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- About the Jesus that we see in Revelation is now glorified.
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- He's no longer a baby. And now we look at His second advent.
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- Aren't you looking forward to His second advent? He's already come and we celebrate
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- His first advent because He has come and He has did great, marvelous things to the glory of God.
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- As a matter of fact, everything He's done is perfect, total perfection. And it's all for the glory of God.
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- But now we anticipate His second coming. So with that being said, go with me to the book of Revelation, the apocalypse, the unveiling, the book of Revelation.
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- I like what MacArthur says. This is the last book of the Bible of 66 books.
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- There are no other. The only books that you have after this is concordance and maps.
- 01:00
- That's it. So true. Isn't this a wonderful book?
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- I love this book, especially when it comes to the worship of God because you see more in this book about worship than any other book of the
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- Bible. Our text this morning is Revelation chapter 22. We'll be beginning with verse 6 through 12, 6 through 12, speaking to you about for the time, excuse me, for the time is near.
- 01:33
- The time is near, isn't it? The time of Jesus' coming is very near, very near, nearer than we think.
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- Beginning with verse 6, hear the word of the living God. I'm reading from the
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- New American Standard Version. And he said to me, these words are faithful and true.
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- And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show to his bond servants the things which must soon take place.
- 02:10
- And behold, I'm coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.
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- I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when
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- I heard and saw, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
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- But he said to me, do not do that. I am your fellow servant of yours and of your brethren, the prophets and of those who heed the words of this book.
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- Worship God. And he said to me, do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
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- And let the one who does wrong still do wrong, and the one who is filthy still be filthy.
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- And let the one who is righteous still practice righteousness, and the one who is holy still keep himself holy.
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- Verse 12, behold, I am coming quickly, and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done.
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- Let me read one more verse. I think it's important. Verse 13, and I am the alpha and omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
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- Let's stop right there, and let's pray for God to meet with us within this hour as we seek his face, and pray that he would anoint us to hear what he has to say to us today.
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- Let's pray. Our Father in heaven, how we give thanks to you,
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- Lord. Your name is holy. Holy is your name. We praise your holy name.
- 04:04
- We bless your holy name. And Father, as David prayed in Psalm 51, we are reminded of this wonderful prayer as he was repenting.
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- This was a prayer of repentance. Behold, you desire, you, oh
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- God, desire truth in the inward parts. Truth in the inward parts.
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- And the hidden part, you will make me to know wisdom. The hidden part.
- 04:35
- So Father, with that being said, may this be our prayer at Redeeming Grace Church this morning, as we open up your word to hear your voice, speak to our hearts, open our minds to perceive, only the
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- Holy Spirit can help us do this because we cannot do this within ourselves, that Father, you desire truth.
- 05:00
- You desire truth, and you give truth. You are God of truth. You reveal truth to us through your word, and by your blessed
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- Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth, that leads us into all truth, who is Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life.
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- And not only outward, it is not to be outward, it is to be inward, in our internal parts.
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- Father, may your penetrating gaze search the innermost recesses of our mind and heart this day, because all the churches shall know, as your word says, that Jesus is the one who searches the minds and the hearts, and will give to each one of us according to our works.
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- It's a sobering thing, but it should be a glorious thing. Lord, may you find us faithful when your
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- Son, Jesus, comes to receive his bride again. We ask this in Jesus' name, amen and amen.
- 06:08
- The theme of Revelation chapter 22 is found in the great and blessed promise that our
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- Lord Jesus gave, and I love this. It's, behold, I am coming quickly. I believe that summarizes everything that is said in chapter 22.
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- When Jesus says, behold, I'm coming quickly. And here we have the blessed hope of our
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- Lord Jesus Christ, and of his second advent. And I cannot help but think that during this season, we focus so much on the first advent, which is so critical, because really that's what
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- Christmas is about, about the first advent of Jesus Christ, that he came into this world to seek and save the lost.
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- But as we think about and wonder, and I use that word wonder in a sense of worship, to adore
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- Christ, the King, the newborn King, actually the original in the songs we sing is not the newborn
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- King, it's the King of Kings. That's the way Wesley really wrote that.
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- He is the King of Kings, this baby that was born in the manger. But we need to also remember the second advent, that he will come again with great power and glory.
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- And when he comes, everything's going to really come to a total final end.
- 07:37
- It's going to be finality. And he's coming as the judge of judges, and the King of Kings, and the
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- Lord over lords. And you think of this, here in Revelation, we do not only have the prologue in chapter 1, but you have the epilogue.
- 07:58
- The prologue, we're going to look at this in chapter 1, so mark your
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- Bible to chapter 1, we're going to be looking back and forth to chapter 1 and chapter 22, because they bracket each other.
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- They're like bookends. The rest of Revelation 22 is the epilogue, and it goes to the end of the chapter, and it is a bracket,
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- I guess you could say, that along with the first bookend, the prologue in Revelation 1 that contains and encloses
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- John's vision of Jesus Christ. And a lot of people, you see some Bibles that says the revelation of St.
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- John the Divine, that's not true. Men wrote that in there. It's actually the revelation of Jesus Christ to John, St.
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- John the Divine. It's the revelation, and it's all about Christ. It's all about Jesus, and if you really want to know who
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- Jesus really is, look at Revelation, and how He appears in His glorified state at this very moment before the
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- Father. And we're going to see that, we're going to see some verses, and it's very different to what people paint the image of Jesus today.
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- They're false images, and we need to be very careful not to compare those false images, that this is the way
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- Jesus looked. Beloved, no one knows the way Jesus looks. The closest we can get to His appearance is what we see in Scripture.
- 09:29
- And we're going to see that, and what the Bible says, because that is the revealed Word. But anyway,
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- Revelation 1 contains and encloses John's vision, and it serves not only as an epilogue in chapter 22, but we look at the prologue, but as a fitting conclusion, and this book is a fitting conclusion of all the 66 books of the
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- Bible. It's fitting, God knows exactly, and He knew exactly how to bring it to a closure.
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- The canon is closed, there's no more Revelation from this point. No matter what people say today.
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- Don't listen to these people that say, I got a new Revelation. False. No, there are no more new
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- Revelations. This is the closure, this is the closure of canon. If we want to hear
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- God's Word, it's between Genesis 1 and Revelation 22. Period.
- 10:24
- So if you hear anybody come across and come alongside and say, oh, I got a great new Revelation, hear me out.
- 10:32
- Don't hear them out, for they're a false teacher. Well, the epilogue consists largely of assurances, and this is what
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- I like what MacArthur said, it is the wrap -up on the apocalypse. All the glorious and gracious purposes of God, ordained before the foundation of the world, has now been attained and fulfilled in the rebellion of the angels.
- 10:59
- Think of this, this is what's going on in chapter 22 and what has happened. And mankind and all the rebellion of mankind and all the angels has come to a closure.
- 11:11
- The rebels are in the everlasting punishment of the lake of fire, the second death. The King of all kings is now sitting on His eternal throne with His sovereign
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- Father. God the Father is highly exalted to Him and giving Him a name above every name.
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- He is the sovereign King of His throne and sitting at the right hand of the
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- Father over the new heaven and over the new earth. Absolute and unchanging holiness characterizes all within this whole universal and eternal kingdom that God has brought forth.
- 11:51
- And then now presently He's bringing forth. The redeemed that was chosen before the foundation of the world, the glorified saints that has been purchased by the blood of Jesus Christ, the slain
- 12:07
- Lamb of God and now in the resurrection bodies at this moment in chapter 22, is now dwelling in the glory of the new heaven and the new earth.
- 12:18
- Isn't this going to be glorious? And particularly living in the new Jerusalem, the heavenly city of God.
- 12:26
- Now that's pretty much the backdrop of everything right here in chapter 22. As I was reading and studying this,
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- Pastor John MacArthur says in his commentary, he said this, A holy life praises fills the universe.
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- The universe having been recreated as the abode of God and His glory fills with blazing light starting from inside the diamond holy city and splattering its beauty throughout the whole new heaven and the new earth.
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- Light, beauty, holiness, joy in the presence of God and the Lamb worship and praise, service, likeness to Christ, all in the realities of the eternal state.
- 13:13
- And beloved, that is exactly what we have seen all the way and what you will read up to this point in Revelation.
- 13:22
- Now as we come to verse 6 through 12, Revelation 22, these blessed words are directed to Christians.
- 13:32
- They are directed to Christians and the latter part is directed to non -Christians.
- 13:40
- The verses are like rapid bullets, rapid fire.
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- They are single statements as you see brief and independent one after another, just constantly just coming as fast as possible.
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- But they move within the theme to theme and yet each theme details with a needed response.
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- And a response really that every Christian should have when it comes to the coming of Jesus Christ, when
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- He is Jesus Himself is the very theme of this entire book. Remember the first part of Revelation chapter 1 in the prologue, the revelation of Jesus Christ.
- 14:35
- It talks about His second coming. Let's look at the prologue, go with me to chapter 1 and let's see how this ties in together with the end, the epilogue.
- 14:48
- Notice the similarities. It gives an introduction and a benediction in verse 1 through 3 and then there is a greeting to the seven churches that are in Asia.
- 15:04
- What is the glorious theme? Once again, the second coming of Jesus Christ. Notice this.
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- He says in verse 3, blessed, blessed.
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- There is a beatitudes in Revelation. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and not only reads and hear but heed.
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- That means keeps. He practices the things which are written in it.
- 15:43
- For the time is near. That's the same phrase as given in chapter 22. Verse 4,
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- John to the seven churches that are in Asia. He gives a benediction, grace to you and peace, from Him who is and who was and who is to come.
- 16:02
- You can pretty much outline all of Revelation from those three points.
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- Who is and who was and who is to come. And then he goes on to say this, and from the seven spirits which are before this throne.
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- Verse 5, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth, to Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood.
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- And He has made us to be a kingdom, a priest to His God and Father and to Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever.
- 16:45
- Amen. And notice what he says. Behold, He is coming with clouds and every eye will see
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- Him. Even those who pierced Him and all of the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him.
- 17:00
- So it is to be. Amen. And then in verse 8, I am the
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- Alpha and Omega, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the
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- Almighty. You see the similarities from chapter 1 and how it closes in chapter 2.
- 17:24
- They are very closely linked. Very closely linked. And the vital truth that Scripture gives here is important and it makes repetition several times.
- 17:41
- Three times I said this last week, but I think it bears repeating. Behold, I am coming quickly,
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- Jesus says. And then down in verse, back to chapter 22, verse 20,
- 17:52
- He knows that the Apostle John says, Even so come, Lord Jesus. He gives an amen to it.
- 18:02
- So be it. Isn't that the cry of your heart today? Even so come,
- 18:07
- Lord Jesus. Now at the same time, there is a series of statements made on different themes.
- 18:15
- And the text is very pregnant, I like to use that word, pregnant with divine urgency. And it gives a pressure to every believer to think quickly, to think urgently, to think soberly of the truths that we have read in Revelation.
- 18:36
- And I think that's the way we should look at it. And that we are as believers to react with great haste in the light of what is coming and what is about to unfold and take place.
- 18:50
- Beloved, this is such a serious thing. And you know, this is so overlooked today. You hear everything that's preached under the sun.
- 19:01
- And you hear very seldom sermons. Very seldom do you hear sermons, I should say, say it right, about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
- 19:10
- When's the last time you have heard a message on the second coming of Jesus Christ? We need to hear it.
- 19:16
- Jesus is coming back. And we need to be sober, we need to be ready, we need to be dressed.
- 19:24
- And the key word in the text is, He is coming quickly. Now, did you hear that?
- 19:30
- He is coming quickly, quickly. Notice in verse 7 of chapter 22,
- 19:39
- Behold, I am coming quickly. Verse 12, Behold, I am coming quickly. Verse 20,
- 19:44
- Yes, I am coming quickly. Three times within that chapter. The term in the
- 19:51
- Greek, and you'll love this, the term in the Greek to that word quickly is tachy, tachy.
- 19:58
- Does that sound like something? Tachometer, tachymeter.
- 20:06
- It measures speed, the tachometer. I am coming speedily.
- 20:14
- I'm coming hastily. I'm coming quickly. I'm coming shortly.
- 20:20
- I am coming soon. Six times in the book of Revelation that is stated. Six times.
- 20:28
- Twice is a warning in chapter 2 verses 5 through 16. He's coming quickly with judgment on his mind.
- 20:36
- Four times that it's a promise. A promise of a blessing. And three we read in chapter 22 and one in chapter 3 verse 11.
- 20:48
- And all four of those he is coming to bless. And in the first two, chapter 2 verses 5 and 16, he's coming to judge.
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- He's coming to judge. So there are words of comfort and there's words of warning.
- 21:06
- Now, how could this be words of comfort? It is words of comfort, beloved, to the true
- 21:13
- Christian that Jesus will come back. It's going to be a horrible day to those that are not ready.
- 21:23
- And that those that are unbelievers in Jesus Christ. If you turn with me very quickly to 1
- 21:30
- Thessalonians chapter 4, we will see that this is a word of comfort to those who are in Jesus Christ.
- 21:41
- To those who are in Jesus Christ. Notice in verse 13. For we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren.
- 21:49
- In verse 13 chapter 4 of 1 Thessalonians. Brethren, he's speaking to the church about those who are asleep.
- 21:57
- Now, when he's talking about asleep, of course, he's talking about to those that's in the grave. He refers to it as asleep.
- 22:05
- Whether they were ashes, been cremated, whatever the body is, they're lying there until the resurrection day.
- 22:13
- Until Jesus Christ comes back and by the sound of his voice. But notice what he says.
- 22:20
- So that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. Now, he didn't say you don't grieve, but you don't grieve like those who do not have hope.
- 22:31
- We have hope. What's the hope? The blessed hope. That's what Paul is talking about.
- 22:37
- Verse 14. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.
- 22:48
- Notice that's the key. In Jesus. For this we say to you by the word of the
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- Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will not precede those who have fallen asleep.
- 23:01
- For the Lord himself would descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the archangel.
- 23:07
- And the trumpet and with the trumpet of God. A trumpet will blow. It's God's trumpet.
- 23:15
- Now you could tie that in when God came down and descended on Mount Sinai. There was a sound of many trumpets and I tell you
- 23:22
- Israel could not hardly stand it. It was so loud. It was so loud they actually thought they were going to die.
- 23:32
- And then it says and the dead in Christ will rise first. Those are the first ones to rise, those who are in Christ.
- 23:39
- That's revelation. Notice what Paul goes on to say in verse 17. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
- 23:47
- Lord in the air. And so shall we always be with the Lord. Therefore, what does he say? Comfort one another with these words.
- 23:56
- There's the comfort. That's the words we should be comforting one another with. Jesus is coming back.
- 24:02
- And when he comes back, this could be a great resurrection. And Jesus is going to raise up all those in Christ.
- 24:09
- And if you're alive and remain, something great is going to take place. Now, Paul takes up that same thought in 1
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- Corinthians 15. Go with me there. Now, this whole chapter is glorious, beloved.
- 24:27
- I've preached on this chapter several times in the past and I love this whole chapter. Now, we could take a lot of time and go through it.
- 24:35
- But I just want to touch on a few things here. But just look at it with me very quickly in verse 12 through 28.
- 24:49
- Very quickly. Let's read the Scripture. Listen to the Word of God and let the Word of God speak to us.
- 24:54
- And now, if Christ is preached that he has been raised from the dead, we believe in the resurrection, don't we?
- 25:00
- We preach the resurrection. By the way, if the resurrection has not taken place, then
- 25:06
- Jesus isn't alive. He's dead. I'm telling you, then our faith is vain. Our preaching is vain.
- 25:11
- Everything we have is vain. But I'm here to tell you Jesus is raised from the dead. Amen. How do some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead?
- 25:22
- Paul's like saying this. You almost hear him. How do you say there's no resurrection from the dead? What are you talking about?
- 25:30
- Well, verse 13, if there is no resurrection of the dead, this is what he says. Not even Christ has been raised.
- 25:37
- And if Christ has not been raised and our preaching is vain, your faith is also in vain. Moreover, we are even found to be false witnesses of God.
- 25:46
- Wow. Because we testified against God that he has raised Christ and whom he did not raise if, in fact, the dead are not raised.
- 25:54
- For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.
- 26:04
- You're still in your sins. That's powerful. In other words, it's all hopeless.
- 26:14
- But we preach a resurrected Christ. We preach a Christ that's alive. He's living.
- 26:21
- He's alive. He lives forevermore. He's not a dead Christ. He's not in the grave.
- 26:27
- He's risen. If Christ, and you know they should be trumpeted at Christmas time as much as Easter time.
- 26:34
- Yeah. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless. You're still in your sins. And then those who have been fallen asleep and Christ have perished.
- 26:42
- If we have hope in Christ in this life only, we are all men most to be pitied.
- 26:49
- But now Christ has been raised from the dead. Notice his point. The first fruits of those who are asleep.
- 26:59
- He leads the train. He leads the armies of God and all the saints.
- 27:05
- He's the first born from the dead. For since by man came death.
- 27:11
- That was through Adam. And by a man came the resurrection of the dead. Don't you love that?
- 27:17
- That brings chills all over me when I read that. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ all will be made alive.
- 27:25
- But each in his own order. Christ the first fruits. After that, those are in Christ at his coming.
- 27:32
- That's it right there. And then comes the end. Listen to the revelation that Paul gives.
- 27:39
- And when he hands over the kingdom to God, the father and the father.
- 27:44
- And he has abolished all rule and authority and power. And he must reign until he has put all enemies under his feet.
- 27:51
- And the last enemy that he would be abolished is death. For he has put all things in subjection under his feet.
- 27:59
- But when he says all things are put in subjection. It is evident that he is accepted who put all things in subjection to him.
- 28:09
- And when all things are subjected to him. When the son himself also will be subjected to the one who subjected all things to him.
- 28:17
- So that God may be all in all. And what Christ is doing even though the son is equal with the father.
- 28:25
- As he came into flesh. He is in submission to the father.
- 28:31
- Notice when he was here on this earth. He said thy will be done.
- 28:38
- He subjected himself. He submitted himself to the will of his father.
- 28:46
- And it's like right here Paul is saying. When the end comes. And when everything is finished and the finality is coming.
- 28:52
- And the kingdom of God is all handed over. And all the saints and the work is accomplished.
- 28:59
- Jesus hands over it all to the father. And the father hands it all back to them.
- 29:05
- It's beautiful. This is beautiful. But there is another glorious thing.
- 29:12
- Notice in verse 50. Jump to verse 50. Now I say this brethren. The flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God.
- 29:19
- Nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. And then he says it right here. Behold, I tell you a mystery.
- 29:29
- We will not all sleep. In other words, all of us is not going to stay in that grave.
- 29:37
- We will all be changed. This is glorious.
- 29:44
- In a moment. In the twinkling of an eye. It's going to happen fast.
- 29:50
- Bat your eye one time. Tell me how fast that is. At the last trumpet.
- 29:56
- That's interesting isn't it? That means there is going to be a first trumpet. The sound of the last trumpet.
- 30:02
- There is going to be a series of trumpets. Now that's another preaching sermon series there. But for the trumpet will sound.
- 30:10
- And the dead will be raised imperishable. And we will be changed.
- 30:17
- How many times are you talking about we will be changed? A change is going to take place. But this perishable must put on imperishable.
- 30:24
- And this mortal must put on immortality. But when this perishable have put on the imperishable. And the mortal have been put on immortality.
- 30:31
- Then will come about the saying that is written. Death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is your victory?
- 30:39
- Oh death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin. And the power of sin is the law.
- 30:46
- But thanks be to God. Who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Glorious verse.
- 30:53
- Therefore my beloved brethren. This is the exhortation. Be steadfast. Number one.
- 30:58
- Number two. Be immovable. Number three. Always abounding in the work of the
- 31:05
- Lord. And number four. Knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. Set that before you.
- 31:11
- And you will not be discouraged. Now there's a lot that's being said in Revelation. And this is what
- 31:16
- I like to bring to the forefront in my outline. That's my introduction.
- 31:24
- Four responses on the part of every believer. Four responses. Number one, back to Revelation 22.
- 31:32
- The first response is found in six through seven. It's an immediate obedience.
- 31:38
- An immediate obedience. The second response is immediate worship.
- 31:44
- You find this in verse eight and nine. Third is an immediate proclamation. In verse 10 and 11.
- 31:50
- And last we see in verse 12. There's immediate service. Let's begin and look at the immediate obedience.
- 31:59
- The immediate, immediate obedience. Look verse six and seven.
- 32:05
- And he said to me, these words are faithful and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent his angel to show to his bondservants the things which must soon take place.
- 32:18
- And behold, I'm coming quickly. And blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book. What do we see here?
- 32:25
- We see that Jesus is faithful and true. He himself is faithful and true.
- 32:31
- Therefore his words are faithful and true. Because of his character.
- 32:40
- Revelation 1 .5. And I've already mentioned it. But from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness.
- 32:47
- Did you get that? The faithful witness. The firstborn from the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth.
- 32:54
- He's the sovereign supreme ruler. Revelation 19 .11. Listen to this.
- 33:00
- And I saw heaven open and behold a white horse. And he who sat on it is called faithful and true.
- 33:08
- And in righteousness he judges and wages war. This is not the little lamb that is going to come to be crucified.
- 33:15
- He's already been crucified. This time he comes as the lion of the tribe of Judah. And this time he comes to wage war.
- 33:24
- And listen to this. This is a weak, meek, miley Jesus that the world pictures.
- 33:31
- This Jesus, his eyes are as a flame of fire. And on his head are many diadems.
- 33:39
- And he has a name written on him which no one knows except himself. He has that right.
- 33:48
- He is clothed with a robe. Listen to this. Dipped in blood. And his name is called the word of God.
- 33:56
- Verse 14. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following him on white horses.
- 34:10
- God loves whiteness. It symbolizes purity.
- 34:17
- Purity and holiness. And then it says from his mouth comes a sharp sword so that with it he may strike down the nations.
- 34:28
- Did you hear that? The nations. Isaiah 40. The nations are as a drop in the bucket to God.
- 34:36
- Take one drop and put it in a bucket. That's the way the nations are before God.
- 34:42
- Listen to this. And he will rule. You know what that word rule means? Shepherd. He's going to shepherd them with a rod of iron.
- 34:50
- And he treads the winepress of the fierce wrath of God the
- 34:55
- Almighty. And in his robe and on his thigh he has a name written King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
- 35:02
- Listen beloved. Our Lord Jesus is faithful and true. He is faithful and true.
- 35:08
- If God says his word is faithful and true, it means it will come to pass. Can I say something here?
- 35:14
- His word is forever settled in heaven. Everything that has been written in the prophecies of his book has come to pass.
- 35:24
- If it was prophesied from a man of God and God the Holy Spirit was breathing upon it, it came to pass in some time in which
- 35:32
- God fulfilled it. It has never failed and not one word of God has ever failed.
- 35:40
- He said Israel will go into captivity. Guess what happened? Israel went into captivity. He said
- 35:47
- Babylon would fall. Guess what? Babylon fell. He said
- 35:52
- Tyre and Sidon would be destroyed. Guess what? Tyre and Sidon was destroyed. He said the
- 35:59
- Messiah would be born in the little town called Bethlehem. He was born. He said the
- 36:05
- Messiah would be born of a virgin. Guess what? He was born of a virgin. He was crucified and he was buried and he rose again the third day.
- 36:17
- He says he's coming back again. Well, praise God and glory to God he's coming back again.
- 36:24
- And that will happen. This book is exactly what it says. Everything has been fulfilled until now we come to Revelation.
- 36:36
- This will eventually be fulfilled. It is faithful and true.
- 36:42
- Let me tie in Isaiah 46 .9 here. Remember the former things long past. God says for I am
- 36:50
- God and there is no other. Don't you love this verse? I am God and there is no one like me declaring the end from the beginning.
- 36:59
- From ancient times things that have not been done saying my purpose will be established and I will accomplish all my good pleasure.
- 37:09
- That is to say that God will do exactly what he says he will do. These words are faithful and true.
- 37:17
- And the Lord God, the God of the spirits and the prophets sent his angel to show his bondservants the things which must soon take place.
- 37:25
- Now what does that mean? Well, let's look at the meaning there. That basically means that God moved the spirit of the prophets breathing upon them.
- 37:35
- God's breath inspiring both the Old and the New Testaments and is the same
- 37:40
- God who sent his angel to show his bondservants the things which must soon take place.
- 37:47
- Now that's nothing short of a claim by John for the full and complete inspiration of everything in Revelation.
- 37:56
- Right here. The prophets recorded by those earlier biblical prophets were literally fulfilled and those in Revelation will be as well.
- 38:06
- Verse 7. Notice in verse 7 in Revelation 22. And behold.
- 38:12
- Now that word and is important because it's a transition. It's a change of speakers.
- 38:18
- The speaker's changed. The speaker's no longer the angel now. The speaker is
- 38:24
- Jesus Christ himself. The one who's coming quickly. He pronounces the six of the seven beatitudes in Revelation.
- 38:32
- The seven are shown in the seven beatitudes in Revelation. Blessed are he who keeps or heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.
- 38:40
- Believers are called to guard and protect the book of Revelation.
- 38:48
- That is our calling as believers. We are to guard and protect this.
- 38:53
- You are guardians of this as well as I myself as a shepherd. All believers are.
- 39:01
- Well, hey, what do you mean? Well, the scripture says it must be defended against those who deny its relevance.
- 39:09
- Against those who would deny its relevance and against the critics of this world. The scoffers of this world.
- 39:16
- Those who would deny its authority. And believe me, a lot of that's going on right now. And against false interpreters who obscure its meaning.
- 39:26
- Who twist it and take the meaning. And the devil is very good at doing this. He could quote scripture, but he takes it out of context.
- 39:34
- In fact, all the scripture is to be guarded. Just not Revelation. And Paul commanded...
- 39:39
- How about chapter and verse? Well, you know I got chapter and verse, brothers and sisters. 1 Timothy 6 .20
- 39:45
- To guard... Paul says to Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you.
- 39:52
- And then he says, retain the standard of sound words. 2 Timothy 1 .13 .14
- 39:57
- Which you have heard from me in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. Guard through the
- 40:03
- Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit. Isn't that interesting? Not through the arm of flesh. Not through intellect.
- 40:10
- But through the Holy Spirit. Through the Holy Spirit who dwells in us. And I love what he says here.
- 40:16
- The treasure. The word of God is a treasure. Which has been entrusted to you.
- 40:23
- The treasure which has been entrusted to you. Jesus said, blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.
- 40:31
- Now, it's important. What does the word heed mean? What does it mean? It means to keep.
- 40:38
- This is a general command. To long for Christ's return. For our eternal fellowship with Him.
- 40:44
- Forever with Him. And this must soon take place. Christians should love Christ more and more.
- 40:50
- Seek to be more like Christ. Hope for their resurrection bodies. Soon anticipate the coming of Jesus.
- 40:58
- To understand the fearful judgment that even awaits the non -Christians. And call them to repentance lovingly.
- 41:07
- And say, look, God commands you to repent and believe the gospel.
- 41:14
- So, next point. Let's go to the next point. We have an immediate worship. Immediate worship.
- 41:20
- Verse 8 and 9. I, John, I am the one who heard and saw.
- 41:26
- Notice, he heard and saw these things. What things? Read Revelation chapter 1 to 21.
- 41:35
- You'll see those things. To worship. And then I fell.
- 41:40
- Notice what he said. He responds and he fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed me these things.
- 41:47
- But he said to me, this is an angel, a true angel of God. Not an angel sent from hell.
- 41:54
- A fallen angel. Fallen angels has appeared as angels of light, by the way. How do you think cults started?
- 42:02
- Cults are started by angels appearing and giving another revelation, other revelation.
- 42:09
- There is no other revelation. And Paul said this, even an angel that comes from heaven.
- 42:16
- If he preached another gospel, let him be damned. Let him be accursed. That's strong.
- 42:22
- Let him be anathema. Well, but right here he says, but this angel here is a true angel of God.
- 42:30
- But he said to me, do not do that. I am a fellow servant of yours and of your brethren, the prophets and those who heed the words of this book.
- 42:39
- What does he say? He gets to the point. Worship God. Though not expressed in this translation.
- 42:46
- Other translations says, and begins with verse 8. In other words, the speakers change again.
- 42:53
- The speaker is no longer Christ, but John. And he names himself for the first time. And John, after hearing and seeing all these things, and the things that should take place very soon.
- 43:06
- And basically what was happening here, he was overcome with awe. He was overcome with all that he saw.
- 43:15
- This is the apostle John. This is the one that leaned on Jesus's breast. This was the one that was whom
- 43:22
- Jesus loved. And here he's overcome with awe with everything that he saw and everything that he heard.
- 43:32
- And he had the proper response. Can I say that? But inadvertently, he directed it to the wrong object.
- 43:41
- He worshiped the angel. And the angel said, no, do not worship me. Literally, he collapsed under the greatness of all that he saw.
- 43:49
- And to be honest with you, how would we react if we saw all that? I think we would collapse too.
- 43:57
- When the angel of the Lord corrects him and says, don't worship me, worship God. Exodus 34, 14.
- 44:05
- For you shall not worship any other God for the Lord whose name is jealous is a jealous God. Matthew 4, 10.
- 44:12
- Jesus quotes to Satan. Get behind me, Satan. Go, Satan, for it is written, you shall worship the
- 44:19
- Lord your God and serve him only. So basically, the angel was reminding him of the apostle
- 44:26
- John that he too was a created being, declaring himself a fellow servant, a bond servant, rather than the object of worship.
- 44:36
- Well, let's go to the third. The third is immediate proclamation. And he said to me, do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near.
- 44:47
- Let the one who does wrong still do wrong, and the one who is filthy still be filthy.
- 44:52
- The one who is righteous still practice righteousness, and the one who is holy still keep himself holy.
- 44:58
- And that's an interesting verse, isn't it? It almost seems like it's out of place, doesn't it? It seems like it's just thrown in there, and it seems so out of place.
- 45:08
- But there is immediate proclamation that is here, and it's not out of place.
- 45:15
- The time is near. And think of what Jesus said in John 9, 4.
- 45:23
- We must work the works of him who sent me, as long as it is day.
- 45:32
- The night is coming. Jesus said the night's coming when no one can work.
- 45:39
- That's a sober warning, isn't it? That should light a fire under us.
- 45:46
- Romans 13, 11 through 12, do this. Knowing the time that it is already the hour for you to awaken from sleep.
- 45:58
- Now there he's talking about stupor, not literally dying. But you need to wake up from your stupor, for now salvation is nearer to us than when we believed.
- 46:13
- Then he says this, verse 12. The night is almost gone, the day is near, therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.
- 46:22
- In other words, basically saying, purify yourself and sanctify yourself. And get serious because Jesus is coming.
- 46:31
- Well, the angel's next statement seems, like I said, to contradict the place in its context, but it's not.
- 46:38
- Let the one who does wrong, let him still do wrong. And the one who's filthy, let him be still filthy.
- 46:44
- Let he who is righteous still continue to practice righteousness. Well, this is a word of warning, beloved, that basically says, in thought, since Jesus is coming, and by the way,
- 46:57
- His coming is imminent. In other words, He could come back at any time, at any moment, quickly.
- 47:03
- Let us be worried like a thief in the night. And He is coming, suddenly.
- 47:12
- You know what I believe the text is saying here? It's not going to be time for change. There's a warning of that sense, but there's another part of this text,
- 47:24
- I think it could be interpreted like this. There'll be no time for last minute repentance. There'll be no time for change.
- 47:30
- You cannot do nothing about it, but you can right now. Roberson said this in his commentary,
- 47:37
- It is the hopelessness of final state of the wicked, which is here pictured.
- 47:45
- Now, what he's picturing is this, the states of both the evil and the righteous are now fixed forever, right here in this text.
- 47:53
- In other words, there is no word here about a second chance here after this. Ravenhill said this,
- 48:00
- There's a million roads to hell, but not one road out. We need to think about that.
- 48:08
- There is a way that seems right unto man, but the end thereof is death. And Satan definitely has so many people deceived, thinking they are saved, thinking they know
- 48:24
- God, and yet they have not even started the first step toward Calvary. You know,
- 48:31
- MacArthur says this, The truth, quote, The truth here is dramatically conveys that a person's response to the proclamation of the truth will fix their eternal destinies.
- 48:46
- Those who hear the truth, but continue to do wrong and be filthy, will by that hardened response fix their eternal destiny in hell.
- 49:00
- On the other hand, the one who continues to practice righteousness and keep themselves holy, give evidence of genuine saving faith.
- 49:11
- End quote. That's a very good quote. Jesus said it best. I got a better quote.
- 49:17
- Jesus said, He that endures to the end shall be saved. In other words, he that perseveres to the end.
- 49:24
- You got to go to the end. It's not how well you started. It's how well you finish.
- 49:30
- You got to finish that cross. You got to finish the cross line. You got to go to the goal. Here is the perseverance of the saints.
- 49:39
- And by the way, Calvin didn't come up with it. Jesus did. We affirm what
- 49:46
- Calvin says, but Jesus is the one that began it. Amen. Last and final, my point there is an immediate service.
- 49:55
- Verse 12, Behold, I'm coming quickly and my reward is with me to render every man according to what he has done.
- 50:02
- Now, it's important. We're not saved by our works, but we are saved by grace for his workmanship.
- 50:10
- You see that? We're going through the book of James, right? Notice what James is talking about.
- 50:16
- Faith that works. He talks about the obedience unto God. You're not saved by your obedience, but when you are saved, you properly obey.
- 50:27
- He says, I'm coming quickly. Jesus has a reward. You know, the speaker here no longer is the angel, but Jesus Christ himself.
- 50:35
- But he repeats the declaration in verse 7. Behold, I'm coming quickly. Jesus' statement means that his coming is imminent and sudden, unexpected.
- 50:48
- Well, the knowledge that... Let me back up here.
- 50:55
- The rewards that believers enjoy in heaven will be capacities for serving
- 51:00
- God throughout all eternity. An opportunity to serve in heaven.
- 51:06
- And get a chance, read Matthew chapter 25. That's what that whole chapter is basically about.
- 51:14
- Well, let me give some application, Miracle. I think this is the most important part of the message. I know my time is about gone.
- 51:23
- It is. The knowledge that Jesus could return at any moment should not lead
- 51:30
- Christians to a life of idle waiting, beloved, for his coming. Now, let me say that again.
- 51:36
- The knowledge that Jesus Christ is going to return at any moment, imminent, should not lead
- 51:43
- Christians to a life of idle waiting for his coming. But, what should it do? It should produce diligent, obedient, worshipful service to God.
- 51:56
- And an urgent... Let me say this. An urgent proclamation to give the gospel to unbelievers.
- 52:05
- Living in the light of the second coming, beloved. And the light of his glorious return.
- 52:15
- And living in the light of coming judgment. And living in the light of all this and the coming judgment of the ungodly.
- 52:25
- God does not ask us to read or just understand and believe the prophecy of this book so we can cater to our curiosities.
- 52:36
- But the purpose of it is not for our curiosity. But the most important thing is being a faithful steward of God that is holy and purified and zealous for good works.
- 52:58
- What do you mean by that? Let me expand on that. We are to take heed to what God says in this book, beloved.
- 53:05
- And to be obedient to him. To be faithful in the mundane. Wherever God has planted you.
- 53:12
- In your home. In your work. As a wife. As a husband.
- 53:18
- As a father. Or a mother. God says you be faithful.
- 53:24
- And when no one else is looking, be faithful. That's important before the face of God.
- 53:33
- Because the mundane... Being faithful in the mundane means something to God.
- 53:40
- God will even judge that and reward that. However you look at it.
- 53:47
- Most of all we are called unto holiness. I just read a part of 1
- 53:55
- Thessalonians chapter 4 about when Jesus comes back. But before that read, all that talks about is a walk unto holiness.
- 54:04
- That God has called us to walk and please him in holiness and conduct.
- 54:10
- Hebrews 12, 14, Pursue peace with all men and holiness without which no one will see the
- 54:17
- Lord. This means that we draw near to God with a pure conscience.
- 54:24
- A cleansed conscience. Before God in genuine acceptance of Christ as Lord and Savior.
- 54:31
- Bringing the sinner into immediate fellowship with God. Through reconciliation, okay, we are to evangelize.
- 54:40
- But did you know that a holy life is evangelistic? Live a holy life out there and I guarantee it will draw attention.
- 54:52
- Let your light so shine before men that they may see what? Your good works. And glorify your
- 54:58
- Father which is in heaven. That's what Jesus talked about. Hebrews 12, 15.
- 55:07
- You know I just quoted, follow peace with all men. And holiness without which no one shall see the
- 55:15
- Lord. Then he says this, see to it. Now don't you love the writer here? See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God.
- 55:30
- We can come short of the grace of God. This doesn't mean a true Christian goes to hell.
- 55:36
- It's not what it's talking about here. It's basically talking about that no root of bitterness.
- 55:44
- In other words, drawing back. God keeps
- 55:49
- His own. But it's talking about we're not to come short of the grace of God here.
- 56:00
- It's important. And let's look at the rest of the text and you can get the context.
- 56:08
- That no root of bitterness. Now you know what that root of bitterness? The word bitterness in the
- 56:13
- Greek means poison. Poison gets down. Poison, a lot of people would not realize it's poison until it's taken.
- 56:27
- And then it's over with. But it goes deep. Notice it's a root. Not a fruit but a root.
- 56:35
- And it says then springing up causes trouble. And by it, notice this, by it many.
- 56:44
- Not a few, many be defiled. What a warning. Lord, keep us clean.
- 56:51
- Keep us pure. Help us not to be defiled if I'm holding any root of bitterness.
- 56:57
- Something down deep in my heart against anyone that done me wrong. Lord, give me the spirit of grace and forgiveness against these people that have done me wrong.
- 57:11
- And this is hard at times, isn't it? Because a lot of times we get wounded. And woundedness cause pain.
- 57:18
- And that pain causes anger. And it keeps growing. And it causes bitterness. And we need to be like Christ here.
- 57:27
- Now does it not mean to not be wise in handling things about the truth?
- 57:35
- You know, actually Paul the apostle called out false teachers, didn't he? Peter did. Paul called them out by name.
- 57:43
- But we're talking about false teachers. There's a place for that.
- 57:49
- And we have to take the proper steps. But we need to make sure our heart is right before God.
- 57:57
- Amen? We need to have a pure sanctified heart. Not come short of the grace of God.
- 58:03
- Don't let the root of bitterness springing up causes trouble. And by it, many are defiled.
- 58:10
- So again, what's it say? Simply that believers are to watch their own lives.
- 58:16
- Take heed to yourself and the doctrine. So as to give a testimony of peace and holiness.
- 58:25
- You are a testimony. You are the only Bible that people will ever read, beloved.
- 58:32
- There's a lot of people out there would not open this Bible. But your life is an open book.
- 58:40
- But it's talking about here a life of peace. Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the children of God.
- 58:46
- Holiness. Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God. As well as to look out and to help those in the midst that are in need of salvation.
- 58:55
- We're called to evangelize. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God. What does that mean?
- 59:01
- That basically means too late and to be left out.
- 59:12
- So what kind of person, in other words, what kind of person are you going to be before the face of God in the lost world?
- 59:19
- What really matters? What really matters to you? What is the treasure to you?
- 59:25
- What is the thing that you desire the most? All this is going to matter when we give an account to God.
- 59:34
- Each believer according to our deeds. Now, how shall we then live? The Bible gives us that answer.
- 59:41
- 2 Peter 3, 11. Are you going to be living in holy conduct and godliness?
- 59:47
- Because you're looking for and hastening the coming day of God. You're so eager and you're so anticipating it.
- 59:55
- And you know it's coming. And so you live holy lives.
- 01:00:00
- You don't hear much about holiness anymore. You mentioned holiness, everybody thinks you're a Pharisee. That's a lie from hell.
- 01:00:09
- God's book, I'm telling you, God says you're to be holy as I'm holy. Not as holy, no one can be as holy as God.
- 01:00:16
- God is holy, He is the Holy One. But it does call us as we are
- 01:00:22
- His children to have a family resemblance. To be like Him.
- 01:00:28
- To be holy, to be separate from the world until the day of Jesus Christ.
- 01:00:34
- 2 Peter 3, verse 14. Beloved, since you look for these things, be diligent to be found in Him in peace, spotless, and blameless.
- 01:00:45
- Right there. That's the Word of God. That's it. My question to you, are you living in peace?
- 01:00:54
- Are you living in gentleness? Are you living in patience? Are you living this way?
- 01:01:00
- Are you blameless? Are you without spot? Are you a pure bride?
- 01:01:08
- And let me end it with the questions of a wonderful hymn that I love so much. Are you washed in the blood of the
- 01:01:15
- Lamb? Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the
- 01:01:21
- Lamb? Don't you love this hymn? I mean, it's just a series of questions and every time
- 01:01:27
- I hear this wonderful song, I'm so convicted, but I'm so encouraged.
- 01:01:34
- Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Verse, stanza two. Are you walking daily by the
- 01:01:40
- Savior's side? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Do you rest each moment in the crucified?
- 01:01:49
- Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Each moment. Isn't that a great song?
- 01:01:57
- When the bridegroom cometh, will your robes be white? Pure and white in the blood of the
- 01:02:04
- Lamb. Will your souls be ready for the mansions bright?
- 01:02:10
- And be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Makes me want to sing it. But I can't sing, but I love it.
- 01:02:17
- Verse four. And this is the best one. Lay aside the garments that are stained with sin.
- 01:02:26
- And be washed in the blood of the Lamb. There's a fountain flowing for the soul unclean.
- 01:02:33
- Oh, be washed in the blood of the Lamb. Don't you love that? Are you washed in the blood of the
- 01:02:40
- Lamb? Are your garments clean, white? Blessed are those who wash their robes.
- 01:02:48
- Verse 14 of chapter 22. Listen to this. Blessed, blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life.
- 01:02:59
- And may enter by the gates into the city. Only those who are washed in the blood of the
- 01:03:08
- Lamb. They have exchanged robes as we sung it. As brother Keith preached to us a few weeks back.
- 01:03:17
- What's the name of that? He exchanged his robes for mine. Our robes are filthy.
- 01:03:23
- Our righteousness is filthy rags. I mean filth before God. Filth. Our good works.
- 01:03:30
- All that we are if we think we're good before God is filth. But I'm telling you when you're dressed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
- 01:03:39
- He sees that you have a white robe. Pure and white.
- 01:03:45
- That's what David was crying out. Make me whiter than snow. He's basically saying give me the robe pure cleanliness.
- 01:03:57
- Praise God. May it be so with us. Let's pray. Father we thank you for this morning. We thank you for this word that comes from your book.
- 01:04:06
- It's God breathe. Lord my opinions they don't mean to a hill of beans.
- 01:04:14
- My interpretation of scripture is nothing. Father but what you say is everything.
- 01:04:20
- And I pray father what you have said this morning through your word. By this stammering lip.
- 01:04:26
- Father that it is sunk into our hearts and it will change us forever. May we be a people purified for good works.
- 01:04:36
- To live a life that's pleasing to you. And let us never forget that our first calling is a calling unto holiness.
- 01:04:45
- Because you are a holy God. And this is something we are never ever to be ashamed of.
- 01:04:52
- So father bless bless each and every one of us as we go our way into a dark and sinful world.
- 01:04:58
- Especially this time of the year father. There's a lot of hurt down out there. May we be the bomb.
- 01:05:05
- May we be the one that carries the bomb of Gilead. The good news of the gospel to a soul that's in great need.
- 01:05:12
- Souls are in danger. Father give us discernment. Open our eyes.
- 01:05:18
- If the person has breath in their body. May we be the ones to just come to them.
- 01:05:23
- And give them the hope the blessed hope of Jesus Christ. We ask this in Jesus name.