The High Point of the SBC Convention?

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, let's jump right into it today. I have been covering the Southern Baptist Convention fairly regularly since it happened last week.
So I've been doing a ton of videos and I wanted to, I know people are probably getting sick of it, kind of like the Ruslan content, where I just kept doing more and more content about it.
But I do believe though, that this is an important convention and I just wanted to do at least one more video because a lot of my videos have been really negative about the
Southern Baptist Convention because I do believe that in some, it was a very bad convention.
But I do think that there was one bright spot in it and I wanna share that with you today. And let me just set this up by saying,
I have been very consistent throughout my entire time on YouTube to be advocating for the law of God.
I think that God's law is so good. It is holy, it is perfect. It's way better than anything that we can dream up.
We should be following God's law in our nation. We should be following God's law in our personal lives.
And God has, God knows the pitfalls that we fall into. And so he set us up with a law that is just perfect, holy, righteous, and just better, you know what
I mean? And so over the years, I've been very consistently anti -sex abuse or anti -rapist and stuff like that.
Way more than all of our leaders, like let's just face it. I personally believe that people who are guilty of raping other people or abusing other people sexually, which is just another word for rape, let's just be honest.
If they're convicted on the evidence of two or more witnesses, I don't believe that they should be thrown in prison.
I don't believe that they should be fined or given some kind of, you know, what's it called when they, probation or something like that.
No, no, they should be given the death penalty. That's how serious I believe God takes that kind of a crime.
And so I am glad to take that same position. People who rape other people should be executed on the evidence of two or more witnesses.
Where I get this, by the way, is Deuteronomy chapter 22. Deuteronomy chapter 22 talks about a variety of different situations.
And sometimes people get hung up on the whole thing about, you know, well, it's only a death penalty offense if the victim is betrothed.
And I understand why you would say that because that's what the case law says here. But you have to understand that the law of God is exactly that.
We've got the 10 commandments and then we've got a whole mess of case laws. And the trick is that what you should do is look at the case laws and apply it to other cases.
That's the whole point. So you see how God treats it in one case and then you extrapolate and you draw out the principles from that case and you apply it to others.
And so if someone cried for help and nobody heard, then that person wasn't, you know, wasn't party to it, wasn't party to the crime.
And so in that case, you assume that the woman was trying to fight this person off or trying to resist, but wasn't able to.
And so you execute the one who did the raping. I think this applies to many situations where a child is involved.
Because when a child's involved, you know, sometimes the child is incapable of letting somebody know or crying out in the field.
That's what it says in the scripture here. And so when in child rape cases, if it's proven on the evidence of two or more witnesses,
I believe that this case law would apply to those kinds of situations. But that's getting ahead of myself.
I just wanted to start there because that's why I think this is actually a high note of the
Southern Baptist Convention. Let me just play the entire video here. And then I wanna talk about some other things associated with this.
If you will file your motion, Pastor Ted, thank you. Eight A.
Grant Gaines, messenger from Bellaire Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. In light of recent allegations made against the
Executive Committee of Mishandling Sexual Abuse Cases, I stand with SBC Church abuse survivors.
And right now, I'm standing beside one such SBC Church abuse survivor. And I move that the
Southern Baptist Convention, meeting June 15th to 16th, 2021 in Nashville, Tennessee, ask the newly elected president of the
SBC to appoint a task force within 30 days of the date of this convention that shall be comprised of members of Baptist churches cooperating with this convention and experts in sexual abuse and the handling of sexual abuse -related dynamics.
This task force shall either assume oversight of the third -party review announced previously by the
Executive Committee or initiate a separate third -party review. Said task force shall ensure that the third -party review includes an investigation into any allegations of abuse, mishandling of abuse, mistreatment of victims, a pattern of intimidation of victims or advocates, and resistance to sexual abuse reform initiatives.
The investigation shall include actions and decisions of staff and members of the Executive Committee from January 1st, 2000 to June 14th, 2021.
This investigation should include an audit of the procedures and actions taken by the Credentials Committee of the
Southern Baptist Convention, which was formed at the convention meeting in Birmingham, Alabama, June 11th and 12th, 2019.
The review shall be funded by allocations from the cooperative program. We further move that the task force agree that the accepted best standards and practices as recommended by the commission third party, including but not limited to the
Executive Committee staff and members waiving attorney -client privilege in order to ensure full access to information and accuracy in the review.
A written report of the factual findings of this review shall be presented to the task force 30 days prior to the
SBC annual meeting in 2022 and made public in full form within one week of the task force receipt of the report, along with suggestions from the task force for actions to be taken by our convention.
Quite frankly, SBC messengers and especially SBC abuse survivors deserve to know the truth.
Okay, so this is what I wanted to talk about because I think that just about anything that would increase the transparency of what goes on in the dark hallways of the
Southern Baptist Convention is a good thing. The fact that the convention is so non -transparent is only a negative.
Let me repeat that, like the lack of transparency in the Southern Baptist Convention is inexcusable and it's just something that should not be the case in any convention or any denomination or things like that.
And so in my opinion, just about anything that increases that transparency is important, especially in this kind of situation, because as I just got done saying,
I believe that sexual abuse and the rape of children or women is a death penalty offense.
And so if there's anything that the convention's gonna take super seriously, it's going to be accusations of something that in my opinion ought to be a death penalty offense.
Now, a couple quick quibbles, I would say, I'm not so sure about waiving attorney -client privilege.
I don't really know what he meant by that. So I'm not really sure exactly if I agree with that or not.
I don't think the law of God requires anyone to waive attorney -client privilege.
However, if there's crimes that are being admitted at that point, that's a totally different story because obviously if you know about a crime and you refuse to testify about that, that's not attorney, that's simply lying.
You bear the iniquity of that. And I'm not getting that from my own opinion. I'm getting that also from the law of God.
Here's Leviticus chapter five. Here's Leviticus chapter five. If he has seen, heard, known about something that he has witnessed and did not respond to a public call to testify, he will bear his iniquity.
And so if you know about a crime and you cover it up, or maybe you don't cover it up, but you just don't say anything.
And people are like, if you, someone calls out and says, hey, if you know about this crime, and please come forward, we need information about this crime.
And you know about that crime, but you just keep your mouth shut. This happens a lot of time in the hood because people in the hood are scared of the gangs in the hood.
So they just kind of keep their mouth shut. They don't talk to cops and stuff like that. And I'm not talking about fake crimes, by the way.
I'm not talking about little Jimmy cheating on his taxes or something like that. I'm talking about an actual death penalty offense, something that's real, stealing, rape, murder, something like that.
If you know about a crime and you don't say anything, you bear the iniquity, you bear your own iniquity on.
That's a biblical principle. And so I don't really know what he meant by that, waiving attorney -client privilege, but it depends on what he means by that, whether or not
I support that. So I did want to mention that. I also don't know about this whole situation of using this woman here as a prop for your motion.
I don't understand why you would do that. I mean, there's enough in the law of God to say that, hey, transparency in these death penalty offenses, what they should be anyway, is necessary for Christians.
If you're gonna be a Christian, you ought to support these things. I don't think you should necessarily use someone who's been obviously very emotionally traumatized by something as part of your pitch for this.
I mean, we're all Christians here. You should bring the law of God to bear on the situation, and that should be enough.
Now, that's a stylistic thing, of course, but personally, I don't think that that's very good to do.
I think it's actually somewhat, how do I say this? It's not abusive, but it's like you're using somebody.
I don't think that that's something that Christians ought to be engaged in. You see, because the law of God, it doesn't tell you to not take emotions into account, but it's set up in such a way that we're not overly or unduly influenced by emotion, because the law of God talks about a number of things when it comes to accusations, right?
And so we understand that any accusation that's going to be submitted, whether it's in a law court or even in just a church, that there's a process that we need to follow in order to decide on that accusation.
This is not just in the Old Testament law, but it's also in the New Testament law. Let's start with the Old Testament law.
That's a good place to begin. Now, one of the books I constantly reference is The Institutes of Biblical Law by R .J.
Rushdooney. This is a fantastic book. I don't agree with everything Rushdooney says, but what's so helpful about this book is it has a great index.
So if you have a topic in mind that you'd want to see, what does the law of God say about that? You can easily find it.
It also has a tremendously large scripture index as well. And so you can see all the reference scriptures, all the cross -references and all of that.
It is a supremely helpful book if you're trying to understand the law of God. R .J.
Rushdooney's The Institutes of Biblical Law. In his chapter on the Ninth Commandment, he talks about testimony and testifying and various kinds of false witness and stuff like that.
And he talks about that there's a procedure here because we can't just go and start accusing people of things without any corroborating evidence.
You need to corroborate it. That's a standard in the law of God. In fact, this is what it says in Deuteronomy 17.
At the mouth of two witnesses or three witnesses shall he that is worthy of death be put to death, but at the mouth of one witness, he shall not be put to death.
And so the idea is we understand this. On the evidence of two or more witnesses, that's how you establish a matter.
Now, this is carried over into the New Testament as well, as we well know. 1 Timothy 5, this is the
Bible gateway. It just has a bunch of different versions of the Bible. But the basic premise here, let me just read, let's read the
ESV because that's what a lot of people like. The ESV says this, do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses.
So obviously this is talking about the church courts. We also have the law courts, but the same standard applies in the law court and the church court, right?
Do not even accept an elder. Some versions say don't even entertain an accusation against the elder on the evidence of one witnesses, only if it's supported by two or more witnesses.
And it's the same standard in the law court as well. We have to understand that in a law setting, we need to establish the facts of a matter before we move forward.
And so this is the thing, like I'm all about taking this extremely seriously, but we also have to take it seriously according to the law of God, but also just the standards of our nation.
When we talk about evidence beyond a reasonable doubt, that's the kind of thing, we need to be corroborated, right?
It can't just be one line of evidence. It can't just be one person. And I think that God, when he gave us that law, that commandment, what he wants us to do is to think about this and not necessarily shut down your emotions, but keep your emotions in check enough to not just believe the person making the accusation.
By the way, God also takes perjury very seriously. And let me read this to you again from the same section of Rush Dooney's book here on bearing false witness.
This comes from Deuteronomy chapter 19. He says this, the scripture says, I should say, if a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him that which is wrong, then both men between whom the controversy is shall stand before the
Lord, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days. And the judges, listen to this one, the judges shall make diligent inquisition.
And behold, if the witness be a false witness and has testified falsely against his brother, then ye shall do unto him as he had thought to have done unto his brother.
So shall put the evil away. So shall you put thou, put the evil away from among you.
And those which remain shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit any, no more any such evil among you.
And thine eye shall not pity, but life shall go for life. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot.
So the idea here is that, look, you know, we're gonna have to start, you know, understanding that sometimes someone's gonna come and make an accusation against someone.
And it's just gonna be one person's word versus another. And so what he's saying here, the scripture is saying is that what happens at that point is the judges, and this is like the law court essentially, starts making diligent inquisition.
So they start questioning your story. They start asking you questions, cross -examination, right?
And this is why we do that in our court system now. It's based on God's law. It's like, you should be cross -examined by someone who's defending the other guy to see if your story holds water.
It can't just be an accusation equals a punishment, an accusation equals an admission of guilt.
No, no, no, you have to inquire diligently. And so there's going to be questioning there. And it's a command of God that this happen, right?
You don't just accept an accusation, you diligently inquire. And I think that, again, this is another command to sort of, okay, make sure you understand that their emotions are going to be running high, but there's a way in order to do this kind of thing.
And so I personally think that a resolution that is insisting transparency in that process is a good thing.
But we have to understand though, that that has to go both ways, right? That has to go both ways.
And the truth is that obviously, there's going to be two sides at least to every story.
Now, this woman here has a bit of a history, allegedly, with saying certain things about other certain people.
Allegedly, on this tweet, this woman, Hannah, Hannah Kate, has said that there are certain people in the
SBC that have covered up, they had knowledge of sexual abuse.
And I'm just going to call it what it is, raping, right? A rape. People in the SBC pastors had knowledge of a rape and didn't do jack.
That's the allegation. And this is a tweet that I found on Twitter that makes that exact accusation.
This exact accusation is made. So, Pastor James Kipp Farrar of Madison Avenue Baptist Church, now
Aletheia Church, a Southern Baptist Church in Indianapolis, knew of my abuse and turned a blind eye.
That is a serious accusation because as I've said, according to Leviticus, if someone has seen or heard or known about something he has witnessed and did not respond to a public call to testify, he will bear his iniquity.
So allegedly, this accusation would be essentially that if this is true, then
James Kipp Farrar bears his iniquity on this. And that's a serious, serious amount of iniquity to bear.
My personal opinion on this is people that are party, accessory after the fact or things like that, or people that are going around raping other people, they deserve the death penalty.
It's not, this is not a small matter where you, oh, I'll just lose your pastorate, or, oh, you know, just get, you know, probation or something, no, no, no, no, no, no.
This is a death penalty offense. And I think that the church ought to take this very seriously.
And I think that, of course, you know, if you're going to make an accusation like this, obviously the other person's going to have an opportunity to defend themselves.
And I think that's good and right and proper. And as we understand, according to the law of God, that that's exactly what should happen.
You know, people should be questioning diligently the story that was told, you know, and the accusation that was made and the stories that are told on both sides.
And what I found is that Pastor James Kipp Farrar actually has told his side of the story.
Somebody sent me this video clip of this man. And so I just thought I'd, you know, look at this and, you know, we'll talk about this.
Because I think the reality is that the law of God is very clear that what should happen is that these people, the people that are at odds here, and in this case, it's this woman,
Hannah Kate, who's allegedly said that James Kipp Farrar knew about her abuse and didn't say anything about it.
And so that's a tremendous allegation that we ought to take seriously. And I think that Deuteronomy 19 applies there.
Stand before the Lord and you get, you know, we inquire. You know what I mean? There's a serious inquisition here because these are serious allegations.
So let's listen to James and respond as we continue. Today on video, just to tell you. Hello, my name is
James Farrar and I'm the pastor of Laithia Church here in Indianapolis, Indiana. And I wanna come to you today on video just to tell you a bit of some recent things going on in my life and how they might impact things around me.
At a recent, I attended the recent Southern Baptist Convention in Nashville, Tennessee. And at that meeting, the messengers of that meeting voted to make sweeping changes to the organization to make it more difficult for people to be engaged in sex abuse and bring better accountability to those who might seek to cover up sex abuse in order to preserve the reputation of their churches or institutions or organizations.
This was a good thing, I see it as anyway. I see it as a good thing because people who are predators preying upon those within our churches in this way should be exposed, should be held accountable, should be made to face the consequences of whatever it is that they have been engaged in, whether it's the abuse itself or the coverup.
The Church of Jesus Christ has no place for that sort of thing, for that kind of continued activity. I agree with the pastor here that that was a high point in the convention.
And I would just add it, and I think that all men in the church should go this way.
I would add that this should be a death penalty offense. This is not something you get a little slap on the wrist for.
This is a serious, serious crime that God takes extremely seriously, and we ought to support that kind of stuff.
You know, I always see that, you know, like, oh, Russell Moore is this champion for sex abuse. No, he's not, because he doesn't believe that it should be a death penalty offense.
You know what I mean? That's how seriously God takes it. That's how seriously we all ought to take this. Now, I wanted to say one more thing about this, right?
Because you might watch this video, and some of you might be like, oh, this guy looks like a creep, right? This guy looks like a real creep.
And, you know, maybe you think that, maybe you don't. But the point is, like, this is why we have to hear both sides of this, because this is what the law of God requires.
But also, it's something that we have to recognize, that our biases and our emotions oftentimes will skew things.
We need to make diligent inquisition, is what the scripture says, when somebody makes an accusation against somebody else.
And what we have to do is, we have to, you know, consider that whenever we're hearing somebody out in a situation like this.
The Bible doesn't say the standard is whoever looks like a jerk versus whoever looks like a nice person.
You go with the nice person. It doesn't say that, because it knows we have a tendency of skewing things according to who we like more.
I don't know this guy, right? I don't, maybe he is a creep, but let's hear him out. But during the presentation of one of the motions to that effect, the presenter was accompanied by an alleged sex abuse survivor by the name of Hannah Kate Williams.
Now, this troubled me, because I know Hannah Kate Williams personally. And I know her to have lied about some of the details of her abuse and made false accusations about those whom she has accused of being involved in the alleged coverup.
But before I get to that. That's a tremendous allegation. So allegedly, this is what he's saying.
Allegedly, the woman that we saw next to the dude that we just watched make that great resolution, in my opinion, a great resolution.
She's allegedly misrepresented certain facts. That's a tremendous allegation, because as we've seen from the law of God, that God takes that kind of thing extremely seriously, a false allegation.
So let's just get this out in the open here, because as I've just got done saying, sex abuse, raping, and all that, that should be a death penalty offense.
That's how seriously God takes this. But then God also says that if a false witness were to rise up against someone and to testify against someone, something that is wrong, and then you find out that it's a false witness, so you do your diligent inquisition and you find out that it's a false witness, what does
God say has to happen at that point? This is the word of God. It says, then ye shall do unto him as he had thought to have done unto his brother.
So shall put the evil away from among you. Those that were main shall hear and fear and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.
And listen to this. This is what it says. Thine shall I, thine I shall not pity, but life shall go for life.
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot. So whatever would have happened to the person that the false witness is making an accusation against happens to the false witness.
That is a tremendously high penalty to pay as a false. These are serious allegations.
And so in my opinion, what's being alleged here on both sides could not be of more seriousness.
That is, this is a serious, serious matter. And I think that, you know, one of the first things that this task force should do is to start doing that diligent inquisition onto this particular issue, especially considering that the alleged person who's making these alleged false accusations, it was there when the resolution was put forth.
So, you know, the task force should be looking into this guy on the screen here. Definitely, diligent inquisition into this guy.
Likewise, the task force should also make a diligent inquisition into the accusations of Hannah Kate as well.
That's what we have to do. That's what the law of God says. And these allegations on both sides,
I wanna emphasize, they could not be higher stakes allegations. This is, allegedly, this is a very serious matter.
Let me first give you a little bit of context. I first met Hannah's family in 2008 or 2009.
When her father was called to pastor a church that was just a few miles down the road from our church. Since that church was a sister
SBC church, and since they had a VBS, I would oftentimes go to take my children to that VBS.
I knew the pastor well. We had gone to college together. The pastor prior to Hannah's father, that is. And we used to enjoy some fellowship that way.
I had family that went to that church. But anyway, when Hannah's father came to pastor, we brought our children to the VBS. And that's where we first met her family.
We introduced ourselves to her father and her family, and our families became good friends rather quickly. Our families had a lot in common.
We both were pastor's families. We pastored small churches. We both came from Southern Seminary.
We both were Calvinists. We both had what was to be considered a large family in those days. We both homeschooled.
In fact, the Williams's began to get involved in the same homeschool co -op that my family and I were involved in. And during my time there,
I remember teaching government for a senior high class of which Hannah participated in. She was one of my students in that government class.
Hannah and her siblings made friends with many people in our church, many people in our youth group. In fact, our church's youth groups, because they were both kind of small, began to do joint events together.
We went to different conferences together, and we would stay very close and have Bible studies together in the motels when we were all there and everything, when we were going to the conferences and so forth.
But that maybe just a little bit to illustrate that, yes, we did have a connection with Hannah's family.
Now, after some time, Hannah's father began to experience some troubles with one of the deacons and several people within their church. After two years or so, the church terminated his pastorate.
In the letter that they gave to him, it explained the reasons why they terminated him, which he showed to me subsequently. The church has cited his
Calvinism and his preaching as being the reasons for his termination. That was what the letter said, and that is a matter of record.
I remember that our families got together when Hannah's father was first terminated, and we got together and we prayed.
Hannah's father prayed that his children would not become bitter as a result of what had taken place there, the controversy and then also his termination.
And I remember that at that time, Hannah was a fierce advocate for her father. She couldn't understand why people would oppose him in such a way and why they were talking negatively about him, and she was very much distraught about that.
Now, after they left - That Calvinism issue does divide up churches.
There's no question about that. But I guess it sounds like he's just kind of trying to set the stage here, because I'm wondering why
I don't - Just get to the point. He, after Hannah's family left, they moved at first to Kentucky.
We would receive regular communications with Hannah in the form of Facebook messages, Facebook wall conversations, text messages, phone calls, and so forth.
And at first, these were pretty regular, and mostly spoke of things that she was doing and what was going on with the family. Her family did move around quite a bit during that time as her father looked for work in various ministries and then just simply looking for work to provide for the family.
And they did experience economic hardship at that time. It was at that time that it was made known to me by Hannah that they were living in a motel, and it was somewhere out west.
I don't recall where. And anyway, she had made mention that they were staying in a hotel.
And I had been mentioned that maybe they should just move back to Indy and we could find something here and we could serve as a support team and whatnot.
And she told me to call her dad. And so I did. So I communicated with Hannah's father.
And he assured me that when I talked to him, he assured me that everything was okay, that they were just kind of enduring a hard spot as a family, that they soon would be moving back in with family out back east, closer to us, but not in Indiana, until such a time that they could get their feet under them and so forth.
Now, as the years progressed, Hannah would check in every once in a while, rather randomly. But in 2015, she came to visit. She came back to Indiana to visit myself, our church, other people that she knew when she was younger.
And during that visit, she expressed to me how she missed Indianapolis and wanted to be back here. My wife had just had our sixth child and Hannah told us that she would love to come back and work as our nanny while attending classes at a local college here somewhere.
She seemed to be serious. So we began to search for an apartment nearby where she could stay. But then the communication stopped and we didn't hear from her for another four years.
She contacted me in September of 2019 via Facebook Messenger and told me that her father was under investigation for sex abuse.
Now, this was the first time that I had heard anything to this effect, that I suspected anything to this effect. I had never suspected anything before this.
And I was crushed, quite frankly, because I know the Williamses, I love the Williamses, and I was absolutely crushed to hear this.
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I never suspected anything of the sort and I, at that time, communicated that to her.
If I had - This is very common. I mean, if you've ever watched the show To Catch a Predator, which
I've watched numerous times, there's a whole little cult following around that show. But anyway, one of the things that strikes you when you watch
To Catch a Predator is that most of the guys don't look like predators, like what you would think a predator would look like.
They're just regular people. They just look like anyone you could meet in the street. And they come from all walks of life, respected doctors, not homeless, but jobless bums, like everywhere and everything in between.
And it doesn't matter where you go. I mean, you can be in the city, you can be rural, and people will try to groom children for sexual abuse.
And it's disgusting. It's absolutely disgusting. So oftentimes you hear that, you would never suspect it. That doesn't mean anything, by the way, right?
Like, that's the thing. Like, you would never suspect Joe Blow. That doesn't mean he didn't do it, right? Obviously, we get that.
If anything we've learned from To Catch a Predator and Chris Hansen, it's that. Suspected it. I would have reported it immediately to the authorities.
And this is one of the things that I expressed to her. Now, during that message conversation, she alluded to a time when her family had moved around a lot after they had left.
And so I was under the assumption that the alleged abuse had started then. We didn't talk about it specifically, but that's what
I came away from that conversation understanding. But then in October of 2019, Hannah released a public statement of her alleged abuse.
In that statement, she listed a number of organizations that her father had some connection with during that time. This was the first time that I had heard that her alleged abuse had taken place while she was in Indiana.
And I immediately contacted everyone who had been a part of our church at that time in order to forward information to them that if they knew anything about this, that they could contact this police department without having to go through me.
I gave them the number of the investigating, the detectives and so forth. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. That sounds like a really good idea.
So if you know of something, then you are required, biblically required.
Remember Leviticus. If anyone has seen, heard or known about something he has witnessed and did not respond to a public call to testify, he will bear his iniquity.
This is not the kind of thing where you have an option to keep your mouth shut of a real crime. I'm not talking about someone who smoked a doobie or something like that one time.
You saw that, you're not required to return that. That's nonsense. I'm talking about real crimes, real crimes here.
You're required to do that. And so this sounds like a pretty good idea. And I don't think it should have to go through a pastor or something.
You go to the police officers because the civil governing authority bears the sword for a reason.
The civil governing authority bears the sword for a reason. Wow, that was crazy.
My, I heard a scream upstairs. So my son slammed his finger into a drawer.
Brutal. Anyway, so yeah, I don't remember where I was. So let's just continue. And I pled with them.
If you know anything about these allegations, if you suspected anything back then, please call the officers, let them know, help them with the investigation.
Now, some of these people I contacted through instant messaging. Some of them I contacted through email. Some of them I contacted through phone conversations that were followed up by an email.
Some of them I just had personal conversations with because they still attended the church. I wanted to make absolutely certain that everyone was contacted and it was handled in a manner that would not harm the investigation.
And so I did not go on social media and just put something out there because I had no guarantee that the people who needed to be contacted would have in fact been contacted and I would have certainly been company to spreading this allegation to people who had no idea what was going on.
So that's why I opted to do that privately. And we did that. Now, I didn't hear anything else about it for a couple of months, but then in December of 2019, someone alerted me to a
Twitter post that read something along the lines of Hannah drops a bombshell. She's naming names of those who were involved in the coverup of her abuse.
My name was among those who Hannah had named as having been involved in the coverup of her abuse. I think that might be this one right here.
I'm not sure. This is December, 2019. I think that's what he said. So allegedly this is the tweet that he's referring to,
Pastor James Kipp -Farrar. That's who we're listening to right now. In Indianapolis, knew of my abuse and turned a blind eye.
That's a tremendous allegation as we've said. Now, James Kipp here, the person that she's talking about, allegedly did not turn a blind eye, but what he did do, he did say that he didn't post it on social media, which obviously posting on social media, it's not required, nor is it probably necessarily a good idea in a situation like this.
Probably it's best to let the civil governing authorities handle this because that's what their whole entire job is.
And of course, you could handle it within your local congregation as well, if anyone knows anything, that kind of thing. Those things kind of make sense to me, but allegedly he didn't cover it up.
That's what he's saying here anyway. Allegedly, this is what he did. I have no evidence that he did all these things, but this is what he's saying on his video.
And so we're required biblically to sort of hear him out as well, even as we are definitely required to hear
Hannah Kate out as well. So let's continue. As I don't have
Twitter, I didn't respond, but my wife who does have Twitter did. She was furious with Hannah for having falsely accused me and rebuked her for doing so.
But then the Twitter mob ganged up on my wife and I suggested to her that it would do no good for her to waste her time.
Then in January of 2020, we received a letter from the Credentials Committee of the Southern Baptist. Twitter is a cesspool. I mean, let's just say that.
I don't even have to use the word allegedly there. Twitter is just definitely a cesspool. But you know, so people go back and forth on Twitter.
That's up to them. Listen, I got off Twitter, man. I'm only on Gab now. Convention, stating that our church had been named in the case of cover -up of sexual abuse.
Our church responded by succinctly stating that such was not the case, but that any case involving sexual impropriety of which
I was aware that had taken place by anyone associated with our church, even if it hadn't been done in our church, had been duly reported to authorities.
From February to April of 2020, I was contacted by four media outlets who were wanting to do stories on the matter, and I declined all but one of the interviews.
I was also contacted by a pastor who at that time wanted to know how church discipline was handled in the
SBC. But the real surprise came when a detective contacted me regarding an investigation. I was eager to cooperate.
And so he began his questions. Interesting, so sounds like, you know, this tweet allegedly kicked up a bit of a dust storm and was, you know, people were calling him and the news wanted to talk to him and stuff like that.
Because this is, and I can understand why, because this is quite an allegation. This is, this allegation is very serious.
It should be taken very seriously. I would expect that news organizations would call you up. I might even expect
Chris Hansen to call you up. You know what I mean? Like, this is a serious allegation. And so it sounds like a lot of people wanted to talk to him and it sounds like the police wanted to talk to him, which in my opinion is good.
That's exactly what should happen. The civil governing authority's responsibility is to find out who committed crimes and if there was accessories after the fact, and if there were people that knew about the crime but didn't say anything.
See, that's also a crime. That's also a sin. You bear your iniquity if you do that.
That's according to the scripture. And so it sounds like what should have happened in this case did happen.
Now we're responsible to do diligent inquisition. That's the word that the scripture said in a case like this, where you've got someone saying something, someone else saying something else.
Diligent inquisition, cross -examination to find out what's the case. Because as we know, on the evidence of one witness shall no man be put to death.
That's from the scripture. During the course of the questioning, he made me aware that Hannah had accused myself and my wife, who is a labor and delivery nurse, of aiding in a home abortion from a pregnancy that was to have resulted from her alleged abuse.
I was absolutely - Wow. Wow. So this is even, the seriousness of this allegation has allegedly now been ratcheted up because I have not seen
Hannah Kate make that accusation. I'm just hearing about it from James Kip Ferrar.
So allegedly this is something Hannah did. I don't know if this is something that she did, but that's what he's saying here.
That now it's even more serious because now it's a murder as well. So an abortion is a murder.
So the accusation being levied here allegedly is that James and his wife allegedly assisted in a murder as well.
So if you don't believe the word of God that rape should be a death penalty offense, if you don't, then
I suggest that you do align yourself with the word of God because rape is a death penalty offense. But if you don't believe that, then at the very least you believe that murder is a death penalty offense.
And if Pastor James allegedly encouraged or assisted or pressured a woman to have an abortion because to cover up sex abuse, that is a serious, serious, serious crime that we ought to take very, very seriously.
I don't know if this accusation was actually made, but allegedly according to James, it was.
And that's a very, that's ought to be investigated and diligently inquired about.
Absolutely shocked because this is an outright lie. It never happened. It is a complete fabrication and Hannah Kate Williams is a liar.
Now that is a quite an allegation. He is saying that she's just lying about this, that that's just completely fabricated.
Allegedly, that's what she said. And he's saying, he's alleging that she's a liar about it.
And again, this is serious because again, if you make a false accusation and it's found out that you actually did make a false accusation, the word of God has a very serious penalty for that.
And that's a big problem. That, I mean, the SPC, you know, listen, this is a high point of the SPC convention, in my opinion, these things ought to be diligently inquired about.
There should be a diligent inquisition is the word that it used. I agree. There should be.
This is not small potatoes here. This is not, you know, the Ed Litton smoked a joint one time in his life.
I guess this is not trivial, this is serious. Neither my wife nor I have ever known
Hannah to have been pregnant. Neither my wife nor I were involved in some kind of home abortion. I've been involved in first pro -life ministries and then more recently, the effort to evolve.
You know, it's a real shame that this is all being done publicly because this seems to be like a law court matter and should be an investigation with the law court.
But instead this is being done publicly. And allegedly this is a tweet from Hannah Kate. I mean, I have to say allegedly because I see it here on Twitter, but you know,
I don't know. I mean, who knows what I mean? Twitter, I don't trust Twitter, right? But here's an alleged allegation that's very, very serious done publicly.
And so now Pastor James Kipp Farrar has decided to defend himself publicly as well.
I don't blame him because this is very serious charges here. So the allegations that he's making in this video are likewise very serious.
And so it's like, it's a shame it's being done like this. I mean, this is a law court situation. But I guess it did kind of go through those processes because he's actually talking to a cop, at least allegedly in this video he said he did.
So I don't know. I mean, I don't know what to make of this. Abolish abortion altogether since I've become a
Christian. My wife is on record 23 years as a labor and delivery nurse as a conscientious objector to any procedure which would involve the termination of a pregnancy.
She does not do them. It never happened. Hannah Kate is a liar. That's an allegation. That's quite an allegation.
Why would she lie about this? I have no idea. Are you saying that she lied about her abuse? I don't know if she lied about her abuse or not.
I have no information of her abuse outside of what she has made public. But I do know that Hannah Kate Williams lied about my, my church's, and my family's knowledge of it or involvement with it.
She wasn't mistaken. She lied. She is a liar. Those are some strong words there.
Those are some strong words. And from his perspective, I can see the emotion in his eyes.
There's just no question about it. And, but the thing is like, like I've got to, I've got to put aside the emotions here and get to the facts.
Like he's obviously very upset. You can see it. You can see him. It's almost shaking here. He's like literally shaking.
And so like, but, and you can see like, like obviously this is Hannah Kate allegedly.
She's obviously very upset as well. I mean, she's sitting here crying while this guy's, you know, introducing the bill or what are the resolution or whatever.
A very good resolution, at least in my opinion. So they're both emotional here, right? But the thing is, this is why
God's law is the way it is because we need to set aside that emotion while we're diligently doing our inquisition, our diligent inquisition into the facts of this matter.
We need to be questioning both sides of the story to establish what actually happened here. Because if we go by emotions, we're just going to go by whatever we want to because they're obviously both emotional.
You can look at both of these people and there's emotions on both sides. And so, okay, so both are emotional.
So now how do we judge? Well, if you go, if you go by emotions, you're just going to go by your subjective feelings on who you think was more emotional or who you like more, who believe, who you believe more.
And so, no, no, we have to diligently inquire on these matters. And I, for one, think that that resolution will go, you know, at least a few steps in that right direction to taking this as seriously as it ought to be taken.
We need to diligently inquire onto the situation as far as the accusations, the alleged accusations anyway, and the alleged defense, which is also, this defense here contains allegations in itself, which we need to consider.
The reason that I've waited until now to speak to this is that first, I did report my story to the police in one media outlet.
My church, my state, and denominational leaders were also made aware of this. I assume that that would be sufficient and that I could get on with my life.
But in June 14th of 2021, while serving at the Southern Baptist Convention, at the regular annual meeting of the
Southern Baptist Convention, Hannah tweeted out a tweet that says that the man who helped her in her abortion was outside the city center protesting abortion.
She was referring to me because I'm the one named in the police report for that. Allegedly referring to him. In the thread, many of her followers were begging her to name who it was, but she did not.
In the comments that followed that thread, they even made threats against me. I say all that to say that Hannah has not -
They've made threats against him if he didn't name him. I guess maybe they're just making threats against whoever it was, maybe.
I don't know, that's a little weird. Hinted of her lie, and she's perpetuating it for whatever reason,
I don't know. Well, the next day, Hannah approached Mike Stone, the candidate for president of the Southern Baptist Convention.
I heard about this. When she walked away from the conversation that she had, she immediately fell into tears, claiming that he had accused her of trying to destroy the
SBC. Social media, of course, lit up about that, prompting a response from Mike Stone, who said that he had indeed talked with Hannah, but the conversation had been cordial and friendly enough.
For my part, I believe Pastor Stone. And I apologize to Pastor Stone for not having come out with this earlier, as Hannah may have been more scrutinized more carefully and not permitted a platform with the
SBC. Hannah Kate Williams is a liar. She should not be trusted. And I would counsel anyone who has any interaction with her to be careful to preserve as thorough a record as they can of whatever interaction that you have with her.
Record your conversations, screenshot your messages, save your emails. You might find yourself having to defend yourself against false allegations of something that she wants to dream up.
I'm sorry that we have to be living in an age where this kind of thing goes on. The damage that false allegations like this does to people who actually need to be believed and need to be heard is inestimable.
And for these kinds of things to go on is unheard of. Hannah, if you're listening to me, if you're listening to this, let me urge you in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ to repent, to repent, to confess to what you have done, to confess to the depths of whatever allegations that you have made are false, to come out with it.
So there's a lot of allegations in this video, and obviously I don't know whether to believe them or not.
He's obviously emotional, but again, if we're gonna love our neighbor as ourself, that means we need to love
Hannah Kate as ourselves and also James Kipp Farrar as ourselves.
And this, by the way, doesn't matter if you like either of these people or you believe them or not. You need to treat them according to God's law.
And luckily, there's actually one thing that I know I disagree with James Kipp Farrar about is that thing he said at the end there.
He said something like, it's unheard of. Hold on, let's just go back to that because this is the one thing in this
I know I don't agree with James about. The rest of it is a lot of allegations here. I don't know whether to believe them or not, but there's one thing here.
The damage that false allegations like this does to people who actually need to be believed and need to be heard is inestimable.
And for these kinds of things to go on is unheard of. For these kinds of things to go on is unheard of.
I disagree with that. It's not unheard of. And I think that we need to recognize that God knew that there would be sex abusers in the future, that there would be people covering up sex abuse, that there would be false allegations of sex abuse.
And so he gave us a system and he gave us a process and he gave us commands in order to get to the bottom of it all.
And we ought to follow that system, that process and those commands as best as we possibly can.
We're not gonna be able to do it perfectly because we're not perfect, we're imperfect. But that's the system that he gave us in order to figure this kind of stuff out.
He gave us laws that say on the evidence of two or more witnesses are matters to be established. We even carry that law over into the
New Testament in the church setting. Let never accept an accusation made against an elder unless it's confirmed by two or three witnesses.
He gave us laws about what to do in the case of sex abuse. It's a death penalty offense. He gave us laws as far as what to do in the case of false allegations and all of this kind of stuff.
And all of that is being alleged in this story here. There's been accusations of rape, coverups, people not testifying properly, false allegations.
There's been so many allegations in this whole process and it's not unheard of.
And so we have to figure this out according to God's principles. And he's given us enough to figure out how to do this as a church, but also as a nation as in the civil governing authorities.
And so this is an important series of videos because the reality is that the allegations are serious.
We ought to take them seriously. The call to transparency is very important and serious.
We ought to take that seriously. But the truth is that there's also a lot of emotions tied up in here with these two.
And we need to understand that yes, emotions are a part of life and we shouldn't disregard them, but obviously everyone here is emotional.
And so what does the scripture say? Does the scripture say go by whose emotions you trust the most? Whose emotions identify with you the most?
Whose emotions speak to you more? No, it doesn't say any of those things. It gives us specific law on how to get to the bottom of matters such as this and how to punish matters such as this, and we ought to follow that.
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. God bless. God bless. God bless.