Didaché - Bethel Heresy You Have To See To Believe

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


In a thought-provoking episode of Didaché, Justin Peters delves into the controversial teachings of Bethel Church in Redding, California, led by Bill Johnson. Peters showcases a shocking video clip featuring Seth Dahl, a former pastor at Bethel, who claims to have received an apology from Jesus in a vision.


Pretty basic doctrine that God is holy and we as humans are sinners in need of God's forgiveness, right?
Not at Bethel Church, it's not. Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today. I want to thank you so much for joining me.
I am going to show you a video clip from Bethel Church in Redding, California, pastored by Bill Johnson.
This is a video clip. If you have not seen it yet, this will leave your jaw on the floor.
Now, I've had this video for a number of years in my seminar. I think I first found it in 2015.
So nine years ago. First time I ever showed it was in Ecuador at a pastors conference there and when the pastors in Ecuador saw this, they couldn't believe it.
There was a collective gasp you could hear in the room. Anyway, this is from a man named
Seth Dahl. Seth used to be one of the pastors at Bethel Church in Redding.
And I think now he's kind of branched off and done his own independent ministry or whatever.
But he was a pastor there at Bethel Church for a number of years. It's a pretty short clip, but it is it is breathtakingly heretical.
And the first thing I want you to notice about this clip is that it's going to begin with the
Bethel logo in some introductory music. Now, I'll point that out for this reason. What you're about to see is not something that accidentally slipped past the editors.
It's not something that went out there like on a live stream and they thought, oh boy, that's really bad. I wish we hadn't let that get past us.
No, they're proud of this. This is one of the installments of the
Bethel Moments series that they do. They've got a lot of these Bethel Moments. And so they put their logo on some little music to introduce it.
They're proud of this. They want you to see this. They're using this in their promotional material.
Watch. I had a pastor say some things that hurt me really bad.
Hurt me so bad. Messed me up emotionally, mentally.
Really messed me up. Nothing physical, nothing like that. A pastor
I really respected said some words and it hurt me so bad. And one time
I was laying on the floor, actually it was in this room. I'm laying on the floor and in a vision, in an encounter with God, in a vision,
Jesus picks me up and holds me so close that I can't see anything. And he holds me so close and Jesus starts to weep and he says, please forgive me.
Please forgive me. I said, what are you talking about? Please forgive you. He said, when that pastor hurt you, it's as if I hurt you because he's a member of my body.
Please forgive me. Please forgive me. The very notion that the second person of the triune
God, Jesus Christ, the Lamb without blemish, who is thrice holy with eyes of flaming fire and feet of burnished bronze, would come to a sinful, vile preacher and ask him for forgiveness.
That is beyond blasphemous. I mean, after something like that, you just like, it's almost like blasphemy.
It's not even a strong enough word. That is horrific, utterly horrific.
And dear friends, when he says that he got a vision of Jesus, now, there's only a couple of possibilities here.
One, he's making it up, just fabricating it, flat -out lying, because the true
Jesus would never say something like that. So he's either flat -out lying, or if he did have a vision of some kind of entity that called itself
Jesus, it was not the Jesus of the Bible. If he really did have a vision, if this was a real experience, then he is up to his eyeballs in demonic activity, because that is dark.
That is exceedingly dark. And the very fact that Bethel is using this in their promotional material shows you how stunningly, biblically illiterate, and now utterly bereft of even the slightest amount of biblical discernment this false church is.
And unfortunately, this is not a one -off with Bethel Church. Oh no, this has happened with other
Bethel pastors, one of whom is named Jenna Winston. Jenna Winston used to be a
Bethel pastor, a prophet and a seer, as evidenced here as how she's described in this article on Charisma's website.
Now, issues of female pastors aside for the moment, watch this from Jenna Winston.
Not long after I got there, I ended up having this encounter. Well, no,
I ended up having what I now know to be natural deliverance. Okay, so much Jesus was going in.
And all of a sudden, to me, it felt like I got connected to all of this rage. And I started screaming and yelling and cussing and throwing stuff.
And now I know it was actually the demons leaving. And after it was after that happened,
I literally, I've never experienced anything like it. I was spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically exhausted, like nothing left in me.
And I passed out on my bed. And that is when Jesus became real for me, because Jesus walked in there and laid in that bed with me and started to play with my hair.
And instead of telling me all the things I needed to fix, he said, I am so sorry for all the things that happened to you that made you not want to feel.
Now, one might think that the most disturbing thing about that clip is when
Jenna Winston says that Jesus crawled into bed with her and started playing with her hair.
And granted, that is plenty disturbing. By the way, something that you'll notice about a lot of these popular female
Bible teachers, Beth Moore is the same way. They have a very romanticized view of Jesus.
You listen to how they talk about Jesus, and it's like Jesus is their boyfriend. They speak of Jesus in very romantic terms.
So it's pretty common amongst popular female Bible teachers. But at any rate, you might think that that's the most disturbing thing about this clip,
Jesus crawling into bed with her and playing with her hair. But it's not.
The most disturbing thing is that just like Seth Dahl, Jesus said to her,
I am so sorry. Jesus apologizing to her.
Dear friends, same thing with Seth Dahl. Only a couple of possibilities here. She's either making this up out of whole cloth, or if she had some entity that called itself
Jesus that really did crawl into bed with her and started playing with her hair. She too is up to her eyeballs in demonic deception, demonic activity, like real, sure enough, demonic activity.
My guess is that both of these individuals, Seth Dahl and Jenna Winston, are just making it up.
Unfortunately, that's just what these charismatic popular preachers do.
They just make stuff up. They lie to you. Bill Johnson does the same thing.
Chris Vallotton does the same thing. With the angel feathers and the gold dust, recently claiming that angel feathers and gold dust show up in their services.
These are lies. They are lying to you. They are lying to you, intentionally lying.
Please do not try to convince me that Bill Johnson or Chris Vallotton or Jenna Winston or Seth Dahl are godly individuals.
They're not. Godly people don't intentionally lie to you, make up stories about their supposed experiences, supernatural experiences with Christ and all this kind of stuff.
You're not a godly person if you intentionally lie to those that you are leading. And that's what they're doing.
And I will have more to say, Lord willing, in the pretty near future on Bethel Church, and just how dark this place is, how it is not.
Some people out there that may not say they support Bethel, but they really do.
We're going to talk about that more too. All right, dear friends. If you're watching this, if you go to Bethel, if you're a student at Bethel, maybe you're thinking about being a student at Bethel, I implore you, please don't go.
If you're already there, leave. This is not a real church. And I say this out of love and concern for you.
It genuinely grieves my heart that so many people are being deceived by this false church.
This is not a church. They do not have godly leaders. They are deceiving you and lying to you.
I do care about the state of your soul. If you're there, leave. If you're thinking about going there, don't.
This is not a real church. They will make shipwreck of your soul. So please do not go.
All right, dear ones. Thank you very much. And let me say this. Some of you have heard me say this before.
It is when you hear something in the evangelical world, at least, you know, yeah, evangelical world, people that at least claim to have a high view of scripture and the deity of Christ and bodily resurrection, exclusivity of Christ, all these basic fundamental doctrines.
When you hear something like what you've heard in this video, something that blasphemous and heretical, you know, with 100 % certainty, it's coming from a charismatic church.
Cessationist churches are not perfect. Don't have perfect people. But cessationist churches don't teach this kind of stuff.
Not in the evangelical world. They do not teach this kind of stuff. You hear just something that's obviously blasphemous and blatantly heretical 100 % of the time.
It's coming from a charismatic church. Why is it that the movement that claims to have the highest view of the
Holy Spirit is also the welcoming home to the most outlandish falsehoods, made up stories, lies, blasphemies, heresies, false prophecies.
All of these things find a welcoming home in the charismatic movement.
That's just the sad reality of it. Not saying all charismatics are lost. I'm not. I've never said that. Don't believe that.
But the charismatic movement has a huge, massive problem. And they do not have the intimate relationship with the
Holy Spirit that they would like you to think that they do. Because if they truly did...
Let me say this. You can't be a Christian and teach what we just heard in this video clip.
You cannot be a Christian. If the Holy Spirit of God was truly residing inside of these people, then he would bring them to their knees under such heavy conviction.
The first time they uttered one of these just awful lies and heresies. And yet there is no conviction and there is no discernment as evidenced by the fact that they're using this in their promotional materials.
So if you were truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God, and you heard something like this, oh my goodness.
Alarm bells would be blasting inside of your head. You wouldn't be able to get around it.
But it doesn't bother them. Standard fare. Bread and butter. Basic stuff.
Day in, day out. Week in, week out. At Bethel Foss Church. Okay. Thank you very much, dear ones.
Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of his Holy Spirit be with you all.
The church today is infected with the influences of the charismatic movement. God told me who
I would marry. When God spoke to me, I like heard it so clear. As clear as I'm talking to you now, the
Lord spoke to my heart. God spoke to us audibly. I hear the audible voice from God. The word that the
Lord gave me. He told me that everything I was feeling in my spirit was correct. I know that this is what the
Holy Spirit has spoken to me. That's the word God spoke to me. Charismatic theology has affected so much of our theology in ways that we don't often recognize.
Man, I tried for years to speak in tongues. Don't speak in English. Don't think English. Yes, the man says it's weird, but the spirit says, hello, this is awesome.
Fake miracles, false tongues, and non -authoritative prophecy. A prophet is one who has
God's words put in his mouth. If you are not earnestly desiring spiritual gifts, especially prophecy, you are sinning.
They don't have a single prophet who has been 100 % accurate. What does the
New Testament say prophecy is? What does the New Testament say tongues are? What does the New Testament say the gifts of healing are?
Let's compare them to the contemporary charismatic Pentecostal movement, and what you find out is the two don't match.
It teaches people to look away from the Bible to some experience. Deep down, charismatics are riddled with doubts about what they believe.
Is God's word sufficient? Is God's word enough? Dreams, visions, those sort of things inspired me to love
Jesus, to obey him more. Join us in October of 2024 for the cessationist conference.
The church must once again stand with a renewed confidence in God's sufficient word.