Joel Webbon/AD and Funnyman Joel Berry/Ayn Rand Robots - Polar Opposites

AD Robles iconAD Robles



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Joel Webbin again, and he's been one of their favorite targets. And I got to say, I mean, I used to struggle with envy before I was a believer, but things like this, you know, kind of make that come right back up to the forefront.
I mean, what do I got to do? What do I got to do in order to be clipped by one of these accounts? I think I got to get more popular.
That's the thing. I'm just kind of irrelevant. So that's probably what it is.
But anyway, they clipped him because he, you know, he had a video that came out that essentially defended the death penalty for sodomy as a completely legitimate penalty.
And I mean, obviously I agree. I mean, the Bible is very clear about that. You know, nature is very clear about that.
And up until like two minutes ago, you know, pretty much every civilized society knew that homosexuality was not something that should be tolerated in a civil society, and that the death penalty was a completely legitimate penalty for that kind of behavior.
Anyway, of course they freaked out about that and say, look at this. It's horrible. It's so horrible.
You know, all that kind of stuff. And, you know, a lot of people had their different takes on this.
I got to say, like, I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but Cody and Jacob, man, so, so disappointing.
I used to think that they were, you know, relatively intellectual, like smart people, but they've been putting out these awful, awful takes lately.
Jacob had a great one about Christian music. Maybe you saw it. It was just so stupid. I mean, it, it, anyway, anyway, point is,
Cody here is trying to score some points on, on old AD. He's actually talking about me, which you might think was obvious according to the screenshot, because it includes me.
But you might not know, you might think he's talking about Joel Webben too, but this is actually something that really happened.
Here's what Cody says about it. Cody says, for many in the theonomy camp, this has been a core conviction for years.
They did not talk about it in public and they had a tendency to melt down and stop talking to us when we suggested it should be a public discussion.
Now they seem to think momentum is on their side. Dead. Now, this is a kind of a true story because there's something like this actually happened with me and Cody.
And so a couple of things that are wrong with it, though. I mean, I did a, I did like a 30 second search on my own content to see when was the first time
I talked about criminal penalties for sodomy, which of course include the death penalty.
And the earliest one that I found in a 30 second search was 2019. That's five years ago.
Five years ago, when I guess theoretically momentum wasn't on our side, I was publicly talking about the civil penalties for sodomy and adultery and many other things, right?
And I'll never forget this for my whole life, because Cody did say he wanted to make that public.
And he kind of hinted that I was private about that, which of course I wasn't. It wasn't in 2019 that this happened.
It happened a little later. I had been public about these beliefs pretty much my entire time on YouTube.
And, but so, but what he said was, he said, not that he wanted to have a public discussion about it.
What Cody said, and this is what at a time, I want you to keep this in mind. This is the caliber of people that you're dealing with when you're dealing with Cody Liebolt.
And it sounds like I'm angry and it does make me a little bit angry. I'm totally over it at this point.
And I really don't care. In fact, I have a lot of positive feelings towards Cody as well, but this one really got to me for a while.
It's not that he said he wanted to make a public discussion. It's that he said, I'm going to ruin your reputation by telling everybody about this.
And I remember at the time I said, Cody, that is weird. That is weird,
Cody, for two reasons. One, I'm not private about this. This is public information already.
I'm happy for people to know this. Otherwise, why would I say it publicly? So that that's fine.
You can have a public, you could tell everybody that I believe that the death penalty is completely legitimate for sodomy and adultery and rape and all these kinds of things.
It's fine. But this is, this was a friend of mine. I thought we were friends and he said, you're going to ruin, you're going to try to ruin my reputation?
Like what, what the hell is that? Anyway, so that's how it went down.
And so, so like at a time when Cody and I, I thought we were friends, he told me that he was going to try to ruin my reputation.
So I stopped talking to him. I mean, obviously we're not friends anymore. You know what I mean? You want to destroy me over an opinion that's pretty basic, pretty basic.
And by the way, a public opinion that I've had, you're going to try to destroy me. Yeah, I did stop talking to him. I mean, that's not a friend, obviously, but Cody here tries to make it seem like, oh, we were hiding it.
You know, again, 2019, that's the earliest I found in a 30 second search. I bet you if I searched a little longer,
I could find an earlier one. 2019, we were hiding it, but now momentum's on our side.
So we're public about it here in 2024. These are the kind of guys that Jacob and Cody are.
It's a real sad situation. They, you know, there's, there's, um, I'm just going to say this, you know what
I mean? Like there is something missing inside of these two men. There's something that, that, that they, they don't quite get.
I've heard some people say, well, they're autistic. And it's probably, probably partially true. I don't know that they're autistic, but there is something missing in their brains that, that, that just does not, it's not how you and I think.
And it's not in a good way. They're missing a key. I've seen someone describe them as they're like robots.
And there is an aspect of that. They're like freaking robots. It's like talking to an Android.
That's what it's like, Cody and Jacob. That's how you come off. You come off as robots.
Like you're missing something inside of you, whether it's an emotional light lever or just like a self -awareness lever.
I don't know exactly what it is. I'm not going to say you're autistic, although it does come across that way quite a bit.
And there's nothing wrong with autism. I mean, I know plenty of autistic guys that are very, you know, they're good.
They're good people, but there's just something missing here, man. There's something missing.
And this is the thing, like at the time, we're not friends anymore, obviously. But at the time when we were friends, you said, well,
I'm going to try to ruin your reputation over this. That's what you told me. We're going to ruin your reputation over this. And I guess that that, you know, you've never gotten past that.
And so you're attempting to ruin my reputation the other way to try to pretend, well, I was hiding it before.
And I was very sensitive about it at the time. None of this is true. None of this is true. I've got a policy.
Anything that I say online, I'm fine going viral. I'm fine with it going viral.
You can make it viral. I wouldn't have said it if I wasn't ready to own it. And that, by the way, that included private things.
I tell people all the time, you know, my Signal groups, like there's obviously a lot of OPSEC there.
You know, people don't want screenshots shared. And I said, look, guys, like, look, I'm never going to share a screenshot from here.
But at the end of the day, you guys got to have this policy, man. If you say it in Signal chat, you got to be ready to own it.
You got to be ready to own it because there's so many strange bedfellows out there. There's so many people looking for their five seconds of fame.
Like, you just can't trust anybody. You can't. You can't trust anybody. So if you say in a private
Signal group, just assume it's going to be public and you're going to have to own it. That's just as simple as that. And so anyway, that's that's
Cody Libel. It's just a very disappointing thing. I used to consider Cody, not so much
Jacob. I didn't really know him that well. I didn't have anything against him, but I didn't really know him quite as well. But I knew Cody.
We used to talk every now and then and all that kind of thing. And this is just the way he's framing this.
It's just absolutely pathetic. It's just obviously not true. And obviously, Joel's not been private.
This is the thing. No theonomist has been private that we think sodomy should be criminalized and that the death penalty is a legitimate penalty for something like that.
Everybody gets that. Every theonomist knows that. This is not like some weird secret thing that we're only now because we got momentum like it.
It's unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Anyway, but but the more interesting thing here, now that we've done eight minutes on Cody Libel, listen to that and let us never speak of it again.
The more interesting comment here comes from Joel Barry. Joel Barry, this wasn't very nice. This was not very nice.
Now you just can't leave. Ever seen that movie? That's a good movie. That's a good movie. Now that wasn't very nice.
Now you can't leave. All right, here's Joel Barry. Same screenshot.
Same screenshot. So they're they're they're they're both talking about the same thing. You know, Joel Webbin saying that the death penalty for homosexuality is legitimate.
80 Robles saying so true. It is true. It is. It's obviously true.
By the way, it's impossible to argue that it's impossible to argue that the death penalty is not a legitimate penalty for sodomy because God commanded the
Israelites to give the death penalty for those men who lay with other men, as with a woman.
So once God says it, it's at least legitimate. Now, does it make it smart? Does it make it the right thing to do at every situation and every no matter what the circumstances and every time and every place?
Not necessarily. Not necessarily does not make it the right thing to do in every instance, every case, every time, every period.
No, we could we understand that. But it is legitimate. It is absolutely legitimate.
It's impossible to argue. So me and me and Joel are just kind of commiserating here on the legitimacy of the death penalty for sodomites and Joel Barry, the ever reasonable, the ever.
Why is Joel Barry famous? I you know, I really don't know. Is he the guy from the
Babylon Bee? Is he the Babylon Bee guy? I think I looked up his profile here and yeah, yeah, he is.
He's the managing editor of the Babylon Bee. Okay, cool, cool. He's not, you know, for a funny man, he's not very funny.
Be funny, funny man. Joel Barry, here's what he says. This is not very nice, Joel. He says, these guys will never have power.
They aren't smart, rational, or disciplined enough to successfully lead anything.
All they'll ever be is a useful foil in the growing communist state.
That was not very nice, Joel. And I'm going to respond. I'm going to be nice. But I'm going to respond to each of these points here because,
Joel, I just think you don't get it. That's the thing with you, Joel. I just don't think you're all that sharp.
I really don't. That's the thing. You think we're not smart? Well, you know, right back at you.
I don't think you're very smart either. Here's the thing.
There is an aspect of this that Joel's right. These guys will never have power.
I'm assuming he's talking about Joel and I, right? Joel Webben. And that's true.
That's true. I don't know about Joel. I shouldn't speak for But for me, that's true. And I will never have power.
I don't seek power. A lot of people say that I'm very envious of power. I just want to use authority over people.
And that's just not the case. Anyone who's ever had a private conversation with me about this knows that I do not seek any political power beyond just sort of the normal voting and throwing my influence behind someone or advocating things like that.
That's normal power that we all kind of share to some degree, right? Like, I'm going to try to influence people towards something.
In fact, I've said that many times that the point of my channel is, is to is to empower people to just, you know, you can just say things you can you can support the thing that they say you can't support.
You can just say it. You can just support it. And you can you can do it. You can do it.
So if you think that the clearly says, which it does, that the death penalty is a legitimate penalty for sodomy, you can just say it.
And you don't have to qualify it to death. You could just say it. I'm trying to influence people to to be a little bit more open.
You don't have to hide it. You don't have to nuance it to death. You can just believe things you can just say things.
I'm trying to encourage people in that way. That's what my channel is all about. But I don't seek political office, even a local one.
I don't seek political office. That's not for me. And I don't seek to be a strategist. And that was something that comes up in this post a second.
I'm not much of a strategist. What I'm doing is I'm out there and I'm trying to push the
Overton window a little bit. And I think that my efforts have been helpful in that regard. There are people and I'm not going to name them because I don't want them to to I don't want to think that I'm taking credit for what they've done.
But there are people that I used to tangle with a little bit. And but but they agreed with me, but they were just kind of maybe
I went a little too far with it, stuff like that. Now I know these people and I know that they're saying what
I used to say and they're saying it boldly and not in the same tone as I am, but they're as if it's obvious because it is.
And I like to think in a small way, my my influence was helpful for them. And it wasn't just me.
It was guys like Joel Webbin. It was guys like Eric Kahn. It was guys like Brian. So they like it.
There's a there's a certain there's a certain way that just having the swagger and that's a terrible word, but it's you know, it's it's true.
Having the swagger to just go out there, say something, hear all the pushback and then just smile and laugh and have a great time.
That is very empowering to people. It is. It is. And I'm not of the opinion that 51 percent of the people have to agree with me on a topic in order to get things done.
That's not how it is. It has to be. It could be a small percentage, but just people, you know, just flat out out there saying it boldly, not, you know, not apologizing for it.
That can move the needle, man. And it has it has moved the needle. So he's right. I will never have power.
I do not desire power. Now, they aren't smart or rational or disciplined enough to successfully lead anything.
Now, I'll let the the listener determine whether I'm smart enough.
I am pretty rational about things and I'll let the listener determine if I'm disciplined enough to successfully lead anything.
Now, here's the thing. Again, I'm not trying to lead a political movement, but I'll have you know,
Joel, I'll have you know that I've led things. I've led many things. I've led big things, too.
I led a $20 million recruiting team in New York City, New York City, a very difficult market, a very competitive market.
I was in the Midtown office, you know, and I led a $20 million recruiting team for four or five years.
And then I quit that job to take an unpaid internship in Vermont, a pastoral internship.
I left my 20 million a year business recruiting business. I didn't make $20 million, but I led the team.
It was a publicly traded company. I led the team. And you know, I didn't,
I didn't, I didn't have ownership of the P &L per se, but I was right under the person that did.
So basically, I didn't, I knew about the P &L and I was aware of the different things on it and stuff like that. But I wasn't the one pulling the levers and making the key decisions.
I was the one executing the decisions. So yeah, I have, I have led things.
So I'm obviously smart enough. I'm good enough. I'm enough. But when it comes to political movements,
I think that's what he's talking about. I'll give Joel a little feather in his cap. He is, he's not being as mean as he, as it may appear here.
He's saying I'm not smart enough or rational enough or disciplined enough to lead a political movement. Okay. I'm fine with that because again,
I'm not trying to lead a political movement. I'm an ideas guy. I'm just an ideas guy here, man.
I'm trying to encourage people. I'm an encourager is what I am. I'm an encourager, you know, I'm an encourager.
And you could, you could ask people, I mean, people that have had, you know, people that weren't used to like the feminists coming after them or the, you know, the, the, the anti -racist coming after them and all that.
I've encouraged them publicly. I've encouraged them privately. I've said, look, man, I've been here.
I've been there. The feminists have come after me. The anti -racists have come after me. Here's what I did. Here's what you should do.
Don't worry about it. We got your back. I mean, I've said that phrase, we've got your back so many times publicly and privately at this point.
I'm an encourager, man. I'm trying to build people up. Not every person, certain people, try to build certain people up.
And so I'm not trying to lead a movement. I I've, I've often said to, to people who have asked me about political leadership and stuff like that.
I've often said, I'm not a strategy guy. I I'm not like the one that, you know, how to, you know,
I'm going to craft the perfect strategy or the perfect framing or anything like that. And that's not, that's not me.
I'm one of the crazies that's just saying things, right? He just said it. He just said it. And I'm trying to encourage people that you can just say it too.
It's possible. It's possible. And so, so Joel, Joel here, I mean, there is some truth here.
I will never have power. I'm not going to lead anything. I mean, if he's talking about political movements, that's, that's very true.
That's very true. I'm okay. Being a pawn piece on the board, on the, on the, on the chess board. I'm okay with that.
I'm not a King. I'm not a queen. Why is the queen the most powerful piece of the board?
That that's, that's feminist. I'll tell you that right now. That's feminist right there. Not a queen.
I'm not a queen. I, you're here first. I'm not a queen. I'm not a Bishop, not a
Knight. I'm not a rook. I'm a pawn and I'm okay with that. I'm okay. Maybe I'm a Knight. Can I be a Knight?
I don't know. Tell me what chess piece you think I am in the comment section. Anyway. So, so, so yeah,
I mean, this, this is the thing, like, and I think, I think I can speak for Joel about this.
Like right now he's a pastor and he doesn't have right now political aspirations.
That doesn't mean that he's not going to ever have them. I could see Joel doing something like that one day, but right now he's a pastor.
He doesn't have political aspirations, but what he does have is a very similar kind of mentality where he's trying to encourage the saints of God that you, you can just believe that whole
Bible. You can. And in the scripture, it very clearly puts that, that the idea that sodomy should be criminalized and that the death penalty is completely legitimate as a punishment for, for sodomy.
And of course, you know, we can, we can use our intelligence and we can use natural law to say, okay, well, not every instance of sodomy is the same.
There's going to be extreme cases. There's going to be other kinds of cases and stuff like that. And we, of course we can, we can think through what the penalty should be.
But the death penalty is absolutely legitimate. I mean, the Bible says, so you can just believe it.
And as a pastor, one of his core jobs is to get you to just believe what
God says. When God says it, you can just believe it. You can just believe it.
That is a key thing. And so I think that there's, there's some truth to what Joel's saying, but at the same time,
I just don't think he understands what the role of a pastor is and what the role of a political leader is.
And I think, I think, I think that he reveals that here, Joel, you're just not as smart as you think you are.
You think you're clever. You think you're cute. You're really not that smart because here's what he says next.
He says, that is me speaking as a strategist speaking as a
Christian. However, the law of the Lord is perfect. Jesus fulfilled the law. The message homosexuals should hear from Christians is not that their choices are quote, detrimental to society, true as that may be.
Instead, the message they need to hear is that homosexuality is a sin of the flesh that Jesus died to save them from, that they should repent and that in Christ, they can have victory over the flesh.
Joel, you're just not that sharp. You're really not. These are, these are, this is a very basic thing.
This is, this is, this, these are your, your, your mixing categories here, because as a strategist, and by the way, you should be a
Christian strategist too. You shouldn't be a strategist, like, like, like a, like a secular strategist.
You'd be a strategist, a Christian strategist, but that's a side issue. That's a side issue.
You see, here's the thing, like, like the church and the state are different.
They are separate. They're, and you would think a guy like Joel would understand this, but he just doesn't understand it.
He thinks he understands it, but he doesn't understand it. The church and the state have different missions.
Both of those missions are given to them by God. God gives the mission of vengeance.
He gives the mission of punishing evil doers. He gets, he gives the mission of ordering society.
He gives that mission to the state. They're supposed to be promoting the good, punishing the evil, okay?
Promoting the good, punishing the evil, praising the good, punishing the evil.
So they should praise and celebrate good things in their society, and they should punish and execute vengeance of God upon those that are doing evil.
The church is different. The church offers the forgiveness of Christ. The church offers the grace of the
Lord. The church tells people about Jesus and the fact that he died on the cross, and that he fulfilled the law, and that they should repent of their sins of the flesh, and they could have forgiveness in Christ.
That's what the church promotes. That's the church's mission, right? They're building, they're making disciples of nations.
Not just that they're reaching people, they're actually making disciples. I saw, I think, Tom Buck said something about that today.
That was a very, very apt, very apt point. And so for the homosexual, just like any criminal, just like any criminal, just like anyone that's promoting crimes in our nation, homosexuals, adulterers, man -stealers, you know, sex abusers, you know, rapists, things like that.
Everyone, there's two messages. There's two messages from God. One of them is the message of grace and forgiveness.
Mr. Rapist, Mr. Murderer, Mr. Stealer, Mr. Kidnapper, whatever the case may be, there's forgiveness in Christ.
What you've done is done, and it's evil, and you can't take it back, and it's got massive repercussions to society, but you can be forgiven of even the most heinous crime because Jesus, the
Lord of glory, died on a cross, and he offers forgiveness. Repent of your sins, trust in the
Lord Jesus Christ, and your sins can be forgiven by God. It's a beautiful message.
We've all heard, and many of us have accepted that message. Many of us have come to the end of ourselves, and we recognize that the eternal weight of our sin, and it's been lifted because we've trusted in the sacrifice of the
Lord Jesus Christ. Beautiful story. That is the message the church has for the homosexual.
It's hard to understand, too, especially when there's more heinous, you know, crimes and things like that, you know, crimes against children, for example.
You can be forgiven of that. Yeah, you can be forgiven of that. Crimes against children. God can forgive you, but that's not the only message the homosexual needs to hear.
That's not the only message, because there's another institution. There's another servant of God.
That is literally how the Bible describes the civil governing authority. It is a servant of God executing vengeance, the vengeance of God upon the evildoer.
The homosexual needs to hear that as well. The homosexual needs to hear that as well. Every criminal needs to hear that as well.
Your behavior, your actions, they're unnatural, they're disgusting, and they wreak havoc on society.
And as God's avenger, we will not sit idly by and just let you do this.
Take our society into the sewer with you. We will not do it. We cannot do it, because before God, we are servants of God.
We can either be a good, obedient servant, or we can be an evil, unfaithful servant.
But the civil governing authority should want to be a good servant. A good servant.
And so the message the homosexual needs to hear from the state, also from God, it needs to be different than the message they hear from a pastor.
This is basic. We can parse this out. It doesn't take much brain power to parse this out.
But the homosexual needs both messages. And it's the same way with murderers.
We all get it. That's the thing. We all get it when it comes to murderers, right? Can a murderer be forgiven of his sin?
Absolutely. We all get it. But does that mean that the murderer now gets off scot -free from his murder because he says he believes in Christ?
No. The murderer should still be punished for his murder. The civil governing authority is not an agent of forgiveness.
It's an agent of vengeance. It's an avenger. The pastor is an agent of grace.
They're two different things. There's a separation there. But both have a mission from God. Does Joel get that?
It doesn't seem like he does. It doesn't seem like he does. And this is the thing, guys, like Joel deceives himself, right?
Joel deceives himself. He's one of these people that the book of James says deceives himself.
He's one of these people that looks in the mirror and he sees what he looks like. And as soon as he looks away to the strategist's mirror, he forgets what it was he looked like.
Because Joel says the law of the Lord is perfect. Here's what Andrew Risker responds.
He says, is your opinion that the mosaic penalties for this behavior, which all civilized people agreed with until about five minutes ago, is actually bad?
Or that we should either lie or avoid this topic altogether? Joel responds, avoiding the topic, by the way.
Nope, the law of the Lord is perfect. What I'm not clear on is we've been advocating bringing back the mosaic penalties.
So here's the thing. He knows he has to say the law of the Lord is perfect when he's looking at himself in the mirror.
Because when he's looking at himself in a mirror, he sees a Christian. He sees a
Christian. But then when he's over here being a strategist, a political strategist,
I guess, he puts on his clown paint and the clown paint looks like a strategist.
And he forgets what it was he looked like as a Christian. And over here as the strategist, he puts on his clown makeup.
Maybe he is pretty funny. I don't know. But the thing is, when you're over here thinking about politics, you should also be looking at a
Christian. A Christian should be looking back at you. Now, maybe you have a different hat on. Maybe when you're at church, you have your church hat on.
When you're over here as a political leader, you have your political leader hat on. That makes sense. But you should still look like a Christian.
And you should realize, OK, when I'm over here at church, I've got a certain mission. When I'm over here as a political leader,
I've got a different mission. Both of them come from God. Both of them come from God.
And this is what James was talking about when he said that we need to be doers of the law and not hearers only.
Doers of the law, but not hearers only. Now, obviously, he was talking about personal holiness and sanctification.
But that definitely applies to the political realm as well. Right. I'm not a political leader, but I can certainly advocate and throw my weight around the right things to do as political leaders.
Right. In America, we all have some degree of political authority, a small degree, but to some degree. So that means promoting and advocating good things that the civil government can do, not just hearing the law of the
Lord and saying, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's perfect. And then over here saying, yeah, but but I want to be rational and smart.
I want people to think I'm rational and smart and disciplined. So, I mean, how can I say that sodomy should be penalized?
That's that's that's a way that people deceive themselves. That's a way that people deceive themselves.
Look, I'm not saying I strategically know. This is the thing that I wanted to get across today. We're 30 minutes in and I'm finally getting to the point guys like Joel Barry.
Oh, the law of the Lord is perfect. I think they pretend that we have basically the same goals like like I think
Joel wants to limit the influence of LGBT culture. I think that's true.
I think he does. I think so. Maybe I'm wrong. I think so. But we actually don't have the same goals.
That's the thing. We actually don't have the same goal. So if I did have the same goals as him and I just wanted to limit it as much as possible, then maybe
I was not saying something very smart. Maybe I wasn't saying something very rational, rational or disciplined or things like that.
But my goal is to have a civil governing authority that honors Christ, that honors
Christ as best as they possibly can, that does what Christ says they should do as best as they possibly can.
That's not Joel's goal. It isn't. And so the things that I say, like, for example, sodomy should be a criminalized offense punishable by the civil governing authority.
That's to him because he doesn't share the same goal with me. It's not very smart. It's not very rational.
It's not very disciplined. Look, any theonomist worth his salt is used to be calling irrational.
It used to be used to being called irrational, undisciplined, unintelligent. We're used to it.
We're used to it because, you know, we're not smart enough to improve upon God's law. We're not smart enough to say, oh, actually,
I know you say that it should be a criminalized offense, but this is the 90s, the 90s.
This is this is 2024. This is 2024. We're more enlightened now.
That's what I'm supposed to say. If I said something like that, then I'd be more smart and rational and disciplined. But but but I'm not going to say it's not it's not up to me.
That's the thing. It's not up to me. And so I think at the end of the day, what's happened with a guy like Joel Berry is that he is a
Christian, but he's a he's a demoralized Christian. He's a demoralized
Christian. So he's been beaten down and terrified to death by the
LGBT mob. And he was he doesn't think he has. He doesn't think he has. He thinks that he's against the
LGBT mob, but he isn't. He's been demoralized to such a degree that saying basic Christian things basic.
This is not complex. The civil governing authority has the authority to punish sodomites.
Up to execution. That is a basic Christian biblical thought.
It does have that authority to him.
He's been so demoralized that that is one of the dumbest things he's ever heard. Completely irrational.
It shows a lack of discipline that you would just say what the Bible says instead of nuancing it to death and apologizing and then saying, of course, you can be forgiven.
You can be forgiven of yours. That's not the job of the civil governing authority. This man has been demoralized over decades, over decades, to the point where saying a basic Christian thing becomes a scandal, becomes a sign of your lack of intelligence, your irrationality and your lack of discipline.
That's what I talk about when I talk about people being completely demoralized, completely demoralized.
Joel Berry is a demoralized person. It's not that he disagrees with me on theonomy.
I'm used to that. That's okay. What it is, though, is the knee -jerk reaction to anyone enunciating anything that's theonomic is now unintelligent, irrational and lacks discipline.
But the law of the Lord is perfect. You just can't say it like that, though. You can't just say it.
You can't just believe it. Joel's mission, at least in this instance, is the polar opposite of mine.
It's the polar opposite of mine. And I don't care if people think
I'm unintelligent or irrational or undisciplined. I'm used to that. People have said that about me for years, and I'm okay with it.
I'm okay with it. I happen to know my IQ is. Oh, man.
I'm used to that. I'm used to that. But my mission, which is the polar opposite of Joel Berry's mission, in this case, is you can just say it.
You can just say it. You can just believe the Bible. You can just do it.
When God says it, you can say, yep, and amen, and that's it. That's the end of the day. And you can just believe it.
You can do it. It's so free out here, my friends. It is so free.
You can just say it. And people are going to be mad, and they're going to say all kinds of things about you, and they're going to try to ruin your life, and they're going to try to ruin your reputation.
And that is all okay, because it is free out here, my friends. It is free.
And you can just say it. And the people with their stupid idiotic strategy hats on are going to be like, oh, you're stupid.
Pay them no mind. You can just say it. I am encouraging you and giving you permission to just take
God at his word. The law of the Lord is perfect. Yes, and amen. And you can just say it.
And you can just do it. And that's it. Nobody can take that away from you.
No one can shut your mouth. All they can do is duck, dodge, and dip, and avoid it, and lie about it.
That's all they got. That's not, they got nothing. They got nothing, my friends.
It is free out here. It is so good to live free. It is so good to take
God at his word. It is so fun. It is, it is, it is, there's nothing like it.
Joel Webben, I can promise you, is having the time of his life. He's having the time of his life just saying something.
He just says it. The Bible says it. I'm saying it. And then people freak out, and call him all kinds of names, and try to ruin his reputation, and stuff like that.
I guarantee you, he is having the time of his life. He turns the corner, like Doug Wilson says, dances a little jig.
I don't want to see Joel dancing, but I'm sure he does it privately. He's got daughters after all.
He's dancing a little jig. He's doing his happy dance, and he's having the time of his freaking life.
I guarantee it. You can have that too, my friends. You can have that too.
Allow me, I'm an encourager, man. If you know my channel, you know I'm an encourager. You can have the time of your life too, man.
Living in God's reality, and just taking his word, and learning to love it, and learning to figure out, look,
I know ever since I was a kid, I learned that this was the most evil thing ever, but God seems to say it here.
You can learn to just believe it, and once you do, man, you're free. You are free, and it's good to be free.
Oh yes, it is good to be free. I hope you found this video encouraging, and helpful.
I got nothing against Joel Berry. I don't really like, I'll admit, I don't like his tweets very much, and you know,
I've never been a big Babylon Bee fan, but I know it's funny. I mean, it is funny. It's amazing that that kind of humor comes from such a sad, sad boy.
He looks happy. Here he is. The law of the lot is perfect. You just can't say it, otherwise you're stupid.
You're stupid. God bless you guys.
I love you all. I love you all. I'm planning on doing more videos this week, so we'll see what happens, but I hope you found this one helpful.