Julie Roys Should Go Home and Slow Rolling Political Solutions

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, welcome back to the channel. It's another week. God bless you I hope you had a great weekend a great
Lord's Day spent some time with the family all of that kind of thing God bless you.
You know, I actually recorded this video already at least the intro and in it for some reason
I started talking like Yoda like I had like backwards grammar and Normally, I would just leave that kind of thing in cuz you know that that's what
I do But this time it kind of like changed the meaning of it which and it was like a not a good meaning
So I had to redo it But anyway, let's let's just jump right into it today a couple things before we get started two pieces of nonsense
Well, they're really not pieces of nonsense. But one thing is prayers appreciated I hope you have a productive week ahead of you and I hope
I do as well I've got two pending deals that would just be so great to get
It's been a little touch -and -go in my business the last few months And it would just be really nice to close a couple here in the beginning of 2023
So prayers would be appreciated that I would get both deals and even if I don't get both of them God is good, but it would be really nice.
And so prayers would be appreciated The other thing is that a lot of people have been asking me about my chickens and I got to be honest
I've had some trouble with my chickens I don't know if there's a sickness in my coop or if They're just fighting because I think in the wintertime when they don't go outside as much they tend to when they're all cooped up in The coop which is
I think probably where we get that word when they're all cooped up They get they start picking at each other and if they draw blood they go crazy and they start fighting each other
I've had two chickens that have kind of isolated themselves and I've seen blood on their comb and stuff like that It could be an illness, but I've looked up kind of like the common ones and it doesn't seem to match any of those anyway, they get rejected they stop eating and And they've died two of them have died over time and it's just been a very sad situation
Unfortunately, I've tried to feed it and water it and stuff, but it just hasn't worked. So Yeah, I don't know.
I mean, I guess they're okay, but they're getting around that age kind of thing in any case
So let's jump into it today for video has got two topics. The first one is is just how striking
Surprising and maybe not really surprising but just striking I'm always struck about how liberal
Christians always manage to feel so Justified and so holy about getting the
Bible exactly opposite Like they say the opposite of what Jesus says, but somehow they feel like they've got the moral high ground
This is this is what I what made me think of this this morning I saw Julie Roy's arguing with Megan Basham on Twitter.
And honestly, I really don't even know what they're arguing about I think it's I think it's something to do with With with with John MacArthur and Christian counseling because I've seen some of that stuff been talked about as well
And so I think it's that but I'm not a hundred percent. Sure. I didn't go too deep into it But what
Julie Roy's was saying Even knowing no context was so insane. It's like it's like liberal
Christians They're insane like Julie Roy's needs to go home and she needs to stay home and focus on her home
That's what Julie Roy's needs to do because she's not a hard -hitting anything. She's a hard -hitting useful idiot
That's what she is. She needs to go home and focus on her home. That's what Julie Roy's needs to do but in any case
What she was saying was that Megan Basham was only focused on orthodoxy like right beliefs and she's not focused on orthopraxy
Right practice, right? Those are just fancy words for doing the right thing so so what she was accusing Megan Basham of saying was that she's only concerned with believing the right things and not doing the
Right things and she would and in the comment. She said something like no wonder the unbelievers
Hate us or can't stand us or disgusted or repulsed by us
I think is what she said no wonder because we don't do the right thing and That is so insane
That's actually the opposite of what Jesus tells us to expect because the reality is when you do the right things
That's when the pagans hate you the most when you do the right things And what does
Jesus say he says they hate you talking about the world the unbelievers the pagans
They hate you because they hated me first and you follow me you they hated me first and so of course they're going to hate you the servant is not above the master and So Julie Roy's makes it seem like the litmus test is that look you got to believe the right thing.
Sure Sure, she gives a little bit of hat tips to that. Although, of course, she doesn't really care about that But you're like if you just did the right things the pagans wouldn't be so repulsed by you
That is opposite land. That's not what Jesus taught Jesus taught the opposite of that Jesus said you should expect the opposite of that when you do the right things that Pete the pagans will
Be repulsed by you because they're repulsed by Christ Why in the world would you expect someone who's repulsed by Christ to?
Embrace you when you do what Christ told you told you to do Why would you expect that?
It doesn't make sense even logically But but even if you don't have any logic whatsoever, which you know,
Julie Roy's it's questionable The Bible explicitly tells you this This is not something that you have to deduce
With the laws of logic which you could deduce it from the laws of logic but we actually have a special revelation where Jesus specifically said here's what your
Expectations should be and here's why that is your expectation because they hated me first is what
Jesus says But Julie's like no. No the pagans are repulsed. And by the way, Julie's repulsed by Conservative Christians now she claims it's her own tribe.
My tribe is I'm conservative It's just like any conservative who constantly calls himself conservative.
They're obviously not conservative. They're just saying that so you believe it It's like when you're conservative, you don't have to say
I am conservative. Everybody knows what ad Robles is about I don't have to say that. I'm a hardcore were conservative, you know
Christian nationalist blah blah blah Everybody knows it cuz that's everything I speak is that everything I do is that?
The cruelly Roy's is very disgusted by her own tribe because because if only the pagans loved us
If only we were doing orthopraxy correctly the pagans would love us
That is the opposite That is the opposite it's so funny, too The liberals also they also are so often like almost exact case studies to what
Christ talked about when he talked about the Pharisees It's unbelievable. There's a there's like a woke guy a social justice guy in the
Southern Baptist Convention I forget his name right now, but it doesn't really matter and he was very pro vaccine, right?
He was very pro vaccine and he's he's made a tweet about vaccine tithing Where like you buy nine vaccines and then you you tithe one vaccine to an underdeveloped country that needs the vaccine
And it's like these vaccines obviously don't even work anyway, but you got to tithe your vaccines and it's like when he reads
Jesus making fun of the Pharisees insulting the Pharisees Riley the end up triggering the
Pharisees saying you tithe mint and cumin But you ignore the weightier matters of the law when he says that when he reads that Does he see what he's what he's doing.
Yeah, you tithe your vaccines But then you forget that you need to you know You know invite people to your church without wearing masks and without a vaccine card requirement
Like what's more weighty tithing your vaccines or vaccine mandates at church? Which one's the more weightier matter?
It's unbelievable. It's absolutely unbelievable. It's not unbelievable. I believe it and I'm not surprised by it, but I'm always
Struck by it how upside down the pagans are and I when
I say pagans I should have said liberal Christians liberal Christians are upside down in their teaching
So often Julioids needs to go home. It's obvious. It's obvious. She needs to go home Liberal Christians.
I mean like I often what what is what drives them to stay in the church? I think they're trying to subvert the church a lot of the time
But in any case that's that's all I have to say about that and let's move to the next topic the next topic is
I Saw it. I saw Toby Toby Sumter Talking about how the church should be or I'm sorry
The government should be out of public schooling completely and I saw some people pushing back and and kind of saying that's kind of like that autistic
Libertarianism blah blah blah and and and I got to be honest like I Sympathize very much with both sides of that.
I think that Toby's 100 % right that the government should be out of government of schooling
Completely they should not be in the business of schooling, right? I I believe that that that's what the scripture teaches.
I believe that that's I think logically that makes sense as well I Believe the government should be out of a lot of things
But I think like we also have to be realistic, you know what I mean like and I'm not saying Toby wasn't being this
I didn't see the whole thread but but we also have to be realistic because There are certain things that the government should do and should do it immediately and not even worry about what happens
If you do it and stuff like that Let me give you a couple examples like like abortion should be banned immediately and it should be punished by the death penalty
Immediately that's something that you should change like that if you had the ability to Change it with the wand and it would just instantly be illegal in every state and then and death penalty offense in every state
You should do that and you shouldn't slow roll it. You shouldn't you know, you shouldn't you know, kind of like prepare everybody
No, it should be look everybody knows that killing kids is illegal Everybody are immoral and now it's illegal too.
So if you do it, I don't care what your excuse is You will now be punished by the full extent of the law that should happen immediately
Here's another example We should stop funding the Ukraine war and pull out all of our troops because I'm sure we've got troops over there
Like let's just face it. I don't know if we officially do or not like openly, but I'm sure we do every weapon every dollar everything that we have there pull it out immediately and Unfortunate whatever happens needs to happen because here's the reality as much as I sympathize with a country that's been invaded
That is not my country I don't know who should have that territory in between in in between Kiev and in Moscow that territory that they say is very
Russian I don't know whose territory that should be that's above my pay grade and quite frankly
I don't want my dollars participating in either side of that I don't want to be send my dollars to Russia any more than I want to send my dollars to Ukraine We should pull out immediately stop cut off ties cut off funding cut it all off Immediately, that's what we should do and then and then the chips fall where they may it either falls to Russia or it stays
Ukraine Let them sort it out. That's their problem That's what we should do.
I have no problem with missionary money going to Ukraine Of course, of course, that's and in fact, I've sent money to Ukraine for missions and stuff like that So so so I have no problem with that No more war funding we should not fund a war in Ukraine that should be ended immediately and that's that But there are some things that need to be slow -rolled that the government shouldn't be involved in but you need to slow roll and I think
That education is one of those things, right? Obviously, I believe the government should be out of education completely
But realistically that is going to be a slow roll type situation because if you ended public schools today
We would have a huge problem on our hands because we do not have the infrastructure
To have instant private schooling for everybody available. We would have a big problem on our hands
So you need to slow roll this and I think that one of the steps that we need to take is to fight at the
Board Of Education about what's taught at these schools. That's definitely a legitimate battle now again, because here's what ends up happening you get these people that are so focused on their principles as a libertarian that they're like There's no point in fighting at the school board over Teaching critical race theory and things like that because the government shouldn't even be there and it's like I Sympathize with that.
Yes, the government shouldn't be there, but it is there and so we can't just deal in your ideal world
We have to deal in reality and so in reality the government is there and we've got about a
Thousand steps to get to the point where the government is not there and we should prepare for that though We should prepare for the time when the government is not in education.
In fact, that's why building schools as Christians is so based I hate the word base, but it is based.
That's why public homeschooling is so based Homeschooling co -ops is awesome
These are things we all should be doing because we need to be preparing for the time when God comes in judgment
And we don't have money for public schools anymore and that system just crumbles to the ground But the thing is if that happened today
We'd have a huge problem on our hands because we aren't prepared for it And so the thing is like the reality dealing in reality
We don't want to have like a crazy focus on on our ideal so much
So that we disengage from reality So yes government schools shouldn't our government should not be involved in schools
But that does not mean that we don't fight over what's taught in the schools In this in the reality that the government is involved in schools, that's the reality
I don't want government in schools, but the reality is it is in schools And so while it is
I don't want it teaching anti white theology Basically, I don't want it teaching pagan
Catechisms that like like as long as it's there. I don't want to do so. I will fight that and we should fight that That's a good thing and so we let's not be so focused on our libertarian ideals that we don't fight in reality because if you wait for the
Opportune moment or the the perfect moment to fight your ideals and and all that you'll never ever join the fight
I want government out of schools, but since it's there I also don't want it teaching kids to chop off their penises
You could do both of those things at the same time you can in fact I think it's a good thing to do both of those things at the same time
There's a shrewdness there that I think we ought to embrace here. Let me give you another example Social Security Social Security Social Security is a scam
It's a Ponzi scheme. It's a scam It's it's not good to have a Social Security program and it's not just our
Social Security program It's pretty much all government ideas of what Social Security could look like it's it's awful
But you that's one of those things it's not like Ukraine where you just cut off the funding and let the chips fall where they
May that's not like Ukraine because here's the reality there are lots of people
That they shouldn't have believed the government They shouldn't have believed them they would take care of their retirement, but they did and so if we just cut it off now
We've got a big problem on our hands. We've got a lot of people that all of a sudden How are they gonna live right some of them of course have family members?
And of course family should pick up the slack and of course if my father or mother were in a situation where they needed
A place to stay they needed someone to take care of their bills their medical You know food I would do it because that's my parents saying
I got to honor them They took care of me and God tells me I need to honor my father and mother so I'm gonna do it
There will be lots of people who don't have that and we need to be ready for it if we cut off Social Security just like that like like I think we should cut off Ukraine funding that would be a big problem for us
And so that's something that needs to have some shrewdness in how we how we get rid of that right how we how we unravel
That program how we unscramble that egg we're gonna need to make some compromises in the immediate in the immediate term to have our ideal situation in the long term where parent where children take care of their parents and Parents take care of their own retirement and things like that But that but this is the thing like like we should know that that in the future
There's a future situation where Social Security isn't going to exist God will topple that God is toppling that as we speak and so Having your own retirement taking care of and doing your own thing.
That's something that's based as all get out Just like homeschooling just like private schooling you know building
Christian schools all of that is so based because what it is it demonstrates a Faith in God that when he tells you he's gonna come in judgment.
He wasn't kidding God didn't stutter God will destroy the
United States. It is simple as that lest we repent And so we pray for repentance
But we also plan for that coming judgment and that's the kind of stuff that we need to be engaging ourselves in I I just think like we have to focus on being realistic in addition to holding fast to our ideals
There are steps that we can take in the intermediate term, of course Government should not be involved in schooling, but it is and since it is we need to you know fight that it doesn't
Destroy our country from the inside out Anyway, that's all I have for you today
Let me just say it one more time for good measure Julie Royce Go home. Nobody cares what the pagans think about the
Christians Well, I shouldn't say nobody no faithful believer cares what the pagans think about Christians.
At least they shouldn't care But yeah, so go home In any case,