Why do we not see Demonic Possession Anymore? | Season 3 Episode 5

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As Hunter says the only podcast I'm Josiah and according to Anna I am a much worse host than Hunter.
She didn't even say she said not just he's a better host which I had already said he was she said he is a much better host and that was totally unnecessary and unneeded so thanks for that Anna.
You're welcome Hunter I'm in your corner. Yeah so there's Hunter's best friend
Anna over there and then here we have our good friend Dana. Hey Dana.
Hey. Have you ever been on a podcast before? I have not. I've been on several all here all here but I've been on several what about.
She's Dr. Dana. Dr. Dana Sneed. I was like why didn't you introduce her as Dr.
Dana she has letters after her name. She does she does. What would those letters be? Is it PhD? Yeah.
Okay. She is the smartest one of us up here.
That's what that means. If you're a doctor you have to be the most intelligent. Is that what that means? Do you hear me? The most smartest. Spend the most time in school.
I don't know. I know some people that are doctors that are idiots. Yeah I bet Dana does too. I bet she's met many of them but I've met some people that are doctors that are idiots but.
Okay. I had a math teacher from Hungary. Oh really? When I was at University of Memphis. He was brilliant but he didn't like being called a doctor because he quotes that he was doesn't heal people.
So he didn't like being called a doctor. We just called him by his first name which I can't pronounce nor remember. Okay. But it was pretty cool.
Alright. So today the question is a straightforward question. I can't remember if it was sent in by a listener or by a brother
Christian. I actually can't remember. It's probably the same thing no matter what. And the question is demonic possessions.
And I'll word it the same way that it was asked. Why don't we see them today as much as we did in the
Bible. As much as we do in the Bible. And that is the question. Why don't we see demonic possessions as much as we do in the
Bible. But before we get there we have to ask Dana some of the questions we come up with the past few weeks just to make sure she's on the right side of history.
Dana cake or pie? Go. For the rest of your life. You can only have one for the rest of your life.
Cake or pie. Because there's more varieties.
That was the right answer. That is the correct answer. Very good.
We asked her the one for Thanksgiving. I keep wanting to say potato salad. Is sweet potato casserole a side or dessert?
And you said. I said it's a decoration. Because she doesn't eat it. So okay.
So it is pie. Now if we give cake brownies and give them donuts.
Does it change your answer? So you mean cake brownies and donuts all on one side? That's on that side.
And we don't give pie pizza which it should be there. But if we don't give pie pizza. I don't know.
Apple pie is kind of my favorite. So you would still say with pie. Probably. I don't even have to give you the kicker.
The kicker is that cheesecake is pie. Oh. Well then definitely. Let's go with pie.
Yeah. And whenever people say oh it's in the name. I have like a set number of examples. But it has a pie crust.
Right. I have a set number of examples in my brain. Of things that are in the name that are not that thing. Koala bears. Great nuts.
Affordable Care Act. Doesn't mean it was affordable or they care. The Patriot Act wasn't patriotic. See I have. So what's the definition for pie then?
That it has a crust? The definition for pie is it has a crust. And a filling. Now. Okay. That's why
I say cobbler counts as a pie. Because even though it has a topping. It still has a crust. And a filling. Yeah.
That's how I view it. Alright. Well with that definition. I'm definitely on the side of pie. Yeah. By the way. Graham cracker crust.
I'd be sad about. Crispy cream donuts. I'd be sad about losing those. Yeah. Graham cracker crust though is not the best.
I like the regular soft one. Not the graham cracker. No the best. Like the regular dough. Is Oreos. Yes. Well you know what.
Oreos are a good crust. I will say that. Alright. Now that we got the important stuff out of the way. Let's get to that Bible stuff.
I can't say that. I can't even. I can't even say it. So. Blasphemy.
I'll start here. And then. We'll kind of go from there naturally. The question has a little bit of a presupposition in it.
The question was. Why don't we see. Demonic possession today like we did in the
Bible. As much as we see it in the Bible. Because it's quote. All throughout the Bible. That's a quote from.
The listener who asked the question. And I would say that that is actually not true. I would say.
That people think it's all throughout the Bible. But in reality. Of the 66 books of the
Bible. You would only find demonic possession. Explicitly. In a few of them. I would say.
That you would not find it in Ezra. Or Isaiah. Or Nehemiah. Or Esther. Or. You can make an argument for Daniel.
But probably not. Or Malachi. Or Micah. Or. Joshua. Or Ruth.
You would not find it there. In the New Testament. You would not find the explicit demonic possession. In. The book of Philippians.
Or Philemon. Or Jude. I will allow revelation. Because there actually is an example.
In Revelation. But you wouldn't find it. In. First Corinthians. You wouldn't find it. In.
Most of the New Testament book. I would say that if you took away. The four Gospels. And a couple chapters of Acts. There would be very little demonic possession.
In the Bible. When people say it's all throughout the Bible. It's actually just very common. In the four Gospels. Right. That's really what people mean.
And I don't think people have a proper perspective. Of that. Because if you really think about it. The Gospels.
Cover. Roughly. If you don't count the genealogies.
Thirty five years of history. But. They don't have a lot to say about the first. Thirty or so.
So really. It's mostly. Three and a half years of history. During Jesus's ministry. Right. There.
And pretty much. Only there. In. A fifty square mile.
Area of the world. Do you see. A massive amount of demonic possession. And you don't see that.
Anywhere else in the world. Anywhere else in history. In biblical history. Which is history.
Anywhere else in the Bible. At that rate. Not even close. Whole swaths.
Whole sections. Of the Old and New Testament. Have zero mention of demonic possession. Not to be confused with demonic activity.
Or things like that. So. I would say. I would challenge somebody. Who thinks that demonic possessions.
All throughout the Bible. To recognize. It's really just the gospels. And acts. For the most part. Now the next question would be.
Why. Why do we see it. More. In those books.
Than we do. The rest of the Bible. Dana. You got a guess. Well I would say. To start with. Is. Where.
If we're starting with. God's word is our authority. And. God himself. As. The sovereign ruler.
Of all things. And we see that. All things. Are made. For his purpose. And. According to his will.
And his plan. Then. I think that. We can look at. The time of. Jesus's ministry.
And see that. God was. Using those things. And so. Allowing those to be recorded. And talked about. And observed.
Because. It. Illuminated. Jesus's purpose. And his work. His ministry.
And therefore. Sharing. Helping us to learn. About God. That's interesting.
So. When the Bible says. All things. Are subjected under his feet. And all things. Are to him. And through him.
And for him. And he works. All things. According to counsel. As well. And all things. Are subject to him.
You actually think. That means all. Yes. Including. Spiritual. And physical realm.
Yes. And in fact. We see that. Because. When Jesus is. He's interacting. With the.
The demons. Let's just take Legion. For example. Right. That's what everybody knows. Because. Jesus.
Cast him out. And sends him. Into the herd of pigs. Right. Well. Why does he leave.
The person. And he asks permission. Can I. Go into that herd of pigs.
Well. Because when Jesus. Gives a command. He has no choice. But to obey that command. Isn't that crazy.
Yeah. So. Even the demons ask permission. They. They. Because they know. Who he is. And there are times.
Where they. The Bible says they beg. Yes. They grovel. And it's actually. Demons are the first one.
A demon possessed person. The demon. Is the first person. To actually identify Jesus. Yes. Yes. Before he has revealed himself.
To everyone else. He says. Son of David. Right. What are you going to do with us? Well. Because he healed that one guy.
And then he told him. Don't tell anybody. About what I've done for you. Right. Right. And then he told everybody. And you know.
It's funny. Who wouldn't. And for those of you. Who maybe didn't catch that. When that demon said.
Son of David. Recognize. If you haven't paid attention. To Matthew chapter one.
Son of David. That demon. Was saying. I believe this is the Messiah.
Of second Samuel. The Messiah of Isaiah. The Messiah of Genesis 50. The promised one. Right. The anointed one.
That's why when. Those two blind men. Say son of David. Have mercy on us. And Jesus. According to their faith.
The faith they displayed. Is that they believed. In the prophecy. They believed in the prophecy.
They. They. Believed. In that. Quite literally.
Which they had not seen. Now coming to pass. That this really is. The Messiah. So yeah.
So. And I think this is important. To start this framework here. Because as Dana.
Rightly pointed out. That. When God wanted Saul. To be tormented. With an evil spirit.
It doesn't say an evil spirit. Tormented Saul. It says. Yahweh. Sent an evil spirit.
To torment. Paul. When Job. No. When Satan. Wanted to torment
Job. What happened? He had to ask permission. Satan had to ask. Yahweh's permission. Satan had to ask.
God's permission. Because Job. Is one of his children. I think.
We have a wrong. Mindset. Of Satan. I will never.
Minimize. Satan's power. Satan's. Knowledge. Satan's craftiness. He's the most. Cunning creature.
But he's the most. Cunning. Creature. That God has made. Genesis three. One says.
It's an amazing. Verse. That when Moses. Wrote that down. I know it must have just boggled.
His mind. Genesis three. One says. The serpent was the most. Crafty. The most cunning. Of the creatures.
God had made. Ephesians. Two says.
That everyone. In this room. And listening to this. Either is. Or at one point. Was.
Walking. According. To the ways. Of this world. To the ruler. Who exercises authority.
Over the lower heavens. And what's amazing. About that is. Bug's money really. Messes up here. There's no such.
Thing as. A neutral human. With. An angel. Who is actually. Not an angel. On one shoulder.
And a demon. Who's actually. Not a demon. On the other shoulder. Right. There's no biblical. Precedent. For that. Demons. Don't look like that.
And angels. Don't look like that. They're not vying. Over your soul. And that's.
That's not happening. Either. But more than that. The Bible. Doesn't say. That Satan. Had puppets.
To do his bidding. It says. That Anna. Dana. Josiah. Taylor. Lowell. And every other person.
Either was. Or is. Walked. According. To the ways of this world.
Not on a leash. Just. In step. With the ways of Satan. So when it says.
The whole world. The power. The sway. Of the whole world. Lies in the power. Of the evil one.
Or when it says. He has held them captive. When it says. He's the deceiver. Of the whole world.
It's not. That they're in a prison cell. It's that they are walking. In step. With his ways.
That's why. You are either. A child. Of Satan. Or a child. Of. The father. So. I want to be clear.
About that. His power. Is deception. And it is a great. Power. But it is not.
Coercion. Against. An unwilling. Humble. God. Obedient.
Participant. It is someone. Who's walking. According. To the ways of this world. And they're also not. Omnipotent. And omniscient.
I was going to bring. I was going to bring that up. And that's the same thing. About Satan. As people are. Oh. Satan's tempting me.
It's like. Okay. You do realize. He is not the same as God. Like. He is one guy. He's just like. Walking around.
You know. Doing whatever. He's not. Specifically tempting you. Yeah. It's like. You're not important enough.
For him to tempt you. Are you kidding me? He's going like. After the leaders. And stuff of this world. Not you. You're not important. Sorry to.
Break your heart. Yeah. But when. When. Daniel. Is. He prays.
And. He has to wait. And God sends. An angel. To answer his prayer. And. I believe it's.
Michael. In that case. And he says. I flew swiftly. Yes. To come bring you this answer.
Well. Because he's not. And. And that's an example. And of an angel. But angels. Demons. Are just angels.
They're just fallen angels. They're all created. Heavenly beings. Well. Is that the same one. Where. Now correct me if I'm wrong.
If he was like. I came. From fighting this war. The prince of Persia. Yes. It's. Michael's not the one.
Michael. Michael's the one who defeated the prince of Persia. So that the other angel could come. Yes. Yes. Okay. But yeah.
It's. And it's all. Wrapped up in the same thing. Daniel's getting these visions. And then God is sending these messengers. These angels.
To help. Explain. The visions that he saw. But. If he said.
I have to fly swiftly. That's because he can't be in everywhere. That's a great point. I've never thought about that. Me either. Boom.
See. She's the smartest of us. That's a great point. You know. You ever think about Gabriel's job.
In the New Testament. He tells two. Women they're pregnant. That's basically his whole job.
He didn't have. Michael has to be the defender of Israel. Gabriel. Tells two women they're pregnant.
He does something. Possibly. Also tells Zachariah. And Joseph. Oh.
But still just messengers. Yeah. His role is in the pregnancy. He's still just a messenger. But. If I'm not mistaken. He shows up at one point.
In the Old Testament. Actually has an actual job. An actual job. Yeah. Delivering God's. Delivering God's messages.
Yeah. That's not an actual job. God used a dream. God used a dream to do that. For 99 percent of his prophecies.
And then all of a sudden. Gabriel. No. I want you to deliver this one in person. Hand deliver. Yeah. Because she's not going to believe it.
If we do this in a dream. No. Well. Zachariah didn't believe in him. Yeah. Well. Yeah. Yeah. Yes.
He didn't have a lot to say about it. After that though. No. I will. Because he was mute.
Because. He couldn't speak until. When could he not speak. Until he knew the name. His name is
John. Yeah. Because he wrote it down. He couldn't. Obviously. Because he couldn't speak it. So. You should name him after yourself.
No. His name is John. I think Anna. Kind of gave a hint.
Towards maybe the question of. Okay. Now that we're going to reword the question. It's not throughout the Bible. But.
It's prolific in the life of Jesus. And a few times in the book of Acts. Why so much there.
And I think Anna. By pointing out that they're not omnipotent. They're not omniscient. No. That was
Dana that pointed that out. I agreed with what she said. So that Anna pointed that out. I think that helps answer the question.
Why. Would they be so concentrated. In one part of the world. At one time.
Because. We can all agree. I think. Part of the problem. Is people just don't think.
Logically. And critically. About it. There's not an infinite number. Of demons. There is a finite. Number of demons.
In fact. It's only a third. Of all. If. We take. If we take. Revelation.
Twelve or fourteen. And whatever it is. As a recording. Of the sin. Of Satan. And all that.
It is a third. Of all the angels. Which would mean. There's twice as many angels. As there are demons. Did I do that math right.
Two thirds and one third. Yeah. I did. So. You know. There's only.
A finite number. And. They. Are very knowledgeable.
Of God's word. With head knowledge. Not heart knowledge. Very knowledgeable. That. But. The Bible says.
There are things. That the apostles. Got to see. That angels. Longed. To see.
Okay. That. That. That. Okay. They desire. To look into these things. Is what the book of Hebrews.
Tells us. They don't have. Omniscient knowledge. God. Has revealed. His will.
To us. In his word. And Deuteronomy says. Some of his will. He has chosen. Not to reveal. To anybody.
Outside of himself. For now. For now. That would include. Sometimes Michael.
And Gabriel. And all the others. And Satan. So. With that being said.
Why ladies. Do we think. There's such a concentration. Because it is. You read me. It's all over.
Why is there so much. Demonic possession. In the gospels. Well. And I kind of want to go back. Off of what
Dana said earlier. Is. So you're not going to answer my question. I'm going to. You're going to make your own. Is that what you're going to do?
No. I'm using Dana's answer. Okay. From a previous question. From my answer. Yes ma 'am.
Yes ma 'am. So I'm piggybacking. Your chicken backing. Your chicken backing. Yeah.
Sure. Chicken. Pigs get too much credit. Sure. Sure. Sure. But what I was going to say. And I forgot.
Because you. I'm sorry. I. Okay. Let me help. The question was. Why do we see so much.
Demonic possession. To give. God the glory. To allow people. To see Jesus.
I don't want to say. Work his magic. Because it's not magic. But to. Use. His. God given.
Abilities. And to. Have people come to know him. And just. Give glory to that.
That would be my answer. Amen. I would say. That. Absolutely. That's the ultimate answer.
Right. Because. God is the one that's ultimately in charge. Because it's. It's about the miracles and stuff.
Right. If it's just this random guy. You know. Walking through towns. Not really doing a whole lot. He's not going to make a big impression on people.
I mean. Let's be honest. Right. But. I think we also have to look at it from the. Demons perspective. Because the demons aren't trying to give glory to God.
They're trying. Right. To take the glory from God. Right. Which is ironic. Cause in their doing. They give glory to God. Giving glory to God.
Yes. But I would say that that's the answer. From their perspective. That's why they are there. Because they're trying to take.
The glory from God. And what better way to take. The glory from God. Than to interrupt. The. Ministry of.
The one giving glory to God. That's good. So. Let's think about planet Earth. Cause. I don't want to get too metaphysical.
But. There's no reason for demons to be. In Venus. Or Mars. Or other parts of the universe.
Not. It's not a matter of. It's. Their. Job and desires to deceive.
Right. The ones creating God's image. And just a quick reminder. Fellow listeners. Whenever I have someone in counseling.
Tell me. Well I feel as low as dirt. I don't know. This is a good counseling thing. I normally report back with. Well actually you're lower than dirt.
Because God told the dirt. To bring forth fruit. And trees. And bushes and grass. And the dirt obeyed him.
You and I didn't. Dangerous. Right. Well I say you and I. Me too. But it's the truth. It's the truth. The dirt obeyed.
Truth. The dirt obeyed God. The fish swam. When God told them to. The birds flew. When God told them to.
The reptiles did. We didn't. We disobeyed. We're the ones creating his image. That can know him intimately.
And love him deeply. And we choose not to. And we. Right. So. We are the ones that rebelled.
And. And some spiritual beings. But we're. We're the ones that rebelled. So. I say that.
Not like. Oh you're a loser. To recognize how much God forgave you. Right. You can't.
There's no such thing as forgiveness. If there's not rebellion. So. With that being said. If. Demons are spread out.
And look. I'm just doing this. For. For the. Few people in the world that think like me. If there are 10 ,000 demons.
I'm making that number up. If someone fact checks me on that with a Bible. I'm going to like. Throw my microphone. There's 10 ,000 demons.
And they're spread out. All over the world. In. 27
AD. Well. If. 1 ,000.
If. 1 ,000 of them. Were with the Native Americans. In North America. And. The Aborigines. In. Australia.
And all that stuff. Right. I believe. That. If Satan.
Wanted. To. Bring. The most.
Power. Halting. Ability. That he has. To the kingdom of God. It would be.
In the region of Galilee. In Judea. In 27 AD. Not.
In. Modern day. Peru. Or. Not in modern day. Russia. Right.
So. We have. What I think. To be. A conglomeration. A. A. What is this.
When they do this. A unification. Of demons. In that one area. Of the world. To where. If there had been.
1 ,000. In North America. There may only be 10. Because they all went. To Israel. And. I think that's why we have.
Such a concentration. Of demons. For a very short period. Of time. Until. After Jesus.
Sends. And. Apostles. Start. Spreading out. And the kingdom.
Start spreading out. The demons. Then have to again. Spread out. To halt. To their best.
Of their ability. The kingdom of God. And the kingdom work. Well. And if you think about this. Like a. A spiritual warfare.
Because that's what it is. And Satan knows. Because he was told. Back in Genesis chapter three. That he's going to have a victory.
And here's Jesus. On earth. And he knows. This is my chance. Right. And so from.
From a. Military. A strategy type. Perspective. It's. This is the climax.
This is the thing. We've been working for 4 ,000 years on. You know. That's a good point. Because. That's a great point.
I have not thought of it that way. Satan was told. He was going to lose. The Bible says. He doesn't think. He knows.
His time is short. So he knows. He will lose the war. He is told. He will win. A battle. Because the
Bible says. You may bruise. Or. Crush his heel. But he will crush.
Your head. So there. That's a good point. He was prophesied to win. A battle. So. This would be.
Maybe he's like. OK. Maybe this will be the battle. I will win. Maybe. Right. OK. That's good.
So. We had. And we also see. That he was very intentional. Like throughout. The history.
In the Old Testament. God made very specific promises. About. When Jesus was going to come.
How he was going to come. What line. He was going to come through. And we see again. And again. Where Satan. And the spiritual forces.
Are trying to interrupt. God's plan. I mean. Take Joe Ash. For instance. Right. So Joe Ash. Is the only.
Surviving member. Of the line of David. Because his. Father. Was king. For about a year.
And when he died. His mother. Said. I want to be queen. And killed. All of the sons.
Of Athaliah. So that. She could become. Or Ahaziah. Athaliah is the. Queen. So that she could become queen.
And the only way. So. Like basically. And. Interesting connection. She's the daughter of Jezebel.
And Ahab. But anyways. Pot twist. Yeah. So anyways. So. She kills. All of the royal sons.
Except. Because. God is sovereign. And his land. Can't be thwarted. And so. He sends.
Basically. A nursemaid. To save him. And hide him in the temple. For six years. Until he can become king. Crazy. But.
But that's just a perfect example. Of where. Satan was trying. Through. This whole. Thirst for power.
He was trying to wipe. Out the line of David. Because if he can wipe. Out the line of David. There is no Messiah. Right. But obviously.
He cannot. Thwart God's plan. Yeah. And you know.
I. I think. I think when we look at. We look at that. We see Jesus. Beginning his public ministry.
And all of a sudden. We have a lot of. Demonic possession. Now here is where. A small side note.
Where. Alright. Alright. Y 'all listen. The teacher in me. Can't help it. I'm going to teach you something real quick. And just bear with me for a minute.
Or lie in with me. Don't even bear with me. Because they hibernate this time of year. Lie in with me. You'll get it in a minute. Did you see the comments.
About laughing at my jokes. Last week. No I did not. Alright I'll make sure to. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember.
I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. I don't remember. The Bible describes it. The Bible doesn't normally use that word possession. It also often uses the words unclean spirit as opposed to demon, but that's okay.
What does that mean, ladies? Anna looked at you. I'm looking at you. I don't know.
I want to know. Because I just think about, you know, like in today's world, people are like, oh,
I think of possession like with the exorcist. You know, like that's all that we've seen, and so that to me is like what
I'm thinking of is like with the head turning and like the peeking coming out. So it's like I know that's not right, so that's why
I wanted to know demons. I don't know. I think the exorcist is pretty biblically sound. That was a joke.
I've been too afraid to watch it. I've just seen those. I don't do scary movies, so I've just seen those scenes and know about it with culture.
I would say that it's probably something that we wouldn't really be able to completely understand because we can't completely understand the spiritual realm, right?
Like we can only – it's one of those things kind of like the Trinity. We have to get so far and then just say, okay,
I just accept that. And so – I understand it, but yeah. Right. So you can only understand it to a certain point, and then it's just take it.
I'm not going to be able to understand this further. So I think in some ways there is some of that to this. But I would say that just in order – a way for us to maybe kind of think about it and to understand it is that when we talk about a possession, really kind of what we mean is that there is a spiritual force that is either taking control or maybe a better word is interrupting your normal function.
Okay? So like if it – the way that you would think or the way that you would act, but there is something else that is somewhat interfering with what you would normally be doing.
So I have a question. So just like you guys don't say the devil's advocate on here.
What was the thing you guys said in the last couple of seasons? Yeah. Hunter and Andrew.
Was it – He didn't want to say devil's advocate. Started with an H or something? He wanted to say, oh, oh, oh. Hold on. Hold on.
You guys had the hat and stuff. It's that hat right there. Yeah. It's like we had the hat. Hector. Hector. Yeah. I was like starting with an H. If you wanted to be –
Give me the hat. Give me the hat. Beautiful Miss Taylor. Oh, watch the root beer. Is that A and W? Yeah. Don't waste that.
Yeah, but you really need the cream sodas on the root beer. Okay. The Hector hat is for when you want to be devil's advocate, but that's not our favorite term.
Yeah. Okay. So Anna, are you going to wear Hector's hat? Yeah, I'm going to wear Hector's hat. Okay. So again, when someone's wearing the hat, especially if you're listening, you have to announce it.
If you're not watching this and listening to this, the person wearing the hat is going to say things that are purposely untrue. Okay.
So if you're listening to this right now, Anna's about to – are you going to ask or are you going to declare? What did you just say?
Sorry. I have ADD really bad now. That when we're talking about demonic possession, we're talking about interfering with what you normally –
Oh, yes. Thank you. So playing devil's advocate here, what about –
Hector. What would a female version of Hector mean? Hectora? Hectora. Okay, go ahead. Playing Hectora.
What would you consider like schizophrenia? Because you have paranoia, you have people hearing voices, you know, like all of those types of things.
And she asked you that, not me. Look at this. This is great. I'm not a certified biblical counselor.
Oh, my gosh. I mean, are you really certified? Oh, my gosh. This lady just said that.
I cannot believe that. What is your take on it, Dr. Dana? Doctor. I will say that things get very tricky when you start getting into psychological issues because I don't think that there are –
I don't think that you can paint with a broad brush. Okay? Blanket statements. I think sometimes there can be legitimate issues going on.
I think that sometimes those can be like a physical, biological, whether that's chemical imbalances or something that is tied to some sort of a physical abnormality of some sort.
And I do think that it is possible for there to be some sort of spiritual warfare going on in there.
I would say that I would not automatically jump to saying that every schizophrenic –
Right. Because, again, I mean – Yeah, I agree. There are only limited demons and they are going to be working wherever it is going to be the most effective for them to be working.
And I would even – it's kind of a tangent, but I would say that – this is kind of jumping ahead to why don't we see as much today?
But I would say that probably more likely, think about the way our culture and our societies work nowadays.
They don't have to afflict a single person. They can guide television, social media, you know –
These influences that have long, far reaches. And so I think that that probably is a reasonable thought why you don't see as much, or at least we're not aware of as much, demonic possession is because they're not possessing individuals.
They're just influencing. They're influencing in a more subtle way. Because you also have to think about this, because we are not a spiritual culture the way that the early first century and before and even the first few hundred years since then, right?
Everybody had some sort of a spiritual understanding of the world, even if it wasn't biblical or Christian, right?
Nowadays, everybody wants to be secular. Everybody wants to reject spiritual and supernatural things.
And so why would they do something supernatural that everybody's just going to explain away and come up with some scientific explanation for when they can be more subtle and have a further reach by influencing some of these other areas?
Well, and like you said, I mean, with social media, like TikTok in particular, I mean, it's just – well, we were talking about all the crazy stuff last week about all these pastors and trends and –
Oh, Dr. Dana, yes, we had some fun with some heresy in the past couple weeks.
Some that actually made my stomach turn from our friends on TikTok. Someone was singing a song,
How He Loves. The first verse was how she loves. The second verse was how they love.
And they were worshiping. That episode didn't air, though. They weren't worshiping my God. Okay, fine.
We still watched it. I know, but I was saying that episode didn't air, so our listeners might not know what we're talking about. Oh, yeah, yeah. I think
I mentioned it last week. Oh, okay. But the irony of that one was that in the world of transgenderism, since he's revealed himself as a man with masculine pronouns, that they have misgendered
God. And that's offensive because they get offended that we misgender them all the time when they make up their own genders and stuff like that.
But he has declared himself as masculine. And they're misgendering him. And he's like, that was a good point.
I'm like, I don't know. It just came. I'm like, that was just so backwards. It was a great point. It was so backwards. What the heck?
So when we see, okay, so in his ministry, demons do whatever he says when he commands them, whether that's leave, whether that's get out, whatever.
They do whatever he says. The same with the apostles. He gives the apostles, the
Bible says in Matthew 10, authority over unclean spirits. That's what the Bible says, right? The demons do use physical ailments.
But what is incredible is what Dana just said. So when we switch to today, first off, let's assume that my theory is right, my theory, and that the demons spread back over planet
Earth after Jesus ascends, right? Where could a demonic activity have more influence?
As Dana said, a possession of an individual that modern science will absolutely say is a mental condition or through realms of,
I mean, think about it. If one person is possessed by a demon, there's only a handful of people that will be deceived and influenced by that.
But if demonic activity is used through a medium of social media, that activity and those lies and deception can reach billions of people in hundreds of languages.
And very quickly. Very quickly. Very quickly. But you know, demonic activity is not a red jumpsuit with horns sticking out of it and a pitchfork.
Demonic activity is this. The Bible says he must increase and we must decrease.
Demonic activity says you are the most important person. You should do whatever makes you feel good.
The Bible says consider others as more important than yourselves. Demonic activity, humanism, which is another name for demonic activity, says that you should always do what makes you feel good.
So that message can be spread louder and more effectively through other means apart from possession.
Now, you know, I do think it's worth pointing out.
We tend to get reports back from missionaries that in some parts of the world where there is not as good of a mode of social media or television.
I'm not I'm saying that backwards. In other words, where Satan cannot use those means very well to deliver messages.
There's far more demonic possession. That's typically when you read about missionaries that are going to more remote parts of the world.
That's what we'll get back. And maybe that's because of what Dan is saying. You're dealing with a people group that is quite spiritual.
They're going to be zero atheist, for example, in the pure sense of the world on the whole island. But there's also going to be four
TVs on the whole island. So you're going to get far more bang for your buck demonic activity through the possession of a tribal leader than you would through a
TV. Right. I think that's a worthwhile point, too. There are a few of those demons that are currently locked up that that that contributes somewhat to it.
There's a few of them that are locked up. In fact, they're in a pit right now and they will be released, by the way.
You know what that kind of reminds me of? What? You ever watch Hercules growing up? Oh, sorry. Go ahead. Hercules growing up whenever like Zeus had all those creatures like locked in.
Yes. I watched Hercules for the first time last year. Yeah.
That was my child. Go the distance. One of my favorite songs. But that's what it reminds me of is
Zeus has all of these creatures. He has like the boulder and like it's essentially the boulders.
Stop. Sorry. It's a he has like I'm sorry.
I'm trying to think. What are the like Titans? Yeah, they're called the
Titans, but it's like the hurricane. Okay, but you had hurricane tornado. But what are those natural disasters?
They're essentially like natural disaster. All that to say the words. I know. Hey, I'm telling you. It's like I'm obviously not the smartest one up here.
Stop. I'm a new mom. Just give me some. Oh, you start me on women and their excuse making abilities.
I think this was in one of our last podcast. I just said that wedding brain. Newly newly married brain.
Pregnant brain. New mom bread pregnancy brain menopause. But we just make it anyway. But that's what it reminds me of is how
Zeus has like all those creatures locked up. But you said those demons are locked up currently and they are some of them.
In fact, the example that two of you were talking about earlier that Dana brought up from Legion what they actually say when he walks up when he walks up they say the
Bible says you have to read all three accounts to get this or for whatever it is. They beg him.
Do not throw us into the pit before the time we know we're going there.
But I thought we had more time. Right. I thought I thought we had more time. Right. Right.
Right. We already know what's going to happen to the abyss. Sometimes it's translated. So we know we're going there.
But don't throw us there before the time. Right. So. OK. So we
I think we answer the question of why so much in the Gospels and we have a concentration of warfare of Satan trying to stop the
Son of God from doing what he's going to do. And then a a a slow progression of spreading back out over the globe maybe after the ascension.
And then as far as why don't we see as much today. First of all I think we do just maybe not in your neighborhood.
Secondly I think it's because we don't recognize it because we call it other things. We call it other things in our intellectual minds.
And then thirdly because this is the one Dana pointed out. Maybe there are far more better ways at stopping the spread of the kingdom of God than an individual demon possessing an individual human.
Next question. Did you have something to do. We go ahead. Do we always see willing participants in the
Bible or unwilling participants with demonic possession. What do you mean by that. In other words and demonic possession.
Is it a victim. Or is it someone who is a willing participant. That is question one.
The natural question from that will be question two. Can that include Christians would be question two. Can we start with the first one.
Let's start with the second one. No. Yes. You cannot if you are agreeing. Yes I'm agreeing.
Wait a minute. Yeah. Yeah. If you are a
Christian you cannot be possessed by a demon spirit with a
Holy Spirit because you have the Holy Spirit dwelling in you. And as we have already mentioned
God the Holy Spirit is God and God is way more powerful and sovereign over all of the demonic spirits.
So that is that's the easy one. That's the easy one. The other one's a little harder.
Yeah. Do we always see willing participants. Are we to read the Gospels as these were people who were willing in the possession or by these demons or they are on victims.
Now victim would be a kind word because no matter what these are unbelievers.
Right. But that would be the next question. So I don't know that we know enough in the scriptural accounts about most of the time we see them after they're already being possessed.
So I think that we would have to be careful because anything that we're saying about before like what happened to lead them to being possessed would be speculation entirely.
However the one thing that the one that makes me pause is the child that was possessed and he kept throwing himself into the fire.
Yeah. Because I was like an unwilling person. Right. Discipline. There is several questions that I have regarding that that I have not resolved yet.
One of them would be Mary Magdalene. Yes. The Bible says no. It says it in a way we don't see the event but it says that she had seven demons as a several or seven.
I can't remember in the variant in the textual variant. Right. But it does say if I'm not mistaken demons.
So as if to say there was more than one. No it's unclear if that means at a time or not more than one.
But you know then you have Jesus telling a strange analogy about how you know swept up the house we got rid of the one and then seven come back to torment him even more.
My reference I'm not going to be able to give a reference that I believe it's Matthew. Talking about how one demon leaves and then seven more more powerful or unclean spirits come back even more powerful and wreak havoc.
So what's this. And then you know if we read Legion as two dudes and you know
Legion multiple demons question would be why multiple demons with one human being.
And I don't know that we're given an answer to that in the Bible. I have a theory but it's a just a theory.
Do either y 'all have a guess before I give my. I do not. The two examples we have of that in the
Bible were ones that Jesus encountered specifically when Jesus did that people marveled at his power over unclean spirits.
It may be over simplistic but as a scenario where Jesus could show his power and sovereignty.
It was set up that way by God. So Jesus can show his power and sovereignty over unclean spirits up to that point.
He had shown his power so up at that point Matthew for example because that's in Matthew chapter nine up to that point
Matthew he's already shown his power over physical ailments and people marveled on he's already shown his power and authority of teaching.
He did that in the synagogue in Nazareth. He's already shown that he's already shown his power over nature.
And that he commanded winds and rains to stop.
And the Bible says I believe it's in Mark. The disciples were afraid when the winds and storms were coming.
The Bible says they were more afraid when Jesus calmed them. So the Bible says they were more terrified and I said what manner of dude is this that the winds and the seas obey him.
And then when he shows authority over a multitude of unclean spirits.
Now his followers have no excuse but to recognize that he has authority over every facet of life visible invisible clean unclean spiritual physical it doesn't matter.
Mary Magdalene followed him the rest of his life. Those two guys the entire town heard what he did and they told him to leave.
I told him to leave. But no one could say that he doesn't have power over the spiritual as well.
So anyway that's my two cents and a presentation of God's power. I mean I think that's a very good theory.
I could I could get down with that. I've got with that one right now.
OK. So ladies last one on this one. When we when we look at that it gets a little trickier when we switch from Jesus to the apostles and the disciples because that gives us a little bit closer of an example of how we should deal with these things today.
OK. Now it is true that he gave the apostles authority. But as Dana pointed out maybe before we started that authority was limited in their ability to carry it out because sometimes whether due to lack of faith like prayer or whatever sometimes they were unable the
Bible says to cast out a demon just go pray about it. So with that being said how does the disciples and the apostles experience relate to ours and how should we deal with that today.
I don't think that we can assume that we have the same power and authority that the apostles do.
So I think we have to start with that because they obviously had special special gifting special very direct commands.
I mean they were even sent out while Jesus was still alive. And the difference between apostles and disciples correct me if I'm wrong or the apostles had direct contact and were the immediate followers of Jesus and then the disciples were people that were made to be disciples after him.
Well I think that's right. A disciple is anyone who's a follower of Jesus which includes the twelve disciples right. That includes the twelve apostles but the twelve apostles are specifically twelve specific disciples.
So what she's saying is that these twelve specific apostles were given the authority to do such.
So continue. I just wanted to specify that for people who might not know the difference between the two.
No that's a good distinction to make. So those twelve apostles were given a very specific commission to go out and they were even told because obviously like we do whenever we're reading scripture in an honest and intentional way we have to understand the context that we're reading.
And so when the apostles were sent out they were sent out without any provisions.
Jesus said do not take extra money do not take a staff don't take anything with you. I'm going to provide for you with by the people that you're going to speak to.
And if you don't find a place to rest and kick off the dust and move to the next town. Right.
So he tells them that. So does that mean that today we have to go and whenever we're going to go on a mission trip don't take anything with you.
And no because going to the Bahamas and stuff with no supply. Right. This goes back to prescription because later he sends them out and tells them to take these things.
Yeah. Right. So we have to be careful when we're looking at something where God gave them specific instructions and specific empowerment.
And he equipped them for the task he was sending them to do. And we also have to understand that their task was way more than just spreading the gospel.
That was their main task right to spread the gospel. But they also were responsible for helping to build the foundation of the church.
They were teaching and preaching and writing scripture. Right. Like they didn't have the
New Testament written down yet. They were the ones that were going to write the New Testament. And so we always have to take that into consideration when we're looking at what did the apostles do.
What did the first century church do. There are a lot of good patterns that we can draw from that. But we do have to be careful that we're not taking every bit of that as prescriptive because they were in a different setting in a different situation.
I think that's wise. This gets into another topic.
But you know 2nd Corinthians says that the signs and wonders of an apostle were performed among you meaning there are some signs and wonders that only apostles could perform.
Right. We could get into what that exactly is. But clearly they had a different way of doing healing than we do.
They go and say silver and gold I have not but what I have I give you in the name of Jesus get up and walk. James tells us to bring them forward have the elders anoint them with oil and pray over them.
So there's the same type of prayer for healing but not with the authority the apostles have. And it's the same thing as with the prophets right.
How did you know that a prophet was a true prophet. Every time he prophesied it came true. And when he did powerful works.
Like when Elijah prays and it doesn't rain. Right. Like those are the signs of the prophet.
Same thing with the apostles. Those powers that they were given that maybe go beyond what the rest of us are given.
It was because that was to verify that they were an apostle and what they said was had that apostolic authority that we now rest on in again going back to writing that scripture and building the foundation of the church.
I would let me clarify the foundation of the church is Jesus Christ the cornerstone is Jesus Christ.
Sure. But the Bible does say that the apostles worked to lay the foundation. Yeah. On the cornerstone which is
Christ. Absolutely. I think when it comes to.
Well how do we deal with demonic activity today. I think it's pretty straightforward. We boldly declare the message of Jesus.
You know James 4 7 does not say submit to God resist the devil and he may flee from you.
James 4 7 says submit to God resist the devil and he will flee from you.
I spoke with somebody a few months ago who very much believes they are under demonic influence.
I'll word it that way. And. She may be. I went to her house.
And. I. Said that verse out loud. And I told her.
The Bible does not say submit God resist the devil and he might flee from you. The Bible says he will. Submit to God and resist the devil.
Now everyone focuses on the second part of that phrase. Not recognizing that it's really a synonym and a.
Afterthought of the first part of that phrase. Submitting to God is resisting the devil. It goes on to say it gives us 10 commands of what that looks like.
Cleanse your hands filthy sinners purify your hearts you double minded be wretched and mourn your laughter must turn to mourning your joy to gloom.
Hum yourselves inside of God and he will exalt you. So. With that being said.
And. Anyone hearing this now. If you are having. A struggle with that.
If you believe that there is a demonic influence over you if you believe. That there is.
Unclean spirits trying to. Mess with you and torment you. I don't laugh at that I don't mock that at all. I say this.
The answer I would give you is the same that the Bible gives to all believers. Submit to God. Resist the devil and he.
Will. Will. Flee from you. That would be my answer. To that. It there's there's not an if and or but it's it's a definite.
I have a question. Go. Have either of you experienced like a demonic. Presence like you've walked in somewhere and you can just sense it.
Yes. Would you be willing to share your experience. Yeah. OK. Very rare though.
Not all the time. Right. A couple of times.
I've been in New Orleans eight or nine times. And I would describe.
OK. How do I. OK. I have had a. A couple of dreams.
That were. Surely. Had some demonic activity there.
And I say a couple I dream every night. Very clearly. But. I don't wake up and then go grab some holy water and purify my house.
It's happened two times. The first time was. The day
I told the staff of this church that I felt called to be a pastor. The second time.
Was the week I told my wife. Which was before that.
That I felt called to be a pastor. And those are the only two times in my entire life. Crazy. Very vivid.
Very violent. Whatever. I wake up sweating. Quote. Romans 8 or Psalm 14 out loud.
I go to bed and I sleep like a baby. That's it. There's no. That's it.
Because. God is sovereign. Because. That it's. The Bible says. Who can bring a charge against God's elect.
It's God who justifies. Who can condemn Christ. Jesus is the one who died. More than that is raised in the sea at the right hand of God. What can come against us.
If God is for us who can be against us. Psalm 14. So on and so forth.
But a couple of times I've been in New Orleans. New Orleans. I would describe it as. Synonymous with feeling that there is no presence of God in the place.
As the same type feeling. Because that is the same thing. That's the same thing. I feel it in my spirit.
But. As far as. Beyond that. Something that you'll see in paranormal activity or.
No. No. Never. Never seen anything like that in my life. Like.
What's the. And see. And I would caution. Christians.
Yeah. On two. Two layers here. First I would caution. Christians against.
Engaging in that kind of. Entertainment. Yes. For the sake of entertainment. Because.
There is no edification in there. It is. At best. Filling your head with.
Things that are going to distract you from what's important. At best. At best. And at worst it's way worse.
But also. Kind of going along with that. I don't think. I think that. Because we are spiritual people.
We are created with a spiritual sense. And so. I think that the. The supernatural is kind of.
Intriguing to us. We want to ask these questions. We want to talk about these things. But I think that at some level we have to be careful.
That we're not going around looking for. Those things. Yeah. Because most of the time.
I mean there is a spiritual worker going around. I'm not denying that. But God is going to protect.
His children. Yes. And we are put here. For a specific purpose. And we should just be.
Focused on. Being obedient to him. And walking in his ways. And glorifying him.
And if we are being faithful in. Our everyday lives. We don't really have to worry.
In our general everyday lives. We don't have to worry about that demon around the corner. Yes. I'd like to.
Wrap things up with one more passage. And chicken back off what. Dana just said.
Yeah. And I've heard people tell me. Well Josiah if I. If I learn.
The demons name. Then I have power over him. All this stuff. Where did they get that from?
I don't know. Okay. That was like. Okay. Yeah. One of those stupid TV shows or whatever.
Anyway. Guys look. This is going to sound boring to you. But I'm telling you it's the truth. You know how you.
Engage in that. The way the Bible told you to. Submit to God. If you want to go.
Read Ephesians 6. You should. It tells us how to deal with spiritual warfare. And. It's very clear.
How to do it. And you know how I can basically. Summarize the whole chapter for you. Submit to God. This right here.
Is all we need. For all life. Spiritual and physical. But. If I.
If I could read one. Passage to you very quickly. This is 2nd Corinthians chapter 10. This is one way we fight.
Demonic activity. 2nd Corinthians chapter 10. Starting. In verse. Three. For though we walk in the flesh.
We are not waging war. According to the flesh. Catch that. Not waiting.
Not with. Crosses and upside down. Horcruxes and. Holy water.
And all that stuff. We're not waiting. War. According to flesh. For the weapons of our warfare. Are not of the flesh.
But have divine power. To destroy. Strongholds. We destroy.
Arguments. And every lofty opinion. Raised up against the knowledge of God. And take every thought captive.
To obey Christ. Being ready to punish. Every disobedience. When your obedience. Is complete.
We destroy arguments. Not people. We destroy arguments. And every lofty opinion.
Raised up against the knowledge of our God. That is spiritual warfare.
We destroy. Strongholds. Not the individuals. But the arguments. Raised up against the knowledge of God.
And we take. So that's outwardly. Towards others. And then inwardly. We take. Every thought.
Captive. To obey. Jesus. We take.
Every thought. Captive. To obey. Jesus. If you. If you thought you were doing pretty good.
In your sanctification. There's a verse for you. Go ahead. Take every thought captive. To obey.
Jesus. That is spiritual warfare. Every thought.
To obey. Jesus. And we destroy. Arguments. Why? Because most demonic activity.
I would argue. Is not through possession. It's through. The mind and the heart.
Satan did not say to Eve. There is no God. He said. Did God really say.
You stop demonic activity. By declaring this. Declaring this.
I don't tell people. There are only two genders. Because I want to get an argument. I tell me with only two genders.
Because God said so. And that's the truth. And I want people to know. And submit to the truth. That's really what it's about.
That is what spiritual warfare is. So. With that being said. That's what we do.
We destroy. Those strongholds. Outwardly. And then inwardly. We take all of our thoughts captive.
In order to obey Jesus. I learned a lot today. Me too.
It was a good podcast. I did not recognize. That. Josh's pagan mom.
Had all the royal sons killed. I didn't either. I did not recognize that. I get confused.
When you start dealing with David's sons. Because you have Absalom doing his thing. And then. Man. I just read.
For the first time. That's not true. I just recognized. For the first time. You know.
Because I know how Absalom died. And the hair. And the horse. And the hanging. And all that stuff. That he went back to.
His father's mistresses. And had. Sexual relations with his mistresses.
In front of. Dude. That's a weird type family stuff. Going on there. Man. That's some. That's some weird stuff.
It's almost like Herod's family. That family tree would be messed up. A lot of input. Anyway.
Alright. Great podcast. I almost feel guilty saying that. Because Hunter wasn't here again. But it's just the truth.
You do a good job hosting. You know. Didn't say that to hurt your feelings. Do you know what a false compliment is?
That's not a false compliment. It's where you have an inward. Desire to not do it yourself. So that you. Build someone else up.
So that you don't have to do it yourself. I was being sincere. You were the best host. That I have. Experienced. She couldn't even finish.
Saying that. That was Miley. Thank you. Anna. I did my best. No. I think you're really good. You're good at leading the conversation.
Hunter is like the personality. Of the podcast. He's good. I'm saying this.
As like. I'm not personality. I'm putting myself. In the same boat as you. You're really good. At taking charge of.
I'm trying to compliment. We're all in the boat. And it's sinking right now. Okay. Yeah. Whatever. I try to be nice.
Thank you Anna. You're welcome. I appreciate that. You're welcome Pastor. I appreciate that. Alright. We had a
Christmas question. Oh. It was a game. And we were going to say. What movies.
Are considered Christmas movies. That don't have. Like aren't associated with Christmas. Yeah. Yeah. So the argument traditionally.
Has been Die Hard. Yeah. Is Die Hard a Christmas movie. Yeah. Okay. And I've always said yes.
Though. My sister sent me. A video yesterday. Where Bruce Willis. Said it's not.
Said of himself. But. I'll make an argument. He may say that now.
He may say that now. But. I think he was pressured into saying it.
And also. He's not the creator of the movie. He's just the actor. The director hasn't said that. As far as I'm aware.
So. I'll make. There's still hope. There's still hope. Okay. Qualifications for a
Christmas movie. Must Christmas just be in the movie. Because then. That opens up a lot of options.
Because then you have Narnia. Then you have Harry Potter I see but the first Harry Potter But if the question is does it have to does the plot have to happen on Christmas Day?
Right the question is not what's the best Christmas or because that's clearly Christmas vacation. There's no point arguing about this This is not a
Christmas story. Okay, what? Oh really hey is your headphones
I said best Yes, and I would say that Christmas story Audio guys, can you know both of those are on the bottom of the list?
I did not You're without a Santa Claus I think
Christmas stories good, but Christmas vacations clearly number one. Well, you wanted to be wrong.
Oh, it's a wonderful I need to be fair. I haven't seen miracle on 34th
Street I just I haven't and I haven't seen it's a wonderful life So I probably am
NOT in a position to say That it's not but Christmas vacation. It's such a class.
Okay, but our question was a a a outwardly non
Christmas movie Can it be considered Christmas movie if the plot happens on Christmas Day if so?
We're allowed to throw a lot of different types of movies and call them Christmas movies now first off other good
Christmas movies are clearly elf Home alone. Yeah home alone original the home. Oh the second one.
I've ever it's a second one when in New York Yeah, oh that one's better than the first. Yeah, I agree. I watched that one more as a kid.
Oh, it was so good But the first Jim Carrey's Grinch is good. Yeah, Jim Carrey's Grinch is good
So is the original did you know the originals only 25 minutes I watched it last night with Ava you had no idea I thought it was like an hour and a half
All right, so anyway, you know 25 and a half so any sorry Anyway, are there any other movies that are
Christmassy enough that we could classify them as Christmas movies? The only other one
I'm thinking of is the first Harry Potter movie see I was at the Sorcerer's Stone Maybe that it or Chamber is it
Chamber of Secrets or Sorcerer's Stone source sorcerer. Okay, yeah, cuz they had that teacher with like the headwrap thing
True Harry Potter fans are gonna make fun of me and you know because whatever yeah, whatever I would call
Narnia Narnia has got to be close. Well, but it's always winter and never Christmas I was about to say you haven't seen the end of the movie the first one
Yeah, it's always okay, it's always snowing yeah, no no Santa Santa comes up with a sleigh
Okay winter but never Chris I watched it like a year ago, so I can't I can't hold that one I mean they kind of and then they cast me in it.
They did their best. Yeah, they did their best. Okay? Alright, I can't think of another movie
Um any others tech team that you can think of Is Lord of the
Rings oh any of you lame Fake pious people Jesus wasn't actually born on December 25th, so don't say some movie about the birth of Jesus nice try next
I Don't have any more Harry Potter was mine. I don't think that I started watching it, and I was anything that is
Okay, my wife likes the Santa Claus Tim Allen Nightmare before Christmas Yeah, but it's at a
Halloween movie or a Christmas movie what a nightmare before Christmas Tim Burton's nightmare before I've never seen it
What I try not to watch things with Tim Burton in it cuz I like good good art That movie's so good.
Okay, but it's about it's about Jack Skillington, and he lives in hollow. It's not Halloween town
That's a different is it Halloween town. What's it called? Anyway, it's that's a separate movie, but he lives in like Halloween land, and I thought you were the one that said
You don't watch scary movies. That's not a scary movie nightmare before Christmas is not I've never seen it No, it's a
Tim Burton, so it's like it his weird creepy scissor hand stuff is that him. Yeah, it's not scary.
It's just creepy Yeah, it's like It's special. It's Tim.
It's Tim Burton. That's the criteria Tarantino of PG movies
But he falls in love with Christmas because he's in this Halloween town for so long and that he ends up like wanting to become
Santa Claus and like and does all this stuff so but is it a Halloween movie or is it a Christmas movie
I? Think it's both I was like since neither of these people have seen it
I think it's a both you can watch it drop it in the comments decide so that cuz I don't know
I don't know the answer that one, but yeah, that's a good one to you're without a Santa Claus I love all the original claymation.
Yeah, we watched Rudolph and Santa Claus is coming to town Yeah, is is that the one with Elvis in it?
Oh? It's not really but yeah, yeah, but man the cold miser and heat mizer are great
You know and of course they have to do the the pagan mother earth thing, but besides that it's really great. Yeah All right guys.
I think that's good enough. I think we Go for trail enough not not rabbit trail gopher trailed enough here, so we're good there all right
We're not gonna do a podcast probably next couple weeks. We'll see y 'all in the new year any topics Y 'all want us to cover please put them in the comments send them to listen point -and -taking podcasts at gmail .com
Or text them to brother Christian one of the one of the three all right hey look We're not afraid to cover whatever topics you send.
We're happy to do it We didn't have to react to a tick -tock today. I was good I can only handle so many blasts so much blasphemy in one month so anyway guys like share subscribe.