People Named Jesus

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Not sure if you ever want to name your child, "Jesus," but one thing is for certain: Don't ever call yourself the "Messiah." Mike examines many false teachers who claimed they were the Messiah.


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, �But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.�
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn�t for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we�re called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here�s our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry, my name is Mike Abendroth. I know it�s supposed to be
Abendroth, when you look at it, it looks like Abendroth. If you�re German, abend, like guten abend, good afternoon, good evening, rather, and then roth, r -o -t is red, red evening, abendroth,
I know all that, it�s not abendroth. But you know, when you have a family fight, 50, 60 years ago, probably 80 years ago by now, since I�m already 55 almost, double nickels is almost here, then, you know, you have my side of the family, which was the right side of the argument, said we�re no longer the
Abendroths, we�re the Abneroths, no, we said we�re the Abendroths, so, hard A, Abendroth.
When you say, �Hi, Mr. Abendroth ,� I would say, �Hello ,� if you said, �Morning,
Mr. Hafferhorf.� That was like the weirdest junk mail I ever received, Hafferhorf. I opened it up, and Ed McMahon said
I won a million dollars, and they spelled my name wrong, so I didn�t get the money. In front of me, I have a list of people that claim to be
Jesus. Now, according to the free encyclopedia, these were followers, not of Jesus, but probably of themselves.
In some way, they think to be the reincarnation or incarnation of Jesus, or the second coming of Christ.
So, we just, whether it�s first coming, second coming, it doesn�t really matter. We think we�re
Jesus. So, I�m just going to name a few today. Anne Lee. Yes, Anne Lee, founder of the
Shakers. What do they call Anne Lee, by the way? Annie? Abneroth?
No, they call her Mother. Come on, Mother. The female incarnation of Christ on the earth.
That�s fascinating. How about John Nichols Tome, T -H -O -M, 1799 -1838, a
Cornish tax rebel who claimed to be the savior of the world and the reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and his body was the temple of the
Holy Ghost. I guess until he was killed by the
British in the Battle of Bosenden Wood. I mean, I can�t really make these things up, can
I? Arnold Palmer. I did not know that. I did not know that Arnold Palmer, because I can�t have that drink anymore, sorry.
Arnold Potter, 1804 -1872. He broke off from the
Latter Day Saints. He became Potter Christ. He had died in an attempt to ascend into heaven by jumping off a cliff.
He buried his body later. Isn�t that interesting? I�m going to go up to heaven, write
Acts chapter 1, same way that I� Crazy. All right, what else do we have?
This is a funny one. I�m just going to say it just because it�s going to sound like I�m going to be speaking in tongues. Bahulala, 1817 -1892.
Shiat adopted Babism. Is that what he named his kid?
Oh, man. William W. Davies.
You know, there�s a lot of LDS schismatics, schisms, as Lewis Johnson would say.
The proper pronunciation is schism. Speaking of which, as Lewis Johnson�s book is out,
Romans, Discovering Romans. A. Zondervan, HarperCollins, Mike Apendroth, S.
Lewis Johnson Production. And not in that order. And so if you want to get a great, really devotional yet lots of technical things in it for you scholars,
Discovering Romans, and I think you can get it in eBook as well.
William W. Davies. And he called the kingdom of, leader of Latter -day
Saints schismatic group, called the Kingdom of Heaven. And they were located, so where are you going to locate, if you�re a god, where do you go?
Walla Walla, Washington. They all sound like they�re speaking in tongues to me.
He taught his followers that he was the archangel Michael, who had previously lived as Adam, Abraham, and David.
First kid that was born, he was reincarnated Jesus, second kid that was born, he called him God the Father. I mean, it�s so sad.
Here�s the thing, okay, so there�s always a reason why we do things on No Compromise Radio. It might even be a bad reason, but the reason here is, why don�t you just read
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John? Why don�t you read the book of Revelation? Why don�t you read the epistles and say to yourself, there�s no one like Jesus.
He is worthy of worship. And as I study Jesus, and let�s use the Robert Bowman acronym,
HANZ, H, honor. The way that people gave him honor, and he accepted it, he surely was the son of God, the son of man.
I almost put man and God together. He is a god -man, of course. And he received that honor as God would receive honor.
He received worship as only God should receive worship. Angels appear and John fall down at their feet, and the angels say, get up, don�t worship me.
But when people worship Jesus, he doesn�t say, get up, because that�s the right thing. Kiss the sun lest you perish,
Psalm 2. And so H is honor, A attributes, Jesus Christ on the earth was still fully
God, and therefore he had all the divine attributes, because he was God. Now sometimes he did not exercise all of his prerogatives to such attributes, but he was omniscient, he was omnipotent, he was holy, he was gracious.
And if you think of sovereign, whatever you think of when you think of God, in bodily form dwells the fullness of the
Godhead. And so that would be A, hands, honor, attributes,
N, names, Jesus had the names of God, Lord of Lord, King of kings.
Out of all the lords lording, he�s the Lord. Out of all the kings kinging, he�s the king. Alpha, omega, and I said that on purpose.
First, last, depending on your translation, author or captain, right? But he is
God, he�s the son of man, should make you think of Daniel 7, he�s the son of God.
And so when you think of savior, when you think of messiah, when you think of the anointed one, those are the names of God, H honor,
A attributes, N names, D deeds, only
God could forgive sins, and Jesus forgave sins. That means
Jesus is God. Only God could raise someone from the dead, himself,
Lazarus, little girls, only God could perform miracles and stop a lady�s blood from flowing that had been going on for what does the text say, 12 years, could heal the centurion�s son from far away, could make lepers clean,
Matthew chapter 8, 9, 10, and so Jesus does the deeds that only
God can do. And then S, I think the Bowman book is, I can�t remember who else wrote the book with him, it starts with a
K, I think it sounds European, Eastern European, can�t remember the name of the guy.
And then the S is seat, and so he�s seated at the right hand of God the
Father. So you start to study the Bible, and you think Mark chapter 1 verse 1, that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ, this is the gospel of the son of man, this is good news all about Jesus, and you read
Mark and you�re just impressed, I mean, the fame of Jesus, fame�, in Mark chapter 1, fame�, he�s famous, his fame preceded him, the hearts of the people began to be more and more in awe of Jesus.
I mean, can you imagine somebody who would talk like him, teach like him, heal like him, just the way he carried himself, and they marveled at his words.
And then you come across, after reading, a good dose, I don�t mean like a minute a day, and a one minute
Bible stuff, but you get a good dose of the real Jesus revealed in scripture. And then you study
William W. Davies, or Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Kadia, India, who was claiming to be the awaited mandi, as well as the second coming and likeness of Jesus.
Interesting, a whole new person in Islamic history who was claiming to be both of those at the same time.
Lude Palingbor, I have the resurrected body of Jesus Christ. And the list goes on.
Oh, here�s a good one, 20th century, see, the whole time I was just looking at this stuff in the 18th and 19th century.
So let�s move to the 20th century. My name is Mike Habendroth, No Compromise Radio, our detractors like to call us,
No Comprehension Radio. And we are looking at people that call themselves
Jesus in one way, shape, or form. I don�t mean Jesus, I don�t mean when
I was doing custodial work at Grace Church and I�d have to put the name tags of the students, you know, second graders, on the desks and one kid�s name was
Lord, that�s the dad�s name called, Lord Senior.
20th century, here�s a wild one, John Hugh Smythe, or Smith, Pigot, or P -I -G -O -T -T,
Pigot, as we would say in Nebraska, he had an agape nomite community.
Now agape nomite, law love, we got the law love group, that�s kind of fun, a law love, love law.
I know a lot of people love the law, but how about a law love, how about a love law. And so, reminds me of the time when our neighbor, at the time his name was
Tony, and he lived oh, three houses down the street, he was my son�s friend, and my son�s friend was
Lebanese, and I think he�s in Lebanon now. And we were driving to go to a skate park down I think in Taunton, yes, the
Taunton skate park, what�s it called, I do not know. And anyway, we drove past a church called the
Agape Fellowship. And so Luke, this was probably eight years ago, nine years ago, seven years ago, seems like yesterday, doesn�t it?
And Luke and I were always talking about churches, oh, Unitarian, what�s that mean? Well, it�s not
Trinitarian, not three in one, not the Trinity, not one
God subsisting in three persons. But uni, meaning they don�t believe in the deity of Jesus, and so here�s a whole place dedicated to denying hands, honor, attributes, names, deeds, seat.
And so we would talk about that, universalist, okay, what do they believe? They believe everybody�s in heaven.
And so Luke saw this, and so did Tony, and Luke said, look at Agape Fellowship, and then Tony looked at me, he said, it�s a gape, you idiot.
I was friends with the boys, and they�re all sitting in the back seat, and I said, turned around and looked at Tony, and I said, it�s
Agape, you idiot. And to this day, whenever I see Agape, that�s what we talk about.
This is Agape nomite community, this is love law community, and they recruited 50 young female followers to supplement the aging population.
John took Ruth and Priests as his second wife, and she had three children.
So what do you name your children? Well, me, I named my children
Haley, Luke, Maddie, and Grace. So two out of four biblical names aren�t bad.
They had three children named Glory, Power, and Hallelujah. See? Glory, Power, and Hallelujah.
Now, there�s nothing wrong with naming those kids that, I don�t think, wouldn�t be my preference, but that�s just my preference.
How about Hale Selassie? 1892 to 1975. He didn�t claim to be
Jesus, and disapproved of claims that he was Jesus, according to this account, but the
Rastafari movement, they believed that he was the second coming of Jesus.
So, it was interesting that, according to this list of people claiming to be
Jesus, wiki list, it says, he embodied this when he became the emperor of Ethiopia in 1930, perceived as a confirmation of the return of the
Messiah in the prophetic book of Revelation 5, but is also expected to return a second time to initiate the apocalyptic day as judgment.
He�s also called Jah Ras Tafari, which is often considered to be a lie by Rastafari members.
Okay, so, Revelation chapter 5, verse 5, it�s fascinating when you do go to the book of Revelation and you go to chapter 5, you think about Jesus the
Lamb standing as if he had been slain.
Here it says, �And one of the elders said to me, �Weep no more. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.�
So, see, I just didn�t know that. I taught that at the Worthy is the Lamb conference, and I studied the different commentaries and things like that, and I should have gone to figure out that Haile Selassie, the first, of course, was this person.
I didn�t really know that. Now, some of you are old enough to remember Ernest Norman, and Ernest Norman, he co -founded the
Unarius Academy of Science in 1954, and in his last life, he was
Jesus. He happens to be, when he was on earth, claiming to be Raphael, an archangel, but then, you know, sometimes he said he was also
Confucius, and Mona Lisa, you just make up things now.
Oh, man. How about Krishna Venta? He was named originally by his mom and dad,
Francis Herman Penkovic in San Francisco, but he founded the WKFL, now that was kind of like not
WVNE, 760 AM on the dial, but it�s WKFL, Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, and Love Fountain of the
World, and so when you got the Love Fountains of the World, Colt and Simi Valley, I mean, it starts reminding me of Daryl Dawkins, the 76ers basketball player, who was from,
I think, Lovetron, and he would do special dunks, the
Robozine crying, face defying, chocolate thunder, dunkalicious.
The good thing about this guy, he, just making sure
I get this right, he, Krishna Venta, he claimed he had a whole convoy of rocket ships, and he came from this extinct planet,
Neophrates, Neophrates, and he was killed when some suicide bombers who used to follow him accused him of taking some money and their wives.
You see the theme here? You see the theme here? When they sing a new song in Revelation 5 of the real
Jesus, �Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seal, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priest to our
God, and they shall reign on earth.�
We're in a completely different league with the real Jesus compared to these fakers and phonies and posers and wannabes.
Why does anybody go around saying they're Jesus? Well, the two things that pop into my mind right away, power, money, and the third thing that pops into my mind, probably for a lot of these fakers, is sex and women.
Listen to what the text goes on to say in Revelation 5, �Then I looked, and I heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands, saying with a loud voice, �Worthy is the
Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing.�
And I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea and all that is in them saying to him who sits on the throne and to the
Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever.� And the four living creatures said, �Amen ,� and the elders fell down.
So, that's why I'm not going to go for the World Mission Society Church of God, God the
Mother, Zhang Jizha, I don't go for that. They're referring to this person, this lady as the
New Jerusalem Mother found in Galatians 4. See, I never knew that.
Sung Young Moon, 1920 -2012. His members, unificationists, right?
Sung Young Moon and his wife, Hak Jahan, they are the true parents of all the world and they're the true
Adam and Eve. Remember Marshal Applewhite? Yeah, I remember
Marshal Applewhite. He said, �I, Jesus, Son of God, acknowledge on this date of September 25th -26th,
And then they all try to get into the spaceship, hiding behind the comet
Hale -Bopp, as they all kill themselves. If my memory serves me correctly, they had some funky, put some sheet on top of them.
Maybe that's the coroner that did that. But they had shoes, right? I want to say white Nike shoes with blue washes, with the blue swoop, with the blue Nike thing.
Now, some of you do remember this person, Yahweh Ben -Yahweh, Yahweh Ben -Yahweh.
He was born as Hulan Mitchell Jr., a black nationalist and separatist, and he called himself
God, comma, Son of God, conspiracy to commit murder, and sentenced to 18 years.
All right, is there anybody else on this list that is proving to be no -co worthy?
I mean, the list is really long. Thomas Harrison, Provenzano, David Koresh, you know that name.
There's a guy still alive, lady still alive, 1960 she was born. She must be 54 years old.
Leader of the Great White Brotherhood. She met Yerge Krivongoff, the
Great White Brotherhood founder, and they recognized her as the new Messiah, and later married her in the sect of the role of John the
Baptist subordinate to Sviggum. Okay, we just say these things.
We don't even know what we're talking about. Apollo Quilboilo, okay, he's the appointed son of God, at least that's what he calls himself.
And who else do we have? Okay, last, maybe last, Maurice Clemens, died in 2009, murdered four police officers, started calling himself
Jesus. So theologically, how do
I work through that? Well, it's deception. Well, it is Satan blinding minds.
Could there be some demonic element to it, some mental screw loose, some brain tumor?
I guess it could be a lot of things. Here's what I know, though. There's only one Jesus. And so I'll end the show like I started it.
Take your Bibles and begin to read the book of Mark. Begin to read Matthew, begin to read
Luke, or begin to read John. And you'll all of a sudden see Jesus, let's say, for instance, in Luke 13.
And when Jesus talks about Pilate's mingling blood with the
Galilean sacrifices, and then Jesus responds to them, or the tower at Siloam falls and kills people, and how does
Jesus respond? You'll listen to him tell a parable. You'll watch with your eyes as you read the text, watching the text, of course, with your eyes.
Jesus heals a lady with a disabling spirit. He discusses the narrow door, strived to enter through the narrow door.
For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. You'll see him in the text, we're not going to say read, but weep over Jerusalem.
And you'll just quickly, automatically, with a guarantee, with a money back guarantee, you'll realize that these people that I've been talking about are the biggest shams, the biggest fakers, and their end has proven my point.
And we're going to always have these folks with us. But you mark my words, you study the original, and you will see
Jesus as he's talking about the cost of discipleship in Luke chapter 14. I mean,
I'm just looking at my Bible thinking, how does Jesus do this? I mean, he's just amazing.
And so that will help us as we see frauds and phonies for what they are. So I wouldn't name your kid
Jesus. I wouldn't call yourself Jesus. I would worship Jesus because he made you, he will judge you, and you need him as Savior.
So repent and believe in this risen Savior, Jesus Christ, the only God man.
There's the first Adam, and there's the last Adam. His name is Jesus, and we want to talk about him on No Compromise Radio.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.