Honest Question For James White and Thomas Coutouzis

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Alright, hey, so thanks for watching my earlier video, and a lot of you seem to think
I really should do the rest of the article, so we'll see, we'll see. But I just wanted to do one more video, and honestly, this is not to make a point necessarily, this is an honest question.
I honestly don't get this perspective at all, and it's a question that I'm going to pose to Thomas Kutuzis, I think that's how you pronounce it, and then also
Dr. James White, because I seriously don't understand this perspective at all. And this is about Christian nationalism, right?
So Thomas responds to this tweet from Smash Ba 'als, who
I don't know who that is, but I like his tweets. Anyway, Smash Ba 'al says this, "...Catholics
and Protestants can unite as co -belligerents in Christian nationalism. Why? Because it's about enforcing the second table of the law, which relates to proper treatment of our fellow man, and not the first table, which relates to proper worship of God."
And the meme is that meme where everyone's kind of joining hands, and you've got Christian nationalism in the middle, and then you've got theonomists in one bucket, classical two -kingdom in the second bucket, right -wing papists, and then wild charismatics, and they're all working together for Christian nationalism.
And what Thomas says is this, and Thomas, this is an honest question, I'm not throwing shade your way, man.
What you say is this, "...This isn't biblical at all, which is why I won't be getting on this train. We do not unite with heretics.
Can you imagine joining the NAR and its grave -sucking practices? Or Catholics and their work -based salvation?
Listen to Paul, light and darkness do not mix." And then of course that's from 2 Corinthians 6 .14.
Now, you know, here's what I don't understand, Thomas, because if what we were proposing was like, okay,
I'm gonna bring a Catholic into my church at the pulpit, and he's gonna preach on, you know,
I don't know, a certain topic on a certain Sunday, you know, I think most Protestants would be against that.
And I know I for sure definitely would be against that. Or even a charismatic, right? Like, if I was gonna invite a charismatic to my church to preach a sermon, and, you know, he started speaking in tongues, and he started doing the fire, you know, like that kind of thing,
I'd be totally against that, right? Because that's not the place for cooperation or unity or anything like that.
But here's the thing, like, at this stage, you know, Christian nationalism requires you to be forward -looking a little bit, because we're really not in any position to accomplish this right now, because we're just so fragmented and fractured.
But right now, Christian nationalism, our uniting, our working together, our cooperation, right now it would be basically like voting for the same candidates, right?
You get a good candidate who's got a Christian morality, a Christian outlook on abortion, on child grooming, on transgender, stuff like that, just basic stuff, right?
And you all vote for the same candidate, like, that's the cooperation, right? And then in the future, in the future of a
Christian nation, you know, we might have like Pennsylvania, you know, would send, you know, a
Protestant, you know, evangelical representative to a certain, you know, to the Congress or something like that. And then maybe
Massachusetts, which, you know, is a lot more Catholic, they might have a Catholic representative, and they get together and they work on, okay, what should we do as far as from a federal law level, a national law level, like that kind of thing.
And I'm just failing to understand the issue here. Like, if that were you, if that were our situation, right, where the
Massachusetts was sending a Catholic representative, and, you know, Pennsylvania was sending, you know, an evangelical, and maybe
Florida was sending a charismatic, you know, because they're a little crazy down there, like, would you just not show up to that meeting?
Like you're not, I'm not going to be in Congress that day, because you're a Catholic, I can't even talk to you, because you're a Catholic, and you don't believe the right gospel.
Like, I'm not even going to show up to the to the session of the Senate, because you're a, you're an
NAR, you're charismatic, like, like, I just, I just don't understand why you wouldn't do that.
Like, we're not talking about worship, we're talking about the function of the civil government, right? Like, so because I work with you on ending abortion, and you're a
Catholic does not mean I approve of your Catholicism. Why would it? Why? Why would that mean that? And I guess,
Thomas, the other thing I have to ask is, what is the alternative? Right? Like, because right now, as it stands, we're working with pedophiles, and Hindus, and Muslims, and you know, communists, and all kinds of stuff, you know,
LGBT cultists, and things like that. So like, how would this not lead to, if you're a
Christian, you just need to disengage from Congress or government altogether, lest you might accidentally work with someone who's an unbeliever.
Like, I'm just, I'm not trying to, like, zing you here, I'm just confused as to what this would mean, right?
Like, I guess you could go two different ways. Like, you could either say, yeah, Christians shouldn't be involved in politics because they might have to work with someone that's an unbeliever that claims the name of Christ.
Or I guess you could go for some kind of a Protestant nationalism, which I can certainly respect that.
I'm not, you know, I'm not saying that's necessarily bad. I think it's like, there's like a thousand steps from where we're at to where we need to be to get to a
Protestant nationalism. But I guess you could do that, and I'm not going to fault you for being a Protestant nationalism,
I'm a Protestant myself, you know, so there you go. So I just don't understand, like, help me understand why voting with Catholics or Charismatics or whatever would be, like, you wouldn't be allowed to do that, because then, like, you couldn't vote, right?
You couldn't even vote right now, because maybe a Catholic might accidentally vote for Ron DeSantis too, like,
I'm just, I'm just confused as to, and maybe you think that there's a deeper cooperation, maybe you do think we're going to share pulpits and stuff with Catholics or whatever.
I don't, and this is the next thing, right, because then, because then James White, this is my question for you, you know, he's talking,
James is talking about himself, and Dr. White, I got nothing but respect for you, so no disrespect, but he says, hmm, some old
Scottish guy started saying a few decades ago, as we get pressed into smaller and smaller cultural spaces, the real issues relating to the
Reformation and the Gospel will become front and center, or will be ignored, and I guess he's, I think it sounds like you're agreeing with Thomas here that we're going to ignore these
Gospel imperatives and the Reformation issues, and I just don't understand, like, why, why we would have to do that, like, like, and it's kind of funny, this guy smashed
Ba 'als, like, yesterday, he was going hard on Catholics, you know, on, on Halloween, he was going hard on Catholics, and then he posts this meme kind of as, like, a peace offering, yeah, we can all work together on Christian nationalism, even though I think your theology is soul -damning, you know what
I mean, like, like, like, that's what smashed Ba 'als was saying yesterday, but he, like, why, why would we,
Dr. White, why would we have to ignore these distinctives, these important theological distinctives to work together for more basic sort of Christian government, right, abortion, you know, the child grooming, the pedophilia, the homosexuality, all this kind of stuff, like, and, you know, there's other issues, too, like immigration and things like that, like, like,
I'm not saying that it's only those three issues, but those are, like, the three, like, immediate kind of jump in and knock those out of the park right now, we could even do, you know, something to protect the
Sabbath, and which, which, which all Christians would benefit from, right, so I'm just, like, I'm just really confused as to why you would have to ignore, you know, these issues in order to work together with Catholics, or why, why the fact that someone's
Catholic, because, because the thing is, like, Thomas, the way he presents it here is this is the reason that he won't be a
Christian nationalist, it's because we would be voting together with Catholics, or working together, like, like, you're a
Catholic senator, I'm an evangelical senator, like, that, that connection is too much, like, that's why he can't be a
Christian nationalist, so I guess my question, Thomas, is can you, can you flesh that out a little bit?
I, I just don't understand why your Christianity or, or 2 Corinthians 6 .14 would, would bind, bar you from voting with Catholics, or working with Catholics at the negotiating table, or, or something like that, like, we're not talking about the worship of God here, we're talking about whether or not, you know, pedophilia should be allowed in, in a public school, right, where, where, where little kids are touching trannies and stuff, like, we're talking about ending abortion, we're talking about things like that, you know, should, should we teach sexual perversion to children in school, like, can we work with a
Catholic on that? I mean, I really don't see why not, you know what I mean? I don't know, so Thomas, maybe you can explain, you know, what, maybe, maybe you are promoting like a
Protestant nationalism, and, and if that's the case, then, then fine, but I don't know if you really would be, because you're also kind of saying the charismatics are out,
I don't know, man, I don't know. Help me out, this is an honest question, I don't understand, and, and you're not alone,
I mean, a lot of people are asking this question, so maybe you guys can help me understand it. God bless. You know, the, the, the, the baptism in the name of the
Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, that kind of covenantal binding is, that's, that's a bigger deal than I think we make it out to be.
I mean, you know, like, like, I'm thinking like, okay, man, what if I was in a war, right? What if I was in a battle, and, you know, we're in, we're in a foxhole, and we're looking around, and it's like, there's no way out, right?
Like, we're, it's only a matter of time, you know, we can probably hold out for a few hours, but we're gonna be giving our lives to the cause, right?
And I'm in a foxhole, and I'm in there with a Catholic, and like, you know, a regular charismatic, you know, like, assemblies of God or something like that, and they're like, guys, we gotta pray, you know, we gotta pray,
I mean, this is our only hope, and I would, I would, I don't know, I mean, Thomas, would you pray with that Catholic?
Because I, I sure would, because we're both praying to God, right, and he's baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as well, right, so that would make sense to me.
If I was in a foxhole, and I had a Hindu over here, and a Muslim, or something like that, you know, and they're like, can you wanna pray to Allah with me,
I wouldn't pray with a Muslim, because they're not praying to God, right, they're not praying, they're not, they're not, they're not bound to God in that way, you know what
I mean? And I'm not ratifying, and this is the thing, like, I'm not ratifying the salvation, of course, of every person who's been baptized in the name of the
Trinity, but what I am saying is, that makes a big difference, right, like, and I wonder, like, you know, right now, we're in like a, like, to Dr.
White's point, you know, yeah, we are being pressed into a smaller and smaller cultural space, right? And if people were saying, look, don't even worry about the theological differences, just go forward,
I could understand the concern, right, but nobody is saying that, and nobody's acting like that, I mean, you know, like I said,
Smash Balls was just going hard on Catholics, like, I go hard on Catholics, even though I do accept their baptism, right,
I think that their theology is horrible, you know what I mean? And I just,
I just, but as far as, as far as like, we're in this fight, can we be in it together, you know, and all of that,
I think that makes a huge difference, I mean, would you, Thomas? I mean, would you? Would you pray with a
Catholic if you were in a foxhole and you knew that, you know, you didn't have too much time left and all of that, like, and he said, hey, let's pray, let's pray to Jesus, you know, man, let's do this, let's pray to Christ, like, would you pray with a
Catholic in the foxhole? I don't know, I mean, maybe this is, maybe there's like, I'm not trying to throw any shade
Baptist way, but maybe there's like a Baptist Presbyterian distinction here, or quite frankly, I mean, not to get everyone all crazy, but, you know, this could also be sort of the, nah, you better not go there, better not go there,