The Sin of Finding God Unlovely | Clip from Salvation in Full Color: Love to God

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What if hell is filled with respectable people who committed just one sin: not finding anything in God lovely? If loving God is the greatest commandment, not loving Him can be one of the greatest sins. Don't just let this be a test. Let it be a prayer, a cry of your heart to God.


One question I think we could ask from the sermon is this if this is the great commandment then what if we were to say
Have we ever considered that the great sin? Might be breaking the great commandment.
So the great sin that calls upon us The greatest expressions of God's everlasting wrath
Would be we have refused to love him We have found him unlovely
When there was no reason, you know, it's a sin against Truth, it's it's a sin against everything.
That's right You know, it's a preferring everything bent and perverted and twisted above a
God who is perfect so what if hell Will be populated by people
Many of them who were very respectable and they only failed to do one thing they failed to treasure
God Well another application from the sermon we we would say is you could use this to stir your heart
So not just to test yourself. I mean we read through this and it's it's very stirring
It's not just you know, he does a good job not to condemn you and say, okay So if you're a
Christian and you do have real love to God, but it's weak Well, you stink, you know, you're so why are you you know?
I've been a Christian for 32 years and I can look at so many aspects of my love to God my return
Of love to him and I think have I even made any progress? So that could be very despair producing, but he doesn't let that happen.
And I think reading that my heart stirred one of the ways
I would apply this to myself is Taking his description his very specific descriptions and we only covered a few of them when he describes love to God Why not use that list as a prayer list
God? Please don't let me be satisfied Today without this expression of love to you like we
God helped me to love you like this I didn't even think of it. But now that I'm aware of it I want that to be a regular and growing part of my
Christian life So using his sub points when he describes love to God using those not just as a test
But as a as a list to plead with God if people can love you this way.
I want to love you that way Yeah, and even to maybe you know to love the
Lord your God with your heart soul mind strength I want to love him more in each of those categories and God helped me to grow in my love in those ways
Yeah, I mean those those ways that are mentioned by God Those are not hoops to jump through to earn his love and then we shouldn't see them as like terrible heavy weights to carry
What if we see it as a kindness that he commands us to do what we now want to do now I do want to love the
Lord How can I do it God? How can I not waste my life? I want I want it to matter.
I Want my efforts to love you to be pleasing because I do love you And so he he sweetly spells out the path and then gives us all we need
Each moment to walk it Well, he ends the sermon with this statement he says in a word
Let the children of God abound more and more in their love to him There is no danger of exceeding where the object is infinitely excellent and glorious To make the fire burn
Oh Remember God has loved you with an everlasting love and with loving kindness.
He has drawn you to himself Jeremiah chapter 31 It is this love of God to us.
He explains that precedes any love we have for him that stirs us to love him back
Well, we hope that you are able to locate the sermon It should be in the notes where you can find it and to read it by Joseph Sewell love to God We really do appreciate being able to interact with you through the comments