How I Use Logos6


A discussion of how I arrived at my current computing set up and how Logos6 fits into my studies and work.


So why is it that I use two different Bible programs?
I use Accordance and I use Logos Well, this would be mainly about Logos, but I sort of need to give you some history to explain.
Why would you have two of Obviously the most high -powered programs.
I mean as I think about it, I figure you've got Bible works. You've got Logos. You've got Accordance You've got
OliveTree as well. I've got OliveTree too, but I got that because I had a Palm device back in the day
I think there's a lot of folks like me who are rather geeky and Have been using computers since computers weren't a whole lot of fun to use.
I mean my first computer Was a compact portable weighed about 45 pounds about the size of a
Singer sewing machine had two 360k floppy disks and no hard drive and a 6 -inch green monitor
So when you've been at this for decades You end up with growing pains and that's what happened to me
I mean, I I got Bible works at version two point something or maybe even earlier than that now that I think about it and right, then something called
Libronics came to my attention the Libronics library system and there were all these neat resources like the
Theological Dictionary the New Testament and eventually the Theological Journals library they were all in Libronics which became over time
Logos and So it wasn't a choice on my part it just happened over time over decades literally and then the other thing that happened was
I got kicked out of the the Windows world by something called Windows Vista. Remember that disaster?
Yeah and so I ended up going to Mac and when I went to Mac I At first, you know
You get the Windows emulator and you're trying to run all your old Windows programs and you eventually discover that native
Mac programs work a lot better and I contacted the Bible works guys, and they said we're never going to Mac and And Right around then
Logos decide to go both directions they sort of saw ahead a little bit better and man those first few those first few
Mac versions were disasters, but Eventually I had to move over from Bible works to Accordance And I still had
Logos and so as a result I I have some resources some expensive resources
I have in both Accordance and in Logos and there will be a lot of times that I will have both programs open and Is that ideal?
Well, no, but I don't know really what I could have done about it without knowing the future basically
Because that's just the way things happen. And so we've we've come to Logos 6 now
And There's all sorts of reviews out there for people who've gone to the classes and learned all the things
I mean, honestly all the big programs we have now Accordance Bible works Logos Even olive tree even though I got an olive tree because I had a palm device, you know, remember those
And now they're trying to go in, you know get in the same area I mean the the resources we have available to us now are absolutely positively
Incredible. It is so exciting to me, especially when I'm doing any type of street ministry or you know
I'm in a mosque someplace around the world You know, I can I can pull up on my on my smartphone
On my Logos library. I can I can pull up In my iPad whatever all sorts of textual information
It's just it's just stuff that wasn't available only ten years ago Is now all over the place.
It's it's just an incredible Leap forward, but man, these are high -powered programs and I will
I will admit to you right now I don't I don't even I can't even begin to claim any kind of level of expertise in all the ins and outs of Logos or any any of the other programs
I Wish I had time to learn all that stuff, but I just don't
I I would like to know more and I know they all make videos available and all that kind of stuff, but You know when you've got my schedule, it's just it's a bit of a challenge be that as it may something happened that really got me wanting to make this quick video about Logos 6 and The last dividing line that I did
I Wanted to explain What happened in the
Bible? Concerning the death of Goliath I Had wanted to explain it
In a preceding program because some of you may recall if especially if you see this down the road
The Newsweek hit piece on the Bible by Kurt Eichenwald That I spent oh,
I don't know three hours minimally responding to on the dividing line and He raised that issue
So I was gonna respond to it and then I started realizing man, this is this is really hard to explain
Even though we're doing video now on the dividing line and stuff. It's It's really hard to explain and it's gonna take a lot of time to put together
I wanted to put together some slides and keynote and stuff like that Well, I decided not to do it and then
Sam Gip Put out a video actually put it out a few weeks ago And I got around to watching
Sam Gip's new King James only video and guess what it was about It was about the exact same issue Obviously from a different perspective than Eichenwald, but still erroneous and so I'm like, all right
I need I need to address this so I sit down and I start trying to work on it and I'm exporting the the
Hebrew and I'm trying to put it in keynote and Man keynote just will not allow me to edit
Hebrew. It just it's just sitting there going. Nope I'm not gonna let you do that. I'm not gonna let you change the color there move this there.
No, no, no No, I'm not even gonna put the cursor in the right place. I ended up having to use text edit on Mac and outline stuff and it worked but That's what
I was sort of reduced to well once people started watching the dividing line hit that and watched it live on Twitter I start getting all these people going.
Uh, did you know there's something in logos about this and you know Finally, I click on it and I'm trying to see how to download the thing and I'm really confused and finally somebody in Twitter says what's part of the base package and I have a whole lot more than the base package and So I fired it up and I'm gonna put it up on the screen now who killed
Goliath and You know first Samuel 17 says David killed Goliath and that's the whole story obviously
Second Samuel 21 19 says Elhenan killed Goliath and first Chronicles 25 says
Elhenan killed Lami Goliath's brother which is right and then you you you go through you can click on next down here and Here's then it uses color, which is what
I wanted to be able to do And gives you first Chronicles 25 and then compares it to 2nd
Samuel 21 19 and Then you bring in the the
Hebrew and you're able to bring in color with it as well And it's explaining all the stuff that I explained on the dividing line
It's it's explaining what? Dittography was that the movement of Weavers beam
Between the two texts between what we believe to be the original accurate text and what you end up with in first Samuel and It only appears twice in second
Samuel did I say first and second Samuel 21 19 and so I covered that and Then you have then it shows this strange
Reduplication that doesn't make a whole lot of sense And then it talks about the direct object marker and how this became
Lami I became Bethlehem it and then Aki becomes the direct object.
So the Goliath becomes direct object of the verb to kill again showed all of this and then you get to the last one and here's all of the here's all of the relevant terms in the proper colors
You know, you've got the object with you know here and here Bethlehemite from here
I mean, it's just really really well done. I was really really impressed and It also is sort of cool that what
I presented I didn't even know about this and you pull this up and voila
Hey, look at that that James White guy actually might know what he's talking about about a couple of things anyways
And so I really appreciated the folks who pointed this out to me and obviously if I had known about it
This is what I would have used I'm not sure how I could have maybe the only thing here is now
I'd have to sit here and go I wonder if I can oh Yeah, I bet you I can oh, yeah
Yeah, there you go, all right see This is a live thing.
What can I say? Made it made a little bit larger because When we're on the dividing line, it makes it easier to see on the video.
So Really cool thing and I'm sure log off six has a bunch of stuff like this in there
That if I had time to watch videos and take classes, I would be able to discover And you might have more time than I do and you might really benefit from this kind of stuff
But there is I will close with the other thing that I really really really like About log off six everybody knew and I got it
Because of this feature, let's say you're reading through 365 days with Spurgeon, okay, and No one was a wordsmith like Charles Haddon Spurgeon, right?
And so I'm into social media these days. I finally got Dragged kicking and screaming
On to Facebook. I've been on Twitter since what? Oh, wait. Oh no, I think July of oh nine something like that and it's a good way to communicate with people and So there are a lot of times.
I want to share something on Twitter or Facebook or something like that is let's say you're reading along here and You See something you want to quote.
So I've already here's here's a here's a section here and I I select it and it says rest
Also in his immutability that sure anchorage amid the troubled sea of life. You have changes every day.
He never changes great stuff Okay, so I'd like to I'd like to tweet that out or put it on Facebook or something.
All right, so What you do is you right -click on it and there's this new feature called visual copy now watch this
Opens up visual copy and what's really cool is it knows this is
Spurgeon It knows this is Spurgeon. Sometimes you have to put I've used this for other things.
Sometimes you have to put an author in It doesn't I don't actually know who the author is and so there won't be pictures and stuff, but then look over here
There's all these different backgrounds and stuff that you can put in Different pictures.
Well, that's a slightly different picture of Spurgeon And then some that don't have pictures down here. But let's let's go.
I like this one. Let's go. Let's go here and So there's what looks like rest also there there's there's a quote so on so forth and then let's let's tweet this one
Okay, so you just hit Twitter and of course I've already set it up to to do its thing and you know the first time you do it you have to link it and you know do all that kind of stuff and so it's gonna put that on my
Twitter feed and There you go and I'm gonna tweak that out and Ta -da and There's there's there's how that works.
So that is really cool and of course the really nice thing it's not just for social media, but you can send these things to proclaim
Church presentation software, which I don't have PowerPoint and keynotes So it it it knows
I don't know if it knows that I have PowerPoint and keynote or if it's just those are just default I don't know but talk about a neat way to Create slides and your presentation straight out of the text you have now
Let me let me just you know point out to you Lagos is my library
Just not because I looked at Lagos and I looked at accordance I looked at this looked at that and made decisions.
It's just the way it developed over time and So I have the last time
I ran a PDF of the bibliography of my Lagos library It was it was closing and on 400 pages long.
I don't even know how many resources I have I Wish I had everything that I have on Kindle in Lagos Because at least when you've got it in Lagos, it's fully searchable.
You'll be able to find what's inside of it and That is a tremendous advantage.
So that's it's my portable library I mean I I have a huge paper library, but the first place
I go is Lagos because that's where you're gonna be able to dig the deepest and Get the most direct and fast
Citations and quotations. So Lagos six is awesome. It's great. I wish
I knew more about it but the reality is it's great stuff and Hopefully that's been helpful to some of you to know a little bit about the background and a little about some of the things