It's Not Selfish to Celebrate Thanksgiving in 2020

AD Robles iconAD Robles

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Well, I wanted to just say a few words for Thanksgiving today.
It's Thanksgiving morning. I got my son here. And I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who watches this channel, everyone who comments and shares, and especially those of you who support me on Patreon.
It means a lot to my family. There's no question about it. And I'm very grateful for it. And all of that kind of thing.
Marcus Pittman, if you ever follow him, he's very fond of saying that the best story wins.
And I thought I knew what that meant before, but I don't think I ever knew what it really meant until this year, 2020.
The reality is that we are inundated every day, online, on TV, in the public square.
We are inundated with stories and narratives, and most of them are completely wrong.
And many of them are completely upside down. In other words, that they're telling us the opposite of what's real, the opposite of what's true.
And I think as Christians, we need to be aware of the competing storylines that are out there because God wrote us the true story.
God gave us the true story in the scripture and through his people. He told us a story about his people and how he relates to his people and what he expects from his people.
And that's how he presented it. He didn't give us the Bible that was like a step -by -step instruction manual on how to build your
TV or something like that. No, instead, he told us a story about his people with characters that we can relate to, people that existed in history that were similar to us and did the wrong thing or did the right thing and people to look up to, heroes.
And he gave us people, tragedies and stuff like that, like the whole nine yards is in there in a story.
And that's true. And we ought to hold on to those true stories because we have to understand that we're being inundated.
There's an onslaught of fake stories. Like there are people in this world right now in your country, neighbors probably, that think that if you celebrate
Thanksgiving this year, that you're evil. And they're not just saying that, they're not faking it.
No, they really believe it, that it's selfish, that it's evil, that it's wicked to celebrate
Thanksgiving unto God with your family this year. Like if you're there with your children and your grandparents and your parents and all of that, like that's so selfish, it boggles their mind how you could do that.
That's a fake story that somebody told them. Typically, it's the guy, the
TV person told them that that's true and they believed it. And before you get all high and mighty, just understand that many of us believe fake stories as well.
And so we need to stay grounded. We need to be in that scripture. We need to be grateful to God. And so I was just watching my father, he flew in from Ohio.
That's double selfish. I picked him up at the airport in Boston, triple selfish. And he's spending
Thanksgiving with me and my family, my three children, my littlest one here, and they're playing on the floor with each other.
My father is so blessed because he's got seven grandchildren and his children are believers and they're all somewhat successful in life.
And these are things none of us deserve. Like I think about my own father and I'm like, I'm so grateful I had the dad that I had.
You know, he wasn't perfect, but he was a great father and he allowed me to know how to raise my own children and stuff like that.
And God has helped me to get through 2020 relatively unscathed, you know, and we're grateful for that because I don't deserve any of that.
I'm a sinful man. I'm a sinful person. And then many of you are in that same boat with me.
You don't you don't know why God has been so good to you, but you'll take it, man. You'll be grateful.
You'll thank him. And so we set aside days to thank him. You know, usually that's the Lord's Day, right?
That's Sunday. But we have Thanksgiving in tradition that we set aside time to cook up a huge meal.
We put a lot of effort into it and we bring our families and we we play with them. We hug them. We enjoy their company.
And we thank God for every good thing that he's given us because we don't deserve it.
That's a good and true and righteous story. So don't buy into the fake narrative that what you're doing today, that what we're doing at our house is evil.
It's hating your neighbor. Guys, so many Christians are even putting forward this narrative and it's unbelievable.
Don't believe a fake story, even if the person telling you the fake story is a
Christian or is a pastor or is an evangelical conference speaker. For goodness sake, don't believe the false story.
It's a matter of faith. It's a matter of trusting God over the television person.
And so the next think piece that comes out, should you should your church follow the new covid restriction?
Stop right there. They're about to tell you a fake story, most likely. Believe real stories, be grateful to God for the good things you have.
You don't deserve them. Neither do I. Be thankful to him and demonstrate your thankfulness.
Today is a good day to do it. You know what I mean? Today is a fantastic day to do it. I think about the Mayflower and all of that.
And there's a good chance that parts of that story are not real. They're embellished and they're not real. But it's a relatable story because, you know, these people got to the other side of the ocean, the gigantic ocean, and they get there and they're like, we easily could have died and we're grateful to God for providing for us and helping us get through this journey and our families.
And now we're here on this new earth that we've never known before. And we're going to build it onto the glory of God.
Let's thank him for it. You see, there's an entire there's millions of people out there that are not grateful for the good things that they have.
They are not grateful. They're resentful for the good things that they have. And they're living like it. And you can find them in the public square, those people easily.
Now they're identifying themselves. They're buying a fake narrative. You know, the narrative that they're buying. So you don't buy it.
I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving. What do you think? You're going to have a good Thanksgiving? Yeah, I hope you found this video helpful.