SBC and Adam Greenway Sent Me a Wonderful Gift!

AD Robles iconAD Robles



It is with deep disappointment, but strong conviction, that I have sent the following letter to Dr.
Michael Spradlin prayerfully requesting him to reconsider the decision of MABTS to host the premiere of a film whose trailer contains scandalous and scurrilous slander against SWBTS.
Looks like my birthday's come early this year. So sorry about my voice.
I just lost it. That's like two days ago. I was on a live stream with a few guys and I lost my voice and it hasn't come back since.
But I had to put this video out because it's just it's an emergency. I just had to do it. This warmed my heart just so much to see
Adam Greenway, the president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, sent a strongly worded letter because he's very worried about this movie premiere that's coming out.
By the way, I was invited to this premiere, but unfortunately, I couldn't make it.
So God bless you guys. I wish I could have been there. But anyway, it's coming out on my birthday. November 20th is actually my birthday.
So that's a good thing. But but my birthday came early this year because this is just world -class entertainment.
It's so funny. My my wife the other day, we were talking about a product that is off the market now.
It's just like a health product or whatever. And she made a joke. She said, I'm going to send a strongly worded email to the company and it was a joke.
I mean, she wasn't really serious that she was going to do that. It was just kind of a funny thing, you know, what Karen's do whatever. But here's my here's here's
Adam Greenway sending a strong serious strongly worded letter and he wants everyone to know about it.
Here's my strongly worded letter. It's just so hilarious. I mean, this is the worst that they got. I mean, they can call you racist and then they can send strongly worded letters.
I mean, it's really it's quite funny when you think about it. Like this is what most people cower in fear over like there's a lot of pastors that cower in fear that they're going to get a strongly worded letter.
Oh, and this is the worst one Hannah Kate over here. Hannah Kate agrees with it. Like that's the worst thing they once they send
Hannah Kate your way to agree with the strongly worded letter. That's the worst that that might you might as well be in purgatory at that point.
But anyway, here's his strongly worded letter and this is all about the enemies within the church movie.
That is coming out November 20th. I cannot wait to see that and let's face it. We've been waiting a long time.
No, no disrespect. But man, we've been waiting for like years for this movie. But anyway, I hope it's good. Here's what the letter says
Adam Green. But this is his work. This is his best work dear President Spradlin.
I write to you to express my deep disappointment that the institution you lead plans to host a film premiere in quotes a film premiere.
I love that. He put film premiere in scare quotes. That is just classic stuff. This is just this is so Big Eva man.
Remember how I said the other day that Big Eva always Big Eva's out Big Eva's itself. Well, we got another example here
November 17th. Beautiful beautiful. This this warms my heart guys. Okay, a film premiere of enemies within the church this
Saturday November 20th in apparent coordination with the conservative Baptist Network. The film's trailer contains campus footage of the institution.
I am privileged to lead overlaid with narrative instant insinuations of Marxism presumably intended to leave viewers with the mistaken impression that Southwestern Seminary is something other than Orthodox Baptist and evangelical.
I take strong umbrage guys at you guys. We got to pack it up guys.
We got to we got to cancel the rest of our plans Adam Greenway. It's not that he takes umbrage.
He takes strong umbrage. It's over guy. I mean the jig is up.
He's taking strong umbrage to the scandalous and scurrilous slander.
Look at that. He he used alliteration and he used words that I don't understand.
I mean you got it. You got to know he's not kidding. Yeah, I mean he used alliteration scandalous scurrilous slander.
Remember that remember that that gopher in Winnie the Pooh when he used to go sausage.
I can't even do it because I have my voice is gone. Anyway, particularly when it's apparently condoned by an institution such as yours.
He can't believe it. He can't believe that there's a movie that would insinuate that Southwestern is teaching wrongly on issues of race on issues of gender on issues of sexuality.
He can't believe it. I mean, we're just Orthodox. How could anyone disagree and it's just too funny.
So here but this is the funniest part because he's let me just read it. This is classic guys.
I I when I saw this this morning my heart just filled with just such joy and I'm not kidding.
This is just this is so pathetic the Adam Greenway's like he's getting on his look. I'm going to scandalous scurrilous slander and he's like, oh, that's good.
That's good. This is this is the strongest weapon alliteration and words. I don't understand. You remember that 40 year old
Virgin that one scene where the the black customers talking to the black worker and he's like, oh, since I don't understand that word.
I'm going to take it as disrespect that that speaks to me man. I speaks to me. Anyway, furthermore,
I believe your late predecessor in office be great. Allison would strongly disapprove of his seminary's involvement in matters such as this showing this film and shop supporting the
Chris conservative Baptist Network. Can given what has been attended in ma
BTS his own publications. So this is where he gets that emotional manipulation. You know that guy who yours your predecessor your your your your mentor.
He's dead, but he would disagree with this. He would disagree with this. Former academic vice president
Howard Bickers wrote in 1992 concerning mid America quote the seminary prohibits any negative criticism of any
Southern Baptist entity leader or program by speakers in the classroom or in the chapel services.
So he actually banned criticism. You can't criticize any Southern Baptist leader. This is this is this is hilarious guys.
I mean you can you can criticize Southern Baptist all day but not leaders. The leaders are the untouchables.
They're the anointed they cannot be criticized. It's criticism is not allowed. I mean these people think that they're nicer than Jesus.
That's what they think that's what they think but they're sadly and sorely mistaken. See I can do the alliteration thing to sadly and scarcely and sorely mistaken.
I don't know how this video is going to turn out because my voice is just a disaster. But I hope you understand that I this is this is this is the gift that I think is going to keep on giving.
I mean again, it's a little early for my birthday. You guys didn't have to do this. You didn't have to do this, but this is just beautiful Adam Greenway.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you. Let me finish reading this letter because I just want to do you justice here
Adam because this is a work of art. This is the scurrilous scandalous slanderous work of art.
Hold on one second. The leaders of the seminary believe that the institution best fulfills its purpose when a
Christ -like spirit and a stance of positive support are engendered. Yeah, because that Christ -like spirit, you know, no criticism
Christ never criticized anybody. No, no leader Christ never criticized a leader. It never happened never happened.
No, the Christ -like spirit means that scandalous and scurrilous slander is off the table.
Actually the voice actually works well when I'm doing Adam Greenway. Anyway, consequently the energies of the seminary are focused upon the training of students rather than upon participation in divisive issues within the convention.
Since these sentiments are characterized Mabts during SBC's much -needed conservative resurgence.
Should they not even be more so now given that both our institutions confess congruent convictions concerning biblical authority and errancy insufficiency.
I prayerfully ask you to reconsider the decision to show this film and to withdraw support from those working to divide our convention by engaging in untruthful attacks against SBC.
The entities like Southwestern seminary and the untruthful attacks and then the very first comment is
Hannah Kate. Thank you, my brother. Yeah, right. You can't make this stuff up.
You can see you can see the you can see the the White Knights and all the the yes men and all the the simps in the comments here.
It's just too funny. This is just glorious. I think that this letter is one of the funniest things
I've ever read. I hope you guys like it as well. I hope you could understand what I was saying. I mean wasn't
I don't know. I don't really have nothing else to say.
I mean, it's just too funny. I really hope that the the other seminary doesn't cave. They might I mean they might because because the thing is like a lot of evangelicals are swayed by these blunt.
They're shooting blanks here, but a lot of people are just scared by the sound that the gun makes even if there's no bullets and so they could cave but it doesn't matter because even if they do cave to this like this is the thing that these people don't understand
Adam Greenman. I'm going to try to help you out here. I'm a helpful guy. I'm a helpful guy when you do something like this.
That's just so ridiculous and embarrassing and scariest whatever that's supposed to mean when you do something like this.
It actually draws attention to the film and so the film is going to get more play than it ever would have if they do cancel it.
It'll be more popular than you could ever possibly imagine this. It's like it's like trying to destroy Obi -Wan
Kenobi you strike him down. He's going to become more powerful than you could have possibly imagined.
So I you know, in a way I kind of hope that they that they they cave to this it would be it would kind of suck for the people that are flying there to be there that would kind of suck side in that way.
I don't hope it happens. But if it does happen the movie is going to be more popular than ever. I can't wait to promote this thing if it's good.
I haven't seen it. I'm sure it's going to be good. But if it's not okay, obviously can't promote it. But if it's good,
I can't wait to promote this video. And this this this this letter. Thank you.
Thank you. I didn't I didn't even know you knew it was my birthday. Thanks Adam. I really appreciate it. I hope you found this video helpful.
God bless. Well, that's embarrassing.
I actually didn't realize that you could watch the movie already. So I just bought it and I'm going to watch it today. If you want to buy it,
I can't say if it's good or not yet because I haven't seen it. But if you want to buy it, it's at enemieswithinthechurch .com