Guys from Sola Cast at the G3 Conference


The guys of the Sola Cast podcast (Jimmy and Chris) join Andrew for an interview at the G3 conference.


All right. So here we are at g3 in the exhibit hall and we ran into the guys from solo cast
Great podcast. I grabbed them. I well, okay a little bit more than grab I think I was trying to choke one of them into an interview that these guys have been mobbed all day
But you know, so we grabbed them for a bit talk about first off You guys have been able to attend some of the sessions.
I'm gonna one by one. I'll start with you pastor Chris What session did you enjoy the most and then after that I want to find out, you know outside of the sessions
What have you enjoyed the most that here at g3, right? Yeah, I think Joel Beakey really touched me being a father of little ones
You know just kind of encouraging us as fathers to commit to family worship That was just something that was really impactful for me and then just recently hearing
Acosta I'm glad I heard got to hear him because you know I come from the charismatic movement and so he had a lot of hit on a lot of things
I'm really familiar with so it was awesome. I can't wait to share that one Other than that man, just the fellowships man getting to meet guys like you again and seeing you and you know, everybody else here
That's what we talked about yesterday on the podcast One the best thing about g3 man is just reuniting with people every year getting to see them
We see we hear about each other. We see what each other says on Twitter all year But then we get to meet him face to face. That's awesome, man
Yeah, so for me, it was Steve Lawson taking us up the Romans Mountain. So he took us on a trip
He took us all the way chapter 11 all the way up to the top of the mountain so that we could see him While we give glory to God, it was really good.
I told pastor Chris afterwards I was man I just wanted him to go right into Romans 12 1 and tells I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God to present your
Bodies a living sacrifice. I thought what Steve Lawson did in that was something I have not seen before He took us all the way through Romans I thought it was
I thought it was the kind of the pinnacle So far, but I enjoyed a lot of the speakers that were that were speaking here.
It was it was really good Besides that and you just got to love that you get to meet all these people here.
There's Eddie Roman right there I stole some stuff from Eddie Roman so I can go evangelize The riddle
I stole from him. I took the riddle that that he uses and we use it in evangelism So it's just good to meet these guys shake their hands and and just talk to him
I got to have a really good conversation with Daryl Harrison yesterday, which was really good All right, so let's talk about Solacast so you guys on Solacast you guys try to avoid all the controversial difficult issues, correct?
You know, I try to he pushes me that way, you know, so then you know, we get stuck talking about, you know Beth Moore for two hours.
So yeah, it's it's pretty how about your last episode you figured out, you know Christians guns
We shouldn't talk about that, right? No, let's talk about Christians and guns I think what what happened in Texas just recently shows that God is for protecting his people and he'll use instruments
As that that man that was there that that took down that shooter, right? He God will use an instrument like that to take down a shooter and protect his people and I think that was the the crux
Of what we're trying to say people that want to try to take our guns away from us, sir I think they're an error. I think there's a there's a problem there
You have the right you can do that. And so that was my point. I am noticing something Just as I look at you guys, let's see
All right now now you're you're a pastor of a church and that's oh look he's repping the church he's repping the podcast
You're you're repping Nike. And okay, just so I Bought a t -shirt here and I was gonna wear it today and I lost it.
Yeah, I don't know where it is I had to throw on the Nike shirt. Yeah, was that one of the Christian podcast community shirts?
Oh wait No, we didn't we didn't start selling them yet. That's right. Okay, okay, so All right, so well, you know, there's there's a great t -shirt from Justin Peters ministries if we look here
Justin Peters And if you read it says if you want to hear God speak to you read your
Bible if you want to hear God speak aloud read it aloud great great quote from Justin Peters and so Let's let's talk about your church that you guys have there in Texas So you're that you're the pastor of the church
Chris and so why'd you guys start the church, what are you guys doing? What's what's different about your church from other churches in your area?
Yeah, we're right in the inner city in an area infested by drugs gangs and you name it areas that we grew up in So, you know in inner cities in an inner city community like that It's hard to find churches that are that are sounding that theology and that hold doctrine very high
Typically you get a lot of Pentecostal churches you get a lot of you know, traditional Southern Baptist churches or secret friendly stuff
So we wanted to plant a church in our communities that we grew up in that we saw a lack of so that's why we went
Right in there and we did it and you know, we're just what what's different about us is we evangelize man We hit the streets a lot of people don't do that.
So you'll catch us at least once a month, you know on the streets Yeah, you know Jimmy and I you and I met doing some evangelism.
So I know you have a heart for evangelism So let's talk about your evangelism. Why you love it. What's the what's the motivation for evangelism
God has put it in my heart that I want to see other people saved come to know Christ I for me, it's always been a proclamation of Jesus Christ since the day
I was I was saved I wanted other people to know I think early on I did it wrong I think early on I pointed the finger at people you're going to hell, you know that kind of thing
But I come to I come to actually was way the master that that I stumbled upon and I learned from them
And so I I owe living waters a lot when it comes to the evangelism But yeah I want to get out there in the streets and just talk to people and have
Conversations with people so that they might come to know the true Christ I use the law in the gospel in my evangelism so that people will know their need for a
Savior We have to point out the sins. We actually ran into the ministry that was out there the other day They would they had their guitars out there singing songs and they're saying we we don't want to tell you you're going to hell
That's between you and God and we're standing right there and say hey, you know what guys you're going to hell If you don't repent and put your trust in Jesus Christ This was the difference and I think we want to get the truth out there.
That's that's the thing. There's so much false Doctrine that is being preached even from street preachers that think they're doing the right thing
We you know, I can see the zeal that they have I can see that You know, they're wanting to do something, but if you don't bring the correct theology to it
And that's my thing The evangelism has a lot to do with bringing the truth to the masses in there
You got it. You got to go out to do that You can't stay in the church in the church walls to do that. You got to hit the streets
Okay, who loves these people more you or guitar guy? I Can't judge a guitar guy, but that's one of the things
I tell people on the streets I I you know when I run into Christians on the streets and I interview him for a little bit and find out that they're
Actually Christians, you know, it seems do you share your faith is what I ask and then I'll say look up and down this bridge right
Jesus said that Broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many that go thereby
Narrow is the way that leads to life and there are a few who find it So most of these people are going to hell and if you cared about them, you'd be sharing your faith with them
And so that's that's my thing. I care about people. I love people I want I want them to come to know Christ Yeah, most loving thing we could do is tell them they're going to hell because that's what they need to know
So Chris will start with you to wrap it up Share with folks how they can get a hold of you how they can get a hold of the church
Yeah, well the church you can find us on the website, it's www .ecclesiachurch .org
and then a solar cast you can find us at Solar cast www .solarcast .com or the solarcast .com
also on Twitter is probably the best way most accessible at Sola underscore cast me personally at C Hernandez 2 1 4
You know, you notice is you ask a pastor to do one thing and he's just got it He's got do everything because Jimmy I was gonna ask you to tell us how we get a hold of solar cast and you know
He just says let me let me I'll just take it all So so yeah, so so how could people get a hold of you
Jimmy at Los Jimmy? That's probably the best way just at Los Jimmy. I got a Facebook page, but that's mostly you know
No, you know what Facebook also I share nothing but verses and you know things that I things
I observe about the Bible and things like that, but At Twitter, I think is a place where you more communicate and that's the only place that I'm at those two places
Facebook and Twitter At Los Jimmy's the handle so all right, so check out