Catching Up on the Revolution


Had a pile of articles to catch up with over the weekend since we did a Radio Free Geneva yesterday, including a BLM leader’s open promotion of black supremacy, Seattle’s anti-white rhetoric, and a Christian student kicked out of an allegedly Christian university for observing the obvious. Worldview issues abound as we face the open promotion of Marxist revolution in our streets, schools, corporations, government and, yes, churches. Visit the store at

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Greetings welcome to the dividing line on a Tuesday yesterday We spent over an hour and a half or so on radio free,
Geneva much more interesting theme music for radio free, Geneva, but we we love our normal theme and and I Still feel really badly that Seb Goldswain has recorded this beautiful Music for me to use behind teaching videos.
I haven't done it yet. I we got our green screen Man things tricky to put up and put down.
Well, it's even tricky to put up. But yeah, it's it's a mess But then then
I started looking at programs to use with that thing to record. It's like oh good grief I don't have time to go back to school for a year to do this.
So we'll see what comes of it It's a it's it's pain it really is all these photo video programs are just just ridiculous
You know You you would think someone would put together a program that is actually easy to use and can do lots of cool stuff and it's intuitive but no, it's
Anyhow so we did that yesterday and so there's a
So much stuff to catch up catch up with I mean I don't even know where to start because I'm looking at all the all the stuff that I've put into the
End of the hopper here, and I I don't even know where to start. You have to go all the way back to July 3rd
What's you know, what's what's what's today? So four days ago? How do you how can you even catch up with everything? You you can't keep up with everything that's going on right now.
I mean, there's so much happening that You catch a news article and you know this big huge Protest violence
Another statue falling to the ground stuff and it doesn't even get get covered anymore. It's just sort of like yeah
That's what's happening. And it's it's almost become like all right. That's how things are right now
And I think we've all just recognized they're gonna stay that way to November that's just the way it's gonna be and Just saw
Notification that I can't travel to Chicago Unless I want to sit there for two weeks to a quarantine.
Funny thing is the standard they're using for setting that they themselves cannot pass Literally the numbers that they set they say well,
Arizona has too many new cases per Notice, they don't they don't talk about deaths anymore.
That's irrelevant. It's got to be cases because the death numbers Because It's the the virus runs its course you eventually get what's called hit and that's the herd immunity threshold and once you get there, then the cases start going down and the virus dies and that's how it's supposed to work and we
Have done everything in our power to keep that from happening. So just spread it out as long as you can like to November Yeah, what
November 4th, whenever it is November So anyways, we've got that stuff going on and so Illinois Chicago and the city and then
Illinois as a state Would not be able to travel to Chicago Given their own given their own case load yeah, it's just the insanity continues on and So I couldn't travel not like that's where I want to go anyways, especially on a weekend
No, not interested in I realize it's particular neighborhoods. I I get it but it's spreading out from there and we all saw the horrific video of The the dad that was shot dead in the middle of the street walking his daughter his little daughter saw her daddy shot down in the street and oh, it's just And Then friends of ours close friends of ours up in Nevada arson fires were started in around the town of Minden and Gardnerville and They were evacuating last night start in seven different places with no storms, huh?
Wonder how that happened arson fires up in that area and Last I heard everybody was okay, and they the fires came within half a mile of destroying their homes and there were a lot of homes that were destroyed and there had been threats from Antifa and BLM in that area and Wow So it's just like how do you even know what to go to?
One thing I did want to look at Was from back on July 4th
A Christian college says student who questioned BLM on tik -tok is no longer enrolled after disciplinary process
And so I tweeted out I wanted to see Specifically what this young lady had done and no one could find me the videos
But the stills that I got And it was from tik -tok was she?
Basically said if you have black -on -black violence
Then it's everybody's sort of like ho -hum But if you have a white cop on black person and then she changed the background to burning buildings which is
Exactly, right, of course Which has been proven over and over again every weekend over the past couple of months um
Almost almost all of the shootings and the deaths have been black -on -black violence that's what's going on and Until finally
Recently you have children that you've had children dying in Chicago for years years
Over and over again, I've I've talked on this program years ago kids in bed
Being shot by drive -bys. This has been going on for years
But their names are almost never even mentioned the mainstream media doesn't do anything about it at all
Because it doesn't fit the narrative. It doesn't help to promote The narrative of the left because it's black -on -black violence now if those were
White cops doing the shooting then. Oh, yeah, obviously that then you you send every reporter you have and helicopters and everything else to make sure to cover all of it, but As long as it's black -on -black fun.
I saw a black minister that I could name the name Basically saying that what happened to George Floyd is so much worse
Than the dozens of people dying every weekend From black -on -black violence because he has a position of authority and that makes it worse so you have one man dying that way and That's worse than a hundred being killed by their their own people
You can't reason with that there's there's no reasoning with it It's completely narrative driven and once that narrative gets a deep hold there is no dislodging it well, there is it's called getting saved, but There's no arguing with it because everything gets interpreted in light of that particular narrative and so Hardin Simmons University Evidently got rid of this white young lady for daring to go
Hey, look around. There's there's complete inconsistency Complete inconsistency as to how
These things are handled. She understands correctly and rightly That there is a narrative being pushed that coverage and outrage is
Limited to Particular subjects and to particular actions and it has nothing to do with actual life or Justice or anything like it at all
So what is a allegedly Christian University doing kicking a student out for being wise enough to recognize?
What's going on around her? Well, the purpose obviously is to get the message out.
Don't look around you Don't speak don't use your freedom of speech You don't have freedom of speech anyways, and now what's happening today is well
She's a white girl and that means she's a racist. Anyways, that's Literally where we are and if you want the evidence of that Wow Well here before I get to that one
Dr. Steven Su Hsu I'm assuming the
H I don't I wouldn't even know how to pronounce the H anyways Dr. Fizza Steven Su has been forced out of his role as vice president of research and innovation in Michigan State University after he promoted a 2019 study that found there to be no racial bias in incidents of officer -involved shootings
So you have is and I recall this study a peer -reviewed paper That finds no evidence of racial bias in incidents of officer -involved shootings that that's a fact
The the numbers bear that out but to even mention that as an academic
End of your career. That's it. If you're an academic You simply have to chant the mantra
BLM BLM say it over and over again Ignore the facts ignore the numbers and you'll be alright
Don't say anything truthful. That's where we are. That's literally Where we are right now.
The mob has taken over and It's just a matter of time till they get to all of us there's a lot of us to get to and If we don't start pushing back if we don't start standing up and saying this is immoral, it's wrong
It's evil. At least we have a basis for saying they're using all of our words
They're talking about evils and things like that, but they have no basis in their worldview to defend such
Accusations they can't it's just their personal opinion. It's what the state says Well, it's what they want the state to say and they're forcing the state to say so but they have no they have no meaningful way of defending this and And Conservatives who have abandoned the
Christian worldview likewise don't have any meaningful basis other than well It's just how we've always done things. So we're the ones that can actually push back and say hey you want sanity again?
you had borrowed sanity from us for a long time and Then you started going, you know
It would be a little bit more fun not to have these strictures and the morality and you know that kind of stuff.
So let's Let's go ahead and start playing around with all this insanity of profaning marriage and boys can be girls and girls can be boys just because they feel like it that day and We've played around all that stuff.
Well now the bets are off. You've got no basis for arguing with what these people are doing Doesn't matter whether you're conservative or not.
You've given up on all that stuff. Hey folks We've got the only light that shines in the darkness We've got the only light that shines in the darkness
We can tell people who they really are The the light from the empty tomb continues to shine today and man, it's getting dark
It is getting very very very dark. So Here here's here's a scholar and It doesn't have anything to do with what he's what he's really doing
But since he dared to say well actually now notice he is a
POC But it's the wrong see He's a person of color, but it's the wrong color he's
Asian and Look folks you want to go to some of the most racist
Anti black countries in the world go to Asia go to China Go to China.
We showed you the video just what two months ago of one of the commercials there in China That played on the deep racial animosity the real racism in China Against blacks
Do you think? simple question here, do you think a black person can go to China and Start their own business and expect to succeed in China today
Do you think they have the freedom under the Chinese system to do that or under the American system to do that? How many black superstars are making 500 million dollars in China?
Where do black superstars make their money in The most racist nation on the earth from what we're being told or probably the least racist nation.
Ah Yeah, hmm. I know I know I'm doomed because that's not the narrative
That's not what you're that that's that so it's about big brother wants a different narrative We have always been been fighting
East Asia or is it Eurasia? We can't keep track anymore, but we've always been fighting the same people
If you haven't read 1984, you didn't get that. But anyway so yesterday,
I think a An article popped up BLM Toronto leader believes white people are subhuman calls them genetic defects
So the black lives matter Toronto co -founder Wrote an article
Yusra Kogali wrote the post on Facebook, I think and I tracked it down.
I Tracked it down. I want you to hear this. I'm gonna move it over here. So them Yeah, I you need we need to understand what's going on.
Okay, we need It's not enjoyable, but we need to be aware of What's around us?
So you sir? Kigali Toronto, Ontario Throughout this the term human is used human humanness.
It's spelled h -u -m x -n -e -s -s Because you don't want to put man in it
Because that would be gender genderly wrong or something Anyways, whiteness is not humanness.
In fact, white skin is subhuman All phenotypes exist in the black family and white people are a genetic defect of blackness
White people have a higher concentration of enzyme inhibitors that suppress melanin production They are genetically deficient because melanin is present at the inception of life
Melanin is directly linked to fertility and the human reproductive system Melanin is directly linked to strong bones.
Melanin is directly linked to the strength of nervous system Melanin is directly linked to the strength of senses such as vision and hearing
Melanin is directly linked to the strength of neural systems affecting capacities like intelligence memory and creativity
Melanin enables black skin to capture light and hold it in its memory mode Which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge
Melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy This is why the indigeneity of all humanity indigenous comes from blackness
We are the first and strongest of all humans and our genetics are the foundation of all humanity
Melanin is essential for the efficient performance of all the body's natural functions.
Therefore White people are recessive genetic defects. This is factual
White people need white supremacy as a mechanism to protect their survival as a people because all they can do is produce themselves
Black people simply through their dominant genes can literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to It is why white supremacy as an imperial system thrives
It tries to control suppresses and destroy our existence in blackness because we are a threat to the genetic annihilation of white people
Do you ever wonder how black people after centuries of colonial violence genocide and destruction? No matter what systems created to make us extinct how we keep coming back.
It is because we are superhumans Ever heard anything like that before?
I have From the white supremacists of the 19th century
That is true racism. That is black racism. That is black supremacy That's black supremacy.
That is the old -style racism the vile Must be condemned by every one kind of racism being promoted by a black woman and of course
Given that one of the top -selling books in our country right now is the absurd the
D 'angelo's white fragility is The kind of book that causes anyone who has ever studied logic to want to gouge their eyes out with rusty nails
It's that bad This woman could not survive cross -examination a meaningful debate for 14 seconds
Before she would be contradicting herself It's one of the there are entire corporations forcing their people to read this book right now
She will tell you that what she what what we just read Which is clearly black racism is not racism at all.
It can't be by definition by definition This is what happens when you tell a people when you tell a people group for enough generations.
You can't be racists You are immune to racism you tell people long enough and You will produce the biggest explosion of it.
You've ever seen Did you hear that Now the reality is most of that stuff was
Absurd on any scientific level whatsoever But today you can't say that look what happened to dr.
Sue Okay, look look what happens when someone within this narrative if you
Push back and say the facts say that's a demonstration. You're a racist if you're silent this demonstration
You're a racist if you walk away. It's demonstration. You're racist. It is an irrational Incomprehensible It is a it is an embarrassment to any adult human being to think in the way that is now being thought in many corporate boardrooms in West in in in the
West that's Just the way it is the reality is
Even from a naturalistic even if you are a naturalist even if even if you are a
Darwinian The amount of melon we all have melanin We all have melanin when
I was when I was 13 14 years old I had a huge amount of melanin
Because this was before we understood how bad it was to be exposed to the Sun all the time and friend of mine went out in July for a couple weeks in a row and Played tennis between noon and three o 'clock in the afternoon in Phoenix I was
I didn't have an ounce fat left on my body and I was dark man as you could possibly be
I've got melanin and Your body produces it and utilizes it in response to what solar radiation exposure to the
Sun Now if you live in Norway you don't need it and from a
Darwinian perspective, it would be a waste of Energy a waste of bodily energy or genetic energy
To produce more of it You don't need it. There's there's insufficient solar radiation
For it to be a an Evolutionary I'm speaking you might want to talk evolution here from an evolutionary perspective.
It would not have a benefit to you So it'd be a waste So all and then this all this stuff about affecting
Capacities like intelligence memory and creativity man. That's that's that's what the Nazis were saying okay, that that's that's
Nazi stuff and then It's memory mode which reveals that blackness converts light into knowledge.
Oh Okay melanin directly communicates with cosmic energy well, actually
Melanin's purpose is to block out Harmful ultraviolet rays actually
That can destroy and cause well skin cancer and everything else But that's not what this is talking about.
This is talking about intelligence and cosmic energy and you've got some woo -woo stuff going on here This is all goofy silliness
But I can guarantee you in the climate we have today. There are way too many people who think it's true and And This is black supremacy.
This is black racism in its fullest expression and yet we live in a day where nope
Can't be that's not what it is. That's just someone, you know expressing The incoherence inconsistency insanity is
Absolutely, right on the surface But this is your co -founder of black lives matter in in Canada in in Toronto, I Didn't see any.
Eh, no, no s We are superhumans I didn't see that so but anyway
Yeah, Yusra Kogali It said K period
Ali, but they gave the full name Kogali K H o g a li in the in the article beautiful young lady, but Really deceived and a racist to the core in the sense of Reprehensible racism in the sense of if a white were a racist like this
They'd want to join the KKK type thing or like what you see in China against blacks
Same type of racism the reprehensible sinful type not the newfangled.
You're racist because you're a certain color type That's that's something very very different and that you're getting in so many different contexts including and I I May have missed that Oh drat there was a
Article and I do have it. I don't have it up, but there was an article that gave some of the material
And I thought I saved that I don't know It's missing. I I thought
I who knows maybe I saved it something at home or something like that. I don't know but it was a
Amazing Series of Screenshots from Where else
Seattle? This is this is one of the center points of the Communist Revolution in the
United States is Seattle Once again sponsored by the government
Basically saying to people you It is the most
Anti well, actually, yeah, here we go. There is some parts of it. There is a article out today by Rod Dreher called the comp of the woke the comp of the woke and Look it up the
American conservative comm has it. I'm sure some others have it as well but he is talking about his experience in having visited a display once about the rise of anti -semitism in Nazi Germany and The fact that it had existed amongst the people in various forms long before the the
Nazis came to power and They just simply played upon it and utilized it toward their own ends
But he points out a tremendous amount of parallel between what happened back then that eventually led to the
Holocaust during World War two and What is being done within our society right now about whites?
Read it for yourself. It's amazing, but Christopher Rufo did
He says the city of Seattle held a training session for white employees called interrupting internalized racial superiority and whiteness
So I did a public records request to find out exactly what this means.
Let's go through it together in this thread and Um Dreier says the things he quotes are jaw -dropping.
This is the city of Seattle local government and their employer Instructing them to hate themselves as white people and to work to make themselves subservient to others not in a humble sense, but rather in a racialized domination and submission sense a couple of clips from the material and Then you've got some screenshots cultivating networks of other white people who are practicing anti -racist accomplice hood
Accomplice hood that was the first time I've ever seen Accomplice hood, but we're coming up with lots of new words these days so you can talk through your struggles in the work of undoing your own whiteness and Showing up as allies and accomplices so you can challenge and support each other so So you you you you need to create a network of other white people
Who are practicing? anti -racist accomplice hood So you can talk through your struggles in the work of undoing your own whiteness that there are people that this is if you're working for the city of Seattle and You're white.
You've got to undo your whiteness. Of course, you never can So that means you always have to be a second -class citizen you always have to be paying
For the sins of your alleged ancestors, even if they aren't your ancestors
Being mindful not to seek affirmation or to get off the hook from white people Who will try to absolve you from any form of racism tell you you're right and tell you that people of color are wrong bad or messed up because no one of color has ever been wrong bad or messed up when we watch that video today of A black father being killed by a black man right in front of his little daughter
Shot through the you know, the guy car pulls up and shoots him dead right there in the street. You watch him die There that's not that's not messed up that that's your fault
Yeah, it's a black man shooting a black man, but it's your fault. It's it's because it's never the fault of the black community
It's never the fault of fatherlessness or any of them. No, none of that stuff. No, that's all irrelevant
None of that can be allowed into the equation at all You can't actually solve this problem because the the the problems cannot be discussed
Yeah, so And let's see letting go of the things we have to give up in order to be accomplices
Such as I accomplices. That's a strange Accomplice hood accomplice is normally a negative term, you know, you you arrest the accomplice in the in the
So what things do you need to give up white man? comfort I'm sure
Colin Kaepernick has given up all comfort to in fact, he's never had comfort because the black man
So he but it's just see the pictures of him with his sports car and his mansion and all yeah
Oh, yeah, he's he's suffering just completely oppressed completely. So I Know I know
Yeah, I'm pretty much done with Disney to comfort any expectations or presumptions of emotional safety
That is either uninterrupted or immediately restored You need to let go at times guaranteed physical safety
Control over other people and over the land relationships with some other white people
Social status niceties from neighbors and colleagues the certainty of your job. It's just the opposite of that If if you actually hold to the old
American way of equality you're gonna lose your job now. That's the reality fitting in all the time
Accepting jobs and promotions and we are not qualified including racial equity jobs and White normative behaviors that only work for us when we're operating as individuals
This is not diversity training. This is white people are evil training
And this is what's what's what's going on? and then there's picture of D 'Angelo
Who also claims non -white people cannot be racist? No amount of facts can possibly change all of that And then we have
Carlos Lozada wrote concerning D 'Angelo's book in D 'Angelo's telling however race relations in America are actually not profoundly complex as she initially puts it but simple and binary
White people should be regarded not as individuals But as an undifferentiated racist collective so like the
Borg Yeah, so like You know the thing about the
Borg normally looked white I Remember, do you remember any black Borg? Remember a Chinese Borg?
I don't remember. Yes. Just look they look they look pretty white So yeah, if you're not a Star Trek person, don't worry about White people should be regarded not as individuals but as an undifferentiated racist collective socialized to fundamentally hate blackness and to institutionalize that prejudice in politics and culture
People of color by contrast are almost entirely powerless and the few with influence do not wield it in the service of racial justice
People of color rarely emerge as fully formed characters in these pages except to provide Opportunities for white
Americans to engage in an authentic exploration of racial realities that is to help them know when they are doing better white skin bad non white skin good, that's
That's that's what you get and unfortunately that book has been on the bestseller list for the past 14 weeks
Corporations requiring employees to read it and In fact the the numbers two three and four books are white fragility
How to be an anti -racist by Kendi and stamp from the beginning also by Kendi Now Kendi is even worse
It's been a national bestseller for nine weeks now Kendi argues that if the outcome within the social group is not racially balanced then that group is racist
It can't be and it can't have anything and folks. This is where it's a tune -in tune back in here for a second
It can't have anything to a sin This is this is a Marxist world. It's a
Marxist worldview and All the categories that you and I use of sin
Sin is a disgrace to any people is what the scriptures tells us right blesses a nation whose
God is the Lord but sin is a disgrace to any people and So you can't talk about fatherlessness.
You can't talk about over 70 % Fatherlessness within the community you you cannot talk about sexual morality.
You cannot talk about abortion You cannot talk about any of those things that they are totally off the table instead
If The outcome within a social group is not racially balanced as if None of those other things impact anything.
We all know every study that's ever been done If you stay in school
If you don't have kids before you graduate and get a job and get married if you marry and stay married
If you raise your kids in that household the outcomes
Are completely different than if you don't do those things. It doesn't matter what color you are
It doesn't matter what color you are. Those are the facts That's the reality but that reality will not help you to destroy the
United States of America and Western culture as a whole So we ignore that that's what if you cared about lives if you cared about truth
Those would be the things you'd be focused upon you would be doing things you would be destroying the governmental
Interferences that since the 1960s have destroyed the black family you would be rebuilding the black family
You would be Encouraging fidelity in marriage you would be encouraging the conclusion of education
You would be bringing social shame upon the utilization of alcohol and drugs within the community you would be shaming
Planned Parenthood for particularly targeting the murder of Unborn black babies that they have purposefully helped to create so as to make their own money because of the promotion of promiscuity within the community
You would be doing everything differently than what we're doing We're doing it completely backwards because we've got the wrong world with worldview.
We've got a worldview That is for people who don't live in this world, which is
God's world. So you want to destroy lives? This is how you're gonna do it
Who is suffering? since The Floyd incident who's suffering
How many how many white people have been killed in comparison to how many black people and which lives matter?
worldview worldview But Kendi this Kendi writes
Well Dreher just points out in passing presumably he would not apply this crude metric the National Basketball Association or the
National Football League Which gives the whole game away? That's true. Kendi writes quote the only remedy to racist discrimination is anti -racist discrimination
The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination
That is the recipe for the destruction of a nation through racial war and It's that he has the number three and four best -selling books on Amazon right now on this subject
That's insanity. It's evil. It is as evil as the day is long.
It will result in Tremendous damage and many lives lost
But that's what he's teaching listen to it again, the only remedy to racist discrimination is anti -racist discrimination,
I thought discrimination was wrong No, it's not. It's what kind see
The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination That's an anti -christian understanding
Do we understand this? this is this is why our culture up to this point in time and said no because there was still enough of the influence of the
Sermon on the Mount left For this kind of thing to not be able to function to not come into into into our situation
But not anymore so the only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination
The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination. There's a
Couple years ago Some people got together in Atlanta and Had a conference and One of the things we said over and over again and I said over and over again is one of those people
There's no redemption within the woke Church there's no endgame to this and There it is.
Listen to this the only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination. It just keeps going
It just keeps going. It's amazing
Kendi also demands ready for this folks Also demands a constitutional amendment
To establish a politically unaccountable government agency the Department of anti -racism the
DOA The DOA would be responsible for pre -clearing all local state and federal public policies to ensure they won't yield racial inequity
Monitor those policies investigate private racist policies when racial inequity surfaces and Monitor public officials for expressions of racist ideas
Remember, this is their definition of racist, which means if you're a white person and you're thinking you're thinking as a racist
The DOA would be empowered with disciplinary tools to wield over and against Policymakers and public officials who do not voluntarily change their racist policies and ideas the last few leaders of the
Kremlin are smiling in their graves Smiling in their graves
That their successors are now number three and four on the Amazon on Amazon list amazing and again racial inequity, so I suppose what that means is if Steph Curry Drops 35
Does that mean some white guy and the other team has to drop 35 too or someone's gonna take it out and shot?
We have to have equity But we all know what equity actually means
It doesn't mean that doesn't mean that Wow, there's just there's the
In his 4th of July address via Twitter Joe Biden said or whoever writes for Joe Biden The one thing we do know is that when
Trump tweets, it's Trump tweeting And The other thing we know is that when
Joe Biden's tweeting that ain't Joe Biden tweeting So that's those those are some certainties we can have right now
Joe Biden said that we can tear systemic racism out by the roots According to the new progressive dogma systemic racism is what you have when a system even if it appears to be race -neutral results in outcomes that disadvantage non -white people
You remember nothing else can be figured in nothing else can be figured in That is even if you cannot identify a specific cause of racism a system should be understood as racist if black people do not thrive in it
So if black educational achievement is disproportionately low that's evidence of systemic racism Black men are disproportionately represented in violent crime statistics systemic racism
Society made them do it fix the structures of society and you eliminate racism Christian are you listening?
What is missing in all of this any understanding of man as the image bearer of God?
Holding responsibility before God for his actions. It's all about systems.
It has nothing to do about individuals and so when you see The hard -working minority of any color
Asian Hispanic black That succeeds by refusing to follow after worldly things
They they sacrifice they don't have kids until they get married They get their education and they do well here.
They do far better here than they could ever do in China They do well here
That's an inequity You can't look and go well that happened because of these things.
No, no, no, no You're not allowed to look at Anthropology, you're not allowed to look at Morality and obedience to simple principles that are really derived from God's law.
No, no No, none of that will ever Function to promote the
Marxist ideals Dreyer says this is
Marxism 101, you know This eliminates individual responsibility reduces complex human beings down to the color of their skin taken to the extreme you get the red terror
Adjudicating people's guilt or innocence based on their class. That's exactly what happened in the red terror under communism
You were guilty by what job you had and what class you were in Not by what you thought did anything of personal responsibility gone.
This is the absolute negation of all of the concepts contained the
Constitution United States Bill of Rights It's a it is an absolute complete and Total revolution and there are many people in our government that are very much
There to promote them. Uh, I just I would just highly recommend to you
That you read this article I retweeted it I well either retweeted or Reposted on Facebook one of the two
It is It will shine some light on on the situation that we are facing and We need to we need to have some light shown upon it
The comp of the woke I don't agree with anything Rod Dreyer says but he often has his finger on the pulse and That is an excellent an excellent article.
And so Did I yeah Mark Lambert had also posted it and I Just happen to see this did did you see the survey that said one in five
Democrats? One one in five Democratic voters believe Biden is suffering from dementia
They're still gonna vote for him though. That's that's the thing. They're still gonna vote for him and they would say we don't have any choices
The scenario is very easy to understand where the chief of staff says I'm sorry,
I use your mic on yes My mics, okay I know I got to turn this on to the chief of staff simply says
I'm sorry The president is taking a nap at the moment. What would you like me to decide? Yes Yes, and that's the guy that's gonna be in charge of it all.
Oh, it's not to be a guy It's gonna be a cabal of radical leftists
You bet that's exactly what's coming that's exactly what's coming it is it is absolutely an
Astonishing thing so check that out. Check that out now Dear fellow
Christians, I Hold on a second.
I need to get a nice cold drink of water before this one.
I Understand Those of you who have been
Saying on social media look You've got to stop saying that the church is being persecuted
We're not receiving anything like what they're receiving in other places. Well, if other places means
North Korea Yeah, we haven't gotten there yet But North Korea didn't just pop into that either
There was a process that led To the fact that North Korea is which is is spiritually and Physically one of the darkest places on the planet
It's physically one of the darkest place on the planet because they don't have enough electricity to have lights at night So it's a it's a bad place
And that's where we're headed If you keep listening to the leftists, we're we'll end up in the same situation
But I'm seeing all these people saying look look look look look look look like You know when when the government says not to sing they're just trying to help us save our own lives
That's not what they're doing. That's not what they're doing the the numbers demonstrate that's not what
I mean just simply an objective look at the Deaths look look at the death numbers.
Look look at the chart Happened in Italy Israel It's happening here down down down down down down down down down down down right
That's not gonna help keep the narrative going of the panic panic panic panic through November. That's what they need.
That's they want That's what they're extending these things out. And even the conservative states have given in they the the governor's have cowed to the pressure and I'm not gonna get into that right now but I hope
I live long enough to see someday if if Anyone has the freedom to do it to see the books that will come out that will document the monetary and political corruption that has defined the response to kovat 19
I I Don't think anyone will ever be able to actually go back and really determine causes of death and things like that The numbers have been padded horrifically horrifically
But that issue aside If you are there is a there is a level of naivete
Amongst a lot of Christians when it comes to the government when it comes to government interference in the church and Part of it.
I've talked about this before but part of it is just simply the way we were raised There are a lot of people
That have a real tight connection between Waving the flag and Waving the
Bible as if it's doing the same thing and it's not doing the same thing And so when that government starts going well, we need you we are going to tell you these are things you cannot do
So California Christians, you cannot sing and worship. That's a that's bad and we'll give you a pseudo scientific
Explanation for why that is the numbers won't back it up. And in fact, yes, you can provide numerous peer -reviewed
Medical journal articles that demonstrate that what we're saying and forcing you to do is completely bogus
But that doesn't matter because we're in charge So don't sing well the reality is
That's just a first step Article July 6th yesterday
China requiring churches to praise communist government and Sing national anthem in order to reopen after lockdown now this is not the underground church this is the compromised church, this is the
Regulated church. This is the church that is acceptable to the state
Here's a quote the church finally reopened after five months 147 days or 21
Sundays the person said but instead of singing hymns to praise God the government required us to raise the national flag and Sing the national anthem praising
Xi Jinping's victory in fighting the epidemic This is completely contrary to our belief.
This is the compromised church this is the allowed church
A pastor of another church said the government required him to attend a conference to study Chinese President Xi Jinping's Response to the coronavirus pandemic and were presented with a 100 -page document on the topic preachers must mainly talk about the state's policies
He said those who disobey will be arrested Another pastor stated his belief that the government seeks to make all people believe in communism only to synthesize
Christianity he says so these Government church called three self churches three self churches should follow the path of house churches
He added and hold meetings in secret to avoid being controlled by the CCP and save their pure faith
Might be a little late to be going that direction But here's the point On what logical basis are you assuming
That the leftists in our country Who are destroying our past destroying any memories of our past Destroying any connections of their past who clearly detest the
Constitution United States Consider it an impediment and are doing everything in their power to destroy it through the courts
Through who they're electing Why do you think for a second
That these people once they have control of the reins of government and that's what they are intending to do in November They will burn this country down to get control
Because once they have the presidency the Senate and the house They can pass anything they want and They've said they have
Straight you can document they have said they will pack the
Supreme Court so the Supreme the Constitution will no longer be the the
Second Amendment First Amendment all those things will become irrelevant. They have Openly said we will do this
We will get rid of the constitutional form of government Will pack the Supreme Court they will interpret it as a living document
We will take away your freedom of speech will take away your freedom to defend yourself. That's gonna be fun given what's been going on That's gonna result in violence in the streets but we will do this we will fundamentally change this nation and We will change it into what who do you think there?
Who do you think is bankrolling this stuff? the CCP CCP We will simply become
CCP East. Well, it sort of depends on how you look at the globe Which direction is closer, you know, but yeah
CCP East That's what you this is what you're voting for. This is what you want. That's where you're going
How do you think the church is going to fare? When the you know, the
Supreme Court just fundamentally enacted the Equity Act The Equality Act But then once they they'll pass it and make it even worse and even stronger
We will be looking at the only Sound believing churches that we left will be house churches
We want to be able to have buildings You won't be able to have seminaries that that is that is our future on this track and There are many
Christians who are helping to bring that about Out of pure naivete and foolishness
Pure naivete and foolishness. So I hear you and I just go what are you thinking?
Where did your biblical anthropology all of a sudden go? Have you read Romans 1 recent? How about Romans 1 2 & 3?
Let's put them all together So we get the full bad news about mankind understand
This is what sinners are like and then you concentrate them together and then let them embrace a worldview where they are simply accidents
Concentrate their sinfulness together and what do you get you get North Korea you get
China you get you get what's happening to Christians there and We want to just keep marching that direction as Christians, right?
Because that's what I'm hearing people saying and I'm like We'll keep the bed warm for you in the gulag, you know, and when you get there, we'll we'll have a nice chat about all this
One other thing here This just popped up and I haven't seen many people talking about it.
Did you see this? Cuz see if I put stuff on my screen here Rich can see it.
And so sometimes if I want to surprise rich I have to keep people to keep stuff on this screen
Or if I want to fool him I put stuff on this screen and then I have the real stuff over here It all depends on whether I just want to completely freak him out
I Almost started the program today. It's saying, you know greetings welcome to the dividing line
James White along with along with the one of the most famous Patrons of French art and culture
A man that Paris is begging to come back home Rich Pierre, Rich Pierre is on the other side of the
Glass there, but I didn't didn't know if I didn't want to have my microphone cut off quite that early during the program
It's a little bit late now. Anyways, so that's okay. You should see the list of tags. I've got from this program.
Okay, good Great. We'll put Rich Pierre and Paris in there too, and we'll be we'll be good but this
Mmm This is actually dated January 20th But it somehow popped into my into my feed
Read Martin Luther King jr.'s advice to a closeted teen and so There was
There was a Okay We thought we we'd look at some advice he gave a closeted teen in the
January 1958 issue of ebony magazine Despite treating the advice seekers homosexuality as a mental illness
Obviously this advice from Martin Luther King jr. Was very much a product of his time He still offers compassion during a time when many saw homosexuality as a crime and a grave sin.
So how many of And I've had conversations with people
Where I've attempted to talk about Men of the past and the issue of slavery and so we've we've talked about Jonathan Edwards and We've we've discussed the context in which they lived and things like that and when you say well
You're not just simply excusing Their involvement by saying well, it's just the way it was at the time, but you are recognizing the centrality of That structure in that day.
It's like no, no Basically get rid of all of them, you know pull down their statues and Get rid of all of them.
It doesn't matter what the context was. Well, are you consistent? Are you consistent because here's what
Martin Luther King said To a closeted teen Here's what the boy said my problem is different for the ones most people have
I am a boy But I feel about boys the way I ought to feel about girls. I don't want my parents to know about me
What can I do? Is there any place where I can go for help? Martin Luther King jr.'s
response. Your problem is not at all an uncommon one However, it does require careful attention the type of feelings you have toward boys is probably not an innate tendency
But something that has been culturally acquired your reasons for adopting this habit have now been consciously suppressed or unconsciously repressed
Therefore it is necessary to deal with this problem by getting back to some of the experiences and circumstances That led to the habit in order to do this
I would suggest you see a good psychiatrist who can assist you and bring to the forefront of conscience all of those
Experiences and circumstances that led to the habit You are already on the right road toward a solution since you honestly recognize the problem and have a desire to solve it end quote now
The only way for the pro for the LGBTQ people To handle this and say is to say he was a man of his time
But you won't do that with people 160 years earlier Nope, they won't.
Oh, yeah black lives matter their whole thing LGBTQ all over the place. Yeah So does he get canceled now too do you do you pull do you pull down his statues?
Change the name of the streets. Yeah. All right. Are you gonna do that? No, you won't you won't be consistent because it has nothing to do with consistency
It has to do with promoting the political perspective It's where we are that's where we are
Absolutely, positively amazing. So good on everyone, by the way in California who yesterday
Were singing praises to the Lord Good on all of you.
Keep it up. Keep doing it I Think what what needs to happen is
If they're gonna send the police in then you need to make those officers. Look at what they're doing
Are you really going to come in here and are you are you really going to stop this service?
Especially Sure, make the arguments from the science and demonstrate that that they're lying through their teeth that that's actually rather easily done
The documentation is rather widely available but Then just look them in the eye and say guys
We're all gonna stand before a much greater judge someday Are you really willing to do this?
Are you really gonna go here? There? There aren't enough. I I'm just hoping that You've got to take the high ground.
You guys start pushing back They've got they've got the media in their pocket Everybody thinks that this is
Everybody it's not everybody It's a small percentage of people but it's being magnified and amplified a thousand times and For the sake of our children and our grandchildren for the sake of Christ Church Communism is the greatest enemy
Communism will kill Communism killed between 120 and 150 million people in the last century.
Are we really gonna give it a second shot? To see if it can beat its record this century Is where we really do that because you know, the revolution didn't start till you know
Mid mid teens, so we're only a few years past So they have pretty much same amount of the next century to be working on it
We want to give them the opportunity to beat that record. Is that we're gonna go to say the communism is opposed to the gospel is
To say something that's really really obvious. And so what are we gonna do?
Do you just do you just Go along because you've been deceived Let's wake up folks wake up wake up think about it.
Okay. All right caught up on the craziness Spent yesterday primarily in the text didn't have much of an opportunity doing that today today was application of Christian worldview issues
And one of the biggest applications of Christian worldview issues I think one of the main reasons the church has struggled in response.
This is we do not have a biblical anthropology We do not have a biblical doctrine of man. We have a humanistic doctrine of man
That's what Charles Finney gave us blame Finney for that. That's where it came from.
That's where the problem is We do not have a serious biblical anthropology
Because if you understand a biblical anthropology, then you'll see why
These forms of Anarchy amongst man That do not take seriously either the value of man as being made in the image of God the
Responsibility of man that comes from that or the depth of man's depravity and sin when you don't have an understanding of those things
You will gravitate towards systems of government that will fundamentally suppress mankind's life
Seem to remember someone who said I came they might have life might have it more abundantly. Yeah following following him will do that but you
You don't get that when you rebel against him, so anyway, there you go
Little bit of something for everybody on that front. I really wish somebody would by the way
What was this oh, that's right, I wish what was the name again
Hardin Simmons University But I was way boys back here
I Would like to find out from Hardin Simmons University Exactly Because because they're you know, the president comes on in his polo shirt, which is what all university presidents have to wear now, but Comes on his polo shirt and he's talking about how disappointed we were in one of our students
And I'd like to find out for this Christian University So what you're saying is you dis you you discourage your students from observing?
hypocrisy on the national level and in fact, that's disappointing to you when they express that is that Am I missing something?
I I'd really because if there was some terrible obvious if there was some type of expression of racism on her part like we just read from the co -founder of the
BLM Toronto on Ontario which everyone it was up in Canada Okay that okay.
I get it but if all it was was observing that the media and culture yawns
About black on black death, but white on black death by a cop just results in cities burning down that happens to be a fact
You you kick your students out for factuality I'd like to know I'd like to get this this concern to me because this is basically saying to Christian young people
Shut up Be afraid be afraid Everybody else something tells me if the students at that University promoted
BLM they'd be Well, you want some time off in class great you want to go protest great
Yeah extra credit, but if you dare have Meaningfully Christian thoughts about this subject that are consistent with biblical revelation
You're out of here. I Just like to know because you know people are always asking well, you know Where can you go for a
Christian education and if you're advertising yourself as a Christian University? Maybe you might want to protect
Christian students Be interesting to know so I'd be interested in finding out a little bit more about that.
Ashley Brock was her name Ashley Brock, so then he knows a but I would like to contact me.
Let me know what the whole story about that was I think Hardin Simmons University needs to be very straightforward as to why this happened and I think the rest of the
Christian students in that University would like to know where they stand to As to how they're supposed to see these things.
So yeah, anyway, okay, so Lord willing on Oh on Friday We're going to be recording another sweater vest dialogue.
Now, here's the problem Sunday the predicted high in the
Phoenix area is between 115 and 116 degrees Fahrenheit That's not anywhere near the record but it's toasty, it's toasty and so I Just want everyone understand how?
Willing I am to sacrifice for the continuation of this discussion now This air conditioner couldn't get it down not once that I'm Let's just hope it doesn't freeze up again like it did once before when it was about 116 degrees outside No, I won't have it any cooler than it is now
But I do have my sweater vest near the room and we'll survive we'll get it through but we'll be recording that on on Friday and Something tells me some of the recent events up there in Moscow.
Well might sneak in Because the subject that we will be addressing but we'll be doing that on Friday.
So be watching Hopefully early next week midweek for that that release and being that dropping as well