That Time Russell Moore Advocated Policies of Death (Unlawful Economic Shutdown)

AD Robles iconAD Robles




All right, well, I just got inside from uh from out outside inside from outside Well, obviously if I got inside I was outside Anyway, I went outside to check on the chickens because it's pretty cold out here today and um
I I was just you know, just just want to check on them see make sure they're doing okay And I noticed that their water was completely frozen
And so I luckily I planned ahead for this and I have one of those water heaters And so today's the first day that i'm using it.
Hopefully it goes very well But I you know, I installed it. I put the new uh water out there and the chickens went right for it
They were obviously very thirsty. So hopefully They weren't without water for too long. I think yesterday they were fine, but we'll see anyway
Um, I wanted to just do a video about about a tweet that I saw from lauren southern Uh, if you don't follow lauren southern, uh, definitely recommend it.
She's very interesting person um pretty smart as well and um So she tweets out this study
That says study shows lockdowns will force 128 million into starvation worldwide and she has a youtube video about it and somebody asked her for the
The uh the citation and she cites this study from oxfam dot org the power of the people against poverty
And the idea here is that um that basically people are going to die of hunger most likely
Because of these shutdowns so the social and economic fallout from the pandemic including mass unemployment
Disruption to food production supplies and declining aid is going to negatively impact uh people that are on the margins people that uh
Rely on the generosity of others for their food people that rely On uh on people giving to poverty programs and stuff like that This is a big problem and this is something that I predicted right
I Predicted this because this is this is not like this is not fear -mongering This is not you know, like trying to get someone to be super scared of something.
That's like not true like Obviously if you shut down entire segments of the economy
The gross domestic product goes down people's disposable income goes down all this kind of stuff
Obviously that's going to have an effect on the poorest people more than it'll have an effect on the richer people
And this is something that I I I predicted Back in march. I found the video where I did it.
It's russell It was a review of russell moore's idiotic article in the new york times
He wrote a he wrote a piece in the new york times that says well you gotta love your neighbor and so we need to take care of our our our elderly and our sickly because Uh, the lives of them are more important than the economy and at the time
I predicted that that was just Essentially telling you to transfer death. It's not gonna it's not gonna avoid death death can't be avoided
But when you shut down entire segments of the economy, you're just changing who dies you're changing it from elderly and sickly to poorer people it's like it's just it's a very
Disturbing way to try to to try to pretend like you care about lives to transfer who dies to the poorest among us
It's an unchristian way to think and it's pretty evil and let me just I want to show you that that this is
Exactly what I predicted and I want to show you how I did this because i'm not a prophet I'm, not
I didn't I didn't consult my crystal ball. I didn't go to a necromancer to tell me what the future held
So I want you to see this and I want to talk about how I was able to predict this Times to have it and I didn't want to do that I don't want to click strange links and stuff like that Somebody sent me by the way
If you notice i'm wearing the exact same clothing, uh in this video that I am right now Which is not that unusual because I actually don't own that many clothes um
It was funny like uh I don't know if you a lot of you guys probably saw that uh That kurt kennedy podcast where he critiqued me and said all kinds of stuff about me
One of the things he was trying to he he he tried to he tried to make fun of me a few times and some of them were pretty good, but one of them was
Uh something about how i'm probably one of those guys that like wants to know where you got your shoes And my brother called me up and he's like dude
If he only knew you man, like you're like the last person on earth that cares about sneakers or shoes and stuff like that I I haven't bought shoes in many many years.
It's just like You should see my shoes man. They're like falling apart. Anyway, whatever Me an article from the website lamb's reign and I was like, dude,
I don't click strange links. Come on, man That's a joke. But anyway, uh, so yeah
I didn't want to read it and then now i'm going to because I want to make up for my Missing the upload yesterday.
So i'm going to Read the russell moore article. I have not read it yet. I heard it's a gem And i'm going to respond to it but essentially what it seems to me like this article is making the uh,
The argument about how the economy is less important than preserving human lives, which i've done a number of videos on this week
I think that's a really stupid argument And i'm just going to come out and say that I think that's a very stupid argument because the economy is part and parcel
Of human life and only a real elitist could make an argument like that because when it comes down to shutting down the economy
It's a big mistake. First of all a huge mistake and it doesn't actually save lives instead
It just transfers the lives that are being ruined essentially destroyed things like that and it does it in the worst possible way because at the end of the day
A guy like me i'm middle class I can survive a few months of the economy shutting down most likely and i'm not saying
I definitely could but I Probably could you know, i've got enough money socked away. I can find something to do
You know, i'm a young guy. I could put myself in harm's way if I needed to you know To make some money things like that Rich people can definitely survive it
You know, I saw a dennis prager video yesterday where he said my life's not being ruined and that's right I mean rich people can survive, you know a tremendous economic downturn
But the people who can't are the poor people the the most vulnerable among us and so if you make an argument like you should shut the economy down because Uh, you know, you're just one or a few extra bucks in your stock portfolio
What they're what they're doing is they're betraying they don't know how poor people actually live. They live paycheck to paycheck they rely on these service industries that have been shut down at the stroke of the pen and They're put at risk and even if you say well americans aren't going to be put at risk because we've got a social
Welfare program and stuff like that. Okay, fine. Granted. Let's just say americans aren't put at risk, which is actually not true
It's it's it's that's bogus but How many countries rely on the american economy being strong?
How many poor countries ethiopia? how many places do we send missionaries that rely on us having the income and the ability and the capacity to do that and Someone down the chain is going to lose their lives because of this economic
Shutdown now, so I was able to predict this, you know exactly and I hadn't done any studies
I hadn't read any studies All I did was apply just a little bit of foresight and thinking to myself, you know
When we shut down the economy, which god's law does not allow us to do the government does not have the authority to shut down commerce
You know in the service industry or movie theaters or stuff like that like that is not in their purview
I said it back in march and i'm still saying it because you cannot show me a scripture That allows the government to do that.
The government is for one thing for one purpose and that is to punish
Evildoers, and so I was thinking to myself Okay, if you shut down entire segments of the economy the segments that you're shutting down are more affecting poorer people
So clearly their lives are more at jeopardy not to mention the fact that if you shut down entire segments of the u .s
Economy that lowers our disposable income which obviously lowers the amount that we can give to other nations
And so I didn't have a study like oxfam international here, but uh oxfam international is trying to put numbers on it
I don't know how accurate these numbers are You know 12 000 people a day 121 million people could be pushed to the brink of starvation
I'm, not saying that these numbers are accurate. What I am saying is this is an obvious result And so I think the question you need to ask yourself is why is russell moore one of your leaders
Who's been hired by the southern baptist convention to be thinking through complex ethical dilemmas?
Why is he just giving you propaganda, right? Why is he just giving you the same propaganda that cnn is giving you that quote unquote quarantine save lives?
No, they don't No, they don't they just transfer who dies and they transfer it on the backs of poor people
And so to save grandma supposedly because let's just be honest The coronavirus pandemic wasn't as serious then as they were saying and it's still not as serious as they're saying
So, uh, you've seen the survival rates for this So so so taking extreme actions is shutting down the entire economy
One of the most extreme things I can think of which by the way trump participated in this So trump is not innocent here.
Trump is not innocent here Just so happens that his opponent joe biden wants to do it even harder. You know what I mean? So so so so why are your evangelical leaders who you've hired because of their complex ethical reasoning saying?
Let's it save lives the same exact thing cnn is saying and the same exact thing. That's actually untrue
Why does russell moore want to decide an engineer who dies from the corona parent coronavirus pandemic as opposed to letting god decide?
Right. Why is that the case? Why is someone who supposedly cares about the oppressed and the and the poor and all this stuff?
Why is he giving you propaganda that's actually going to put the death on the backs of the poor people On the backs of brown people over in africa and stuff like that.
Why is that? That's the question that you need to ask yourself. Why is someone who's again hired for his ethical, you know mastery?
so Simplistic so basic that he doesn't understand thinking even one step ahead guys.
This is how i've done this i'm not a prophet I'm, not a prophet But what I am willing to do is look beyond what
I can see with my own eyes immediately I can look to tomorrow and by the way, this is a biblical requirement
God requires you to think about tomorrow. It's not just hand to mouth here with god's people
We've got to think about tomorrow This is the whole the whole rhythm of the sabbath day, right? Like you had to plan ahead for the sabbath day because you couldn't do any work on the sabbath day
You had to plan ahead for the sabbath year because you couldn't do any work for the sabbath year Like you had to plan ahead in order to be following christ faithfully in order to be obeying his commands and stuff like that And so when we're thinking through Actions that we take today
We should not only be thinking about today But we should also be thinking about our children and our children's children a righteous man leaves an inheritance to his children's children
And so brothers, I certainly hope that you're ready for these unethical evil wicked
Destructive lockdowns that are coming in december and right now. I hope that you're better planned for it today Than you are than you were in march, right?
Because a lot of us were planned in march for this I was one of those people that planned I think I I think I started a little bit too late to plan
But I started way ahead of most people And i'll tell you right now. I went to target yesterday to do some shopping for some toys for my kids for christmas and I looked at the the toilet paper aisle
And it was empty again The toilet paper aisle was completely empty again I sure hope that you planned ahead for that kind of thing
I'm, not talking about stockpiling toilet paper and being panic panic buying stuff What I am talking about is
I hope that you're prepared for the lockdown this time And if you're not the time to start is right now
Look, you can't change the past if you're not prepared for the lockdown already. I hope you are with food with extra uh with extra
Provisions and stuff like that to get through the winter if you if if you couldn't go shopping for the whole winter
I sure hope that you're prepared for for for surviving during that time, right? I'm, not trying to spread panic
But what I am trying to do is get you prepared for other people to panic, right? So so if you're not though today is the day to start doing that today is this day to start planning today
Is the day to start networking with your local community to sort of hey guys, I got your back. You got my back
Well, let's just do this together because there's a there's a winter coming that we don't know what's going to happen because the powers that be are freaking ruthless and russell moore and Al moeller and all these guys they're all part of it man.
They're all part of this zeitgeist They're all saying the same propaganda Why is it that a moron on youtube like myself can predict the evil of the quarantine and the shutdowns the transfer of death?
To the poor people of the shutdowns back in march without any studies without any special knowledge without any hidden I wasn't
I wasn't consulting any mediums or anything like that How was I able to predict this but russell moore was telling you the propaganda that cnn was giving you as well
How this is going to supposedly save lives. No, it's not the shutdown will not save lives
It has not saved lives and it will never save lives All it will do is transfer the death to the poor the very people that god tells you to consider and protect
So why is this so upside down? I don't know the answer for why all I know is that it is russell moore is
Wicked for for spreading the propaganda that the pagan spread And it's propaganda that is upside down It's propaganda that's telling you the government has authorities that it does not have this propaganda that's telling you lies the same exact lies
That that that big media is telling you the the legacy media all that fake news stuff
Every lie that you get from fake news, you will also get from big eva erlc gospel coalition and all those sissies
Stop Consenting to it. Don't you don't have to be a genius to see the future
What you do have to do though is apply god's word and say god, you know what guys? We're not allowed to engineer who dies from this kind of stuff.
We can protect ourselves There's quarantine laws back, uh in in the old testament that we can we can use you know
If you're sick you you you you you quarantine all that kind of stuff you take you're smart about things
But you don't shut down entire segments that the poor people rely on That's stupid guys and more than stupid.
It's actually evil Russell moore when he wrote for the new york times talking about how god does not want us to sacrifice the old for the economy
Just a few extra bucks in your pocket. I urge you to watch this video There's this video that I did in his article because I unpack exactly why it's evil
God doesn't want us to do that guys surprise surprise God doesn't want us to engineer who dies based on I don't know this whatever propaganda msnbc's shoving down your throats that day
Stop following russell moore stop paying him if you're in the sbc insist that you stop paying into this cooperative program
That gives russell moore a humongous budget to spend on salaries and trips for himself. That's enough of that stuff
This is the same thing the pagans do you saw that whole thing about joe biden's cancer initiative? How every dollar went to trips and salaries and not a single dollar went to research.
That's exactly what the erlc does Every dollar goes to salaries and trips and like 10 bucks goes to research.
This is this is the point guys Like you're being bamboozled by the progressives and russell moore is part of it
And all of your favorite evangelical leaders are part of it unless they're obviously not There's a handful of guys that are obviously bucking against the the trend kicking against the go
There's a handful of guys that are doing that but it's a handful Most every one of your favorite authors and bloggers and conference speakers are part of this propaganda machine and i'm freaking sick of it
Anyway I hope you found this video helpful I'm gonna go check on my chickens to make sure that that water is not freezing over and that the heater is working properly