"racial reconciliation" being used as a Marxist false gospel

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http://www.worldviewconversation.com/2017/07/racial-reconciliation-salvation-of.html https://www.facebook.com/worldviewconversation/


Hey, John with a conversation that matters for March 2018 I wanted to share a little bit today about the gospel of racial reconciliation and why
I believe it to be a heresy This has been on my mind for a few years In fact, there's an article in the sidebar that I wrote last year that you can if you're a reader you might want to go there now that you can look at and I would encourage
You to share because there's just not a lot of people talking about this From a critical standpoint not a lot of pushback against it and it concerns me.
I think part of the reason is intimidation I'm an insider at an evangelical institution of higher learning and you know, in fact,
I've even talked to I talked to a professor who was said that if he shared what he really thought that His job would be on the line and I've experienced intimidation as a student myself
But this is a big issue that needs to be discussed. It needs to be in fact criticized
The true gospel is I think really what's at stake here because I just don't think a true gospel can live
Right beside a false gospel, which is what the gospel of racial reconciliation is I think one's gonna have to needle win over the other
So what is the gospel of racial reconciliation? Well, essentially it stems from Marxist theory and Here's Marxist theory in two seconds.
There's the haves there's the have -nots the have -nots Want what the haves have because it's been taken from them.
It's been stolen from them. It hasn't been fair and There hasn't been social justice as opposed to biblical justice, right?
With biblical justice Western civilization is usually new justice is blind It's individual The social justice says that we can look at someone based on their race class sex gender sexual orientation things like this and Make a determination at least in part of their innocence or guilt based on those things because they're deemed a certain member of a victim group in culture and So What happens is these victim groups they get together and they will form a collective political solution for how to bring about what their fairness justice what they believe to be equity and And you can see already that terms are being redefined
I mean biblical justice is not the same as social justice at all And I think that's part of the reason the gospel of racial reconciliation can take wings is because some some of this takes place
Racism itself. I mean traditionally it's kind of more of an evolutionary term but it's you believe someone to be less developed or more developed based on a melanin count indicator and that's
Certainly wrong It's a sinful thing Actually, if you view someone to be because of their genetics to be less, you know
Worthy of respect or whatever that is completely disgusting and wrong And it's a sin But but now it's it's fanned out to be all sorts of other things
If you're just white sometimes or if you're proud of your culture then you can be considered a racist
So so a lot of these redefinitions and loose definitions, I think help to propel the gospel of racial reconciliation forward
But that's what Marxism is anyone who views American politics can see this the
Democratic Party benefits from it How did it get into the church? Well, essentially since the
Enlightenment secular disciplines and spiritual disciplines have grown far apart and there's been a split and Nancy Piercey's total truth.
I think it explains this quite a bit if you want to get a book on it, but what happened is secular disciplines like history like ethics like philosophy so forth
They were they were considered to have and there's no spiritual significance to them you can study them in this in the box of modernity and naturalism and do just fine and so a lot of Christian institutions of higher learning in fact even hired people that you know claim to be
Christians They probably were but they had a Marxist worldview because they were educated at these secular institutions So they weren't with the
Bible guys the teach in the seminary and theology. They were doing their own thing and what's happened is it's been a very thin coat of butter on bread the thin coat of butter is the
Christianity the veneer of Christianity and then the bread is this big chunk of Marxism and they're trying to make the two go together
And so you eat it and it tastes good, but it doesn't taste good if you really know the true gospel
And and the way that it and this is probably the most helpful thing I can do to give you a definition the way that it would be presented to you perhaps in a chapel or I don't know in class
Whatever if you were part of it young if you're a young guy at an evangelical institution is hey
There's been injustice in the past and the church hasn't always I prefer to say aspects of the church haven't always been on the right side of that and Therefore what we ought to do is recognize that first of all and then come up with solutions society solutions
A lot of them include government to correct these wrongs So that would include taking down flags and monuments that would include perhaps supporting the kneelers at football games
Affirmative action expanding the welfare state. I mean, these are things we just need to do And that is supporting racial reconciliation.
That's social justice that right there and This is a false gospel. Hopefully you can already see the parallels within Marx Marxism and and this
The truth and this will make it clearer. I'm gonna bring a contrast into play here The true gospel says you're responsible for your individual sins.
So you're not responsible for what your father did You're not responsible for the group that you live in did necessarily you're responsible for what you did coming from your own heart and Jesus comes in and pays for that sin and justification takes place gospel racial reconciliation says
Oh No You bear in some ways the guilt of your grandparents. You got to take some responsibility for that You bear the sins of the group that you live in the ethnic group the cultural group the whatever
You need to take responsibility for that And and the solutions are societal
Solutions, they're not individual. It's not just repentance and it's justification. It's a one -time deal.
You're done. Jesus forgives you It's no you got to look for external things not internal heart change things, but external things out there
Those are the problems and so it's a collective you're part of a collective effort to come together for this reconciliation and That's not the true gospel.
The true gospel says that You know Jesus Matthew 15, it's what comes out of a man that defiles him
So the root issue of sin is something that comes from the heart. It's not a flag.
It's not the problem Uh, you know an institution that's corrupt isn't the problem It's the heart that ultimately is the problem and then those things can be dealt with and And so that that's another difference
They're like Hebrews says the priests who constantly are offering sacrifices without any forgiveness.
I don't know how many Documents the Southern Baptists have published Statements they've made saying we're not racists, but it seems like it never ends and the problem is they they never feel like they're forgiven
There's there's no forgiveness and I would ask the question. When is someone truly absolved of the sin of racism?
Assuming they're a racist which a lot a lot of these people that you know, how are they racist? They don't think someone's less worthy because of the melanin count in their skin.
They just They're just part of a group that happens to be deemed racist so They they can't get rid of their sin.
So it's a what Jesse Jackson says they're okay Like where's when is the bell ring? Well in the true gospel
Jesus forgives and it's a one -time deal and There's a group the IFC a they're a association they
Didn't let a few churches in in the 30s who were black churches and they later on found this out and they said you know
What our forefathers were wrong. They apologized. They said come on in That was it. There wasn't an endless barrage of statements.
It was just come on in And that's really all I think how it ought to be so So there is a clear difference between what the gospel says and what the gospel of racial reconciliation
Says and you can read my article if you want to get into more detail on that contrast but You know to summarize the true gospel says great sin is of the heart
Gospel racial reconciliation says it's out there The true gospel says you're responsible for your own sin. It's in a racial reconciliation gospel says
You're responsible for what your father's did what your ethnic group does the true gospel? Says that you're forgiven once for all the gospel of racial reconciliation says
No, you gotta do penance. You got to do all these things and then maybe you know You might feel better about yourself and then you still got to keep doing penance
And so these things are our true gospel issues and that's how it's usually presented. I'm not the one that said it's a gospel issue
It's usually presented as racial reconciliation as a gospel issue. It's a social justice issue. We got to engage culture and that's part of this and Yeah, maybe you'll get some approval in the world
Maybe if you're young and ideological and you want to solve injustice, you know, people are gonna applaud you for it
But it's not the true gospel. Don't fool yourself the true gospel has a solution for real racism and that solution is seeing yourself as In Christ an identity a new identity that says that all will be before the throne in Revelation cultures tongues nations tribes all
People have intrinsic worth of the imago Dei the image of God the wall of separation between Jews and Greeks has been broken down and Christ is the one that gives us peace and a
New identity and and that's where the true solution is. So I'd encourage you to look at the article