriously, was that really necessary,
Kenneth? Well, okay, you don't like that verse. Well, what do you think about 1
Chronicles 29, 11? Yours, O Yahweh, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty.
Indeed, everything that is in the heavens and the earth. Yours is the kingdom,
O Yahweh, and you exalt yourself as head over all.
Well, how do you get around that verse, Mr. Copeland? God says he exalts himself as head over all.
Everything belongs to him, the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty.
Indeed, everything that is in the heavens and the earth. He is head over all. Well, what do you think about that text?
Ha, miss me. Well, you don't like Isaiah 46. You don't like 1
Chronicles 29, 11. Well, let's go to Psalm 24, verse one and see what you think about that, dare
I ask. The earth is Yahweh's as well as its fullness, the world and those who dwell in it.
Well, Mr. Copeland, it says there in black and white that everything belongs to God.
The earth, its fullness, so not just most of the earth, but the entire earth belongs to God and everyone who dwells on it.
So, what do you think about that one? Man, are you hard to please.
All right, well, we got a couple of more arrows in the quiver. Now, let's try
Psalm 115, verse three. But our God is in the heavens.
He does whatever he pleases. Okay, what do you think about that one?
Boom! You know, in fairness, I didn't really think you would like that one because I know what you would say, that God has been kicked out of planet earth and so you would say to that, that that just means
God can do whatever he wants to do in heaven, not on earth. If he wants to do something on earth, then, of course, he has to have our permission to do so.
He has to kind of get entry into the earth through us. I mean, despite all the other verses we've looked at, but that's what you would say to Psalm 115, three.
I know that's what you would say because that's what all the word faith preachers say about that. Well, okay, let's try one more.
Let's look at Psalm 135, verse six. Whatever Yahweh pleases, he does in heaven and on earth, in the seas and in all the deeps.
So, dear ones, I'll just ask you, I'll give you three guesses and two of them don't count as to what
Kenneth Copeland thinks about that verse. How'd you know?
You see, dear ones, I mean, this is just a short sampling of the texts that run in direct contradiction, direct opposition to not only
Kenneth Copeland's teaching, but also word of faith teaching on God's sovereignty and his legal ownership of the earth and all those things that are entailed on it.
It's just text after text after text that just are insurmountable biblical and theological headwinds to word of faith heresy.
So, Kenneth Copeland, it is still just absolutely stunning that a man would have the audacity to say that God is the biggest loser or the biggest failure in the
Bible. This is why I say that there is no way Kenneth Copeland can be saved, no way.
You cannot be indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God and teach such things.
The Holy Spirit is not a weakling. He's not a girly man. He is strong.
If he is strong enough to save us, he is strong enough to deliver us out of deception. And again, this is just but one of the legions of heresies that Kenneth Copeland and Jesse Duplantis and all their word faith friends teach day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, decade after decade.
They continue to teach these heresies. They continue to give false prophecies.
They continue to put words in God's mouth that he emphatically did not say.
And what's even worse than all of that, a lot of the heresies they teach, they lay the blame for teaching such heresies at the feet of Christ himself because many of these heresies that they teach, they claim to get from Christ.
They claim that God gives them these heresies through divine revelation. And so it's like you compound error and sin upon error and sin.
It just cannot get any worse. It is a sad state of affairs. If they were truly indwelt by the
Holy Spirit of God, then the first time they uttered one of these blasphemies, the
Holy Spirit of God would drop them to their knees under such heavy conviction.
And yet there is no conviction. There is no change. As I've shown you in this video,
Copeland has been teaching this for decades. He has received a lot of criticism and from time to time, he'll even acknowledge the criticism that he's received, but he doesn't care.
It's just full steam ahead on the heresy train. Unless you think
Kenneth Copeland doesn't really have a following anymore, oh, he does, I can assure you.
Just a couple of years ago, I saw him on a video where he was talking about how they expected to bring in $300 million in the next calendar or fiscal year or whatever.
In one year, $300 million in one year.
He has an enormous following and he has sadly influenced countless thousands of preachers all around the world.
It is truly, truly tragic that so many people follow him. The man is evil. He is dark.
One of the darkest individuals that I've ever come across. But so he's not the lunatic fringe.
He is widely accepted by most people in the charismatic movement. Daystar, for example.
I mean, he's one of the staple programs on Daystar and Joni Lamb, she's been much in the news lately because of the scandal that is going on at Daystar and the family and all that stuff.
I'm not gonna get into that in this video beyond the scope of my purposes here. But Joni Lamb, she's widely been regarded as kind of like a just mainstream, kind of even keeled.
Yeah, she's charismatic, but she's not loony charismatic. Well, earlier this year, 2024,
Kenneth Copeland was a special guest with Joni Lamb on her program called
Table Talk. And I want you to listen to the effusive praise that these women heap upon Kenneth Copeland.
Watch this. So what is a covenant and what does it mean to be in covenant with God?
Well, today with the help of our special guests, we're exploring the different covenants in the Bible and what they mean for all of us today.
But first, join me around the table is April Simons. How are you? I'm doing great. Excited for this show. We got a great general here of the faith.
We do. We do. So excited, yeah. It's so exciting when we have a general come to the youth house. Yes, yes.
Anna Kendall, how are you? You know, I am so excited. I'm sure you have stories. Oh, I do. But one thing
I want to say is when we came into the fullness of the Spirit in the 70s, this is the man that taught us how to stand on the
Word, believe the Word, you know, speak the Word. And I'm so eternally grateful for that.
For sure. We all have stories. Rachel Anne Brown. I am so honored to be at this table with our special guests.
This is someone who meant so much to my dad. And he used to tell me all the amazing stories of how our special guests helped him in the early days.
And I don't want to talk about it because it will make me cry. But it just means so much that he invested into you and dad.
And Daystar Enlarge is fruit of that. He has part of all that. Absolutely.
Every person that's won to the Lord through Daystar, he has a part in that. Huge, huge, huge part. Yeah, for sure. Davalyn Ford, how are you?
I am so excited. I know we are standing on the shoulders of giants and we have one of those spiritual giants here today.
So I'm really excited. And if any of us learned anything about faith, this would be one of the people that has taught us.
Absolutely. Cindy Murdock, how are you? I'm great. And that's what I was gonna say. This guest has been a consistent example of unwavering faith and I think has encouraged us all in all the nations to have faith in God.
That's right. Praise God. Welcome Kenneth Copeland. Thank you. We're so glad you're here.
He is an evangelist, author, television host and husband to Gloria. And he's here to talk about his book,
God, the Covenant and the Contradiction. Please welcome our dear friend. He's a general in the faith, Kenneth Copeland.
Thank you, Julie. I appreciate it. So good to have you. General of the faith, spiritual giant.
Daystar is the fruit of Kenneth Copeland's teaching. So they heap effusive praise upon one of the darkest, most heretical blasphemers ever to bring reproach upon the name of Christ.
If Kenneth Copeland is not a false teacher, the term has no meaning.
There is zero discernment at Daystar and there is precious little, almost zero discernment in the charismatic movement.
Daystar is a platform for heretics. It is a platform, it is an exporter of theological poison to the entire world.
And I genuinely hope and pray that Daystar will come to an end.
I really mean that because they are platforming wolves and TBN is the same way, the exact same way.
Now, if Daystar platform some solid Bible expositors, that'd be a whole different story, but there's no demand for that.
I tell people often that if you wanna take a good temperature reading of the state of Christianity today, and I don't mean the magazine because that's a whole other dumpster fire, but if you wanna take a spiritual thermometer reading, temperature reading of Christianity today, then all you need to do is turn on Christian television because all
Christian television is is a function of supply and demand. That's all it is. Whatever the demand is, that's what they're going to supply.
So when you turn on TBN or when you turn on Daystar or one of these other local networks, who do you see?
You don't see John MacArthur, you don't see Paul Washer, you don't see Phil Johnson or Mike Riccardi or any faithful Bible expositors.
You don't see guys like that. Why? Because there's no demand for it. Unfortunately, there's no demand.
I mean, a little bit, but nowhere near enough to keep something like Daystar afloat.
The state of Christianity is what you see on Christian television and you see 90%, 90 % of what is on TBN and Daystar is garbage.
It is theological refuse, false teachers. There are precious few, there are one or two programs on those networks that are salvageable.
It's one actually that I like. But anyway, the networks need to come down.
The networks need to come down. All right, dear friends, thank you for joining me and Copeland, I've done this many times.
If by some odd chance you happen to watch this video, I very much doubt that you will, I do not hate you.
I absolutely hate and despise what you are doing because you are preaching a different Jesus and a different gospel.
I hate and despise what Daystar is doing. I hate and despise what TBN is doing because they are platforming wolves.
90 % of what they put on their networks is theological poison.
It is not the gospel. So yes, I do wish TBN and Daystar would come to an end.
But anyway, false teachers are in and of themselves part of God's judgment. But Mr. Copeland, if by some chance you're watching, do not hate you.
I want to see you come to a true saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. I want you to repent of your sin, turn from your sin and place your trust in Christ and what he accomplished on the cross.
The true Jesus, not the Jesus with whom you are an absolute equal.
Not the God and not the Jesus that were kicked out of their own creation. Not the
God who is the biggest failure in the Bible and by extension, Jesus would also be the biggest failure in the
Bible. Not that God, not that Jesus, not the Holy Spirit who allows you to continue or supposedly indwells you, you think indwells you and yet you teach blood curdling heresy and you give false prophecy dozens upon dozens if hundreds of false prophecies.
Not that Holy Spirit. The real God, the real Jesus, the real
Holy Spirit. And if you will come to Christ empty handed, trusting him and him alone for your salvation, he will save you.
He will, you will pass from death to life. He will take out your heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh.
And if he does that for you, if you truly repent, if he grants you repentance, there will be fruit in keeping with repentance.
And the fruit of that will be that you will come out publicly and you will say that you have been lying to people for decades.
You have been teaching heresy for decades. You've been giving false prophecies for decades. And you now realize you are no longer qualified to be in the ministry.
You're going to shut your entire ministry down and you will sell everything. Everything that the ministry owns, all your planes, all your planes, as you like to say, all your planes, all your motorcycles and fancy cars and television cameras and chairs and seat cushions and everything the ministry owns, you will sell it, give that money away to some worthy ministries and worthy churches.
And you will find a good doctrinally sound church in your area.
And you will never again be behind the pulpit. You'll be in front of the pulpit, sitting in a pew learning under biblically qualified elders.
That is what I want to see for you. You do not have much time left. You are 87 years old.
You are not going to live to be 120, Mr. Copeland. It's not happening. None of your word of faith heroes have ever lived to be anywhere near that age.
Does that ever make you want to stop and think? You revere Oral Roberts, he didn't make it anywhere near 120.
You revere Kenneth Hagan, he didn't make it as far as Oral Roberts did. It should be a wake up call, sir.
Come to Christ before it is too late. All right, dear ones, until our next time together, may the grace of our
Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.