Legacy Standard Bible and PTL Bible Rebinding review


Please like, comment, share, and subscribe https://316publishing.com/collections/lsb-handy-size-red-letter https://ptlbiblerebinding.com/ https://youtu.be/QtXDhiLTKx8 https://lsbible.org/ It is a blessing to own such a great Bible as this LSB PTL rebind. May it be used for many years to the glory of God! #church #bible #gospel


Hi there, welcome to Reformed Ex Mormon. I am Pastor Brayden and I hope you're having a wonderful and blessed day today. I have something truly special that I want to show and share with everyone out there.
Today what I have with me, I have the blessing to own a new LSB Bible and not only that but to have it rebound by post -Tenebrous
Lux Bible rebinding. This is the highest quality of a
Bible rebind that I think you can get out there. So I'm going to ask you to go show some Christian love to the gentleman that does these,
Jeffrey Rice, with his company Post -Tenebrous Lux. And also like, subscribe, and share this video around.
But let's go ahead and hop right into a Bible review. I am so excited to show you what
I have here right now. An LSB Post -Tenebrous Lux Bible rebind.
I am so happy and excited to have this right now. This is an early Christmas present from my wife and I'm telling you what, she did good.
I'm going to go out on a limb and just say, I think currently I own the nicest
Bible there is. And not only that, but I think it's definitely, I know Post -Tenebrous
Lux has rebounded several LSBs, but I think out of all their rebinds, this is the nicest
LSB there is. So what we're going to start out with doing is I'm going to first talk about the rebind, give a review on that.
And then we're going to get into the actual text itself and give a review on the LSB. So to start off with the rebind itself, if the quality of this camera can pick up what we have here right before us is what
I believe on Post -Tenebrous Lux Bible rebindings website is what they're calling a two -tone
Bible. This is a brown, dark, dark brown, I believe it is a tobacco cowhide.
Absolutely gorgeous. I love the brown. I think it really compliments the entirety of the Bible. All the colors is just phenomenal.
And so this tobacco colored brown cowhide, it is a full yap
Bible. So a full yap will be one that protects the entirety of the book block itself.
And right now I'm just going to let you know, I've only owned this Bible now for just a couple of days I've preached from it once.
And so it's going to be a little bit more stiff than what most of the Bibles will be that you would get from Post -Tenebrous
Lux after a week of owning it. And so I'm still needing to work mine out a little bit.
But just continuing on with this, this book rebind you would notice that in the two -tone, when you go to the spine in the back, it transitions to this deep, dark black that just kind of captivates your eyes, grabs your eyes and makes you look that way.
And it carries on through to the backside of the Bible. On the spine is the five solas, which
I think Post -Tenebrous Lux is known for doing. They do an absolute great job on the spine.
There's their logo right there. And I hope that the video can capture this, but what you have right here on this one with the
Soledad Gloria, all glory be to God alone. It is actually the same color, this leather as this tobacco cowhide just absolutely pops.
It looks great. I love it. I am thrilled to own this. The stitching is all hand stitching that goes around the entirety of the perimeter, as well as with this two -tone break right here.
There's black stitching that's on the inside here, followed by a brown stitching that's on the inside of the black side right here.
Just phenomenal job. Jeff Rice absolutely knocked this one out of the park. When you open it up, you'll see that it's a little bit of a softer black leather right here by a black first opening page.
Jeff has done this gold gilding around the side here. And I'm just going to say it.
I don't think anybody in the Bible rebinding business does better corners than Post -Tenebrous
Lux. Those are quality corners. Those are amazing. I am blown away with that.
There is maroon three -ribbon bookmarks and also gold gilding or a gold page die.
I don't know what you would call that on the actual book block. I believe this came stock with my
LSB as well as index for all the books of the Bible.
Just to compare, I'll show you my Bible that I've rebound myself. The quality of the leather on this blows this one out of the water.
It's amazing the quality of the leather on this. When you look at mine and you look at the comparison of the corners, though I think mine weren't terrible,
I'm telling you what, you cannot get better than this. If you're looking to have your
Bible rebound, a family heirloom, something that you've had for a long time that's falling apart as all
Bibles, I hope, get to the point of falling apart, it means that you're using them. That's a good thing. But you want to keep it and you want to make it last.
I'm telling you, you need to go check out Post -Tenebrous Lux Bible rebinding. He will treat your
Bible right. He will give you a quality product that will last for many, many years to come. Speaking of something that will last for many, many years to come, this book block that Jeff rebound for me is a
LSB, a Legacy Standard Bible. I'm so thrilled to own this as a pastor and preacher.
I think that what the 316 Publishing, the Lachman Foundation, and the John MacArthur Charitable Trust has done is something that is fantastic.
And I believe that it is the best translation out there right now for Christians, pastors, preachers, evangelists, missionaries, whatever call of ministry that you are in, whatever means that you're advancing the kingdom of God.
I think that this is the best Bible translation out there. And so Jeff has given me a quality product that protects something that I hope will last me for a legacy, a lifetime, something that I can hand down to my kids and hopefully go to grandkids one day.
So what we'll go ahead and do now is we'll just go ahead and transition from reviewing the cover itself to opening up the
Bible and looking at what we have here. So this book block from 316 Publishing, which
I will post in the description, I'll link all the different things in the description below.
So please check that out. But this is the handy size Bible is what my wife was telling me since this was a gift.
It is an indexed handy size, and it is also read a letter, meaning that the words of Christ all appear in red, which
I really thoroughly appreciate. It is a single column Bible with inch wide margins.
I personally do not like writing in my margins. I know a lot of people do. And in fact, you might try to anathematize me because I'm saying
I don't like writing in my margins. But to each their own, that's just not my cup of tea.
They do offer a wide margin Bible. So I would definitely if you want to get a wide margin or if you're one that likes to write in your margins,
I would suggest going with something like that as this, though it is wide enough to write something in, it might not be as preferable as those wide margin
Bibles, the handy size Bible. And this is all off the top of my head. So if I say something incorrectly for the specifications, the dimensions of this
Bible, I apologize. But I believe that this Bible's length is a little bit over eight inches and a half.
I believe it's right under three quarters. When you look at the width of this Bible, it is a five inch and three quarter width, followed by,
I believe in its height to mention this way is going to be a roughly
I believe it's an inch and it's under an inch and a half. I believe I think it's an inch and a 0 .376
or something like that is according to their website. The handy size offers a 9 .5
font. Very, very readable. I really, really think
I read it and I preached from it from this Sunday, this last Lord's day, and I thought it was great.
It was a breeze to read from. This is actually my very first single column Bible that I will use.
I own a couple, but I don't use them very often. And I'm so excited to have this for preaching from as I think my eyes will do so much better just reading from that single column type right there.
So what is the LSB? You might be watching this video, not knowing or looking at possibly purchasing one.
And I hope that what this does is it offers and shows to you some of the differences between this translation and your other translations.
So the LSB Bible translation is one that I think
I would highly suggest. Like I said to everybody, it's one that is really it's the
LSB is really just a um, addition, a, an upkeep, a, uh, edit on the 95
NASB. It's an updated NASB and 95 NASB right here.
My, my current Bible, my last Bible that I used to own or that I still own that I used to use is a 77
NASB. I really love it. And I think, uh, for my Christian walk,
I think it was very pivotal for myself as I come from an LDS background. And so I was very, very accustomed to the
King James version of the Bible. And so what the 77 NASB did for me was, and it's all, it's poetic, uh, prayer language.
It was, it would, it would, it would do the, these, a thousand, the eyes. Right. And so I think that really helped for me to transition into a superior text, such as the
LSB. Now, why, why would I suggest this over the 95, which the 95 is an update of the 77, of course.
And so it removes that poetic language, the King James, uh, Shakespearean type of language, and it inserts the does the use the things that you and I would understand.
Why would I suggest the LSB over it? Well, because I think one of the things that I absolutely love about this is that it has a consistency all throughout the text.
So what I want to do real fast is, is before we start looking at consistency, I want to read what the fourfold aim of the
Lachman foundation is here. It says, these publications shall be true to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.
They shall be grammatically correct. They shall be understandable and they shall give the
Lord Jesus Christ, his proper place, the place, which the word gives him. Therefore no work will ever be personalized.
So two things to take note of that I really appreciate in this is that this work is gone about as best as it could to not take presuppositions and insert them into the text.
It has not tried to take opinions on things and, and change what the text is actually saying, but they have sought their very best to use this
English translation as a window into what the original text had to say.
And so one thing that if you go to the 316 publishing website or the LSB website and you read a little bit about their philosophy is that they want to give a literal word for word translation, something that when the pastor, the local church, the looks at and reads, they can interpret the text for themselves and the translation does not interpret the text for them.
So it's a lot more word for word. So that might be a little bit different depending on the translations that you are used to.
Now, if you own a 95 NASB or you use a 95 NASB, you're going to find that there's a lot of similarities with minor differences.
Um, one of the biggest things that the NAS or the LSB, the legacy standard
Bible has done that I truly appreciate. And I noticed it actually this last Lord's day is the consistency in the translations that they, they, they offer for us.
So take a look here at Haggai chapter two, verse four, and just opening up here, this is the text
I preached on was actually verse five, but take a look here at verse four. And I hope you can see that it translates the name of God, which is always translated in our translations as a capital
L O R D Lord. It is translated it literally as God's name,
Yahweh. And this is done over 6 ,000 times in the old Testament. And I just have to say, it is so refreshing for myself to sit here as, as, as a
Christian and say for thus says Yahweh of hosts, no longer should the
Christian ever read over that word Lord and miss the meaning of God's name.
They should see it and see that as the self -existing God, the one and only, the one exists in Trinity, the father, the son, and the
Holy spirit. But yet there is only one God Yahweh. Um, this is truly amazing.
And so when I was able to preach from this, this, this Sunday, I noticed the consistency, right?
The, the name Yahweh is all throughout the old Testament and it emphasizes the deity of Jesus Christ.
And notice in here, verse five, as for the promise, which
I cut with you, when you came out of Egypt, my spirit is standing in your midst, do not fear, which is referencing
Exodus 19. And not only that, but the word cut in this, you, if you open up your 95
NASB, it would say, um, according or as for the promise, which
I made with you. And if you open up your ESV, it would say, according to the covenant I made with you, there would be some that would say, um, the, the, the, the promise that I covenanted with you.
Um, this word in here is cut. And the reason that it's cut. And the reason that that's, it's so significant that we read it as cut is that should immediately take our mind back to Genesis chapter 15 verses eight.
And in fact, the whole chapter, but versus in particular, uh, verse eight to, uh, really verse 18.
And if you notice, and you read that text in there, Abram is told to take a three -year -old heifer, a three -year -old female goat and a three -year -old ram.
And he is to split them down the middle to cut them down the middle. And he does.
So when he places them side by side, and what you see in this text is Abram doesn't walk through those split animals, but it's
God himself that walks through it. Take a look at this. Now it happened that the sun had set and it was very dark and behold, there appeared a smoking oven, a flaming torch, which passed between these pieces, which that's called a theophany and a, a showing an appearance, a, a way that God shows who he is to somebody.
And on verse, uh, verse 18, it says, and on that day, Yahweh cut a covenant with Abram saying to your seed,
I have given this land. So you'll have cut seed,
Yahweh, you'll have slave in the new Testament and the Greek. These things are, are cues for us as the reader to understand that these are, are consistent words that pierce all the way out throughout scripture, and it should tie and link things for us.
And so when I'm in Haggai chapter two, verse five, and I see in there that the, that the, the people of Israel, the remnant
Joshua and Zerubbabel are to remember the promise that God cut with them immediately, my mind should go to this text, that God is not only the one that makes a covenant, but God is the one that keeps the covenant.
And not only that, but God himself is going to pay the penalty for covenant breakers.
And that by paying this penalty, that God is paying a penalty for covenant members.
And what do I mean by that? Well, look, look at this, the, the consistency of all scripture shows us this.
Jeremiah 31, 31 through 34, behold, days are coming declares
Yahweh, when I will cut a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant, which
I cut with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant, which they broke, but I was a husband to them declares
Yahweh. But this is the covenant, which I will cut with the house of Israel after those days declares
Yahweh. I will put my law within them and on their hearts. I will write it and I will be their
God and they shall be my people. And they will not teach again, each man, his neighbor and each man, his brother saying no
Yahweh for they will all know me from the least to the greatest of them declares Yahweh for I will forgive their iniquity and their sin.
I will remember no more. And when we go to Hebrews chapter eight, chapter nine and chapter 10, but specifically chapter eight, verses six through 12, it quotes from this.
And in verse six to seven, it says that, that Jesus Christ is the better mediator of a better covenant.
And then it quotes this text. And so it's significant that it says Yahweh in here, because what does that mean?
That God himself is the one that has made this covenant and Jesus is the one that made that covenant.
So it emphasizes the deity of Jesus Christ. It emphasizes who Jesus is for us.
And so when we see this and we see that it's the word cut again, again, that is
God himself, Jesus himself that makes a covenant for us. He keeps the covenant and he takes the penalties and the punishment of the covenant breakers to whom he laid his life down for the covenant members.
This new covenant, again, absolutely phenomenal, amazing reading of the text, something that you wouldn't see unless you had an
LSB. Now Galatians three, or if you knew the Greek and the Hebrew and the Aramaic, you might see that as well, but just that word seed that's consistently used there.
Galatians chapter three, verse 16. Now the promises were spoken Abraham into his seed. He does not say into seeds as referring to many, but rather to one and to your seed.
That is Christ verse 28 and 29. There is neither Jew nor Greek.
There is neither slave nor free man. There is no male and female for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
And if you belong to Christ and you are Abraham's seed heirs, according to the promise.
Now this is consistency. This is something that this
Bible has put a picture in the reader's mind that you might've missed if you were reading from a
KJV, a 95 NASB, an ESV. You might not pick these nuances up.
I love this translation. I couldn't more highly recommend what has happened here.
This text is beautiful. I think it gives glory to God.
I think it reveals Christ the most superior and supreme way that an English reader could read and understand.
And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to link down in the description where you can purchase this
Bible translation. I'm going to link Post Tenebrous Lux Bible rebinding, and I'm telling you what, you need to go get your
Bibles rebound and you also need to buy a new Bible from Post Tenebrous Lux. This is the best work that there is, just quite frankly.
And I really do hope that this video has blessed you in understanding the consistency that this foundation, this translation team has gone after to seek to do.
And I truly believe that this is giving God glory. And so please go purchase the
Legacy Standard Bible. I know you won't be disappointed. As far as this review goes,
I hope that it has blessed you. I hope that it glorifies God. And I would again ask you to please like, subscribe, and share this video with your friends and family as we try to advance the kingdom of God.
Let's tell them about God who became flesh, kept the covenants, paid the price of the covenant, and through faith in this new federal head, the better mediator, we too can be covenant members and have our sins forgiven and our iniquities remembered no more.