“It’s my glory, and I want it now!!”

The Holy Nope iconThe Holy Nope

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The Holy Nope Breakdown: “Forget about Glory!”


Have you ever heard such an absurd statement come out of a ... preacher's mouth. Forget all about glory
I'm here now so I'm not waiting till I get ... there to get my healing and to receive everything God has for ...
me episode 313 was a doozy of a holy nope a cluster nope of ... word -of -faith prosperity gospel teaching twisting ...
scriptures and all with a serving of horrendous ... anti -biblical advice for those who suffer let's break it ... down knock that crap off so many people in the church don't ...
Okay so already as a viewer your red flag should be popping off. So many from the church don't speak faith at all from the ...
simple phrase you should be alerted to word -of -faith ... heresy which treats faith like a force that we must harness ...
within ourselves and speak into existence our desired ... outcomes the word -of -faith teacher will probably connect ...
those outcomes to what he says has already been purchased for ... us as believers like physical healing and so it is up to us ...
To speak the required faith to attain possession of the ... blessing where is the Fraser concept of speaking faith in ...
the Bible well brother you know. Praying for my healing praying for it.
I believe God can do it well right then you just said that ... you think maybe God can't at that point. It's so true.
Only it works like that sport leaving that God can do ... something is not admitting that God can't do that thing ...
we even talking about what does it make sense what are you ... But what he's getting at here is that because we have to ...
speak faith we should be declaring that God will heal ... or that God will increase finances because then we're ...
really having faith but this is sinfully presumptive we ... don't ever tell God what to do but the word -of -faith ...
heresy makes our faith a force which bins God to our will ... on the presumption that our will aligns always with his ...
based on verses in the Bible that are taken out of context ... as we will see in a moment contrary to the thrust of this ...
man's speech he's talking about is that we have to speak ... James offers a rebuke to those who would presume upon the ... will of God come now you who say today or tomorrow we will ...
go into such -and -such a town and spend a year there and ... trade and make a profit yet you do not know what tomorrow ...
will bring what is your life for you are a miss that appears ... for a little time and then vanishes instead you ought to ...
say if the Lord wills we will live and do this or that if the ... Lord wills we will live even though I suffer down here one ...
day you don't glory I'll be healed up there do you know ... that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about ... Revelation 21 for gives to a suffering church that holy ...
anticipation of deliverance from death and the effects of ... the curse God will wipe away every tear from their eyes and ...
death shall be no more neither shall there be morning nor ... crying nor pain anymore for the former things have passed ...
away and he who is seated on the throne said behold I am ... making all things new this is not a promise for this age ...
but for the age to come with the new heavens in the new ... earth after the return of Christ it is not a reality set ...
before Christians now to take possession of it by faith ... That's not the Bible that's religious drivel that somebody ...
told you sometime in your life that don't operate in faith ... at all we have some common buzzwords here often ...
proponents of false doctrine will use the word religion or ... religious as a negative term that is the last thing their ...
heroes would ever want to be characterized by it's a ... boogeyman another buzzphrase is operate in faith what does ...
that mean well by context it means what we've already ... touched on which is essentially presuming on the ...
will of a sovereign God for my physical and financial ... abundance many who have been duped by this kind of ...
teaching are through this kind of teaching taught to ... respond to reasoned arguments from the scriptures that ...
disagree with their charismania with the accusation ... you just don't have enough faith I see it in my comments ...
section all the time and too many Christians embrace ... naivety and call it faith that's nonsense at that point ...
you know we speak against our own healing at that point at ... that point we just spoke against the healing here the ...
word -of -faith nonsense seeps through again I would imagine ... that this man reads Proverbs 1821 literally which says ...
that life and death are in the power of the tongue it is ... common among word -of -faith proponents to take the ... scripture to mean that we can speak things into existence ...
and we can prevent blessings if we use negative speech ... again we get almost a superstitious vibe as if ...
speaking against the healing is the negative side of the ... force of faith Christianity isn't Star Wars force works.
Did you know the Bible says by his stripes you are healed. Not could be not might be this is probably the most common ...
text that is abused to support the idea that it is always ... God's will for you to be healed therefore you just need ...
enough faith to receive your healing and the only logical ... conclusion to such flimsy doctrine is that if you don't ...
get healed it's because you lack the required faith there's ... no other explanation because it is always
God's will for you ... to be healed Isaiah 53 is talking about the atoning ... work of Christ it's talking about how the sufferings of ...
Christ removed from us the penalty for sin and the ... Power of sin in us as a of 53 5 is not speaking to your ...
physical healing that's not what the text is about the ... Apostle Peter knows this he quotes Isaiah 53 in 1st ...
Peter 224 in does he apply it to physical healing nope ... because that's not what it means he says he himself bore ...
our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin ... and live to righteousness by his wounds you have been ...
healed he applies it to the substitutionary work of Christ ... as our sin bearer who by his suffering secures for us ...
forgiveness and freedom from sin and the power of sin in us ... The Bible says not this well you know one day.
Forget all about glory I'm here now can you imagine one of ... the New Testament authors telling the churches to forget ...
all about glory the statement is antithetical to the ... entire tone of the New Testament that is the church's ...
hope for the return of Christ in the resurrection of the ... body to glorification and Romans 8 for example
Paul ... describes Believers and even the creation itself has ... groaning for glory, and waiting eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies.
Forget about glory is horrendous teaching. So I'm not waiting until I get there to get my healing and to receive everything
God has for me. I want it here in Jesus' name. That's my inheritance as co -heirs with Christ.
And we're supposed to, by faith, take possession of those things. There is no place in the New Testament at which the word inheritance is connected to guaranteed physical healing here and now.
Peter actually says that our inheritance is reserved in heaven, referring to salvation that is to be revealed at Christ's return.
It's almost hilarious at this point that he mentions being a co -heir with Christ as the reason we shouldn't be suffering, when
Romans 8 .17 literally says that we are co -heirs with Christ provided we suffer with him in order that we may be glorified with him.
Did you know Jesus says, I came to give you life and life more abundantly? He didn't say, well, you're going to suffer, but when you get up there, it's all good.
Somebody said, he said, I came to give you life and life more abundantly right here, right now.
Yeah, he actually did tell his disciples that they would suffer and we are called to hope for glory because we do suffer.
Romans 5, we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings because suffering ultimately produces hope.
Now he quotes another commonly twisted text, John 10 .10, teaching that it means that you should always be physically healthy and financially well off.
But abundant life here is talking about eternal life, which is secured by the good shepherd laying down his life for the sheep.
Jesus came so our bodies would be blessed, our families would be blessed, our finances would be blessed. He did come to bless us, but the problem is the limiting of blessedness to the material and the temporal.
Biblically, blessedness speaks to God's favor. God may grant men riches whom he does not favor.
You may have a chronic illness and be blessed by God while a wicked person who is healthy and rich is under his wrath and displeasure.
Now in response to the main idea of this clip, which is that Christians shouldn't be marked by suffering and should, quote, forget about glory,
I would like to share a sermon clip of my own, preaching from Romans 8, after my outro so it doesn't look like I'm noping myself, that I think is relevant to the topic, so keep watching because every point that he made in this episode is a holy nope.
The spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with him so that we may also be glorified with him.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.
The apostle affirms what we have already said about sonship being followed by inheritance when he writes here in verse 17, if children, then heirs also, heirs of God reigning with Christ.
Now, it shouldn't be too difficult for you to spot the condition and the contrast that the apostle puts forward.
He speaks of a fellowship then in glory with Christ, but it is contrasted with and conditioned upon a fellowship.
Now do you see it? The fellowship now is characterized by suffering now.
You'll notice in verse 18, he refers to them as the sufferings of this present time, contrasting them with future glory.
And here is the blessed truth that the sufferings of this present time, which you have experienced in this past year in which you will experience in the next are not suffered alone.
You do not suffer in isolation. It is our calling now to fellowship with Christ in his sufferings.
Christ so identifies with his people in their suffering that when the author of this epistle was persecuting the church of God and the
Lord appeared to him, he said, soul, soul, why are you persecuting me?
And that same man transformed is then longing for this fellowship.
Now writing in Philippians 310, that I may know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being conformed to his death.
And isn't it true, brothers, that when you are persecuted and hated and mocked for Christ's sake, that, you know, in those moments, a nearer fellowship with him.
This fellowship isn't, however, limited to persecution or martyrdom.
It applies to all of life. Peter in addressing the various trials that the church is undergoing in his first epistle reminds them of the fellowship they have with the
Lord as they suffer. Writing in first Peter 1 8, and though you have not seen him, you love him.
And though you do not see him now, but believe in him, you greatly rejoice with joy and expressible and full of glory.
And so it is suffering as a Christian with hope in God and submission to his will and obedience to his commands and allegiance to his son.
Therein do we fellowship with him now our suffering, but it is in verse 17 so that we may be glorified with him.
And this is our hope that the glory is as sure as the suffering and the suffering prepares us for glory.
And that is why Paul desired the fellowship of his sufferings, because he understood that if he would know the glory of the resurrection, then he must also know the suffering of the crucifixion.
While fellowship now is characterized by suffering, fellowship then is characterized by glory.
Verse 18, for I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed to us.
It is as though the apostle sets a scale before us and he takes all of our sufferings, that which to you often feels so heavy.
So burdensome, that which has almost crippled you, that which before the grace of God would have destroyed you.
And he puts it on one side of the scale and it feels so heavy. It looks so heavy.
But then on the other side of the scale, he puts the weight of glory that will be revealed in the scale tips with a thud, because it's so weighty, so glorious in comparison to what you suffer now that you realize.
I mean, do you realize with the apostle in 2nd
Corinthians 4 .17 that this momentary light of affliction is producing for you an eternal weight of glory far beyond all comparison while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.