July 2, 2017 God's Unwavering Love by Pastor Josh Sheldon

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July 2, 2017 God’s Unwavering Love Romans 8:35-39 Pastor Josh Sheldon


Now please open your
Bibles to Romans chapter 8. Romans 8.
We'll attend this morning to verses 35 through 39, which is the last verses of this chapter.
And though they are the last verses of this chapter, it's not the last sermon on this chapter.
This is the ninth sermon since we started chapter 8 in this series on Romans.
Began some months ago with chapter 1 verse 1 of course, and my plan is next week to treat you or subject you, as the case may be, to one more sermon on Romans chapter 8 as we're going to go through and summarize what
Paul's been saying about this work of the Holy Spirit. In very few places in Scripture do we get such a concentrated teaching on the work and the person of the
Holy Spirit and how the work of Jesus Christ and the redemption that he bought for us on the cross is then applied to us and carries us through in this life.
So this sermon to finish, going through sequentially next week, will sort of summarize chapter 8 before we move on through the rest of the book of Romans, God willing and with his blessing.
But for this morning, chapter 8 of Romans verses 35 through 39. This is the
Word of God. Ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 12 says that a threefold cord is not easily broken.
And I believe in Romans 8, in these last several verses of this chapter, we have such a cord, but it's a cord not made out of hemp to give us a rope.
It's a cord made out of strands of gold bathed in the blood of our Savior Jesus Christ. The first strand of this threefold cord was a few weeks ago.
It was in verses 31 and 32 of the same chapter. God is for us.
And if God is for us, who can be against us? How do we know God is for us?
How do you know God is for you? Paul answers. He gave his only
Son. Speaking of the cross, God did not spare his own Son for you, for us, for all his elect.
God is for you. Who can be against you? This is the first strand of confidence that we have as we go through life in this fallen world, knowing that God, God Almighty, as proven by the giving of his
Son, is for you. He is for us. There's no greater demonstration of his commitment to his people than that, that he gave his
Son. God is for us. Who can be against us? The second strand was last week, verses 33 and 34, and that's about our justification, this declaration of God that you are justified by faith in his
Son Jesus Christ. Paul asks, who shall bring a charge against God's elect?
It is God who justifies. Who is it who condemns? Is Christ Jesus who died, more than died, was raised from the dead?
And this is the second strand of this threefold cord that we have, binding us to God, giving us confidence and strength in this life.
And what is it? Your justification is sure. Who, on that great day when God calls all humankind before him, and all humankind, as it were, looks up to God the judge, with God the
Son next to him, who would dare to say, your justification was wrong?
You, God, erred. Who would dare? With the
Son of God next to him, he who died and was raised, who would dare to say that one needs yet to be condemned, that your condemnation of him, the
Son, was not full, was not complete? That's the second strand of this threefold cord, that your justification can never be nullified, can never be abrogated by anything, by anyone, because God the
Father declared it based upon the work of God the Son, and therefore it can never be nullified, abrogated, lessened, diminished, or diluted in any way.
That's your second strand of this threefold cord, binding us to God and strengthening us in this walk, in this fallen world.
The third strand, these golden strands bathed in the blood of our Savior, is this morning's passage, verses 35 through 39, and it's another one of Paul's rhetorical questions.
Who or what shall separate us from the love of Christ? Now as before, with Paul's rhetorical questions, if God is for us, who can be against us?
Rhetorical. The answer is no one, nothing. Who shall bring a charge against God's elect?
No one can dare. Who is it? It is God who justifies. Who will condemn? No one.
What can separate you from the love of God, the love of God that is in Christ Jesus?
Well the expected answer is a resounding, no one. No thing, no force, no entity, no concept, nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in His Son Christ Jesus.
Love is an unassailable and indestructible commitment that flows to us from God through His Son.
1 John chapter 4 verses 8 and 16 say plainly that God is love. God is love the same way the scripture says
God is holy, God is righteous, God is just. This is His nature. His nature is love.
And what Paul is saying here, we need to see how important this is. Anything that can break the bond of love between God and His people, between God and you, saint, anything that can damage that bond that God has committed
Himself to, is able to change the very nature of God.
What can separate us from the love of God? We're speaking about the nature, the core person of who
God is. This is a happy sort of verse, isn't it?
Because we know that the answer is nothing can separate us from that love. But I think it goes deeper than just that, than just the emotive response of it.
Though the emotive response to something like this, we say nothing can separate us from the love of God, that's something to be happy about, that's something to rejoice over, is it not?
And yet it goes beyond that. Because anything, anyone, any entity, any force, any power that could change
God's love, God's declared love for those who are in His Son Jesus Christ, is a force, is a power, is an entity, is a thing that can change
God's nature. Such a thing could then make God less holy than He is, less righteous than He is, less just than He is.
It could change the nature of God Himself, and that is absolutely impossible. So see the strength of Paul's question.
What can change it? What can separate us from the love of Christ? Nothing, because nothing can change the nature of God.
That's Paul's point. Nothing can break this bond of love which God has established between Himself and His elect,
His chosen people. Whatever it is that comes at us in this life, the troubles of this life that are brought on by men or by demons, whether it is forces that you can see and determine what they are, or forces unseen because they're from the spiritual side of things, whether you live or die, the love of God stands sure.
What God has done for His people in Jesus Christ, what Christ has done for you by God's will, all flows from an unalterable, unassailable, irreproachable, and overwhelming love of God for those who are in His Son, Jesus Christ.
That's the love we're speaking of this morning. That's the love Paul writes to us in Romans 8, verses 35 and 39, or through 39.
And this love does something. God's love accomplishes something in and through us and for us.
And what is it here that we're looking at here this morning? It sees us through. It brings us through the troubles and the vicissitudes and the trials and the tribulations of this life in this fallen world where all creation is groaning for the redemption to come, and we groan with it for this waiting for the adoption of sons, the redemption of our bodies.
During all this, this unbreakable bond of love that God has for His people who are in Jesus Christ does something.
It accomplishes something. It brings us through. You know, one of Johnny Cash's greatest hits,
A Boy Named Sue, about the father who left his family when the boy, his son, was very, very young, and he named him
Sue because he'd get teased for being Sue, and he'd learn how to fight, and he'd learn to be tough. And years and years later, of course, the son meets the father.
This is just a song. And it has this line when they confront each other, and the father explains why he did it this way.
He said, this world is rough, and if a man's gonna make it, he's gotta be tough. And the very next line is this, and I knew
I wouldn't be there to help y 'all along. Well, I was thinking about that a little bit for reasons
I won't bother to explain, and it dawned on me that the Christian could use that motif a little bit.
We could change it a bit. We could say something like this, this world is fallen, and if a saint's gonna make it, he's gotta be stalwart, and I give you my word,
I'll be there to help you along. God gives His word to help us along, and this is
Paul's point. What can separate us from this help you along love of God that He has for His people?
What can break that bond? The answer, nothing. But if these verses are about anything, they're about this, they're about this life, they're about the trials, the challenges, all these things that come upon us, and God in His love,
His unfailing love, His constant love, His love poured out upon sinners, sees us through it all, brings us to His predetermined conclusion for us.
All these things Paul's been talking about as this chapter 8 of Romans is finished up. The redemption of our bodies, the final adoption of sons, to see
Jesus. The key in these verses really is verse 37.
Verse 37 I'll read in a moment, but it looks two ways really in the middle of these verses.
It looks up to verses 35 and 36, and it looks down to verses 38 and 39. In all these things we are more than conquerors through Him, that's of course
Jesus, through Him who loved us. All these things in verses 35 and 36 are the man -made trials we face, the things due to living in this fallen world.
The stuff that, as it were, men can do or bring upon us, impose upon us.
It looks up to those, and it looks down to the spirit side of things. Verses 38 and 39, the dangers we face from unseen forces, that we're more than conquerors.
It's as much a statement of fact as it is a promise. If you're in Christ, you are now more than a conqueror.
He having conquered the law of sin and death, and we in Him have that same victory.
You are more than conqueror now, and will be more than conqueror. We can make it future. The verbs are not in the future the way they're written in the original, but because of what we spoke of a moment ago, that great day that is yet to come, when
God takes the challenge, who will condemn? Who is it who will say God's justification is invalid?
Then we're more than conquerors as well, as God and those whose faith is in Him, totally vindicated.
The question is, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Who indeed shall separate us from that love?
You heard Conley read just a moment ago, greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.
That was Jesus, of course, speaking the night before He went to the cross. We talk about that sometimes.
Everything that occurred before He said those words, it is finished. As the south side of the cross, before the cross, and that's
Jesus just hours before the cross. Yet before the cross, greater love has no one than this, that someone lays down his life for his friends.
And we on the north side, on the completed side of the cross, after He said it is finished, we join in with the
Apostle Paul. We say, but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
This is a love deeper in depth and commitment beyond anything that we can really imagine.
It's a love proven by commitment, proven by sacrifice, proven by endurance. It's a love that sees us through the tribulations and the troubles that we face in this life.
So who shall separate us from the love of Christ? The word who, in the original, could just as easily be translated as what.
Who, what, can do this? Can troubles? You know, the trouble with troubles is that too often they force our thoughts inward.
They make us so introspective. I mean, James and Peter both write in their letters about the way our faith is burnished and polished by the difficulties that we face.
God sends trials our way to teach us particular lessons that bring us to repent of our particular sins.
That's the loving hand of chastisement. It's God proving that we really are His sons and daughters because He's treating you as children by chastising us.
And it is good to be somewhat introspective and to look for what we did that is bringing this chastisement upon us.
It's good to go to a multitude of counselors to speak to husbands and wives and friends, brothers and sisters in the
Lord, and find reveals so that we can repent and say, Lord, I repent of this and thank you
Father in your chastisement, in your providence, in your sovereignty, bringing these circumstances upon me to force this out and so repent of it.
It is good to look inward if we look inward in that way. But not all trials, not all troubles, not all tribulations that we face are the result of a particular discrete sin.
I mean, back in chapter 8 verse 28, we did this, we preached this a few weeks back. Paul writes that God works all things together for our good.
And Paul means there everything in this world, everything that is wrong, everything that's making us groan for our final redemption.
We're groaning, we're waiting, all these things that happen, we're looking for them to be made right because everything now is wrong.
And in the meantime, they are by God's design conforming us to the image of Christ his Son. So they are good, doesn't mean they're easy, but they are good.
And we can say with a little bit of fatalism, it's just the way things are. You can't always take your trials, the things that are happening that are hard, that are difficult, and say, if I repent of this sin,
God will lift his hand of chastisement, and things will be easy again, or smoother again.
That's just not the case. The trouble with troubles, they make us look inward.
The other trouble with troubles is they can make us doubt God's love. I mean, if I've come to God in prayer, if I've said with the psalmist, search me,
O God, know my heart, try me, and know my thoughts, and I in good conscience can find no particular sin to account for things, then why is this happening?
And we get introspective. We begin to think, well, the only logical conclusion is that God doesn't love me, because no one who loves me would treat me this way, and if God is sovereign, and God is all -powerful, he can make this stop happening.
He can make me happier right now. And so we get introspective. We begin this inner turmoil like that.
Does all this mean that God doesn't love me? It must. If there's no one thing I did to account for this or that, then maybe
God isn't as loving as I've been taught he is. And so sometimes we get to thinking that there's this one -to -one correspondence between an event and something we can tie it to, and here
I'm talking about an event in our life that's difficult, that's not good in that sense, and a particular sin, and we can't always.
It's just not that linear all the time. My apologies to the mathematicians and engineers amongst us, which are several.
It's just not always that straight a line between this thing happening and this thing
I did, this repentance, this forgiveness, and it's all over. It's just not always like that. To look at things happening and to allow them to make us doubt, if even so slightly, that God doesn't love us or love me.
Paul says in Galatians 22, the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me.
To think otherwise is a lie. Paul's question, who can separate us from the love of Christ?
The obvious answer is nothing, and you know where we're going with the rest of this sermon as we go through the tribulations, and trials, and powers, and spirits, and all these other things.
You know where this is going. To think that anything could separate you from the love is a lie, and it's a lie that as soon as we delve into it, as soon as we allow ourselves to touch it, it's like stepping into quicksand, and what does quicksand do?
It just keeps sucking you down further and further, and the more you struggle against it, the more you sink down into it.
Don't go there, because Paul's point is nothing can do this, never doubt this love of God.
So who shall separate us from this love of God that is in Christ Jesus, his Son? Now we can examine some possibilities.
Paul offers seven possibilities, sort of as an opening gambit. So let's ask, shall tribulation, shall tribulation separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus?
Jesus said in John 16 33, in this world you will have tribulation. John 16 33, in the middle, almost dead center of this whole high priestly prayer that Jesus preaches the night before he goes to the cross, he says you will have tribulation, and that in a teaching where if anything is coming out of the
Lord's lips to his disciples, to us, is his love, his love.
No tribulation cannot change God's love. In a prayer that's all about God's love,
Jesus says we will have this tribulation, so that can't do it. Distress, can distress do it?
In 2nd Corinthians 12 10, Paul writes this, for the sake of Christ then I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.
Calamities is that same word used in Romans for distress. For when
I am weak, then I am strong. So if distress is of calamities that come upon us as we seek
God's help, as we go to God, as we go to him as the one to bring us through the calamity, we come out stronger.
So that cannot separate us from the love of God, that's proof of God's love. How about persecution?
Shall persecutions separate us? I mean that's in that same list in 2nd Corinthians 12. Paul was persecuted, he grew even stronger in God's love with the persecution.
Shall famine, nakedness, and danger all found in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 verses 26 and 27, just before what
I was reading a moment ago. The signs of an apostle to go through these deprivations for the sake of the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ, for the sake, can we say, of the love of God in Christ.
How about sword? Well the sword obviously stands for execution. You know you could sooner separate the head of a saint from his shoulders than the love of God from a saint.
Book of Revelation, does not John see the saint who were beheaded for the sake of their testimony of Jesus Christ?
And what are they doing? Are they doubting God's love? Do they say anything like,
God if you would love me you wouldn't have let this happen to me? No, they're praising God. They're praising
God. None of these things that Paul speaks of are accounted for by a particular sin.
It's the dissonance of a fallen world as it encounters something which it cannot understand or comprehend, which is the gospel salvation in the
Lord Jesus Christ. They are the response of sin crushed men against the only answer to their sin, which is repentance, which is faith in Christ.
Now far from proving that God's love has failed, they're evidence of unfailing love.
Open your Bibles, if you would, to John chapter 3. Look at John chapter 3 verse 16, one of the best -known, best -loved, too often misunderstood verses in the entire scripture.
John 3 16, we are all very familiar with this, for God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Well God in his love sent the gospel of his Son to a perishing world, and this should be cause for rejoicing, should it not?
If we preach a message of salvation, if we preach God's free gift of eternal life by faith in his
Son, if the gospel is a power of God for salvation for everyone who believes, to the
Jew first and also to the Greek, for in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith.
As it is written, the righteous shall live by faith. That's a great message, is it not? That's a loving message.
That's a wonderful message. That's a message that God who created all things, who loved the world,
God is love, so he sent his Son to declare the gospel of salvation. Well that should be cause for rejoicing.
Should it not be welcomed? Shouldn't this church, where this gospel is faithfully preached as best we can, but it's faithfully preached, should we not be bulging at the seams with a message like this?
Why instead is the Christian given such a hard time?
We can answer that, just look down a few verses. Look at verse 19, and this is the judgment, the light has come into the world, and the light of course is
Jesus. I am the light of the world, he said. The light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil.
You see, people's hatred for the gospel is matched only by their love for their own sin, and that's why there's tribulation and distress and all the rest.
It's just part of this fallen world, it's the reason that creation itself groans in distress, waiting for this final redemption, and here we are on this world, this inanimate thing, it's groaning, how much more are we?
Why do we groan? We groan because the Bible promises something better, we groan because this world just isn't right, and part of its unrightness are all these things that come upon the church.
Perhaps you personally have encountered these things, churches throughout the world we know have.
So the question is, do these things happen because God does not love? Do any of these things prove that God does not love his people?
No. The answer is a resounding no. Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ. No. They happen because men hate, and what do men hate?
Men hate the gospel because they love their sin, that's what Jesus says. We're in dissonance with this whole world, and the world at dissonance with us.
It's a different view, a different worldview, a different way of analyzing everything that happens.
If you're in Christ, your entire view of everything is almost at every point opposed, if not diametrically opposite to the world at large, and this will bring these things upon you.
For some of us more, for some of us less, but for all of us some. It is man's hatred of conviction.
It is the natural man's enmity aroused against the pure goodness of Christ that brings trouble against those who are purveyors of a message that is generally despised, and that's just part of this world that is wrong.
When sin came in, everything became less than what
God had intended it, and so we groan for that final redemption.
We look forward to what is, and in the meantime, what gets us through. Perhaps we groan just because we know something better is ahead.
Perhaps we groan because these specific things are coming upon us. How do we get through?
The third strand of this threefold cord. God's undying love.
God's right now with you. Love that cannot be separated, cannot be broken, cannot be diminished, cannot be diluted.
Far from separating us from the love of Christ, our trials align us with his people throughout all history.
Think about a Cain hated Abel's better sacrifice. Hagar persecuted
Sarah. Hagar, who brought forth the Son of the Flesh, persecuted Sarah, who would bring forth the Son of Promise.
Esau hated his birthright that promised the coming Savior. Saul hated David, from whom according to the flesh would come
Jesus Christ, our Savior. And in all this, God's love never failed. He stayed true to his promises.
He stayed true to his nature. In our passage,
Paul cites a single verse from Psalm 44. As it is written, for your sake we are being killed all the day long.
We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered. I had Conley read the entire psalm because I think this is one of those cases where though Paul only cites one verse from this longer psalm,
I think he had in mind the whole thing. So I had it all read for you. Paul's looking back through the centuries to show that the hardships we face have always been part and parcel for God's people.
It's just part of the warp and woof of life in Christ. You want to turn there if you would, to Psalm 44.
I believe it was page 470 in your pew Bible. I want to go through this psalm because I think it's an important part of the teaching in Romans 8, 35 to 39.
The psalm is what we call a lament. It's a corporate lament. It alternates between the king of the people as they try to understand why they're in such affliction.
And one of the things that's so encouraging about Psalm 44 is it cannot be tied to a specific historical event in Israel's past.
So it's a general sort of psalm.
It speaks of just the general way of things for God's people. It just sort of is.
And the first three verses there they recall how God had delivered his people in the past. Oh God we have heard with our ears, our fathers have told us what deed you performed in their days in the days of old.
And he goes on to describe the victories that they had. The victories that the father said look what God did for us.
We'll look down at verse 3 and notice what they say. For not by their own sword did they win the land, nor by their own arms, excuse me, nor did their own arms save them, but your right hand and your right arm and the light of your face for you delighted in them.
It sounds a lot like the conquest of Canaan by Joshua. It had been retold again and again.
It had become an article of faith as the fathers told their children and the children told their children. And on it goes until Psalm 44 where they can then say our fathers told us about this.
We've heard this. And more important church, we believe this.
We believe what our fathers told us about what God has done or what God did.
You know there's almost no better place to go when we're bewildered by hardships than to remember what
God has done in the past. The Bible is full of histories of how he has gone ahead of his people and delivered their enemies to them and delivered them from all their calamities.
So go there when we need that encouragement. Go there. Go to the scriptures.
Read what God has done for his people. There find assurance that God's love did not fail them.
And look at Romans 8 35 and say therefore God's love will not fail me because God has done this.
This is what God does. This is his nature. Go there. Go to the scriptures and read what
God has done for his people and be reassured of God's love for you.
Go back to your own short history with Christ. Remember the times he has stood by you.
Remember when you were in a dilemma, you had nowhere to turn, you had no answers, and everything you tried on your own failed.
Remember the times that you opened the scripture and found God's answer and you having fallen on your knees and committing yourself to doing things
God's way were delivered from your trial. Financial, job -related, relations between friends, children with parents, husbands and wives.
We've prayed about all these things in this place and seen God's deliverance. If you're one who's been delivered and you're in a trial now and you're beginning even to slightly think that God's love is not completely for you, stop.
Don't go any further down that road. Read what God has done for his people. Read the history that we have in the scripture and then stop and recall your own history.
Were you not the subject of those prayers? Were you one of the ones who was praying for deliverance of another person? That's fine.
Remember how that person was delivered. And God thinks no less of you if you also are in Jesus Christ.
God's love does not fail. It never has. It's sometimes hard for us to fall back on the past.
It seems so long ago that God moved for us and did this or that for us. Has God forgotten me forever?
Has he forgotten his loving kindness? And no, we say Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
If he loved me then, he loves me now. If he loved you then, he loves you now. God's love will not fail.
Meditate on God's past acts of glory for his people as a whole and for you personally.
And then join God's people confessing your faith, which is verses 4 through 8 of this psalm.
Our history with God means something. It means that we serve a God who is the king of ages, a
God who never slumbers, who never tires, who is an ever -present help in times of trouble.
That's what they start to say in verse 4 there. You are my king, O God. Ordain salvation for Jacob.
Jacob just being another name for Israel. In that context, another name for God's people in all ages.
Look down at verse 8 of the psalm. In God we have boasted continually and we will give thanks to your name.
They say this to a God from whom they seek deliverance, but they don't have that deliverance yet. God's people boast in him and they give him thanks anyway, even during the trial.
They give thanks to him as though they've already been delivered, as if they already have what they need. So what are these people doing someone might ask.
Well, they're praising their God. And the person making the quarry might say, why?
They're in terrible shape. They've got all kinds of problems. They've got tribulations and distresses and persecutions and swords and all kinds of miserable things are happening to them.
How can they praise a God who allows all this? Simple. Because what
God has done in the past gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. Because what
God has done in the past for his people, if not for you or for you personally, is proof positive of this unchanging love of God that sees us through the trials.
Now in the middle of the Psalm verses 9 through 16, there's a litany that's worthy of Romans 835.
I'll go through them quickly. You won't have time to read them. I'm just gonna do it very quickly. But verse 9 speaks of rejection by God and so disgrace before men.
Verse 10 speaks of their defeat before their enemies. Verse 11, they're like sheep for slaughter, which literally means something like sheep to be eaten.
Slaughtered and eaten. There's just no hope. Helpless as lambs being led to death. Verse 12, you sold your people for a trifle.
You were satisfied getting a bargain basement price for it. Just a clearance. Just get us off the shelves.
Verse 13, they are a taunt and a derision. They're being scorned. You can see Paul displayed at the end of a victory parade as prisoners least esteemed of all, worthy only to be teased and taunted.
Verse 14, they're a laughingstock. Sort of like, look what happened to this one who believed in this
God. So they're derided in that way. Have you ever felt the lash of a tongue sharper than yours?
One who makes minced meat out of your faith, leaving you so confused and twisted up that you can't even answer?
Well, you're not alone, and you never were. Verses 15 and 16 of Psalm 44, constant shame and disgrace.
Do you hear there the chords of Romans 8? Paul's saying, yes, this is our experience.
It has always been the lot of God's true children to suffer this way. Does it mean that God's love is not upon you?
May it never be. It's simply the way it has always been for God's faithful children.
I said earlier we can't always tie our current woes to a particular sin. In verses 17 and 22 of the
Psalm, this is made really clear, because in those verses they lay claim to having conducted themselves properly.
They've done nothing, at least nothing they can see, nothing to provoke God's wrath. All this has come upon us, verse 17, though we have not forgotten you, and we have not been false to your covenant.
He goes on to say, if we lifted up our hands to a false God, would you not have known this? And they're really saying, God, you know that we didn't.
God, you know we didn't do these things. Faith, though.
Faith. Those who believe what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 8 .35, nothing can separate us from this love.
Faith faces the trials of life without needing to know the immediate cause. Faith stays true to God even when his ways are inscrutable.
It's a great mistake to think that just because we have the Scripture, we have the complete mind of God.
I mean, Paul does say that we we have the mind of Christ. That means we know his will for us so far as it's been revealed to us in Scripture.
But Scripture is not the full revelation of God himself. It's the full and sufficient and inerrant and infallible revelation of what we should and can know of him.
But let us never think that we're meant to be able to tie this trial to this sin or this calamity to this prophecy with a perfect one -to -one correspondence.
Faith is satisfied that God is sovereign in all things, and that come what may, God is actively working it for a good because he is a good and loving
God. So I took a moment with that in order to make a point.
The fact that there can be found no specific cause or explanation for our tribulation does not negate our
Christian duty of obedience and worship. It's in the Psalm, Psalm 44.
As they continue obediently to worship God, to fall upon him and his grace, to bow down before his sovereignty, so they can say the words that Paul was inspired to quote.
Yet for your sake we are killed all the day long. We're regarded as sheep for the slaughter, and through it all, total faith and reliance on God.
So go back to Romans 8 if you would. You see how life focuses us on the trials of this world?
Verse 38 and then the first part of 39. That's the unseen realm.
That's the spiritual world. That's the other forces that come against us that we know are real, just as real as the physical, but we can't see them.
They're a little harder to discern sometimes. Look what Paul says, neither death nor life, our beginning and our end and everything in between cannot separate us from this love.
Angels nor rulers. Now angels there has to mean fallen angels. They're demons because unfallen angels bring us to and not away from God's love.
And I think rulers is much the same as when Jesus three times calls Satan the ruler of this world.
His wiles and his schemes, his temptations and his malice, all of it is impotent to draw us away from God's love.
Paul speaks of things present nor things to come. What is and what will be.
Proverbs 21 27 verse 1 and James 4 14 both say the same thing.
Do not boast about tomorrow for you do not know what a day may bring. We do know that whatever the day brings we will be under the umbrella of God's love.
So Paul's saying things happening today, right now this moment, whatever they are, and what happens tomorrow, whether they're easier or harder to endure than things now, has no bearing on God's love for you.
Neither height nor depth. This seems to mean the highest heavens and the deepest death. So how far is the furthest star?
No one really knows. If they did, and if you could go to that furthest star, we know something we'd find.
Now scientists don't know this. We know this. If we could go to the furthest star, the highest height, there would be, if you're a child of God, His love for you and His children.
Diminished not the least by the distance. If we could go that far or that deep.
And Paul sort of says, did I forget anything? Here then, nor anything else in all creation.
Sort of like saying, anything else you might think of, because if you can think of it, God created it. And if God created it,
He's sovereign over it. And if He's sovereign over it, it works to His will, and does what
He says it will do, and cannot separate you from the love of Christ. So the conclusion.
The conclusion, nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our
Lord. Back to verse 37.
Know in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. The passage begins at verse 35, and it ends at verse 39 with God's unflagging love.
And here it is in the center, this arrow pointing both ways, Him who loved us. What shall separate us from the love of God?
What shall separate us from the love of God? At the beginning of the end, right there in the middle. Through Him who loved us.
Who is the one who loved us? Who is Him? Clearly it's Christ Jesus who gave Himself for our sins.
It's Christ Jesus the Lord who was spoken of earlier. Who is it who condemns?
It's Christ Jesus who died, and more than that was raised from the dead. There's one in whom if you place your faith in Him, your trust, your reliance in Him, and Him alone, and His cross, and His cross alone.
If you would repent of your sin, and seek forgiveness from Christ based upon what
He did on the cross, and the cross alone, this gospel says you shall be saved.
And this love that I've been preaching about, this love that ends this wonderful chapter 8 of Romans, is then yours.
Because this love of God that He has for His people is the same love that He has for His Son.
I'm not going to repeat it all. We learn this in the Lord's High Priestly Prayer where He speaks of this one -to -one relationship.
So I throw this out for the engineers and mathematicians among us. It is one -to -one in some cases.
God's love for His Son is the same as the love He has for those who are in His Son. This is the gospel.
This is what brings us together here. This is why repentance is efficacious.
It's not just saying, well I'm sorry for my sins, you made me feel bad, and I don't want to feel bad anymore. No. It's the power of God for salvation, for those who will repent.
Him who loved us, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. Speaking of the cross, God did not spare
His Son for me, for you, for us, for any who will repent of their sin, put their faith in Him.
Paul sort of said, anything else you can think of? Anything I forgot in my list cannot do this.
He is Lord over creation. Colossians 1, 16, 17 says that He, speaking of Jesus, created all things and in Him all things hold together or consist in some translations.
Hebrews 1, 3 says He upholds the universe by the word of His power. He's Lord over this world. He's Lord over the spirit world.
He's Lord when we live. He's Lord when we die. Who's going to go to that Lord and do anything about anything
He wants to give to His people, including His love? Nothing.
No one. We're more than conquerors through Him who loved us. That translates a word that could be called something as simple as hyper -conquerors, super -conquerors, not just victorious but in the end hyper -victorious, super - abundantly conquering and victorious.
Nothing will be left out of God's ultimate victory when He remakes everything, when He redeems both creation and us.
Just a few verses before in 31 through 34, the same chapter, Paul wrote about the impossibility of any charge of condemnation having any chance against us on the great day of judgment.
Just as impossible is it for anything in all creation to remove us from this love of God that is in Christ Jesus His Son.
One man put it this way, he said, He is Lord over spiritual powers for He has triumphed over them. That's Colossians 1, 15.
He is Lord over life and death for He was crucified and raised from the dead. He is Lord over things present and things to come for in Him, for it was in Him that God elected us in His love.
That's Ephesians 1, 5. In love He predestined us to be in His Son and it is with Him that we shall enter into God's glory beyond history.
So Ecclesiastes 4, 12 says a threefold cord is not easily broken. We have one here.
A threefold cord, strands of gold bathed in the blood of our Savior that ties us, that connects us, that locks us into God our
Savior and what He has done for us in Christ His Son. Romans 8, 31, 32.
God is for us. So much so that He spared not His own Son. That's first.
Second, our justification is inviolable. God will brook no arguments against His declaration of it, of our justification because it was
His Son's death that provided it. The third strand from this morning, just as sacred, just as solid as the first two, nothing, no thing, no one, no power, no authority, no happenstance, no trauma, no height, no depth, no ruler, nothing, nothing, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
Lord. Amen? Heavenly Father, we give you thanks for this day. We give you thanks,
Father, for your word giving us such wonderful and glorious assurances as this. We thank you,
Father, for your Spirit who confirms these things to us by His constant testimony to us.
We thank you, Father, for the Lord Jesus Christ whom you did not spare, who showered your love upon us.
Now, Father, we pray that we would trust in that, we would go forth in your strength.