EAN Frontline Report 2021


Hundreds of churches mobilized, trained, and equipped, all for free. These efforts from local churches across the globe have once again saved thousands. On top of this, we have been able put through Legislative Bills for equal protection of all life in numerous States! All this through your prayers, efforts and support. Thank You! Join us again for 2022. Let's end this together. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


I'm Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications with End Abortion Now. Just wanna say on behalf of all of us here at End Abortion Now, thank you so much for your support of this ministry and all that God is doing through us for his kingdom to protect life and to advocate for justice for the pre -born.
When we began, we were just going to the abortion mills locally as Christians, as a local church here in Arizona because we had seen this kind of work done from other faithful believers.
And so we started to go. We started to go to the abortion mills and preach the gospel of grace to mothers and fathers and families and offer help.
And then we started to see the blessing of what God was doing through our witness.
He was saving lives. He was seeing families preserved and cared for.
And then we just started to talk about it. We would broadcast it on our social media platforms.
We would talk about it on the Apology Radio Show. All that God was doing amongst us here as a small body of believers in Arizona.
And then all of a sudden we began to be inundated with messages and comments and questions from other local churches across the country and even nationally as to how they could begin doing this very same work where they were.
And so by God's grace and through the provision of those who believe in this work, we were able to begin
End Abortion Now, a ministry now that has surpassed all of our expectations.
We have been given the means to equip local churches with materials to go to their local abortion mills.
We've been able to offer them training to help them get acquainted with this issue, this kind of life -saving work.
So that's where we came from. That's how everything started. We took this message not just to our local abortion mills, but also to our local city governments.
And we proclaimed the gospel to them as well and called on them to uphold life. And now where we're currently at is that we have raised up and we have been at least contacted by and equipped about 800 local churches.
And we have been able to provide them with all of those things, the training, the resources.
And now they are going out and they have been seeing lives saved upon lives saved.
60 babies saved, 200 babies saved, almost 300 babies saved as a result of their faithfulness.
And as we have equipped these local churches, what we've been able to do by God's grace again is to network them together and other
Christians through various platforms that we offer our training materials from.
Through our online coalition where Christians and churches can connect with one another, can network, can offer support, can share stories and lives that were saved on the front lines to share their interactions with their local magistrates as they go to them, calling them to do justice for the pre -born.
We've been able to make available an app that actually allows for churches to track all that God is doing amongst them on the front lines to report the amount of children that they're seeing saved, to submit testimonies of how
God has shown up in truly remarkable ways. And we have also been able, now where we're at, to really take the fight to and engage in the area of the legislature.
And just this year alone, we've been involved with a handful of legislative efforts in various states with more now even in the works.
And God has allowed us to either help with existing efforts or to put into place our own life -saving legislative protection for the pre -born in these various states through local representatives.
So bills that would criminalize abortion, bills that would provide equal protection for our pre -born neighbors in the womb, godly and righteous legislation is being put forward now.
But where we are going in terms of the future and really what we're calling on you for, especially upcoming in this next year, is a couple of things.
Number one, continue to pray for us as a ministry. If you're able to support our work, we are eternally grateful to every single one of you who support us financially, who have committed to partner with us in that area.
We cannot thank you enough. There's no way to quantify the impact that you are having by partnering with us in this all -important work.
But we need your support, we need your prayers, and really this up -and -coming season, this next year, we need
Christians knowing that these types of events are going on, these types of legislative pieces that protect life are being put into place, and so we need your help in mobilizing one another, in pulling our resources together and showing up to these events as they happen across the country.
We need you present and accounted for if a bill is going in in some place, and that's really what our resources aim to do, is connect us all together and get us running in the same direction.
And so, as we move forward, we just wanna invite you to continue to come along with us in this fight.
Continue going to the mills, continue engaging the culture with the clarity of the gospel in this issue, that this is murder, that it's an issue of the heart, and that the gospel of Jesus Christ is the only hope that we have to end it, and we look forward to the future and all that God will continue to do among us.