F4F | Discussion with Kozar RE Todd White's Botched Repentance


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseboro, I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, one of our recent videos, we asked the question, has
Todd White repented? And we asked the question, is his repentance like David's repentance or is it like King Saul's?
Is it like Kosti Hinn's repentance or is it like Benny Hinn's repentance?
So I've invited Steve Kozar. Kozar, let me throw you up here real quick here.
I invited Kozar and he put out a video, was it yesterday? You put out a video yesterday.
Just yesterday morning, over 9 ,000 views. And you know, because he wasn't exactly telling the truth about Brandon Kimberer reaching out to him.
You put a screenshot of Brandon Kimberer's email to Mr. Todd White that's kind of debunked a whole bunch of stuff.
So you covered the fact that Kimberer actually did send an email to Todd White, did express a desire to speak with him and interview him.
And the other thing is that the American Gospel movie is not about Todd White. That's the funniest thing.
He really kind of exposed where he sees himself in the overall scope of things with that little slip.
Yeah, no, the American Gospel movies, documentaries, they're about Jesus. Very clearly are about Jesus and about the gospel message.
Yeah, and about sound biblical doctrine and those who are twisting it in various different ways.
And I'll note this is that when I covered, you know, did he repent, one of the things I said, if he really truly has repented, we should begin to see from him a confession about the fact that he was engaging in parlor tricks when he was pulling people's legs and all this kind of stuff.
But all this is kind of a moot point at the moment. And the reason why it's a moot point is due to the fact that the most recent video he came out with,
I mean, man, this took, his repentance lasted all of like, what, 47 seconds?
Maybe 50. It was a very odd week because I worked for two whole days on my video and I went through his, what was it,
July 28th or something, basically a little over a week ago. He came out with a
Sunday night sermon that had some really good things in it. And he really appeared to be turning a corner in some ways, not in every way, but in some ways.
And it was one of these really controversial things. I took two whole days making a video where I carefully analyzed everything.
And then the following Sunday, he comes out with this new thing that basically blows everything out of the water.
And it was like, what a waste of time, because he's not backtracking on anything. He's actually more convinced of everything he's already taught.
And he's even in this current video, he's kind of saying he's mad that everybody responded to his previous week's video.
The thing he really seems to have gotten most angry about was that a lot of people looked at his video last week and said, wow, it seems like he's really grabbing onto some good teaching.
He's teaching some sound doctrine. How dare you accuse me of teaching sound doctrine? I've been teaching sound doctrine the whole time.
And he really exposed himself in this new video, I think, as somebody who is basically a sociopath, a narcissist, somebody who says some good things like all false teachers do.
But then he turns around and contradicts himself. And he shows that he... Like if I said,
Chris, I forgive you for whatever that thing you did. And then I go on a rampage about how you're not really a
Christian and you don't love God as much as I do. So we're going to go into some of that.
Yeah, I think maybe what we should do is let's play some of the video you put together, kind of a highlight reel here that's 20 -something minutes long.
But we'll work through this and react to it so that you in the audience can get a feel for what's really going on with Todd and what was that blip that showed up on the radar last week.
So it's the best way I can put it. So let's get this thing rolling and see what Todd White has to say.
Why would people join a church that's fighting against themselves or hypocritical?
Can I stop it right there? I'm going to stop it right there. You can't stop me from stopping it, Kozar, because I have the video on my computer.
That's right. So this is one of the standard arguments against people who do discernment work or apologetic work or countercult apologetics or people who are saying, you know what, that preacher is not preaching sound doctrine.
And so, oh, you, Kozar, you are causing division within the body of Christ.
See, there's Joe Pagan standing on the sidelines kicking the tires of Christianity and going, you know, those
Christians, they seem to be arguing amongst themselves and they seem so hypocritical.
I don't know. I don't want to have anything to do with this. And so we're driving away pagans and this is destroying the church's ability to engage in evangelism.
It's not true. Well, not only that, Chris, last week when he gave that relatively good sermon, he kept hitting the biggest point of all of how if you don't understand that you're a sinner who has offended
God, there's no reason for you to need a savior. And he said, wow, I just discovered this new thing.
And it was great. A lot of people got really excited about that. I did too. But I was also very cautious because he mixed it with some other things.
And anyway, right now, what he said right there contradicts it, because if you really do believe like we do, that a person is convicted of sin, they know they've offended
God. They now see why Jesus went to the cross. Jesus went to the cross to pay for our sins.
He paid the penalty that we should have paid, but he did it on our behalf. And in his grace and mercy, he died for us, even though we didn't deserve it.
That's the gospel message in a nutshell. And that's why people come to Christ. It's not because they find church attractive.
Well, and here's the thing. Nobody is a pagan because Christians are mean or whatever.
Right. Okay. So the reason why pagans are pagans is because everybody's born dead in trespasses and sins.
And so mom and pop pagan or mom and pop humanist over there, or the people who are just your grassroots agnostic and atheists who are enjoying their lives, working nine to five
Monday through Friday and on the weekends going camping and social distancing and all that stuff right now, and not darkening any door of any church.
The reason why they don't go to church is because they're dead in trespasses and sins. That's the reason.
And I always like to point this out to people, and that is that there is a clear command in Scripture, especially given to pastors, but this is kind of a general call for the church as well, that God wills that false teachers be silenced.
And it shows up in one of the pastoral epistles, Titus chapter one. Here's what the apostle
Paul says. He says, This is why I left you in Crete so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.
For an overseer is God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or drunkard, violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
And everyone goes, yes, that's exactly right. We want pastors who exemplify
Christian morality. But then it continues. He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine.
And here's the next part. And also to rebuke those who contradict it. For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party.
They must be silenced since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
And you'll note that God wills that false teachers be silenced. That's his will.
And what does that require? A sharp rebuke. Now the point of a rebuke is not the rebuke.
The point of a rebuke is repentance. And you'll note then where Paul goes next. And he speaks some pretty firm words here.
Now one of the Cretans, a prophet of their own, said Cretans are always liars, evil beasts, and lazy gluttons.
Oh, look at that. Paul, you know, he's clearly a racist against Cretans. We need to get a hashtag,
Cretan lives matter. Anyway, being snarky here.
But watch this. Watch what he says. He says, now this testimony is true. It's absolutely true. They're liars, they're evil beasts, they're lazy gluttons.
Therefore rebuke them sharply so that they may be sound in the faith. You see, the purpose of the rebuke is that they repent and turn away from their false teaching and false doctrine and teach what's sound.
And then not devoting themselves to Jewish myths, the command of people who turn away from the truth. So you'll note this.
So when Todd Waite makes an argument like we just heard him make, in fact, I'm just going to back it all the way up and let's listen to it again.
It sounds so loving. We Christians need to stop. We need to stop rebuking false teachers because no one's going to want to be a
Christian if you keep doing that. That's nonsense. You know, let's let's see what he says. Why would people join a church that's fighting against themselves or hypocritical?
Why do people want to be a part of that? They don't. They don't.
I'm overwhelmed. Okay, the sappy music is driving me. Oh, it doesn't stop either. It just keeps going.
Oh my word. I don't know if it is with this one, but last week, the keyboard player, he's got a sequencer or a looper.
Yeah. He just plays a chord progression. You see him walk off the stage in the first few minutes, and then it just keeps going and going and going for the entire time.
And Todd wants it that way. I've seen him in videos say, can we get somebody up here? Can we get a keyboard player up here?
Can somebody come up here and play music? Because he refuses. I shouldn't say refuses. He really doesn't want to talk unless somebody is playing this emotionally manipulative music in the background.
Yeah, I feel like I'm listening to one of Doreen Virtue's New Age Soaking CDs prior to her becoming a
Christian. It's a little bit like an Enya CD too. Yeah, yeah. These are the sounds of astral projection.
Now breathe in through your nose. That's right. Exhale through your mouth. And feel your spirit leaving your body.
Yeah, you get the idea. Okay, let's keep going. With God's love for me, I've been able to tuck away.
I've been able to go after Jesus like never before. I've been able... Wait a second. How is he able to go after Jesus like never before when he already was a perfect Christian and he never sinned?
This whole thing of going after Jesus, I got to tell you, we've talked about this before in some other programs about how my wife and I were involved in the
Amway cult. It really is a type of mind control organization back in the 90s. And they use very similar language.
And one of the things that we were taught was that basically nobody was making money.
Nobody was getting anywhere in this business, but you kept going to meetings where you'd get hyped up so that you would feel like, now
I can finally do it. And what they used to say was, you got to go after this, man. You just got to really go after it.
People who were successful in the business, they would say, it wasn't until we made the decision to really go after it that things started to happen.
So the language to me is similar. Yeah. Have you gone after Jesus enough lately?
Yeah. Okay. Well, you keep going. Last week I shared in my heart, I repented for not preaching the full gospel.
If any of you think that you know it all about the gospel, you're deceived. Do you know anybody who claims they know it all about the gospel?
I mean, one of the things that's hard in a situation like this is that 10 people could listen to that sentence and interpret it 10 different ways.
Because on one hand you could say, well, I know what the gospel is. It's right there in the Bible. It's described clearly enough.
But on the other hand, you could talk about the mysteries inherent in the gospel or the mysteries inherent in God himself.
And then you could say, well, of course nobody claims to know all of that. But in a sentence like that, what
I see is a man. In fact, I've watched this whole sermon many times over and he's continually reinforcing himself as the source of authority.
And he's continually reinforcing the idea that your ideas are bad.
Your opinions are bad. He uses the term opinion a number of times. I didn't have time to compile all the quotes of his, but he's basically instilling in people, you don't know anything and you have to keep coming back to me because I'm the guy who has the authority to give you the knowledge.
And the way he gets his authority is very similar to what Gnostics have taught in the past.
And actually Gnostics continue to teach today and that he's the enlightened leader. He went through some kind of a gauntlet.
He did the tough, difficult work. He humbled himself so much so that he was able to receive this revelation that you have to admire him for.
And then you have to hope that somehow it'll rub off on you if you just keep listening long enough. He defeated the level 16 boss demon and he got a power up after that, right?
It's kind of like that. And people who maybe are hearing us think we're being overly snarky, but we've seen this stuff going on forever.
This is nothing new. Yeah. All right. So this is the same old Todd. And I seem to recall he was making some pretty dogmatic statements about the gospel last week, and I didn't accuse him of, well, he's acting like he knows everything about the gospel.
But it's weird. There's a weird irony to this, a double standard that doesn't apply to him, but that he uses to shut everybody else down.
Right. All right, let's keep going. I don't care who you are. I don't care what theologian you are.
I don't care if you're a doctor of theology. You've got your masters of divinity.
If you think you know it all, I'm sorry, you're wrong. I don't know anybody who thinks they know it all.
This is a straw man, isn't it? Yeah, it's a total straw man. I mean, you know, it's like I know a little bit about some things and like nothing about pretty much everything else.
Just ask my wife how I do on the home repair stuff around here. Anyway, and so we all have kind of a field of expertise that we apply ourselves to.
I mean, I don't know anything about using three -haired brushes to do water paintings like you do, and nor do
I have the patience to do what you do. So I cheat. I take photographs. That's right.
You know, but then I go, I don't claim to know everything about photography either. You know, it's a very vast subject, and I don't claim to know everything about theology.
In fact, when it comes to theology, there are actually different fields of focus that you can focus on. You know, it's like I don't know anybody who claims to be the be -all and end -all.
I know. That's a really good point, and I'm just a layperson. I'm not an expert in any one field, but I read really serious scholarly books as often as I can to listen to the experts, and when you find an expert who's an expert in their very narrow field, there's just all this information that you would never have access to.
Exactly. And that's something that I encourage all the time. In fact, one of the reasons I really like doing a video with somebody like you,
Chris, is that you really are a pastor, and you really did study theology, and you know Greek and Hebrew, and that's why
I put my own pastor's sermons on my Messed Up Church channel. I don't want to be seen as the expert. I want people to know that there are people who have studied theology.
They don't claim to know everything, but they should be seen as reliable sources of information in their field, and Todd is basically shutting all of that down with just a few sentences.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I agree. Let's keep going. I have stepped into a new awareness of why
I'm really here. I feel... What does that sentence mean? I've stepped into a new awareness of why
I'm really here. It's all about him. Yeah, yeah. What does it mean to step into an awareness?
What is an awareness? I mean, even if you rephrase that in a way that's a little more clear, if he said, you know,
I have a better understanding of my role, you would have to say that with very tight biblical parameters, but that's not what he's going to do.
In fact, I can't play the whole thing because he spoke for, I think, about an hour and a half, but he starts by telling a story about having an accident where he falls down riding this exercise bicycle thing, and he smashes his face.
He's bleeding all over. He goes to the hospital, and he said he's got 13 stitches in his face somewhere, which
I can't see anywhere, even though it was supposed to have happened just a month or two ago. But anyway, this is all the...
Oops, I just hit my microphone. This is kind of the setup for him saying,
I had an experience where I got closer to God, and I had kind of these visions of what I'm supposed to do next, and now
I'm going to tell you... Again, he's referring to his own personal authority that he has in his particular world of this church thing.
I've heard this story before, though. Isn't this the story of how the
Buddha attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree? It's the same thing, isn't it? It's almost the same, but no, not quite.
Okay, so the details are different, but the claims coming out of it are similar. All right, all right, let's get going.
I just got saved. I feel like I've just met Jesus. The truth is, if I didn't meet
Jesus when I got saved, I would have continued in sin. Okay, so I can tell you exactly what that means.
Please. He's mad about the people a week ago, or a week before this moment, a little over a week ago, they were saying, wow, maybe
Todd is saved now. Maybe he's actually understanding the gospel, and now he's saved.
And Todd right here is refuting that by saying, hey, I can tell you for sure
I've been saved this whole time because I haven't been sinning for the last 16 years. Yeah, so he's back to his glow -in -the -dark, super special sanctification.
He defeated level 16 demons and had a power -up and doesn't sin anymore. His reference point is his life.
Yikes. All right, let me back that up just a smidge so that we can hear the claim again, because that was, wow.
I feel like I've just met Jesus. The truth is, if I didn't meet
Jesus when I got saved, I would have continued in sin. But I'm very concerned.
I would have continued in sin. Talking about sin is something in the past tense.
Let's take a look at a biblical text real quick here. You know, I understand that you're one of those confessional
Lutherans, so you're a Roman Catholic light. Said tongue firmly in cheek.
Yes. The epistle of 1 John chapter 1 says this, if we say we have no sin, this is verse 8, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
But if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say we have not sinned, we make him, God, out to be a liar and his word is not in us.
John the Apostle wrote this epistle to Christians.
Right. So if you say you don't sin anymore, you're a liar.
And according to 1 John, inspired by God the Holy Spirit, third person of the
Holy Trinity, God's word is not in you. So I mean, this disqualifies him as any kind of a sound teacher at all.
This puts him into, you know, you already got the Spirit of God, because you don't even think that you sinned.
You've turned God into a liar. The thing is, you know, I've listened to Todd a lot. In fact, that's the whole reason
I got involved with Brandon Kimber in the American Gospel Movie Project, was because he saw that I was making all these videos and writing articles, and he said, can you help me?
And since then, I've actually listened to Todd White even more, and he gets right up to the edge of the truth on a topic, and then he backs away.
And a really good example of that is in the sermon before this one, he did mention
I'm not perfect. And I gave him credit for that in my video last week.
I was like, finally, that's good. I wish you would give us a little bit more clarity on that. But, you know, that's a good start.
But then he says that, and then he says something like what we just heard here. He gets really close to saying,
I don't sin ever. He doesn't quite say that, but he gets really close to it. Yeah, yeah, and I don't believe his claims at all.
And, you know, this claim of supernatural sanctification. But the thing is, is that as we keep listening, he's going to get clearer on this point.
So let's keep going. For a large majority of the body of Christ that says that they've met him and yet lives in sin.
Yeah, Jesus, the prayer that Christ taught his disciples to pray, disciples come up to Jesus and say,
Jesus, teach us how to pray. Jesus says, all right, when you pray, say, and here are the words, you ready?
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread. That means that this is a daily prayer. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
Lead us not into temptation. Deliver us from the evil one. You get the idea. But in the daily prayer that Christ taught us, he knows we're not praying for a week's worth of groceries.
We're praying for daily bread, which means if God's giving you daily bread, you pray for bread today.
You're going to need to pray for it tomorrow. This is a daily prayer. That's the intent of Christ here.
And daily, Christ has taught us to pray, forgive us our trespasses. Now, the Pelagian heresy, the denied that people are born dead in trespasses and sin, denied the biblical doctrine of original sin, they were anathematized as heretics.
And one of the arguments that the Church Fathers used against the Pelagians, because they believed in sinless perfectionism, is they said,
Christ taught us to pray this prayer daily. And they said, oh, yes, well, we should pray that daily.
So they asked the Pelagians, all right, well, if we're supposed to pray this daily, why, if we don't sin, are we asking
God to forgive us our sins? Answer from the Pelagians, just to keep us humble. Just to keep us humble.
Wow, I didn't know that. Yeah, that's true. Augustine writes about that. Well, I want to point people to an article, maybe we'll remember to put in the link here, but I did kind of one of those cornucopia articles all about Charles Finney and Pelagianism and revivalism with a lot of good resources, because that's a topic a lot of evangelicals have never even heard before.
So all they know is Pelagianism or decisional Christianity or revivalism, however you describe it, it's all based about us making a decision and us going to a meeting where some guy gives a really convincing speech.
Yeah, it's all about me making a free will decision. And that's where Todd White is. That's where he's firmly entrenched.
So that's all he knows, too. Yep, and his view on sanctification flows out of his Pelagianism.
So, all right, let's keep going. Very, very, very concerned. My heart is broken because Jesus says all or none.
He says gather or scatter. He says for or against. He did not tell us to come to him for a better day.
Yeah, he's misquoting Christ there, misappropriating Christ's words, you know, in the context of I don't sin anymore.
That's not what Jesus meant. He didn't say come to the altar if you've messed up.
He says, I, um, what is he talking about?
What's going on about here? Let him continue with it. You'll hear what he's saying. Okay. Come to the altar if you want to give up.
He didn't say come to the altar, all of you who have messed up. He said, come to the altar, all of you who want to give up on this life and enter into a life of eternity, an eternal life.
Does he have a chapter and verse on that? Because I don't remember that in the red letters. It's a, it's a, what he's doing is he's taking in ideas from some of the really prominent revivalists, you know, like Leonard Ravenhill and stuff.
Right. And he's, he's using some of those ideas. Um, but when he says, you know, it's all or nothing.
And, uh, oh gosh, I just lost my train of thought. What did he just say right there? The last thing we just stopped on.
Oh yeah. Messed up. You want to give your life completely. Don't come to the altar because you've messed up.
Now, again, 10 people might interpret that 10 different ways, depending on how, what does that mean? Messed up.
Now we believe as biblical Christians that we come to Christ in our sin and ask for his mercy, right?
That's when we received just the most beautiful, wonderful gift of grace and mercy. It's as simple as that.
But he, he always adds this. You have to do it with enough fervor, with, with so much passion.
And you can't just sort of admit you're a sinner who needs mercy. You have to do it. I don't know, wholeheartedly and all that.
And there's some truth to that, but he just keeps pounding on that issue. Yeah. This is, this is a false view and it overlooks an important thing.
And that is, is that Christians are, they have Christ's righteousness imputed to them. Okay. So Philippians chapter three,
Philippians chapter three, a little bit of a biblical excursus here. Paul writing against the, against the
Judaizers, you know, apparently Paul was obsessed with those Judaizers. I don't know if you noticed that about Paul and, and he used mockery against them, told them that you who would be justified by the law, you've been alienated from Christ, you've fallen from grace.
And, you know, I wish you'd just go all the way and get the lop it off of me procedure. Yes, I know. I think about that too.
Yeah. No, thanks. That's okay. You know, you think you're holy by the, just the beginning of the snip snips.
Let's just go all the way and show, show everybody how holy you are anyway. So watch where Paul goes with this and notice, notice the hard, hard language.
Look out for the dogs. Look out for the evildoers. Look out for those who mutilate the flesh. He's talking about the, the, the
Judaizers. For we are the circumcision who worship by the spirit of God, the glory and glory in Christ Jesus.
And we put no confidence in the flesh, none whatsoever.
Though I, myself, I have reason for confidence in the flesh, Paul says. If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence, confidence in the flesh,
I have more. And watch this pedigree, man. This is a, this is a straight up perfect old
Testament biblical pedigree. I have more. I was circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a
Hebrew of Hebrews, as to the law, a Pharisee, as to zeal, a persecutor of the church, as to righteousness under the law, blameless, right?
Blameless. And then watch this. But whatever gain I count, I had, I count as a loss for the sake of Christ.
Indeed, I count everything as a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. It is for his sake that I have suffered the loss of all things, and I count them as rubbish.
Talking about his good works under the, under the Mosaic covenant, all his, all his law keeping, he counts that as rubbish.
And the word is skubala there in the Greek, which basically is a, is a fresh lawn turd, you know, left by your neighbor's dog.
That's what a skubala is. I count them as skubala, in order that I might gain
Christ and be found in him. And watch the next part. Not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law.
So you'll note, Paul, he's not looking to his own righteousness here. Instead, he's pointing to something else.
But that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness that is from God and depends on faith.
So the idea here is, is that as Christians, what, you know, those who are penitent believers in Christ, the verdict has come down from Christ, and the verdict is not guilty.
But it's even better than that, and here's the reason why. Is because, remember,
Jesus is on the cross. What does Isaiah say about Jesus? God has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
So on the cross, Jesus is the sinner. God made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that we might be the righteousness of God.
So you'll note then, on the cross, all of your sin is taken off of you, it's put onto Jesus, and the fancy theological word for that is imputed.
Your sin was imputed to Christ. Everybody who is a penitent believer in Jesus, the righteousness of Christ, because remember,
Christ kept the law perfectly. His sinless, perfect righteousness is imputed to you.
And so you'll note, part of the gospel is this great exchange. Your sin is on Jesus, and Christ's righteousness is given to you.
Not only are you declared innocent, but the entire perfect, sinless righteousness of Christ is imputed to you.
And I fail to see that you can improve on that.
So when it comes to salvation and things like this, I just don't sweat it. And this is, by the way, this is the reason why
John Piper's idea of final justification is garbage, because I'm clothed in the righteousness of Christ, full stop.
So I don't...and the other part about this, this is the other fun part, is if you go to Colossians chapter 2,
I always like to point this out, it gives me an opportunity to preach the gospel from this text again.
Here's what Paul says in Colossians 2, See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy. Philosophy, by the way, when you mix it with Christian theology,
Christian theology ceases to be Christian theology. It turns into something else. He says, see to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.
And we know from the cross reference here, the elemental spirits of the world are defined by Paul in another place.
You follow the elemental spirits of the world. Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch, right?
That's what he's referring to here. And see, so according to human tradition, according to elemental spirits of the world, not according to Christ.
For in him, in Christ, the whole fullness of the deity dwells bodily. You have been filled in him who is the head of all rule and authority.
In him also you were circumcised, with the circumcision made without hands, by the putting off of the body of flesh, by the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him in baptism.
And you'll note in this text, it says that in your baptism, your heart was circumcised by Christ. That's the point here. In which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.
And you who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God has made you alive together with him.
Notice, who did the making alive part? God did. God made you alive together with Christ, having forgiven us all of our trespasses.
And sometimes if I'm feeling snarky, I'll say, the Greek word for all here is all.
You know, it's like, yeah, how many of your sins have been bled for and died for? All of them, right?
Having forgiven us all of our trespasses. And watch this, there's a method by which he did it, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands.
And the question is, what is that a reference to? And the answer to that question, what is that a reference to, is you remember all the pictures of the
Day of Judgment in different parts of the Bible, referring it to the day when the books are opened, right?
Okay, so the idea here is that the record of debt is the portion of one of your books, okay, the book that chronicles your good deeds and your sins.
So in the section called the record of debt, all of your sins are recorded, right? So here's the best news for Christians though, and the great news is this, is that when you stand before Christ and your book is opened, all right, it says the record of debt has been canceled, and listen to what it says.
Christ set this aside, nailing it to the cross. So Kozar, there you are in the
Day of Judgment, you're standing before Christ, and he pulls out that book. And you sit there and go, oh no,
I know what's in that book, right? You know, and you don't want him to open it up, but he opens it up and you look at it, there's a whole section that's been ripped out.
The whole record of debt section, the record of all of your sins, Christ has torn it out and he's nailed it to the cross.
I always like to say that he then takes his blood and writes in red, debt paid in full, because that's what he did on the cross.
And so the idea here is, all right, so on the Day of Judgment, there are no sins that are going to show up in my record of debt that Christ is going to look at and go, what is that?
Didn't see that one coming. No, everything is accounted for, everything's bled for, the whole record of debt itself is torn out of the books, it's nailed to the cross, it cannot come back to get you.
But you're going to note in Todd White's theology that he's spinning out here, there is a very overt yet tacit form of self -righteousness that he's promoting and preaching about that makes it sound like,
I've got to have it all or nothing, I've got to make the decision to not sin, I've got it,
I got it, I got it, I got it, and this takes us all the way back to a tacit denial of the imputed righteousness of Christ and the fact that as a
Christian, there ain't no sins that Jesus is going to see on the Day of Judgment. I've been declared innocent,
I have been justified by Christ, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, the whole record of debt, that thing's gone, nailed to the cross, good luck finding it, yeah, because they tore the cross up into a thousand different splinters.
I mean, I think it was Martin Luther who said, there are so many different splinters from the authentic cross that you could rebuild
Noah's Ark with it. But you get the idea. Yeah, and Chris, you were on a wonderful preaching rant there.
That's what people need to hear, and that's what Todd White never makes clear. He gets right to the edge of something like the gospel, and he always turns back to, you've got to try harder, you've got to be more passionate, you've got to ask for more, and it's a trap.
It's actually something that wears people out, and when I watch his videos at this ministry school of his, which really is essentially a church at this point, they're even asking for tithes at the beginning of the service.
They took up an offering. He's constantly badgering the same group of people to really get serious.
I mean, last week he's asking people to come forward so that they would make this new commitment to try even harder, and he did it again two days ago.
He won't stop because that's all he knows. That's the Christianity of revivalism and Pelagianism, that you're never quite there, and Jesus is kind of like, okay,
I went to the cross, now what are you doing for me? Right, exactly. That's the message in a nutshell, and it destroys people's faith ultimately because you never do get good enough.
Yeah, and you never have any confidence or assurance of your salvation whatsoever.
Well, and I'll say this too. He's going to reference Dr. Michael Brown, who's really big on the issue of Christians who don't take their faith seriously and therefore start sinning willingly, and they just live lives full of sin, and this is what the major argument was of Pelagius.
If you tell people their sins are freely forgiven, they won't live holy lives.
They'll just go out and sin, so you've got to tell them that they must earn their salvation. Otherwise, how are you going to get them to behave properly?
Yeah, but that epistle of 1 John says, we love because he first loved us.
Exactly, exactly, and that's the thing that when I started going to our current Lutheran church, where it's a traditional, confessional, biblical
Lutheran church, in case anybody thinks it's one of these crazy liberal things, which isn't even Lutheran. It was the first time we left a church service feeling like, ah, the weight of our sin has been lifted.
We can now live in the freedom of knowing that Christ has done it all for us, and it's in that sense of freedom and having your guilt removed that you can live a life where you really do not want to sin.
Of course, you don't want to sin. Why would you want to go back to the thing? And Todd does try to make that point, but he never does it from the standpoint of you've been freely given this free gift.
He always does it from the standpoint of, look at all that Jesus did for you. What are you doing for him? Yeah, it sounds like when my mother would scold me.
It is. I was in labor with you for 17 hours, and it was 104 degrees outside, and I almost died, and this is how you treat me?
You didn't make your bed this morning? Yeah.
Let's not go there. I'm sorry. I just triggered half the audience. Okay. Let's let
Todd talk some more. Yeah. All right. Let's do that. Let's keep going. I used an example last week of Ray Comfort's book.
I have read Ray Comfort since I've gotten born again. Is that what he said last week?
Because it sounded like last week he was reading Comfort for the first time. He did describe what he was referring to, which was
Ray Comfort, Spurgeon. Didn't he mention one other? Yeah. I think there's one other fellow.
That's right. But he made it sound like it was pretty recent. He did, but now this week he said, no, I've been reading people all along.
So who knows? Yeah. He is aware that Ray Comfort is in the American Gospel. I know.
That's what I put in my video. It was like, so the American Gospel is demonically inspired, even though it's got
Ray Comfort right there teaching the very thing that you think is good. It's really weird. Yeah.
Okay. We keep going. I love his stuff. I've read Spurgeon since I got saved. Do you have a large collection of Spurgeon's works?
Do you read Phil Johnson's Spurgeon archives? Where are you reading that, dude? You know, we keep going.
I mentioned it one time and people were like, now he's reading the right stuff. I got news for you.
I love them. Andrew Murray is one of my favorite authors in the whole world. I love those.
You know who else is a great author? Dr. Michael Brown. Hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on.
Oh, my eyes are stinging. My ears are bleeding too. What? I have a whole playlist on Dr.
Michael Brown. It's got my videos. It has your videos. If anybody is thinking about listening to Dr.
Michael Brown, he does say some good things occasionally. He's not a total dirtbag, you know, televangelist type, but he's got a lot of issues and we both have worked on him a lot.
Yeah. We lovingly call him Doc Obs. He's the doctor of obfuscation. All right, let's go on.
I don't know if you guys know who that is. He was in Brownsville Revival. I've never talked to anybody quite like it.
I am so thankful for these men of God and women of God. And I want to thank, again, also, there are a lot of people out there that have believed that I'm deceived.
Thank you for praying for me. And I have prayed for him, by the way. I absolutely pray for the people that we critique on fighting for the faith.
I need it. I need prayer to say that someone's wrong and to not get on your face and cry out for them soul, their soul.
Their soul. Because if I'm deceived and you're not crying out for me and you say that you love
God, you're a liar. Because you actually, you actually hate me.
Listen to his audience. Yeah, come on, Todd. Come on, yeah, yeah. It's a little bit of a false dichotomy.
Yeah, that really is. But I pray for the people we critique here at fighting for the faith.
Yeah, he uses the false dichotomy a lot. So play a little bit more. Okay. If I'm going to tell you that somebody's deceived, but I'm not going to be one to go on my knees and behemoth
Christ like Jesus did and cry out for them to see the truth, then
I'm not a Christian. I'm sorry, I'm laughing. It's because he keeps mispronouncing vehement.
He calls it vehement. He just discovered this new word and he uses it like four or five times and he mispronounces it.
That's what that was. Yes, vehement. So he doesn't know how to say vehement. Got it.
Like he -ment, he -ment, he -ment. What he's doing here is he's saying there's this... He's basically doing the thing
I mentioned in the beginning of this talk. He's manipulating his audience into hating the people that have any kind of criticism against Todd White.
That's really, in a nutshell, that's what he's doing. That's a standard move by spiritual manipulators, abusers, and cult leaders, by the way.
Exactly. To cut off anybody listening to somebody who's offering valid biblical criticism.
But I want you to think about what he just said. Okay, so if you're not praying for a false teacher, then you're not a
Christian. Let me put it this way, all right? So Stephen Kozar, I'm going to come up with a new rule, and the new rule is you're not allowed to drink
Merlot. It's called Merlot. I think you're mispronouncing it, but keep going.
I am vehement about Merlot. So there's a new rule.
You're not allowed to have Merlot. And anybody out there drinking
Merlot, especially from Trader Joe's, then if you're doing that, you're not even a
Christian. People see it as absurd. It's like, who made you the arbiter of such a thing?
And where in Scripture does it say that if I drink Merlot from Trader Joe's that I'm not a
Christian? It's a totally made -up rule. There is no biblical text that says if you don't pray for a deceived false teacher, then you're not a
Christian. There's no text that says that. Well, Chris, if... Boy, I don't know if we want to go there, but at 1409, he gets even much more weird.
Go to 1409, because it's in the same vein that he says something here that's... Okay. He takes it, and he ramps it up.
All right, well, let's take a look at the ramp up. Here we go. Vehement Christ, but you have no vehement fears.
Sometimes we see people, and we say they're preaching some kind of false doctrine. Here's my question for you.
Would you be willing to be crucified for them? What?
Keep going. No, no, no. Would you be willing to die for them? That person's deceiving people, and he's out there in deception mode.
Would you be willing to take a bullet if someone tried to take him out, because you thought in your heart they're not ready, but I am? That's one of the strangest, creepiest things.
I don't even know what to make of that. I think he's just taking the same idea of you've got to really be 100 % in.
You've got to be totally committed. He continually points to himself as I get all this criticism.
People are persecuting me all the time, and I never fight back. I'm always loving towards them. I forgive them.
I pray for them. Now he's trying to make a more exaggerated version of that, which doesn't make any sense.
Would you be willing to be crucified for a false teacher? What the? Well, let's flip this around.
Todd White, are you ready to take a bullet for Brandon Kimber? You know, I mean, you're ready, right?
I mean, you glow in the dark. You did the power up thing after you defeated the level 16 demonic boss, and you don't sit anymore.
So, I mean, you're ready to take the bullet, right? It's really weird, and it does sound, and I know he's not
Jim Jones, but this is the kind of thing that Jim Jones would say. He would constantly badger his people about how willing are you to stick with it and be part of this exclusive group.
Yep, and if you've seen the screenplay that was put together and the script, what happened at Jonestown from people who survived.
There was just a handful of people who survived. One of the things that Jim Jones was known for is that he had several different, how shall we say, fire drills when it came to drinking the
Kool -Aid. When they drank the Kool -Aid, that wasn't the first time they drank the Kool -Aid. You know, he tested them and trained them so that they were ready to drink the
Kool -Aid, and so when they drank the Kool -Aid, that was maybe the third or the fourth time they had drunk the
Kool -Aid. That was just the first time that the poison was in it, you know. Wow. Just saying.
Well, go back to where we were, because otherwise we'll get distracted with different quotes. All right, so where was I? You actually hate me as 338.
338. All right, so we'll go back to 338. You actually hate me. Oh, no. Yeah, go to about 340.
All right, there we go. That's the command, Todd. All right, here we go. You actually hate me. If I'm going to tell you that somebody's deceived, but I'm not going to be one to go on my knees and behemoth
Christ like Jesus did and cry out for them to see the truth, then
I'm not a Christian. I don't love them. I love my opinion. See, this is a thing.
There's a false dichotomy between the people who love Jesus and the people who love their own opinion. So he's shutting down critical thinking of all the people that follow him.
Yeah, I don't remember who it was, but I remember one time reviewing a sermon on the podcast, and the false teacher
I was critiquing basically saying, your problem is that you love sound doctrine more than you love
Jesus, and Jesus didn't die for sound doctrine. It's like, what a weird thing. And my immediate question was, well, is it sound doctrine for you to say that?
That's like the people who criticize our videos on YouTube, and they say, how dare you be judgmental?
Why are you wasting your time on social media criticizing these great men of God? You shouldn't be judgmental.
Only God can judge. Okay, so you're spending your time on social media judging me because you don't think
I should be judging people on social media. Right, exactly. They don't see the irony. And the funny thing is that they're totally misquoting
Jesus. And Jesus himself said to make a right judgment is to not judge by mere appearances.
And you'll note that Scripture requires us to make judgments between what is true, what is false, what is sound, what is unsound.
We are to judge a teacher by their fruit, which means you're going to have to take a look at their doctrine in their life and things like that.
You get the idea. That requires, you know, judgment. So, all right, let's keep going. I don't care who you are.
You better, if you have a problem with somebody, you better be praying for them, not just, well, he's deceived, and one day.
Yeah, usually my prayers for false teachers oftentimes go something to the effect of,
Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on Todd White. My prayer for him is that he repents of his false doctrine, his false sanctification, his false signs and wonders, so that he would not have to face you in your judgment and your wrath, but that he instead can be forgiven as I am forgiven.
That's usually a lot of the times how I pray, you know. So, all right, let's keep going.
Do you really want me to go to hell? No. No, I don't wish that on my worst enemy.
I do not wish that for anybody. Well, watch where he goes with this. Did you really want me to go to hell?
Like, what if I died in the position that you thought I was? In your eyes, I'd have been in hell, but I'd be at the right hand of the
Father with Jesus. So, he doesn't want anybody to criticize him.
He doesn't want it. He doesn't want the American Gospel movie to do what it does. He doesn't want fighting for the faith to do what it does.
But at the same time, he turns around and says, if you think I'm wrong and I'm going to hell, shouldn't you be warning me? Well, that's what we're doing exactly,
Todd White. That's exactly what we're doing. He's grasping at straws at this point.
It's like self -refuting. And you're going to be at the right hand of the Father? He's going to be at the right hand of the
Father with Jesus praying for us. Is he going to be there like Mother Teresa and all the
Roman Catholic saints praying for him? What is this? Hang on. Praying for you. See, here's the deal.
Love looks like something. Love doesn't have an opinion.
There it is again. If you have an opinion, you don't have love. But that's his opinion.
I know, exactly. This whole thing is a theological discourse.
It's a sermon about what he thinks we should believe about Christians. And one of the things he thinks we should believe is that we shouldn't think about what we believe.
We should just listen to him. No one's allowed to have an opinion except for him because that's an opinion.
Yeah. And he doesn't have an opinion. He just has ultimate truth. Love, man. It's just love.
So, okay. Love keeps no record of wrongs. Yeah, that's true.
Love keeps no records of wrongs. That's 1 Corinthians 13. God is an awesome
God, and he created us in his image. And in the likeness of God, he made man.
Man fell because of sin. Yes. Because of sin.
But Jesus restored that which was lost. What was lost? Us.
Yeah, that's some pretty slip, slidey, you know. Yeah, that's some really very poorly defined theology there.
I am overtaken with gratitude for people that have prayed for me and have said, man, he's going off.
They made a movie called the American Gospel about me.
I think that's what made my video yesterday go viral. It's so obvious that he's such an egomaniac that he doesn't see the irony in what he just said.
The whole world sees it, but he doesn't. That would be like you, Kozar. You and I both make tiny little appearances in both of these documentaries.
Yeah, it's about me. And then me going, well, the American Gospel, man. I'm like the star.
It's about me. That's my movie. You saw my two minutes, right?
That was my movie. Yeah, yeah, that's right. What on earth?
The American Gospel starring Kozar. In Roseboro, people would throw tomatoes at us.
It gets worse. Keep going. It gets worse? Yeah. Oh, yeah. None of them called me to talk to me.
Not one of them asked me to share my heart. Not one of them asked me what I believe they assumed and put me into a place of guilt because of association and friends like Bill Johnson.
Yeah, this is what I put in my video yesterday. He refuses to be analyzed for the actual doctrine that he teaches.
Correct. So he's constantly sending people in other directions. Right. What just happened to your screen?
Oh, don't worry about it. I'm looking for a particular document that you sent me.
Just ignore the man behind the curtain. Just ignore him.
Just ignore him, man. And then he says they only looked at his associations.
That's why they criticized him. But even in saying that, his doctrine is the same as Bill Johnson's, is the same as Kenneth Copeland's.
Right. Now, by the way, guilt by association is a fun, slippery little thing here, and people oftentimes misuse it.
I think of a particular cult that I've been critiquing lately. Well, I haven't seen anything about that.
Is that new? Yeah, no, no. And there's a particular fellow that you, me, and Amy Spreeman may or may not have been discussing.
We talked about bad discernment. And this is a fellow who did an entire video about me claiming that I was a hypocrite.
And here was the presenting problem, because I did not rebuke John MacArthur for promoting
Beth Moore's heresies. Oh, that's right. I listened to that. That was crazy. Nuts. Okay.
And it's such a fallacious argument. It's guilt by the six degrees of Kevin Bacon, right?
And it's just nonsense, okay? And the way their argument went, his argument went something like this.
John Piper spoke at a conference and did the Lectio Divina with Beth Moore.
Now, that's true. He did. But then John Piper then spoke at a conference called
Together for the Gospel, and John MacArthur was there. And so because John MacArthur spoke at the same conference as John Piper, that means that John MacArthur endorses
Beth Moore's heresies. We need a flowchart to show how you're guilty of heresy without actually teaching it.
Well, I use poop emojis. I call it the poop stink theory of separation, because Beth Moore's poop stink got on John Piper, and then the poop stink got on John MacArthur.
And then I was a hypocrite accused of using different weights and measures because I never rebuked
John MacArthur for endorsing Beth Moore's heresies, which is just nuts.
Okay. But the thing is, is that then we all know now that John MacArthur famously recently said of Beth Moore, go home.
Okay. Now, when that happened, did that fellow from the Prash cult go, you know,
Chris, I'm sorry. I got it wrong. No, he did not. No, he did not. No. What he did is he ended up doubling down and claiming that John MacArthur was guilty of hypocrisy when he rebuked
Beth Moore. I just, I have to put that in there because it's just so bizarre.
But let's talk about the screen you've got up. All right, so the screen we got up real quick, and then we'll talk about the guilt by association claim.
Number one, we are looking at an email sent. Hello, my name is
Brandon Kimber. I'm producing a documentary called The American Gospel. I live in the
Cleveland area and will be attending the Azusa Now event this weekend, and was hoping to request an interview with Todd White.
The film is examining the different approaches that people have to sharing the gospel with the lost and how our culture has influenced our understanding of the gospel.
The film is also including Christians from different perspectives. Apparently only
Todd White was going to be the star of this particular one. Liberal and conservative, cessationist and charismatic.
I have interviewed people who both admire and love Todd's ministry and those who would love to give
Todd a chance to explain or defend his views so that I can give the audience a balanced perspective.
Oh, you skipped a line. For those who believe that he is in error or not preaching the true gospel, as a filmmaker,
I would love to give Todd a chance to explain or defend his views. Okay. I appreciate that. I appreciate you filling that in.
Yes, those who believe that he is in error, not preaching the gospel. As a filmmaker, I'd like to give Todd a chance to explain or defend his views and give his audience a balanced perspective.
That looks like a legitimate request dated July 19th, 2017. Response from Todd White's Lifestyle Christianity.
Brandon, I just heard from Todd on this, and unfortunately he will not be able to do it. Thanks for reaching out,
Tom. Yeah, I think that qualifies as... Todd White lied about Brandon Kimber.
He did, and he's going to have to deal with his issue of putting things up on the internet, like his video in early
May. He said the American gospel was a demonic movie. He got so much flack from that that he eventually had to just remove the video.
Right. But now there's all this evidence that he said what he said, and then it makes it look worse when you just pull the video down.
So the video we're watching right now that he put up yesterday or Sunday night, it was actually removed a couple of times, and last time
I checked, it was put back up again. And then put back up again. But here's the other issue, and that is that I remember the
Todd White portion of the American gospel films, and you did a stellar job of pulling apart his leg lengthening miracle and demonstrated that all he was doing was rotating somebody's ankle.
Hey, Chris, before you even finish that thought, I gotta tell you, I watched the film clips, and just a couple of weeks ago,
Brandon was here. I don't want to give away too much because the movie's still a long way off, but I tried the leg lengthening trick on my wife.
How'd it go? And he filmed it, and it was unbelievably easy to pull it off. It was so easy,
I was shocked. I kept saying, this was so easy. Anybody can do this. Because the person is sitting over here, and their hips just rotate a little bit.
It's so easy. You just give a little tug on one, and you maybe push in the other one just a tiny bit, and it looks like you're leg lengthening.
Well, I always thought that you were pulling polygons. Hey! I'll be here all week.
Anyway, so I'm glad that we get to see you recreating the miracle yourself.
So when do you go on tour? When money gets low enough, yeah, I'll pull out the bag of tricks.
Yeah, you do that. But here's the thing. When you critiqued his leg lengthening miracle, it was not in the context of Todd White is a dirty, rotten scoundrel because he's associated with Bill Johnson.
That's true. The critique was straight up his own theology.
His own theology and his own practices. I also have clips of him saying something on one video and saying the opposite on another video.
Yep, and then in, I forget if it was the first or the second American Gospel, I actually got to critique
Todd White's claims that the reason why Jesus died for us is because we're so amazing.
So all of that being said, I do know for a fact that any theological critiques offered in the
American Gospel as it relates to its star, Todd White, that it was not just some weird, stupid little thing like, well,
Todd White was seen in the same diner as Bill Johnson and was seen shaking the hand of Todd Bentley and actually was in the near vicinity of Kenneth Copeland.
Nobody critiqued him for that. Boy, you know what? And this reminds me, Chris, when I was in Amway in the late nineties, something happened called the internet in the late nineties that made it possible for lots of people to get information about anything.
And it killed the Amway business because the fraudulent practices were made public because of all the people blogging.
And so what the people in Amway did was they said, don't go on the internet. Those people are, they're a bunch of losers.
They're just complaining because they quit the business. What was actually happening was people were quitting the business, talking about how it doesn't work, how it's got fraudulent practices.
So instead of addressing the content of what those bloggers were saying about Amway, they just slammed the people as if they were the problem, which is exactly what
Todd White is doing here. He's saying those people were mean to me. They didn't ask me first. They never prayed for me. All this stuff that is not true.
Yeah. And the thing is, I pray for Todd White. And if anybody is watching this video and you don't like Chris Roseboro and you don't like Steve Cozart, that's fine.
We're jerks. We are. We're Lutherans, man. That just goes with the territory. I really,
I want you to like me in all honesty. I'm not the kind of person that wants to have enemies, but that's not the point here.
The point is, what does the Bible teach? And is Todd White teaching what's in line with scripture?
And is Todd White a false teacher or not? We can find out really easily by looking at what he says and what he practices.
Exactly. All right. Let's keep going with this video because this is rather fascinating. Let's keep going. Or Kenneth Copeland.
Or Kenneth Copeland. Or Kenneth Copeland. Like, why is he doing that?
That is such a psychological thing. It's like, he knows Kenneth Copeland is an absolute joke. But the weird thing is, is that,
I mean, he was practically fawning all over Kenneth Copeland in that one appearance.
Well, I put that in my video yesterday. That's the video where you see him fawning over him. Oh, fawning over him.
And, oh, I read your book. And I totally believe all this word faith stuff. And wasn't it
Kenneth Copeland that bankrolled the ability for Todd White to get that facility that he's in?
No, I don't think so. If he did, it was private. But he was on screen telling everybody to give money to Todd White because you're giving money to Jesus.
In fact, he said that if you give money to Todd White, it's like being there when the
Apostle Paul needed money and you were able to support him. Got it. So rather than, you know, so if Kenneth Copeland gave of his own finances, we don't know what that was, but clearly he was the fundraiser guy for Todd White.
Got it. Okay, let's get going. Kenneth Copeland. Now all of a sudden, Todd's the biggest heretic on the planet.
Or Benny Hinn. Shame on you. And shame on you for like totally twisting all of that.
Yeah, the theological critiques that have been leveled against you is for your theology. You know, and yeah, you're part of the luminaries of the
NAR. But the reason why you guys all flock together is because, you know, wolves do that.
It's called a wolf pack, you know. So let's keep going. For not praying for me and talking to me, but making a movie thinking that you're
God's police. You're going to stand before. Really, Brandon really is a really nice guy.
Does he have a badge? Badges? We don't need those stinking badges, you know.
And right now, Todd White is God's policeman telling everyone what they should and shouldn't do.
Yeah, but he's slandering Brandon Kimber. Oh, big time. I mean, big time slandering him. They're in the middle of writing a letter.
Maybe by the time this video comes out, it'll be public. But yeah, there's more to it. He's flat out lied about the circumstances and is slandering
Brandon Kimber. Brandon Kimber does not think of himself as God's police. I mean, this is quite the job here.
Yeah. Wow. Holy God, an answer for your life of judgment and hate. And it's called murder.
So is Brandon Kimber guilty of murdering? Yep. No, he's not.
Not Todd White, that's for sure. But wow. Hate, murder, racism.
That's just... There we go. It's no different than racism. It's the same thing.
Heretic lives matter, man. Keep going.
It's called no love. You have no love. Brandon Kimber has no love, man.
None. People would believe that we don't just because, you know. This whole argument is so stupid.
Oh, it's slanderous too. It's utter slander. If you think that being
God's police officer is love, you're wrong because you haven't prayed with vehement tears.
Vehement. Vehement. You're wrong because you haven't prayed with vehement tears.
He said vehemently. Okay. Wow. This is...
I'm going to keep going. What does it mean to go after God in your prayer closet?
Because that's where all this is. I don't have a prayer closet.
I'm sorry. I knew I was doing something wrong. He's going to talk about how his wife sees him in his prayer closet.
You know, the secret place? No, no. He always talks about this. I go to the secret place.
I'd tell you where it is, but it's a secret. That's right. If you're on stage bragging about your secret place,
I don't think you can call it a secret place. No, nothing secret about it. Lots of people have opinions, but do you have a prayer life?
Are you... That's his opinion. There's the opinion thing again. Yeah, again, weird.
Are you really going after the Lord like you say you are? Are you? He's telling me, you know, you take these questions, just flip them right back around on him, and he realizes how silly they are.
God sees everything. Everything is naked and open to him. Everything.
You're not hiding anything. He sees it all. We should be very careful about the things that we say about people.
I don't feel bad at all. I feel you have no idea how free I really am. There are some people that think
God repented when I came out on the stage tonight. There are people that are here that said he didn't repent.
He didn't cut his hair. Shame on you. Talk about a straw man.
That's all he's got. I will say this. I have seen some people just go, what is with his hair?
Oh, they say it all the time, and I don't go there. Yeah, you know, that's like neither here nor there.
Whether you cut your hair or not, that has nothing to do with your theology. You know, in fact,
I'm not a hairdresser, and I'm not qualified to make such judgments. You get the idea, but okay.
Yeah, this next segment for the next minute, maybe just keep it going. I think it kind of flows. You'll see what happens.
All right. Bet you won't be back. I hope
God cuts your heart. I really hope he cuts your heart. I love
Jesus with all my heart. My life is a display of that. My actions are a display of that. Yeah, humblebrag is a good way to put that.
Wife will tell you that I love the Lord. She sees me in my prayer closet. She sees how I talk. My kids will tell you that I love the
Lord. I don't settle for. He has a very expensive prayer closet, by the way, in a very nice neighborhood.
This isn't a defense of Todd. This is a I've been spending time with God, and I'm about ready to explode.
Jesus is amazing, and he wants us to see just how amazing he is.
And he does that. Well, that's your opinion. OK, I really believe
I heard Leonard Ravenhill. He's one of my favorite authors. Like, I love
Leonard. I'm like blown away. You read it. I don't know if you've ever read. Well, why Revival Terry's?
Oh, my goodness. I'm like, it's amazing. Like amazing. That man's love for Jesus, his profuse love for God.
He was very strong in the things that he said, but it was said out of a brokenness for our savior, out of a love for God, out of a love for the church, out of a love for the lost.
But it was so intense. David Wilkerson, who was another one. I went to Team Challenge. David Wilkerson started
Team Challenge. If Team Challenge didn't exist, I wouldn't be here right now. So we have them to blame for him.
Got it. OK. He's one of my favorite preachers in the whole world. That's news to so many people.
They're like, wow, I can't believe that. I love those guys. I love holiness. I love purity.
I love power. I believe the last confession there. Yes. Yeah, I believe that last, that third one for sure.
He does clarify it in the next sentence. But boy, the way he said, I love power. Yeah, I just let that one sit out there in context.
Yeah, I think you do. Not my power, God's power. Some people think that doesn't make it any better.
It's kind of like the magician's apprentice or something like that. Well, now he's going to talk about how he's going forward with his full signs and wonders.
You know, we got to show God is real by doing miracles teaching. Oh, no. So the whole
John Wimber power evangelism thing. Got it. Let's see. Take a look. Repented. He won't believe in the miracles. The only reason that you don't is because you don't believe the
Bible. I'm going to back this up. I want some context on this statement because I think we need power.
Not my power, God's power. Some people think he's repented. He won't believe in the miracles. The only reason that you don't is because you don't believe the
Bible. You tore up. Yeah, he must have heard my critique, your critique and Justin Peters critique and stuff like that.
Yeah, here's the thing, Todd. If you truly repented, you would repent of your false miracles.
Leg lengthening isn't a miracle. Kozar can do it. You know, if Kozar can do it, it ain't a miracle.
You know, that's right. All right, let's keep going.
Wow. The pieces of the Bible that you don't want to believe because you're uncomfortable, not realizing that God.
Again, this is slander. By the way, I believe in all the miracles in the Bible. Totally believe in every one of them.
So actually sent a comforter because you're supposed to be uncomfortable. If sin doesn't.
Jesus said a comforter because you're supposed to be uncomfortable. Right. That's a nice opinion.
It ain't biblical, but wow, this is Kozar. This is terrible.
I know. So I blame you. So sorry. If I have to go to a therapist,
I'm sending you the bill. So if you want to throw up, something's wrong with you. If sin doesn't bother you, something's wrong with you.
If you can sit in front of a TV and love what's going on and not be your life, you love the world and you can't love
God. So you can't love God if you like television. You know, and one of the things that Todd does that makes him really popular, and I don't have the clips here because, like I said, it's too long, but he talks about how people are really engrossed in sin, like watching pornography and living with somebody outside of marriage.
This is true. People are doing that. And he makes some good points about that, which was what all Christians have always taught.
Exactly. I think in a way, he's responding to a real issue, but I don't think he's responding correctly because he's responding with this kind of revivalism.
You've got to try harder, come forward and recommit your life for the 400th time.
He's just kind of pounding people with the law. It's like when I was in Nazarene. You show up at Pasadena, Nazarene, the pastorate society is just going to go off.
In the world, there's fornal caboodling. There's people out there, they're drinking booze and they're smoking cigarettes.
And you got women wearing halter tops and they're wearing them Daisy Dukes and all them kinds of things like that. And as a result of those people's thought lives is just in the mud.
And that problem is it's not out there. It's inside of you. You're the one doing it. And you said, yes, that's me.
That's me. And then they say, you need to come up and you need to be born again, again.
And this time you let God know that you mean it. You're going to do what is necessary to put away your cigarettes, put away your booze, put away your dancing and watching them movies that are rated more than G.
I mean, Disney is the only thing you can be watching and all this kind of stuff. And so you go up there and you say, God, I really mean it this time.
I'm really going to get my act together this time, God. But really, forgive me. I'm sorry.
I mean it this time. And you get into the parking lot and you're already sinning. Because somebody cuts you off as you're trying to get out of the parking lot.
And you get the idea. Okay, so proper distinction of law and gospel.
You preach the law to convict people of their sin. And this is where they rightly use the law.
But the law is not the solution for our sin, nor is the solution.
You just need to really mean it this time, and you're going to get your act together, and you're going to clean yourself up, and you're going to make yourself holy.
That's not the solution. The solution to sin is the forgiveness of sins, and that only comes from Christ.
Christ is the one who's bled and died for you. And believing and trusting that his death on the cross is sufficient to cover your sins so that you are forgiven, then the idea then is that as Christians, the gospel is the solution to the problem of sin.
And then our sanctification flows from that, all right?
So as penitent sinners, we recognize that Christ, you know, through what he did on the cross has set us free from slavery to sin, death, and the devil, and he's given us the
Holy Spirit, and through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit begins to produce in us holiness, the fruit of the Spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control.
And so the life of a Christian is a daily life of repentance, of saying, you know,
God, I'm not measuring up, please have mercy on me, a sinner. And so the idea here is that that's the daily life of the
Christian. But what he's talking about in his claims of the supernatural sanctification that he has, it creates two tiers in Christianity.
You got the glow -in -the -dark Christians, and then you got the people who are striving but haven't attained the glow -in -the -dark status yet, and then you got everybody else who's, like, sane, and they just say, you know,
I'm not doing this, and they're considered the backsliders. But the problem is, is that real biblical
Christianity, Apostle Paul talks about the fact that, you know, if we're saved by grace through faith as a gift, where's boasting?
It's excluded, and the reason it's excluded is because in Christianity, everybody's on the same level.
Forgiven sinner. There is no second tier. Even the pastor.
Even the pastor, exactly. Especially the pastor, you know. And so, yeah, you get the idea here.
Yeah, this guy is a direct descendant of, you know, the holiness guys, and the revivalists, and the really bad legalistic theology.
And it's a theology that leads people to become full of despair.
Yeah. And I think, even though people are on fire, or however the phrase is being used at the time, you know, they're going to all the conferences, they're getting all the latest books, and they think that this new breakthrough is coming.
The breakthrough doesn't come because they're still struggling with a sin nature. And eventually, a lot of people lose their faith completely because they thought
Christianity was going to, you know, give them all this stuff that they're hearing about from people like Todd White on stage.
You know, none of us knows what's really going on in Todd White's life, because all we see is what he tells us from a stage with a microphone, and no one there to, you know, to tell us the real story.
Maybe he's living a pretty good life. Maybe he's not. It doesn't really matter. Yeah, he wears those toe shoes, so he can't be that whole.
So, yeah, I really struggle with how, because I've made a lot of videos on him,
I've actually had people say, because I made a series of videos, and I mentioned how
Todd does not teach the imputed righteousness of Christ. Yep, that's right. He makes it sound like you actually will become righteous.
You literally will be without sin. In and of yourself. In and of yourself, or somehow you will become
Christ, like to such an extent that you will never sin again, and I'll say, you know, he doesn't understand the imputed righteousness.
I've had comments from people on my YouTube videos that say, there's no such thing as imputed righteousness.
You're either righteous, or you aren't. I had another person comment. We just read it out earlier from Philippians 3, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, you know.
I had another person say, there's no such thing as a sin nature. What? Yeah, they don't,
I mean. Okay, hang on, we gotta do a little biblical work. Romans 7, right?
Yeah, Romans 7. And here's the thing, is that Romans 7 describes the normal Christian life.
I always love it when somebody says, well, Romans 7 is the Apostle Paul talking about what it was like before he was a
Christian. I know, I hear that all the time. All the verbs are in the present tense. Okay, so Paul says, what shall we say then?
The law is sin? By no means. Yet if it had not been for the law, I would not have known sin.
For I would not have known what it is to covet. If the law had not said, you shall not covet. But sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, produced to me all kinds of covetousness.
That's kind of the thing. If you're going to preach all law without gospel, you're going to excite your sinful nature.
You know, it is not a coincidence, and I mean this, that where you get these revivalist preachers, and all they're doing is railing on sin and the law, and they're never preaching the gospel, you just scratch the surface of what's going on in their congregation, and you're going to find some really nasty sin.
I mean, just really awful stuff, you know? In fact, I remember, who was the fellow at Swaggart, man?
He was a hellfire and brimstone preacher, and what did he do when he would get off work?
He'd go trolling for prostitutes, man. So beware.
If you're going to preach all law, your sin nature is going to go, yeah, people do that?
I'll have to figure that one out. Because you're just focusing on it so much. Exactly. So notice he says that sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, produced in me all kinds of covetousness.
For apart from the law, sin lies dead. Once I was alive apart from the law, and when the commandment came, sin came alive and I died.
So the very commandment that promised life proved to be death to me. For sin, seizing an opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me.
Now, by the way, the important part of understanding Romans 7 is seeing the distinction that Paul makes between who he is, who he is in Christ himself, and his sinful nature.
He sees the two as two distinct things. So the law is holy, the commandment is holy, it's righteous and good.
Indeed it is. So did that which is good then bring death to me? No, by no means.
It was sin producing death in me through what is good, in order that sin might be shown to be sin, and through the commandment might become sinful beyond measure.
For we know the law is spiritual. I am of the flesh. I'm sold under sin. And notice, this is all present tense.
I do not understand my own actions, for I do not do what I want. I do the very thing
I hate. That's the normal Christian life, by the way. Now, if I do not do what I want, I agree that the law is good.
Now it is no longer I who sin, but it is sin that dwells within me. For I know that nothing good dwells in me that is in my flesh.
Sarks. For I have the desire to do what's right, not the ability to carry it out.
For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I keep on doing. If you're sitting there going, that sounds just like me in my
Christian walk. Exactly! You know, so now if I do not do what I want, it's no longer
I who do it. It's sin that dwells within me. So I find it to be a law that when I want to do right, evil lies close at hand.
For I delight in the law of God in my inner being, but I see in my members another law waging war against the law of my mind, making me captive to the law of sin that dwells in my members.
Oh, wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death? And so you'll note here as Christians, we're stuck with our old sinful nature.
We're waiting for the redemption of our bodies when the Christ returns and we're raised from the dead. But watch where he goes.
He's going to take us right back to the gospel. Well, thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So I myself serve the law of God with my mind, with my flesh
I serve the law of sin, but there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
The law of the spirit of life has set you free in Christ, in Christ Jesus for the law of sin and death.
And by the way, and so the idea here is what he's describing, the normal Christian life, is that it oftentimes just kind of comes, you know, your sinful nature and the new man that you are in Christ, they're at war with each other, and it creates kind of a stalemate situation.
But the thing that breaks the stalemate is the Holy Spirit. It is through the Holy Spirit that we put to death the deeds of the flesh, and that's what
Romans 8 goes into, but you get the idea here. So yeah, no, we still have a sinful nature.
Just because you're a believer in Christ doesn't mean that you're now sinless, and you can walk on water, and you glow in the dark, and all that kind of stuff, but you get the idea.
Want to keep going? Man, what do we get, like 12 minutes into it? Yeah, well, actually, with the 14 -minute thing that we did,
I want to go just a little bit longer. I mean, we're long anyway, but we'll just go a little bit longer, and then we'll wrap up.
Okay. There's no question. The Bible's clear. There's no way out. You have created a
God that's in your own image, but God created you in His image. We have a graven image of who we believe
God is, that He's this, and He's that. Not biblical. No, when you read the Word, Jesus Christ talked about hell more than anybody else.
He talked about weeping and gnashing of teeth. Intensely read the parables in Matthew.
It's unbelievable. Yeah, presently preaching through Matthew's parables in the summer here.
Are you guys with me? I don't know, see? I'm just getting started. I'm not kidding.
Are you with him, Steve? Are you with him? No. Do you know that the miracles that people have seen in the past through amazing preachers, men and women of God that have loved
God? Such as? Oh, he's going to reference John Alexander Dowie without mentioning him by name.
Okay. Everything in them. The miracles were so profuse that some people got arrested for practicing medicine without a license.
Why are we... Dowie's a complete... I've been studying about this guy. The guy is a charlatan showman.
Yeah, he was... He was... In his day, everybody across the entire country would get the paper because they wanted to know what crazy insane thing did
John Alexander Dowie do today? He was a newsmaker for about a five -year period. He had this cult, this commune in Zion, Illinois.
Yeah, that's right. And before that, though, he was in Chicago and he was gathering his following in Chicago before he moved his followers 40 miles north to Zion.
But he was getting arrested for practicing medicine without a license. But he wasn't actually doing anything.
He was charging money to people saying that if you give me so much money, I'll pray for you and you'll be healed.
And then he put crutches up on the wall and wheelchairs and claimed that these were leftovers from all the people that he healed.
But they were just props. Yeah, I mean, he was as, let's just say, legitimate as Marjo.
Yes. All right. Quick to dismiss the reality of the power of God. Why would
I want to believe half the gospel? Why wouldn't I want to give Jesus everything? There's a false dichotomy again between if you're a real
Christian, you'll want to give Jesus everything, which means you'll want to do miracles all the time like Todd does, or you'll be one of these half -hearted
Christians who lives in sin and doesn't care about doing miracles all the time. Yeah, yeah. Apparently, I'm a half -hearted, sinful
Christian. I did say yesterday that the only sign and wonder
I'm capable of doing requires people to pull my finger, but... That's right. Yeah, that's not exactly true, because I can do this.
Check this out. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. See? That's pretty good. Yeah, so, you know, I... It's not really good, but it's pretty good.
You're hurting me. I'm just saying. Listen, I just proved that I love Jesus by performing a miracle.
Let's keep going. He paid a price for everything. Why would I want to give him that much?
Hey, go to 1146. 1146. All right, so we'll go for about a minute.
Hang on a second. No, I'm sorry. Start at 1106. You got to see what he does at 1106. Okay, all right.
Right there is fine. Oh, my gosh. There are people that think that the presence of pornography is more important than the presence of the
Lord. There are people that think... Is there anyone out there defending the presence of pornography?
He's actually trying to make the point that in Moses' day, Moses was so close to God.
He was in the presence of God, because he was in the presence of God. That shows that he had a heart that really wanted to be in the presence.
And people today need to have the same kind of heart that Moses had. Yeah, I'm still confused about the pornography reference, though.
I don't know anyone defending that and saying, we need to have that present. No, he's just saying that you like pornography too much.
That's why you're not experiencing the presence of God like you should. Okay, got it.
That the presence of money and finances is more important than the presence of the
Lord. There are people that think that if they don't watch out for the church and protect her, that right there is more important for them than the presence of the
Lord. Is that weird or what? Yeah, that's not only slander, it's just weird.
I mean, again, Titus 1 makes it clear. God wills for these people to be silenced and for them to rebuke, so they'll be sound in the faith.
You know, that's how that works, you know? Okay. Let him go just a little bit more. All right.
But outside, they look beautiful. Jesus called it what it was. And he said to the
Pharisees, outside, you're all dressed up, but inside, you're full of nasty.
Okay, you can stop it there. Okay. So that's it. The people who are trying to protect the church from false doctrine are
Pharisees. Wow, we've never heard that before. Yeah, yeah, play the Pharisee card. But we're the whitewashed tombs, full of nasty.
All we want to do is bring freedom to people who are in bondage to this stuff.
And when I make videos or when I write articles, I'm hoping that somebody like I used to be just in the last 10 years,
I was typing stuff into Google. I was trying to find somebody to tell me the truth and give me good answers and show me what does the
Bible say. Just give me what the Bible says. I don't want to hear your opinion so much. And so I'm not really interested in trying to change
Todd White per se. That would be great. I don't expect it to happen. It would be my goal.
Especially now. Yeah, my goal would be all the people who are listening to Todd White and they know something's a little off, but they can't quite put their finger on it.
He's not teaching correctly. It's bad theology. It's not that he's not teaching theology. He's teaching bad theology.
Anybody who goes on stage and starts talking about God, they're teaching some version of theology.
So people don't be afraid of the word theology. It's just teaching about God. And it can't all be right.
If everybody's equally right, then nothing means anything. It's all relative. I think we can definitively say that his repentance lasted 47 seconds.
47, maybe 46. And he seemed kind of irritated and agitated by people's response to his repentance and the conversations that took place.
Yes. Made sure to take a good firm swipe at those discernmentalists and to slander
Brandon Kimber and to lie about him. That was rather fascinating. Which, by the way, since he slandered me, he slandered you, he slandered
Brandon Kimber, that's objective proof that he doesn't glow in the dark and his sanctification isn't perfect.
And he hasn't, how shall we say it, stopped sinning yet. Because we can document several sins that he committed along the way in the slander and the lies that he spewed, and the false doctrine as well.
That's all sinful as well. So Todd White, don't glow in the dark. I'm sorry, that's just not true.
He's just a sinner like the rest of us. It would be so much better if he would just admit it. Yep, that's true.
So, well, Stephen Kozar, thank you for coming on Fighting for the Faith today. My pleasure.
And it was a good conversation. It's always fun to have you, and you never know where our conversations are going to go.
I know that we didn't get all the way through this, but we'll put a link to the original video down below if you want to do that.
If it's still up. Yeah, it does keep disappearing and coming back. So they're strategically trying to figure out whether or not they should keep this thing up.
But you get the idea. Let me go ahead and sign off with the viewers here, and then we'll talk real quick before we go.
So if you found this helpful, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description.
And as a reminder, Fighting for the Faith, we are supported by the people we serve, and that's you. And so if you don't already serve us, all the information on how you can serve us below by joining our crew, things like that, and anyone who joins our crew during the summer months at Gunner's Mate or above,
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So until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ, and His vicarious death on the cross for all of our sins.