True Repentance Luke 19 Vs 1 10

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June 9, 2024 - Morning Worship Service Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, California Message "True Repentance" Like 19:1-10


Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Faith Bible Church Opening your bulletins to the announcements if you would
And you'll see there that there will be a prayer meeting tonight at 6 o 'clock
Also our missionary of the month is Jack and Bev McMahon they serve in New Zealand with BMW biblical ministries worldwide and please pray for them and their mission team and All of their ministries and they really are working to reach all of their students for the
Lord The next leadership board meeting will be
Wednesday the 12th at 6 p .m women's
Bible study on Saturday June 15th at 10 a .m.
And then praying with Paul. It's our Bible study on Wednesday nights every couple of Wednesdays and it's praying with Paul and June 19th at 530 will be the next one for that.
I really want to mention what a great job they seem to be doing on the roof and Is that scheduled to be completed this week?
Yeah, cool. Let's pray dear Father Thank you so much For blessing us and Giving us this time and privilege to meet together in your name help us to worship
Glorify you in this time in Jesus name. Amen This morning we're going to and it's good to see
Richard back here on the violin. Look at this and so He just keeps keeps chugging along and he's an example to to all of us
Okay, well he's good he's good at that with grace so so this morning
Our first song is going to be speak. Oh Lord, and it's a really a wonderful song to open our service
It's a it's a prayer and it's a request to the Lord and as usual. Well, I'd like to read the last verse here if I may
It's speak Oh Lord renew our minds Help us grasp the heights of your plans for us truths unchanged from the dawn of time that will echo down through eternity and By grace will stand on your promises and by faith will walk as you walk with us
Speak Oh Lord till your church is built and the earth is filled with your glory.
Amen Let's all stand together as we sing speak. Oh Lord Our next song is all
I have in Christ and I'd like to read because it's a story of redemption and our response to it
Colossians 1 13 and 14 read he has delivered us from the power of darkness and Conveyed us into the kingdom of the son of his love in whom we have redemption through his blood
For the forgiveness of sins and that is something as a believer you can hold on to and nobody can take it away
This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it Scripture reading this morning is from 1st
Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 through 11 1st
Corinthians Chapter 6 Verses 9 through 11
No ye not That the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God Be not deceived neither fornicators nor idolaters
Nor adulterers nor effeminate or abusers of themselves with mankind
Nor thieves or covetous or drunkards nor revilers or extortioners shall inherit the kingdom of God and Such were some of you
But ye are washed But ye are sanctified But ye are justified in the name of the
Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God May the Lord add his blessing to the reading and hearing of his
Holy Word so our next song is One that most of you know, it's greatest.
I faithfulness and God is faithful He is a faithful God like none other and let's stand together
Thank you for Leading us in Worship through music.
I appreciate all the musicians and the tech people and Even the
Arnett's printing out the music this week, even though they're not up here and Thank you for right my wife and Richard and Katie Who practiced the music and thank you for Harold for singing up here because in the end, it's not about the performance but helping us to focus on the
Word that show us Who God is and what he's done, right?
We're praising him for who he is and what he's done Now let us turn to Luke chapter 19 verses 1 through 10
Luke chapter 19 verses 1 through 10 Then Jesus entered and passed through Jericho now behold
There was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector and he was rich And he sought to see who
Jesus was but could not because of the crowd for he was a short stature so he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him for he was going to pass that way and When Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him and said to him
Zacchaeus Make haste and come down for today. I must stay at your house So he made haste and came down and received him joyfully
But when they saw it, they all complained saying he was gone to be a guest with a man who was a sinner
Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord look Lord I give half of my goods to the poor and if I've taken anything from anyone by false accusation
I restore fourfold and Jesus said to him today salvation has come to this house
Because he also is a son of Abraham For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost
This is the word of the Lord Let us pray Father we are grateful
That you have sent Jesus to save us from our sin. No matter what sin
His atoning death on the cross for our sake is more than sufficient Help us to trust that Help us to trust that there's no sinner.
That's too far too beyond too far gone the redemptive reach of your son
Jesus Christ help us to Love him and appreciate him give thanks to him this morning.
May we all experience The loving Presence of the
Lord Jesus Christ through his spirit in Jesus name. Amen last week we saw the blind man take initiative to call out to Jesus and Jesus of course responded by healing him
This week we will see Jesus take the initiative to call out to a text collector and The text collector will respond in faith and repentance
Both instances the crowd that surround Jesus complained that doesn't change
Last week we saw through the blind man what it looked like to respond to Jesus in faith
This morning we will see what the proper response to Jesus initiative is
So they're almost like the two sides of the same coin And I dare their place next to each other all for that reason.
What does it look like to properly respond? In this text we get the chief text collector who responds to Jesus The ancient readers the ancient audience would have
Been scandalized by the fact that he's a chief text collector How could such a sinful man?
Right respond to Jesus. How could Jesus stay with such a sinful man?
The modern readers however will struggle with the other part. How could a rich man respond to Jesus?
When when colleges and public education indoctrinate people to think that wealth is evil and the socialist a communistic ideology is the way to solve the problems of the world mainly poverty
That's what we would be scandalized by However, we have to read the text as the author intended and this morning
It shows that there's no sinner That is too far
Too far gone to respond to Jesus initiative to redeem the scandalizing part of the text collector
Receiving Jesus is because that he is a well -known public sinner
Yet even this sinner will Repent and believe this idea of repentance often is misunderstood
Repentance means To turn away from sin and to turn toward God It is the natural response to one's faith in Jesus Christ Repentance and faith go together hand in hand because you can't repent without faith in Jesus You can't turn towards God without Jesus also, you can't just believe and Live the same way that you used to that's not true faith.
So repentance and faith faith Also are kind of the two sides of the same coin
Right, you can't repent without the object of faith Jesus Christ who died for your sin and rose again
Because there's no point of repenting you can't and you also can't truly believe without turning away from sin
There is no such thing as a Christian who makes practice of sinning and this morning
The main point of this text is what is the proper response when Jesus pursues a sinner?
What is the proper response when it when Jesus pursues a sinner? first when
Jesus takes initiative to reach out to Outcasts many reject
Jesus decision when Jesus take initiative to reach out to outcasts many reject
Jesus decision as We're nearing Jerusalem remember
Jerusalem ever since Luke chapter 9 Jesus has turned his face to Jerusalem and the reason is
This King will be enthroned in the city of David Not on a cushy golden throne
But hanging from the cross That is his main mission according to the gospel of Luke ever since chapter 9
Jesus has been Heading towards Jerusalem That is the center of the gospel account
That's where he's headed That's the climax and all of that is to save the world now as We near Jerusalem Luke narrates another event in the city of Jericho, which is about 18 miles away
Luke focuses here on a single character verse 2 now behold
There was a man named Zacchaeus Who was a chief tax collector and he was rich Remember that tax collectors were basically viewed as the lowest type of people tax collectors prostitutes same bunch they were known to be
Sort of like a traitor right betrayers of Israel because the
Roman government They're too big. So they hire the natives of the land to collect taxes for them
So these tax collectors are native Israelites. They're Jews So they're
Jews. They're collecting taxes and oftentimes they're tasked to Collect a certain amount for Rome But the
Rome gave them the leeway to collect more than they needed Because there would be some travel costs that needs to be covered and you can guess that if Rome's not really
Regulating how much they're actually collecting for their own travel cost that they could defraud some people
They could take more than they actually need So they were known
For that kind of known with that kind of notorious reputation, right? They're Jews But they're taking money from other
Jews excessively, right? So they're they're viewed as the lowly in terms of they're traitors really
Now Zaccheaus is more than just a tax collector. He is the regional director of the tax collectors, right?
he's the head honcho and What He probably did was instead of him traveling around he probably took a cut from each tax collector that he was in charge of So he was probably viewed even
Worse than the regular tax collectors at least the regular tax collectors work and walk around to collect taxes
Zacchaeus probably didn't have to walk around too much and hence
He is rich he collects from the tax collectors now when we think about this wealth
We have to remember There is a theme of rich people in these couple of chapters in the last chapter
Luke chapter 18 We were told about a rich man who rejected Jesus because of his wealth
Because he could not let go of his wealth he couldn't surrender his wealth to follow
Jesus and Following that Jesus talked about and he actually used an illustration to show that The rich cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven even a camel the biggest domesticated domesticated animal in that region would have an easier time entering
The eye of a needle which is the smallest possible hole that most common people would come across on a normal day
A camel to go through the eye of the needle and what Jesus means is not that the wealth disqualifies someone from being saved
But rather one's passionate devotion to it when they trust that over God himself and The question on our mind this morning would be will
Zacchaeus be any different Would he just would it be like any other rich man?
We've seen they don't have a good track record in this book and Remember, it's not the wealth that disqualified them
It's their trust in their wealth over their trust in Jesus that disqualified them
Will Zacchaeus his response be the camel that successfully goes through the eye of the needle, right?
That's the question And verse 3 shows how Zacchaeus will be involved in Jesus journey through Jericho and He sought to see who
Jesus was But could not because of the crowd for he was a short stature
Similar to the blind men from last week Zacchaeus has only heard about Jesus Zacchaeus is relying on the report of who
Jesus is and what he has done and In one sense we're of the same boat
We've only heard of Jesus. We haven't seen Jesus same with Zacchaeus up to chapter 3 and Similar to the blind man who wanted to see
Zacchaeus wants to see Jesus Luke threads these similarities together in these two passages
Right these stories these events Historical events are placed back -to -back together for a reason
Now verse 3 tells us despite Zacchaeus desire to see Jesus He was not able to for two reasons first.
The crowd had formed around Jesus already Right sort of like the blind man
He couldn't access Jesus because there was a crowd the crowd has also heard about Jesus and they want to see
They want to see all the works that Jesus can do Second Zacchaeus was short and you can imagine
Logically, if you're short and there's their crowd surrounding the figure you want to see you obviously can't see him.
He's covered yet The two unfortunate realities do not stop
Zacchaeus his desire to see Jesus Zacchaeus has to see Jesus Verse 4 so he ran ahead and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him for he was going to pass that way
Zacchaeus decides to run ahead of the crowd. He knows where the crowds headed and he finds a spot where he can see and For non botanists out there a sycamore tree is like an oak tree.
It's a sturdy tree The trunk is short and the branches are wide
This allows the short Zacchaeus to climb up on the tree and safely perch on one of the large branches and Wait for the crowd to pass by Luke emphasizes the
Zacchaeus is desired to see here. He has got to see Jesus Ironically, it is
Jesus who looks up at Zacchaeus first Verse 5 and when
Jesus came to the place, he looked up and saw him and said to him
Zacchaeus Make haste and come down For today. I must stay at your house
Unlike the last passage in which the blind man who can't see Jesus calls out loudly to Jesus son of David have mercy on me
Here Jesus takes the initiative Jesus calls out to Zacchaeus down from the tree
Hurry up and come down because I will stay at your house tonight Zacchaeus hoped for a glimpse of Jesus now, he will get to host
Jesus Right Zacchaeus only hope that he could just see Jesus from a distance well
Jesus will stay at his very home tonight and Verse 6 shows
Zacchaeus is ready response. So he made haste and came down and received him joyfully all the commands that Jesus stated in the previous verse is immediately obeyed he
Made haste he came down and he received him with joy Just as quickly he went up the tree to see
Jesus He hurries down just as quickly to receive Jesus The word for hurrying here connotes excitement
In fact last time it was used in Luke It was in Luke 2 when the shepherds hurried to see what the angels announced of the birth of the
Savior to see Jesus Lie in the manger, right? Zacchaeus is obviously excited and in fact
Luke tells us He welcomes Jesus joyfully full of joy
Verse 7 however tells us the unfavorable response by the crowd But when they saw it, they all complained saying he has gone to be guests with a man who's a sinner
Note the word play in this passage with the verb to see we we have seen the verb to see many times
Zacchaeus wants to see So he climbs up to see and then
Jesus looks up and to see And now the crowd sees Zacchaeus just wants to see
Jesus passing by and he makes all the effort to climb up the tree to wait and see
Ironically Jesus looks up at Zacchaeus first and takes the initiative to stay at Zacchaeus house
Now the crowd although they can see Jesus closer than Zacchaeus could They cannot see why in the world would
Jesus make that kind of decision The ones who are physically close to Jesus Cannot see what
Jesus sees in Zacchaeus. It's a word play here. They complain
They grumble about it. And last time we saw grumbling was when the religious leaders grumbled against Jesus for Eating with the tax collectors and sinners and in this case the crowd is similar to the
Pharisees They have a problem with Jesus a holy man the one who obviously is working divine miracles
They have a problem with him staying with a sinner like Zacchaeus They like the spectacles and signs
They like the wonders and miracles But they cannot stand whom Jesus hangs out with they like Jesus miracles, but they have a problem with his friends
Healing the blind man last time was great and glory to God for that But man staying with the tax collector.
That's a bit too much Jesus Please stick to doing the miracle stay on the stage
Stay up there. Don't come down to the stage We don't like the ones you're shaking hands with don't get personal with these folks
Just do what you do best Do the supernatural works?
But G do not associate with them and this is in fact the tragic response
Often by the very people who have witnessed Jesus power and teaching it shows that you can experience
Jesus greatness yet have problem with his people and it is
Even more sad to see this happening in the church And we do this by elevating certain sins and sinners at a level in which that Jesus cannot reach
I'm not saying sin is okay And as a church, we don't condone sin, but there is a way of elevating certain sins in which
We implicitly believe that Jesus compassionate touch cannot possibly reach
For example Did you hear about Beth's daughter? She's into witchcraft.
Well, Johnny's struggling with homosexuality. I Don't think it can be saved Sally lives with her boyfriend
Gee, she's beyond Jesus reach Now all of those actions are sins
And all of them are legitimate sinners Yet what we need to remember is there is no sinner.
That's too far from Jesus salvation There's no category of sin in which
Jesus redemptive death and resurrection cannot pierce through hence
David read from 1st Corinthians All of these lists of sins right thieves idolaters adulterers fornicators
Homosexuals, but what this Paul says it doesn't say that's that's who you are
No, he says such were some of you It means they weren't anymore
They were washed they were sanctified. They were justified in the name of Christ Jesus saw these people whom many of us might just cringe at and he saw
They don't have to live that way They can be cleansed from that Does not have to be their identity and when we make prejudgments on certain groups of people or certain types of sin
We in fact join the crowd in their grumbling We have a problem with Jesus plan of redemption ultimately
Jesus came to save sinners Saving the loss is
Jesus main business He does not shy away from the social outcasts whom the world thinks is
Just too wicked The very people were prone to cross the street to avoid contact with them the very people that we try to avoid
Jesus races toward them after all
He came to forgive sins Not just the light sins or the publicly acceptable sins, you know
Ones that most people are fine with The respectable sins. Oh, he just works too much.
Oh She just worries about the finances When Jesus died on the cross
He didn't just bear the respectable sins, but all of our sins
Ones that you don't want anyone else to know about He died for sinners that people physically draw back from The people that they naturally step back from right they don't want to talk
Closer and closer. Maybe if I step back more they might get the memo.
I don't feel comfortable talking to you Those are the very people
Jesus came to die for Jesus fully suffered the wrath of God that Not only we deserve but they deserved so that he can save them
In heaven, don't be shocked when you meet former murderers and former communists in heaven
Don't be surprised when you see Jesus feasting with former strippers and gang members To Jesus, there's no sinner too far from his redemptive reach
And the question for this morning is will you celebrate with Jesus or join the crowd in grumbling when you see?
Jesus saving the outcast Will you pray for these outcasts or will you?
Ignore them or even more.
Will you pray that God may use you to reach out to these outcasts or will you?
Run the other direction Second what happens when
Jesus takes the initiative to pursue the lost? The proper response to Jesus pursuit is belief in repentance the proper response to Jesus pursuit is belief in repentance as The key is receives
Jesus into his house Zacchaeus shows signs of true faith and repentance
Remember true faith and repentance go together. You cannot have true faith and not turned away from sin
And you cannot have true repentance Without the true object of faith
Jesus Christ, you can't repent without Jesus Christ Then Zacchaeus stood and said to the
Lord look Lord I give half of my goods to the poor and if I've taken anything from anyone by false accusation,
I restore fourfold Unlike the rich ruler who could not give his wealth to the poor upon Jesus visit
Zacchaeus generously offers half of his wealth this shows that Giving all of your wealth is not a command specifically for all the wealthy
Right. It's case -by -case and Let me tell you what the significance of the 50 % is in ancient
Israel 20 % was considered very generous giving 20 % of your wealth is considered very generous and I mean that goes along with this world to like if you give 20 % of your net worth
To the poor that's pretty generous what that means is giving 50 % is incredible and this is not a command
That applies to all the wealthy here. Jesus never told Zacchaeus to do this Zacchaeus did it from the bottom of his own heart
Giving generously does not save you in the end, right? If that were a command, that's that's what it would be
However, it is a concrete proof of the salvation that has occurred in this man's life
Right Zacchaeus is generosity to the poor is Showing the supernatural change in a sinner's heart in response to receiving
Jesus That's what it is. There is nowhere in the Bible in which you are commanded to give in order to be saved
That's works righteousness, that's a damnable doctrine you cannot save yourself no matter how generous you are however
Because he's been saved through Jesus He can be extremely generous
The second action shows the key is his repentance if I have taken anything from anyone by false accusation.
I restore fourfold Presumably during his tax -collecting job.
He has defrauded people Right as I've mentioned that tax collectors often did that Here's Zacchaeus makes right what he has done wrong.
He restores those whom he has wronged According to Leviticus 5 16 the legal requirement for restoration after extortion defrauding someone was actually 20 % so if I you know lie to one of you and say just give me a hundred bucks and You can get to heaven
And I get caught right the elders. They'd catch me and they're like you can't be doing that Now it's it's not just okay to say sorry
According to the Levitical law if I had been a Jew, I would have to pay 120 bucks back
That's what it is, that's what Leviticus 5 16 is saying Zacchaeus however takes a bigger restoration requirement according to the law and He promises to restore fourfold
This is four times the amount he has defrauded and this is found in Exodus 22 1
It's it's when you steal a livestock like sheep or a calf a bull You you were to return four to five times
But he didn't need to do that he wanted to do that and The reason is after placing his faith in Christ.
He starts to live a completely different life This is a picture of true repentance
Repent repentance is not saying. I'm sorry and returning to the old way and Repentance is also not saying
I'm really sorry and returning to your former life Repentance is turning away from sin and turning toward God Repentance must be visible in a sinner's life
Which means a repentant sinner does not make practice of sinning Although a repentant sinner does not become perfect that's by no means what
I'm saying They don't become sinless that moment His life trajectory however changes from wickedness to that of sanctification he's becoming more and more set apart for God a
Repentant sinner begins to live righteously remember it's a process sanctification is a process not an event a
Repentant sinner begins to conform to the image of Christ day by day They may not be perfect when they're saved they may not be perfect They would they won't be perfect ten years after they're saved but from that moment of salvation and after ten years he has become more like Jesus in character and attitude
Mindset his speech his behavior and how he views other people and how he loves
That's the fruit of repentance and after witnessing
Zacchaeus's transformation Jesus responds in verse verses 9 to 10
Today salvation has come to this house Because he also is a son of Abraham Jesus affirms
Zacchaeus's salvation Zacchaeus is not putting on a show for Jesus that act of generosity
That wasn't just the show His generosity is the outward expression of his inward salvific reality
It's the natural fruit of the supernatural redemption that has taken place inside Moreover, Jesus has no problem calling
Zacchaeus a son of Abraham the father of the faith remember
Abraham is Really the epitome of the
Old Testament of faith and The reason is he believed in God's promises when he couldn't see it and God created it credited it to him his faith as righteousness
Abraham didn't live a perfect life. He didn't live a sinless life, even though he actually fell many times
Sometimes a certain sin multiple times Right yet He is credited to be righteous
Not because he's perfect not because of good works, but because he believed in God He's a faithful man.
And if you are a Jew Abraham is the highest example of faith in the
Old Testament. The crowd may think
Zacchaeus is a fraud But to Jesus He belongs to Abraham's family the crowd may scrutinize his past sins
But Jesus sees a faithful child of promise You couldn't get a higher praise as a
Jewish tax collector than that You resemble your father
Abraham Zacchaeus You know your response right there when you repented and believed you look like Abraham that's what it's saying if you're called son of something it means you resemble that something and Jesus affirms
Zacchaeus his newfound faith in the end this visit fulfills
Jesus mission to save the world For the Son of Man has come to seek and save that which was lost
Jesus did not come to save those who think they have it all together Jesus came to save the lost
Those who cannot save themselves Those who know that they cannot save themselves, right because no one can save themselves
But for someone like Zacchaeus who knew just no matter how hard he tried he could save himself.
So he got to see Jesus Jesus came to save those type of people and Zacchaeus is the lost sheep that Jesus carries back on his shoulders to joyfully celebrate
Zacchaeus is the lost coin that Jesus rejoices over when he comes back to Jesus Zacchaeus is the reason that he came to die on the cross bearing his sin
Zacchaeus is the reason Jesus came to die and rise from the dead and when you become a
Christian The moment you place your faith in Christ and as you live the internal faith
Becomes visible. This is because when you're saved you're renewed in Christ You're not who you used to be.
Your identity is no longer in your sin This is this is why?
We don't identify Christians with sin nature or specific sin there is no adulterous
Christian There is no gay Christian This is not to say adulterers can't be saved nor gay people can't be saved.
That's not what I'm saying Sin is not their identity anymore when they're saved from their sin
That's not who they are and that's because When you trust
Jesus that he died for you and rose from the dead You cannot keep on Living in sin.
You cannot continue in sin Before Christ you may have been doing drugs, but after Christ you cannot be pursuing drugs sure the the road to Quitting may be hard You might falter here and there
But the trajectory is vastly different You're no longer spiraling down You're climbing up before Christ You may have slept around however after trusting in Christ you cannot be sleeping anyone
Sleeping with anyone whom you are not married to before Christ you may have cheated on your school of work
But after Christ you cannot be satisfied with any form of dishonesty true repentance means turning away from sin
Not just outwardly but totally Inward and outward and turning towards God this does not mean immediate perfection
This also does not mean you will ever be perfect in this life You'll have to wait for the resurrection
It means your relationship with sin has been irrevocably changed Because of your new relationship with God through Jesus Christ Because Jesus Reconciled you with God you cannot maintain the same relationship you had with your former sins and your former lifestyle
Sins you used to delight in Will over time become more and more disturbing
Almost embarrassed to Hear what you used to think and say and do that's the sign of true repentance
Since you used to allow in your life now you desperately want to kick out of your life
Since you used to allow in your life now, you're desperately fighting against in your life since you used to daily enjoy
You battle against the temptations you fight against the temptation daily it's a battle term
It's a life -and -death situation and Through Christ in the spirit you're winning more and more battles day by day
You choose to follow Christ rather than to resubmit yourselves to sin That's because you are a redeemed child of God in Jesus Christ That's who you are a child of God Does what
God does and that is? live a holy life a Child of God reflects
His or her father holy pure just and upright
You no longer identify with any sin because of your new identity in Christ That's what was happening in Zacchaeus his life because that's what true repentance and true saving faith looks like I would like to end with a quote from John Newton This is not
Isaac Newton the guy who Discovered the law of gravity and this is also not fake
Newton the snack guy John Newton is actually was
Was a former slave trader He was a former slave trader for England and by the grace of God he was saved and he devoted the rest of his life to ministry and Also joined the abolitionist movement to end the slave trade and slavery
John Newton is also the author of the words to amazing grace and when you when when
What the next time you sing amazing grace, you'll see how that's a testimony. I Once was lost, but now
I'm found And I once was blind, but now I see Amazing grace how sweet the sound
You can see how he was touched by the grace of God through Jesus Christ John Newton shows a true fruit of what repentance looks like the moment he believed in Jesus Christ he and after it he devoted his life to undo the damage he's done to the
African slaves and He still knew that Repentance in this life would not reach perfection and Hopefully, that's not the message that you hear this morning that you can be perfect You can't live under that kind of pressure
But this is what John Newton said. I am
NOT what I ought to be. I Am NOT what I want to be. I Am NOT what
I hope to be in another world But still I am
NOT what I once used to be And by the grace of God, I am what I am
John Newton, let us pray father.
We thank you that The moment we believe in Jesus Christ, we can start turning away from sin
We don't have to be identified with our sin. We don't have to live in our sin We can actually fight against our sin.
We can actually run away from temptations We can make a violent effort of escape against our sin
Because we have been saved because we're new in Christ because we're children of God in Christ and in the spirit
We have the same resurrection power That resurrected Christ working in us
To become more like Christ every day Help us to live that way