300K Subscriber Q&A!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth. In this video, I need to thank you all for hitting a huge milestone – 300 ,000 subscribers.
In exchange for the viewership, prayer, and support that I've received from you wonderful people, I thought it would be a good idea if we did a brief
Q &A type of video. So I put out a post on the channel and asked what questions you all would want to be included in that Q &A.
Far and away, the most common request was asking for my personal testimony, and in the past,
I've been hesitant to share a video about this because honestly, the channel has never really been about me or my journey specifically.
It's always been about bringing truth and clarity to the cultural situation that we find ourselves in now, using the
Biblical worldview. But I also know that it can be very encouraging to hear the personal stories of others, and I'm more than willing to tell mine.
I was raised in a Christian home in San Diego, California. My parents are wonderful people who I love very much, and they took me to VBS, church, camp, and eventually sent me to a
Christian school. But shockingly, just because I was raised with Christian values didn't mean that I was automatically following the
Lord faithfully for my entire life. As the saying goes, God has children, but he does not have grandchildren.
And so in my high school years, I found myself falling into all sorts of sinful activities, things that I deeply regret even to this day.
Crude joking, addiction to corn, self -centeredness, lust, pride, the list goes on and on.
As time went on, though, these sins led to serious negative consequences both for me and for the people around me.
But I found myself powerless to stop them from taking over, at least on my own. Overall, I was lost, sad, and angry at the state of my life.
And though you probably wouldn't know it just by looking at me at the time, I had some serious spiritual problems.
But thankfully, mercifully, the Lord intervened and did not give me over to the desires of my sinful heart.
One night, I found myself listening to the shocking youth message given by Paul Washer. It's a pretty popular sermon on YouTube.
I believe that it was a good, true, and powerful message that I needed to hear. And honestly, I'm not sure if that was the night that I had the grand conversion experience and became a
Christian officially, but what I do know is that this was a turning point for me. Oftentimes, when being raised in a
Christian home, it can be hard to pinpoint your exact conversion date and time. Not everybody has the perfect Paul -on -the -road -to -Damascus moment.
But the good news is that your salvation is not about when you chose God faithfully, but rather, when a faithful God adopted you.
From that point on, I became more and more convicted about my sinful life, and I truly desired to be free from it.
And I wish I could tell you that I was completely sanctified all at once from the sins I struggled with, but the
Christian life rarely works out that way. But God has been so unbelievably kind to me, and I can truly say without a doubt that he has made me more like his son
Jesus today than when I was in high school. He has rescued me and given me victory from the most egregious sins that I was committing, most notably my addiction to corn.
But most importantly, the Lord Jesus Christ has saved me fully and completely. I became aware that I had broken
God's holy law and that this was high treason against my Creator. After all, sin breaks fellowship.
So I needed a Savior to pay my debt and offer me forgiveness so that I could be restored, and that is what
Jesus did. Yet when I first got saved, I would say that I had a low view of the Church, the sacraments,
God's control over the world and in salvation, and a whole host of other topics that I needed to learn more about.
Yet my ultimate hope was never in my theological purity or knowledge level, it was in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
And I rejoice in that, because if it were up to me and my performance, I would never have been saved in the first place.
So to make a long story short, that is my testimony. And before we jump into the next question, I want to offer a humble warning.
A lot of times, you can see people who post online about their faith and who develop a following. And in seeing these people, you think, wow, they're so holy and wise, they're so special.
And we forget our common sense. The fact is, people who make apologetic arguments on the internet and who post videos fighting the culture war with biblical values, those people are not substantively different than any other
Christian in history, including myself. They just have a louder megaphone. They still have struggles. They still have to pick up their cross and follow
Him daily. So don't get swept up into the idea that there are these magic Christians out there who never struggle with sin or who don't deal with the same things you do on a daily basis.
This is the danger in online engagement in the Christian community. It can lead you to be unrealistic and to forget the importance of basic, daily, humble
Christian living. And I'm preaching this just as much to myself as I am to you guys. Trust me,
I need to hear this too. And this brings me to the second question that people ask most often. Why did
I start this channel and what's the story behind it? I'm not sure if the full story for this has been posted on the channel before, but here it goes.
I forget the exact date and time, but I know that it was a few years ago. I watched the documentary American Gospel with my family.
The documentary was meant to critique and refute the modern prosperity gospel that has unfortunately become so prevalent in trendy
American megachurches. And I had always been interested in theology and apologetics since becoming a
Christian. In fact, I spent probably hundreds of hours in high school watching YouTube debates on these very topics and politics as well.
And I can always remember having something that didn't sit well with me when I would attend a trendy megachurch type of atmosphere.
Something always felt off. But it wasn't until I saw this documentary that I finally figured out how to describe what
I was feeling. And from there, I went down the entire YouTube discernment rabbit hole. Justin Peters, Polite Leader, Chris Roseboro, Messed Up Church, etc.
All those great channels. And as I became interested in these things, I started talking about them a lot, like nonstop.
So finally, I decided that I was annoying my friends and family too much about these things, and I would just start talking about them to the camera.
And that became the Fight for Truth YouTube channel. Over time, my research, writing, and editing improved, though these are by no means on the high level that I would like them to be.
And I guess the content struck a chord with people because they started liking, subscribing, and commenting more and more and more, way beyond anything that I'd expected.
And the rest is history. Speaking of the channel, the only reason it exists right now is because I have time to create content.
And the only reason I can do that is because of the kind people who donate monthly to Fight for Truth. If you have the resources, please consider offering a donation of any amount.
It really makes all the difference in the world for us. And this brings me to the third question that people asked, and this was about my home life, my wife, my new little baby, and my dog.
Unfortunately, given that I've received very serious threats before on this channel, I've decided not to show pictures of my wife or child.
I hope you can understand. But suffice it to say, my wife is absolutely beautiful and the most amazing person
I've ever met. And my four -month -old son is objectively the cutest baby that's ever existed. And that's coming from an unbiased source.
And because I am sorry that I can't show more of my personal life to you, I would be happy though to show you a picture of my dog.
His name is Opie, and he's a miniature dachshund who likes to sit on our guest bed and keep me company while I write these videos.
In fact, many of my best video ideas have actually come from him, so he really deserves some of the credit.
Go ahead and comment down below if you think that Opie deserves a treat for all of his help. Again, I just want to say thank you to each and every one of you who made it possible for us to surpass 300 ,000 subscribers.
I never thought that this channel would amount to anything like that, so this is something I'm incredibly grateful for.
Moving forward, the goal of this channel is to fight the culture war using the biblical worldview. And to be abundantly clear, it is not a replacement for your local church or your local pastor.
I am not a pastor, nor am I an elder, and I have absolutely no spiritual authority over any of you.
The goal here is to simply add another Christian presence to secular YouTube and use media to battle against the evil that we see in our world today.
Please, pray for this channel moving forward. Like, subscribe, hit the bell, and subscribe to our Rumble channel.
And these are the amazing people who make this channel possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
Jay B. If you want us to do more research, make more videos, and reach more people, please hit the link in the description and join the