Cleansing Needed - [Hebrews 9:1-10]


Hebrews 9:1-10 9:1 Now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness. 2 For a tent was prepared, the first section, in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the Presence. It is called the Holy Place. 3 Behind the second curtain was a second section called the Most Holy Place, 4 having the golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides with gold, in which was a golden urn holding the manna, and Aaron's staff that budded, and the tablets of the covenant. 5 Above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy seat. Of these things we cannot now speak in detail. 6 These preparations having thus been made, the priests go regularly into the first section, performing their ritual duties, 7 but into the second only the high priest goes, and he but once a year, and not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the unintentional sins of the people. 8 By this the Holy Spirit indicates that the way into the holy places is not yet opened as long as the first section is still standing 9 (which is symbolic for the present age). According to this arrangement, gifts and sacrifices are offered that cannot perfect the conscience of the worshiper, 10 but deal only with food and drink and various washings, regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. (ESV)


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. It was 1944, prisoner of war camp, 76 soldiers escape
Stalag Luft III. Australian writer
Paul Brickhill wrote of that 1944 mass escape in 1950 in a book called
The Great Escape. He wrote the book because he didn't escape with those other 76 men, he had claustrophobia and couldn't get out, so they kept him behind.
Out of the 76 men that escaped that day in 1944, 73 were recaptured, 50 shot by the
Gestapo immediately, four of the remaining 23 later tunneled out again of a new concentration camp, were recaptured and chained to the floor of their cells.
One major, John Dodge, was released for a ceasefire. Three total made it home safely.
Three out of 76. My question is, in light of Hebrews chapter 9 verse 26, it's appointed for man once to die, and after this judgment, how do we get out alive?
How do we make it out alive? John Bunyan, the man who wrote Pilgrim's Progress, said in light of it's appointed for man once to die and after that comes judgment, he said,
I'm not willing to do the first, die, and I'm not able to do the second, withstand the judgment of God.
How does anybody make it out alive? The greatest escape was not in 1944.
The greatest escape is how do we escape death and hell and eternal punishment?
And since that is such a relevant topic, please take your Bibles and turn to the book of Hebrews in the
New Testament, the epistle to the Hebrews, and because of the Lord Jesus Christ, the high priest, everybody who trusts in him, 76 out of 76, make it all the way out.
With a mediator, you make it out alive. Without the mediator, you don't. It's appointed for man once to die and after that comes judgment, but if you're trusting in the one who's received the judgment for you, you won't have to be judged.
And for many of you Christians here today, you just want to revel in this great truth. You want to hear more about Christ Jesus.
You don't want me to preach myself. You want to hear about the Lord Jesus Christ preached. And that's of course our theme.
If you look at the front of your bulletin program, I think it says Colossians 128, him we proclaim.
Come to Bethlehem Bible Church and you're sure to hear a message about the Lord Jesus Christ and the one who grants you,
Christian, free forgiveness and grants people who are not Christians. I offer you eternal life through the death, burial, resurrection, life exaltation of the
Lord Jesus. Well, in our church, if you're here for the first time, we just go through books of the Bible, um, verse by verse by verse, chapter by chapter.
And we are in the book of Hebrews today, Hebrews chapter nine.
I would imagine this is about sermon 80 or so in the book of Hebrews, but who's counting, right?
It's just another sermon about Jesus, whether I'm in the book of Jonah or the book of Ruth or the book of Hebrews.
The thing about God is this. He wants people, he wants his image bearers, he wants created beings to approach him.
It's not like he said, you know, no trespassing, you cannot approach. The thing about the
Lord Jesus is in our triune God, he wants us to approach him, but we have to approach him on his terms.
He is precise in his approach that he desires. He is exact. He is specific.
And we just think, well, we can just come to the Lord on our own terms. And we forget that he is holy and holiness means not only is he pure and ethically moral, but he's different.
He's he's other. And so for us to have any access to God, for us to approach
God, we have to do it on his terms because he is holy. And for us to get into his holy, holy, holy presence that we just sung about, we are going to have to have not our sin bar us from that.
We're going to need the righteousness found in Christ Jesus, the holy one. He wants us to approach, but on his terms through Jesus alone,
Exodus 15, it says who among the gods is like you, O Lord, who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glory, working wonders.
Habakkuk speaks of God's holiness as well. Your eyes, God, are too pure to look upon evil.
You cannot tolerate wrong. So in order for you to get to heaven and to have communion with God and have everlasting life, you're going to have to be holy in God's eyes.
And we know because of what Adam did in the garden and our own sins, we are anything but holy.
We are not ethically pure and nor we are we transcendent. And so we're going to need holiness from another one.
God says, I am holy. You be holy. We're going to need holiness in order to be in God's presence.
So we're working through this book that talks about the holy one of God, the Lord Jesus himself, and how he is the go between, how he's the mediator.
When you think of the word priest, maybe with your background, you think, well, I don't need a priest anymore. I go straight to God.
In some sense, that's true. You can go straight to God, but it's always through a priest.
It might not be a human priest with a backward collar who dispenses sacraments, but you're going to need a priest to stand before the thrice holy
God and you. And that priest is going to have to be human so he can represent you.
And he's going to have to be divine. So he has enough righteousness to give you holiness.
So you may stand before God and everything in this book is written so that you just understand who
Jesus is. And the specific context is simple. It's Jewish people, hence that word, the epistle to the what
Hebrews, very Jewish book written with the backdrop of Judaism, old covenant, mosaic,
Sinai, Old Testament stuff. And so now the writer is saying, listen, that was good. That was ordained by God.
There's something to be said for that, but it couldn't get you to where you need to go. It couldn't get you to that great escape.
It was a picture, type, photograph, sign, all pointing forward.
So now that you have this Lord Jesus, let me tell you about him. Don't go running back to types and shadows and everything else.
So what he does chapter after chapter after chapter in this sermon, this is the first sermon we have outside of acts and all the
Bible. We have an inspired sermon. By the way, if you read this sermon, guess how long it would take.
How long should sermons be? If this is a prescription on how long sermons should be, I think
I could probably read this at a fairly good speed. It would take about 44 minutes to read. How long do
I try to preach? 90. That is so not true. You need a high priest.
It's what you need. It's not telling you have to preach this long, but that's about a 45 minute sermon or so.
All extolling who Jesus is. And remember, for those of us that kind of come from this background, well, I don't want to make any waves and I don't want to say anything critical and I don't want to condemn anything and I want to be known for what
I'm for, not what I'm against. He is against everything that is against the Lord Jesus.
And if you're going to run back to those things, he's going to say, sorry, the Levitical priesthood that you loved you, it's gone.
Sinai that you loved you, it served its purpose to point to, but don't run back to it as if it's
God himself. That's one of the things we have to learn as Christians. There are antichrists and there's
Christ. There are false apostles and they're real apostles. There's truth and there's air.
I wanted to say something, but I don't mind any kind of kids. There's silence and they're screaming.
That's what I wanted to say, but I didn't say it because I don't care. I'm glad young people are in here. He, in this book so far, has essentially said this.
If you want to boil Judaism down so you'll highlight Jesus and see him as the, as the one you think of priesthood sanctuary and sacrifice, the priesthood of Jesus, not the
Levitical priesthood, but Jesus, the sacrifice, not of bulls and goats, but of Jesus, the sanctuary, not on earth, but in heaven.
If you want to boil everything down, that's the essence of his argument. And last chapter, he tried to say, well, he didn't try to say, but he said, there's some discontinuity.
There's some, some breakage. There's the old covenant and then the new and the old covenant was external.
The new covenant is internal. The old covenant was done by priests. The new covenant is for you, but now he's going to have some overlap.
He's going to have some continuity between old and new. And we're going to look at Hebrews chapter nine versus one through.
I don't know how far we're going to get for, I want to get through one through five today. I don't know if I can make it.
Well, I could make it, but it would be the 90 minute sermon. Okay. By the way, a side note.
Many of you say to me, that sermon went by really fast today. Here's what's really happening.
If you'll try to pay attention and follow along in your Bible, the sermon will go much faster.
I'm not trying to condemn you or, I mean, that's good, right? That tells me when somebody says that sermon went by so fast today, it told me you're engaged and you're paying attention and you're trying to listen.
I mean, think about it. You watch TV every two seconds. There's a different camera angle change. It's just like ADD world.
And then now you're going to have to sit and listen for me. Talk for 45 minutes from a book. That's 2000 years old. You have to try.
And when you do, there's great reward. Is there not chapter nine verse one?
It says now even the first covenant had regulations for worship and an earthly place of holiness.
And it bears repeating. God has regulations for worship. He prescribes worship.
That's why Presbyterians have something called the regulative principle. Scriptures regulate how you worship.
We just don't say, well, we'll do whatever. We'll just offer up strange fire in Leviticus 10, like Nadab and Abihu.
There were regulations for worship back then, by the way, there's going to be regulations for worship now and an earthly place of holiness.
It was an earthly sanctuary. It was on earth. It was a material.
If you look at back to chapter eight, verse two, talking about Jesus, the better priest, a minister in the holy places in the true tent that the
Lord set up, not man. He's pushing you to the future where it's not an earthly tabernacle.
It's not on earth. It's not material, not geographic. It's in the person of the Lord Jesus. If you go to 924, he talks in a similar way about the
Lord for Christ has entered not into holy places made with hands. See, that's the old covenant.
That's Sinai. That's Moses, which are copies of the true things, but into heaven itself now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf.
You need to learn. The writer of Hebrew says about this Jesus Christ, who's your high priest, not that guy who was born into the family of the
Levites and killed animals in your place once a year in the place of holy of holies.
But no, you have the eternal son of God who's added humanity and is always your high priest.
Take a look at verse five, if you will, of chapter nine. I said there was some discontinuity between chapter eight's old covenant and new, but there's some continuity too.
And you can tell that he hints at that in nine, five above it were the cherubim of glory, overshadowing the mercy seat of these things.
What he's just talked about in the first five verses, we cannot now speak in detail.
Here's what he's doing. He's saying there's some things in the old covenant that are pictures of the
Messiah that are types of the Messiah, that are symbols of the
Messiah, that prefigure the Messiah. There are things in the temple that now looking back into the old testament, you should say,
I see why that's in there. Why lampstand? Why manna? Why earn? Why golden sensor? Why ark of the covenant?
Why the tablets? Why Aaron's rod? And so he's going to say, you know what, I could tell you about all those things and how they picture
Jesus and have this kind of a dim reflection of who he is. And I want to highlight those.
I want to show you when we work through this passage, and I'll give you the outline now. Things from the old covenant items from the old covenant designed to teach you about Jesus.
And I have about, I don't know, seven or eight of those shadows, pointers, prefigurements, pictures of Jesus, the ultimate priest.
Now I'm going to give you a warning. If you go back to the old testament and say, you know, what does the tent peg represent?
The tabernacle. What does a tent peg represent? The tabernacle? Nothing. It's stability.
It ties it down so it doesn't blow away in the wind. What does the blue pomegranate represent? It doesn't represent daddy.
Those aren't good questions because not everything works when it comes to prefigurement.
But here with the writer of Hebrew says to the Hebrews, he says, let me show you what's in the holy place.
Then let me show you what's in the holy of holies. And you're going to be able to look back now because you have subsequent revelation dealing with antecedent revelation.
You have Hebrews informing Exodus and you'll go, of course, that reminds me of who Jesus is.
And so we're going to look at some of these things in the tabernacle. And you're going to say, you know what? Ultimate fulfillment,
Jesus, a great picture of who Jesus is. Now that I have the real Jesus, why ever go back?
Pointers, teaching spiritual principles. And while the lampstand couldn't cleanse, the person who is the light of the world can cleanse.
It's going to be that type of thing. So let me give you the first item.
And it's really the big item, the overarching item. And that is the tent. Verse two, for a tent was prepared.
The first section in which were the lampstand and the table and the bread of the presence. It's called the holy place.
So you've got a tent, 45 feet long, 15 feet wide, 15 feet high, two sections.
This is the first section. So you go into the first part of the tent. What's in the tent? Well, let's not talk about what's in the tent yet.
Let's talk about the tent itself. Why is he focused on the tent? And if I ask you, do you think anything about the tent when you think of the
Lord Jesus? Is there anything in the New Testament that makes you think tent? I hope you say yes.
Now, what was a tent for? I think if you ask that question, it'll help you understand what this pre -picture was of the
Lord Jesus when it comes to tent. One thing about tents is they're impermanent and you set them up, you take them down, and then you move in the wilderness and the pillar of light takes you to the next place.
And off you go. But the tent was designed so that you might have a place for the presence of God. Yes, God is everywhere and his glory fills the earth.
But specifically, particularly, his glory was manifest there in the Holy of Holies in the tent.
God wanted to have communion with the people. He wanted to have fellowship with the people in the tent. By the way, this word preparing the tent isn't pitching the tent.
It isn't putting the tent up. It's preparing what's inside the tent. But that's not my focus right now.
Turn to keep your finger at Hebrews. Turn to John chapter 1 for a moment.
And I know you know this, but still, it's a thrill to look back at John 1. And I want you to be thinking the way the writer of Hebrews thinks.
There are certain things that revolve around the holy place and the Holy of Holies that he could speak of in great detail that point to the
Lord Jesus, but he kind of skips over them. But I'm fleshing this out for you because we're not that familiar with these items.
He would know. They would know. We don't know so much. So I'm fleshing out what he takes for granted because it's 2 ,000 years later.
And we are Westerners and we speak different language. And the tent, when you think of tent, what does that make you think of?
The presence of God, God with us, Emmanuel. Well, it says in the very beginning, in the beginning was the word
John 1, 1. And the word was with God. And the word was face to face with God.
We're talking about God, the father and God, the son. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him.
And apart from him, nothing came into being that has come into being. And he gives this great genealogy.
Does he not in John? Is there a genealogy for gospel of Mark? No, because it's a servant. Is there a genealogy in the gospel of Luke?
Yes. Is there a genealogy in the gospel of Matthew? Yes. Is there a genealogy in the gospel of John?
Yes. The divine genealogy. He's with God in the beginning, face to face, close fellowship.
Now, here's the great part right here, verse 14. And the word became flesh. We're talking about Jesus and dwelt among us.
And we saw his glory. Glory as of the only begotten from the father, full of grace and truth. And that word dwelt among us.
What's that word dwelt literally mean? He put up a tent. He pitched a tent.
That is amazing. The word became flesh. And he's the tent of meeting.
He's the place where God meets. He tabernacled among us. That is amazing that he might dwell among us.
How does God dwell among us? It's the Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose for the earthly tabernacle, the earthly tent.
So there might be a place of worship where God was manifest, especially. Does that not make you think of the
Lord Jesus? If there's only one tent, one access, of course, the
Lord has only one access. He tent, he put his tent up in our presence.
Well, let's go back to Hebrews. As we're thinking about now, what's in this tent? Big picture tent.
You should think about Jesus tabernacling among us. What is in this first room?
What's in the first part of the tent? This gives us our second covenant item designed to teach us something about Jesus as a shadow, as a pointer, as a sign, as a picture.
Not just tent, but also now lampstand. Now, there are lampstands and there are lampstands.
Let me read to you something about this lampstand that's in the first part of the tent. So out in the wilderness, there's a big tent and you go in the first part of the tent.
And in this room that's curtained off, it's got something in there. The first thing he writes about is the lampstand.
Here's how Exodus 25 describes it. You shall make a lampstand of pure gold and the lampstand shall be made of hammered work.
Its base, its stem, its cups, its calyxes and its flowers shall be of one piece with it.
There shall be six branches going out of its side, three branches on the lampstand out of the one side of it and three branches of the lampstand on the other side of it.
Three cups made like almond blossoms, each with a calyx and flower on one branch.
And three cups made like almond blossoms, each with a calyx and flower on the other branch.
So for six branches going out of the lampstand. And then he goes on to say, it shall be made out of a talent of pure gold.
And I know what you're thinking. You go into a tent, a tent's dark. You don't have your iPhone. You can't get your flashlight out.
You need to have light. That's what it means. As tent pegs are for stability, lampstands are for what?
Light. Do you think that's what he means? Do you think that's what the writer of Hebrew means?
It's just there's no windows. So you need some illumination. So the priests know what to do. Listen to Revelation 21.
The city has no need of the sun. We're talking about New Jerusalem. Or of the moon to shine upon it.
For the glory of God has illumined it and its lamp is the lamb. Turn to John chapter 8.
And let's see if Jesus has anything to do with lights. Anything to do with lamps. So you've got a bunch of things in this tent.
Do they point to anything? The writer of Hebrew says in 9 .5, I could tell you a lot about what they point up to.
But he doesn't say. So I'm saying to fill in the blanks for us. When you think of the lampstand, I want you to think of who
Jesus is. And this is really brilliant. This is effulgent, if you will.
One of the first things I learned when I was a preacher about the glory of God. As you say the word effulgent. When do you ever say in real life effulgent?
The effulgent glory of God. This is it right here. No understatement.
John 8 .12. Then Jesus again spoke to them saying, I am the light of the world.
He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.
Now think big picture for a second. Jews don't run back to the, they didn't have the tabernacle at the time, but the temple was still up.
Don't run back to the temple when Jesus is the light. Why would you go back to a lampstand when
Jesus is the light of the world? Now here's the interesting thing about the lamp and Jesus being the light of the world.
What does it say in John 7 .2? What was going on? What was the context? Context helps you understand.
And context helps you in this case, be very impressed by what Jesus did in the middle of a huge feast.
7 .2. Now it was the feast of the Jews, the feast of booths.
This was the annual festival and it was a huge party and it was wonderful. And you know what they would do?
They would rejoice and they would have singing. They would have people with torches.
They would have people playing songs. And they would have four huge menorahs, candelabras, lampstands brightening up Jerusalem.
It's dark, but these huge lampstands, huge menorahs. Actually, that's what
Josephus, the Jewish historian said. Later additions to the ritual included libation of water drawn from the pool of Siloam and the lighting of huge menorahs at the court of the women.
Can you imagine? Hear Jesus with all these people around him and all these false teachers around him and all those followers around him and hear the four huge menorahs.
And Jesus stands up and says, what? I am the light of the world.
What a backdrop. No wonder they went on to say this. Verse 13, you're testifying about yourself.
Your testimony is not true. Even if I testify about myself, my testimony is true.
And by the way, what I just did and showed you about being the lamp and the light of the world. For I know where I come from and I know where I'm going.
But you do not know where I come from, know where I am going. You judge according to flesh. I'm not judging anyone.
You've got the wrong plumb line and yardstick. Even if I do judge, my judgment is true for I am not alone in it.
But I and the father who sent me. Verse 17, even if your law, even in your law, it has been written that the testimony of two men is true.
I am he who testifies about myself. That's the first one. And secondly, the father who sent me testifies about me.
Now, listen what they say. Where's your father? You do not neither know me nor my father.
If you knew me, you would know my father also. I know your background and in Jews in those days and people in the
Eastern cultures. How do you slur someone? Here's how we slurred someone in Nebraska growing up. Your mother wears what?
Army boots. That's right. Maybe some mothers do. But that's what we said in Nebraska.
To question somebody's paternity in those days was like spitting on them. I don't even know who your dad is.
Where's your father? You're a bastard. That's what he's saying. These words he spoke in the treasury as he taught in the temple and no one seized him because his hour had not yet come.
They wanted to do it. But in God's plan, it had not yet happened. He said to them,
I go away and you will seek me and die in your sins. Where I am going, you cannot come.
Why? Because rejecting the light of the world, rejecting the lampstand, rejecting the one who caused the feast of booths, the one who is there protecting the
Israelites in whom they're making the celebration. If you reject the only way to heaven, Jesus Christ, you're damned.
And they don't understand. Look at verse 22. Surely he'll not kill himself, will he?
Since he says where I'm going, you can't come. And the Jewish tradition was simple.
You commit suicide, you go to the worst place. You go to the corners of hell. Hey, he's going someplace we can't go.
We're going to heaven. Where is he going? He's going to the bowels of hell. He's going to commit suicide. That's what he does.
You are from below. I am from above. You are of this world. I'm not of this world. Therefore, I said to you, verse 24, that you will die in your sins.
For unless you believe that I am he, or I am, you will die in your sins.
Jesus will forgive all your sins. But if you reject that Jesus, you have no sin bearer.
You have no Messiah. You have no high priest. He says in verse 34, does he not truly, truly?
I say to you, everyone who commits sin is the slave of sin. I mean,
I hated the way these people treat the Lord Jesus, these leaders. But deep down in my heart,
I realized before God saved me and opened my mind, I was just like them. And look at what humanity does when
Jesus says he's the only way. Verse 38,
I speak these things that I have seen with my father. Therefore, you also do the things that you heard from your father. Oh, who's their father?
Abraham is our father. If you're Abraham's children, do the deeds of Abraham, like father, like son.
But as it is, you are seeking to kill me, a man who has told you the truth, which I heard from God. This Abraham did not do.
You are doing the deeds of your father. We were not born of fornication like you,
Jesus. No father. We have one father, God. We're not the illegitimate ones.
You are. And this little stunt you pulled with this light thing isn't going very far.
If God were your father, you would love me. For I proceeded forth and have come from God. For I have not even come on my own initiative, but he sent me.
Why do you not understand what I'm saying? It is because you cannot hear my word. You are of your father, the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father.
He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whoever speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature.
For he is a liar and the father of lies. If you want to talk like father, like son, this is the exact case.
And it gets crazier if you just even read it. I don't have to make many comments because the force of the text is just the craziness, the insidious nature of sin.
Verse 47, he was of God. Here's the words of God. For this reason, you do not hear them because you are not of God.
Do we not say rightly that you're a Samaritan and have a demon? I do not have a demon, but I honor my father and you dishonor me.
But I do not seek my glory. There is one who seeks and judges. Truly, truly, I say to you, if anyone keeps my word, he will never see death.
And he says in verse 58, before Abraham was born, I am. And they picked up stones to throw at him, but he hid himself and went out of the temple.
What a dramatic account. It's the Feast of Booths and Jesus shows up and says, I'm the light of the world.
And they all knew what that meant. This followers knew. Yes, we have light. And in him was a life in the light of men.
And he has eternal life. And he's pure and clean. And he gives that. And he's the one and he's the
Messiah that was prophesied of. But those rejecting Jesus said, basically, you have no father, you have a demon.
And you're going to go commit suicide. And as you think about it, and as I look at even in my own life, if we just stand back for a second congregation, is it not true?
That's the way we were before God opened our eyes. We might not have said it that way. And we know how to be sophisticated.
We know how to talk at dinner parties and all that kind of stuff and in ways that are less obtrusive.
And, you know, as long as that's good for you, you know, I understand. And, you know, it's good for you, but not good for me. And I have my own truth.
But deep down in the heart of every person. It's this ungodly, sinful enemies and left to themselves damnation.
But the Lord Jesus sent by the Father, because the Father loves sinners. Jesus loves sinners.
The Spirit of God applying this death of Christ as He loves sinners. Jesus comes and says,
I'm the light of the world. And you're thinking some kind of little lamp stand in some tent. As light dispels darkness in the tent and the place of worship where God meets men.
Levitical priest only. Now, Jesus says it's not for the priest. It's not once a year. It's not for preparation to walk in there.
It's not with the censors. It's not with everything else. I'm standing out at the feast, telling one and everyone.
I'm the light of the world. Trust in me. I offer free forgiveness. And on behalf of Jesus, I do the same for you.
Christian, you have forgiveness. Unbeliever, you can despise Him. You can hate
Him. You can think Jesus is a lunatic and a liar and demon possessed. But He's your only hope.
And even though you think that, He still offers you freely forgiveness. Who loves like that?
I mean, even this week when I officiated the wedding, I always asked the groom, why did you pick your wife to be?
And they say things like, I'm trying to remember what Nathan said of Annika. She's a hard worker.
She's beautiful. She loves her family. And she's my dearest friend or something like that. Amen. What a great way to pick a wife.
But Jesus loves sinners like these people are sinners. This is who we were.
I mean, if we just needed a little polishing up and a little dusting off and some education, then
Jesus doesn't have to die as a sacrifice in our place. The wages of sin.
What do you think these people deserve? If Jesus is really true and right and the Holy God, what do these people deserve?
You call Jesus a bastard, a demon possessed man, who's going to commit suicide and go into the bowels of hell.
What do you deserve? And what does He give?
What does He give people like Nicodemus? What does
He give people who try to kill His followers like Paul? What does
He give people like us who maybe don't have awful, unrighteous sins, but self -righteous sins?
Christians, we're here today to remember who Jesus is. And you can see the seedbeds of who He is, even in the holy place, as He's the light of the world.
And the only reason you see the light is God opened your eyes to see the light, because that's still the condescending love of God, where He makes you alive together in Christ Jesus.
And if you have any inkling that Jesus is the Lord and Savior, and you're trusting in Him, friend, that's enough.
Because your faith doesn't have to be strong. The one in whom you trust has to be strong.
You say, well, I'm struggling. I had my ups and downs, my relationship with my family and kids and husband and wife and this and that and the other.
And I'm not as faithful as I wanted to be and as I could have been. And I'm really struggling this week. Friends, guess who didn't struggle this week?
And I'm not talking about me. I couldn't think of a harder week for no particular reason and maybe every reason.
But I'm here to tell you that the Lord Jesus Christ is strong and He's the light of the world. And you saw with your eyes of faith the
Lord Jesus. And you used to say He was a good teacher. You could have just said
He's a liar and has a demon. And now you say, I bow before Him. I trust in Him. He's my all in all.
I sing His praises in the hymnals. I give to His local church through my offering.
I want to hear about Him. And that's what the writer of Hebrews does. That's what the writer
John does. This is the message we have heard from him and announced to you that God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all.
If we say we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another.
And the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sins. If we say we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say we have not sinned, we make Him a liar and His word is not in us. My little children,
I'm writing these things to you that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an advocate with the
Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins.
And not for our sins only, but also for those of the whole world. When you read the
Old Testament and you're like, why should I read Exodus? And it's so confusing. When you read about the tent, think about the one who put
His tent among us. When you read about the lampstand, think about the light of the world. Is there anything else we could learn?
Let's go back to Hebrews chapter 9. What about the showbread? There's something else in this first compartment.
Showbread. What does that mean? Why would showbread be in there?
Now, the text says in Hebrews 9, 2, the tent was prepared. The first section.
This is the holy place. This isn't the Holy of Holies yet. That's behind the other curtain. We've got a lampstand.
And then we've got, and the table and the bread of presents. Now, you might want to say, well, the second item is the table.
And the third is the bread of presents. But they really go together. The table of the bread of presents. And by the way, for those of you who are students of the
English language. There's a special word for that in grammar.
Hendiatus. May you be blessed. Hendiatus. When you put words together with an and.
So it's not table and showbread. It's the table of the showbread. It's a Hendiatus. Okay.
You're not impressed with that. The Greek word for table is trapeza. You're thinking now, trapeza.
Yes. Trapeza comes from tetra, which is four. And pizza, which is foot.
P -E -Z -A. Four feet. You can try to figure out how trapeze has four feet.
And how that all works. But I can tell you typical tables have how many feet? Four feet.
Unless it's a three. Unless it's a tripod. This just isn't a
Greek word for table. It's got a. It's got whatever that top part's called.
And four legs. It's made of acacia wood. Three and three quarters feet long.
Two and a quarter feet. Wide. Covered with pure gold.
The table. The consecrated bread. Exodus 25.
It says you shall make a table of acacia wood. Two cubits shall be its length. A cubit's its breadth. And a cubit and a half its height.
Shall overlay it with pure gold. And make a molding of gold around it. And you shall make a rim around it. A hand breadth wide.
And the molding of gold around the rim. And then he goes on to Moses to describe how you make that particular showbread.
And what happens is. And I'll read from Leviticus 25. Aaron would come in and put new bread on this table every week.
It says you shall. Leviticus 24. Take fine flour. And bake twelve loaves from it.
Two tenths of an ephah shall be in each loaf. And you shall set them in two piles. Six in a pile.
On the table of pure gold before the Lord. So six and six. Why twelve total.
Breads. Showbreads. January, February, March, April. No. Why twelve?
Twelve tribes of Israel. And while I'm reading this to you. You're like. Oh, I didn't know this part.
And you shall put pure frankincense on each pile. That it may go with the bread as a memorial portion.
As the food offering to the Lord. Every Sabbath day. Aaron shall arrange it before the Lord regularly.
It is from the people of Israel as a covenant forever. It shall be for Aaron and his sons. And they shall eat it in a holy place.
Remember, that's why David was not allowed to eat it. Since it was for him a most holy portion.
Out of the Lord's food offerings. A perpetual do. So now you have the bread of the presentation.
The bread of the presence. Twelve put on that table. Representing the tribes of Israel. Removed at the end of the week.
Eaten by the priests. Showing that God is present with the people. That was the idea.
Now the reason why I'm going to so many Old Testament passages. And back and forth is this. If I said to you.
Receiving this letter 2 ,000 years ago. Now there's the tent. And there's the holy place. And in it there's the lamp stand.
And in it there's the show bread on the table. You'd immediately know all about it. But we don't know it as well. So I'm trying to make sure we get it.
What does this have to do with? Well, we're going to pick that up. With one of the other things in there.
Called manna. Because it's going to represent the same thing. But we'll leave here with the fourth item.
The curtain. Verse 3. Maybe we just introduced this subject. But it's a great one to end on.
We're thinking about pictures. And types. And pointers. And signs. In the
Old Testament. In the tent. That the writer says. I could talk about these a lot.
But I'm going to get to who Jesus is. But we're filling in the blanks. Behind the second curtain.
Verse 3. Was a second section called. The holy of holies. Or the most holy place.
So there's a curtain. And by the way. I don't know if you like curtains. I did not know curtains were so expensive.
This would be a very important. Expensive curtain. Listen to Exodus 26. Describe this curtain.
You shall make a veil of blue. And purple. And scarlet yarns. And fine twine linen. By the way.
Where do you go get these? Is my point. Back in those days. It shall have. It should be made with a cherubim.
Skillfully worked into it. And you shall hang it on four pillars of acacia.
Overlaid with gold. With hooks of gold. On four bases of silver. And you shall hang the veil from the clasps.
And bring the ark of the testimony. In there. Within the veil. The veil shall separate you.
From the holy place. From the most holy. Now I know almost every one of you here.
If I ask you the question. If we're thinking about types. And shadows. And pointers. And pictorial representations.
Of things going on there. That might remind us of Jesus. What would the curtain remind us of? January. February.
March. Hebrews 10 gives you the answer.
Oh this is so great. Hebrews 10. 19.
Therefore brothers. Since we have confidence. To enter the holy places. By the blood of Jesus.
By the new and living way. That he opened for us. Through the curtain.
That is through his flesh. Remember when Jesus died on the cross.
He cried out in a loud voice. And gave up his spirit. And at that moment. Matthew 27. The curtain of the temple.
Was torn in two. From top to bottom. Access to God. Not just the high priest.
Not once a year. Any time. And also if you want to think about it a little bit. Not just so that we could come into his presence.
But of course in the person and work of Christ Jesus. He could come out. And not obliterate everyone.
Because he was. Cloaked and veiled. His glory was. So everyone would just not be incinerated.
When you looked at Jesus. Only for a moment. Did Peter James and John.
On the top of the mount of transfiguration. See that glory of Jesus. That effulgent glory. That came out of who he was.
And now Jesus. Cloaked with humanity. Can walk among us. And so we only have. We not only have access to the
Lord Jesus. He has access to us. Now to be clear.
He's talking in Hebrews 9. About the curtain. And the tabernacle. And when Jesus died.
The tabernacle was no longer. It was the temple. But the principle still applies. From top to bottom.
Is the curtain ripped. Signifying God did the work. And that God accepted the sacrifice of his son.
For all those who would ever believe. The shedding of blood was sufficient. For the atonement for sinners.
How do you get into the holiness of God? How do you get into the presence of God? How do you escape? What's the great escape?
How do I get out alive? It has to be friends.
By trusting in the finished work. Of the risen Savior. Jesus Christ. No wonder
Hebrews says. We approach him with confidence. And boldness. Yes.
Sinful Christian. Yes. Christian who's going through a difficult time. Yes. Christian who has not lived up.
To your position in Christ. The veil has been torn.
You have access to God. And you say. God please forgive me. I come as your child. I come as your daughter.
I come as your son. And I'm thankful that I have access to you. Because of my
Savior. Well there's more to come. That reminds us about Jesus.
He's appointed for man once to die. And after that comes judgment. And John Bunyan said.
I'm not willing to do the first. And not able to do the second. And Jesus was willing to do the first.
And did. And was able to accept the judgment of God. And did. And he's your
Savior. Father in heaven. We praise your name. For our
Lord Jesus. The light of the world. Who tabernacled among us. In his name we pray.
No Compromise Radio. With Pastor Mike Abendroth. Is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church. Firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word.
Through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text. Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015.
And in the evening at 6. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston. You can check us out online at bbchurch .org.